The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 02, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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    Town Topics
i i ii " i i i
BtnncEB xesoxt bitbscxiptioxs.
Don't forgat when going "
vacation or for the summer, that Tha
ouroal can follow yon it 1 cents a
b regular subacrtptlo rata. b4 the fot
jwing agaots will sopiU JOB at
Ur tktMl
v Bay Ocraa, Of.. Bay Oeeaa hotel.
Beach Center. Wan.. W. 0. CoIUm.
' Carton Springs, Wirt., Mineral Bprlng
bote! .l
Colllna. Wash., Fred A. Yoang
' Gearhart, Or., tin. O. 1. Elliott.
' Ilwaco, Wart.. H. B. Woodruff.
Beoh. Wh..Lwrne Wnna,
(rvilrery to all poluta on North Btacb.)
1 Newport, Or.. GUn Howard.
Rockawty Beach. lDr., WtlUna Jk BJe.
Seaalda. Or.. Leater ProabateL (Dallreiy
tfl all part or fteaatde.)
wWw, Wart., K, Srranbal
Tillamook, Or.. J. 8. Lamar.
Wtlbolt flprn, r-r -W-.--Meteara.--
"Caacadla, OryOr M. Oelsendorfer,
HIIG Cathrlna Countls in "Merely
' Mary Anrc
COUNCIL CREST High cla attrao-
LYRIC-Arrnetrona; Folllea company In
MPlaylng the Bacea." , .
VH a. 4.- V lljlln in r. . - " " -
TnK EMPRESS vauaeviue.
PANTAGES Vaudeville.
THE OAKS Amusement park.
Weather Condition!.
Portland and Vicinity Fair tonight
and Saturday. Northwesterly wind.
uregon atr xomgn aim pmy.
Northwesterly wind,
; w
aahlnKton Fair tonight and Satur
flay. Weaterly wlnda, '
Idaho Fair tonight and Saturday.
District Forecaster,
Pays $1600 avTaar The United State
civil service commission announces an
anamination to secure eligible from
which to make ertlfieation to fill
vacancy In the position of copperplate
man engraver, geological survey, at
alary ranging from $ J per diem when
actually employed, to iieuu per annum
and vacancies reaulrlng similar, quail-
flcJona at they may occur, unless -It
la found to be in the Interest of the
service to fill such vacancy by rein
2MMk tnsf fif . nromatlor It
will not be necessary for applicants to
appear at any" place for examlnalon. No
dueatlonal test will be given, out appn
eenta will be rated upon the character
and degree of excellence of the samples
of engraving which must be submitted
with examination form 1800 and special
form. Applicants should at once apply
to' the United Btatee civil service com
mlmsion. Washineton. D. C. for form
1800 and special form.
mund . Bloch, a. traveling salesman of
6alt lake City, to aaalat'ln a, area tor
hla trunk: containing $1600, which haa
become lost in being chipped from the
Perkins hotel to him. Tha maa tUtes
that he left the city about IS deya ago
and wired back to the hotel to have his
trunk shipped to him but it bm not yet
reached him and the baggage, companies
have lost track of it The records of
the transfer company are being Marched
for the record today and it la likely that
the trunk will be traced. Bloch statea
that he la In the habit of carrying con
siderable money ta the trunk. .
Sank Clelt Tayment Another
payment Is to be made August II to
recent claimants against the American
Bank & Trust" company. - Thia waa the
effect of an order yesterday tn cir
cuit court, which order waa Secured
upon petition of Will Wright, state bank
superintendent The payment will be
made on those claims made between
June liand -July J0 and. JrlllJ?t . the
same amount as made during the early
part of June.-
The Baclflo States Tire Xasuraaoe
Company has Issued a new map of Ore
gon, giving population of the citlee and
towns as shown by the last United
States census. The company will be
pleased to deliver one of these maps
free to anyone ending name and ad
dress to the Feclf la States Fire Insur
ance company, 300 Chamber of Com
merce building. Phones Marshall (69,
Home A-4J31.
arrange for a Judge, the report not
be made until this afternoon, or Satur
day. It la the custom toend word to
the presiding Judge early in the day
the report Is expected; .but this was not
done thia morning. The Jury ha con.
ldered several minor eases held from
the Justice and municipal court. The
findings on theae art reported ready.
As investigation of the report from the
special eommitteo named to investigate
the eoinralaslonera office waa made by
the Jury, and report la expected on
thia mattar.
Orawf las tn Seaeea Aral gplced and
cooked in wine, always fresh at Levens
Orllle, xS Ash treat opposite Mult
nomah hotel - . j
If Ton do not bur the "Portland
Concrete Burial Vault you do not get
the best ttl Hawthorne awenue. mone
East 8. .
- orter in case lota la Just the drink
to take on your summer outing. lf
real raspberry Juice and it aatlaflea the
tnirL "
Eyes Tested, Glasses ritted, broken
lenses duplicated. Dr. Geo. Rubensteln
expert optician, lit d at near Taylor.
k Piiirm onu
10 I
State Law Contains No Clause
Giving Board Authority to
Muzzle Canines -- Keep
- Close Watch.
aUebigandara to Attend Funeral All
former resident of the state of Michi
gan are requeated to attend the funeral
of Mr. . Harriet Cogswell, who died
Wednesday at her home at Brentwood
station, which is to be held Saturday
afternoon at i o'clock at the Portland
crematorium. The body la to be ere
mated. Mrs. Cogswell waa formerly a
resident of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Bawduat Ablase A ' fire which .did
very little damage but kept the fire
men working for nearly three hours to
extinguish, broke out at 2 o'clock thin
morning In a sawdust heap at the gaa
plant at the foot of Flanders street It
was not until 8 o'clock this 'morning
that the blase was completely con
Postal Savings Bank Gains Accord
inar to the statistical report of the Post
al Savings bank of Portland, presented
Postmaster Merrick, by Oeorge 11. Carr,
clerk in charge, the bank marie a net
deposit gala of 31,418 during the month
ending July 31, making now $522,882
total balance to the credit of the de
positors. , Since the savings bank was
opened September 9, 1311. there have
been 8323 accounts opened. Of this
number 637 accounts were opened dur
ing the month of July, and 427 accounts
were closed, leaving 4678 accounts open
at the close of .the month of July.'
'Search Warrant Issued A search
warrant was Issued this morning on re
quest of X A. Coddlngton, of the Com
mercial club, who has stated that he
has reason to believe five silver finger
bowls belonging to the Commercial
club, valued at about 113. 60, are in the
possession of John Doe Bwltier in room
408 at 207 H Fourth street
See Local Incinerator Sanitary In
spector Simmons and Superintendent
Murray of the Seattle garbage Inclnera
tion department visited the city crema
tory at Guild' lake today to see the
plant In operation. Tbey are gathering
statistics with a view to constructing
another burner at Seattle,
Bids for Pig lead The city water
board yesterday ordered that bids be in
vited for the furnishing to the water
office of 60,000 pounds of Selby pig
lead. The bids must be submitted to
the board on or before 4 p. m., August
15. Delivery of the lead must be not
later than September 1.
To Bntertaln Ballroad Ken. President
J. E. Werleln of the Transportation club
yesterday named a committee of three
to cooperate wMh-the general passenger
agents and a committee from the Port
land Commercial club In arranging for
the reception and entertainment of the
general passenger agents of eastern rail
roads who will be In Portland Beptember
ia An thai wflv hnm from th annual
meeting at Seattle. The appointees are
M. J. Geary, l. F. Knowlton and E. W.
Mosher. The passenger men expect to
SDend at least one flay in Portland and
everything will be done to make tholr
stay mpst pleasant
Sanding of Streets Asked Robert
Tucker, prealdt-nt of the Tortlartd
Horseownere association. In a letter
filed In the city auditor's office for
ubmlsslon to the wayn and means com
mittee of the city oouncll, auks that
(ha'rltv make arrangements for the
andlna: of paved street In wet weath
er. The association recently conducted
It series of experiments to show th
value of the send sprinkling and It
demonstrated that streets can be mado
afe for tmrses at comparatively smii'.l
cost, one load of sand sprinkling II vi
Blotel Awning 4)t Afire Fire which
wss probably atarted hy throwing l
lighted cigarette stub out of the window
destroyed an awning outside of room
411 Multnomah hotel ahortly before
O'clock yesterday afternoon, and caused
a run of several fire companies In re
ponse to an alarm turned In by a pas
erby"wh5 saw The ttlnxf.- Tr; s. Snrgnt
tlch and one of the hotel manafrora hnd
xtlngulrhed the blare before the depart
ment arrived, by pouring water onto the
awning from ths room above.
Dead Woman Was Dummy A hurry
call for a detective to fathom a terrible
murder mystery was received late yes
terday from the real estate office of
Pabney A Pahney, In the Hallway Ex
change building. When Deteotlve Tlch
enor responded to the rail, he was told
that the body of a woman with her
throat cut with several knife wounds
VII lying on a box In the second story
of the Lyrlo theatre bulldlnjr. Tlchenor
rushed to the theatre, found the "dead
woman was a dummy and so reported It
to ths Informers.
Boy Cigarette Smokers Four minors
who had been caught smokltiR clcr
tits hy Sergeant Tom Kay and I'atrt'l
man Btewart, came to grief In police
court yesterday. Each was fined 320
The fines were suspended after Judge
Tatwell bad scored the boys. Those ur
rested Wednesday night were Arthur
tKewton. aged 18; Herbert Baker, aired
IT years; John Emery, aged 18 yeara,
and Ralrh Erie, aged 19 years. They
were seen on second street between Mor
rlson and Alder streets.
Alimony Denied Temporary alimony
was denied Mrs. Margaret E. Henderson
yesterday by Judge Oantenbeln of the
circuit eoutjf, thereby allowing affairs
to be "permanently adjusted when the
divorce Is heard. John L. Henderson
the husband, made a showing to the ef
feet that he has given his wifo prop
erty valued at 15000. She iays she Is
unable to realise enough money on this
td defray her expenses.
Rlvsr Excursions to Oregon City
Boat from Taylor street docn. Week
days, 8 a, m., 2 p. m.; Sundays, a. m.
12 m., 3 p. m. Round trip, 40c, Tickets
good on P. R., L. & P. cars,
Mount Xood auto stage line leave
dally, 7:80 p. m. Woodlawn 1066, Fare
Wedding Kings The latest Tiffany
hap at Jaeger brothera.
sr. A. Wis and associate, painless
dentists. Third and Washington.
DlamondsThe very finest at Jaeger
brothera, . .
Sr. K. 0. Brawn, Bye, Ear. Marauara
Taw Xrats Buffet, 3d -and Alder ata.
Br. B. X, Band has returned.
The Portland Park bank, W. E. Mo-
Elroy, director, will play at Holladay
park. East Twelfth atreet an,d Holladay
avenue, this evening. The program will
be as follows:
March "The Iron Clad" Brown
Overture "Pique Dame" 8uppe
Walts "Beauty's Charms". Tobanl
Duet "I Due Fossarrvrr; .Verdi
B. V. Drlscoll, cornet; Eugene cioni.
Yeomen plcnlo, Estacada Park, Sun
day, August 4. Special tram leaves
East Water and Morrison 9 a. m. Free
dancing with tickets. Round trip 75
cents. Tickets, Sherman-Clay Co,
Mount stood A real mountain resort
at Cloud Cap Inn. The most glorious
spot on Mount Hood. Tickets and res
evratlons, Dorsey B. Smith, 68 Stti at '
Mount Xood Auto Stage line, leaving
dally 7:30 a. m.; returns 4:80 p. m. Haw
thorne Garage, 448 Hawthorne avenue.
Phone East 161.
Steamer Jeeto Xuklaa for Camia,
Washotigal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet
dock at 2 p. ci,
"Mexican Kisses" Robert
Selection, "The Serenade" Herbert
Meaiey "Songs From the Sunny
South" Lampe
Humoresque "The Navajo Rag".Liampe
Selection "Marltana" Wallace
March "Salute Camp Harrlaon"... King
Next Sunday afternoon the band will
play at Mount Tabor park. The Sunday
afternoon concert begins at 2:30 o'clock.
, Active Business.
Having determined to retire from
active business In order to attend to
my own private affairs, the business
of the C K. Henry company la taken
over by George P. Henry, for several
years In my offlee. end C. C. Wllllama,
for the past eight years with Wake-fleld-Frles
& Co., under the firm name
of Henry A Williams, who will gladly
undertake to transact real estate mat
ters In my place and stead-
Grateful for the patronage that han
been accorded ma In the put 20 odd
year In this city, and bespeaking for
hit successors Henry A Williams, s
continuance of same, I am
Respectfully yours,
We, George P. Henry and C. C. Wil
llama, having a good knowledge of the
ctty of Portland and real estate values
therein, having been for years tn the
business in this city, will cheerfully
undertake and give prompt attention to
any real estate mattera entrusted to us,
following the lines and methods of the
C. K. Henry Co., Henry building, 83
Fourth street, whom we succeed.
(trend Jury Seport Delayed The
grand Jury planned to report at noon to
day to the circuit court, but with the
failure of District Attorney Cameron to
Aeoordlng to he aet of 190S of the
state lawe by which the atate board of
health' waa created, the board ha the
authority "to make aanltary lnvestt
gatlona especially of epi
demics, including those of domestio ani
mal. . It shall make and
Is hereby empowered to-enforce, audi
quarantine regulation a seem befit for
the preservation of the publio health,
and it ahall be the duty ret ell polio
officer, sheriffs, constable and all
county officer and employes of the
state, to enforce euch regulations, sub
ject to the authority of the health of
ficer." Thia law 1 construed .to give author
ity to the state board of health to order
all dogs destroyed, but Dr. Calvin S.
White, atate health officer, doe not
wish to enforce the stringent provision
unless absolutely necessary. A confer
ence wa held yesterday in Salem by
Dr. White with Acting Governor Olcott
to determine the power of the governor
to order all dogs muzzled and nowhere
In the laws of the state could such
authority be found. The entire control
as far as the state i concerned Ilea
with the health board.
"I do not wish to authorize the whole
aal destruction of dogs," declared Dn
White, "and this will not be necessary
If dog are mutxled or kept tinder con
straint by owners. Unclaimed doga will
be taken in charge by the poundmaster.
Take Many Precautions.
"Everything possible is being done
to, curb. A-possible, epidemic of rabies
and Dr. J. F. Morel, state veterinarian,
and ABltant City Health Officer I. T
Beeman are spending the greater part
of their time at present investigating
all reported case of bite by dogs and
of mad doga. Even the allghteet bite
1 at once looked Into as we want to be
absolutely sure the person bitten is In
no danger.
Should more stringent measuree be
necessary there would be no reason for
merely placing dogs in the pound as
one dog affected with the rabies mifrht
Infect many other and an owner could
not be allowed to rescue his pet It
would be necessary to destroy all dogs
so taken.
"Three cases are now btng treated
with the Paateur treatment on axcount
'of bite from dogs' affected. Yesterday
a big bulldog wa taken down"Wtth the
malady on Rodney avenue and died from
tho effecta, HI body wa at once
taken to the crematory and burned and
we are examining his head for traces of
"The killing of a dog affected de
stroy a great deal of the liability of
discovery of the presence of rabies and
If possible we allow the animal to die.
The brain Is the proper- place in which
to find the regrl bodies which are evi
dence of the rabies. They are also
present In the scrapings of the teeth
and In the eyes. To the present we
have found 14 doga and four oata which
have given evidences of rabies,
raaa Xeolutton
"Acting' Governor Olcott la worried
over the situation and would gladly do
all in hla power to aid in putting down
the threatened epidemlo were ha given
The following reaolutiona were paaed
at a joint meeting of the state and city
board of health last Tuesday: .
"Wbereae, it haa been proven beyond
a doubt that an outbreak Of rablee ex
ists in tho city Of Portland and
"Whereas, the heads of 12 dog and
four cats that have died of the disease
have been examined by the bacteriolo
gist of the state board of health and
negrl bodies found In all these 'showing
conclusive proof of the existence of the
disease and
"Whereas, three or more peraons
have been bitten by dog and cat
proven to be' rabid and
"Whereas. the recent ordinance
passed by the city council will be in
operative - for 80 day and
"Whereas, these affected animals
have come from all parts of the city
of Portland
"Therefore. Be It Resolved, by the
city board of health and the stale board
of health, in Joint session that an
emergency exists and that It Is their
duty to call tho attention of the peo
pie to the necessity of keeping all of
the dogs and cats in close confinement
or properly murzled to prevent a further
spread of this disease."
(CnJted Frees Uaead Wire,-
Duluth, Minn.. Aug. 2. One of the
biggest musical festival ever held in
the United State waa opened here to
day, when the meeting of the Finnish
American Association of Musical club
began. Attending the festival are lng-
lng societies rrotn all tn nnnun com
munities in the country, Including a
number from the copper country.
fSDeHal to The Journal.)
Boeeburg, Or., Aug. 2. Quong Hing,
a wealthy Salem Chinaman, came to
Roseburg thia morning and swore out
a warrant charging his wife and her
sister with stealing 2500 from him.
Mrs. Quong, her four children and her
sister arrived here at midnight last
nleht They were In the waiting room
of "the depot when the husband arrived. I
Mrs. Quong eaya the party was going
to San Francisco to visit friends. The
hUBband says aha did not Intend to re
turn and that If she returned the money
she could go and not return.
- Reno, Nev Aug. 2 Har husband
fallen heir to an estate worth 3500,000,
Rosa Mara ton la speeding across the
continent today to contest the dlvoroo
suit of Leo J. ChrystaL better known
as Leo Bell, an actor.
After a Bhort period of wedded life,
the couple separated and eight months
ago Bell filed eult for divorce In Reno,
while hi wife went east to continue her
dramatic work.
Th death of Chrystal' father and
the news of bU fortune Is said to have
caused'ttte wlffe's contest.
At Boanerllie,
Don't miss this outing and day of fun.
The O.-W. R. & ,N.. special train leaves
Union depot 9 a. in. Round trip tickets
31. Children half fare. Next Sunday
Is the day. Tickets on sale city ticket
office. Third and Washington sta.
THERE is a wonderful
sense of safety and se
curity which a bank
account engenders. You
feeLthat you are making
a success.
A bank account tends, to
increase your effortsv and
bring you Into a larger,
broader sphere of activity,
up where the opportuni
ties are apparent on every
hand andWhere You
Have tho Ready Money
to Take Advantage of
Start a Savings Account
$oday. $1 is sufficient
We pay 4 per cent inter
est on deposits.
Merchants National
Founded in 1880.
Washington and Fourth
Oard of Thank.
I desire to herewith extend my heart
felt thanks to many friends for the
sympathy tendered and assistance ren
dered mo on the occ&alon of the .death
and burial of my beloved wife, Caroline,
and especially for the beautiful floral
tributes from my friends of the cus
tom house. Fredrick: firmer.
Man's Suit Free.
If I cannot prove to any man that
I am giving the beet clothing value In
the city during my cleanup sale, I will
fit htm with a suit and present It to
him free. Jimmy Dunn, room 815 Ore
gon lan bid. '
iP The Greatest
b ffr
Open lecture Meeting Kvenlng Star
grange will hold an open lecture meet
ing at Its hall, near Division street and
the Section Line road, at 8- o'clock to
morrow afternoon. Robert R. 8peele
will speak on "Training of Children."
James O. Kelly will dlfcuS "Economic
Ue of 'Meat," and b. M. riummer
will talk on lh Eugenlo movement.
The work of notable agriculturalists
will also be dlsoussed.
"Daughter of Bondage. Dr. Emma
.TIrVl wUXJiJijonljui. iL-Ult
Lolled Brethren church, Last Twenty
eighth and Alberta alreeta, on a sub
ject that every mother and father la
urged to hear, "Daughter of Bandage."
Trunk Containing 11500 Klftlngwrha
yolica fcsM been appealed to b 0-
The Greatest
Shoe Sale of
When you are away it li nice to have a few good edibles with you, and
this itore it noted for having everything that
would tempt your appetita.
Portland' Oldest and Best Grocers
148 Third Street
A-4432, Main 9432
Look at our windows and you will be astonished at the
prices we have put on all our aummer stock in order to
close same out Remember ths Rosenthal way is "A New
Stock for a New Season," and we therefore must close out
every pair of summer shoea Irrespective of their cost during
this month.
P00 pairs of men's and ladies' Oxfords, short lines, A y t r
the season's latest styles, per pair 3)1UU
1000 pairs of men's and ladies' Pumps and Ox-
fords, regular prices $3.50 and $4 a pair, at. .. . D lelD
1000 pairs men's and ladies' $5 and $6 Pumps and (n nr
Hanam and Boyden's men's "Best On Earth" Ox- ( a or
fords (latest styles), now , tu'TeOD
Come Ir!y. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Come Early
Sifted Sweet "Waldorf" Peas, reg. 20c tin, 3 cans for 50
. Bezier. .Boneless Sardines, 25c tin; dozen at f2.75
Beech Nut Sliced Racon, reRtilar 35c ir, jpecial ..30T
Pimentoi, "great for salad," 2 cam for 25e
Richelieu Lobster, tin 40e
Japanese Crab Meat, regular 35c, tin 8e
Ture New Yorklaple Syrup, Jl-Rallon tins 00?
Gr.enadjne .and Blackher'ry Syrup, Quart bottle 8M
All local Berr at brewery prices.
Appolinarls Water, per doien quarts, f2.50 doren pints, f 1.75
Klngan's "Own Cure Hams," the best ever.
Morel's Pride Bacon, better than any, at same price at local stock.
Baked Sugar-Cured Ham, "cooked in real wine."
Virginia "Razor-Back Ham" 45c per pound.
Visit our new refrigerator department, where everything Is under
glass and ice-cooled.
Only seasonable, fancy selected Fruit and Vegetables to select
fmm. Fruit Baskets our specialty.
Ask for a Fly Killer. We wl!l be glad to give ynu one.
'totxtlam nxoza-
FIEILiIG 7th anTaylor
Phone i Mela 1, JL-1129
vonaxT Toxoiiow nan
ttpeoUl lfattnea Tomorrow.
Supported by lylney Ayr In the
Cmedy Drama,
ToiuiLi atajtY unr
Evening. 78o, 6O0, jJo. ISa. Saturday
Matinee. 50o. 26c.
Aupust 4-5-S-7, Comedy Drama,
"Awakenina; of Helena Sltohla"
Bargain Mat. Tues. and Wed.
Teach Jonrjoyii
How to Sa?e
Has your own life
teen a financial suc
cess? v , .:.r;
If it has, you know
the value of savin?
and can point the
t- L ; I 1
ngni:..roaa loyour.
If It hasn't start your
boy right now. Bhoir
him thatit Jsai J
area) tost makea a tur
plus It makea no dif
ference what he earns it
he spends It alL
If you get him really
interested in saving now,
he won't be nearly so lia
ble to get into bad hltrv
Its later for he'll find a
better way of using his
money than to spend It in
a way that is harmful to
We pay 4
on sayings
Portland Trust Co.
Of Oregon
Third and Oak Sta.
The wle buyer
never acrtflce
quality to get a low
price. It'a equally
Important for the
taxpayer' to know
how cheap really '
good pavement can
be laid. Investigate.
Ask the fellow, who,
has tried them alL
In due time you'll ar
rive at "bltullthla,"
Special Summer Prices i
Nights Matinees
10c and 20c Any Seat 10c
roaTXAirsfj okbat
AH Big outdoor Aota Tree
Tree Circoe Lsrt Three 8aya
Every afternoon and evening.
The beat "hit ever en in Portland.-
At t and 8 c m, 2
Clowns, animals' Aota, Clron Band,
Oaks Park Band every afternoon and
evening in delightful concert
Xing Fharoeh, the famous educated
horse. Every afternoon and eve
nt tif.
Skating Ba in the dancing pavilion.
WXZK JTJIiY 8S -A Wyoming mo.
msnce," Kappr Jack Oerdner a Co,
S'Aroy and William, rraakle Drew,
Zass Leonardos, Valentine Toa Jr, Twi
light Plctaras, Orchestra.
! S
f aunr e, a-:no
wrir VV tu i." a tdp i -w n e
W, H. St, Jams and Tlaytrs, Uartla
Johnson' Ttavtloa-nes, Charley Case,
Bobert Pe Mont Trio. Burr and Bone.
i Kelly and Xfferty, The area xabby,
Orchaetre, Flotnies.
auttaee Bally
WXXK JULY St frank Busk, The
Clipper Qnartet, Mr. and Mrs. WtUlaaa
Morris, The Three Madoaps, The Toklo
Mlvskko Troupe, Pantegeeoope. Populet
prtoea. Box oftloe open 10 a. m. to 10
p. m. Fhonee A-aa3v, Mala 403 a. Boxes
and flrat row haJaonv raaarvxt. Onrtmlm
I S ISO. 7:19, t.
Oregon Humane Society
OmOI 174 MABiaOK ST.
rxowB MAur essi atm
Refer all ernelty ealla t thia office.
Foster & Klelscr
High Grade Commercial and Electric
East Seventh and East Everett StaV
Bhoaea Bast --Mill B-aa4, --
1 L
jLyric Theatre
Fourth and BUrk It. The Armstrong
, rolllts Company la FXtATXBQ TXB
i BACXa, the Beel Olrly-atrty Show! Two
perfonnanoee nightly, 700 and SiU IS
and aso. Matin Bally, BiSO. any seat
lOo. rrlday Bight, Chorus a Iris Oon-i
Log .Cabin
Vancouver Ave. and
Fremont St
Who Buys Blue Ribbon
Bread Buys Health
Ask yntir arorr. If he is shove Fbur
tponth ittnK't on thi west Hide, he will
el you (he nmM of fsmtllte on Port
lanri end Wlllumnttn llrljhta. If he
Is In tit bualua dtatrlrt, he will say,
thoae living In North end South Port
land. If he I IncnUd on the east il la,
he will fay Ijiurlhurat, Mr.
Tahnr. Hoa Cltv I'arV. Woodstock and
"T.Ni i a. rro trtaTtr-wit eT-yw-rrve,-yoa
are sure or aecuring
"Bread Mari for Tea Oaate.
Coraai Vang ha and Twenty-fourth arte,
JTJ1T 89, 30, 31 AUCK 1, S, S, 4.
Oamra hfgin week day I p. m, lxt
diys ! 30 p. m.
nnii nnrl.r ll fra to blaaohara wednaaw
Toxr abb Totrm bamxlt abb cob-
Press Club Picnic
Sunday, August 4, 1912
A grout program of prise event. Baae
bail tFress Club v. Ad Club), raoea,
munle, dancing. Good, wholesome fun,
perfect order. Bpaotal tfela leavea
Vnlon Depot at I a. m. EeturatoeT ar
rives Portland 1:11 p, m.
Botrarz-raaB- bxuaxxb tUaV.
Instantly Believe and rapidly Cure
all pain In the bead, face and Ilmbe.
Al all Draeaaaa, at hem Sola Aaaa)
Ticket may be ptirehaaed from the
secrstary, Portland Pre Club, Elk
building. Also at Lh1on Depot aTo at
0.-W. it A N. office. .Ihird and Wen
tugton Street.
crr.Totrs.nrjrrs now