rk&- OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAYEVENING, a AUGUST - 2,1-1912 22 54 HOTEL PORTLAND European plan onryft.SO and up. J?ELVfc&ERF Europe a, 4th and Alder, j SUMMER KESORTS 56 NORTH BEACH. 3 room completely fur ; mshed cottage. 1 block from , ocean. pst Williams-ave. : STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORES now occupied Ty Journal. Goodnough bldsr.. for rent after Sept I. 1812. See Chester V. Dolph. 303 Mo hawk bldg.. after August 1: MODERN store, 90x25, brick building, " - .blete glass andTiak front 8-foot ce ment basement ISO. Main 7157. HOTELS . -FOR RENT Store room at 13d 13th at, -between Alder ancL Washington. - Phcne Sellwood 1893. " DESIRABLE offices. The Goodnough i . M"lC Fifth and Yamhill street. 'STORE room', central, long lease, low rent. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. ATE-TOREJiT " I WANTjji nice, completely furnished, "clean -ft ve or six room house, with -"- two bedsancr"Ded couch. House must. be modern and in good neighborhood. Prefer one within walking distance or eooJ carllne, .,Jplace Is suitable might buy later. Have two children. Address i. K-4 8, Journal. 1 - HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 GRALtNG outfit for sale or trade for an eastern larm, consisting of 5 good teams, 7 dump Wagons, 6 other wagons, it, plows, scrapers automobile and other ) tools: steady work Included. Marshall ' ;' 2181. O. B. Croyle. WANTED A rood team of mares, har - ness and wagon. Take lot ii; trade. One block to carline. 87 E. Main st. , East 56SO. i A. BUNCH of first clase mares and nought at your own price. Call 446 r Flandenr-Bt.; xorner llth. - i FINE bay, Aikl, pacing mare, 6 years old, weighs 1050, high grade Winkler "Ttiuggy, good as new. Will exchange for "'" rfal estate. 395 Broadway. ' a""J-EAR-6LD filly," by Hal B.; safe for a lady to drive in city or country; Is speedy. Canjbe seen at Frazer & Me- Lean, 6th and Taylor. CARLOAD of horsm ana mules. Goose neck, farm and delivery wagons; har " ' and 'ldles. 381 Water, west side " TWO teams, harness and wagon for - leior trade, for wood. Woodlawn FOR SALE 6 small horses, 1 good camp wagon new, 1 3 in. wagon new, 2 sets harnw44.3A--Mwa4am---ti. .. ALMOST new rubber tired huggy and single harness for sale. Reasonable, Phone Woodlawn 2828. Home C-1215. HORSES and buggies for rent bv dav. week or month. 6th and Hawthorne, iasi iz. . FEW odd horses tor sale; horses sold, exchanged. Rltter. 393 Water gt. FOR SALE Light top delivery wagon, , good order. Phone E. 298. ONE team in good condition, weight . about 3100. Sellwood 661 Nchalom. li HEAD of horses, 700 lbs. to 1400 lbs., from $35 to 1100. 14 Union ave. LIVESTOCK 35 FOR SALE Promising 2-year-old heif er, with calf; well broke. Price rea sonable. A. W. Fankhauser," I mile south ui ieniw. vjt. l hoot JJ sU. TWO fresh cows with calves; extra fine Jersey, 4 to 5 gallons. 709, Harold. . etuwooa car. seuwooa ini, ' ONE large Jersey-Durham, fresh, 5 gal. f9th-N. M-V car. FOR SALE 25 3-months old pigs; also one sow and, 6 pigs. H. Oreo, Tlgard. vllle. Or. YOUNG Durham-Holsteln, fresh next month. 3d calf. 430 E. Kllltngsworth ave, POULTRY 37 ; ORPINGTONS. Buffs and Whites, stock and eggs, speak quick. Murphy, Sell- 'I MANN green bone grinder, first class -"iiuitHin. vh 1 i lanpr SEVERAL hundred chickens at 247 E. mn. East Z276. THOROUGHBRED P. R. eggs and stork" pure Ringlet strain. Royce. Sell. 1335. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PriTS 46 SEND for fre book on th proper food for aee4-atlng -cage birda,- Oregon "ti. hi, iortiann, or. IF you ant your dogs clipped, call Dr. oiuwn, op wash GET your humane dog muziles of Dr. v.. 3& wnwn, Hi K. 12th. 646 H Wash. FOR SAtE MISCELLANEOUS 19 - sewing mrnmrmmsmRr 100 Singer machines, slightly used. 75 New Home machines, slightly used. 100 White machines. slightly used. 10 Wheeler and Wilson- machines, elichtly used. t ,,20.0 . machines of all other makes, llehtly used. - fialfi.jonat jny .tbxe.itoxea,.420-.Wah. - - lnston- fit j-383 Aider at..- 93 -Third- st i j, 6PKCIAL pale of slightly used Singers, "W. & W ." White and Standard sew Jng machines;,. easy payments. Call 383 1 1 ?LsHI?2IL JLeiLilr? "lj i SLIGHLy lised cash regTsterd, credit i 4 ' registers, computing scales, etc., ' bought and sold. The Pacific Stora , v Service Co.. 227 Stark at. Main 7711. FOR SALE Gas restaurant range, fam w tt range, Tj. O. ' double 'desk, buffet, -r-Mcycle a nd water heater. Call 2R4 ntipsell lit. - - OPERATING Pliingl mul, 40 h. p. rr 41ne, hand mHchino; 500,000 ft. red r timber. 12000; terms. J. R. TSc Rpaln. Star, Or. FOR SALE Account illness, clothing stock, A-l, clean Btock, at 6d cents, lni-oice about f.UQn. A-9SD Journal. 4 DONKEY engines and complete log- b"b -aini. in i eon mag. GOOD violin, bow and case, only 316. Main 9451. SSOTORCYCLES J40 up; bicycles, $10 up. 181 Madison, near bridge. FCR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 RANGES A failure, of an apartment house forced us to take bark 80 "Eclipse" gas ranges after being In use less than a month. To sell them at once we have , put. a special price on them and wilt nell them on easy terms. A $30 Eclipse" with side oven, separate broiler, four burners and a simmering burner, nickel front, mission style of stand, special price $21.60, on easv payments; a $32.50 .-"lc vwwi rirvutt'tj uven miiu mu'i- er, same size as above, special at $22.50; none were used a full month; and are bright and clean and could not be told from Tnew ranges. If you want a gas range cheap and on easv terms, ask to ; see these. I Gcvurtz & Rons, 1st and Yamhill sts. FOR SALE New and second-hand Cnr otn and pocket billiard tables, and bpwling alleys and accessories; bar flx "Tlires of all kinds; easy payments. The Ilrunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46 - 48 tth st. Phones Main 769, A-l69. SAFES SprCiai bargain second hand fire and burglar proof; safes opened and repaired. Purcell Sfe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 65 6 th st. Phone Main 30. TYPEWRITER Smith Premier, No. 2, In perfect condition, $25. Room 40, reinng-tiircn niag. COLLECTION of coins for sale, gold. niiver ana copper. isu isortn loth . AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 AUTOMOBILE b7rgTtn"' ' Whybuy a new cheap car when yoji can secure .nne of our high grade used cars At th Mam orlrn Wm criinranta tt,m Wersnt-WsW-Bfld -models, aT! "tfade-f , in on new White cars. We also offer seviiral 2d hand trucks. Write WhH Car Acncy, Sixth street at Madison. HE AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 WE have several used cars, " left with us tobe sold by purchasers of 1912 machines, If you are in the market for a used car it would be to your advantage to sesjtase before closing, -' STUDEBAKER CORPORATION OF AMERICA, 19th and Aider, Main 5969 " Auto Bargains Here are a few of our many snaps: 1910 Maxwell, 2 passenger, fine con dition, $325. 1910 Buick, 4 passenger, detachable rear seat. $425. 1910 Premier, 7 passenger, 6 cylinder, 60 H. P., snap, $1500. t, 1911 Cadillac, 5 passenffer, fully equipped, only, $1260. Over 30 other cars to select from. Oregon Auto Exchange 48 "AldW'-flt.' ""Mair im. AMT;' Auto Delivery Car Thomas, 60 H. P.: will carry 3000 lbs. ; chain -drive. A-l condition. This is a snap, only $750, Oregon Auto Exchange 493-495 Alder St. SLIGHTLY USED CARS. ' We have several slightly used auto mobiles both in two and five passen ger. For prices and demonstrations call on Michigan Auto & Buggy Co. 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phor.ps, East 1421 - - , B 184J I Want a Good Auto Must be In good condition, as part pav nient on a house. Phone Sellwood 87, MOVING picture outfit, also 6 h. p. traction wood sawing steam engine; trade for covered auto delivery. Box 14, Jefferson, Or. AUTO repairing ana storage work guaranteed, all experienced help. The Powell Garage, 37th and Hawthorne. laDor 1147. FLANDERS "20," 1912. as she stands $500, or will repafr and overhaul $600; Etudebaker Corporation of America. Math 6969. WANTED All kinds old auto tires, in ner tubes, metals, rubber shoes high est cash prices paid. Leve, 186 Co lumbla at. Main 6198. HERRSHOFF, good condition, 4 door, 1911 model, 6-passenger $500: best bargains In city. Call Main 6969, Aek for Llnsley. E. M. F. 6-passenger touring car, model 1910, Just been, .repaired and over hauled, as- he stands$300; overhauled 1PV, Main 5969, MITCHELL roadstear, needs" overhaul ing, as she sands $300. 'overhauled ?3r,0 Call Llnsley, Main 6969. ONE 2 cyl. runabout, perfect condition, a bargain, $160. Portland Detroit Auto Co., 14th and Couch sts. FOR SALE Automobile, Cadillac 80, 4 pass., in A-l condition, $600. See owner, room 40 SeUlng-Htrsch bldg. ONE 7 -horsepower Indian motorcycle for sale, full equipment, guaranteed. Phone E. 668. between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. BRUSH runabout $150 light delivery, as good as new. Call Arnolds Glove Factory. 147 North 6th st. 1910 model Ford. 5 passenger, a snap, for -cash. Hawthorne Garage, '445 Mawwiorne ave. FOR HALE 7-paesenler Packard, 1912" ' model. Apply Lang & CO., 1st and Ankeny. KuNABUtIT Oldsmobll". for sale or trade for lot, ch pap. Tabor 1 52 - j 200 Mitchell runabout in good order. 420 Belmont St., cor. 6th. 1911 ELECTRIC light Ford, 8 passenger, M. L. Gallagher, 821 Yeon bldg, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WAWED-ermfcttmierx-tDTs-trr- country town, j-549, Journal. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repairing. Marine ways. Foot Ahern a thy st. XIQWBO AI&.;': suittftatt,.:: FOWsEZBasisV i snnp inor i aiuornia street. BARGAIN New engine .and launch. $125 cash. 184 Morrison st. 18 foot launch latest style. 643 Hood st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 81 FOR SAtE Price Steeple piano, good as newt terms. K-829, Journal. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, all the furnl ture, dlnhng room and kitchen utensils in the Glhspn hotel, 2 Union ave. north. Will sell Ira rolls or parcels. Apply at the premises. ' FOR RALE4-Furnitura of 5' roorn, cot- tags, with or without piano; cottago j for rent after Aug. 10. K-828, Journal, i FOR SALE -New furniture of 2 com I nlota furnished offices locnteil im Board of Trade. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 0 WANTED You to know that the Knights and Ladles of Security are making a cam paign for 1000 new members, to clos September 16th. Special Inducements to workers. Call at office. The Allsky bldg corner 3rd and Morrison. Phono Main 8002, A-3391. WANTED Permission to photograph 200 Portland's prettiest residences, for eastern newspapers and magosltiesi pic ture from 2 to 4 feet long, on exhibi tion In Portland store windows, before forwarding east. No expense. Tabor 4123, Murray Murray, 2926 71st, S. E "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Have you furniture to sell; reliable party wants to buy $1000 worth of see- f r' 1 hand fnanUi. ......... j j vj,,j nij'i luuiHuiD, eiiivrn nun rugs in email ur mrge quantities anc pay all the ensh It Is worth. Phone East 8,16. WAN TED To buy a 100 yard capacity rock crusher; must be In good condi tion. Address mayor, city -of Coburg, Or. WE PAY CASH For moving picture outfits, folding chairs, electric fans, pianos; office and store fixtures. Phone Main 8458. WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. to. Peater. 124-126 Grand ave. East 1563. COVELu FURNITURE A COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 2.04 1st. . Main 8 022, BARGERS' AUCTION HOUSE. 868-370 E. Morrison St.. E. 1022, $1000 wurin oifjooa rurniture at once. BE WISE; ret more for your second- nana rurniture oy selling it to Foro Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951, A-2448. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE- ilULJ, UOODH. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX.. 869 E. MOfa, E. 768, WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. Cam- era Exchange, 245 14 Morrison. 'LOST "AND FOTTNT) "21 FOUND male bull terrier dog; brlndle mi wnite. us e. 10th st N. LOST AND FOUND 21 L08T Valuable papers, mortgage on Benton Co. farm, deed to 3 lots In Mt Scott, U. 8. patent to 80 acres In Wash ington, property of Wm. Leadbetter, .Na tional fcotel; suitable reward. Front and YamhllL A LADY'S necklace with locket and slide, oblong locket, designed In blue enamel. Three opals in elide. Finder win oe -rewaraeft. pnone Kast i LOST Last Tuesday, black dog with reddish tinge, ttewara. J-aui, jour nal. - FOUND Shepherd dog. Owner call 900 Minnesota ave. . NOTICES NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME, Notice is hereby given, that In pur suance of authority duly conferred and In compliance with directions duly giv en at a meeting of the stockholders of the "Noonan-Humphry company," a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws or the state of Oregon, which said authoruy was given, and directions were conferred by the affirmative vote of nil the stock holders of said corporation, the under signed, as the directors and all the directors of said corporation, -did, on July" 26, 1912, file with the secretary of state of the state of Oregon and with the eountv clerk"of Multnomah county of suld state of Oregon, as required by law, supplementary articles or incorpo ration for the purpose of changing the corporate name, and In and by which the corporate name of said corporation was changed from the "Noonan-Humphry company" to "Condon-Noonan Co." Said corporate name has been so changed because H, B. Humphry and J. o. uumpnry, rormer stockholders In said corporation, have sold all their stock in said corporation to E. J. Con don and G. R. Thalman and no person named "Humphry" is any longer a stockholder in or in any way connected with said corporation, and it was and is the desire of all the preaent stock solders of said corporation thatrha jmmaiumpbj.y.-Jeiimlnat4ro me corporate name or said corpora tion and the name "Condon" be substi tuted therein. Dated July 29, 1912. E. J. CONDON. H. K. NOON AN, G. R. THALMAN, Directors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court nf tho TTnttod States, for the district of Oregon. In the matter of Milo Haskell Ward, bank rupt; No. 2085 in bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on the 31st day of July, A. P., 1912, Milo Haskell Ward, of Portland, Or., the bankrupt above named, was dulv adludlcnted Imnkmnf and that the first meeting of his cred itors win tie held at the offices of the umloFRtgnedy- Rom-41 -Penttm-building, Portland, Or., on the 14th day of Aug. 1912. at 10 a. m., at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the Dannrupt, ana transact such other busi ness as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented in form required by the bankruptev act, and sworn to. The schedule filed dis closes no asset. CHESTER O. MURPHY, Retcree in Bankruptcy. Dated Air. 1 1912. OFFICE rilbliursniu uuarieriuaHier tJo" lllmbln hllilriiniT PnrtlnnH rr Tulu 16, 1912. Seated proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., Pa cific time, Sept 3. 1912, for 10,000 tons hay and 8000 tons oats for delivery at Portland, Or., Seattle, Wash., Tacoma. Wash., or other prominent railroad points. Information and blanks fur nished on application. The government reserves right to accept or reject am or all bids, or any part thereof. En velopes containing Voposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Hay and Oats" and addressed to Disbursing Quarter master. U S. Engineer Office, 321 Customhouse Portland. Or., August I, 1912. Sealed proposals for constructing two steel hull 24 inch dredges, "Multnomah" and Wahkiakum," will be received at thin office until 11 a. m., September 30, 1912, and then publicly opened. Information on application. J. F. MclNDOE.- Major En g I neers. AFTER this date, August 1, 1912, I will . not be responsible for debts contraoted by my wife, Mrs. 1), C. Beach, left my bed and lodging. (Signed) D. C. BEACH. PERSONAL 22 RADICAL cure by the latest natural hea Ing methods, including radium, all electrical currents, lights, heat, vibra tion, radiation, baths; massage, adjust ment and manipulations; most expensive, finest equipped private office in Ore gon; no medicine or operations; over 6000 treated patients and not a death While under bur care; we wili be glad to consult with you free of charge. Dr. w. a. waiiory, 312 Rothchlld bldg DON'T experiment with poisons. When ui neeu or a regular monuiiy remeav get a bottle of Antiko Mil ture No. 8 and be convinced that is the best and most harmless remedy ever nut cn th market for nil Infn I on.l snnnraasnH rarl iBiacuon. ror sale and guaranteed in rortlatid by the Jefferson Drug Co.. Sd and Jefferson sts. Main 7542. A-7915. i a ,, , . "... LADIES $1000 reward: I positively guarantee my great successful 'monthly" remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstlnatw. abnnr. 4-mal ase4i a 40 fayst-no harm,-pa4; wi iiiienerenc w in worK man 11 nil Double strength, $2. Dr. C. T. Southing ion Hemefiy Co.. Kansas City. Mo. DR. ALICE A. GRIFT. Diseases of women and children, has removed to LaFayettev bid, tit ft Washington st MIDDLE-AGED soldiers' widow from the east, would like housekeeping for widower or bachelor; an old veteran preferred. Good home rather thun high wages. References exchanged. Mri.'E Morse, Lyle, Wash. SPIRITUALISM RHV. MAY A. PRICE, MEDIUM, READINGS HEALING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUES, 2: WED. AND SUN. 8 P. M. 821 CORBETT. COR. WHITAKER. MAIN 7227. F. Oil S. CAR. WhS. STEVENS, 18 years Portland's . leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late lookj "Palmistry Made Eeasy," on sale. B5i'A Williams ave.. comer Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotto"n Root- rills sure remedy for delayed periods, $2 box or 3 boxes for $5. by man, t. j. fierce. 245 Morrison. WIDOWER, 36, wants housekeeper; good home to right party; widow with one child preferred; no trlflers. Address box 263, HoodRlver, Or. MASSAGE $1, ""steam baths $1. Open Sunday, 12 to 6 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 9 p. m. 406 Northwest bldg., 6th end Washington. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminations, free. 302 Merchants Trust f frtn and Washington, Main 4047. 6EXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men, by mall $1 per box; money re turned If it falls. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co. ?15U Morrison. Di. WALKER, socialist- outckly cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kld ney, hladrler and piles, 181 First st. IF YOU have tried otner methods with out results, try chiropractic and get well. C. M. Jones, D. C.. 355 E. 8th N. PR. G. V KETCHUM Women's main dies, acute diseases; moved to 600 E. M orrlson, corner 16th; phone E. 6156. GIRLS. Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg. WOMEN Use femolds when others fall Sold and guaranteed by the Ausplund Drug store. 110 N. 6th 'st. Main 8106. LORENZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes $1.6. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. REV VIkGINIA ROWE, magnetic healer, medium, readings, teaching, daily. 231 6th st. Phone Main 7748. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suitcase at 682 Wash,, cor. 17th st BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. 606 Davis st. Main 9215. A'QTMMA DR- DOUGLAS, D. C. S3g iiu , , tin 1 Union ave. N..-Portland, Or. THE Washington Herb Co.'s "Nature Herns" now on sale at 94S Alblna ave. yslcal culture. a50H Aider st. Office 29, 3d floor. MRS. MALLORY HAY, ordained medi urn. 240H 6th st 80 10 PER CENT 10 P2RCENT $260, 6 acres, Woodburn. $350, 34th and Sherman, a good one. $350, S room-plastered houne. Monta villa. Fred W. German, 438 Chamber of commerce. Main 445. 2000 TO $10,000 WANTED for 1 or 2 years;, security, first mortgage realty bonds; prefer to deal direct with- lender; Interest payable quarterly-Address A.- i, journal. HAVE clients to whom I can loan your money at high rate of Interest. Loans guaranteed to you. G-132, Journal. FINANCIAL 61 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity liT contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. LUAi3 on diamonds and other securi ties. S. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Phone MAin 6100. MORTGAGES bought. Phone Main 7591. 804 Lewis bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALAI.IE3 67 SALARY FURNITURE AUTOS DIAMONDS PIANOS WE LOAN FROM $10 TO $1000 YOU CAN GET IT TODAY1. - "Rebate if paid before due. 206-7 Macleay bldg. Both phones. Bet 4th aha 5th on Washington. Open Mon. and Sa t. eye, tUU P. w. VACATION LOANS $10. $20, $30,. $50, $70 $100. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OV READY CASH JQIVJL ..JJ.S.. j:HE...QEP.Qja,XIlNIlXT0 SHOW YOU THE WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. IT WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE IS SUPRIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO. 808 FAILING BLDG. A PRIVATE Place to obtain money on watches, dia monds. Jewelry, kodaks, guns, pianos, furniture, warehouse receipts or any good security. LICENSED PAWNBROKERS 320 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark ' "-Drake's Easy Money ,w0 rurmsneu sainriea people without se curity, Indorsement, d.).ay deception or AYtnrtlon cllennen, rnt hout ,in4 n.rvw private terni3 in Portland. 307 Spa'.ding mutt. ciin;('W!iurs iu MUTTON CREDIT CO. 8EI5 FRANK LANK for a loan on olanos. household roods. aulbs, livestock, storage receipts, mort gages, anytning or vaiue; It will cost you less. Call and get our prices. 609 SwAtland bldg., 6th and Washington. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, rrortcnires. eaulMes. chut. ieis, ana reai security. LPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LAWSPN.RROWN INVESTMENT CO.. It2.r. Yeon bldg. Tel. M. 875. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their owp names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential P. H. Tolmnn, room 317. Lumber Ex. A desirable place for ladles and entle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. ' Diamond Palace 334 Wash., opp: Owl Dru gS tore. MONEY so'ld on Installment, co'nfiTTen ttal to salaried people. F. A. New- ton, sob Henry hlflg. ci-'ATTKL lnans no red tape; con'P dentlal. Adolphus Lane 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS, ' J. E. NICHOLS, 615 YEON BLDG. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry; strictly confidential. 141 H 3d. LTTaN for the asking, salary" or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 INVESTIGATE the Home Purchase Plan of the Equitable Life Assurance So ciety. Loans on improved home prop erty. Monthly Installments at 6 per cent. Applii'S only to restricted districts, in Portland. Edgar W. Smith. Agency Mgr., .vn ursgnnian nmg. MONEY tV. loan at current rates of in terest on farm and city property. See Mr. Neelv with WARD ft YOUNGER, Mine 421 Yeon nhlir MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE $250 AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS, io:EO.N....n.T.jjid - TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rodms 19-lZ MiHKer Wilir.. 2n and Morrison MONEY t6 loan; large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance. W. G. Beck, 315-311 Falling. $100,000 on" mortgages, city or Farm property, fir iufcurjnea, McKiiixl- 4i Co.; Gernnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. PRIVATE money to loan in sums of $50 and up on real, personal or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg, $250 to $liioo on nouses, small title ex pense only. Attorney, ?10 Alisky tl elg. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W, H. .Seltz & Co., am Ppaldlng hldg. MONEY to loan On Improved real estate. I. L. White, 701 Selling bldg. WILL Ili $20,000 or less real estate. r arririKion, ,i i nmmcn'iai i mn mng. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. i,oui8 Salomon C". 22H btarK st. $10,000 or any part for Immediate loan on real estnte. Phone Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN ON ItE ALE S T ATE A. H. HARDING. 313 chamber of Com. MORTGAGE loans 6 to 8 per cent. J. J. Cot'pHn fi?' f'hnmner of Cornrnerie. SIT tuft ume iou.no on real estate. Thone Main 759 1. IX)ANS WANTED 80 WANTED To boft-nw $40nn on west side prpperty worth $15,000. J-660, Journal. ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC. COLLTS, PERRIDOE & THOMPSON, 824 Worcester bldg. Main 6567. ARCHITECTS FOR accurate and artistic made to order plnns at lowest ratfs, Rddress Arehl tect. 1189 E. On k. Phojie H-3 09 ASBAYXBS PICKERING ft Co., a,SEayers. smelters, refiners, btiyerf. high grade and bul Hon gold. 142 4th st. Phone Main 6109. WELLS & PROEBSTEL, assayers, ana lytlcal chemists. 204 hi Wash, M. 7503. MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 2726. 186 Morrison. ATTOBNXTS JOHN A. BERRY, Atty. collections, ab stracts examined, written opinions on 1 ga' questions. 1 1 AiisKy ng. m 1 1. as Z 6 . KORNEGAY. BHEELEY ft HILLlTJS General practice. Abstracts examined. Collections. 522 Cham. Com. Main 7375. A. E. COOPER, Attornny at Law, Gen eral practice; abstracts examined. 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 873; A-2071. CHRISTOPHERSON & SlATTH EWS, general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. DIVORCES guaranteed. Oregon Law In stltute. 628 Lumbermens big. Mar. 4641 BATKS RUSSIAN. Turkish baths, swimming pool, open day and night, private rooms;"'ladles' and gentlemen's depts. 595 Front. S rar south. Marshal 1193 BLANK BOOB! KAtCEBS HOWE, PAV IS COMPANY, 109 2d st. Blank Book m'f'g.: agents for Jdnes Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see' tna pew Eureka leaf. A-3133. Main 133. LOANS WANTED QUICK LOAMS ON- SOOEBiypiBI." THE DITTMAR-PETERSOI cd Magazine, munlc and law books bound, blank books and loose leaf sys tems. 63 6th st. Phone Marshall 1336, WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.- Street paving, sidewalk and crossings. $17 ieoK mag.- THE BARBER ASPHALT-PA VINO CO, Portland offW. son F.wtrle bids'. CABFST CLEAHINO JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Works, carpets cleaned and laid, reflftln our specialty E. 440. B-19.63. 204 E. 19th N. CAJIFXV WEAVIS3 XORTHWE8T RKQ WORKS, jugs from old carpets, rag. rugs, carpet cleaning. ioi union avenue, near kt Morrwon. PEN I NSULA Rug Voi its, rag carpet and a. 1518 Patton ave. Wood'ln $688. rugs CHIROPOSISTI DR. C. ASQUITH.-New York expert foot specialist, .miss Asquitn, electrical ra-c-lat. seal,, massage,-1 12, Swetlsnd bldg. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chP rOPoaist. Formerly 6th and vVushlnir. ion, on ueKun Diag.,, PAlNLESS chiropodist, corns, bunions. ingrowing nans. A-Yti4i. 417 Hwetiana. CHrKOPBACTIO PHYSICIAN HAVE given thousands of adjustments; 82.50 week. Bath office 2d rtnd 'Wash. COAL AND WOOD "ncr.m onuKl WOOU, .ou. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOPJ' $2.60. INSIDE OREEN SHORT, $3.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland ' Slatswwd Co. Main 3113. A-7C01. VI ...... .-..-,..... - . . mn ' : BOBlNWQ.Q.DJtXQrAL.CQJ East 3138. Country slab. Tabor 174E. B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. PAC, SLABW00D C0,maOT Green slabwood, big and small Inside piocK wo-oq. pianer trim gs, cornwooo Moor Ri Fcarr For a short time we HCCl Oi rdll will sell No. 1 4-fnot cordwood at $5 Der cord. No. 1 4-foot oak at $7.25 per cord. M-4696. A-4547. SEGHER'S WOOD CO.. F. Hill. Proo. Cord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 18th and Vaughn. Main 6359. A-2415. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818. B-1867. PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir, oak. slabwood and coal. Wreck- sgerHth n-TTrt-GItsrm: Matn 33Sr A-2283. Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Currv st. STANDARD WOOD CO., Rox wood, cord and block wood, coal. an a. Btarn. rnones Kast,2315, B-1695. ALBINA FUEL CO. -All kinds of green ana ary woou. kock springs ana Men lota coal. COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone Ho I gn t e Fuel Co.. Sellwood 48 5 PHOENIX Fuel Co.. Dry wood $ITS0 per load. 521 Snvler. Main 8544.. EDLEFSEN handles wood and coal. CHINESE SOCTOBS DR.' J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO., phy slclan for men, women. 253 Ms Alder. CONTBACTOBS AND BUILDEBS E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store rront ana Store fixtures esnertnllw glazing. 291 H Ankeny. Marshall 285 HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet work for banks, stores and homes, O, H. Hammond, 185 Madison. HARRY E. STANFORD, designer and buHdet of modern homes, flats and apartments. Office 7. 3504 Morrison. COLLECTIONS PHYSICIANS' ft Dentists' acct. gen.ral collections zui Metiical hlrtg. M. l7. DAXTOXNO POF. WAL WILSON'S dancing school Lessons 25c during summer season, Including lady dancing teachers and mu sic. Waltz, two-step, three-step, etc. 8514 6th st, between Stark and Qak sts. Phone Main 7637. " HEATH'S school, lessons daily, waltz. two step, three step, Baltimore or Bchottlsche taught In first lesson. Allsky nine,, an ann Morrison sts. HEATH'S SCHOOL. 109 2d, bet. Wash ington and Stark, prlvato daily class, Monday 8 to 10. lessons. 2Rc, DOO, CAT AND HOBSE HOSPITAL J. O. Slee. D.V.S. Pops and cats feat- ed. boarded, Wood. 8076, 1601 Alblna. BROWN BROS.. 646 Wash. Main 4086. A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. E. 5440. B-2287. FUBNITUBE BEFAIBINO AW0--s;f4-fHtrf-rrnr-fmtttiTw---Tsr paired, reflnlshed, packed, upholster ing. Mar. 3964. 7th and Flanders. Ref. GENERAL BEFAIBINO. GENERAL machine and electric work, repair of electric motors and dyna ??H.a specialty, E. Illppely, 224Oak. ?:ifliiJww:;mHit iir:aewfij?. Improved new invention; low price; expert locksmith. Pete Poller, 224 Main. DBESSMAKING SCHOOL " Valentine's system of cutting, tailoring, dressmaking taught. 883 E. Morrison. JIASOLINE XNOINES STATIONARY and marine, electric, eouipments: lnnnrhes cierkiiRnrlAa wholesale and retail; engine repairing. nPT-nrr.-n mcninpry CO.. l Morrison. HAJtBQOODS FERVET & HANERUT Leadlnar Wte and tnnne makers- finest stock of htiman"hnlr rnnda' halp dressing, menicurlng, face and scalp ireaiments. M( 7tn. near Mor. M. 546; SWITCHES, puffs and transformation mnae rrom combings; dyeing. Mrs. Grimes. 175 17th st. N. Phone Main 6174. HAT TACTOBT LADIES'--and gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked. Royal Hat Works, 223 1st. M. 8442. - WDBJJZVELOPINO ROLLS developed free; prints, 80 up; mall orders solicited. 205 Merchants Trust bldg. - INSURANCE JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds, . JI1!?? loans. 1322 Yeon bldg, " M. 9285. McCAROAR, Bates ft Lively, 301 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE r0. Onlv Oregon fire Insurance com. LANTERN SLIDES STEREOPTICONS, advertising slides, show cards and banner nrinnt CnrH.r Peoples Theatre blrlK., Park and Alder! STEREOPTICONS, slides, banners, cards .etc. Enterprise Art Co.. 73 6th. LEATEEB AND FINDINGS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description; tap nanufacturers. findings. MACHINEBT B. TRENKMAN & CO.. hydraullo and Hpeciai pipe, smcKe stacKs- oil tanks, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. 1IESSENOEBS. HASTY MESSENGER CO., open- night nooay, main 03. A-Z1DS. MOTOBCTCLE BEPAIBINO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup plles and repairing. 189 Burnslde MUSIC SCHOOLS' AND TEACHEXS E. THIELHORN, violin teaeher; pupil r Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4166- Maf. 1628 SCHOOL, OF MUSIC. Staff of teachers", Ore. Conservatory of Music, Portland, OPriCB FUBNITUBE . DERbV LESKS indfflcTui5ur Haley Desk Co., 21 Q 7th it Main 687. - OITBOVATXia nCTBIOIAITS DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist orr nerves,' acute ana enromq diseases. - gog Fenton, bldg. Main 8961, PAiara-, oxu MJtn glass PIONEER PAINT CO., 1S First st. Main 1J34. A-7043. RASMUSSEN & CO., "High Standard4 paint, ne. cor. 3d & Taylor. M., A-1771. THE BEAVER VARNIFH WKS , makes GOOD prod ucts. Ask -your-dealer.- -L-.-. pAHTTZarO AVS AMBIStO , FOR best work, prices rlgh f, call PT A. onne. a wasi". ivhp. TINTING $2 room up i painting, paper- Hanging, kj. a. Karnes. Mam WAtKER. 226 H Taylor. Inside ( work specialty. jLiOwest -prices. Main ; GOOD work, my motto.. A. Osbourn, 886 E. Wash. B. 2167. E. 4214. ' k H. P1CKARD: painting, tlntin- pa pering; satisfactory work. East 1866. PATENT ATTOBKEYS PATENTS oUlnd: trademarks, copy rights registered In all countries; book ie m iree;. conamcauon wiinuui . viiain. rwter-ftarnf rwy a iiq yy orcester- Dips PATENTS procured or J.-K, Mock, At- torney-at-Law, late ot V. 0. ratent or Ice; book free.. 719 Boa-d of Trade bids;, PAWNBSOKEK uncle Meyers collateral, bank 4U years in portiana. 71 etn. Mam n. piano Tvmnto FRED JACOBSEN,' piano tuning, $2.00; 18 yrs. experience. 190 3d. Main 8481. PLATEBS O ALL METALS. WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208 4th. l-'iating ana polishing, m. 4.j a-hsw. Ve replate silverware; sell younew. Port Plat. & Mfg. Co.. 22d-Thurman. M. 948. PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Faotory ana orrice. Z4th"ind YorK. Main bb. ANSLEY Printing Co., 250 Oak. Main 071. printing to please. BOOPINO, PAINTING, BEPAIBINO TIN roofing, repairing, painting, Jobbing. j. losii. ziz jerrerson. Main ii. ISELE & GINTER, sheet metal works, tin shop, 548 savier, M. 3542. a-I3b. BUEBEB STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. K nAlo'" . J l 1 I ulorna stencils. Krebs Bros.. 114 za. Mar. nil SAPES THE MOSLER, Safe Co., 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bargains in second hand safes. SASH, D OOBS, WIMPO IWS United Glass & Glazing Co., sash, doors. plate glass. 11 1 h , Gil.ian. Main 4431. SCHOOL OF SHOW CARD WBITINO PROMINENT show card writer will ac cept 1 or 2 pupils desiring to become proficient In this work at his home evenings; lettering, designing and water color work taught. Phone Tabor 8599. BCBEXNS BUILT to order screen doors and win dows, painted and hung, complete. American Screen Co. Phono East 229. SHOWCASES AND FIXTUBES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.2703 SHOWCASES 01 every description, bank, bar and stors fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. R. H. BIRDS ALL, HAMILTON BLDG., &now cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. 2J1 Washington st. S. E. Gilbert. SIONS AND SKOWCABDS OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Marshall 4383. $12 Dekum bldg. FOSTER & KLEISER Signs; the lar gest sign makers in the northwest. F. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 11 1.1. Home B-2224. WAHLANDER CO.. room 702 Swetland bldg. Phone Marshall 4922 for sftenlc and pictorial show cards, cloth signs. Special window trims. .TAXLOBIN0 ALFRED OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg.. 2d and Washington. Suits to order. TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College learn dressmaking, talnrlng. 143 11th JPOJTEUPPLT CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. i'BANSPBB AND STOBAGB t:frrTlSK:tTwixst ?.r; .& 6Hr age: dfjotz flees and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valunbtes. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furnl- tnrtt mfH',H ,nrA na.lrA1, ft ehlnnlnv ...... . w , .... , uuu .'"-.-!. . AVI DUl.l., Special -rates made on goods in our , V. 1 . . 1 , 1 . I j 1 uiiiiugo ir 10 jtu aomesuc ana lureign points, Main 696. A-1996. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., 13th and Everett; most modern Btnrage warehouse In city; low fire Insurance rate proof of this. Free, trackage; mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods In through cars to end from ea.t. Main 5640. A-T520. OREGOFTRANSFER CQ, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, free trackage. Offices and storage, 474 Gllsan street, 13th and Gllsan. Main 69, A-l 169. CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co. Ex pert furniture and piano moving. 1 trunk 6O0 each, additional 25c. M. 7089. NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co., 64-66 Frorft. General transfer and storage. xvi a in 3 0, a-4bk BAGGAGE ft Omnibus Transfer Cn W.n. tahllshed 1882. Phones M. 6980. A-3322 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 333 Morris st. C-3168. Stand 6th and Couch. TBUNX MANUFACTUBEBS SAMPLE cases, trunks, repairing West ern Trunk & Leather Wits. Main 9032. TYPEWBITEBS ALL makes rented repaired, sold. Cun- ingnarn CO., ZiJl starK. Main 1407, TYPEWRITER ft Supplies Co. pTebutlt. 2d hand. J42H 2d st. Mar. 419. UFHOL3TEBE38 CART WRIGHT CO 1SS MiL .... holsterlng, furniture repairing ana mattresses; work guaranteed. Main 6335. VACUUM CEEANEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners 216 Com- raonweaun Diag. .A.Amick,Mgr.M.4030 WHOLESALE JOBBEBB M. A. GUNST & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FfNE CIGARS, PORTLAND, OR. EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 .Front St.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. WADHAMS & CO., Wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th ana oait sts, Morgan wall paper co., 230 2d si., netween salmon ana Main, ALLEN ft LEWTS GROCERIES. L. T. YEE ft. SONS. Thu lold, eminent Clflnese doctor, spent lilottme'lh study of herbs, graduated from sev eral universities in China. Cures diseases of men and women successfully. No 1 matter- 'who s fattefrr-f - 1 -ivi? guarantee cure lr eurabic "nil or write L.T.Yee ft Kfin. Medicine CoT. 230U Yamhill . , S. E. Cor. Sd, Portland, Or. ' WELL D BILLING) JAMES W. GREEN, well drllllnr eontnuW tor, 26 yrs. sxperlencef 8, 10, It In any depth. S90 Vancouver ave. C-1471. NORTHWEST- Dr. C. Gee Wo Also'the Old Zest Practicing Chinese" ; Doctor In Portland. 1 fl T VJa t ' U Jr. f The Cblaesc B6ctor When Portland was but small towm Df. Wo came and opgnefl sn.yffje ftof the purpose of. treating sickness with the Oriental remedies, Itov wtU hi succeeded is attested by the thousands of patients who call him their dooton His only means of combating disease Is by the use of powerful and efteottT Root, Herb and Bark combination whoas secrets he alone knows. . Consultation with him la free, ee if you are not well call at onoe. Ont-of. . town people can begin treatments li sending 4 cents In stamps for symptom' blank, which Is to be filled out and re- tnrnet - C. Gee Wo Chinese MedtcineCo. J ,162 1st St., Cor. Morrison Portland. Oregon SEES MB FREE. If you are worrying about any ailment in cluded among those within which I spe cialize. I invite you to call at my offlos and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agnosis and advise you of tne proper course to pursue to rid yourself forever of Vdur worYv and your ailment. My years Of experience and my qualifications have made me an expert In the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office la assured of my personal and individ ual treatment until a cure Is ei fected. NEW GERMAN REMEDY FOR BLOOD POISON My method of Administration Is Ab solutely Safe. Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins, Pimples, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and Ekln Disorders. Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula. 9 to 57 to 8 Dally; Sunday 10 to L Examination Advice Free. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M.D. Rooms 11-16 Lafayette Bldg. 818H WASHINGTON ST.. COP.MH, PORTLAND. OR Should be Ccusldered When SeIef:flicTatt to Treat You C. K HOLSMAN, M. D. I am just now completing my six teenth year as a specialist in men's diseases. During these years of close application to a single class of ail ments I have originated and perfect ed scientific and certain methods by which these, diseases are cured. If I accept your case for treatment a cure is but a matter of a reasonable time. My practice is limited to thesfllsor ders of the malei and is further con fined to these special and chronlo affections of the pelvic tract These Include Lost Vitality, Varicose Veins, Hydrocele, Blood Disorders, Con tracted Ailments and Bladder and Kid ney Diseases. I have !aken up these ailments especially, because thou sands of Uves are ruined and thou sands of men ara not what thoy should be, because they are held down by chronic weakness, which the average practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the patient that nature will soon repair the waste. My methods are up to date, and are endorsed by the highest medical au thorities of Europe and America, hence our success In ths' treatment of men's diseases. CONSULTATION FREE." If you cannot call, write for Symp tom Blank. Many cases can be treat ed at home. All correspondence con fidential. . Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. daily; 10 to 12 m. Sundays. C L MLSMAN Ml -MCmRT50Tr STRE Corner First St., . PORTLAND. OREGON. DDL KEEFE Ability s ( I r w -'-"nr mi i .mini niii wl