The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 06, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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4 -I ':.-'t r.f
r : ' r
Don't forget when going Sway on r"
rseatlnq ur lor the nirmer, thit Tin
Journal cm follow- yon at 5 ent wnk,.
the refjlir ubcr(tlun rstrs. and, the fol
lowing igtnU will nupjil joe t ur rrga
Up Mm'
Tttj Oerie. Or., Bay Ocean botel.
Brh Center, WVh., W. C. Collins.
CumoB BptingB, Vh., Mineral Springe
Collins, Warti.. Fred A. Toting.
Oenrhnrt. Or.. Mrs. O. L. Elliott.
lliriM, Wiit.. fj. B. Woodruff.
Lime Bench. Wuh., Lawrence Dtnneen,
(Delivery to all ncrint on North Heath.)
Nrtrport. Or., filen Howard.
, Rockawa Beach. Or . Wllklni A Rice.
SeaaMc, Or.. Itpr Proebatel. (Delivery
to all imrti nf Svantite.) .
HinTiew, Wb.t F. K. Brrauhgl. -
Tillnmnol. Or.. J. 8. Lninnr.
WlJImlt 8rlnr. Or., K. W. Mclara.
Caxcadla, Or.,, O.M. CelaendorfiT.
HEILTQ Cathrln Countins In
- Awaneninsr or Helen riicnie.
COUNCIL CREST High class attrac
tions. LTPIO Armstrong Follies, company in
"Pat's Drearn."
OTIPHKUM Ovpheum circuit vaudeville,
THK EMPRESS Vaudeville.
PANTAOEH Vnudevill.
THK OAKS Amu soment rark.
Weather Conditions.
Portland and Viridity Fair tonight
and AVednesday; northwesterly winds.
Oregon and Washington Fair to
MKlit and Wednesday; northwesterly
Idaho Fair tonlftht nnd Wednesday.
Bounlon of Marsballtown, Iowa Folks
An Informal reunion of former resi
dents of Mgrsnalltown, own was held
last Sunday, at Mount Tabor rark.
While . less than 24 hours' notice was
flven, theie were 44 former residents
of that town registered at the meeting
place. At 1 o'clock tliey sat down to
tables spread with a luncheon that cer
tatnly Indicated that these same
"lowans" were not In the habit of going
on short rations. The afternoon was
peht In listening to the band conceit
and chatting over old friends In that
far off prairie state. Arrangements are
being made to fona permanent organ
isation and to give an excursion over
the Mount Hood railway in the near
Burtc, of Bontta Park, died. Deatlr wee
caused by stomach trouble. ' The floral
decorations it th. funeral were beauti
ful. . , .
.'xaiproTemeni- Club ' Active. At the
regular meeting ot the North Alblna
Improvement association Monday night
A strong resolution wee adopted favor
ing the deepening and widening of the
Columbia slough for . commercial and
sower purposes and by connecting' this
arm with the main channel of "the Co
lumbia river by extending the boundary
of the Port of Portland to tfcke In thjf
territory adjacent thereto. A resolution
was adopted asking that en arc light
be Installed on Ains worth avenue at the
entrance on Albin avenue to the Pe
ninsula park. A committee was formed
to Inquire Into the cause of shortage of
water and a resolution was passed de
nouncing the untimely use of, lawn
sprinklers and the sale and waste of
water to outside towns until a sufficient
supply was at hand for the taxpayers'
use. The park committee was urged to
continue Its efforts to secure favorable
action on part of park board for the
purchase of the additional row of lots
east of ths park, thus enlarging the
BarR afcffut five acres; also to urr tms
purchase of proporty between Killlngs
worth avenue and the Jefferson high
school by the school board, which would
greatly enhance the beauty, not only of
that Institution, but also the new
library now in course of construction.
Everybody is cordially invited to at
tend next Monday night's meeting at
the old Fire hall.
Wo Witnesses Agalsst Kay 'When th
police committee of the city executive
board met yesterday afternoon to
try the case- of Detective Sergeant
Kay no wltneess appeared to prose
cute the rase nnd the cluiiges were, dis
missed. Kay hud been accrued of con
duct unbecoming an officer. Patrolman
Oee was reinstated to the force, after
having been suspended for some time
because he addressed vigorous language
to Mrs. Ethel Kwlng, whom he met on
the old. steel bridge June . The patrol
man nocTlKed the woman of lending his
wife into tad company, - ills-little il
year-old daughter testified strongly In
her father's bel.alf yesterday.
Torestry Men Change Places F. ' A.
Metzi-r of Washington, D. P., assistant
chief of the tisvlsions of accounts and
disbursement of the foreft service, has
assumed Site ''duties of A. II. nniiMns,
dlMrirt fiscal agent of the servloe. Mr.
Metzer whs detailed n relieve Mr.
Cousins while the Intftr spends about
Blx nek. In Washington fa m llinrlxlng
hrmaelf with- twdHwetherfc----it Ts
the policy of the department to have
local men take occasional trips to t'no
enstern offices, and to nend the eastern
men to the local offices, that both may
receive the benefit of the change.
Tax to Maintain Boss Show
The meeting of the joint connnittee
of rcrrosentntinns of the various clubs
and organizations in the city appointed
to consider phtim for putting the Rose
"Festival upon n taxation maintenance
basis, which was to be held yesterday was
postponed bt'iHuse ninny of those inter
ested were out of the city.
It, may fc sttvitial weeks before an
other rn 11 Is Issued for a meeting, ac
conling to H. 1a Idlomrui, chairman of
t): c com m it tee.
Bays Wife Hired Dettetlve That
Helen Heed has paid close to $1000 for
private detective hire tince January 1
wan the statement this morning In the
circuit court of counsel for John Seed,
the defencTant Tri n aiv"6fcerction. "The
mrttter came before the court on a mo
tion from the defendant to compel the
woman to places and persons
whom she accuses the defendant with
being friendly. The wmn agreed to
name Hip house, but not the name of the
person. - -
Brings Runaway Boy Deputy Proba
tion Officer Fisher returned yesterday
evening from J.os Angeles, where he se
cured George KoHsman, a 1 year old
led that ran away last Ootoher, Ths boy
wns brought north, and will be sent to
Fetortdmrg, -Alaska. U his- gi'RndiiKtlr.
Rfiysman nid that he lias been working running iiw ay, lnteniilrig each week
to write his fo.ster parents, but Upon
each occasion neglecied to carry out
the Intention of notifying them of his
Wouldn't Xetnra to Husband. Mrs.
Ethel Young, who was arrested Sunday
on a bench warrant charging her with
contempt of court because she failed to
heed the warning of Judge Tazwell to
return to her huaband and leave Wal
ter Cole, a prisoner -In tho city jail,
alone, will be bld - at poHte station
until next Saturday when disposition
will be made of her caae. The woman
and Colo wero arrested on July 12, on
a statutory charge and she was re
leased when she promised to return to
her busband and leave Cole. Instead of
doing so, however, she persisted in ap
pearing at the police station to see
Coje and was picked up by the police
News for Mother and Bister If the
mother and sister of the late Charles
C. Slawson, who died at Forsyth, Mont.,
recently, following a railroad accident
in which he had his right arm cut off,
are in Portland they can obtain some
Information Interesting to them from
Mrs. Ira Carson of Forsyth. A letter
received yesterday by Mayor Rush
light from Mrs. Carson states that
Charles C. Slawson boarded at the Car
sons in Forsyth and that he told a
friend he had a mother and sister in
Portland. Their address he gave as 35
Sandy road.
..To Investigate Houseboats Deputy
City Health Officer S. M. Geliert was
detailed by City Health Officer C. H,
Wheeler Mo mak an inspection of
houseboats along the river in the vicin
ity of the Oaks, to ascertain if reports
that numerous cases of typhoid fever
prevalent (here are tru, a rumor
has spread abroad that the disease orig
inated from the use or water obtained
In Oaks Park. Tho health authorities
do not believe this, as the water sys
tem of the Oaks Is attached to the Bull
Run mains.
Charged With Forgery C. E. Thrls
tenscn, an employment agent", was ar
rested last night on a warrant charging
him with forrerv at 215 Twentv-nim h
street, on complaint of Orlln Potter of
Forest fJrove Tho
..... .r...r.:.- ..,rv.. ..o?V"....l.i.m
on December U, iftll, Chrlfltensen en
tered into a contract with the Climber
Machinery company and forged the
name of Orlln Potter to tho contract
The contract was dated March 1. lDll!
i lie case did not come up for hearing
this morning.
Fottftfe Arrested Charles Pottage,
tha contractor who was accused bv Tom
Conroy, secretary of the Bricklayers'
union, of mayhem, growing out of a
-fight in the Labor Temple when Pottage
h alleged to hnve bitten a portion of
Conroy's ear off, was arrested last night
on a warrant by Detective Smith. The
trouble is alleged to have occurred on
July 26. The case has not been set for
- Wantr Bon'r-Wagaa vA. letter- writ
ten from Higdonvllle, N. C., by S. A.
Hlgdon and received by Mayor Rush
light today askH that six days' wages
duo W. A. Hlgdon, a fireman who was
killed while on his way 4o a fire June
6 last, be remitted to Higdon Sr.. the
father of the unfortunate ' fireman.
Intoxicated Boy Arrested Because of
the arrest by Putrolman Gordon of a
19-year-old boy, giving the name of Lee
Flowers, mho was Intoxicated and asleep
on Eighteenth fitreet hatweeji Flanders
and GltsHfi streets, an Investigation- ia
to bp started to determine where the
boy secured the liquor. ; f '
Br. Wilson to TaMe Much Interest Is
being expressed in Dr. Clarence True
Wilson's talk in opposition to woman
The Faciflo States Fire Insurance
Conrpaay has Issued a new map of Ore
gon, giving population of the cities and
towns ns shown by the last United
States census. The company will be
pleased to deliver one of these maps,
fre to anyone sending name and ad
dress to the Pacific States Fire Insur
ance company. i!0n Chamber of Com
merce building. Phones Marshall 69,
Home A-4SS1.
Snpp Green Tea Room menu, Au
gust B: Solip. cold lamb, glrtblh Bleak,
creamed cauliflower, scalloped corn,
baked npph'K and cream, tea biscuits,
filjcctl tomatoes, celery, cantaloupe, ber
ries and, peaches and cream, ice
creum and rulio.
Dies on Way to Hospital While on
the way to the hospital in an ambulance
on July 1. John Carl Bulk, the seven-nionths-ohl
baby of Mr. and Mrs. , GUs
Nine out of ten
unbiased civil
engineers will
tell that "bituli-
thic pavement
'; ', i
is best by every
test "
More Careful
Less Wearing
here in a nutshell is the story o.f
Troy- Lami'dry work. The pro
cesses of modern laundering
Troy way have been, brought"
down to the most exact science
more careful and less wearing
than home washing, ever was.
When you send your clothes to
the Troy your insure yourself
against disappointment. Called
for on time delivered on time
laundered in the Troy vfray the
best way.
Make us prove this. Call for a
wagon and insist on the Troy.
East 33 Bpth Phones B-61 18
hotel this evening at 1:15 o'clock. This
ia free to all interested. f
Kissers Go Tret RlcWrd Foster and
Dora Roberts, who had been joyriding,
It Is claimed, and who were hugging
and kissing in an automobile at six
teenth and Savler treeta, were arrest
ed at o'clock this morning by Patrol
man N. M. Jones on a disorderly con
duct charge, When the case came up
for - hearing this morning, they were
admonished to behave better In the fu
ture and the case wae continued tpr
sentence. -
Kotoroyolist Again Arrested. Be
cause II. V. Kaddorly, manager of the
Custom House Auto company, who was
arrested last night at Grand avenue
and Clay street for riding his motor
cycle with his muffler cut out, failed
to appear in municipal court this morn
ing, a bench warrant was issued for
his arrest and bail wm fixed at $25.
Ho was arrested by Patrolman Kussell.
Mystery Enshrouds It "Mystery en
shrouds" a petition received by Mayor
Rushlight through the mail this morn
ing. The petition begs the rnayor tp
award to !'Mr. D. 8. JTujy Levaney a
leather medal and a leathern protector
for his noble heart." The petition, which
is signed by B. S. Moose and 20 others,
does not recite who the man with the
noble heart is or why he should haVe a
When you need a truss let me show
you the most sensible and practical
truss made. BeBt of satisfaction at a
modern cost. Albert Bcrnl, the drug
glat, 229 Washington, near Second.
dred cases of typhoid fever have been
reported at the two local hospitals dur
ing the past ten daye, and the matter
is to be investigated by the municipal
authorities. Vaccination of the Canadlen
Paolflo employes has proved tttf tt
fectlvo as a preventative. :
Estate of Ksrtenna Beam The Inven
tory of the estate of Marisnn Bturn
On Oregon City Electric, one half hour out,
.80x200, for $410. Small payment down and
$8 or $10 per month. Build a nice little house
and move in right away. Raise your own vege
tables, chickens, etc. Live out in the open
and be independent. Send or call for map.
Northwestern Trust Co.
Wilcox Building
Phones Main 3517, A-7340
Blver Exemrslons to Oregon City-
Boat from Taylor street does. Week
days, t a. m., 2 p. m ; Sundays, ! a. m.,
12 in., J p. m. Round trip, 40c. Tickets
good on P. R., L. & P. care.
- Steamer Jesse Harkinu for Camts,
Washougsl and way landings, dally at
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington vtreit
dock at 2 p. rn. '
The Witt net Club Banee, Rlngler's
hall, Wednesday evening. Grand prhe
waltz. .
IZoont Hood Auto Stage Two stages
dally. Phone Main 3074. Sell. 1461
W. A. Wise and associates, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
Br. C. T Chamberlain has moved to
The Journal bldg.
Br. 7. B. Sternberg has moved to
The Journal bldg.-
Br. E. C. Brown, Eye, Ear, Marquam
Kew Kratx Buffet, 8d and Alder sts.
Typhoid at Calgary.
Totted Press Ld Wire.)
Calgary, -Alberta, Augr t, One hun.
Successors to
Insurance, Loans and Estate Agents.
1000-1001 Yeon Bldg. Phone, Marshall 1776
Agents ;
Royal Insurance Company, Ltd., of Liverpool.
Royal Indemnity Company, of New York.
Firemen's Insurance Company, of New Jersey.
Fire, Marine, Automobile Accident, Health, Casuality, Insurance,
Bonds, Plate Glass and Boilers.
was filed today In the county court, This
hows the value to be tl7,!2J. The
appraisers were O. W. Rosenblatt, D, W.
noes and w, I. wait.
Have You a Chair All Your Own? If Not, Look
at Our Line and Pick One Out. Even Have
a Name Plate on It, If You Like,
aocssioa- TTrEjrrrirBE ou factobt to tottb hoks
: . '
I 389 Alder Street, Opposite Olds, Wortman & King.
ji.Jgj)s l
II I l1 .1..
Retiring From.
ence, These Unusual Prices
$15 Auto CoaU, mohair ffQ CC
cravenette SO.UG
$8.50 Auto Coats of same C AC
material .... . .v SO.VO
$5 Linen Dusters priced at (j
$2.50 Linen Dusters priced J
To $28 Handbags, the very best, now
To $12 Fitted Traveling Cases priced
To $80 Trunks of every kind priced
.at. ...ONE HALF
50c Boys Caps, 40 dozen on 1
sale at, each ... 7 .'. .' . . . . . . I Uv
To $2.50 Boys' Bathing Suits
To $2.50 Boys' Sweaters on 1 jj
sale at uUv
(Both Above, Three for $1.00)
Men's Smoking Jackets, $5 to $15. now
$8 Silk Hats (Youman's) (ff QP
only &UsO
To $5 All Straw Hats (Milan)
To 75c All Silk Hose on sale
at only LOL
To $3 Shapke Auto Caps
To 75c All Four-in-Hand Ties QA-
only . . . .vr OlC
$1.50 Silk Neckwear, rour- L
in-Hand 03C
To $2.50 B. & P. Knit Ties (Ca
for.. yoC
To $3.50 B. 8c P. Heavy $? 1 1 r
Knit Ties 3)1.10
To $2.50 Lot of Gloves, All
Standard-. UOC
$8 Rough-Neck Sweaters Jg
Extra Trousers for Young Men
Peg Top and Cuff Bottom.
200 pairs, regularly $2.50. 85c
195 pairs, regularly $3.50 $1.15
240 pairs, regularly $5.00 . . . .$2.35
To $40 Rogers-Peet Suits and Over
coats, other standard (11 Q
makes J) 10.00
To $27.50, same as j 2 Oj?
above J) 1 tJ.OO
To $22.50 Stratford System Suits and
Overcoats for young 1 J H F
men J1 1 0
To $35.00 Rogers-Peet (L C
Suits, blue and black. . . ,DaV 1 UO
To $18.00 Special Lot of
English Topcoats, many silk-lined, Eng.
lish covert cloth, regular values up to
$20.00. Take your unre- jp'OP".
stricted choice for O VfOO
Top Overcoats, exceptionally high
grade, full box back, regu- fl A F
larly sold to $35, choice. . . iDV.fjO
things as Panamas and Straw Hats.
We are making terrible reductions.
FURNISHING GOODS, of all kinds
being sold regardless ojF cost.
idea what this sale means to buyers
of Boys' Clothes. You never saw
such prices for such values.
Tou'll find many ap
petising midsummer
delicacies on our
menus; we are al
ways glad to help
you entertain a friend
at breakfast, lunch
eon or dinner.
Enjoy the fresh sea
foods and the dainty
meat dishes that our
chef delights to pre
pare. There's no cozier or
more convenient place
for an after - theatre
upper; delightful
music while you dine.
Service that Is atten
tive, courteous and In
keeping with the repu
tation of this "famous
dining place.
TXB lOlTtilD
a. J. Xeufmann, Kgr.
TAKING advantage of
an opportunity often
means ready money.
Have you a bank account
to draw on?
It is the surest way to '
attain that goal of success
the dividing line be
tween the old man that
looks for a job and the old
man that can retire and be
Start a savings account
today. We pay 4 per cent
Under government supervision.
Merchants National
Founded in 1886.
Washington and Fourth
Old Reliable
Oood work depends upon proper facili
ties whicrt this offlee has in every par-
tlculir. Spacious, inviting, sanitary of
fices, equipped with all the necessary
and latest scientific dental appliances,
expert operators, etc. Popular prices
arn oossibla because of th Union's lira
! patronage. Why go to other dentjats
, less able to please you and less able
rt0 perform strictly high-class. work, and
wny Kf eiprwnere inn pay ui generally
prevailing higher prices. Come to the
Old Reliable make sure in advance of
perfect work and permanent satisfaction
at least cost.
Lion Clothing Co., Successors.
Fourth and Morrison Streets
Extractions a Specialty
Our extraction work is the sort that
removee all fear that It will hurt. We
use oniy painless methods. Our work
Is especially recommended to nervous
peopie, oia.roias and for children.
Fifteen Years' Guarantee
. With All Work
What Oar Guarantee Means
The Union Painlaia nml i.
I porated under the laws of the state of
; Oregon, and the company is responst' le
for the guarantee that aroes with all
the work'that leaves .his office. This
affords the public absolute protection
( against inferior workmanship and ma-
1 terluls, -f"'
ttl H - Sfertee- Street,-Corner-PtreW
Entire Corner Phone Mala B39.
open uveaugs.
Quickest Results Are Obtained
by Want, Ads in Tha. Journal
mmm ri
Modem Methode
In construct loo
and honesty of
materials that's"
withstands th
test of time and
p-;.:i-:li'.-')''1):lV'.i!iw'iiwiiiiii mwmm mm' l
TOBAT, 10 A. M.
" Matinee Saturday.
La Salle Theatre (Chicago) Big Mu-
tii t,
slual Comedy
Sophie Tucker and the original east
and production.
Prices, both evening and matinee:
Lower floor. 11.50; balcony. 1.00,
76c, 60c; gallery. 60o.
HEILIG 7th and Taylor
Phones: Main 1, A-liaa
TONIGHT, ff toow
bargain Matinee.
Supported by STB BET ATBX8
In the Bomaatie Comedy,
Evenings, 75c, 50c. 86c, 6o. Both
Matinees, any seat, 26e. Next week,
begtnnlnpr Sunday, "The CUrl With
the Qreen Eyes."
aaatuiee Cvry say.
ulllvan . Coasldlae 1
Kef Ined VandevUi .
Special Summer Prices1
10c and 20c
Any Seat 10J
WEEK AUGUST 8 "Models of J si dine j"
De Paris," John White's Comedy Clrous, 1
Teronl, Verdi and Brother, Constance"
Wisdom as Co., Be Lisle and Vernon,
Xuro Lutgens, Twl-Llght pioturea, Of-i
MAiar a. A-ioao
k.Vlt BVm em SJPleaWhJBBlk
WEE1 : THEATRE I3 J3-30-75 1 .
VWi 9
An all-eemedy bill, Kra. Oene Xnghee
Oo.. W. O. Pields, the BUent Xnmov
lst V suits Crould, Tan Brothers, Brad
shaw Brothers, Belmont and Karl, the
Btaaleys, Orchirtra, pieturee. -
Katiaee Daay -
WEEK AUGUST 0 JeweU'e Msnlkine,
Max .Witt's Southern Olrls, Pranoesoa :
Steading fc Co., Baymend, Williame and
Wolfns. Pantageseope, Paatagea Or
chestra. Popular prices, ifatlnee dsilr.r
Boxes asd First Bow Baleony aeseneA
Box office open from 10 a. m, to 10
. m. paones a-aasa, nam eeao. tnir
sin a 130, 7U8 and 9. x t
Ponrth and Staxk SfreefaT
Armstrong Polllee Company la
Bifgest Blot of Laughter TMs Seaeea
two perrormances nigntiy, i:n ana
9.15. Matinees dally, 2:45. Regular j
prices: Kvenlngs. 15o and 26c. MaU-1
nees, any seat, ioc. ,
Friday Eight Ohorna Olrls1 Conteet,
Last Five Baye of Olrous
Great Circos Boyd & Ogle's big
- aliow.
Ponies Boe Clewmg
Oaks Park Band Great Concerts.
Lady Livingstone The skating
King Pharaoh The educated horse.
All usual park attractions.
Corsei Tangba eid Twenty-feurth Sta
TS. . 4 '
August a, r, s, . jo and u
Games begin week days 1 p. m. Sun -
days 2:30 p. in.
Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednee.
day. .
Oregon Humane Society
' PXOVB HACf $99t A-73SS ' V
Beter tU eruelty eallt to th's n'tv
- '-