Hlne IP sMiee 5 Tine ' JJ ouspnisili Us . TWO ,VOL.XI. NO. 131. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING-AUGUST 7, 1912. EIGHTEEN;- PAGES, PRICE TWO CENTS o truss ito mrwg STAKES mE CXHTS. nrKn nrBn nri no rn rt rt o rr n rr-n nrsj in m v n a nrrr iIMio . .J'.---r..-. B 1 r- ft , - I - - - -t:-.. M jt. I . ft, ft - sBl :-.-. --irizr- ft ft, --i..'.-.--tttt I I ft E ft 1 ft . ft 1 1 - ssBT ' - - J . .aBF ft -, . ft ft - ft I BB ft ft, ftft ftft Lt, ftft " ft . K , ft ft , ., ft ft ,. If ?. . AinniiiiiAnAiri': I .ij:---J : , t " : r : : Ininrnn in nriwrrr Inni nurriimiirn li "nlnni I "nnnrninTf t WUIHfll aiUUI iionnwcstern League MS ft mm UlLUHtL NArfltu "asgoSuK pull BMiarmi ) THE SEALS TODAY PLATFORM PASSES ?f T.R FOR PRESIDEHT ; Tlit batting ortri Taeoma ' """ Portln4- MUUos, if. MoMuJlln, . Nlffhor, rt. Xiyuobf of . - Holdtrmatt, faaara, 3. , XaXonpt, o. Mtlklc, p. - Umpire Toman. KibbU, 3b. . rrlca, rf. pa, It. MoDowall, ab. WlUUms, lb. Burob, o. - -Maboney. cf, Colirln, . BloomfUld, p. Vaughn Street Basebalt Grounda. Portlapd, A Or-. 7. Vlck Klnsclla, official acout tor Rodger Breanahan'a Cardinals, wltnesstd the third ifama of the Port-land-Tacoma Be'rtes from a box. Klnsella waa lrapreBsed with the way that Mc Dowell and Kibble played. Willlama used the aame lineup, with Bloomfield on the mound and Mikle, forrtier San Franciaco heaver, pitched for the Tigers. '.::.-. rirat Znalng. . Taooma Million beat out a bunt and went to se-ond on Bloomf leld'a -error. McMutlen wrlffed. Neighbors waa re- tired by McDowell and Williams, Mil lion going to third. Kibble and Wil liams retired Mlka Lynch at first. J&Q nn nriA lilt. ' P6rtlab Ct Clbble ninglrd to 1e- f teld,l yrle.s filed to Million, epeas inBieu i left field. McDowell filed to OooUman. Williams filed to Goodman.' No runs, two hits. Second Inning. Taeoma Coltrin's throw retired Good man at the first sack. Holderman skied to Mahoney. Janscn out, Coltrln to WHllas. No runs: no hits. Trrtipnd Riimh out. Melkle to Hol- lr. MURv- out, McMulUnJP I Holderman. Coltrln singled to 'rignt. Bloomfield walked. Kibble" fanned. No runs; one hit. 1 Tnird Znnlnr. : . 'faboma La Ionsre safe on McQ Dftf- .rift Williams. MtUtWKtitilud juuum ouimiouie fU'dner moving up a notch. Neighbors Out. Bloomfield to Willlama. No t-uni, o hits. v . Portland Fries grounded to Ooofl. Tnan aad was out t first base. Bpea out, Meikleto- Hnlderman. McDowell ' out, McMuITtng to Holderman. No run no hits. Fourth Inning. - T- Tacoraa Bloomf ild -wa-et-hla-best in thla Inning and fanned Lynch, Good man and Holderman. No runs, no hlta. Portland Williams out on his fly to renter. Lynch getting the putout. Neigh bors retired both Burch and Mahoney. No runs, no hits. rifth Inning. Taroma Jansen flledT lo"MeBOWtl. La Longe singled down the first base line andn was forced at second wnen McDowell made a beautiful stnp on Mel kle's grounder, Coltrln covering second on the play. Million fanned. No runs, one lilt. - --' Portland-ColtTtrrBtngled-across-the keystone sack. Bloomfield fouled out to Holderman.. Coltrln was cought off flrst and was ont. Metkle to Holderman to McMuUin. Kibble fanned. No runB, one h It. , Sixth Inning.. Tncomn McMui lenr -waa gnen a pass to: first base.' Nelsrhbors' lined . out to Mahoney. Lynch filed to Mahoney. Mc Mullrn out steeling, Burch . to Coltrln. rtv runs, iiu iiivw. - Portland Fries filed to Jansen.TcaaJ filed to Neignbors. wcuoweu rannea. Nq runs, no hits. ; BUTTE RACE ENTRIES ITTtlltHl Ptrr I1M4 WtT. I Butte.-"Mont Aug. ".Tomorrow's entries: First race. 5tt furlongs, selling, I year-olds and up. Aargose 111, Tlll- inKhsst 111. Dottle B. 100, Lee Harrison II 104 Master Guy 104, Frank Ruhstal. ler 10f; Vlelble 101, Auto Girl 9. Golden Shower1 99, Vlmur 94. Apprentice tllownnce. Second rare, futurity course, selling, J-ycnr-olds and up. Harlem Maid 104, Busnn F. 104, Bellsnlcker 104, Burning Butih 104. Big Claim 104, Odd Rose 10'.', Patriotic 102. tjueen Ruth 10ft, Hasel . 100, Baby Young 95. Third race, six furlongs, selling, I year-olds and up. Tim Judge 109, No Quarter 109. J. H. Reed 108, Arbutus 107. Little Jane 107. Black Mate 106, Butterbnll 103, Acumen 103, llalronla 103 Joe Knight 102, Flnnlgln 99. Fourth race. 6,4 furlongs, handicap, l4-vear-nMs and up. Cough Hill 118, Kn fleld 1J. Deddy Gip. 101. Lady Pan clilta 101, Sidney Peters 91. Fifth race. mile, selling, t-year-olda and up. Osalan 111, Misprison 109, Os curo 108 -The Peer 108. Hawley 10, Miss KOrn 104. Lew Hill 103, Beatrice Soule 101. , Blxth race, futurity course, selling, S-vear-olds and np. Cool 111, Deerfoot 113, Parnell Girl 113. Definite 109, Miss Pay 07. Marie Hyde 107, Error 105, Cavorter 100. To Journal Readers The omission of th usual Sat. Lurdnjr comic supplement and oth er features of the Hnturday and Sunday edition la due to the fact' that The Journal la now moving Into ite -new quarter at Berenth and Yamhill. As soon aa the presses are Installed all the fn miliar Xcatttrvs ofTlielwo editions nil! be resumed. ' - : AT PORTLAND NUMBER SPOKANE.... SEATTLE . . . . . . .............. AT SEATTLE NUMBER INNINGS . . . "V VICTORIA VANCOUVER . . . . . AT VANCOUVER NUMBER Pacific Coast League PORTLAND. SANERANCISCO i .... . -e - A 1 OA rXAlU10CU nUX104 lrtlUi . . . VERNON i... LOS ANGELES . ... AT LOS ANGELES-NUMBER INNINGS : R. OAKLAND SACRAMENTO ...... . . AT SACRAMENTO NUMBER INNINGS. mm PUCES EOF: LT BEFORE (Cnlt.d rreat UaeM Wlre.t Chlrago, Aug. 7. In nominating Col onel Roosevelt for president at the na tional Progressive convention here, William A. Prendcrgast. controller of the city of New Tork. said In part: "This great gathering owes lta being to a mighty protest against those who have tried to. poison the wells of de mocracy. Appreciating the stupendous task before It, the Progressive party de cline' to- accept the cynical doctrine of Napoleon that good Is on the side of the heaviest battalions, and it pro teases sublime - faith In the teaching of Abraham Lincoln tnat 'right makes might. . "My candidate Is more than a rlttsen. He is a national asset. In thla mo mentous period of political doubt there la no man. who preaenta aueh credentials aa his. This candidate baa success written' In every page of his official caj-eer. He haa fought the most vicious forces, in American life and conquered them. He aurrendered the presidency In the hope that other hands would prosecute successfully what he had not the time to finish. That task baa been treated with Intermittent loyalty and largely left undone. "My candidate represents the most striking and eventful ctvto career In American history. He la one whose originality of thought and directness of action-haa made him a unique figure. He' baa touched every duty. With the gold of conscientious service and es tablished a reputation that haa chal lenged the applause of the public." Reviewing Colonel Roosevelt's career, Prendergast said: "While others talked be acted. Where the Interests of the people were menaced ha baa known no fear and asked no quarter. None haa been ao powerful aa to awe him and before him the greatest raptalna of Industry have lowered their lanres. He ia the only man In public 1 f e" whTm'lh.jrgefffiteTyr eafTTl galnat their opposition, which- vlndlctlveneas haa never been equalled In politics, he has fought at tlmea single handed. To NAM ROD CONVENTION INNINGS. H. H. INNINGS. .......... ... . . ..... . .fl such ajeader the hearts of millions jjf Americana are turning In this national crisis. Such a leader thev auk vnn to give the nomination In thla hour as their -hope As the brusadera of old pledged themselves to God and countrv so do we consecrate our lives to a serv ice that democracy, ordained by divine power, may endure. "Aa the leader of this crusade, I pre eent to you Americas greatest states man and lion-hearted rltlien Theodore Roosevelt." In aecondlng the nomination of Roose- veii, nenry j. Alien or Knnsaa snid In part : - "When, six weeka ago, the discarded national Republican committee, as Its last errecttve act on earth, defraurli-d the Republican party of the right to be the progressive party of the nation It could not defraud the American pop!e of their right to have a progressive pariv. "We are here because we cannot ac eepi tne cynical and Immoral doctrine tnat all is rair in pontics. We are here because we will not abide by the loose proclamation of practical politicians that it la the duty of honest men to 'take their medicine,' no matter what fraud Is compounded therein, provided ii ia laDeiea 'regular. -Si Seattle, Waslu, Aug. 7. Today's bat- venae t BTpokne-Xraft and Devogt, attle Oordoa sad Whaling. YeaoonTer, B. a, Aug. T. Todays aavTeneai Ttctorla Kaafmaa sad Meek. TanoowTer Clarke and Lewis. Xs Angeles, Aug. T. Today's bat series i Teraoa Braekenrldge and Agaew. X Angeles Chech and Smith. Umpires Casey and McCarthy. . Saarsaieato, CaL, Ang. T. Today's Im Irenes I "OaklaadJBiUUay and Bohrer. S a orasaemto W U llama and Cbeek tTsaptreajrinnsy and . Wfceeleajr txrpsn"-ifTrrDTrTTrtierTofnrT corsage bouquet fresh while It la beinrr worn, has been Invented by a French woman. ' ' ' R. E. R. E. aaWMatadS R. H. EH E. k mi R. H. m BATTERIES TODAY ISlwIil to Tti iarmit. San Francisco, Aug, 7. Today's line up: POBTXiAITO siv rAircisco vundorff, rf Wuffll. 3b Howard, lb ' Hartley, e Corhan, Oid.on, if Moblar, 3b Berry, e Pitigsraid, rf apps, lb KoiLgans, 9b Xroegtr, cf Butcher, 3b Oha4bonrne, If Bancroft, as Howley, e Suter, p Henley, p tTmplr.a Towns.nd and XUldebrand. Sin Francisco, Aug. 7. The Seals and the Beavers this afternoon played the second game of their local series. Tlist Inning. Portland' Itjcgerald rannea. Rapps filed to Mohler. Rodgera singled. Krue ger hit by pitched ball. Butcher walked, filling the bases. Chadbourne out, Mohl er to Howard. No runs. San Francisco Mundorff out, Bultch er to Rapps. Wuffll walked., Howard singled. Hartley doubled, scoring Wuffll. Corhan fanned. Ged?on walked, filling the bases. Mohler walked, forcing In Howard. Hartley out . trying to score, Sutor to Howloy. Two runs. i Seoond Inning. " Portland Bancroft doubled. Howley sacrlfice1, Howard to lohler. Suto. out, Mohler to Howard. Fitzgerald out, Corhan to Howard. No runs. San Francisco Doane replaced Krue ger In center. Berry out, Bancroft to Rapps. Henley out, Rapps to Sutor. Mundorff out, to Rapps. No runs. Third Inning. Portland Rapps out. Corhan to How ard. Rodfiera filed to.Gedeen. Doane walkfrd.-- Butcher ftied- to Oedeon. No-1 runs. San Francisco Wuffll reach third on Fitzgerald's, error of his fly. Howard out. Butcher toTRapps. Hartley fanned, Corhan singled, scoring Wuffll. Oedeon fouled to HarUey,.One rup ... , : -.5, JtWtVH laalSf . V' f Portland Chadbourne. I doubled.' ftaaw --ifofoiWtrlJUBdorffto Howard, ley singled, scoring Chadbourne. Sutor filed to Gedeon. Howley executed a de layed Iteal. Fltsgeratd fanned. One run. 8an Francisco Mohler walked. Berry aacriflfed. Sutor to aRppa. ' 'Henley walked and Mohler stole third. Mundorff singled, scoring Mohler. Wuffll foulod to Henley. Howard doubled, scoring Hen ley and Mundorff, Hartley filed to first. Three runs. Tlfth Inning. Portland No runs. San Franciaco No runs. PHILLIES DEFEAT E AGAIN: E IS 4 101 rrtBiig- rtn Iiea Wtss.1 - Philadelphia, Pa.,, Aug. 7. The Phil lies again today defeated the Chicago Cuba. The acore was 4 to 1, as fol lows: - R. H. E. Chicago .." 1 0 Philadelphia 4 10 1 Batteries Reulbach and Archer; Rix- ey and KUllfer. umpires Eaaon and Johnstone. At Boston: R. H. E. Cincinnati 11 IS 1 Boston J 13 2 Batteries Benton snd Clarke: Heas, Donnelly, Brown and Rarldan. l mp!r.?s Klem and Orth. At NeV Tork R. If. E. Pittfhurg 7 1 0 New Tork 2 S S BotUrles O'Toole and Kelly: Math- ewson, Kirny ana Meyera. i mpires Owen and Brennan. At Brooklyn R. If. E. Rt. Louis 7 14 2 Brooklyn I 11 0 Batteries Steele. Bailee, Harmon and Bliss, Wlngo; Allen and Miller. Um pires Rlglerand and Ftnneran. AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES At Chicago R. It. E. Washington 1 14 0 Chicago 1 S 3 Batteries Johnson, Engle and Atn- smlth; Lartge, fVters and Kuhn. plrif Dlmaen and O'Brien. I'm- At Bt. Ixula R.H. E. Philadelphia 7 10 1 St. Louie '.. J 7 i Batteries Coombs and Lapp! Baum gartner and Stephens. Cmplres Connolly and Hart. At Cleveland Boston Cleveland R.H. 4 4 7 Called at end of the ninth Inning on account of rain. " Batteries O'Brien, Hall and Carrl gen;. Mitchell and O'Neill. L'mplrcs Egan and Sheridan. At Detroit R. It. K. New Tork 1 3 TfrtTolt . t. 7 Iff 1 Batterlea Wafhop, Davis and Sween ey; Dubuc and Htanage. Umpires CUES I lit O Loughlln and Westervelt. , Cblcago, Ana;. 7. Oorernor Hiram Johnson, of California, waa nominated tola afternoon In the progressive con vention for the vio preeidenoy by Col. John SC. Parker, of Louisiana. Barker deolared Jobmson waa "as mnob of leader aa Xoosevelt." He saldi "He baa alwaya fongbt the fight of the peo pie and haa preralleA against overwhelm tag odds.. Ha la the best friend of the common people and the best man for the plaoe." Parker's speech waa brief. Chicago, XIL, Aug. 7. Tfceodore Boose, relt was nominated this afternoon for president by acclamation. The platform was adopted without debate by a viva tocs Tote. Then Oor erynor"0rsy,,of Wyoming, moved to suspend the rules so tnat Colonel Boos, eit could be declared the nominee for president by acclamation. . The motion was enthusiastically carried, HomlnaUoaa for Tics president were then Immediately called for, and John SCV Farter of rbonialana was recognised. Indlctmsata against atayor Bnahlight, Chief of FoXloe glove, Captain Of Se- tectms Baty ani Sergeant of Police tmltV war sll traud tbU tftsrao by rresldlns; uflge aaenpein of th elroait eoart.; X passing upoa the mat ter tM )u4 gam that thr facts . let forth to tie indictments did met soastl tt the crime charged that ef pub lis nulaanos by attempting 6' entrap Oepaty BUtrtot Attorney Collier by of. faring bin a bribe. The Judge said the only Indication of a crime; If .there be oner was .that 'of attempting to bribe the deputy,' but he had a serious doubt if tly facta stated could be construed in this light. 1 In his. final argument,- Attorney Dan Malarkey, - representing the defendants, bitterly denounced the district attorney, charging -Uiat-Reed and Maddux, w e r tn collusion with Ills' office In the scheme to bring discredit upon the city officials. BY FAST MATCH Taeoma. Wash., Aug. 7. Aside from the playing of the Sutton girls and Mel Long, the young player from the Uni versity of California, the feature of this morning's contests in the North west Tennis tourney waa the men'a dou bles contest between Breeze and Ket tenbach, against Prlngle and Brown. The former team won by the score of (-3, (-4 The second contest waa the moat ex citing of the tournament. Minn Mavy Sutton and Bister are -again taking part In the afternoon contests. Results of morning contests: Men's singled Trier beat Ewing, 4-6. -0, 1-0. A. L. Le. beat F. Tratt, 6-4, 4-6. 6-0. Ella Fottrell beat II. W. Green. 6-0. 6-2. Mined doubles Mrs, and Dr. Wheatnn beat Miss Pratt and Brown. 1-4. 6-2. 6-3. Miss Khaefer and Ella Fottrell beat Mr. and Mrs. Btafford. 6-1, 1-2. Florence Sutton and Mr. Beaaon de feated Mr. Lea and Mlas Bownn. 6-0, 6-3 Miss Fording and Mr. Wlckeraham beat Mla Eden and Mr. Black, 6-1, 6-2. First race Fansy, 1 to 1. even,' 1 to I. flrat; Tippy, I to I, 7 to 10, second; Lee Harrison, t to 8, third. Time, 1:14 1-6. Second race Quick Trip. 10 to 1, 4 to 1, 2 to 1. first: Lescar. t to 2, to &, second ;,OrImer Lad, even, third. Time, 1:011-8. Third race Icarltn, 4 to 1, 8 to I, 4 to 6, ftrat; Charreta. 4 to 6, 1 to 2. sec ond; Littleton. I to t, third. Time, 1:4 1-8. Scratch, Lew Hill. Fourth race Napa Nick, 11 to 5, I to 10, 1 to I, flrat; Absurd. 4 to 1, 2 to Jt second; rem L I to 2, third. Time; 1 :00. Fifth race Passenger, S tol, 4 to 5, 3 to 6. first; Pajarolta, 1 to I, out, sec ond. Kamey. n to 1. third. Time, 1:01. Scratch Deacendant, Mlas Sly. " if jiuer 1 was ttiP'NIH flood thts yesr' that, had It not been for the Asouan dam, Egypt would have Buffered an .r remedlSble flood. . . BILLS AGAINST TAGOMA TENNIS TOURNEY MARKED, BUTTE RACE RESULTS Hiram Johnson, Governor of Cali fornia, who today was nominat ed for vice-president at the Na tional Progressive, convention. Newport Or., Aug. T. It Is reported that the gasoline Schooner Nenamocha of the deep Tie-fleet went ashore en the south jstty'trilB noon Captain. Car aerof (he. Ole B. says the schooner was anchored near the Jetty using her foghorn, but Doleare, of the fishing fleet, says she was ashore when ' he cam In later. There ia a dense, fog and. nothing can be . learned. Llfesavera have left for the scene. The Nenamoaha has a number of summer ' vacationists aboard for deep sea flahlng. - 8 Topeka, Kan., Aug. 7. That Kansas Republicans prefer Theodore Roosevelt to President Taft is indicated in pracp tlcally complete returna frblri yester day's primary. Jn.tJheeontMtfoj.jreat; dentlal' electors, the elghj. .candidates pledged to Roosevelt were elected over the Taflltea by majorities averaging 16,000. .The progressive state ticket also wis "victorious by majorities run ning fromLJtt,000 to 40,000. Arthur Capper of Topeka, a ptogres (Continued on Pago I-ve.) S Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 7. Running far ahead of all other Initiative meas ures, and in fact nearly doubling th best of them, the state racing commis sion petition came undvr the wire at the office of the secretary of state to day with 6M43 signatures. As today Is the laat day for the filing of verified petitions with the .slate officers, it is evident that the race track gambling bin backed by the betting and fast horse Interests of California Is the best fi nanced and most capably handled of all the proposals set before the people this yiar. Asks Lands for Entry. Wafclitgtna Burci cf TtM Journal.) Washington, D. C, Aug. 7. Senator Bourne has filed with the secretary of the Interior a petition of residents of townships 2 and 3 south, range 28. II east. Morrow county that their lands be' designated for entry under the en larged homestead act. GAS SCHOONER REPORTED ASHORE -NEAR NEWPORT KANSAS GIVES VICTORY PROGRESSIVES ELECTORS NOMINATED RAIN PETIN RUN AHEAD Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund TO THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL: ; Herewith I inclose '..., for the Woodrow Wilson cam paign fund. (name) . . ESS) t w a eees tTTtstowywir trwi ystir egatriftntiffB-rwftwsea.-Ttis ym-t -eon Campaign Tnnd, Portias d. Or. Checks acruJd be n-.ade pri . 1 1 . loaraal. . t.- (United Prea. ImsmI VIm Chicago, Aug. 7.. The nomination o Governor Hiram Johnson of California, by acclamation, for the vice president',' on the progressive ticket became $ certainty this afternoon when an agrev ment was reached whereby Judge y n Llndsey was to withdraw in favor 'nt.1'-. Johnson after his name had been put before the convention. Chicago. Aug. 7. Heralded as the or. t man of all others in the United Stat' to bring -equality of -opportunity;: J" equality of reward to its people thr j'i di the medium of the new progressive pd- ty, Theodore Roosevelt was today pomU nated here for prealdent of the Unit'. 4 States. Then the New Tork delegates" st:Atn"t . a procession of standards through -tin aisles. New Hampshire, North Caro lina, Arizona, West Virginia. Ohio an t (Continued on Page Two.) A silent battle of millions, in' whlcW.. the most powerful banks ' of Portland have been arrayed one against the other and In which a group of multi-million atrw?BpTtttna of iTfdirrry-TiTrTl1iTctf'!7'-every movement, the object of the strug gle being the control of tha local tolc- phono situation, reached a, cllwi ax-ye - terday when the Pacific Telephone fc Telegraph Co.-sought an Injunction lit the H3irrcuit court-to prevent-the-Hom " : Telephone company, the Multnomah ho tel and the. R- ii. Thompson estate f rm, . Interfering with the . telephone servic of the hotel: ,; T' Tha Portland Horn Telephone con., , psny is Incorporated for JS, 000,000, tin -Contlnuel"On-Page Four,) - JAMES NOTIFIES w PINEUPANIES ;. WAGE SILENT WAR TO CONTROL FIELD w ' u enu I II II .11 111 I IIIL.UUI1 t Bea Girt, N. J., Aug. 7. With Inform ality and almpllelty aa' Its keynote, thif" ceremony of formally notifying Gov ernor Woodrow Wilson that he had been -chosen at Democratic, nominee for the -Drcsldenqy of the United States was ac compllafied, bece, tldajr, , , , , , ,,, i y , , , f ouie jamea,aait-in pan: .. ; - "Tte-Deniocratlcprty-is-strtTi n g- in give all , the people , a.g;oyernmentso Just and lawa so righteous that monop oly can find no hiding place and oppres sion no haven, that will make every (Continued on Page Five.! . The foil, text of Woodrow "Wilson's -acceptance will be fonnd on pages sad 7. ' SELLING STILL ABOUT. i AS NOISY AS SPHINX; TO MAKE STATEMENT. Ben Selling, Republican nominee for United States senator. Is home from. Yellowstone park, but those Who havt. been waiting to learn whether he Is stilt; for Taft or has changed his mind will hate to wait for at least another dv. Mr. Selling declined to be Interviewed today, explaining that he will have a sutemeut for the prtsi. .probably to; morrow, thut will define his -position -absolutely, i ' V . Mr. Selling further explained that M" vacation this year a the usual thing, and he. denied (he auggestlonB that have; been mJe' that it was hastened by the bifurcation, of the Republican party.. This suggestion has arisen because Mr. Selling declined to state his position regsrding the first Taft nomination; Just after It was made, and after saying; that he would give out a statement iti a few daya" left for the Yellowstone. ' The Republican nominee further de nied that hetad dismissed with some of his political associates ths advisability of. leaving. He said his vacation was taken (Continued on Page ilve.) -' -' v "