f if 1 -r ;-:'-vt f '!, "V.'Vi'.T i : I'.T'.M'rS.i-'V.i. - . . " THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING,' AUGUST 8, 1912. ..n'r;vr'' lUlIMEB EESOHT rjB8CTI01lsY Don't forget when gulug away'oa nor vacation or for tbt umrat-r, thit Tbt Journal ran follow yon at 1.1 cents a'fw, the refalar eubarrlptloa rats, and tta foU lowing aiceute will supply fou t our rega lar rktte; , , Bay Orean, Or.. Hy Ocean hotel. , Beach Center, Wh., W. C. Colllne. Oreoa 8prluf, Wub allows! Spring hotrl . 1 Colllna, Warn., "red A. Yonnf. Oearbart, Or., lr. 0. U Klllott. Ilwaeo. Wmh.. U. B. Woodruff. Lonf Beech, ffiih,, ,Iawrenr Dlnneea. Drllmy to all ixitnU on Nortb Bench.) Newport. Or., Olen Howard. "Hortnar eb. Of , WIlklM nir. Braalde. Or.. F.eti-r rrotbatel. (Dellrery to all parte nf rVanlde.) . letlew. Wah., F. B.rltrsuhat. - Tillamook. Or.. J. H. Lam nr. ... Wllkolt Snrln. Or., V. W. McT.eara. . Taacadla. Or., 0." U. Gelaeodorfar. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. "Th HEII.TO Cathrtn Countls ' In --Awakenlnr of Helen Klchle. COUNCIL CREST High class attrac tion. " LYRIC Armstrong Tollies company in "Pat's Dream." , , ORPHKUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville. THn EMPRESS Vaudeville. PANTAGES Va-tdevllle. THE OAKB Amusement park. Weather Conditions. Portland and vlclnitv Occasional rain tonljrht and Friday. Southerly winds. Ororon and Washington Occasional rain tonight and Friday west, ahowers and thunder atorms tonight and Friday east portion. Southwesterly winds.' Idaho Showers and 'thunder storms tonight or Friday; cooler, Says Chines Insulted Ear Bertha Johnson, the 1 8-year-old girl with whom Jlng Wo or Wa Jlng,. a Chinese "doc- 'tor" at Morrison street, attempted to become familiar at The Oaks on July 1, objects to the implication that the Chinaman went farther in his attempt to "get acquainted" than to Insult her by speaking to her. Miss Johnson signed a complaint charging the oriental, with contributing to the delinquency of a minor In order to put a stop to annoy ances tr. which he and his friends have subjected Frank W. Brown, her youthful . companion, since the occurrence. The Chinaman was arrested at the instiga tion of Brown the evening of the occur rence and was taken to police headquar- l ters. Brown charged the Chinaman with offering him ISO to aid in securing the girl. The Chinaman was released, and rearrested on complaint of Brown, who was being annoyed by the prisoner. Owls Ho Car fare. David Brown, 69 Alblna avenue, gave his salary each week to his wife. Yesterday he came Into court, and charged, In his suit for divorce, that she would not give him car fare. He alleges she has taken his salary each week for several years, In vesting the same whereby she now has the greater part of his, property. Brown also declares his wife shows more at tention to Charles Case, a prospective son-in-law, than she does to him, that Mrs, Brown has promised and Intends giving Case $600, which Brown earned by hard work. The plaintiff says he has mads repeated objections to Case being afthe home, and his attention to the daughter, because Case Is a married man, but to all such objections the wife Is against him. The Browns were mar ried at Florence, Wis. He la employed in the city water department Bats to Betaln Name. A suit to re strain the use of a trade nnme of "Rockollte" has been started In the clr eult court by the Rockollte Contracting company against the T. A. Sweeney company. It Is charged In the complaint that the defendant secured a certificate from the secretary of state, which paper Kve him the right to use this trade name. The Rockollte company sets out that It Is operating under letters patent Issued, and under a nnme that has been copyrighted. This privilege, It la said. is exclusive in Oregon, except Josephine and Jackson counties. The court Is asked to decree the revocation of the certificate issued the defendant com pany, by which reason it uses the trade name. fined the driver' if 20, on an assault and battery charge. W,hen Cooper refused to pay his far his grip was held for the amount, and when Cooper attempted to regain his crip a scuffle followed, in which Cooper was slightly hurt .An ar rest on an assault and battery charge followed. Harris, when fined,, begged that a 25 fine be assessed, so he could appeal, but tils request was denied. 'Plying iegton; Coming "Th Fly ing Legion" of San Francisco will b in Portland in a few days en route to Victoria, B. C, on a tour of the Paclflo coast In the Interest of the 1916 expo sition. Going north the famous orgunl latlon, corresponding .to the "Rosa rlans" of Portland, will remain only a few hour, but on August II they will return here to stay longer on their way soutliThia information was brought to Portland yesterday by General Passen ger Agent John M. Scott of the South ern Pacific, who returned from' Sah Francisco, where he attended a confer ence of Southern Paclflo passenger of ficials. ' &ooste "Wan, Lose Woman After searching since June tt for V. W. Ross, aged 15 years, former manager of tho Sternberg Clothing company of 272 Washington street who disappeared on June 26, with several hundred dollars, the department of. public safety for women, to 'whom the wife, who was' left destitute, had appealed, has located the mdn, but now cannot find the wife Ross is said to have gotten into bad company and to have refused to .com municate with his wife. She is nowyam-ployenU-aomewhera In .... the ..city, ndis being sought. The husband is willing to return to his wife. Baloonman Pined Ous Raymond, bar tender for J. A. Waddell, Second and Morrison streets wi yesterday fined $100 by Judge Tarwell for selling li quor to a drunken man, the complaining witness being Nels Byrn. The com plaint against the man was sworn to by Q. B. Nlssea, an associate of Attorney Heckbert, to whom Byrn had appealed to assist In raising a garnishment on his wages, saying his wife was in need. When the attorney saw the man enter the salpon and order a drink, he secured a warrant for the bartender's arrest To Mot OU Plant Replying to a let ter written by Mayor Rushlight some time ago, J. II. McDermott, manager of the Standard OU company In Portland, submitted a communication to the mayor today advising him that the com pany expects to remove its East Water street plant within (0 days. Manager McDermott expects the new plant of the company now being constructed north of Portland will be completed by that time to such an extent that the business formerly handled at the East Water street plant can be transferred. nes for Damages For making charges of insanity against him, A bra. ham Mitchell lias started suit in the circuit court XsTlnst Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Adler and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sem ler to recover $35,000 damages. The physicians examined Mitchell after the charges had been made, finding that he was of sound mind. Mitchell complains t,hflt the two families live near him, and have annoyed him considerably of late. One method of annoyance was by put ting a garbage can under his window. The plaintiff Is represented injthe action by the firm of Emmons, Emmons & Keed. Wife Pleads for Husband W. H. Mc- Farland, who was arrested several nights ago on a statutory charge, was yester day bound over to the grand Jury, In spite of the earnest pleadings of his wife, who, although she signed the complaint against her husband, experienced a change of heart. The wife declared that she could not hear to seo her hus band In Jail. When arrested, McFar land, who Is a solicitor for a sightseeing auto car, stated that he was willing to marry the girl in the ease to get her mt of trouble, but within a half hour after making this declaration, his wife appeared and made complaint against him.- Bnchamp Takes interest. In a letter wruien rrom aeasiae, ur A. uuchamp, proprietor of the amusement park on Council Crest, says he lias observed in the press that Mike .Fisher of Seattle In tends to ask the council for a franchise to conduct a publlo dance hall. Mr. Puchamp reminds the council that hia danco,haU HcenstSjWVfthe Crest was re voked two years ago. He declares the revocation was not Justified then and that it would be unfair to hira for the council to consider Fisher's franchise without ' first giving him a chance to conduct public dances at his amusement park again. j 'Bus Driver Tlned Charging that H. Harris, a 'bus driver for the Foster ho tel, "shook down" Lloyd Cooper Of Eu gene when he came' to this city last Tuesday, and, accepted what ho was told would be a free ride to Fifth and Wash ington streets, and was then chat Red 60 cents, Judge Tazwell this rnrhjng Pays Triend'e Pine Rather than see his friend, George Gortlsan, a cigar dealer, carry' out.Jila threat to spend 10 days In jail or pay a fine of $20 that had been assessed agalnst him for sell ing cigarettes to $i minor, John Cordano last night appeared at police headquar ters and paid the amount necessary to secure the release of Gortlsan. When Gortlsan was fined by Judge Taxwell, Tuesday, he declared he would rather go to jail than pay the fine, and he was held in custody until -last night. Penney Bros., Prlday apodal Our $2 grade of 'WTrTes at $1 pefgaIToh7 Otff II. CO grade"bf Wines" at 76c per gal lon. Straight Kentucky Whiskey, 7 years old, regular $4.60, at $1.50 per gallon. Kentucky Whiskey, regular $3.50, at $2.60 per gallon. Our $3 grades of Whiskey, Rum. Gin and Brandy. $2.10 per gallon. Friday only. 3T9-381 E. Morrison st. Phones East 287. B-242fi. Free delivery. Meals at 7 Cents. The report of A. J, Ross, superintendent of the city rock quarry at Llnnton, for July show that the average' cost of meals furnished prisoners was 7 cents. The average cost of meals furnished the gtinrds em ployed at the quarry was 15 H cents. There were CO prisoners at the rock pile July 1 and this number had In creased to S3 by August 1. Special Prlday Only Don't be de ceived. 'We sell absolutely pure wines and liquors, $1.50' Quality port, sherry, angcltcanmd rmrsratel wine, -76c- per gallon; .14 ,rye and Bourbon whiskey, $l2.75 per gllon;.44 brandy, $2.75 per gallon; $4 rum, $2.75 per gallon. Na tional Wine Co. Firth and Stark. Phone Main C49, llonie A-4 49& Delivered. Alleged Bad Check Man Orvllle Hay .ter, alias J- Williams, alleged to be a bad check man and a fugitive from Jus tice, was arrested here last night by Detectives Swenness and Maloney and Is being held for the Bay City authori ties. It Is claimed that the man has passed bogus checks In many cities of the Pacific coast. Steamer Jesss HarWnw for Carms, Washougsl and way landings, dally ex cept Sundays Leaves Washington strett dock ar 2 p. ni. - ; Baotorla la Oaks Water Supply Sample or water taken from the Bull Run mains at the Oaks yesterday and examined by City Bacteriologist Ben N. The Old Reliable j Repair Shop Best Woriranaiir--.Mo5t Reasonable Prices Guaranteed Covers From $1.00 Upwards Morrison St. Opposite Postoffice rZ9 tQlovestlosKirx. Umbrella ft? Morrison St. As 1 .a. Upposite Postoffice VAUDEVILLE ARTIST - .PREACHES SERMON ; ' Hugo Lutgens. Preaching a sermon is the vaudeville turn of Hugo Lutgens, Swedish dialect comedian, who is one of the big hits of the bill at the Empress theatre. Lut gens gives an impersohatlon of a Swed ish minister preaching his first sermon In English. The usual opening an nouncements are made, the mimic clergyman then. warns his flock against gambling and for the finish he sings three verses of a song, after urging the audience in vain to swell the refrain, Lutgen's act is not a burlesque and he does not dwell upon the sacred sub jects of any creed. This is his first year in vaudeville, but he has a long stage record, having traveled for Red path's Lyceum bureau for seven years with the sermons that won him a con tract on the Sullivan V Consldlne cir cuit. He has 23 sermons and at times In his tour he preaches a different ser mon for every performance, Lutgans is a member of the Elks' lodge ol St. Paul, Minn., and is special writer for the Jolly Elk. His vaude ville sermon was printed In full last Sunday by a Tacoma paper, which de voted prominent space on the church page to the novel vaudevllllst. Wade were found to be alive with mil lions of bacteria. City Health Officer C. II. Wheeler says the Oaks mains are operated by the management of the Oakg park and not by the city water de partment. The health office has not received any reports of typhoid fev.r or other contagious diseases that could be attributed to the contaminated water. Examination of a sample of water ob tained from the Bull Run main supply ing th Tacht club wa also found to contain thousands of water organism. Bnrrtara ' BtlU Busy Burglar last night- broke tnt ' th pom of W. A. Willi of 1221 Missouri street, but failed to secure anythingOf value. Entrance was gained by prying up a window. An attempt wa also mad to rob . th bom of a Mr. Towley of 1220 Missouri avenue, but nothing of. a!ur-wa-fT oured from there. ' Burglar succeeded In getting Into th bom of T. A. Ba ker at 1116 Detroit street, and not find ing anything of value damaged consid erable furniture, Mall Carrier X.oss Xomav Fir which broke out -from an unknown source last evening destroyed a small horn owned by J. L. CevensteUi, a mall carrier, at 180-Weat Albert street, th loss being about' $1200. Patrolman Muri'hjr assist ed In trying to extinguish th blase, but the fire had gained too much headway before the officer or the fire depart ment arrived. Blcyol Kit Auto. A bicycle on which F. A.. Clark wa riding wa par tlally demolished yesterday afternoon st Fifth and Burnatd streets wheivffc Clark, in dodging around a wood wagon, ran Into an automobile driven by Paul Whitehous of the Howard Auto com pany. Whitehouse was driving very lowly, and for that reason Clark was not in the least Injured. Physician Pined for Speeding Dr. J. M. Short, while responding to a hurry call Tuesday morning, ran afoul of Pa trolman Larry Evans at Eighty-second and Division street while speeding. Yesterday a fine of $25 was assessed, but on account of the fact that he was hurrying on a call, sentence was, suspended. At ti 2fw Q rand Theatre, 10S Sixth street, between Washington and Stark beginning Thursday, August . for three davs. Miss Florence Lawrence, the world's greatest motion picture actress In 'The Mill Buyer," a comedy drama, also 101 Bison feature; 6 cents any seat, S cents. Bally Demonstrations from 2 to 8 p. m. each afternoon at Electrlo Store,. Seventh and Alder, of the Copeman au tomate electric range. Cook anything any other stove cooks. It is worth the while of'the housewives to attend these demonstrations. " Br. P. X MoXensl, 401 Macleay building, left this morning to Join his family at Classlo Ridge beach. Nehalem, for a few days. Dr. David Breuer will look after the doctor's practice in his absence. Mount Hood Anto Stage Two stage dally. Phh Main 8074. Sell 146$. W. A. Wis and associates, painless dentists, Third and Washington. Dr. C. T Chamberlain has moved to The Journal bldg. ha moved te Bz. 7. B. Sternberg The Journal bldg. threat t of book now on at Gill', Tblrd and Alder. aTw Zrat Buffet, Id and Alder at. Oregon Humane Society Omei 1T4 MABXBOaT ST. non MADt 5981 A-TBSt Refer air rtftty alito this office. XOBBB AMBTTLAirCB MAJUKAZ.Z. 600 SUIT W ff TlTTP(!?(f 1 i twi 11 iy Jfi cy) ly Ji 11 jujjw. FOR THE NEWEST, VISIT THE . EASTERN IN A GREAT CLEARANCE AT No woman could pos sibly afford to overlook these charming suits at such bargain prices. These sutis are all new. They will be popular this fall and these are to just the worn. kind be ALL $40.00 SUITS $20.00 ALL $37.50 SUITS $18.75 ALL $35.00 SUITS $17.50 ALL $32.50 SUITS $16.25 ALL $30.00 SUITS $15.00 Here are , plain-tailored and novelty models, hand somely trimmed, splendidly made. Changeable taf fetas, plain taffetas an in black, riavyK handsome browns and tans. iPMCES-iPMCES A NEW SHIPMENT OP M : Neck Sweaters Very desirable now on your vacation, for the beach, mountains or evening walk., Pure wool garments in white, cardinal, red, gray, brown. ALL SIZES -425 to $8.00 Charge Accounts Solicited AST. OUTFIT JING CO. -THE-BIG-CREDIT-JNST1TUTION 405 WASHINGTON STREET AT TENTH THE STOp WITH 22 SHOW WINDOWS BAND WILL PLAY AT SO. PARKWAY TONIGHT The Portland Parle bandwC B. McKt roy director, will play at the South Parkway this evening. ' The ooncert will begin at I o'clock, and following will be tha ni-ns-ram- March. "On Dress Pade" ...Cham Overture, v'TIcki Datmell"-rrvrr - Bupp Cornet solo, "b'looktonian Polka" .Casey B. y. Drlsooll. (a) "I Paloma" (request) . ...Tradler (b) "Madame Wherry" (request) ... , Hoschna Walts, "Wedding of the Winds" ...Hall INTERMISSION. "Procession of tha Knights" from, "Parsifal" .Warner Grand selection. "Meflstofele" . ...Bolto Toreador's song from "Carmen" . ..Blset Musical comedy, "The Dollar Prln- CttaM - t r t-r - r r r r i tj-t r r r w 1 March, "Regimental Pride" Heed Tomorrow evening the band will play at Peninsula park. The concert last night at llolladay park had to be post poned after1 the first number on account of the rain, and will probably bo given next Monday evening. ' Going and Coming Have your baggage handled by Baggage ft Omnibus Transfer Co. The Carpenter Wanted. Carpenter and laborers wanted at once to work on Round-up grounds. Top wages paid. Apply to C.'A. Cole or Sec'y Round-up, Pendleton, Or. 9 DM. O. L. KATHBS WSLEK TOTT TBXMS Of Olasses, think of Br. Hays, 437 Marqnam Bldg., fourth floor. He knows how to -fit 'em. He doesn't sell shoestrings nor molasses taffy, and knows very - little shout rum mage sales and all the other cute lit tle trlck resorted to by the faker in order to sell his junk, but he under stands the science of making you see without tiring or Injuring your eyes. No overcharge; no misrepresentation Dr.Haynes gJgSr Suit a? Marqnam Bldg., 4th Floor. vfvPy TW Man Nominated. , ; ''-i, ' frftal te t Joaraaft- ' ' " Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 1. -Colonel Wlnfleld T. Durban of Anderson, former governor and . a Taft man, ha been nominated for governor by th ' tat Republican convention, s ' Card of Thank. o expresa, our slncera. AMUSEMENTS thank to. our. friend. for their ympa- thy and help and for the beautiful floral tribute tendered 'during our late be reavement. MR8. C. M. CULTER AND FAMILT. Buy Red Rock Cottage Cheese"w GIVE r us your busi ness, large or small, and we will place at your disposal our very, best service consistent with safety. ' We receive deposits of whatever amount is con venient to you in opening your account with us, pro vided you act honorably.-- Your patronage will be appreciated. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Sixth and Washington Streets Open Saturday Even ings, 6 to 8 FREE -- PIANOS SOLVE THE PICTURH To the Public : We have recently opened in this city a fine, new piano store, in the interest of the Hallet & Davis Piano Co., of Boston, and want to get in direct communication with people who have neither a piano nor player piano, in order that we may mail literature in reference to our line, and especially the VIRTUOLO, the new in stinctive player piano, nothing equals it, and in order to get this information at once we institute this interesting contest, and every one solving the picture correctly will receive a copy of "Inner' Beauty" and a credit check to apnly on the pur- chase price of a piano lrdcsiredbcsides tEe six neatest and best will receive One of the following special awards : Specia 1st Chest of silver 2 pieces. Id Fine carving set. 8d Beautiful bronze clock. I Awards 4th Silver fern. dish. 6th Large brass jardlnier, 6th Silver deposit sugar and creamer. - Hi rhon rind th Tao of .tlx President When Bad and Win Fleated pirectlons Trace the outlines on this or a separate piece of paper, or as you may like, and bring of mall to us not later than August 10, 1913. Write name and address plainly and mention th paper In which you first saw this, as we are anxious to know which paper gives th best service. '" Kennedy Piano Company O. W. mrinCDT, Manager, aas Third Street. 1888 Opposite Flag Block. Vjutl: GERLINGER-RICHARDS COMPANY, Inc. Successors to , - . - WETHERBEE, RICHARDS & CO. Insurance, Loans and Estate Agents. 10004001 Yeon Bldg. Phone, Manhall 1775 Agent - ';.;'C6'.:."'::,: RoyarTniufahce CbmpahyrLfd., o.rX.Tvefpool. ' 1 , Royal Indemnity Company, of NewvYork. , Firemen's Insurance Company, of New Jersey. u , Fire, Marine, Automobile. Accident, Health, Casuality, Tnsurtnce, ' . Bonds, Plate Glass and Boilers. HEIUGs TBOBATBa 7th and Taylor Fnoaast Mats 1, A-llaa TONIGHT KSs?ir Matin Saturday. LaTJaHe Theatre Chicago) "Big "llg. lca Comedy lilt, "LOUISIANA LOU" with BARNEY BERNARD Sophl tnoke ad th original aat - and ptodnotloa. Prices, both, evening and matinees Lower floor,. Sl.sO; balcony, 1.00, He. I0ci gallery. 0c. - - C SBAT SAXB OrzVS TODAY BBIUa TXBATBB,' ' " 7 Kffinc Next Sunday Bargain Matinee Wednesday. Special Mattne Saturday. t CATHRINE COUNTISS npyorted by STBBBT AYKSB In Clyde Fitch's Comedy, "Tie Hrt wita the Orn By" POPULAR PRICES Eve., 76c, (0c, ISc. 26c; Wed. Maf J6o; Bat. Mat., lOc-JSo. - - - , sxana STary Bay. - V ress SuIllTan ) Ooaaldia ' Bflad TaadOTlU) , 4 ' i '. , w Special Summer Prices; Nighu 10c and 20c vmx. AVOVST Matinees Any Seat 10c, "Kodals of Jasdla. B rarl Joha White's 00147 Ouoa. Yaronl, Terdl and Broth er, Oonstaaoe Wlnaom voH xo ana Teraoa, . ago XMtftuM. Twi-xaght picture, Or. ohestra. MATXXXS ZTBBT BAT nam VXBJC U THEATRE I5-23-50-75 AVXk. An sJlomadr Ml Kxa. Oem Xnffll ) 00. W. O. JTleld, th Silent Xnmo, lrt Tni Ooald. Tan Brother. Brad shaw Brother, Belmont and Karl, th ttanleys, Orehtra, Plotnt. r m liny ATTAOTar HSv11a UmMiii." Xax Witt' Southern Olrls, Vraaoaao' nAAliiM A Oo. manaoad. wnilaza and ' Wolfs. Pantagasoop. Paatag Or- obsawa. ropuiar prtoe. auras oauy.7 Box and Plrst Bow Balcony ireL Box onto opas from 10 a. m, to 10: ?i. m. Fhoaes A-raas, jaau eoao. wnr ta BtSO, TH5 and . . Lyric Theatre; - ronrth and Stark S tree taw Armstrong rollle Oompany 1 ' ... "PAT'S BBS AM" BlgT Met of Mnghte Tola Season Two performance nlghtlr, 7:46 and 1:16. Matinees aaiiy, x:ta. Keguiar prices: Evening. 16o and 16c. Matl-, nee, any seat, 16c. - Pwday mgnt wnorna wpf wMtn, " fa qAks POBTZiAJTO'S aaVSAT AJffOSBMBBT PABJC Lat Thre Bays of Ctrena. Orat Circa Bord . Ogle' big how; . Peal Beg Clewma Oaks Park Band Great Concert. Kady Uvlngstoa Th skating bear. Xtag Pkaraok The educated hors. ah Bsuai para attri MWMWwwwweeeweeesena , BBOXBATZOB PABX Com Tangha and Twenty-foarlk St. Tacoma- TS. Portland AtrOTTST , 7, a, 1 and U. Games begin week day I p. as. 8na day 3:10 p. ro, SABXSS' BAT PBIBAT. Boy under 11 free to bleacher Wdne. day. . Vancouver, B. C. has recently decided to adopt Bitulithic as the standard pavement, by making in initial award for 100,000 yards. Call at Room 700, Journal Bldg., for "Bitulithic Whys." HOTEL STEUflRT SAII FQAIICISGO Geary Street, abora Union Squaxs . European Plan $1.80 a day Bp American Plan $3.00 a day u Nr, atraJ fcrlelt !. ' Eveer aeoJara reaUe. JUamtt rla. Cwt ef thMtr mmi retaU aUrtrist. On awrliae trMrrWellTrUr. EUe ri Mtalba at treias I Epafc.tJaJKlIC(cr lllgh Orado ComnH'rclal and) Elert'S C 1 Tast Seventh n.l !. !. Pbpnas r"t 11 '