-A'' :(: 'V 18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' POKTiAND, ' THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1912. Company" Short of Assets May Have to Quit Business in Oregon. (Kiln Butmo of The Jnnrnil.l - Salem, Or., Aug. 8. The American Life & Accident Insurance company baa v been notified - by State Insurance Com missioner Ferguson that the company's . Derm It . to transact business In this , state, which Is under suspension, will be entirely revoked unless the company makes a satisfactory allowing of assets - before August 20. An examination of the company 'was ' made by the Insurance commissioner v " last May and the assets found to be of such unsatisfactory character that the . company's permit wbb suspended. Out - of $150,000 of allrge.1 assets, only about $5009 was acceptable to the Insurangel 'v commissioner. Since May the company, of which w:, Lionel R, Webster is president, has been endeavoring to get satisfactory assets -.; to replace those refused by the depart ment, and as this has not yet tfeen done Insurance Commissioner Ferguson state tbat he deems It advisable In the inter ests of the policy holder's of the com- i pany to revoke the authority to transact ... business unless the requirements are I .' met a( once. Wilsonville Want Spur. tSilrm RnteiuL..ef. j of The Salem. Or., Aug. 8. M. CTYoung or Wilsonville. has filed with the state railroad commission a formal complaint alleging that the Oregon Electric Is not maintaining a spur and aide track fa cilities at Wilsonville, t which Is on Its line. CANDIDATE INSISTS HE DID NOT ATTACH HIS r. - NAME TO AMENDMENT --" -i (Continued From Page One.) anyone authority to use my name? Cer tainly not "So Authority (liven to Sign Ham, "I had not read the amendment after t i, ...... the changes were made. I might have - a . , , ,, ",?ABl "!5 r III ,. ' T . ' w .,.,v.-i. Iven. I do not grve such authority rirb';."..' i. m,i iS rt r.ir,h m in?. aJljUBA MJ. sta!.ed tnem ln my to lit. -tinm-..--t. 7 i-,, .Ttt - "ii" . " f- I..:".: e , :ir . rr'i"I5 ,c,7 uy "l"7" pc' ILIJ", . .-e-''B iT... . "'""""" " JO" w . J? X."1" "a mur.iBon, ron .na, ur. uear oir: we lw 'uur nneimun, anu me attention of. the voters of Oregon, to jr"ur luuiwing lejegram io me secretary or state: "Salt Lake City. tTteh. July 29, 1912. "Honorable Ben Olcott, Secretary of Btate, Balem, Or. I have not signed any proposed constitutional amendment or : amendments nor any pamphlets or argu mentg favoring same, nof tiave I au r thorlzed anyone to slim for me. Am advised my name is attached to amend ments proposed by the People's Power " lague. I 'respectfully demand that my v name be removed from any such docu - -'ments, and that' you refrain from pub . liahlng my name purporting to be at tached to any document whatsoever. .Please - wire acknowledgments collect, - fCare Utah hotel, Bait Lake, Utah, "(Signed) BCK SELLING." Tou must have suffered a great loss of memory, or you would surely not . have accused us of the wrongful and unauthorized use of your name on the People's Power League proposed amend ment and arguments. Tou have been president of the league for the past even years. You presided at the meet ing of the members of the People's Pow- er .League sn May 27, J.912, jit the T. M. i t C A. rooms ln Portland, called to corf- alder, this proposed amendment. The inderslgned were also present. " '" - Amendment Read. At that meeting It was unanimously T-r-deelded that the proposed amendment of .the constitution of Oregon to be of fered by the league ihls year should be limited la article JV of the constitution Of Oregon. The printed draft of the amendment was read and considered , t aectlon by section. Some changes and corrections were made. The amendment M l whole.- with the corrections, was then -unanimously approved. You were nthusiastlc, and saTd that you believed V this to be tho most Important and best . ' Of the progressive measures ever of ' fered to the people of Oregon. Features that you mentioned as espe cially important and desirable were the ."71. abolition of the state senate; making ! the governor a memhor of the legisla ture, and responsible for the maximum. r - of-all the appraprlatlon bills, with the t exclusive duty of Introducing appropria tion bills; the proxy plan of proportional representation, and the new section 20. on franchises. You expressed yourself as very confident that the amendment ; In its corrected form would be adopted by the people of Oiegon next November. The general line of argument for Its aupport was considered. Dr. Eggleston and Mr. U'Ren were Instructed to pre pare the argument, following the lines -".--"of argument and explanation put forth . Jn the pamphlet Issued by the People's Power League ln Pert-mber last year. :. They were also advised to ask Governor Wesf for a statement of what he be lieved could be saved to the state If the governor should be required to in troduce all appropriation bills and the lftglulature allowed' to reduce, but not to increase, the amount of any such bill -without the consent ut the governor. Unanimously .Approved. All this was uiuinlrnoiiHly approved by tliost- prtservt, Including ' yourself Another meeting was called for the next week to receive the amendment as cor rected. You said you might not be present, but to go ahead and It would be all flt,ht. ( - During the discussion you especially , urged that the amendments suggested lu the December pamphlet for the pref - ' , erentlal voting system by the "First . second and other choices plan," the cabU . I net system of state government with s 1 ' appointment of district attorneys and abatif.Is.by the governor, the amend ment of the recall, and some other changes, should not be offered this year i because, you said, It was too much to ask for at one time. You said that if the people approved of this amendment f the legislative article, and the result was a saving of nearly a million dollars ....; I year In the cost of the state govern ment, the K-ople? of Oregon would be u4t.,,wining to approve the remainder - -t it the. People's Power-League plan In lll. . 14.B0O if aatat ObUiaea, It Was understood Tjjr all of us that the established practice Of the league should be foMowed, and the names at lh Pfflctrs and members printed with ; the petition and arguments. The circu lation of the petition was completed, and about 14,00 signatures obtained "raursTAmwns LATEST MUSICAL SHOW f - t .... tjixjj . hi ' in 44 - n. - - i,-. I v A r U Barney Bernard at Heilig. Beginning tonight and- continuing Friday and Saturday, "Louisiana Lou," the latest and greatest musical comedy triumph, will be the attraction at the Helllg theatre. Seventh and Tay lor streets. Mr. Askln's gallant sine lng and dancing forces from the La Salle Opera house, come with the !m pediments of ,an Invading army. They bring their production intact; $20,000 worth of new scenery and costumes, and the light of conquest flashes in the eyes of those doughty commanding of fleers, General Barney Bernard and I tivauujoio oupiue i uuici. mere nm I ,, . . ,- Vivandlere Sophie Tucker. There are I persons 01 rtoueri u Connor, narrj Hanlon. Mortimer Weldon, Lester Craw- Hanlon, Mortimer Weldon, Lester Craw- fnrA ,vi- .. . j.. - l lul lint aid to the wounded "Preaented by Bessie Ie Vols, Eleanor Henry, Helena Sallngsr and the tsieanor Menry, Helena tsaiingor ana tne most efficient corps of musical com Kly field workers the local theatrical battle ground has witnessed In many midsummer night's moon Funcrackers and laughter will tell . . ,,. the patrons of the theatre that "Loulsl w,P0i"nIV0,; 7' A911' . Lo" h" "flved. The engagement of the La Salle comedians, singers and dancers Is a remarkable one, making the occasion a popular musical comedy festival of the highest Class and ln- trlnslc theatrical worth. Muring the month of June. Our secre tary furnished you with a copy, and you therefore knew they were In, circulation with your name on the' petition as pres ident of the league. ! In view of the facts, we are" wholly unable to account fdr your telegram to Secretary- of State Olcott, unless yiu have suffered a most painful lapse of memory. During the many years of our association' with you In the various leagues proposing progressive measures to the people of Oregon, w have had fevery reasoT to believe you Sincere. Respectfully vours, Q. M. ORTON. Vice President of the People's Power League. W. 8. U'REN, Secretary of. the People's Power League. B. LEE PAGET, Treasurer of the People's Power League. ALFRED D. CRIDGE. W. O. EGGLESTON. E. S. J. M'ALLISTER, M. C. REED, , W. T. HOUSER, HARRY YANCKWICH. OSWEGO LAKE as Cents XOund Trip. A very, delightful day's outing ; boa t-J lng, fishing, or picnicking. Oswego "lake is a typical Oregon woods resort. Sorii ern Pacific suburban trains from Jef ferson street station. Get the Original and Ccnulnd HORLICR'S ALTED RIILK The Fcod-drlnk for AH Ages. For kif ants, Invalids, and Growing children. Pure Nutrition, upbuilding the whole body Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged Rich milk, malted grainp in powder form A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Takenosubstitnte.AskforHQRLICK'S 'lat iff Am f ffliik Tru&r NEW TC4:Y Loaded With Fruit Two acres on electric line one block from station ; nice 7 room house, barn and chicken house: most all varieties fruits in full bearing; shade and ornamental trees. Half .hour to city and best carlihe. It's a home for a busi ness man, away from the noisy city, high taxes and rents. The price is right. CALL ROOM 518, OREGONIAN BUILDING. FOR FIRE INSURANCE SEE WABD fc TOXT170EB, Suite 426 Yeon Bldg, Miln 7585. A-4274. REAL- ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made. Title - J rust eg,, Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. Ruth M. Raymond- and husband to At'Ktiimnlo Thurlow, south 30 f'-ft lot 2, all lot a, block 6, Mount Ta hor , '4,600 .a-P Inc- Abstractors. 0j Oerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder at 41 5j Woodmea t tha world, meets every Fn jay . night in W. O. W. Tamnla. 121 Eleventh street All member re quested to be present visitors welcome. Dis tribution of 20 theatre tickets each meeting .night,. .FBEJ). WJ3ERMAN, C& A.jU HAHBUWi nern. .. N. A. Ore. Kose v.ar.ib. meets Frl. eve.. Allsky hall. .1(1 and Morrison MAIUUAGE LICENSES Elwell Eastman. Birmingham. Ala.. 27. and Jessie Campbell. 21. M. -C. McFarland. 615 Marshall St.. 26. and Nlnu Zlgler, 29. i.ouig Wilson, Seattle, wasn., si, ana Hattie White, 32. James Clilrovos. Boring. Or.. Z2. ana Julia Mac,. 27. Edward Uruner. 148 E. 17th St.. 31, ind Grace Coistella. 18. Hugh MacDougall, 94H LovcJoy St., 38, and Mary Proebstel, 36. Samuel Uensen, 68 E. 3Uth St...-, ana 211en Nelson, 21. W. C. Tichcnor. S93 Borthwick at. 42, and Thursa Tlchenar Si. , Williams Roberts, 311 13th St., ZS, and Hazel Hlakney, 21. Frank Haskell. 185 ltth st. 33. and Mable Graftani, 25. Frank Rane. 894 E. Caruthers St.. 22, and Rhodu Kapp, IS. Henry Albreoht, 40C Stanton st., 23, and Katarlna Kreager, lu. . V. M. Condon, Pasadena, Cal., 21, and Sadie Henderson, 19, Albert Van Houwellng, Pella, Iowa, 27. and Nettle Vnn nnte, 23. O. W. Church, 10U8 Cleveland ave., 12- and Jtf sle Wynn. 18, J. F. Flovd, 321 13th St., 34, and Winnie Fleck. 29. Roland Tanspv, Rowers Annex hotel, 21, and lOlalna Heard 19. . O, W. Holllngshcad, St Johns, 23, and Zolo EdlleiTvan, 24, H.-iL Gibson, Mnntcssno, Wash., 72, ind Elirnheth Johnwon. 3, W. G, Smith & Co,Vv;.ftd.,nngcar'dnsi: WnRlilrgton bide., cor. 4th. on Wash'ton Xh fur raatail ame3.-IInlu.ut Tnllurinir ("o.. sns starw st. t'LARK K bkon.. florisis, tins flowers snd flnrsl designs. 289 Bforrlson St. BIRTHS RITTER To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rltter, 691 Kavter street. August 3, a girl. BL'TIElt To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bu tler. 974 Commercial street. August 2, a "-irl. ... FITZGERALD To Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Fitzgerald. 1137 East Thirty-first Btroet. Julv 17. a boy. JAMES To Mr. and Mrs. C. A. James, 290 Eugene street. Julv 27, a girl. WADE: To Mr. and Mrs. Bimjamin Wade. .90 7 Commercial street. July 4, a boy. - PRITCHARD To Mr. and Mrs. Her bert PrHchard. 171 East Eightieth street North, August 3, a boy. DOANE To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doane. 1621 Westanna street. August 1. a boy. TYLER To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tyler, 251 East Twelfth street. Julv 30. a Klrl TRITE-i-To Mr. and Mrs. Edmund True, 328 V, North Seventeenth street. July 23. a boy ------ APLIN To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie iAplln. Maulewood.-OF.c -Auaruat 4. a bov. DAHI..BERG To Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dahlber- 1219 Seventieth street. Au gust 6. a boy. DEATHS AND FUNERALS WARREN August . Percy Warren, aged 50 years. Friends and acquaint - ances are respectfully Invited to at tend the funeral services nt Dunning ft MrEnteA chapel, Frldav, August 9, at 1:30 p. m. Interment Greenwood ceme tery. SCHLAPPI At Holbrook. Or.. Aug. 5, John Schlappl aged 40 years. Fu neral Krvcps will be held at the Swiss hall, 283 H Third St., at 1:30 p. m., Frl dny, August 9. Friends invited. Inter ment Rose City cemetery. DUFFIELD The funeral services of Percv J. Duf'teld. hulnvpil nn of ueorge k. and HK-n Duifleld, will be neia toaav ( rnvsnny) at .2:30 p. m. at Laurelwood M. ' chr-ch. Interment at Mt. Scott Park try. LOWRY The ftinernl services of the ltrte Mrs. Frances Lowry will be held Friday. August 9. at 10 a. m. at chanal of East Side funeral directors. Inter ment at Mt. Scott Park cemetery. QTIINLAN At Salpm Or. Jet. Onln. Ian, aged 6 yeara, 7 months, 8 days. Funeral will be held tomorrow, Aug. 9, at 9 a. m.. from the St. Frances church. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. VAN VLEET At St. Vincent's hospital, Wednesday, August 7, Miss Edith Van Vleet, aged 47 years. 4 months. 24 davs. Funernl services at Camus, WaSh.. Sun day, August 11, at 11 a. m, SPRINGER At bar" residence, 164 North Twenty-first, July 31, Mrs. Amalia Springer, aged 69 years 6 months 23 days.- DIJFfTILD At the Good Samaritan hospital, Aug. IS, Percy J. Duffleld. Remains at Lrch's Undertaking par lors. Funeral notice later. HAIUHT Edwlna HaigUt, SO Twenty-eighth street. August 13. pneumonia. RL'ST William Rust, Salem. Or., Aur rust 3 ace. 6.1. naralvsis FISCHER George Fischer, St. Vincent's nospual, August 3, age 37. CHAMDKKLAIN John Chamberlain. 15.n,9 Portsmouth avenue, August 6, aire 13 davs. hemorrhage. 11 A X "5rr EM tTH I) o ri sC 1 i I 6th st" In Selllne hide. Main 7215. FUXERAL DIRECTORS J. P, Finfey & Son Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main 9, A-1C9D. Dunning & McEntee ITndertakera Modern 'n every detail. 7th and Tine. Main 430. A-455. Lady assistant. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leadlnj funeral director and undertaker 22Q Sd st., cor. Salmon: ladv sislstart'. A, R, ZELLER CO, P o t h phones. ERICS0N Undertaking A-22SS Co. Main i.ady sss't EAST SIDE funeral directors, success or to F. S. Tiiinnlnir. Inc. R2. H-2?S. taker, Ludy aesiftaiit. LtnUn n-ii 1. K-7S1 flth-Alder. HEM STOCK, 1 687 E. 13th. Sell. 71, B 1122: and Unlvers prk. Col. 394-3H. Poorcon Pa Funetal directors, 3y- tissell st.. K. 1 0H.I. MOXOIEXTS OTTO SCHUMANN, granite and marble w-rks. Kat 3d and Pine: East 743. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS BRONGMANARY COMPANY, Oround Floor Lewis Did M, nnrl A-l.74.1 BRL'BAKKR & 11EW KU I C T , B02 McKav Bldg. Main R49. CHA?IN & IIERLOW; J32 r'riambpr of rommerrn. Main IdBl, ' KNAPP & MACKKY, 212-13 anarri of Tr?ii1 M nnd A-1M0. OREGON RKAL KSTA'i' h ').. TttL Grand ave and Atu't. F). 7. C-1'0. SHIKLL8. J. H. 205 Gerllnirer Bldir. Mnln 43 I GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 WANTED Permission to nhotogrsph 200 Portland's prettiest residences, for eastern newspapers and magazines; p0. ture from 2 to 4 feet long, on exhibi tion In Portland store windows, before forwarding east. No expense. Tnhor 4123. Murray & Murray, 2026 Tlst, S.-E. TjiUO-lrst cinsw apartment house sites for sale at a snap. West side, walk ing distance. M. E. Lee, 311 -Corbett m- 42 KOOM rooming houwe for rent, fur--, nlshed. 329 Lumber Elcrlflnpe 2d and StBt-U. FOR SALE HOLMES 01 FOUR room house and lot, $380; near Lents; $150 easb, - K-863, JournaL MEETING NOTICES FOR SALE HOUeES A Beautiful Home Near Reed College 136x200 feet. Bungalow with 8 rooms, on first floor, with space for three rooms upstairs, mWorn, ---HP-ale, electric, lights, gas. re merit walks, etc. line lawn, best varieties of fruit trees of which there are 12 Lambert herry, 3 Royal Ann, i Standard pear, t Standard apple and 1 each peach, filurn and almond nut trees; yery est and latest berries, including Htmalya Giant, Burbank Mam moth Black and Phenomenal Lo Kan's and Raspberries. Extra fine strawberry bed, 1 dosen bearing grape vines; also gooseberries and currants; beautiful arbor of climb ing roses. There re 250 rose bushes and 'numerous high-class shrubs. Stable or garage, chirk en houses and park,for 600, chick ens, vegetable garden, which sup plies the tuble. Six blocks from the streetcar. Price $6000; terms $2500 cash, balnnr to suit. Will accept good lot 60x100, well loc cated, as part payment. Whitmer-Kelly;Co. 70 Fourth St. . $250 down, balance $20 per s month with 7 ner cent interest, for a mnr 5 Worn house, Vernon, lot 60x100; price $500 DOWN - Balance 1Z5 per -month;- 7 -per cent Interest, 7 room modern house, close ln, iui duiu; price tzuu. 11000 DOWN 6 room modem house near Stark St., lot ovxiuu; price uu; time to buu; 7 per cent Interest. PEPER & BAKER, 444 Sherlock bldg., 4th and Onk sts. -W0-Down-- 6 room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases. laundry trays; 1 block from school. Price $3800. $100 Cottage, 6 large rooms'. 50x100 foot lot. beautiful view, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, everything modern. Prlte $2700. Miss Powell, Owner, Tabor 1J47. Hawthorne district, new 6 room btin- falow, 3 large bedrooms, double wln ows, full cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, east front; a real home at the right price. It will coat you nothing to see it. Just nhone owner. Tabor 651 , AT ACTUAL COST. Fine new 5 room bungalow on 50 foot lot iwar car and beautiful park. Modern and cornDleite. ilnuhl cnn. structed. Fireplace, oak floors, built In buffet, bookcases, - catrr"ete-.r"buTf el kitchen. This is a little hemitv hum fn . home and will be sold at actual r.amt of construction $2750. Small cash pay ment and balance like rent. uyywKH. 3oi wiicox bldg. BUNGALOW at Mount Taborfone block . rroni mi. xaoor carllne. conven nt. nigh, good view of city, best neighbor- 1"0"" - must at seen to be appreciated Built bv owner for homn l npsirps to sell on account of going to WILL SELL AT COST. lIGno. terms, J800 cash, balance 125 per month. This will pav 10 per cent as an investment. Journal ONLY J1300, a new 3 room house-on 60x100 lot In Irvlngton Heights, close In on E. 17th St.; has hot and cold water. sewer connections, si:ik and patent toilet, wired ror electricity, telephone; also basement excavated for larger house You get a beautiful view from this house. A bargain for someone. Phone U-ZU1H. ' This Is the Home Tou have so long been loklng for. It's umy j.ou casn or terms, it is modern In every detail, splendid lot. fine loca tion. 1 block to car. I have others to snow you. . Owner,-Sellwood 87 BUY NOW. LAI IRELHU RST. $50 CASH. rooms, built-in buffet, bookcase. sona osk noors, nreplnce, rurnace. JB0 monthly. Includlnir interest. nrli iunn National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Cham- ner or commerce. Phone Majn SI 29. 150 DOWN. ROSR CITY PARK. ON CAR LINE, E. 48TH ST. rooms, fireplace. ' basement, etc. cash $50. balance tS5 per month, includ ing interest. Natlbnal Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4Eatf$50 Down and $15 a Month ' 8 I Buys lOJxlOO and cheap 3 room house: city water and graded street. M-V car line. Price $1250. G. L. WERR. 414 EAST STARK ST. A Real Sacrifice Most artistic and substantial little room house, in A-l reslrlenca district, cash fir terms. 1 defy anven ta-dtfnH-cate this bargain ln Portland. Owner, m ini.- laoor Bo4. Big Bargain I must sell ntw B room, house, cost $2600. next 5 days; will take $2000; only $100 down, balance like rent Owner. 60.8 McKav Mdg. IF you want a NEW TWO room house a lovely little cottage, on lot 50x1 oo" Bull Run water, 3 blocks from Rose City carllne, . ln nice, district for $;no $75 cash. $lf. month, get busy; It won't last long. K-202. .Journal. FIVE room new modern housi!, 1 block from L car; lot 60x100; close in, good neighborhood; $34. Anderson, phone Woodlawn 2220. No agents or real es tate men wanted. $2100 6 ROOM house, east front, good plumbing, electric lights, etc., lot 50 xlOO, street graded, cement walk,' one block from car; terms. Jns. I). Ogden 848. Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 202 $50 CASH, $15 MONTH; $1100 4 room plastered cottage, lot iMx 100. Of course it beats paying rent Fred W. German, 436 Chamber of Com merce. Main 644 5. FIVE room house in Alberta district Full basement with barn or garage close to carllne. Price $27.r)0. Terms easy. Particulars, 11-297, Journal FIVE room house, 60x100 lot, on SelU wood car line; modern; your price my price; 1392 E. 14th, Westmoreland, '2 bloc k a. A 1 BARGAIN If taken at bnce, 6 room modern btiniitalow. gas, and electric, lot 50x100, $1850, terms, owner." ".'mi E -6tn N- Alberta car. UNE 8 room house ln Council Crest Park on Mt. Adams drive, beautifullly finished, 2.1ms. fine view, 3 blocks from car line. Phone A-4939. GOOD $ room" house Mt. Tabor paved streets, j block to car; terms- or pari trade. Phone or call evenings. Tabor 36C6. Owner, 189 E. 68th ' fffoo buys a big lot, 60x3 20, with a 2 room plastered house. A dandy place for 2 people. $160 cash, $10 per month M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. . SNAP For Immediate sale,' Bwell i room . Hawthorne bunealow: m,i street, $2800; some cash. Phone B- 2880. FINE BROAPWAY Home, half price. Several lots. Eaft 273. W H. Herdman. C-1866. WHY pay rent when you can , buy a tgood home for thp price of a lot? Owner. K-2D4. .journal. $BVVV- HPoem?-w4 bum, besot if nt house on 41st near Fremont. Reld the owner, at house. East 6189. . ARTISTIC homes, pluns $S and $10; hundreds to select from; book free. Pottland Bldg. Ass'n, 323 Mohawk bldg NICE 6 room cottage, lot 80x100, well 1mpfovV( at Lenta, cheap .by owner. Win. 'Holl, Washington, bldg. 61 ' V ! FOR SALE HOUSES 01 1 ; . , A CI Ui AGE ' 07 j . 1 : : . . ' - . . - ' . 1 . I - 1 1 ' 1 IT . 1 1.. . HI Ifc fyinnujEiyi. Must sell at once my nice, new 6-room home with 1 acre of fins garden land, fruit trees, berries, good well, chicken house, 60 chickens, 10 cords of wood', only two blocks from Oregon Electric; $300 cash will handle it. Call at 418 Board of Trade, t ' Mil .DISTRICT' . Vai mnrlarn iilv.mrtm KMa1ai A ' J , IllUUtl II, ClA-t Will UUIlfUlU with fireplace, bookcase, hall seat, oloiilt room, beam celling, Dutch kitchen, hard wood f loors.-f loored-attic, -XulLxe ment basement, laundry trava: close td school and car, restricted district; price $3000. - One In Richmond district at $3250; lot 40x100. Geo, A, Ross. Owner 3 0 t-Qg-rUngap- Bldg.- Phone Main 2970. .:. .V $30 Per Month - - INCLUDING INTEHEST. Terms Terms Owner going to California: must sell new double constructed bungalow, lo cated Just two blocks from Sunnysid or ML Tabor car, close to school and churches; lot 46x100', 6 bearing fruit trees, fine garden and lawh; all street assessments paid; if this house suits w-e will make tha terms satisfactory; must be sold by the 16th of August. An ewer quick. Tabor 3089 Hoirifv Sweet Home We have houses ln Irvlngton. Beau mont and Irvingwood, finished, ready to move In and if these houses are not to your liking we will build for vou in any.. part, of this city after your own Ideas; we don't require any down pay ments and sell our houses on the basis of $1 per $100 or, in other words, a $3000 house would cost you $30 per month, which would Include Interest at 7 per cent. Why not have an equity in your own home at tha end of another year Instead of a bundle of rent re ceipts? Come ln and let us explain. NEIL DURFMNGER, PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE, noincnna iqg. Mar. $826. A-46BB Nice 5 room bungalow on 50x100 lot. treat improvements paid, for. no mort gage acalnst nronertv. Thl hnm. completely furnished throughoit; oil uurnxng piant is installed for kitchen range and hoater ln living room; good garage. Will sell this home to reliable parties on easy terms; wiH make liberal discount for. substantial cash pavment; am offering this Home nt $3700, on terrrwi, which-s a low figure for the property. Phone Tabor 626 or even ings Tabor 3860 Irvington Home Owner Is moving east and will not rent, nut Will sell at n irront rertncHnn- 6 room modern, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch, etc. The owner Is offering it for ouiek sale At $7250; $1500 cash, balance like rent at 7 per cent. Ask for Mr. Eastman. O. S. SMITH A CO., 432 Chamber of Commerce. UNFORTCNATE CIRCUMSTANCES Prevent my occupying my new home. Must sacrifice; will take $500 cash and balance of H?.hn on inn iim.. terms. Beautiful modern 6 room rsi- dence, no cheap bungalow; hardwood Hoofs, buljt-ln buffet, furnace flrp. plnce. sleeping porch: everything" first SL8o"Bt Rest,rfcl'i residence district. J- 792, Journal. FIVE room bungalow near Russell St., ' 2ani); tnis weeg; 4 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE LOTS $25 Down," $10 a Month BUYS A QUARTER ACRE on Mount Tabor and remember the price is only $975. , O. WEBB, 414 east Stark st. FINE, sightly VK acre at Ryan station. on Oregon Electric Ry., 20 minutes from Portland, 6c fare, for less than you can uy city lot. Lovely location rojEIaiiuJy home, garden, fruit, etc. i Your own terms. Box 336. P. O.. Port land. 4- ' $800 BUYS over V4 acre, covering big lots, 40x100 ft., with water nlped to it. Fine soil, no rocks, beautiful view.. 20 minutes' car ride. Fine country road $25 cash. J10 per month. M. E. Lee. 311 f'orbett bldg. 4 ACRES 5 cent fare, beautiful view of Mt. Hood. Mt. Adams. Mt. St. Helens and the Columbia and Willamette rivers. On hard surraqpa road. Onlv $1500; . cash. M. E. r,oe, 311 Oorbeft bldg. $350 BUYS ) BEYS ft beautiful V, sor with w ator nlnr1- to front V lnt .Ml e fitlt n n A t a ril an 9(1 mtnnta.' r.n m M. I .. . .. - . - t and earden. 20 minutes' car r H- $15 cash. $5 per month. M. E. Lee. 311 ! Corhett bldg. $325 BUYS a fine home lot, 60x100, one block from carllne. fine soil, no rocks 20 minutes' car rldo. good view, big future to this property. $15 cash, $5 per rnonm. m, Yj-. Lea. 31-1 rorhett bldg. $1200 BUYS an acre of fine soil, an exceptionally fine home Place. 6 cent fare, 15 minutes' ride. Term's to suit miver, M. w. lew, 811 Uorhett bldg SEE Le Noir Oo. for west side Drop. erty. exclusive dealers In west side realty. 8S7 Chamber of Comeree. ACREAGE 57 5 Acres All level, Tualatin valley land sandy loam soil best garden and berry land in the cotintry; 4 l,i acres perfectly cleared, V4 acre green timber for fuel and shaJe. on county 'road, V4 rnlle from school, 12 miles from the center of Portland. Th!c,kly settled, fine neighborhood. . Price $1100. You make the terms. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co 219-221 Board of Trade.,'' , ' ' ' A Living Spring On a nice 7 acre tract of land, suitable for truck gardening, close to Portland, with the best of electric-transportation facilities will appeal, to you. The tract with these advantages is planted to po tatoes, and can .be sold on easy j pui vii cm, rt down. Trust Co. terms, with a naymej The Tn-Yeorr-Bldg- . . Garden Home Snap 5 acres, beautiful shade trees, run ning creek, neur station. $22.50. $1000 cash. ftTAVEK, 614 CUUCII BLDtJ. ' $260 1 HAWTHi WIDE HIGH fiNAP HAWTirnHvw moTDTw z acres. 1400. $500.. $600 ner trnct- On lJn ln i ma. vyiuametie river. rrrt H,-,f,rtnt im, oi acres, tsoili in r Vu tinn- a 'boat landing on place: Newberg. Yam MENT." T.OT Kftvmn lupn rioiA $2000; 40 acres timber. $2400. RanrhM 1 county; on. main street and sTRt'FT ttt-viti t uiM w f,r.tc. all kinds for sale. Easy term Pr.nV ! road, almost adjoining where the ne km nXorn i.rAm., MoFrlnd RBitv r-n ina vU v.i,i 'steel brldce tn to cross the Willamett m.p IWZir rffi SlPortlRnd. Or. " ' river; allkinds of fruit and small MOITRK is KVA-a S7TW ST ci'i.i p A A i . Vn bearing: liousc, barn, ch cken hou ivtnjAicZr TirTAirii 'r-r'XAT V HM Unnnn n TV and park; plenty of Water; or 7 n ct.dWt"" vu0 vu, .v "'r,rZt??- -v .. . H of blaek-bottom lanA flna garden " ' niuv oi. i v kc. una aui r a 1 1 imuruvtn I nil t npr. mum - - , , $25 to $65 Per Acre " ' Easy Terms On a railroad, within 25 miles of Portland. Creek and spring water. Excursion Sunday, Aug. 11th. Call or write for further Inform ation and literature. - - Office Open till :30 prm.'M.im C9T, Lueddemann-Bothfur & Co, 913-17 Chamber of Commerce. Bldg.' IF THERE is A SNAP IN THE HILLSBORO DISTRICT ' This Is It -J-ACREStSOO. Small .payment down.- ; 17 Miles from Portland. I miles from two other towns ana electric car. Tou cannot buy the land next To this for less than., $250 per acre. Just as represented. I arrf so i.sltuited that Imtfst sell. This Is positively the cheapest Land in tho country, considering Location, quality of soil. eto. O. A. NICHOLS, OWNER. . 90? Wilcox- bldg. Phone Marshall 15. A-3053. 1 1-S ACRES, shutting on Fourth-. street line of Southern Pacific, 40 minutes west of 4th snd .Wash ington; poles arid trolley wires Tiow bglnjr T)tir over-thtg-ltrre-to-run electric cars; commuters' fare 14c. . This all cleared at $500 pee acre, payable 50 cash and $5 in terest per month. The Shaw-Fear Go, Main-35. 102 Fourth St. A-3600. 6 ACRES at $250 per or. only 4 mile south of St. Mary's sta tion, on Foufth-st. -line; only 12o fare to commuters: 30 minutes from 4th and Washington sts., on monthly pavments. The Shaw-Fdar Co, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. AS500. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap . 120 Uo to $45 tier. acre, on terms. Tracts of 5 acres or more; deep, red shot soil, well watered: easliv cleared; ldal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers, 70S- Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 807 Evenings East 394, - I ACRES down the Willamette, on west side and 2,4 miles back from river and Cc car fare, for $175 per acre, on monthly pay ments. The Shaw-Fear Co. Wain 35. 102 Fourth St. A-3500. HOOI RIVER BARGAIN. 5 acres, all planted to choice varieties of commercial apples, on main rnunty road, only a few miles (in t of town of uood Kiver; in fine condition; 2 to 4 ' years old. Price only $3000. Wlll .ac- irein unimruinoerea resiaence lot in I'ort land as first payment and glvo long time on balance. Address owner, J-719, Jour nal. 10 Acres for $300 $10 Cash,: $5 Per Month RunniBg Stream, good soil, nrosnpr. ous farmers all around snd good niar- kpt- "War Portland; perfect title and I warrarHy deed. I 212 I.JfT. EXCHANGE, 2D FLOOR. ! CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port land. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, setrlnd nuinlru in 1'!!' ApBn'1 vefetables.of all kinds. "5,7. "i"1"6"'. "i "in rnce sjuou. lane in;8om oity property In trade. 444 Sherlock" bldg. 3d and Oak. A Choice Half Acre Tract On Estaada carllne; mile from city limits; 6Hc car fare. Oood soil, city water, easy terms; see owner, 912 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Phon Marshall 1585. Residence Sellwood 476. 5 Acres for $250 $10 CASH. BALANCE $.' PER MONTH - One-mile from Kmppt tnd R.; itn-Morn-close ta school and worki good soil. Knsppa is a good market 212 RY. EXCHANGE, 2D FLOOR. $35 Per Acre iiuys a Tine 40 acra tract nejir Sliver ton, adjoining IL R 15 acres nearlv rondy for plow; lies well; No 1 soli beautiful farms adjoining $250 down' balance terms. 232 H Wash., room If.' 40 acres on Estacada car line. 1 mile from station, on fine mud . n,u Ifrom Portland, 9 acres in cultivation 6 IPARllv nlnatAil .moll ,' T.-i ""U2T:J .""ning - ut cash. iseo me ror a snap. 4ui wii - t- .' Icox bldg. RanTain in Am TrciMc Close to Salem Electric, deep rich soil level, all cultivated, $150 per acre $ld down, only for next 6 days. Owner. 608 McKay bldg... . " ' $10 Down $5 monthly, 82x368, $476, at station, clen Va'fr M Z'W. Hnrv blda Mnrshnll iii7 ' - , "7.. . ! FOR SALE OR RENT 3 acres, on Ore- gon Electric, 10c fare, 4 room house, ' jine -waier, narn, iamity orchard, 6 kinds small fruit, 2 acres strawberries only 2 blocks from station; dome furni ture in house: terms. Room 10 Cam bridge bldg, 3d and Morrison. $10 Down $5 monthly, 80x212, $475. Oregon Cltv car, 25 minutes out. Cleared, fine soil See Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main KM 7. A-7S40. . - "aln WILL sell you f to 80 acres of improved land at station on Oregon Electric line, $200 -to..$225 per acre. $2 down an acre and 60c por week. Owner, JC-10'" Journal. , 16' ACRES $1700. Fine place for home: less thnn i H mile e in aa- num. new ciuvli it.-- line: uue acre n an. plos; Bpring, running water, ftn rioU; rn v ici inn. v "n hbi ( uui Bt'inqing DWlff " , 2 ACRES, MEf 2ER. $375 EACIL " 7Hc fare, on Oregon Electric. 'A acre cleared. I defy yau to duplicate this price. Fred W. German, 436 Cham- oer or commerce, iwam n4 5.C28 acres, with house and outbuild lugs, on carline soon to be electri fied. Fine Boil, cleared, etc. TJrl- $2450 Particulars. H-298, Journal. NOTHING FINER FOR ' A, home; 2 acres, cleared, running, water on car ilrje. near city, $1600; terms' 1203 Yeon bldg. HALF aero garden tracts $400 each; .aasy-iiiuas;. a a. cuji iiutcsxida on r.l '620 LumbermenTi adero line. Owner, hblde. WILL sell vuii 10 acre tracts of land In Vnlon county,. near EUin, Or., -$40 for aero; $10 down on 10 acre tract, and 5c per week. Owner, K-j 03. Journal. 80 ACRES In rrain. Or., for sale by own ers at 166 E. 35th Btv 87 -04-TkCRES. 1 2 5-PER-AGRJiU ACREAGE Lies good, all good shot soil, no rock near school; old house, . good new frame barn 36x40, other jutbulldlngs,' well and running-water, some bearing fruit; 10 acres cleared, part of balance very easily cleared, balance fine timber; location Washington , county, 29 miles frokn city; quarter cash, 'balance 6 years. I f you w n t ,-li om e or. In van laient . sea . this. 214 Lumbermens bldg. FOR, SALE 694 acres rich, black soil 65 miles south of Portland, . mil west of Crowley station; 9-room house, barn and other outbuildings; bearing or. chard, large garden plat, "pasture with running water over half year. Call at residence or address Mrs. J. W, Gray, Rlckreall. Polk Co., Or. R. 1. ' FOH SALE FA1SMS 17 On main county road. 1 miles to" town and RrRTTvithtn 25-mile circle d Portland; best of BOIL, house, barn, orchard. This place can be bought for $50 per acre less than adjoining land; easy terms. Here's your chance to get a good farm cheap. '" For further information, call and see nie. - q( H. KIeinsorge " 418 Board of Traue. Main 906. This Is Attractive . 4Wvcres. a verv attractive ranch, well loctftcui near-good town,-22 miles from Portland. 35 acres in hleh state of culti vation, t acres timber, oak, fir, ash and VtnemnaplnrBbOTXt-16 acres high grade black soil; fine 5 room house with hot and cold water, water piped to barn; flna large barn, granary, chicken house, and other buildings; an extra fine span matched horses, 4 extra fine cows, 3 hogs, about 200 hens and chickens. There is all farming machinery and tools, consisting of new binder, mower. disc, rake, plows, harness, wagons, hack, etc., brand new gas engine and pressure tank. The barns are full and overflow? fhg with hay and grain. This ranoh will appeal to you. It la better than can be described. Tha price Is $9760, $4000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent Ask for Mr. Eastman.. -- O. 8. SMITH A CO.. 482 Chamber of Commerca. Farm Land 20 acres, 14 miles to Portland, I to town; fine roads and view; 16 aors$ spuds, splendid orchard; box house, run- nlng water and well. Only $3200; small amount down, balance long time. 20 acres and stock, 13 miles, to Port- . land, 1 Vi to town, 1 to auto road: creek, orchard;. 3 room house, good; buildings, and all stock, cheap. 40 acres, 14 miles to Portland, 2 to to-wnr good Toads-atid View;- box house, w-ell and creek: best of soil, all tillable; 10 acres. In crop, . balance fine wood Only $3200; terms. - 10 or 20 acres, 2H miles to Sherwood, 13 to Portland; good roads, fine soil, $75 per acre; $200 cash, balance $100 per years at 6 per cent.: W, H. Seitz & Co, 310 Spalding Rldg. Main 6684. Alberta Land Is going fast. The C. P. R. R. has sold nearly 150,000 ncreg of land ln the last three months and you must hurry If you get some of this cheap land. When this Is gone there will be no more $.11 land close to a railroad ln a climate that Is so productive and so delightful to live (n. Saturday, August 10, at 8- p. m. a larpje party Is lesvlng for Calgary, liseturn fare $40. Join us at that time and look this country over. W. G. IDE. AGENT, Canadian Pacific Ry. Lands, 2 Lumbermen's bldg.. Ground Floor. ferrr w e YriHt S9 crs land. . irnn mBfle one'0T the"nlcest homes !n the Wlltamett- Valley and a paying i proposition. inronosltion. Priee $4000. PeDer & Ba- Ker, 114 snenocK oiag., corner 3a ana Oak sts. 8S miles from Portland, 6 miles on mnendam road to R. R. station; house; barn, other outbuildings; 12 acres clear, 15 loads of hay In barn, good garden crop; running wnter; near cream sepa rator. All for $2500. Th1 Is a snap. D, M, BAKER, 611 Corbett Bldg. CEAPAN& 10 or 20 acres unimproved land, 22 miles northeast of Portland 8 miles from electrlo line; good soil. Will sell for $60 per acr; $1 down, $1 per acrs -monthlv, no Interest. This is good agrt cultural land and Just the place to get a real start In life. See Morgan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE A TRUST COMPANY. f Third Floor Chamber of Commerca,'? A BARGAIN. 70 acres of very good high shot soil. 7 hi miles from WWn and railway sta tion, a good location, fine water, all fenced, buildings, a good bearing orchard of 3 acres, all kinds of berries and fruit, school u mile, church H mile. Prica $5400- $200 cash, remainder terms and low 'Interest, 6 per cent. Write to F. E. rioliemiller, .RIdgefleld, Wash. Kotite No. 2, box 1SB. . 20 Acres, $600 .ou a splendid ilece of farm l.nd v mues or town ji rare from Port- lnn mlle of c00, riose neighbors. springs and running water. $100 cash, balance easy terms. CLAUDE COLE. 1117 Boalfl of Trade bldg. 6000 ACHEH With water for irrigation, good bull.l lngs, ln the famous Shields river valley Montana; big crops every year assured, price $60,000, very, easv terms or will trade for Portland prnpertv, a splen did bargain. See owner, 307 Railway Exchange bldg. 16-.ACRR farm. 10 acres under cultiva tlon, running water, S miles west of court house, 2o minutes' walk from St Marys station on C-reunn Electric R. it! Will take houso and lot ln city as part payment. Price $4000. Inquire- for M, Hitter at Oregon Journal .betwen 8 ana 10 o'clock In the evening. - BY OWNER 160 acres, about 30 cleared; 3 miles. rrom town; good ,poll; free range; large house, barn, log l-oot houne, spring water; stock and Im plements; on Tuttlo river. Write own er F. o; Anderson, box 94. Caatlerock. Wash. t YOUR opportunity, Montana., best .farm lands, $15 per acre and up"; ro years to pay tor It, . per cent Interest- on de ferred payments-. Round trip excursion rates, 433.60, Sea owner, 307 Railway Exchanae bldg. POttLTRY ranch for sal.., one mile from S. P., 10 acres with creek, 2 acres in fruit, new house, barn, chicken houses. Will also sell poultry. Price $20i')0 Owner, W. C. Qjaddv, (ornellus Or; LOOK 4ft acres, in Washington- coun (nnnlv fine soil, living water 111 so- ioS cash, balance to suit. 1203 Yeon bldg. CALJfORV! irrigate-' rsrm lands " C. L. BAMBERGER, 705 SpaldlngBlds-. 00 nc res. all tllfahlo hn ance running... water, $20 per acra ' terms. F.. Dubois. 1203 Yeon tldg. tor AG RE JRM-. .. VaNwme jf 'b