20 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 2'. 1912. HUH Iff HA JOG IN IT: IT MAY Commission of Public Docks , Asks Permission From War Department to Make Regu ; lar,Line7 In view of the fact that a Jog In the 7 harbor ttnr oirth-Tlw,et'' h " west side dock would make it necessary ''' to follow this Irregular line in construe- tionrtheTronrmiSfelon of puWle Pokes' at their regular meeting decided yester r rzr ay afternoon to ask. for permission to straighten it out. Should the consent of the war depart, ment, through Major Mclndoe, and the Part of Portland, be obtained, the line "Twill be straightened between a point on the north line of the 8. P. & S. dock property and another point on the north Una of the Martin dock property. This ' would bring the harbor line out 11 Xeet at the Jog at the north Una 'of the American Can dock property. -At the suggestion of City Attorney Grant, who spent - some time at the - meeting It was decided to drop the con demnation proceedings against the 'American Can. dock people temporarily, as It la desired to look further Into facts In the case which may maka the pro- ceedlngs unnecessary. ; In connection with a suggestion of Consulting Engineer Charles W: Stant 'ford of New York, that the sheds be leftoff the tracks nn .tbe upper east and west side docks. In order to facili tate loading, some discussion was car tied on by the commission, as that would cut down about one tenth of the - .warehouse space. It would mean 60 leet-fift each, end of the west side dock and the name off the north end of the east side dock. It was finally de- clded to " eliminate-Thr sheds, but prd ' vision to be made for their construction later If necessary. -The resignation of E. C. Qlltner, sec- 'Z, retary of the chamber of commerce, as temporary secretary of the" derrtmlsalon was aceepte'd and placed on file, and a letter of appreciation for services ren dered the commission 6rdered written. Chief Engineer Hegatdt waa then elected temporary secretary by Com- mlssioners Mulkey. Cornwall and Kel laher, these being the only members present. Commissioner Kellaher and Cornwall were designated as a commit tee to report on,a secretary at the next meeting to work In conjunction with - Chairman Mulkey. i because oil the In crease In the business of the cdmmls- - slort that is taking place. It was also voted that Harbormaster Bpeler be allowed a temporary assistant i In his offioe at ITS a month because of the approaching export season when the harbormaster will have to devote more of his time to the Bhlpplng In the har bor. RESOIE WORK Work to Start on Columbia Rivw Jetty Immediately. -? Fort Stevens. Or., Aug. 3. Tomorrow the Columbia river Jetty construction is to be resumeU This will mean the re employment of nearly three hundred men and the iRorease In the local say- rolls of about 130,000 a month. At the n tart It Is expected the work will be somewhat handicapped by the present . shortage' of labor. Also new men will have ttf be trained, since many that I., were laid off a month ago have ob tained positions in otner places, partic ularly British Columbia. It is stated positions In that province on railroad . At present the south Jetty extends six and one-half miles Into the ocean, Its total length exceeding seven miles. '-.! The depth of water at Its extremity Is - Increasing so rapidly that the cost of construction baa Jumped to 7.60 a lin eal foot Ten locomotives hauling 2E0 flat oars dally dump 4000 tons of rock at the end - of tha Jetty. Work on the north Jetty on the Wash ington side of the river shows most XavTmoie progTeen. &xpcr u mormon 'solution of the bar troubles; that every loot built on it means a narrowing an consequent deepening of the main chan- "' nel. . - i - The lata surveys show a most satls- .xV:tory Increase In depth. Over 27 ft feet represents the minimum depth. DREDGE TO RESUME Work on Upper Willamette and Yamhill to Start Next Week. Snagging and dredging operations 'on the upper Willamette and the Yamhill livers. Interrupted some time ago by lack of funds, will be resumed next weok by the United States engineers, and the snag-boat Mathloma with the dredge Champoeg in tow, will leave the gov ernment moorings for the upper river Monday morning. The Mathloma will do the annual snagging on the Yam hill river and the Champoeg will proceed to Jennings bar, -Where she will start work on the six-foot channel project from Portland to Oregon City. The local board of United States in spectors Of steam vessels will go to Astoria and Fort Stevens Tuesday to begin the annual Inspection of boilers . and bulla of the United States engineer and quartermaster departments. The quartermaster department tended Major Guy Howard and the artillery tender Major James Fornance and all engineer and quartermaster boilers at Fort Ste vens will be inspected. The task will .Occupy about two days. GETS NEW POSITION Captain Svendfien May Be Surveyor on Pacific for Insurance Company. Word has reached Portland that Cap tain E. H. Svendsen. former master of the Norwegian steamship Rygja, anl Pacific coast representative for the Norwegian and Swedish Underwriter, has also been appointed surveyor on trio Pacific coast for the I)e Frlvate Assur andeurer (Private Insurance company) Of Copenhagen,, Denmark. Cup tain fevendsen, who Is-now spending a few months In Norway, will assume the duties of the new concern as soon as he returns. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE Steamer Inland Empire to Leave Celilo for Pasco Friday. Announcement litis been made by A. B. Waste)!, general managef of the Open River Transportation company, that be glnnlng today and until further notice I"'-. ?!;pM"-lRrJ?,nI'Lre'ULJ,;ava . CellTg for keniiew ickari.l Pasco on VrY ,. dsys. On the return trip she will leave , Kennewlck tnd pasro on Sunday, un lets tetataed by an up river trip lor grain. In which case she will leave fori to Astoria during the day. She will Celilo on Monday, connecting with the! pick up fio. 93 and tow itto San Fran steamer J. N. Teal Into Portland -Wed- j clsco- - nesday. I Carrying 7i passengers and general The circular states that upon dls- freight, the steamer Alliance, Captain charging at Celllo the Inland Empire Lofsted, arrived at 1:30 this morning will make short round trips for grain to j from Eureka and Coos Bay. Columbus, Roosevelt, Blalock's Landing, Laden with cement, the steamer Alderdale and any - other convenient Tosemlte, Captain Nllsen, arrived at landings,. STEADIER CHESTER TIED UT Low Water In Upper Cowlitz Ends i Its Trips Early. (Special to The Jonmil.t Centralla, Wash.. Aug. 2 The steam er Chester of the Kellogg Transportation company's ffeet has gone on Its last trip of the year from Kelso to Toledo. Low water in the upper Cowlitz, which this year as coming earlier man usual, is the reason ror me tying up or the Chester, although the boat draws only 12 inches. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Sue to Arrive. Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug. Btr. Alliance. Eureka . Aug. Str. Roanoke, SRn Pedro Aug. Str. Bear, Saii Francisco: Aug. Geo. W. Klder, Bun Diego Aug. Gas str. Anvil. Bafidon.. .Aug. a Rtr. Rose City, San Pedro. Aug. 10 ' Str. Beaver, San Pedro Aug. Dns to Depart. Harvard, Am. ss., San Fran. Yale, Am. ss. from'Snn Fran ..Aug. 2 ...Aug. 2 .Aug. 3 .Aug. 4 Htr. ttimore, TiuamooK Str. Breakwater. Coos Bay... Str. Alliance, Eureka... Str. Beaver, San Pedro .Aug. 6 Str. Roanoke. San Diego Aug. Gas str. Anvil, Bandon Aug. Str. Bear. San Pedro Aug. 10 Str;JGeo. W. Elder, San Diego. . .Aug. 14 Str. Rose City. San Pedro Aug. 15 Oral a Tonnage En Bouie. Arnieres. Fr. bk.. 2715... San Francisco Berengere, Fh. ship, lS75.San Francisco Marechal uontaut, Fr. bk.. 2025. Antofog. v resets in port. . Amaranth. Am. bktn Astoria Boston, U. S. S Stream BoESUot, Fr. hk. Astoria La perouse, ft. sn itainie- Hazel Dollar. Br. ss. . .Portland Lbr. Co. Guernsey. Nor. ss... Eastern & Western Battle Abbey. Br. bK. . . . . St. He ens Thos. P. Emlgh, Am. bktn Prescott Rose City Alnsworth Miscellaneous Pore Urn to Arrive. Alpena, Am. son., 713 ...San Pedro Artemis, Nor. str., 3063... San Francisco MARINE NOTES Astoria. Aug. 2. Sailed at 4:30 a. m.. steamer Nevada for Sallna Cruz; steamer "7. B. Stetson:, for "Aberdeen. Sailed at 10:30 a. m.. steamer W. S. Porter, for Monterey. Arrived at 5 and ieit up at 7:15 a. m., steamer uumauit. from San Francisco. San FranclBCo, Aug. 2. Arrived at 11 m., steamer liese City, from Portland. Aberdeen. Aug. 1. Arrived, steamer F. H. Leggett, from Portland. San Pedro, Aug. 1. Arrived, steamer Coaster, from Portland. Sailed steamers Bear, Yellowstone and Grays Harbor, for Portland. Astoria. Aug. 1. Arrived at 2 and left up at 4:20 p. m., steamer Alliance, from Eureka and Coos Bay. Arrived at 2:15 and left up at 4 p. m., steamer Thos. L. Wand, from San Francisco. Arrived down, barkentlne John Smith. San Francisco, Aug. 1. Sailed at I p. m., steamer Raymond, for Portland. Point Lobos,- Aug. .-I. Passed at 4 P m., tug Hercules, with log rart in tow, from Columbia river, for San Diego.- -. Astoria. Aug. 2. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m.. smooth; wind, northwest, 15 miles; weather, cloudy. - Tides at Astoria eaturaay: Mign water, 3:36 a. m., 7.2 feet; 4:10 p. m., 8.2 feet. Low water. 9:44 a. m., l.t feet; 10:24 p. m., 1.9 feet. ALONG THE WATERFRONT In tow of one of the Shaver Trans portation cmopany's boats, the Stan dard OH barge No. 93 left down the river from Portsmouth earjy this afternoon and the tanker Atlas will also go down The Oregon Law on Advertising Any person, who In newpapr or other periodical, or In public ilrertlnement, or by letter or clrraUr, knowingly maku or dis seminates tnj lUtement or awutrtlon roncern uif tbo quantity or quality, the value, the Bwithandlie. or tha motive or porpoaa of toy prlca, the method of prodnclnr or maunfac ture of bla merchandlaa or profeulonal wnrk, or tba manner or aourra of purehax of auoh ale wbleh la antra or ralcnlated to mislead, hall be deemed guilty of a mlademoanor, and on conviction thereof eh all ba punished by a fin of not lew than $10 nor more than $50. or by lmprlaonmant in the county Jail not ex. eoedluf SO dara, or by both" snob fine aad Im prisonment. (L. 1000, e. 104. p. 164). Tbo attention of advertlaera. who at "Tbe Journal." aa well as that of the public, Is di rected to tbe above aeetioa from tha Oregon Code covering advertising. "Tbe Journal" makes tha at me rates on dis play advertising to all advertisers. In propor tion to the anaea used, and does not make "fish of one" advertlear and "flesh of an other," believing one cIrm, or profession. In dividual, or corporctlon has "equal rights to advertise aa In other thing, and should do so rn tbe same terms and mndttlnna. "Tbe Journal" believes that It la no crime te advertise. Readers of Tha Journal." answering sdner. tlsement appearing In this paper, are re quested to report In writing any failure on tha part of tba advertiser to do us he advertises, and If tbe romplnnt Is well founded, that ad vertiser will be denied acceea to these columns, aa baa been dons In the past, and It tha ad vertiser's acts are la violation of tba law ba will be aubjeot to prosecution. Tfcere are no advertisers using these eolnmna against whom complaints have been made y our readers, and when complaints sre made prompt attention will be given to rsm. C. 8. JACKSO!.- Publisher. CLASSIFIED AD RATES In effect April 1. 1912. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED. CASH ADVERTISKMENTH Dally or Sunday. 1 time 9c per line. 2 consecutive times sortlon. 8c per line rr ln- 3 or more consecutive times. To pr line per Insertion, or 7 insertions for price of 6. No ad counted for less than 2 lli.-es. The above rates apply to "New To day" arid all other classifications, oept Situations Wanted. To Rent YVated -to Rent ads. Situations Wanted, To Rent Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments ex- and and and Hotels excepted), trie rates are: 6c per line first Insertion. 4: per line each subsenunnt Insertion. No ad taken for les than 16o. CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, loe per line. 3 consecutive times, 9c per line per Insertion. 7 or m6re consecutive times, 8c per lino per Insertion. The above rates apply to "New Today" and all other classifications, except "Situations Wanted, To Rentrf and Wanted to Rent" ads. Situations Waiated, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments and Hotels excepted tha rate Is 7c per line per lilSertion. No ad charged for less than two lines or 15c. Contract ratts upon application. A phone cnll will bring a Bofllcttor, UNCALLED FOK ANSWERS ANSWERS to classified advertisements which appeared In The Journal await those possessing certificates for the fol lowing numbers: A 468, 1 86, 531. 982, 981. 890, 135, 536; 46, til, 47, 617, 404, 923, 41. 136, 34, 332, 1 13, 206, 428, 967, 34, 169 176, 309, 9tio, 67. A B 64, AF-1S0. II S97, 900, 346, 348. 599, 925, 407, 409, 930, 640, 317. F 7 8. 23S. 146, 138, 808, 130, 820, 3, 74, 352, 107. J 32. 3r,2, 604, 375, 165, 114. 549. 110, 174, 542. S24. 153. K S3, 191, 2S3. 238, 427, 833, 231, 36, 229. R 841. 82.2, :n. 725. 81 1. 482, 661. 2B!, 491, f.30, 857, 76, 917, 746, 828, 734, 476, 807. 630, 92S, 667, 928. 8504, 421, 126, 1 53, 157, 426. 642, 63, 422, 723, 592, 69, 9R7, 702, 209, H9, 401, 4D1. 12, 32, 472, 482, 967, 730. HZZiliW ..-. V 01. 670. 9!i5. 994, flO, 769, 693, 792, 724, 381, 743. C57, 552. SS8. V 550, 175, 831, 55, 6F6, 6S, B7T. 656. 280. 272, 670, 743, 731, 762, 763. 72 a, 623, . .. . , the Supple dock at 10:30 last night from San Francisco. She will sail tonight for Grays Harbor to load a cargo of lumber for California. ... , With a full cargo of lumber the steamer Daisy Freeman, Captain Devltt, Is scheduled to sail this afternoon from the Multnomah Lumber & Box Manu facturing company's mill for San Pedro. In ballast from San Francisco, the steamer Thomas L. Wand, Captain j Peterson, arrived last night to load a cargo of lumber for her return to that j port Bids for the two new government dredgers, Multnomah and Wahkiakum, are being advertised for and they'will be opened In the offlceof Mapr McT Indois,' corps of ehgfneet'S, IXhlted Slates army, at 11 a. m., on September 30. With 660.040 feet of lumber, valued at 9239.?5. aboard, the schooner E. K Wood, Captain Hellqulst, has declared at the custom house for Hllo, Hawaiian mills. Violators of the navigation laws taken CKtprday on Columbia slough by' cus tonn'B"wfficiag were; George, residing on the Peninsula addition, motorboat, no life preservers and no fire extin guisher; Robert Shaw, 288 Terrace street, had three persons In a launch with only one life preserver; gas boat Tramp, owned by Albert Gabel, 1099 East Sixteenth street north, had eight passengers, no life preservers, no fire extinguisher, and no lights of any de scription. Dally River Readings. c3 Q. C3J B re 2. 0 cr o c a M STATIONS P Ul Lewlston . . Rlparia ... Umatilla .. Harrlsburjr Albany .... Palem Wllsonvllle Portland . . so 25 m 20 20 S7 15 8.8 0.8 1.8 0.6 2.6 6.8 0. 0 0 0 0 0. ( ) Falling. NEW TODAY NOTE THESE Piedmont Buys 4000 $500 cash; easy terms on bal ance, 7 room bungalow (1V4 story), on paved street Piedmont, southeast quarter of the district Ask us about tnls today. 83850 800 down. Ready in about ono week. - Pine house, 6 rooms, sun and sleeping porch, full basement, piped for furnace. This is a fine piece of construction and finished in .very best workmanship. Buffet kitchen, dining room divided by small paned glass doors from living room, fireplace, built-in bookcases, lnglenook bench, library den and hardwood r floors. In fine neighborhood, Pied mont 8e this at once. 500O 1800 to $1000 down. Boven rooms, corner. Every modern conven ience; has garage on alley line. Built one year ago. $2750 We have an exceptionally fit ting site for a beautiful home front ing on two streets; covered with fine fir trees, from which selection can be made In Improving the grounds. This site Is almost Ideally located for a dwelling whore seclusion is de sired, " among' homes In an exclusive residence district Don't ret Piedmont confused with other additions surrounding it. Pied mont proper lg bounded by Union and Kllllngsworth avenues, Portland boule vard and Commercial street the latter being the last street to the west In Piedmont. On Commercial street are the Jefferson High school and the new branch library. Commercial street leads to the new city park and playgrounds. Call and get one of our new plats with outline map of the. city showing the location of Piedmont with reference to carllnes and the many advantages of living there. Bio Ijumbermens Bldg-8th and Stark. Main 871, A-2089, Piedmont Office, 0-1641 SecNthe Finest Display of Flowers Two Hundred Varieties In the city. A mass of bloom and color. Multnomah street. tet. E. 6th and E". 7th streets. Easy walking distance. Walk, go on foot or ride, only see them. The Oregon Real Estate Company Phones: East 67. C-1703. Grand Ave. and Multnomah St. INCOME PROPERTY rOUB S ROOM FLATS and 6 room cot tape on lot 50x100, Salmon street, In come $1770 per year. My price $18, 000; good buildings and sightly. AXSO 100x100 on Corhett street, with two 7 room flats and 5 room cottage. Room for anothr r flat. Income $75G per . year. My prlc JS500. MILLER. 312-213 Board of Trade bldg. UEILKST ATE TRANSFERS Henrv Atwater and wife to Marv Adams, lots 29, 30, 31, 32, block . 11. Dover 120 John Gustafson to Amanda AiTdprson, lots 13, 11, block 3, Hardimans addition 2,500 John, A. Rohwer to Savannah I. Dal ley, lot 12, block 9, Rosedale Annex 8,650 Rose City Cemeterv association to Arthur E, Tensing, cast half lot 128, section "D," said cem etery . 160 L. A. Harms and wife to Joseph Rarker et al, lots 15, 16, block. 22, Arbor Lodge "..'j 100 Laura M. Gammans to George E. Miller, lot 10, block 15, Lincoln Park 119 H. A. Moore and wife to H. J. Lestoe et al, lots 1 and 2, block 4, Lorrlnton 600 Fred Neth. guardian to E. Wil holm. west 10 feet lot 5, block 4. Paradise Spring tract, also the parcel 29xl00 feet west of and adjacent side lot 6, block 4,, also the parcel south of and adjacent side property which was platted as part of Ash street, vacated by order . f" .............. ...... BOO Franklin Wilson and wife to John R. Henderson et al, lot 10, block 47, Sellwood 1,900 F. Osborne, lot 8, block 6, Hyle's addition 550 MUW W Wi ll REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. IL Lusher to Peter Hendricks , lot 12. block 1 Ivanhbe addition 1.100 Laurelhursti company, to jMartln Leiser et al, lot 9, block 15, Laurelhurst 1,660 Jennie Peyer and husband to Bo- phla Anderson et al, wesflSI feet, 16x40 rod tract beginning -IS. rods south-of the northeast .. corner of the southwest 4 of section 20. township 1 south, .range 2 east 900 John Kubik to Prank Moe, lot 17, block 2, Piedmont; north H lots 7 and 10. block 16. North Alblna 1,000 Emma J. Perlck to J. H. Mae Greiror et al nart lot 6. Monta- vllla 5 acre tracts 1,400 Herman Metzger, trustee, et al to T. A Garner lot K. block 4. Reservoir Park 200 Laurelhurst company to Rose Le land lot 16. block 65. Laurel hurst 1,500 W. C. Spence to O. J. Hull et al. lot 12. hlock 5. Oakhurst Addl- tloii ....... . . . . , , , , : , . ..... 3,700 Wlesner. Building company to (Gertrude Wiesner lots 10 and 9. block 3. Eastover Addition.. MO Ldd Estate' company to John Knllmnn lot 7 block 16. West moreland 585 5. N. Steeteand wife to vVirltam r- C. Garrett, lots 22 and 23, block 2, El Tovar 4,000 The Jos. A. Strowbrldge Estate company to Ida Everett Corbln, lots 15, 16. 17, 18, 21.-22, 29' and 80, block 9, Arrol Heights 2,025 E. J. Halght and wife to Carl Eiickson, lot 7, and south 10 feet of lot 8. block 1. Highland Place 1.048 Title Guarantee & Trust com pany to Fred A. Jacobs, lots ' 10 and 11, block 1. Dover 126 R. C. McMillan to George W. Ful- len et al, 20x20 rods In section To 4, township 1 south, range 3 east lO" Qeeirge WrFttHn and ' wife to. , Fred Brunher, 1 acre commenc ing at southeast corner of Jere miah Stanley donation land claim, section 3. townsnip i south, range 3 east .......... Lena Mead to A. N. Searle, lot 8, 9, 10 and 11, block 2, Rose wood too too Joseph Delano and wife to Finis Tecker et al. lots 3 and 4, North Villa l.0( Michael Kaschko to Citizens Bank, lot 7, block 9, Vernon... John Linklater and wife to John B. Gehr et al, north half, lot 2. block "E." Green way Same to Emily G. Forrester, south half lot 2, block E, rirAanwAV 716 1,600 1,600 IJnhn riark.und wife to city of Portland, lot 3, south 10 ieei lot 2, block 86, Portland ...... 60,000 1910 Real Estate Co. to Robert Anderson., lot S, diock z, addition to St. Johns ........... Arnt Anderson and wife to O. J. Johnson, lot 2, block 6, Glen eyrie " Coma In anme KOIIth half lots 1 600 6,800 and 2, Alameda Park MOO Same to Same, lot 6, block 7, Gleneyrlo 6,S00 Andrew Story to J. E. Williams, lot 7. block 8, Lester Park ad ditlon ; 8.000 Bertha Moores to M. D. Lumpkin et al, east 17 feet lot 4. west 16 feet lot 5, block 3, Bartsch Park addition ,.. 2.00 F. Breske and wife to Arthur O. G. Wager, east half lot 11, Madison Villa . . . , . . . . . . . . . BT1 George A. Brodle et al to S. A. Carpenter, lot 6, block 23, East Creston 1.400 Austin Underdahl to Miss W. W. Tethrault, eastJialf lot , diock "I," Ronlta Park i M. M. Arnold et al to G. A. CPas sin, lot 6, block 17, Corvallls addition X Alameda Tfust Co. to Martha F. Smith, lot 10. block 60. Ala meda Park Laurelhurst Co, to Chapln Her- m ISO (00 low Mtg. & Trust t;o., ioi lb. block 78, Laurelhurst 2,600 Laurelhurst Co. to Chapln Her- low Mtg. & Trust Co.. lot 12, block 78, Laurelhurst 1.600 'Willamette "Realty Co. to Floyd E. Griff, lot 8, block 39. Belle Crest 1-000 Sarah H. Bwlnton to Lillian A. Pauvte, lots 1 and 2. block 35, - Piedmont --.v.-.-; ; . ; . - 5.100 The Thomas A. Strowbrldge Es tate Co. to Frances L). Kennedy, lot 18. block 22. Errol Heights Peter Bneve and wife to Frances E. Gardiner, lot 6, block 1. Richmond addition University Lend Co. to W. W. Calkins, lots 14, 15 and 16. block 67. University Park Wilburton Inv. Co. to Fred Kadl Ing. lot 13. block 7. Wilburton Frank Montgomery and wife to W. J. Hofmann, lots 9, 10, block 11, Irvington L. B. Menefee et al to Margaret E. Foley, lot 12, block 6, Fair mount addition $ Overlook Land company to Frlda Frends, lot 16. block 13, Over look (assigned to C. S. An drews) - - Welleple Land company to May 175 1750 1.850 1,800 1,460 150 1.260 1 J. Beers, lot S3, block 34, ' Wellesley 600 Frank L. McGuIre to E. J. Peter son, lot 28. block. 2. Northwest Mount Tabor 650 CERtTfICATES of title made. Title & .. Trust Co.. Lewis bide... 4th. and Oak. W. R. HAIZLIP CO., Inc. AbstFactore, 605 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. MEETING NOTICES 41 R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frl. eve.. Allsky hall. 3d and Morrison. MARRIAGE LICENSES Von Gray, St. Helens, Or, tl. Florence Muchow, 28. Frank Paycer. Mllwaukle, Or.. 22. Mottle Johnson, 20. Max Kiattseh, Estacada, Or., IS. Geor gia Durjer, 16. Robert Rcott, 1601 Belmont street, 23, Pearl Shryder, 21. Ira Barrett. HUlsboro, Or.. 20. Mabel Moore. 27. William Crapp, Astoria, Or.. J9. Grace Miles, 25. Harry Odcll, Pcattle, Wash.. IS. Ma rion Lanford. 23. R. E. Iitckson. 419 East Eleventh St. JJ.. 21. Mi.e T.arzec, 18. W. L. Woodvard. 31 Yamhill street, 36v Grace Dowmnn, 25. H. Plckerlna-. 829 Kelly street. 25. Bessie Campbell, 23. Georpe Rooncy. 498 East Sixteenth street. 21. Laura Planff. 21. Daniel PennfV. 26 East Third street, 37. Minnie Tiirnov. 33. W. G. Smith & Co,Vviscaradnsd Washington hldic.. cor. 4th. on Wash'ton DKEHS tiults for rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co. 309 Stark St. CLARKE HROrC, florists, fine flowers ,ivnd floral desirns. 289 Morrison St. DEATHS AND FUNERALS SPRINGER At her residence, 164 North Twenty-first. July 31, Mrs. Amalla SprlnRer, aged 69 years ,. 6 months 23 days. ' SEM"PLE Zola Semple. 410U HT thorne avenue, July 80, age 23; hem orrhage. SPRINGER Amcllla J Springer, 164 Twenty-first street, 'north, July 31, age 69. KLERK William Klerk. St. Vincent's hospital, July 30, age 25; typhoid fe ver. M'CARTY Cecelia McCnrty, 1015 East Twenty-first street, July 30, age 76; cancer. KVERNELAND Elnar Kverneland, Linnton, Or., July 30, . age 19; drowned. KELLY John Kelly. 249 Burnslde street, July 24, age 60. RICHARDS Samuel Richards, Multno mah hospital, July 26, age 63; cancer. COX-VVllllam Cox, St. Vincent's hos pital, July 27, age 25; fracture of skull. BAKER Adam Baker, en route to hos pital, July 28, age 30; fracture of skull. S0 0 I'll CTc e'Tof s"an (T"sln rle "gfa ves on new ground for sale. Office 208 Com-merolBt- block. Telephone Main 4989. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 1414 8th st, In Selling bldg., Main 7215, BIRTHS CARR -To Mr, and Mrs. W. D." Carr, 8818 8txty-ftfth street, July 19, a boy. JOHNSONTo Mr. and Mrs. Suotti John- s5d, 278 Argyle street, July 28, a boy. KOCH To Mr. and Mrs. George Koch, 785 East Tenth street, July S, a girl. KILTHAN To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kllthan, 767 East Fourteenth street, July 18, a boy. CARPENTEKT6Tfffhd-MrsrXeti Carpenter, 668 Kehalem avenue, July 26 a girl. CORDF.R To Mr, and Mrs. Plumer Cor. der, 4S56 Sixty-second street, July 27, a boy MARKEE To Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mar kee, 1014 East Main street, July 2, a boy. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. William Mil ler, 4142 Fifty-second street, July 14, a boy. SCHNELLr-To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schnell, 769 East Twelfth street, July 29, a boy. FUNERAL UIRECTORS J. P, Fin!er& Son Third and Madlsonr Lady attendant. Main 9, A-1599. Dunning k McEntee SodSr'n" every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-4658. Lady assistant. MR. EDWARDHiJLftlAN,- th Oeadlng funeral dllector and undertaker; 220 3d st., cor. Salmon: ladv assistant;--- A, R. ZELLER CO, Both phone CRIPHM Undertaking Co. Jlaln nniUOUIN 6183. A-2235. Lady ass't EAST 8IDE funeral directors, success or to F. S. Dunntnsr. Inc. E. 62. B-2525. PPPU Undertaker, Lady assistant. LLI1UII B-1H8K. . K-7X1. E. th-Alder. HEMSTOCK, 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71, fi lm: and TJnlvers. Park. Col. 394-895. pnoreAn Pi Funeral directors, 869 rcdlbUll L0, S71 Russell st.. E. 1080. OTTO SCHUMANN, granite and marble works. East 3d and Pine. East 713. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS BRONG-MANARY COMPANY, Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. and A-1743. BRUBAKrtR & BENEDICT, 602 McKay Bid),-. - Main.. 649 JHA?I.N & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1651 KNAPP & MACKEY, 212-18 Board of Trade. M. and A-201fc OREGON REAL EST AT K CO.. THB Grand avo and Mult. E. 7o C-1708. SHIELDS. J. H. 205 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 343 ) GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 Look at This Income property bringing In 11 per cent on an Investment of $40,000, the bept in town; will stand the closest In vestfgation. 605 Henrv bldg. $4000 for a very choice 50x62 ft. lot. cIora In west Mo- nnlv 1ft mlnutpft' walk from postofflce. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg. FOK HALE HOULSE8 61 Buys this nifty new. 6 room bungalow, close to' Hawthorne avenue, on hard surfaced street. It faces. -east, has a very attractive exterior and well arranged In terior; hardwood floors In living room, dining room and den. pressed brick fire place, burnt In bookcases and buffet, paneled dining room, 2 large, light, airy bedrooms, well equipped bathroom, white enameled.Dutch kitchen, full con crete basement with cement floor and laundry trays. There are lots of win dows In each room, thus permitting plenty of light The price is only $3200, and Includes shades and fixtures. For particulars call at 10,84 Hawthorne ave nue., or Phone Tabor 201 7 Do You Want a . Home? If so I will 'sell you any one of mine at a bargain. I have 6, 7 and 8 room bungalows, all modern In every way and In the best lo cations In the city; I am build ing now In Beaumont, Irving wood, Irvington. Waverleish Heights and Council Crest addi tions. If gny one of these houses or locations don't suit you, I will build to your plan and the loca tion you wish. Let me explain my plan of helping you. Own your own home. 414 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 278. Home, Sweet Home We have houses in Irvlnaton. Beau mont and IrvlngwoodV finished, ready to move In, and if these houses aijte not to your liking wo will build for vou In any part of this city after you own ineas. we don t require any aown pay ment and jp II our house on the basis of $1 to SlOO, or, In other words, a $3000 house would cost you $30 per month which would Include Interest at 7 per cent. Why not have an equity In your own .home at the end of another year. Instead of a bundle of rent re celpts7 Come In and let us explain. NRIL 'IM'RFLINGER. PORTLAND BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 709-10 Rothchlld Bldg, Marshall 3826, Leaving City Automobile and bungalow, sacrificed. 1911 electric llcht Ford. 6 Dasseneer: best possible condition, every modern convenience In house; nice garage, lawn and flowor.s, possession at once; all for less tSiau price of house; terms. See owner. 47rt R. 44th st., first house north Sandy Road, or M. L. Gallagher, 821 Yeon bldg. Must sell at once. No Commissions to 'Anyone HOT WEATHER SNAP 6 room house, half basement, corner Grand ave. ar.d Mason St.; lot 60x100; both streets hard surfaced and paid for: this would be an Ideal site for flats and is a genuine bargain; $1000 cash will handle: only 100 feet from Union ave. Price $3000, UODDARD & WTKDRICK, 243 Stark st. BIGGEST SNAP IN PIEDMONT New two storv residence of 7 rooms. on KUlinESworth ave.. on full rnrhor lot, between Williams and Union ave. i Both streets hard surfaced and all paid I ror except J43o bonded. Our price for rew nays jjsuo; win taKe mortgage, or $2000 at 7 per cent. Property worth $5500. Ooddard Wlediick. 243 Stark. Hawthorne District Bran new, 6 rooms and reception hall, hardwood floors, buffet, fireplace, full cement basement, Dutch kitchen,. 3 ex tra lurge bedrooms, east front; easy terms- Price $2950. Phone Owner, Tabor 651 Just an Ideal Home For you at $2750 cash or terms dou bly construrted modern It. very re spect; sightly lot; splendid location; 1 block to car. T have others, all new. Sellwood 87 Have a $2200 Equity in a $3600 house on the edge of Westmoreland; will sell for $1150. Have got to sell; house Just built. 435 Cham Com. ?W CASH Completely furnished ready to move In, 5 room new bun galow garage, fruit trees, berries end ftfdenT price " 137007" one"block froni Woodlawn car line. 1458 Fern st. Phone owner, Woodlawn 2163. 4 ROOM house in Richmond, on caHlne. IfSOO. Inquire 965 E. Tlbbeta j3L I) 0M 61 . WIR RAT. 13 Less than first cost, 6 -room, modern house nicely located; hot water plant. am- nrst ctass. German Realty Trust Co, 264 stars st. NICE home with nearly 1 acre of the Dest oi land, corner, s rooms, ceiiar, on.jconcretetjyallscklckenhouse, etc.: all for 122507 terms. Take Capitol Hilt car, 17 minutes' ride. Apply L. Terrlll, Northrop Acres, or K-761, Journal. $600 - - ' JiOO cash, $300 in labor, $209 terms to suit, for a neat little home In Trout dale. Inquire 402 Lumber Exchange, 2d and starK FOR SALE Modern " 6-rootn bungalow, near Piedmont car barns, $50 down, balance easy monthly payments; prlee 12000. 1291 Patton ave. Phone Wood lawn 324. FIVE room bungalow, 19th and Going, 2 blocks Alberta car; 12500, S100 cash. $15 monthly, 7 per cent Take, lot as part payment. Sellwood 1352. -- WE will furnish loVin desirable neigh, borhood 4morovements-lni cement walks, etc., andT build according to your own plana. Umbdenstock & Larson. GOOD 8 room House, Mt. Tabor, paved streets lHrlock toear; erms or pari trade. Phone or call evenings. Tabor 8666. Owner. 136 E. 68th 9 ROOM house, lot l6exl06y TiaeTa ftunv ber of cherry trees, barn and out houses, fine view, 6c fare, close to car; price 3Z6Q, terms. -K.-768, journal, MUST tell furnished, new bungalow; E. S2d St., 5 rooms, basement, attic; $200 down; residence E. 5117; office, between 11 and 1, Marshall 2371. I Want a Good Auto Must be In good condition, as part pay ment on a house. Phone Sellwood 87. Nt5V. 8 room, well built, beautiful house on 41st near Fremont. Reld, the owner, at house. East 6189. GOOD 6 room house, easy to move, --JULJlr.ea.j;ut. A haramOSGra nam ave. i-none c-iuua. ARTISTIC homes, plans $5 and $10; hundreds to select "from; book free. Portland Bldg. Ass'n, 882 Mohawk bldg. F6R SALE 4 room house, lot 6'3xl03, for $1400, 1066 E. 18th st. South. $1350 4-room modern house, west side, $200 down. 823 Alisky bldg. FOUR room house and lot, $380; near Lents; $150 cash. K-863. Journal. FOR SALE LOTS 16 ROSE CITY PARK. Two fine lots on paved street, 100 feet from car. fine view, faces south, $1000 each, ,.- Allimprove ments paid. K-27, Journal. Willamette Heights 100x110, vol land, paved street, view of mountains and river. For price and terms see owner, John W. Alexander, 610 Lumbermen's bldg. Phone Main 1821. FINE, sightly Vi acre at Ryan station, on. Oregon Electric Ry., 20 minutes from Portland, 6c fare, for less than you can buy city lot. Lovely location for family home, garden, i fruit, etc. Your own terms. Box 336, P. O., Port land. ' FINE east front lot on paved street, 2 blocks from car, for $20 down and $20 monthly with second mortgage privilege. Own er. K-26, Journal. ONE acre f -land for sale by owner, close to 6c. carfare. Muet sell and will accept $200 cash down and bal ance easy monthly payments. Phone during daytime to Main 2081 and even ing East 4164 tr down 12 WEEK. WITHOUT INTEREST. 60x100, 20. minutes by trolley, on east side; nice shade, fine soil. J-978, Jour nal, FOR SALE cheap, $280 enulty in fine 50x100 lot. 57th and Tillamook, close to car line, stores and new fireproof school house, balance $13 monthly. Phone NUNN. M. 693d. CHOICE west side lots, 60x100. only 20 minutes' car ride; fine view. Ideal for home. Price only 1325: terms to suit yj'Hj? giJte-.-lli-?orbett blg-' NICELY located lot and cash for small bungalow. Must be close to car and sehool; full particulars and .jgrlc. K- (let thImhI oat, i tit $6G5 - BUYS my Rose City Park lot worth $900, lot 3. block 95, 64th St.. near Alameda. Res.. E. 5117; office "bet ll and l. Marsn. jmyi LEAVING city, good bargain, $250 equl- ... l nhnln. RnvlAO pnrnAr lot In Jonesmore addition. Phone Main 7371, ask for room 18. rTKC RnnihWAV Hom half price. Several lota . C 1866. East 273. W. H. Herdman. ONE lot for sale, 27th and Gladstone, 2 blocks from Woodstoelf car line, for $700. Phone Marshall 8745. SEE Le Noir k Co. for west side prop erty, exclusive dealers in west side realty, njji ynamner or LomBrm, ONE small lot, 25x80, for sale very cheap; university Fam: Terms, write O. K. Fargo. 50Q Yeon bldg. SNAP lot In Sunnyslde, close in $860, worth $1250. J-866, Journal. ACREAGE i7 7tt ACRES, timber, heavy stream across one side located between two electric carllnes, exactly H mile from station on each, 30 min utes from 4th and Washington streets, in valley west of Council Crest; Ideal for country home; this may be had for $2(60 on monthly psvment plan. The Shaw-Fear Co, Main 35r 102 Fourth St. A-3500. " EQUfPPED SUBURBAN HOME. One acre. Rood 2-story house, bam. chicken house, well, bearing orchard, assorted fruits, also 10 tons hay, chick ens, pig, Jersey heifer, 5 months old; furniture Includes 6-hole range, heater stove, bedroom sets, carpets, shades lace curtains, tables, chairs, tools, etc.; near school, on main road and adlolns station on new 4th street electric, 8-cent fare. Price $2500, about $500 cash. Purchaser allowed use of 7V4 acres adjoining, STAVE R, 614 COUCH. BLDG. FOR 8 ALB HOUSES : Potting It Off UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE Causes many disappointments to those wishing to place, want ads in The Big Sunday Journal Make !t a point to get yonr want ads in early. If not convenient to call at the office, use the. phone call Main 7173 or A-6051 Ads charged only to those whoeo names are listed in either of the telephone directories. Office aosct.Saturday Night at 9:30 d'Clock Sharp. ; . ACREAGE nt4SafctNRBaSeaS((BM 5T .1 BCAPPOOSB ACRES. Sensation of the season; within 15 miles of Portland, on railroad; $25 to $85 per acre. Call or writ 1 for descriptive literature. - V LTJEDDEMANN. BOTHFUR A CO., tli-917 Chamber of Commerce. .THREE acres, .Mrt cleared, It,,, mile from station close to side- walk; best of soli; 18 homes with' in 1000 feet of this. $300 per aero on monthlv payments. I he bhaw-rear Cor- Main 35. 102 Fourth St A-3500. 5 and 10 Acres- zu un 10 iio per acre. . on terms. Tracts of 6 acres or mors; deep, rod onoi bvii,. wen waieretr; easily Cleared: ideal for general farming, .fruit vege tables, dairying and chicken raising-located on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers, 703 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts.' Main 8078. Evenings East 394. TWO acres, all clear; two room J house, well; 500 feet from oar line, 40 minutes out, electrlo lerr- -Tcgr-best of Both mso wiirr term p. The Shaw-Fear Co, " Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A-8509, CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port. lana. xjesi sou, gooa rosas, spring. water. fre wonrl .au acres, $400. $500, $600 per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres, $1200; j?0 acres. $2000; 40 acres timber. $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank iwwuiianu neiny to, iu Keon bldg.. Portland. Or. THREE acres, easily cleared, "U m lie-southof St. - Mary'r ata-- tlon on Fourth street electrlo, SO minutes from 4th and Washington sts., very best of soil and may ba , had at $250 per acre; $75 cash .'and monthlv payments. The Shaw-Fear Co. Main 36. 102 Fourth Bt, A-3600. Five Acres Planted to Lambert cherries and pears. well located nn elpctrlr- llnoa n, rrt: land, where you will have the advantage of a large association, Something -with a future and growing In value each and every year. y ST. JUEOROHARD HOMES. 1721 Yeon Bldg, $10 Down" mommy, auxjis.1 J475. Oregon City -u iM..vit.a .ui. v mni pu( line SOli, jihi mern. tir mearns, tvt WICPX blag. 10 ACREK for sale a,t Elyvtile, 7 acres lmproren, ranitty anwttaM. best of soil; 5 room house; $1000 will handle this. Price $6000. Lowe & Miller. 220 nn hi.. vrfKon my, near t. y. depot. R ACHI'S? h nt ar.ll In,,.. k. chicken bouse 12 miles Portland, near car; crops and everything goes -at $1950 for quick sale. Owner, 472 Sum ner st. BARGAIN IN 6-ACRE TRACT'S. " Deep, rich soil, all In cultivation, on Salem Electric; no better land nor big ger Dargain anywnere, ony jl&o per acre; $10 down. 608 McKay bldg. SIX good-sized lots for price of one; pretty good Improvements, ready to move on; close tn, good -value at 11500; $100 down. Write O. K. Fargo, 600 Yeon bldg. $10 down. $5 monthly buys 52x151. $475; right at station, Oregon City oar. 110 fare, 30 minutes out; fine garden land. H. Atwater, 628 Henry bldg. SNAP for cash 1 acre, 1 hlock froni Boardman station, Oregon City car, set to fruit and vegetables, smalt house, chicken house and well. R. F. Fisher, 20 ACRES at a big sacrifice, $100. TX free gold mineral prospect heavily timbered. In Josephine county.) Roy h wav.i.i, jcwnctB, .JU niuer SI. ON Cazadero line, 80 minutes' rldo, I. 2 or 4 acre3, cleared and plowed, good un. rjioiiB owner, wooaiawn lsus. OAK GROVE, Oregon City car. attrae- tlve hitnenlniv 1KOv17A k.i cost; terms. Owner, Main 746. FOR SALE FARMS 17' A BARGAIN. , IZ cxes. all tillable, running watn b yer acre, izvs I eon Dig g. ' FOR SA LE-F ARMS 17 40 Acre Choice Farm Only 9 Miles Out This place is only 9 miles from the courthouse in the Tualatin valley and not mr rrom ine electrlo line; good room house and barn, 28 acres In high state of cultivation, 26 acres planted to puiKiues, a a err a rme assorted orchard, spring on place. With this goes horse, wagon and all lmnlementa. rrnn rnM d.1 . it :a with the place.- Owner, going to Alaska ana win sen at iuu an acre less than anything around: good terms. ENDERS & HARTSHORNBt at BiarK st. 45 ACRES 5 miles from Newport op Toledo, 20 acres cultivated, I acre pasture and timber. Best fruit or vege table land. Auto road to either town. $3500; $2000 cash, balance 8 years 1 ger cent. Baker & Theobald, Newport, 6000 ACRES. "I With water for Irrigation, good build ings, In the famous Shields river valler, : Montana; big crops every year assured, price $60,000, very easy terms or will trade for Portland property. A splen did bargain. See owner, 807 Railway, Exchange bldg. ' I -