The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 08, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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If '
Promises It Will Make Fed-
i eral Constitution More Eas
Hly Amendable; Suffrage Is
.... yi i At ts -1 - ni I.
' r uiven separate nanK.
i t - n ...... T.,1 U'Im V
Chlcafo, 4tif. t The following "leo
" laratlon of pnnciiile" of ih iww Pro
. frreaelve party ui K.lven out nvrt Icl
.. , Jowlnir the nomination of ThMloro
" Boosevelt for iircsidpnt:
. , ' , "' "The conielence'oT the p.nipl. In this
time of grave national prjlileiim
,TisiUad into being a hW party, born of
,:, Uia nation'! awakertd reuse ot JuMlre.
"We. of the I'rogrrFsiv party, hcrw
dedicate ourselves to tlie fulfillment of
,' ' . the duty laid upon u ly our futlic-re to
" maintain a government of the pr.ipio,
r by tb people, end for tlio people, the
Foundation of which they mid.
' . Old VarUea Denounced.
A ' i In. iehouncln- the old partis, the
platfotro fayai
-'-'"Unhampered by tradition, unor
' rupted by power and Undismayed by the
' -. magnitude qf the task, the new party
- " " of fera Itself as an Instrument of the
people to sweep away old abuKes and
Ijulld a hew and nobler commonwealth.'
i Tha platform demands such altera
tlona in the fundamental law of the aev
eral atatea and the United Stutes us to
; : Ihsure a representative- character of
government. The party pledges Itself
-,- (o make the federal constitution more
easily amendable.
: ' Buff tag la favored.
. ! The aufrraae blank says:
i "The Progressive nurty, Relieving
, Inat no people can claim to be a true
democracy which denied rights on ac
teunt of sex, pledges Itself to the task
.f securing equal suffrage to men and
women alike.
The platform demands that campaign
f ontribTrttona- be "given publicity- both
before and after election, publicity of
til committee hearings in congress, ex
cept on foreign affaire, and the record
er of e.11 votes in committee,
j The, platform declares for direct pri
vy paries for the nomination of state and
-aetional officers and candidal for
(resident and for the popular election
f Cnited States senators, urges pn the
7 ,'ftate the use of the short ballot, with
jlesponslblllty to tho'peojile secured by
the Initiative, referendum and recall;
Tromtw enactment tif re jislattnn oov
. jring campaign contributions and ex
r. .penflltures and tor publicity thereof: de
jaraiids restrictions of the powers of the
i - tdurtwoo that the neonle will hav uitu
f ) mate Authority; promises Judicial rc-
torm; goes on record against child labor
-and for a minimum wags for women,
, jfor prevention of Industrial accidents,
Jilor-liutlutuirjlfl lnrtna,. hcniih nf im.
Jloyes, -hour day, publicity as to wag'.R
nd. toz a federal department of labor;
rges re-eatabllHhmeut of a country-life
ommlneicm; promlxea early investlga-
lion into the high cost of living, and
' iroposee a national health sarvice.
i Urges Watlonal Bejnlatlon.
Taking up. "bt J bualnena," the plat
orm urgoa national regulation of In
terstate corporations, favors Rtrcnsth
enlna the.Hhermnn law nmi ,,.,., i.
federal commission for the-regulation
f interstate ... industrial roncrrnw;
ledges enactment Df a patent law to
srayent mofiopoUfn; holds, for letlsia
tic-n giving the Interslnte Commerce
commission power tq valu the physical
praperty of railroads; asks the aboli-
- tipn of the commerce court; urges con
trol of currency notes by the govern
.jnent; opposes the Aldrich currency bill
TIvora government aid in the exten
elQtiof foreign trade; declares lor tha
Immediate development of natural re
sources; asks compensation to the public
t or waterpower rights; urges good roads
national highways, extension of the
rnrai frte delivery service; promise."! the
dvelopjrnmr- Alaelta a resources;
- pledges local self-government to the ter
ritory;, pledges early development of
rivera and waterways: promises that
- the. new party will stand for the Panama
1 Canal to Insure sea competition with
railroada and demands that the canal
be forbidden to railroad-owned ships'
V.f! Protect''l'e tariff for the benefit
, Of tne: public at large; opposes the
rayne-Aldrloh bill and the lemocratic
party a tariff policy; and asks immol
ate repeal of the Canadian reciprocity
- act . . ' t .
: Znootne Tax Pavored.
.; The platform goes on to favor income
tid TOMrttaJice tanea ana an interna
tional agreement for the cutting down
-r-t vftfcvai forces, rte corMtruction f two
- battleships each year, a just pension
- olicr' th Nation of a parcels post
gfld other like feature.
"" 0f the old parties the document says-
"America's National Dish" Is
Gobbled With' Relish by
"Society" in Orient.
John Quick.
(Sp'rlil to Th Journal.)
Coqullle. Or., Aug. 8. - John Quick Pr.
of Coqullle was Shot and klllo Mitday
morning by 11-year-old Lyle rerrlne of
Rosebtirg. The . shooting occiirrnd on
the bluff belpw liamlon at 9 o'clock,
und was witnessed by no one. Mr.
Quick and party loft Coqullle lurt week
for an outing at the bench and were
camped near Mr. Perrie, who came
from Jloseburg with his faintly. Mon.
day the Quick party decided to break
canip nnd leave for home Having a
siippty af wnr.rt left. Mr. Qtttk tried to-
dlspose of it to other campers and for
that purpose went over to Perrlne's
camp. The J'crrlivca had gone to tho
beach and left tha lad, I.yle. to guard
tho camp. It Is presumed young Per
rlne saw Mr. Quick approaching and
mistook lilm for a burglar. .The shoot
ing was done with a SO-SO rifle, the
bullet striking the loft side and enter
ing the heart, death being almost In
stantaneous. The boy rushed out, and
meeting Thomas Anderson, told him
what he had done. Quick had expired
hen Anderson arrived on the scene.
Mr. Quick was 7G -years old and was
one of Crms .county's most well known
pioneers, coming here in 174. He first
cttled on Lampa creek, but moved to
this city. H was a member of the
local G. A. It. post, having served three
ears In the Civil war.
- The-deiaBc4 four daughters.
Miss Flora. Mrs. Charles Irvine and
Mrs. Mary Harvey of Coqullle, and Mrs.
8. S. Wheeler of Portland. He also
Ifiiycs one son, J,ohn Quick Jr., who for
two years was mayor of Coqullle.
,A coroner's Jury relieved thp boy of
any responsibility for the killing.
(United ftftM L4 Wirt.)
Ron Chow, China. Aug. 8. Ling Clm
Ho has uptmed a chop auey restaurant
here and seems likely to get rich out of
It. I.liiff Is a merchant who visited the
I hlted h'tntes recently. While, there he
tAMed chop suey for the first time, and
It Immediately struck him that his
countrymen world lk it. So he en
gaged a Kan Francisco cook skilled In
Its preparation, arid brought him along
when lit; illumed to China.
Just ;is Culiiesi) restaurants In tho
United Htate" ere fitted up look us
f'hloesn km ).iiKlhle, even so is I. lug's
il.p u.'V resluurant in Hoo Chow fitted
in as distinctly American style as Ling
could remember how to fit It. The
chop -suey, hitherto unknown in China,
1.4 advertised us tlie American nutlotinl
dish. It tins mndo an Immense hit, espe
cially In view ut the fact that Chinese
"society" Inclines to view visits to an
American reatuurajit as a little bit
"risque" and slumming parties of the
most exclusive people In Sou Chow
swarm Into It nightly, gobbling chop
suey And pluriilng themselves on their
niiesiiami ...iui jmiu-UU-u j..i .. ..nm, ,mi,ieunj.i mi
Failure of Legislature to Pro
vide for Maintenance Is
the Cause.
Daughter Goes East in Effort
to Reconcile -Her Father
' arid Mother.
(Tailed Pre. Lets Wtre.l .
New York, Aug. I. Armed with war
rants for the arrest of Miss Cora Per
kins and Frederick Patterson, who were
arnsted for the alleged theft of a $1500
automobile .belonging toiNlcholas J. M
Naniara of San Male, Cal., Police
Lieutenant McOowan of San Francisco,
arrived here. He also had a request
for the extradition of the prisoners.
McQpwan was accompanied by Miss
Gladys McN'nmara wo hoped to effect
a reconciliation Dciween ner rattier and
motiier. "
When MeNamara and his daughtor
reached the Hotel Knickerbocker, they
learned for the first time that Mrs. Me
Namara had started for San Francisco,
accompanied by Patrick Walsh, her,
chauffeur. McOowan, with Miss Per
kins and "Pttermfl"tn custody, - started
for San Francisco this afternoon.
"They have become the tools of cor
rupt Interests."
"In particular," reads the. platform,
"the party decrees for direct primaries
for the nomination of state and national
officers, the national-wide preference
primaries for candidates for the presi
dency; for the direct election of United
States senators by tho people." A short
ballot Is urged, "with responsibility to
the people secured by the Initiative, ref
erendum and recall."
On labor, the platform says;
"We believe that the issuance of in
junctions in caseaf arising out of labor
disputes sHould be prohibited when such
injunctions would not apply when no
labor disputes existed.
"We also believe that a person cited
for contempt In labor disputes; except
when such contempt, was committed In
the aotual presence of the court or so
near there as to Interfere with the
proper administration of justice should
have a right to trial by Jary."
Dlrorcc record Bet.
Redding, CnT, Aug.' 8. Forty-nine di
vorce cases In the of an ordlnnrv
day's business Is believed today by
Judge Monroe to be a California couit
record. Forty-nine unhannv con nles An-
peered before M:onroe for marital ad
justment. Mone than 200 principals,
witnesses and lawyers crowded tha
room.. A dozen nationalities were represented.
(Snletn nuremi of The Jputnnl.1
Salem, Or., Aug. R. Ilroke and without
a iionar in siRiit. secretary or State Ben
oicott, custodian of the state canitol.
is scrimping and scraping In an effort
to keep up the state house and avoid
an unpleasant doficlency of the con
tingrnt fund. . He It known that the
last legislature deemed It advisable to
make no apeclal appropriation for tho
maintenance and upkeep of the capltol
IMwovery was made that a leakne-n
from a steum pipe had trickled down one
or the four eteel supports of the oapltol
dome and no loosened the clay soil that
It would be but a mutter of time until
the support would sua. Secretary ON
cott instructed the Janitor to have the
pipe replaced, even though there le no
money In sight' with which to pay the
Without an appropriation for the uo-
kecp of the capltol, the secretary of
state has been drawing for necessary
expenditures upon the contingent fund,
nn appropriation of $28,)00 made for
the purpoMi) of buying office reqtflsltes,
such as stamps, stationery, etc. And
there are bright prospects now that the
fund will how a deficit of about 15)00.
The last legislature approved the in
stallation df a new elevator In the capl-
loi, uui iaiiea to provide for the ex
pense. After the legislature adjourned
the old elevator fell down4he shafting
and a new one was Installed. The
elevator was' Installed and 14100 ws
drawn out of the contingent fund In pay
ment therefor.
The approaches at both main en-
trances to the building became so dllap-'
idiUed in appearance that Secretary 01
cott had tham painted. And there have
been numerous other small expenditures
which Olcott felt he could not well
avoid, although loosening up on that
contingent fund was like visiting the
dentist. -
Junltor Pninsford recently called the
secretary of Hate's attention to the
maty xunJiUoii-of Jthe fire escapes and
to their need of a new coat of palnCT
but there will be nothing more 'detng
in the painting line until the legislature
provides far It. (Secretary Olcott says
be intends to recommend that an ap
propriation be made for painting the en
tire building. He Is also going to rec
ommend that the law he amended so
each state department will purchase its
own office supplies.
When Olcott saw that a deflcljncy
of the contingent fund was unavoidable
he bought I r 0 0 0 worth of stamps, enough
to latst for the year.-;
Take Howfowri Add Phosphate
-A teaspoonXui. in a . glass .- of water
makes an Invigorating, refreshing drink
B. P. T I M B
H aturday-Mon-day
Bate 84 1
! Train Time
i Lfave dally
j at 8:46 a. m.
I Saturday Spe
! clal, 1 p. m.
OVERSEA FISHING may be enjoyed at BAY-
uaur, viicat catcnes are reported by every
, . , . . rtnr,. .' 1 .1
jjany, 11I1S IS me
only summer resort
where this sport is
possible. Launches
are available when
ever a party wishes,
and they certainly do
have a good time off
shore. Equipment
an turnisned
1 person,
day ....ta.50
9 persona,
' day . . .$4.00
1 person,
week ...914.00
8 persons.
week .. $24.00
(With meals at
If o t e 1 rates
I2.B0 up.
KAiXL 7S70- ...... 720 CflasTTT tt .
- - A-OVBA
ii ill a
Bjcll to lt mirn.l.)
Albany, Or., Aug. 8.-A4 alrfcf ex
pectancy seemisQ to prevail yesterday In
tlie territory commonly known -as the
"blind pig" district, and three of the
places which are supposed to compose
the "blind pig trust" In Albany were
closed all day. Anonymous L
been received by the proprietors and
by other citliens during tho last few
days, threatening to da bodily harm to
them and burn thftlr-places of business
If they do not desist In the Illicit sale
of liquor. The chief of police received
the first letter, the tenor of which was
that his duty wns as n day officer and
for him to stay In nights or he would
be filled with lead, and that If he
thought anything of his night men to
tell them to go slow. All the letters ap
pear to be written by .the same harfd
and are scrawled In printed leters with
a pencil
Speculation as to the origin of the
letters and the Incentive for the burn
ing of the Franklin house last week
followed the next dny by the burning of
another house that had borne th repu
tation of being a "blind plg.-runs all
the -way from one extreme to the other.
Many are inclined to believe that tho
letters are written or Inspired at least
by the "blind piffms" themselves for
efTeet. Others believe that It Is all a
big Joke for the enllvenment of the
summer season.
"Meanest Man" Found?
(United Vr-n I.v.mA IV Ire. i
San Francisco, Aug. 8. "The meanest
man in the world is Herman Paine, a
sea captain, If the charges made againut
him by his wife, Mrs. Julia J. Paine, In
her divorce complaint riled here are true.
Although worth 112,600, and enjoy
ing an Income of $250 monthly, Paln,
so the complaint alleges, forced his wife
to work as a servant to support herself
and child. ,
Denies Writer It 111.
(tTnlted Preii Leased Wire.)
Jnnta Uarbara, Cal.,, Aug. I. Mrs.
Robert Louis Stevenson todav vlrornua.
ly denied' rtports that her son, Lloyd
Osbourlne, short story writer, Is 111 and
near death.
Sperlsl to Tlie Jonrniil.)
Marshfield, Or., Aug. g. With a sur
veylng crew of eight men. Engineer
Lleorge Wolfram, of Hie Bouthern Pa
! clflc. arrived here from San Franc'scn
to do some work on the lino from Eu
gene. Mr Wolfram Bftys that he Is
here merely to check up the old sur
veys, lie Bays that there Is no new
work or chnnge of plans as far as he
knows, lie states that he can toll but
little of the railroad situation, tus he is
here under orders ta-jro over the righ;
of way and will be here until 'ordered
to some other field wofk.
Manufactured only by
PYLE flc SONS, New York
JBreak away from the city, Get out in
the open. Be your own landlord. Buy
a Ood-sized piece of ground and build
you a little home. Raise vour own
vegetables, keep chickens, Veil, es,
keep a cow if you want to. On Oregon
City car-line, y3 an hour ou.t. 80x200,
$410. Small down payment, $8 to Sid
$150,000,000 PENSION
I t'nlled Vrcn Lensed Wire.)
Washington, Aug. 8. By one rote,
the fltfhl to mass the 1150. 000.000 nen-
sion oppropriiitinn bill wns lost In the
Koni'te .-vesterdny, and the bill sent bafk
to the house for further conference.
After a motion to concur In the house
amendment to abolish tho 17 outlying
penKioe. agencies had been lost on a tie
vote, the senate, by a vote of 29 to 26,
to insist on its demand that the pension
agencies be rctalncfl.
This Is the only point of disagreement
between the house and the senate.
(Wftfblngtnn Bureau of Tht JoarMl I
Washington, Aug. S. Captain Lucius
C. Bennett is assigned as quartermaster
at Vuncouver barracks.
j Northwestern Trust Cb.
Wilcox Building PHpne,Main"3517, A-7340
Titanic Victim's Will.
I fulled Ptefi Leased Wire.)
Ban Francisco, Cal.. Aue. 8. Th .will
of Hugh It. Hood, connected with lum
ber Intercuts In Kenttlo anri Run ITi-an.
ciseo, was admitted to probate In Judge
the French Savings bank, named as ex
ecutor on behalf of the widow, Mrs.
Lena Allen Rood, of Eee.ttle.' Roc-4 was
drownsd on the Titan Id last April while
returning irom a business trip, leaving
For Friday Only
In order to close out several
lines of high grade Oxfords
before the season closes we
make this unusual offering:
Successors to t Cajn-Rlce.
349 Alder Sfcfeet
i i ii i -It'nlted
I'reu Uml Wlr. -
8tn Francisco, Auf. i.Although .
pert are today working on the books of
Oenrra A. Hlnkl a Ixtnkknan i
employ of his atepfather, "William'
numis, Biuceoroaer, who aiaappeared
after leaving a note which wag discov
ered yesterday telling that the fugitive
had cmbcjiled 134,000 and wa running
away, the full extent of the specula
tions have not yet been determined. In
his note, illnkle stated that ha bad but
110 In cash when he left. '
'".u -! J-.uj.'t i-jusim-h
- (Ipeelsl te 1ie Jouresl.)
Florence, Or., Auf. .8 Jfivrjr farmer
In the Nluslgw valley Joined at Acme to
help celebrate the opening, of tha first
cooperative creujnerjf on, the" HUslaw
rlVerv ...
Pr, James WIthnombe of the O. A. O.
was the speaker of the day, He gave a
lengthy talk oi the possible future Qf
the Oregon farmer, especially the dairy
man. Arter a few short addresses by
local men a basket dinner prepared by
the women was served.
Berlin, Aur. .An order will be la-
iud by tha kalsor In a Ifew day pro
hibiting duela In the army and navy
until after the matter, baa first been
(submitted to a court tf bono, It la
iHald that' should any officer fight a
iduel without eomplylng with thts order,
it will mean immediate Slamlasal. It
Is Understood q be tha kaiser'a hope
with tliia imperial order praoulcaliy to
kill out duelling In Germany, eutd that,,
too, Without affecting the traditions
surrounding It In' tha army. - - r
Gr.ay?s- Speelsil Sale f
innnmraw wvmm'w .Kvmw : ninniiw
And Olher Good Makes Begins Friday August 9lh
All $1.50 Shirts at $1.15
All 2.00 Shirts at 1.40
AH 2.50 Shirts at 1.75
$3.00 Shiris $2.00 - $3.50 Shirts $2.50
All $5 Silk Shirts 3.50
f 1 - 11
Special Sale on all Summer Under
wearSupply your needs lrom the
splendid selection we now oiler.
Special Auto votes next Saturday .
on Collars. OOO votes wttti
each SOc purchase
at Fourth
at Fourth
MO. 2
The states that have recently passed upon and decided against
competition between public utilities rendering the same character of
service in the same community areT
Those holding to the contrary, none (so far as known).
What does the ruling mean? That Portland would make a hub
take if it legally authorized the duplication of all the poles, all the
wire, all the conduits, all the sub-stations and all waterpower plants
of the existing company, by granting a franchise to anqther light and
power concern.
In other words, it is not sound economic doctrine to fasten upon
the consuming public a yearly interest charge of several hundred
thousand dollars, when a regulative act, controlling rates, service and
tion is-within the reach of the community.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co,
11 i i in i . ip.
an' estate that Is n$t yet appraised but
in vuiieiueiau vsiujrv'ei
.; - '-I