The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 02, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Distant Relatives of President
ta Travel by One Horse
Bunk Wagon From Phfla
; defphia Baby in Arms.
- Philadelphia. Pa., Aug. 2. Enulppad
With a camp' outfit, onhorse and a bunJt
wngon the 1'aft faraTTy wtli hit the trial
from Philadelphia to Portland expect-
lag iocovePTTnraiBtauB 1" tlmto-dfn
'With Mrr EJva- Snow in Yaoulna, Lin
coln county. Oregon, on Tlianksglving
- rr ' .
The Taft family include, husband.
' wlfa and thie HtUa girl one a baby
in anna Thte llveatocls conalBta of a
horse a dog ivnd a cat. To travel the
: trail "west of Chicago a aecond horse
l xtUl be bought and the transformed da-
- Mvery-wasos containing the bunks will
be fitted out with a tongue and double
trace to replace the ahafta.
v' The three HtUa girls make- the pro-
posed trail trip a fliost perlloua under
taking as all thoaes who have crossed
. the country well- know.
Charles- Taft. the father 1 a car-
center by trade, a handy man by oc
cupation and none tew strong. The
" climate of the northw st has been ree
fimmanded ta him for Us health ani.all
outdoors his constant canopy. Henoe
A the trail trip.
- Mrs. Taft is a frail HtI woman with
"an Infectious amUe, an abundance of
, rood nature and a deternUnatlon to work
' ' her passage if the trip jpost more than
they now anticipate. -., v
' They have no- idea of becoming rreasra
or mendicants. They ara persons of
- education and good standing here. They
Have lived at No. 34 North Seventeenth
, treatw4naa Jysart or the exclusive
Tioga, for soma years.
The three children are most attrac
' tlva yonngstera, Alleen la 7, Maria 4.
and Ruth almost 2. '
Remotely Mr. Taft is related to -the
president, but he asks no special eoasld
- aration on this account arid only ad
mitted the fact when asked the ques
tion direct. .Ha. saW. that .the relation
ship was so remote that it would only
- embarrass him to be passed along as a
relation of the president, but. never-
thelcss. the relationship exists and it la
. in the blood line. ,
- Mrs Eva Snow of Taqnlna, O. Is a
sister of Mr. Taft and she has been
appraised af hla coming and knows of
-Ills plan to hit the old Orerland trail
ut of Chicago: v
(Spertsl to Jb Journal. .
North Yakima, Wash., Aug. S.
Whether the 15 days open season for
Chinese- pheasants promised for this
fall will be ail that the marksman of
the valley hope for seems now a ques
tion. The birds are there and remark
ably numerous, tho plantings of the
pheasants, of Hungarian partridges "and"
of the Bob white auan made several
ears sgn- bTthacimplyaylngre-
sulted la nearly every case In big flocks.
Hut the favorite habitat of these game
birds is the alfalfa fields immediately
surrounding the farming district and
the farmers do not propose to have pro
miscuous shooting over their land thla
fall. The ranchers of the. Naches have
already met and arranged to post their
land, and declare they will prosecute
any Infringements. A good deal of val
uable stock tn times past has fallen
victim to chance shots from the hant--eret
guns. The farmers have been com
plaining to some extent of the damage
done by the p has ant in scratching up
the sprouted corn, but with the chance
to get rid of them, they have now de
clared for the protection of the bird.
In few sections of the country has
the acclimatization of the Chinese pheas
ant been so successful. The open sea
son proposed will not be fqr more than
II days, with a five bird per day bag
Hutchinson, Kan., Agu. lr -At a pre
-llralnary meeting here today plans war
formed to Hold a state-wide conference
of farmers to assist la creating Interest
In the movement undertaken by tha
Kansas Agricultural college and tho
various farmers' organisations to in
crease the productiveness of the soil
aren't won by shaky nerves or
minds dulled by black Havana
"cigars. When you need your wits,
smoke light, harmless Havana and
domestic blends. Every bit as
delicious, but without the harm.
Try a
Gen Arthur
' 10c and 3 for 25c
M. A. Cuntt 8 Co Inc.
- tv V -
V : 'HIV raaa
'iBrutos," tbe 1 4-monthB-old Hon of London'g White city, became
grouchy recently and an Investigation proved that he had a bad
tooth. Dr. Watts, a local animal dentist, was called In. and after
"Brutus" had been tied aj some the tooth was firawn. The picture
shows the tooth In the forceps of the dentist.
Fourteen Thousand Workers
on Railway Lines Are
, Balloting Today.
(Oitilfd Prcis Lraaet Wire.)
Chicago, Aug. 1. Mora than 14.000
employes cm the surface and elevated
lines hera are voting today on whether
to strike. PretdentJkIahonL- otha
Amalgamated Association of Eluctrla
and Street Railway Eraployesannounced
the early voting showed the men over
whelmingly in favor of walking out.
The wsuit ot .tha balotlng will be an
Bounced tomorrow.
Negotiations far a new enntm be
tween company officials and their em
ployes has been, proceeding sine June
1. without an, agreement binr r-hrt
The eld working contract expired yes
Union leaders have nromliif ta waj
until August 10 for an answer from
tne orncjaia, and if it Is not forthcom
ing than, the men, will walk out.
it Cathar tnea. Out. Aug. J. The an
nual regatta of um Canadian Amoria-
tloo of Amateur darsmen, popularly
known aa tha Canadian Henley, opened
here today with- the promise of going
on record aa tha most successful re
gatta in the Mstory of the association.
The entry list thts roar in of an
ally high class. The proximity in dates
baa served to keep tha Winnipeg and
otner western oarsmen away, but the
east, the maritime provinces and the
United Btatea have more representatives
here than ever before. The regatta pro
gram covers two days and provides
for all of the customary cvrnta f mm
single sculls to the eight oared races.
a urea tscanion, or fiaiirax, the amateur
sculling champion of the maritime prov
inces, is reckoned a strong contender
for the senior sculling championship.
Dave Began, of Buffalo, who last year
shotted lilmsflf to ba7oTXeTr'astrTm'-
est earamen on the continent. Is entered
in tne intermediates. Other well known
Individual oarsmen and crews are here
from Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Ham
ilton, Detroit and several other points.
. ,
The Country club track tomorrow af
ternoon will be tha acenA nf an nf ik.
largest matlcea racing meets of the sea-
nun. more norses nave nen entered
in tomorrow's meet than any previous
meet of th seasoa.
ine reature race of the day will be
the on between King Seal and Bonnie
Antrim. Another of the features of the
meet will be the handicap trotting race.
There will also be a steeplechase and
several other added events.
Miss Emma DuBrullle and Clifford
Harrison of the Ladd Tcnnts club won
the mixed doubles championship of the
Ladd tournament last evening by brat
tng Miss Hall and Haraden of the WI1
lomh club. Th score of the match
wero 4 love, 6-1, 6 love.'
In th men'i singles, Johes beat Mars
den 6-2, 6-4.
Play Cricket Tomorrow.
Tomorrow afternoon a cricket match
wilt be played at the Cricket park. In
which all chosen for the tournament
will take part. In addition to the mem
bers of the club, several sailors and
officers from ships in port will be
kupsIs of the club and take part In the
KHine. The match will start promptly
at 3 o'clock p. m.
Dog Show Opena,
(I'nllrd Vfm leaned Wlr.)
Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. 2. The an
nual dng show of the Ladles' Kennel
association of New Jersey opened here
today on Toung's million dollar pier.
The exhibits include some of the finest
dugs in New York, Pennsylvania and
New Jersey.
Answer to Query.
Matt McGrath won tho hammer throw
at Stockholm with a toss of 178 feet
10 1-10 inches; Olllis of Vancouver sec
ond with 15Svfeet 1-10 Inches, and
L C. Chllda third with 168 feet.
Cause Enough.
Prom Judge.
"When I was shipwrecked In South
America," said Captain Bowsprit, "I
em aoroa v tribe tt wild ww wb
had no tongues." , .
"Mercy!" cried one of his listeners
of the fair sex. 'How could they talkT"
"They couldn't!" snapped the old salt.
"Thau what mad 'ana jrlld," , .
- 1
'-". t ...
' f V T t ; 1-n ' f I
Congressman Exposes Prac
ticesIndians Shamefully
Washington. - Aug. 2. The congress
man from New York. Dr. Theron Akin,
made some startling disclosures In ex
posing the so-called National attorneys
of the-dend Indian tribes In Oklahoma,
and his assault and exposure of the
methods of the attorneys for tha live
Osage tribe wps in his usual drastic
manner of handling subjects of this
The Interior department was handled
without gloves. Akin said:
"The records disclose that these gen
tlemen have on file, approved or pending
approval ten Indian contracts, which If
they were all approved, would bring
them in an annual salary In excess of
160,000, with contingencies that would
net these gentlemen more than 11,000,
008. That while they were representing,
or trying to represent, and had contracts
with ten different tribes, they had drawn
fees from the Osage tribe alone, since
He further said:
"I submit to my colleagues In this
house, if tha United State la tha guar,
dtan of the Indians and the Indian bu
reau is competent to manage their af
fairs, why should it be necessary for
on tribe of Indians to pay attorneys
a cash compensation per annum far
greater than the" salary of the head of
the Indian bureau T The salary of a
member of congress, or a cabinet of
ficer, Is a mere bagatelle as compared
with the compensation of this firm of
attorneys, when you take into considera
tion their annual salary, expense money,
end contingent fees provided for by
their contracts."
"Mr. Kappler of this remarkable firm
has the honor of being the compiler
of two volumes authorized and paid for
by congress, under the title 'Indian Af
fairs Laws and Treaties.' It is a work
that any competent clerk could perform
much more efficiently than did the au
thor. It Is said that when he goes
among the Indians in quest of. con
tracts, he carries these two volumes
containing his name, and printed at the
expense of the United States, aa an
exhibit of hit masterly legal attain
ments. These books, beautifully bound,
and printed at the government printing
office, are looked upon by the unsus
pecting Indian aa credentials of such
solemnity that to question them would
be an offense against the laws of the
United States."
Poor Lo! They never quit handing It
to him, and in this ease, if the doctor's
reckoning in correct, he got a lemon
both large and yellow. It Is said that
none of the Indian attorneys will vote
for Akin, and that not even one of them
is his admirer.
The remarks of Congressman Akin of
July 26, 1912, appears in the Congress
ional Ilecard of that date commencing
on pane 10,190, there being attached
thereto the contracts and other docu
mentary exhibits.
A Oerman scientist has succeeded in
curing cancer in lower animals by In
jecting into their blood solutions of, tht
salts of tellurium and selenium. '
Who Said Corns?
I Use i'GETS-IT!"
It AVorka on a Sure, New Dan,
"Glory! Come and Bee Sow QttB-Vt
Works I"
"CETS IT the new rorn cure on a
new principle, works like the touch of a
fairy s wand. No more knives, rssors,
flies or other Instruments of torture for
corn-sufferors. No more salves, plai
ters and bandages that hurt the rest of
the toe more than thev relieve the corn.
"OKT8-IT" never Irritates or turns
the true flesh raw. It la safe as wster.
But my, how It does get after corns,
bunions, callouses and warts. It works
painlessly, but it shrivels 'em right up
till they drop off, lesvlng the firm,
healthy flesh underneath.
israction, or your money Is refunded.
All. druggists sell "OETS-IT" st tl
cent a bottle, or it will he sent on re
ceipt of price by E. Lswrenc A Co.,
Chicago, Sold In Fortlaed by Owl Drug
c- . j
Bonneviile Hatchery Sends 200
Ten Gallon Cans of Little
.. Swimmers.
CorYallts, Or, Aug. I. T. J. Craig,
chief deputy to the state game warden,
brought to Corvallls yesterday a., full
carload of eastern brook and rainbow
trout to stock, the fishing streams of
Benton county. Tha car contained 100
tea gallon eans, containing en average
of 750 fish per can, a total of 150.001
The ear was placed In the bands of J.
F. Allen, president of the Corvallls Com-
marcial club, who. dispatched tha fiah in
auto trucks and automobiles to the vari
ous parts of the county. Twenty-thou
sand fish were planted la the streams
In the north part of the county, north
of Calaway station, and 12,000 were sent
to Alsea. The remainder were planted
tn the mountain streams within a radius
of IS miles of Corvallls.
Practically every fishing stream ia
the county has been well stocked with
these game fish. Deputy Craig stated
that the fish will grow to . almost tha
minimum slxe during tha coming sea
son, and that ' tn another season the
streams of Benton county should be a
paradise to the angler. Tha fish brought
here wera hatched about tha first of
January at the -1 Bonneville hatchery
where the state has hatched 4,000,000
trout to be distributed throughout the
Salem, Or., Aug. 3. C, M. Sain and as.
sociatea have submitted to the attorney
general a bond for 210, 00Q guaranteeing
the faithful performance of their con
tract with the state in connection with
the taking of salt deposits from Sum
mer and Abert lakes In the Southern
part of the state. This bond covers the
first year's worjt only, and after that a
bond of 160,000 will be required by the
state. The surety company which wrote
the bond required Sain and his associ
ates to put up $10,000 in cash. I
Mr. Sain stated that his company had
been at work for the last two months
1 V
of a Turkish Trophy
' ?-' ,,
Y Y"Y, ''''' a
Pfgjl he concluded his stunt I the Kirik. WM
ip . ' iii
" 1 JI in 1 1 I ,1V UliU.'l TSra'v iwy.w"w.r . 'i -
Y-V,"."-.V"'.'r '"'
i ,'
I " ' '
building a tramway to carry the product
away from the lakes. It will be sext
If I . cannot prove to any man that I am giving the best clothing values in the city during my
cleanup sale I will fit him with a suit and present it to him. The Men's Suits I sell are de
signed by some of the cleverest men in New York and sold by me in an office building (rent
$30 a month), I hand you no buncombe, no hot-air shots, and sell you no old stock. All 1913
models. Explanation In addition to my regular stock of high grade Men's Suits I sell drum
mers models (Suits made up for merchants' inspection) and ends of lines from the foremost
clothing manufacturers in the
wholesale cost.
t )8.'Ih"n""'
said the Royal Mi-
JLmic, "will be that
"7 vtTY next imitation." I "Punk! Tust as I thought." ! ' A
WW said the Royal Mi- said the Kink. " Turkish Tro- ! i IM0M
'Watch this," said the Kink,
with a sly wink at the Royal
Chamberlajn "Iamsuspicious."
, "How did it strike your Ma
jesty?" asked the performer, as
he concluded his stunt
', ,'' ' '
' '''
' r
' ' 7
'j. mniUiVS.-'tuiiaii'i'.iUci C'n.
summer before tha company axpacts to
be ready to begin the actual work of
east; These I term Samples.
Yin buys a Suit
in a high rent store
for $20 to $22.50.
phies cannot be imitated Try.
it again, and you shall read a
page of the Congressional Rec
ord to your wife, every night
for a month."
Mercy" was a word
be found in the dark lexicon of
the Kirik.
mining tha salt. Tha company eon tract!
to pay tbs stats a bonus on tha produot
I buy these at 5 per cent under
fin buys a Suit
UUthat sells
in a high rent store
for $25 to $30,
Room 315 Oregonian
Bidg., Take Elevator
lO P.M.
not to
W'', '
a, a