The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 05, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    -4 ;
- Dou't torirt when goinf away on yoar
Taeation or for the mimmer. that-Th
Journal ean follow y 1 cent wk,
tb rerjlar tubacrluthiu win, nJ Ue fed-
lowing agent will upily jre at uur regu
lar thf!- i -
Bit Omt, Or.. Ray Ofeaa hot!.
Beach Center, Wnab.. W. C. A'olllna.
Caraou Bprlusa, Wash., Mineral Spainf
Colllna, Wafh., Fred A. lonn?.
Oearhart. Or.. Mm. 0. I.. Elliott.
Ilwaeo. Wab.. H. B. Woodruff.
Ixmg Beacb. Waab., Iwrenre Dlnneen.
(DfllTery to all point on North Beacb.)
Newport. Or.. Ulen Howard.
Hock way Beach. -Or.. Wilkin & Rlc.
Seualde. Or .Letter Pratbatel. (Dellreff
to nil (tartt of Seaalde.) - ' -
Scariew Wjab.. F. E. Srraabal.
Tillamook. TJr.. JT"K. La'tn'ar.
Wllholt jSjw.lnf. Pr.. F. W. Mrt-earH.
Car.eadla.'Or., O. M. Celaendorfer.
HEILIG Cathrlne Countlss in
AWakeninsr of Helen Richie."
COl'NCIL CREST High class attrac
tions. LYPIC Armstrong Follies company in
"Pat's Dream."
ORPHEL'M Orpheunv circuit vaudeville.
THE EMPRESS Vaudeville.
PONTAGES Vaudeville.
THE OAKS Amusement nark.
Weather Conditions.
Portland and vicinity Fair tonight
and Tuesday. Northwesterly winds.
Oregon and Washington Fair tonight
and Tuesday. Northwesterly winds.
Idaho Fair "tonight and Tuesday.
- District jJForscaster.
Bassenger Assanit Conductor. A. A.
Pyle, a conducter on the N. & S. car,
reported to the police last night that
a man assaulted him at Sixteenth and
Marshall streets after the passenger
had demanded that the car carry him
back one block, and was refused. The
man struck the conductor In- the face,
then Jumped from the car. When the
conductor followed to get a good de
scription the assailarU knocked him.
down and bit him several times, then
turned and fled. The man is described
as being about five feet nine inchea
tall, weighing about 40 pounds, wear
ing a dark gray suit and a straw hat.
The polte are-searching -for himr
Bitot Want to Oo Horn. Fred Metz
fer, who says he resides near East
Eighteenth and Eaot fitark streets, was
found asleep on the street near his
home early yesterday morning by Pa
trolman Aspen and when Metzger was
eked where he lived, pointed out his
homo. Aspen took the man to his home
rang the belt, whereupon Metzger be
came very angry and Btruck the patrol
man. He was arrested on a disorderly
conduct charge and this morning he
forfeited a $20 ball he had been re
quired to post for his appearance In
court. r
Take $30 From Hat, When Fred
White, who had called at the apart
ment of II. B. Watson, at Fifth and
Market street to get a trunk, knocked
Watson's hat from a hook, he found a
HQ bUllUldn under- the wt band,
and. according to the complaint of Wat
son and the confession of White, he
appropriated it to his own use. Later
Watson notified tlio police, arid De
tectives Hill am! Kpps and Patrolman
Stanton arrested the man at the Union
depot, just as he was alKHit to leave
for Snn Francisco. The money was
returned to the owner.
Man Want Wages Mayor Rushlight
has been besieged for the past three
days by employes of a subcontractor
on the Sullivan's gulch trunk sewer No.
!, the "men having sought the mayor's
aid In obtaining wages duo them. The
sewer contract was let to K. Sauset.
A subcontractor named McDermott
threw tip his contract owing between
SO and i0 laborers sumx ranging from
J 1 .2 5 to J 2 5. The contractor is under
bond and the mayor has assured the
mn that thev will all be paid beforo
the. clly liquidates the bills from Sau
set. Antl-Snffrajlst to Epeak Dr. Clar
ence True Wilson Is to speak In opposi
tion to woman suffrage at the Mult
nomah hotel Tuesduy, August 6, at 8:15.
For the last six years fro. 11 platform
and pulpit Dr. Wilson has consistently
opposed woman suffrage In Oregon and
now spfaks with even greater author
ity. He is at present general secretary
of the National Methodist Temperance
soilety and In his journeys over the
country has had special opportunities
to study Its working In relation to
social and temperance reform.
Public Library Wotes A collection of
bank notes of the Confederate States
of America, covering tho years 1861 to
JM4,- 4s new on--h4bfttm at - -the-cen
tral library, seventh and Stark streets.
During the month of August the Sell
wood branch library will be open In
the evenings only, from 6 to 9:30, and
the libraries at Arlcta. I-ents, Monta
vllla, Troutdale, 4 :ntverslty Park and
Woodstock will be open In the eve
nings only. The (Iresham brnnch li
brary will be open In the afternoon
only, from 2 to 6:30.
Two Small Flrea Fire which broke out
shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday did
nbout $300 damage to a house owned
and occupied by W. Jacobson nt 565
Front street. A stable on the premises
at Mississippi avenue was burned
yesterday about noon from a fire whU'h
is believed to have been started from
defective wiring. A horse and r cat
belonging to Mrs. I.otta Hoch were
burned to death In the fire. Damage
to the stable was nominal but u valu
able residence was threatened.
Sam Wolf Again in Tolls Sam Wolf,
who was arrested some time ago. for
conducting a disorderly house and the
man who was lnvolvd In the alleged
graft collection scandal with Sam Kras
ner, was arrested last night by Ser
geant Kay and Patrolman Stewart on
the same charge, and Pearl Mays was
arrested for selling liquor witlio'it a
license. Dot Stewart and Blanche How
ell ware arrrsted for hliig Inmates of
tli- house. The case will be tried Aug
ust 7.
Mr. Gilson Arreited" Jisv EstelJa
Glleon was arrested yesterday ' by' De
tective Craddock on a complaint sworn
to by C. P. Benedict on the charee of
obtaining money under false pretenses,
crowing out of an alleged transaction
In the sale of a small confectionery
store. It was claimed that the woman
represented that the store was free from
debt when us a matter of fact bills
aggregating $240 had not been paid,
'rhe arrest was made at Thirteenth
ajid Washington streets.
Says Chinese Insulted Her Ah Louis,
a -iilneiruin was arrested 'last night
by Patrolman Schlriner on complaint of
Marie llardesty an employe In a fruit
stand at Third and Salmon streets, who
complained that when she dosed up the
fruit stabd last night;- the ' Chinaman
followed her, and grossly Insulted her.
The case will come up for henrlng on
August fi.
-intnree myeloMA TrnDtovIaa--TSr"
8. R, Vincent, a patient at the Good
- Samaritan -ieepltal, who was injured
at Tlgard last week when en- Oregon
'. UUctrlo train collided with his auto-
mobile. Is reported 'to bV steadily im
proving.. Jle live at Sherwood, Or.
. Booktnr Will nied, A petition to ad
mit the will of Theodore Becking, who
died July 7, 1912. was entered In the
county court thl morning. The de
ceased Is survived by three brothers,
two of whom Uvo in Germany, and the
tnlrd come place In the United . States.
but hot known at the time the will was .
mad, The two-brothers In Germany
aregivenliJ acres of land in lane
county. raeT$tFoTTjfoTEerlsl BoTpF6-
vlded for. A clause in the will gives
the St Joseph's church of Portland $200,
Cottage Grove Catholic church, $100,
Father Obcrlaeserij $50 for an Indian
mission, Father Odermatt. $50; the St.
Mary's orphanage of Beaverton, and
the Oswego Orphanage, at Oswego, the
personal property of the deceoaed. The
estate Is valued at $3800.
Would ttemove Administratrix. A per
titton to remove Hannah M. kaser, ad
ministratrix of the estate of Clarence
B. Kaser, was filed morning in me
county court by Elizabeth Kaser. This
action is taken on the ground that the
administratrix has failed to perform
duties relative to the settlement of the
estate that should have been done. It
is alleged that the administratrix al
lowed an undertaker's bill of $221.50. a
medical, bill xfj$25, iboard bill of $35,
and a bill for nurse hire of $50. An
other complaint charged Is that no steps
have been taken to collect that part of
the estate due from the estate of the
deceased's father. A claim Is also
made that considerable personal prop
erty has not been Included in the in
ventory, Seeks Lost Brother Mrs. Ellen Fer
guson, of Eastport, Maine, would like
to hear from her brother, John Mr
Cullough, who is about 60 years old,
and of whom word has not been re-'
celved for over ten years. He is be
lieved to be working somewhere in tliK
northwest as a laborer on railway con
struction work. He sometimes goes
by the name of "Scotty." Since he has
been away from home his father,
mother and brother have died. Any
word concerning him will be grate
fully received by Mrs. Ferguson.
The Faolflo States fire - Insurance
Company has issued a new map of Ore
gon, giving population of the cities and
towns . as shown by the last United
States census. The company will be
pleased to deliver one of these maps
freeto anyone- sending name- a rid ad
dress to the Pacific States Fire Insur
ance company, 200 Chamber of Com
merce building. Phones Marshall 669,
Home A-4331.
Blvr Excursions to Oregon City
Boat from Taylor street dock. Week
days, 8 a. m 2 p. m.; Sundays, S a. m.,
12 m., 3 p. m. Round trip, 40c. Tickets
good on" P. R., V. & P. cars.
Steamer Jess Karklnu for . Camis,
Wahougal and way landings, daily et
cept 6unday. Leaves Washington street
dock at I p. ei. .
Oonnt Hood Anto Stage tine, leaving
dally 7.30 a. m. returns 4:30 p. m. Haw
thorne Oarage, 44S Hawthorne avenue.
Phone East 162.
R-Porter in case lots Is Just the drink
to take on your summer outing. It's
real raspberry Juice and it satisfies the
Bye Tted, Glaiaes ritted, broken
lenses duplicated. Dr. Geo. Rubehstein
expert optician. 180 3d at near Taylor.
Have EAlefsen Fnel Co. book your
order for coal and wood now. East SOS
and,Kn6t 2303,
W. A. Wlie and associates, painless
dentists, Third and Washington.
Br. C. T Chamberlain has moved to
The Journal bldg.
Br. J. B. Sternberg has moved to
The Journal bldg.
few Krats-Bnffet, 3d and Alder sts.
Derpite the many demands from
Portlanders that the Boyd & Ogle old
fashioned one ring circus be retained at
the Oaks amusement park as a perma
nent attraction, the big clown, animal
and trick dog show that has delighted
so many thousands must close next
Saturday evening. Dr. D, B. Boyd Iihb
contrected for other rrfrftgements, al
though for the past two weeks Man
ager Cordray has paid heavy forfeits
to keep the rlrcns for the park.
Children- seemed to -ftnd that the rtr
cus provhred them with greater fun
than anything In Portland. They led
the animals until the pets wers por-jed.
They even hugged Lady ' .1 viug tone,
the skating "bear. In sheer delight nt
being able to play with her. Occasion
ally they woubl sneak away frn.n fath
ers and mothers and would n lh i a
circus employe With a sth k of candy or
a piece of chewing gum to allow them
to ride on the back of one of the po
nies or to shake hands with King Pha
raoh, the educated horse.
Besides, King was always willing to
hunt through a child's pocket if a
piece of candy was there, and Isn't
that worth n year of a child's life?
Swimming proved unduly popular to
the tremendous crowd. Thnsn who. did
not swim watched those who did. Tlie
Oaks Park Band proved a delight in n
series of concerts, and the attractions
of the Trail made the park as ever
perfectly satisfactory to the amuse
ment seeker.
From tho point of view of Manager
Cordray, August was officially In
stalled In great style.
You may
some day
find that
for a
is much less expen
sive than defending
your title to that
home, if complica
tions arise. Guard
against possible loss
by securing a guar
anteed Certificate of
Title. Investigate.
Call for booklet.
Reception Accorded Actress
in the Presentation of Popular Play
I I . . VII Bk-Sl I B MB
I ' ..
. : '.v ... y.
I- x f ' P
v ' I
'I ' ,&vv I
$ K" - & - , "'" Is, ' t
Ml- 57. "
Cathrlne Countlss, who is appearing
Ritchie" at the
Cathrlne Countlss was apparently
rnnrehei'Tny received last TilRht In htT
presentation of "The Awakening of
Helena Richie," at the Heillg, than
she has been in any of her former
plays cf her present engagement!""
"The Awakening of Helena Richie,"
as presented by Miss Countlss and her
company, docs' not miffer in compari
son with the production, and the inter
pretation offered by Margaret Anglln,
who had phenomenal , success in her
starring tour with this play. Miss
Countiss offers to a considerable ex
tent her own creation of the role of
Helena Richie, and endows the chnr
ueter with all the womanly traits de
manded In the course of the heroine's
J.ittle Mayo Mcthot, as Pavid Alli
(Srmrlnl to The Journal.)
Tendletort, Or., Aug. 6.- For tho first
time since irrigation took Its place In
the development of Umatilla county,
violator of the laws regulating the uce
of water have been arrested on criminal
charges. Saturday three prominent
f rultrnlsi-rs of the Mllton-Freewnter dis
trict - M. Shackleford, Kred Reller and
Louis Winters-were placed under , ar
rest for destroying the hendgate boxes
which gauge the amount of water used,
the warrants being Issued from the
office of the district attorney in this
city yestenlay upon complaints filed by
Watermabter I. 1). Howland.
The boxes are placed at the head of
each Irrigation ditch and the law pro
hibits anyone except the watermaster
from ralf-lng or lowering tho gates. It
is allegfd that many water users dis
regard this law, opening and shutting
rf filasseg, think of Dr, Hayues, 487
Marquaiu Bldg., fourth floor. tie
knows how to fit 'em. He doesn't
sell FhocKtrrngs nor moinssos taffy,
ami knows very little about rum
mage sales and all the other cute lit
tle tricks resorted to by the faker in
oider to sell his Junk, but. he under
stands the sclcnro of making you see
without tiring or Injuring your ev s.
No overcharge; no misrepresentation.
Dr.Haynes jSESBT"
Suite 427 Maranam Bldg., 4th Ploor.
A Fair and
Square Plea
Portland man u f a c
turers do not ask you
to buy their goods for
the single reason that
they are made in Port
?and. Neither does the
Portland Glarad Ce
ment Sewer Pipe Co.
In substance, this com
pany asks that-iyou!
verify its claim that
cement does not disin
tegrate and let out
foul odors, and other
wise compare it with
clay sewer pipe. Boost
for Glazed Cement
Sewer Pipe if you find
it is right knock it if
you find it is wrong.
a a
Oregon Humane Society
FBONS MAIN 598; A-7589
Eefer all cruelty calls to this offlc.
1 -itfWi. &.&4y:ieiiX'A:xi
In "The Awakening; of Helena
Hellig Theatre.
son, captivated the large audience with
ctriMtstr wtjiRonrerfPSH " and her really
promising ability as a Juvenile.
Miss Countiss' support Is strong
throughout, including especially Roy
CtSments, as Dr. Lavender; Sydney
Ayres, ns Lloyd Pryor; Clatr Sinclair,
us Martha King, and John Livingstone,
ufl Dr. William King.
The production is exceptionally well
and faithfully staged, special attention
being given to tho detail of old fuml
ttife, decoration and dress, demanded
by the olden "before the war days'
setting of the action of the play.
"Tho Awakening of Helena Richie"
will run tonight, Tuesday night and
Wednesday night, with bargain mati
nees tomorrow afternoon and Wednes
day afternoon.
the gates whenever they please. How
ever, such flagrant violation as the de
duction of the boxes is not so common
and the authorities declare they will do
their utmost to make an example of
these men. The cases will be brought
up first in the Milton Justice court.
For the Beaches
Have your baggage checked at your
home. The Baggage & Omnibus Trans
fer Co. Main 6980, A-3322.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Union Label Wearables for Men
$6 and $7 Panamas, . .$3.65 Frock Coat and Vest. . .$1.50
$5 Panamas $2.45 $18 Two-piece Outing. $4.65
$3 Split Straws . .... . $1.45 $18 Spring Suits . . . . .$8.65
$1.50 Split Sailors 85c $14 Young Men's Suits $9.45
$2.50 Black Derbies. . .$1.85 $12 Young Men's Suits $7.85
$2.50 Soft Felt $1.85 $10 Two-piece Outing. $4.65
50c Khaki Hats 35c $7.50 Black Cheviots. .$5.45
50c White Ducks 35c $15 Blue Serges $9.45
$2.50 Caps ....$1.35 $20 Blue Serges $13.35
50c Boys' Cloth Hats 25c $25 Blue Serges $16.65
FU( 'all al
i, m 1 1 , 1 1
",uj i ;ii i : 1
Hi ( ! ' I'm
11 1 1" '
$5.00 Button or
er; $3.95 Z5c Wash Ties 2 for. 5c
$4.00 Same Style Shoes $3.35 50c Silk Ties 25c
$5 Broken Lots for Men $1.95 Regular 75c Ties 45c
$5.00 Men's Oxfords. .$3.35 10c Cambric H'k'fs 2 for 15c
$4.00 Men's Oxfords. .$2.65 15c Colored Border Handker-
$3.50-$4 Men's Oxfords $2.35 chiefs 2 for 15c
$2.50 Boys' Oxfords . .$1.25 $1.8 Sweaters $1.15
Boys-' Shoes, all leathers $1.75 $2 Navy Sweaters $1.35
Boys' Shoes, broken lots $1.35 $6.50 lcf5H" Sweaters . . $4.95
$1.50 Sandals, children's . 95c 25c Boston Garters 19c
ill fjo
Rev. Randall C. Phillips, Field
Secretary of Irish National
Conference, Here to Raise
Fund for Cause at Home.
Rev. Randall C. Phillips, field secre
tary of the Irish Methodist conference,
delivered an address last night at the
Taylor Street Methodist church on
"Outdoor Evangelism In Ireland." Fre
cedrnff his remarks he announced that
he had been delegated to visit the
United States and Canada for the pur
pose of raising 1180,000 to be employed
In spreading tho cause of Methodism in
Ireland- The speaker said, in part:
"We Irish Methodists claim that
Methodism was established in the
United States In the eighteenth century
by Irish emigrants, and from tliat day
to this there had been a steady stream
of emigrant . Irish Methodists to this
country and Canada.
"About a dozen years ago the first
efforts at open air evangelism were
made in the town of Auklow, and the
movement spread rapidly all over the
"Ireland being chiefly an agricul
tural country, the masses of the peo
ple attend the monthly fairs In al) the
provincial towns and here the open air
preachers find a ready' and interested
audience. These meetings are not al
ways of the quiet and orderly type, as
some of the more lively hearers occa
sionally send mature eggs and other
disagreeable missiles toward the speak-,
ers, and sometimes a cattle rush brings
the meeting to an unceremonious end.
Letters are being constantly received
from tho colonies telling, of those who
have been influenced by these open air
Charge Accounts Solicited
Eastern Outfitting Co.
Your did sweater can be made over into an up-to-date RUFF NECK aj
very small cost. Don't discard your old sweater have it repaired and
remodeled. We make sweaters to order as cheaply as you can buy in
ferior ready-made ones.
0 loves
.Wf Nil HflmFi! I Hllifl . .-ii n! ffl K
mm. tfrngf ' lip:
" zsmfZ' -LOOK! Ili
. ,t
fcaBBj MaaMSk aasaiaaaBB 1 ',Li ' 1 h-':-
Lace (Bluch-
15c Wash Ties 10c
i , m '!""Hsn.
meetings, and who have found their
way into the Transatlantic churches.
' "Soclai and economic conditions. have
considerably improved in Ireland in re
cent years, but tho depletion ol the
population by emigration makes it Im
possible for the Irish churches to enter
the open doors found In all parts of
the country." s ,
The speaker announced that" for Xhe
next .10 days he planned to preach and
show by stefeoplicon picture's . the
unique and Interesting work of the
Irish Methodists in the "old country."
' Whltesburg, Ky.. Aug. 6. What
Is considered the most wonderful cave
In the world has been discovered In east-c
em Kentucky .lSo't yet explored, and
its grandeur viewed by few, the cavern
llesjn the Cumberland " mountains on
one of the Ford creek headwaters.
A few exploring parties who have ven
tured Into the cave, report the finding of
old kettles, parts of dishes believed to
have belonged to former explorers who
perished while searching the cavern's
Street pavement
should not be too
rigid, or it is sure
to be noisy, dusty K
scaly, brittle, hard
on horses' feet and
rubber - tired ve
hicles, and almost
impossible to re
pair perfectly. Bi
tulithic is the op
posite of all these
and at the same
time is non-skid-
Knitting Co.
Main 6330,
!' ;- ' 1 raw
Mil ; !,"'s'!';!'
"''""mtaHbaHHi.,,.-.,!!!"""""' ' " Ji'lliili
ill il
Lnrflf Ilk1 i i!
ii 111 In ilBlli
II II ...:!! ii. r 1 1 1 H . Hi 11 II II I I
Tth and Taylor
, 1 noses t Malm 1. A-im
TONIRHT TOoswr jura
. -Bargain Matinee, '. . ... ;
Tomorrow and Wednesday
supported by BTvirmr ATxxa ;
In the Homantlo Comedy, -, '
, "AWAmnara 01; . .
Evenings, 7&c. 60c.-8kc, 2Sc. Both
Matinees, any seat. I5e. Next wek,
beginning Sunday, "Ths 'atrl WltU
tho CHrton Eyes."
TOMOBJIOW, 10 A. 11'
SELS?0- Aug. 8, 9, 10
Matineo Saturday. '
La Salle Theatre (Chtcajro Big Mui
sical Comedy Hit,
Sophie Tucker and the original cast
and production. .
Prices, both evening and matlne
Lownr floor. $1.60; balcony. 11,007
75c. 60c; gallery. 50c. .
uaea si
Special Su
10c and 20c
wiiJsa. AUGUST 6 "Models of Jaidlaa
rarU," John WUtfs Ooaedv Circus,
Veroni, Terdl and Broth?. OonsUnoo
Wlndom U Con Do llslo and Vernon,
Kngo Xmtrons. Twl-Ugnt ploturw, Or-
aunr . a-ioss
ATO. THEATRE 1 3- 25 -50-7J
. An all-ooraedy bill. Mrs. Oane Hugh
m v, w. v. jrioias, in Hiient bubo.
1st 1 VeniU Cronld. Tan Brothers, Brad-!
shw Brothers, Belmont aad Xarl, !,
Mm Wltt'si 8onthru CKrlt, InuiMici
. (wvwwh wf mm 1 1 J MaWW, T Ill SJ BJUM'
Wolfns. Fantagasoop. Fan tag as Or.j
Box and first Bow Balcony Be sired.
Box offlc opn from 10 a. m, to 10'
p. m. Phones A-3336, Kaln 4030. Cur
tain 9 30, 7:15 and 9. ; , I
- - 1 1 ii fin t
tittoress ;
"V fiilllTji Oonvidln 1
W Brt lntd TandevtlM i
mmer Prices
nra"Pw.ia. mi
ric Theatre!
ronrth and Stark Btreata. '
jLimstrong Follies Company la "I
Blygest Blot of Xnghtt TUi Season
Two performances nightly, 7:45 and
9:16. Matinees dally, 2:46. Regular
prices: Evenings, 15c and '25c. ElaU
nees. any seat, i5c. ,,,r
Friday Bight Chorus Olrls' Oontest. '
last 81z Bays of Clxens
Qrat Circus Boyd & Ogle's bit
show. . u
Boniss Doff Clowns v
Oak Bark Band Great Concert.
Za&7 ZilTlnrston Tho skating
TOnr Pbaraoh The edurated boraet
All usual park attractions. .
Corner Yaufha aad Twenty-fourti It.
Tacdma -
Portland S
ATOUST . 7. 8, , 10 and lb if "
Oames bectn week days I n m. EuoU
Boys under 12 free to bleacher Wdnt '
dar. . I
I , . B
Printing nnd
T7,-acatat ftr lYIolcon
m vm m. a.WAkJVra j
Hlgb Grado Commercial and Electric j
East Seventh and KeM Everett Sta. )
Bhonos Bst llll! 8-8384. 1 '
. .'. . tjttr