- Perhaps Mutt tjjjpieijjjejejSa J ej earn imS I , - . ' W i I ' ""' " 1 1""""'"" ' ' ' " SMaMMBeeNaMBasaBesawBMMeBeNaBsessBeasaMM.MnMassBsaem WPWPp- .. M 1 i could ter job-- wwntceooB 5AY 1 CQWLD - -vx6:' . I Ne6 50 tTf5rrL -35 O - Notes of Wednesday's Happenings Brief Paragraphs Give Journal Headers the News of Late Yesterday Afternoon and Last Night. Congressional. The fight to pirns the 1150,000,000 periston appropriation bill was lost by one vote In the senate Wednesday aBd the measure went back to the house for further conference. Aftsr a motion to agree to the house amendment to abolish the 17 outlying pension agencies had been lOBt on a tie vote, the senate agrsd to stick to Its demand that the pension reneles be retained. The conferees on the Indian appropria tion bill have reached an agreement on Oregon amendments appropriating $!. 000 for building a bridge across the De ohutes river in Crook county; and $86, -00 to pay claims of Tillamook, Clatsop Bd other Oregon Indians, President Taft has Indicated his In tention of vetoing both the steel and wool tariff bills, which are identical with bills he refused to approve last ummer, on the ground that the new ehedulea were prepared without the aid of statistics gathered by the tariff . board. In a final effort to secure action on " the senate till creating Saddle Mountain National Park In Clatsop county, Con gressman Hawley appeared before the house public lands committee Wednes day with additional statements showing the nocessity for immediate action. He declared the timbered sections of the art'u daslred will oon.ba taken by script locators and the beauty of the region permanently injured. , Insurgency in the Democratic ranks of the house Is expected to appear when thv naval appropriation bill comes up this week as a n suit of Tuesday night's cauclis,' when ttip "no battleship" con tingent prevented action by staying way. The lenders have evolved no plan, but it was said an agreement to accept, the se'iote's proposal for one battleship probably would be brought about. Limited terms for. civil service em ploy h. the abolition of the commerce court and the retention of Hs'five Judg as xlra circuit, court Judges will be submitted to l'rasldent 'Taft as rpvotli lons of the leglslntlve. executive and judical appropriation bill: These pro. pofals passed the senate Wednesday. 33 to 19. The bill carries I4O.0O0J00. and it Js. said the president will veto lt al though In doing so he wlU hold up his own saijlry. rolitieal. folonel Roosevelt will be&n his speechmaklnR tour In Rhode Island on August it. Ha expects to visit 40 states end will wind up tils long Jaunt on the Pacific Coa?t In October. W?s""Senator Greenaof North Dakota, a . .. Pcocresatva-Aaya-lL. la . Jiat. the. PSttj9t wisdom to organize a third party In hla atote, declaring that a Ihlrd party would turn north Dakota over to the Demo crats. Each member of the Oklahoma dele gation in congress was renominated at the primaries Tuesday and J. L. Dicker con received the Republican nomination for United States senator. IWENMUL0 BE PROTECTED Against So Many Surgical Op erations. How Mr. Bethune and Mrs. Moore EtcaperJ. Sikeston, Mo. "For seven yean I suf fered every thins:. I wa in bed for four ..i .. !ic".,',i'i.,.'?',.l3 a... j a if or live uuys at a ume every month, and so weak I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backache and headache, and wu go nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or have any- at those times, ana saia tnat i ougm to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told him about Lydia E. PinkhanVfl Veg etable Compound and what it had dona for bis wife, I was willing to take it - Now I look the picture of hoalth and feel like it, too. I can do my own housework, hoe my garden, and milk & cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in th fnonth. 1 wish I could talk, to avery suffering woman and girl." Mrs. Dema Bethune, Sikeston, Mo. . Murrayville, III "I have taken Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for e. very bad case of female trouble and it made me a well woman. My ""health war sit btDkerr dow?v the doctor . said I must have an operation, and I was ready to go to the hospital, but dreaded it so that 1 began taking your Compound. I got along so well that I gave up the doctors and was daved from the opera on." Mrs. CHAfttES MOOUE, R. ZL rNx 8, Murrayville LV--'- I, rffrfmUfi one move intbe room. WSwMl'lliUijftM medicine to ease me THE Thought H Senator Joseph M. Dixon, of Montana, was selected chairman of tho national committee of the Progressive party at n meeting of the committee In Chicago Wednesday night. In the Missouri primaries William 8. Cotoherd of Kansas City was nominated by the Democrats for governor, and will be opposed by John C. McKlnley of St Louis. ' Eastern. .With a run of Id 3-10 miles Wednes day from Iiardstown the Flanders elec tric pathflndlng cor for the 1K1! na tional tour route rear lied Cave. City, Ky., Wednesday giving the car a total dis tance of 16Z miles in five and one half days' traveling. Wednesday's run carried the pathfinder party over the roads which two years ago gave the Glldden tourists so much trouble, but the Flanders traveled steadily over rooky roads and the pathfinder West gard and party were content with their lead. Much of the terrible roads, of two years ago was found Improved and made with a nice- tunrptks and murh more will be Improved by the time the tour comes along. The American Tobacco company has de clared a special cash dividend of 20 per cent on the common stock In addi tion to the regular quurterly dividend of 2Vk Par ceot. The company also an nounced a distribution of 12,000 shares of stock of the ATOeYlran Kt'aelUnery & Foundary company to" stockholders of the American Tobacco crompany. , At the request of shippers and rail roads that the Interstate Commerce commission modify In some particulars its recent orders respecting transporta tion of wool from the west and north west to eastern destinations the com mission has ordered a rehearing of the cases. The rehearing la to be held in Denver Heptembe It. Pacific Coast. A: I. Porter of Ppokans, secretary of the Western Retail Lumbermen's asso ciation, who, witii IS other secretaries of retail lumber dealers' associations, was indicted In June, 1911, on a criminal charge pf violating the Sherman law, bas been released of his cash bond of I2G0O by Judge Keneaw Mountain Landts of thff northern district of 1111 nols, and a personal bond accepted. W. W. Roper, a traveling salesman for Miller Bros.1 nursery of Milton, Or., was killed near Colfax, Wash., Wednesday, when the automobile In which he was riding went over an emhankment and pinned him underneath. George H. Parker, the millionaire I'nlted Wireless promoter, who was re leased from .McNeil's, island penitentiary on parole last month, was sued at Se attle Wednesday by Duncan A. and Katherlno iieL'onald, who allege th.it Parker sold them srock In his wireless company through" false representations and obtained 1300 from them. Although Mrs. Nakataro Okaiakl, her daughter and two sons, have never crossed the Pacific from Japan to Amer ica, they Will receive a pension of $33 a month until a total of $4000 has been paid front the Indstrlal Insurance fund of the state of Washington. The hus hand and-father waa kllled.,lan accl- dent In a sawmill at Bcllevue. The Lakevlew Lumber company at Rldgefield, Wash., began operations this of lumber a day and will' employ 30 men. In an effort to secure exchange of freight cars between the O.-W. R. & N. Co. and the Northern Pacific railroads at Pendleton, the matter has been brought before the state railroad com mission. The three commissioners are now in Pendleton making an investiga tion. Both of the roads enter Pendle ton but there 1b no switching of cats from one to another. All shipments transferred must be handled - through tho warehouses and hauled by drays from one road to the other. Allen J. Plehl. former associate or W. E. DeLarm of Seattle, In the firm of DrLarrn It Blehl, and at present under federal Indictment as the trust officer of the company which was closely allied with the Columbia River Orchards com ipany freely charges a conspiracy on the part of those who bought the Do Larm Irrigation project at Wahluka for 110,400 in the I'nlted States district court. He declares he will use what money he has to block the sale. The big pipe lino from Forest Grove to Hlllsboro Is completed, and wntor from Clear creek IB miles away in the Coast range Is now flow.ing In Hllls boio's water mains. The same pipe line Will furplsh water to Cornelius and Dilley. besides to scores of farmers along the line. To erect an appropriate monument on the-'strlangular piece of property Just northeast of the Main street bridge In Pendleton to the Indian, Civil and Span ish war veterans. Is fhe plan of a large delegation of Pendletonians, and It Is be lieved strong support will be given the movement at a mass meeting called for August 13, whetl the matter will be con sidered. ' . A deal Involving a I00,000 purchase and marking the retirement from the Seattle mercantile field or one of ice pioneer corporations was completed to day, when the big Stone-FlsHer com pany department store passed ln.to the hands of a nowly organised concern in corporated by Spokane merchandisers, the geafnrwf twoim efmvenyr Bifcaase the fond for paying expensts of deporting, patients from the 'Oregon Insane asylum Is exhausted, P. A. Rob bins, deported td Tennessee Wednesday, was sent on Ms own funds. Bobbins was recently committed to tha Institu tion from Garden Home. ? The darlnr attempt of lT-year-old Aden " Kritschmer" ta' esewr rrorrrtae -,"V 'OREGON "DAILY JOURNALS pORf LAND, THURSDAY Juvcnlle detention home in San Fran cisco was frustrated Wednesday morn ing by the parting of an Improvised rope made of strips of blankets and sheets, by which (he girl was lowering herself from a third story window. The girl fell more titan 60 feet, landing on a pile of boxes in the rear of the build ing. . . Foreign. A dispatch from Petch (also known as Ipek), about 73 miles northeast of akulari, Turkey, says the Judge of the civil court there' was assassinated while sitting on the lunch Wednesday. The Inmates of the prison In the town at tempted to escape, but were prevented by the troops. A massacre lasting seven hours fol lowed a bomb explosion in the market place of Kotschana, BO mllos southwest of Uskup, European Turkey, August Fifty Christians were killed and 200 seriously wounded by the Turks, who accused them of having committed bomb outrages by which about 50 per sons were killed or Injured. Mary Leigh, the suffragette who was tried at Dublin- Wednesday on the charge of wounding John E. Redmond, leader of the Irish parllamnntary party, with a hatchet she had thrown at Pre mier Asquith's carriage on July 19, was sentenced t five years' Imprisonment. Gladys Evans, charged with setting fire to the Theatre Royal wlilLe Premier As qulth was speaking, also received five years, nnd Liesie linker, who confessed to being an accomplice, wss given seven months. Miswttnhf'6fl& Naval demonstrations -ati San Fran cisco, Manila and New York on October 14 and ID have been ordered, by the navy department. Simultaneously with a review of the Atlantic fleet at New York, the Pacific fleet will rendezvous at San Franelsco and the Asiatic fleet at Manila. Mrs. Annlfi Decker, who single handed and alone captured William Rartelle, the noted desperado and leader of the ''Hole-ln-the-We.H" ganpr, Is belni? boomed for'shrrlff of Mofatt county, Colorado. Sartelle is a raving maniac, and has to be tied to his cot In the Jail at Dixon. Wyu., where he was taken after his capture by Mrs. Decker. BAR TO RAILROADS STUMBLING BLOCK IN CANAL MEASURE f Continued From Fage One.) Williams, permitting vessels built alv.)Ud but owned by American firms, engnjred In coastwise trade, to enter the rat.al free of tolls, was defeated by a vot i of 10 to t today. V 11 Hams then proposed another amendment removing the prohibition against American registoF for foreign l t'ilt ships for foreign trade, provided they were exclusively owned br Ameri cans. This was adopted, 84 to 24. Senator Onlllnger proposed that the Vessels covered by Senator Williams' Second amendment be not permitted to make contracts for carrying ocean mails. MEN WONT, SO KANSAS WOMEN BUILD HIGHWAY Leanna. Kan., Aug. 8. Wielding heavy sledge hammers and breaking rock for tho building of 800 f-set of roadway, the w,onieiv4HH'e.-HSms--rf-tlHm--eiitff-ln overall'-, are today tak'ii' nn Hi of con.'-(ruction because tho men of the town refuse, to continue It. Using their allowance inon.iy, the women enlisted the aid ,f mn ari.1 hn from neighboring towns to assist them In the work. "Foot Care Important as Vonr Complexion Puffy, Tired, Aching Feef Change, the rnclal Expression and Are Often Responsible far Wrinkles. Send for Tree Trial TIZ Picks ge Today. A wefl rounded neck and shoulders are not enhanced In beauty when the feet make xou look carworn and wrinkled. Tired, aching feet gvt on your nerves; cornn, callouses and bunions take all the sunshino out of life. And vet If vou put your fet In a Tli. foot hath all foot troubles" vanish, the feet take on a sen sation of freshness and glow;your nerrce ann ureu muscles at cwre ralSX and your mind thus becomes aminhi and yrt refute- thim 4a- (k mi of happiness. Try the TIJ5 foot bath plan. It drawa out thi" acids and poi- on. rnauces an puiruiess, makes your feetook trim, neat and well-cared for. Do not use something else' for you will surely b disappointed. For a free trial package write to Walter Luther Dodge A Co.. 1223 S. Wabash Ave., or go to any drug store, departmeat or yMtff, an3. t rui&r tai box vt TlZi& eeuLa, . COLONEL WILL ASK STRAUS, PERKINS TO GO AFTER CASH (Continued From page One.) tain today that Miss .Tnn" Addams of Hull houso, Chicago, and Miss Elizabeth Dabney of California wolud be Included In this number. Branch Quarters in Portland. Main hpaflciuartors of the nw party, It 13 believed, will be established here, with branches In New York, Atlanta, Portland, Or., and San Francisco, a caucus of the national committee was held ths morning ahd the political sit uation In various, stares discussed. Governor Johnson .planned this morn Inff to l.-avo for California tonight. He paid he had not decided whether to re st irn tho governorship, but It Is believed here that he will, as he will devote most of IiIh time between now end No vember to campaigning. The exodus of convention delegates was completed todny. Colonel Roose velt and Mrs. Rooneveit and Senator Dixon will lee.ve this afternoon for New Y'ork on the Twentieth Century Limited, Nominees Make Addresses, Following tho adjournment isf the convention, both Colonel Roosevelt and Governor Joh.i.gn, early this morning, addressed tha delegates. Greeted by the "moo-moo'' pall. Colonel Roosevelt said: "I am gljd to know how the bull moose call sounds. The Progressive convention was nut typical of the old parties, whose platforms roncealed their real plans. Wp are not polng to promise more than we arc. able to give. We in tend, however, to try end make tills a better country." Governor Jnhr.sem hittfiiy denounced President Tuft. He eaid: "Taft presents t'.i" most humiliating spectacle In public life today." Referring to the democratic nominee, Johnson said: "Governor Wilson's speech does not enunciate anv of the human, principles embodied In the .Progressive platform' In a conference between Dixon, Per kins and Reverldge today It was agreed thnt Perkins shall b chairman of the executive couimRtea of the progressive pa;'tv, and that Dlxoh shn.ll head, the "lnansglng" committee Roosevelt did not attend the national committee meeting, snylnr thnt lie-would leave to them all the details of the cam paign. Httuthem negroes here declared this r ftti neon they had completed arrange ments with Senator Dixon, chairman of the jnojiesslve national committee, by which they aro to gof places on the executive committee of various states. Under this arrangement the negroes said they would support ' Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt In his speech of acceptance said in part: "I have been Health and MRS, Mrs. J. L. : PYoquent shampoos with canthro during tn Kiimmer months In sure a fine growth of brilliant, fluffy hair, rich in its natural color end eo responsive to the fingers-' touch that do ing It up is genuine pleasure A tea spoouful canthros dissolved in a cup hot Is rubbed up it creates an nbundance of white thi-k lather that quh'kly dis solves all dust dandruff and evesK oil, Klnsliig leaves hair and scalp lininacu iat e 1 y c 1 ea tr aMM4ew4f wH4-4r y-qulciu. ly aiid evenly. The regular uhp of canttirox gives to the hair that exoiilatte fluff and massy softness and will lnsuri a lovely growth. K. A. P.: A delatnne paste will rr move the hairy growth. Mix enough powdered dclatono H'ltli water to cover the hairy Btirface, apply and after 2 or. 3 minutes remove, wash the skin and thu hairs are pone. TH treatment is harm Jess and docs not discolor the skin. Anxious: Cutting the lashes Is dan gerous. Apply a little pyroxln each night at lash roots with tlj thumb end forefinger and tiiry will come In lonqr and silky. Thin eyebrows will grow thick and heaw if pyroxin is rubbod.on with finger end. fee caution not to gt any where hair Is not wanted. Mrs. O, H. : Turkish baths are a severe tax on the eystein. Try the par notls treatment for fat-reduction and I am suro your weight will soon be Just Wjtmro yoit want t'. To prepare, dissolve 1 ounces parnotls in 1 pints hotcwatcr, then take a tablespoonf ul before each meal. This gradually and surely dis solves MT fat and restores the figure's symmetrical lines without possible In jury or Inconvenience and when your wefght Is where yen want it, you can stop without feur of its returning. LydlaP.: Largo pores and skin rough ness can bo overcome1 wlt'i the aid of nn almosoln cruim-Jclly. Thle is made by stirring 2 tenspoonfuls glycerine into i pint cold water, to which is then sddcji 1 ounce alnjozolni Apply generously to tlie skin ec.ch dav anil It will olenr It of all local impurities. This cream-jelly In fine for beautifying the arms, neck and face, as well as for banishing sallowness and that greasy condition, and It can aiso be used with good effect for rounding out . ...i..UJiia..iu..i...iL '......ii... a-.ji .l .. 1. ...ii' ... 1 mjif-TT r The San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co. LARGEST AND NEWEST STEAMERS ON THE COAST -8ANTf LOS ASOELES rim, Class , 21.50. 58.00, Vlt.lO. Second Class $11.35 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY Bteahiers Manchuria,. Mdngolla, Korea and Siberia. jvibo uina, .ue anri rersia. For Honolulu, Japan, China and Manila JTBJCXCO, CBWTRJIIi AMERICA, BOT7TK AMHBIOA , AWAMA SIB THB CAWAIi tOW . SlXOTJKSIOM, RATES ttattt orricis.THiBD tnxzr.- i--- pkohxs aumr aoo5,A.nos EVENING,. AUGUST 8, I - . 1 PROGRESSIVES' PICK FOR VICE PRESIDENT Hiram Johnson, governor of California. president and I mcosura my words when I sav thnt though 1 have seen and known much of life, I hold It by far the ifreuhst ho;,ot and the greatest op portunity thut has eer come to me to bo called by yon to the leadership for the time being of tais great movement in the Interests of the Ajcfi'lcan people. "And, frimds, I wish now to say how deeply sensitive I nm tthe way In which the notnlnntlon has come to me, and to tell those who proposer! and sec onded niy nomination that I nppreclnle to the full 1 1 1 0 significance of having such men and such women put rfte In nomination; nnd 1 wlsii to thank the convention for having given me tlu' running mate It bus given." SLAYS TWO SISTERS WHEN 1 REJECTS HIS OFFER OUTMARRIAGE f Continued From Page One. of William Lorenz, tljeir step-fathf r, with whom the suspected slayer ulso Beauty Hints MAK MAUTYN hollows'' and dispelling fine lines or crows feet as well as fur discouraging hairy growths, . Mrs. Hurry: Impure bipod Is the cause of mu ii t-lckness, and I would a Iviso you to begin at once a kardene treatment. This is an old-fashioned JMQQti-elfaiiBer nnd lio.iy.hiillder, and u made hy puttltiK ounce kardene Into ii pint alcoliol, th n aldlng en pf 11 i sugar and hot wuler 10 make a quart. Take 1 tablvspoonful before each meal and it will gently epfeL4a1.Un(aa-f4:uni-J.he-I)iooA and tone up the -entire system. This will give you renewml strength and en ergy and make you fee I good It Is nspeclully pood Hs M inner tonic, and its use frequently prevents stsrloue sick- ness. - Airs. Tim: Unhealthy scalps cause profuse dandruff, excess olll fother UKfcts, and tlitse In turn rauwptlie hair to grow lif. e,.n brittle anl fallout. Try to (uln;:oiii toidc I frequently men tion and you oan correct all this. Just add 1 ounce qulnr.oln to 4 pint alcohol, then pour in y. pint water and your torttris ready. Frequent applications of this hair-tonic v.l!l ban'sh all scalp af fiiotlons, keep it heulliiv and Induce an nhuiidanro of soft, brilliant hulr. rich lit Its natural color. Alma M . : You need have no fenr of tan or freckles If you apply daily a plain spurmax lotion, made bv stirring t uuocrn nj'Ullllu into pint WUCIl hasel (or hot water) to which has hen I added " teaspoonfuls glvcerlne. This I lotion Is superior to powder, because It does not clog the pores, and It Imparts an exquisite tint and velvety smoothness to roUKh. oily blotchy or "muddy skins The regular use of tbe spurm.ix lotion insures a youthful complexion not pos sible bv any other method. The spur-mr- h)Uon a'.so is Invisible when on and Is jiot affected by wind or perspiration. Motia: Your dull, ttxpresslonless eyes when treated with a simple crvBtos tonic, will soon regain thtlr former'brll-llam-y and expressiveness. To make the tonic, dissolve 1 ounce ervstcs m a pint cold water, thtin nut 2 "or .1 (Irons in each eye dally. Xothlnir eunals Hie rrvi. tos eye-tonic for removing foreign psr tlrles. reducing Inflammation and for granulated lids. "Its use often does awav wltu ;lsse, v !U. .U- ..Ji... 1 .. . . .., 1111. I in -,' y w 111 1 IU .tJI iZZ. V v' III i f If v J-"' III 1 srim' 111 :-lf:. eu . ' ill in r; 'jsr 111 If, ft A L ; fit . i I f -Ire' w ' V mil LlL.. ,. 1 J0 ' 1912. By - 1 made his hotnn. The younger girl was shot throtigli t ho hack of the head and the elder through the eve and temple, apparently after a struggle, i1 when found, the elder girl's clothing was torn, iter hair pulled out and, blood was spat tered all over a table, the finer and outside the door through which the murderer 1 believed to .have pulled her back .Into his ahambles, H. wound"d and bjeedlng, she tried to escape. Kate, the younger girl, apparently wss shot down from behind ns she fled from the scene of her sister's murder. Ko.,far as, can be ascertained, the double murder took place sboot 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Miners working near the Lorenz homo, then heard four shots near the house, All was well in the Lorens home nt noon yesterday. The family had dinner together, UieU when Loiens went down the river to a mine a mile awav and Mrs. Lorens, the girls' mother, went to Douglas City to visit, leaving the two USE ' i . . .... t-aiiUMi.. rtt" QUICK; SERVICE BEND, REDMOND, MADRAS AND CENT1AL T BAINS LEAVB UNION DEPOT 7:60 A. M. A WD 10 A. M. CITY TICKET OFFICE Only f ive hdur fronr-Bortlaild- TILLAMOOK COUNTY BEACHES Saturday to Morulay special leaves I'nion .Station. Portland, 1 p. in. Saturday. Arrives Wheeler 6::i; Umtbaldl Beach, 6:00 o'clock; arrives Tlllaii.uol; 7 . ,ts. Returning, leaves Tillamook Hunday 4 an p. m.; arrives Tortland lu Cio o clock. I'aily train leaves Portland f:15 a. m., arriving aO Peaches early In the aft ernoon. " ' s BOUItD TOIP FAKHS T30M FOBTLAWS Week-end (Saturday ta Monday) 9.100 Any time Anting week 4 00 , r PrcttliFt trip from Cortland to the Sea. Y'a yuuthern Pacific and P. it. it N., -tlu- Scc.iii Houte of the Northwest." Kor tickets and information call at City Ticket office. Third and W.-ishlnirtnn Sts . h'oiiith and Yamhill Sts., cr I'nion Depot. ,"" JOH27 M. BCOTT, Oenerai 5nssenger Affsct. f FOUTXiAHB, OBXaOH .w JfeSgj .visi;:'t; 19 "Bud" Fisher Klrls ami George I.oren7. at home. When the mother returned from her visit she 11 u no. the two pretty girls dead and I.irens gone. The suspected slayer of the two girls . Is about .10 years old and is believed to have gone Insane. His previous rep u tar tlon has been good. . . Cn( holies Strong lu Tufted States, ' (1 lilted I'resn lnmsl Wire. I Rome, Aug. 8. Tlje t'ntted StatM now ranks next to Italy as the coun try having the largest Catholic hierar chy. After Italy, .which has 2T4 dio ceses, the I'nited states comes next with 84 tecs. Kil McCoy Case Continued. . 4 United ITeni I ei(l Wire.) London, Aug. .8. -The case agalnat Norman Selhy. known In pugilistic cir cles as "Kid McCoy," for alleged impll cation in an $SO,On0 diamond robbery at Dstcnd. was continued today until next Thursday. Selby Is out on ball., THE OREGON T.UBD A WD WASHIJtOTOH STS. Phoae tlarsiaU 4500. 322 ; r! -