The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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:au ror.TLA::u
.ilJ.kwJ.ii L.V L..UI, All',. Ik. I
town Topics
Don't forget irbn going sway oo your
ration or lr tbt ' nimmar, that The
Journal can follow rm tt-10 cent a week,
III regular aubarrlijjliin rates,, and tha fol
lowing agents will lupplr you it 'our rain
lar ruea:" :-- -
Bar Orein, Or.. Bar Ocean hotel.
Barh Center, Wh W. 0. C'olllua. -Carton
Sprloga,' Waab., Ulnarat Bprlnga
bolel. ...
.; Colllna, Wah Fred A. Tonnif. ,
t" Gearhart. Or., Mra. 0, I.., Elliott.
Ilwaeo, WaBb.i II. B. Woodruff.
tsng Beach, Waab., Lawrence Mnneen.
(Delivery to all jpnluta on North Beach.)
' Newport, Or., Glen Howard.
RockaWay Beaeb. Or , Wllklna Itle.
teaalil. Or.. letter Proebatel. (DellTery
to. all parti of Roaaldr.)
' rVaIw. Waab., f. ft. Btraobal,
Tlllanmok. Or., J. 8. Lamar.
' Wllholt 8urliia, Or., r. W, MrLearn.
Cascadla, Or., O. M. delsendorfer.
.. tonights amusements
HEILIO Ca'thrlne Countla In "Merely
" 111 tV Ann "
COUNCIL CrtESTV-Hlfh claaa attreo-
1 tlona. .
LTRIC Armstrong Folllea company In
'Playing tlie Racea." ' ,
-' ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville.
yt THR KMPREBS Vaudeville.
, V PANTAOEa Vaudfivllle.
7" THE OAKB Amusement park.
...u Weather Conditions.
Portland and Vicinity Fair tonight
. and Friday northweaterly winds.
Oregon Generally fair tonight and
Friday. Not much change- In tempera
J ture: northwesterly winds.
. . Washington Generally fair tonight
; and FrlJay: cooler northeast portion to
night; -winds mostly westerly.
. Idaho--Generally fair tonight and Frl
y-.;.-'--'-?- Aetltif District Fareeaateiv-
I Kicked by Blind Horse The animal
was not a mule, but her name was
"Maude," and what she did to John W,
Freeman on the Merchant ranch on Sau-
vis's Island, Is a story to be told in the
- circuit court. In this tribunal, Freeman
' has started suit against Warren Mer
chant to recover 116,000 damages, which
he alleges were caused by "Maude."
The complaint shows the animal was a
blind horse used at the Merchant dock
... to -haul, goods from the boat to tho
higher landing. Besides being blind, the
animal was extremely nervous. One
day- Freeman -waa -kicked off .the dock
by "Maude." He landed on a snag
eight feet below, sustaining Injuries.
: Gregory Ball Opened. Parishioners
Of Sacred Heart parish and friends to
' the number of 250 greatly enjoyed the
opening of Gregory hall, their new par-
" Ish house, last Tuesday evening. Fol
lowing the presentation of the new
'home by the building committee" to thn
members of the parish a social and
dance took up the evening. The hall
Is located a( East Eleventh and Centei
streets and Is two stories In height. Thn
lower floor la a gymnasium. The hall
cost $6500. The committee In charge
of the erection of the hall was Father
Gregory, pastor of the parish; Peter
Warmuth, J. H. Schomus, Thomas Swee
ney, P. A. Burke and Thomas Dunn.
Hotel Clyde, Tenth and Stark streets,
Just completed. Most modern and ele
gantly furnished house In city. Ninety
six rooms, every ono light and airy.
Steam heat, elettric lights, hot and cold
running water and telephone In each
room, 11.00 to J 1.50 per day; 48 rooms
with private bath, J1.&0 to $2.00 per day.
The-Clyde Is less than five minutes'
walk from poh I of fire, theatres, depart
ment stores and large .totels and banks.
Attractive rates for permanent guests.
' . - I- . '
W. O. TJ. Holds Ontlng A very
pleasant outing was had by the inem-ber-f
Central W. C T. U. Wednesday
afternoon at the City park. After a de
llghtful lunch hour, an Informal pro
tram was given. The topic. "The Need
of Temperaace Work," was discussed, all
present taking part. Mrs. Mary Mallet,
-county president, presided. It was an
nounced that an all-duy county meeting
will be held Tuesday, August 6, on the
lawn in front of the home of Mrs. F,
McCottrt. Woodstock.
Michigan Society OuUnsThe hikers
or the Michigan society and the!
friends, with the Maiamas and tin-1
frlenda Friday evening are to take the
Rose City Park car to East Flfty-sev
enth street, assemblylng there at 7:15
o'clock. They will walk from that point
down the Sandy road to the Columbia
boulevard and theno to Kenton. Every
one formerly of Michigan whether mem
bers of the society or not, are asked
to make the trip. An enjoyable time
Buna Man injured While Harry
Mays, a Diind musician, accompanied by
"two frten rjsr-waw -walking-- along- -Mr M lt
lan street at midnight last night, he
stumbled and fell down the embank--lJnenXfracturlng
.his ..thigh... JThe man
- was rushed to fit. Vlnoent hospital In
j the Red jCross ambulance. With the
exception of the broken thigh, he bus
- talned no other Injuries of any conse
quence. Albert Buckingham and Harry
mason were witnesses to the affair.
Say Taoant House Bendsxvoas A re
port has been made to the police for in
vestlgatlon that a vacant house at 621
Lovejoy street Is a rendezvous for
young boys , and girls who congregate
there nights and drink Hquor which Is
taken to tho place by young men, some
believed to be minors. A Mrs. Garland
of 640 hi Thurman street Is responsible
t&r the report, which will be given the
patrolman on the beat to investigate.
The Tacifio States ZMre Insurance
Company has issued a new map of Ore
gon, giving population of the cities and
towns as shown by the laRt United
States census. The company will be
pleased to deliver one of these maps
free to anyone-sending name and ad
dress to the Pacific States Fire Insur
ance company, 200 Chamber of Com
merce building. Phones Marshall 669
Home A-4381.
. Penney Bros., Trlday Special Our $1
grade of Wines at $1 per gallon. Our
$1.60 grade of Wines at 75cper gal
lon.- Straight Kentucky Whiskey, 7
years oia. regular, at J3.F.0 per
gallon, i Kentucky Whiskey, regular
$1.50. at $2.50 per gallon. Our $3 grades
of Whiskey, Rum. Gin and Brandy. $2.10
per gallon.' Friday only; 379-881 E.
. Morrison st. Phones -East 287, B-242?.
Free delivery.
' Hawthorne Bridge Case Appealed
The Portland .Railway, Light & Power
company has 'taken, an appeal in the
ease brought by the city over the Haw
thorne avenue bridge. Judge Ganten
beln held In the circuit court that the
company had no franchise, thereby re
quiring the company to negotiate with
thn city over new terms for the right to
cross the bridge.
Special Trlday Only Don't be de
ceived. We sell absolutely pure wines
and liquors. $1.50 quality port, sherry,
angelica And muscatel wine, 76c per
gallon; li rjt and Bourbon whiskey,
$2.75 per gallon; $4, brandy, $2.75 per
-1 1 n t i .uni 14 ?C MllnH X .
tip.. aaiwmi . Anac
tlonal Wine Co., Fifth. and Stark. Phone
Main 6499, Home A-4499. Delivered. ...
Can't Seniors Telephone Poles Yet
The Paclflo Telephone & Telegraph
company has ' been -temporarily ; ra
strained In - the circuit court from' re-1
moving rlta telephone line to , Wichita j
station on tne Kstacaaa, line. , J. IL
Gibson and George U Klrtgsbury are the
plaintiffs in the action. - The complaint
recites that on July 1, lfOS, the two
men arid agents of t he -company-ntered
into an agreement, whereby the com
pany agreed to furnish servlco to them
and four other customers, all ' living
near Wichita station, provided the cus
tomers would furnish, tho ,neeiiary
poles for the Mine. This .was done,
alleges the complaint; and service given
on- connection with a line to Krrol
Heights, another nearby suburb. The
company now has 19 steady patrons on
this line, and threatens to discontinue
the service, sat the plaintiffs, Attor
neys Cross and Hammond, represent
Gibson and Kingsbury.
Alienist's Bills Wot Approved. A bill
of $60 for testimony as an alienist In
the recent case In circuit court against
II. E. Roberts, found guilty of killing
Donald Stewart, has beon submitted the
county by Dr. A. E. Tamlesle, assistant
superintendent ot the state tnne hos
pital This bill was forwarded to Judge
Morrow,' who heard the case. The Judge
refused to sign It, sending It to. the
county commissioners. The bill of Dr.
W, T. Williamson, another alienist for
the state in this case, has also been
submitted to the Judge for approval, and
It was also forwarded the commission
ers, minus the court's spproval. Both
alienist were subpoenaed by the district
attorneys office, and were witnesses
for the state. They were In attendance
during the greater part of the 10-days
Peaokln Declares Self Well Sergeant
Everett 8. Peachln, of the police depart
ment, who was dangerously wounded
some time ago when his wife during a
fit of Insanity shot him through the
head and then committed suicide, ap
peared at police headquarters thls.morn
.lnjrfor the first time. Peachin barely
resembles his former self, for before the,
Shootlnar h was noted for hta wnn1r.
ful build and handsome full facial fea-S
tures. Now he Is only a shadow of
what he once was. He clalma to be In
good health, however, and walks about
without assistance. "I will soon be back
again," he declared as he left police
headquarters, after visiting his asso
ciates. Oats 86000 Damages A verdict for
$6000 .was returned by a Jury this morn
ing In1 the circuit court in favor of Jesse
Tamm, who brought ult against K.
Sauaet and the McDermott and Car
Ihody Contracting company for" injuries
sustained while working In a sewer
at Corvallls. The two defendants had
the contract for the sewer, hiring Tamm
as a luborer. He waa caught by a rope
which wound around a capstan. His
right arm was broken, two fingers cut
off and right shoulder badly wrenched.
The accident occurred August 28, 1S11.
Nine Juroia signed the verdict. The
case was before Judge McGinn.
Eewlng- Machine Taken Mrs. U K
Putnam, of li 73 East Fifty-seventh street
North, reported to the police yesterday
that while she was calling on a neigh
bor jMstorday shortly after noon, sonic
body entered her home and took a
"Free" sewing machine, which she waa
purchasing on the installment plan. A
small boy who was playing near the
house said lie nw a man driving a small
rig drive up to tho house and load in
the machine and drive away. It is be
lieved by the police that tho agent for
the machine look It upon account of back
Hidden Dynamite Found Twelve
sticks of dynamite were discovered last
night at the foot of Ash street by Pa
trolman Clemment. concealed under the
Fldcwalk, and the discovery has led to
the theory that the explosive might have
been stolen to secure nltro-gycerlne for
safe-blowing. 8hortly after the discov
ery Curl Carlson, a laborer, appeared at
the place, stood there for some time and
tl.en walked away. lie was placed under
atrest and la being held for Investiga
tion. Damare Salt Transferred. A suit for
i-'-Mau damages' on account of Injuries
iNovemuer 3 isii. w h em.
, . -
tuujtru on construction wcrK on the new ; the trafflo In other freight out of the
ViSmn, ? & Co. building filed by;sound that iumber rate8 are made prao-
...... v-. 5111BV uuney-niason .
company, oulldore. was removed this
morning from the circuit court to the
United Statea district court.
Blver Excursions to Oregon City
Boat from Taylor street dock. .Week
days, 8 a. m J p. m.; Sundays, ft a. m..
12 in., 3 p. m. Round trip, 40c. Tlokela
good on P. It.,. L. & P. cars.
Teomen pionlo,Estacada Park, Sun
day,. August 4. Special train leave
East Water Jind Morrison 9 a. m. Free
dancing with tickets. Round trip .75
cents. Tickets, Sherman-Clay Co. .
1 .Mount TloortA mi mnnt.h
at Cloud Cap Inn. Tho most glorious
spot on Mount Hood. Tickets and ree
evrationB, Dorsey B. Smith, 6fr 6th St.
Steamer , Stats Harkmti for CamAa,
Washougal and way landings, dally at-
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington strett
dQk it 1 p, si,
mnm . I
blue finish, factory No. 76D701. license l
No" l698-
Sanitary and Satisfactory The "Port-
land'' Concrete Burial Vault. 441 Haw.1
. , - I
uiuiiio nvruuv. i jiune n,usi too. '
Have Tour Order for coal and wood
booked; while price Is low. Edlefsen
Fuel Co.. East 3Z2, C-2303.
The Hotel Seward is quoting an at
tractive monthly rate to limited num
ber el permanent guests.
trnlon Transfer Company, furniture '
moving and storage, Main 241, A-2241.
Aune's Portraits Coin mhi- hM. e.
men, women ana children. A-1835.
W. A. Wise and associates, nalnlena
dentists. Third and Washington.
Tew Hrati Buffet, 3d and Alder sts,
Dr. D. H. Bond has returned.
(S pert ii I to tte Journal.
Centralla, Wash., Aug."l-While Al
Brlnker, a guard at the Lewis county
Jail, had a prisoner out working yester
day afternoon, he fell asleep. The pris
oner grasped his golden opportunity
and ran. Brlnker awoke In time to fire
two shots at the man as he was van
ishing around a corner of the Jail. He
made his escape.
iBpectnl tj Tr Journal.
Centralla, Wash., Aug. 1. Colonel C.
D. Spencer of Centralla Is . trying to
fought in "the battle of Gettysburg to
attend the reunion of the men of both
armies at the battlefield on July 1, 1913.
rjee transportation will bo furnished
the veterans both wag-s.
i. V7 . cnl" 01 r"!ciflc and the Great Northern, all have
lice of twin cylinder Indian motorcycle. . .Pmon. ith thir nn
Business. Would Be Routed Via
Sound Ports If Portland
Should Fail to Provide Sat
isfactory Service.
"The Portland Chamber of Commerce
perhaps does not fully realise the plight
In which Portland shippers will find
thcmselves,now : that the-preflenl.. lino
of steamships from this port to the
Orient Is withdrawn, unless an
other line Is speedily etsabllshed to re
placo It,", said an exporter who annually
sends shipments worth many thousands
of dollars to China and Japan, and han
dles a large return traffic, this morning,
"The seriousness of the situation la
such that there bhould be no hesitation
on the part of the chamber in taking
up the campaign to raise the $1,000,000
adjudged necessary for establishing an
other line, probably by leasing the ves
sels for a term of years.
Xay Go to Bound.
"If we have no steamship line here,
shippers will bo compelled to try Puget
sound, and there , very discouraging
situation faces them. So heavy is the
present freight business out of Puget
sound that shippers in Seattle, and Tui
coma are having great difficulty to get
JTO m;-
' "The regular freight ratek from these
ports to the Orient are supposed to be
$3 a ton, but shippers there are paying
$5 and with that Portland 'shippers
could not hope to get space where Se
attle exporters cannot do It.
"More than this, where the Puget
sound man Is paying $6 a ton now, the
cost to the Portland exporter would be
$5.50 or more, on account of the rail
road differential against him. Where
would the Tortland shipper come off un
der such circumstances? The questton
Is a very pertinent one for the chamber
of ominrce to toasideiv ior it vitally
affects not only Portland's future as a
sea port and distributing center, put
loss of steamship connections Is likely
to cause the ruin of many exporters be
Small Exporter Victim.
"The small exporter Is the one who
Is going to suffer most. The big ship
per, who can send out say 4000 tons at
a time, or a full cargo, may be able to
pick up a vessel to carry his goods,
though charters are extremely high
now. The small ahlppcr, ..who would
not have more than say 400 or 600 to
1000, or even 1500 tons, of course coujd
not afford to charter a vessel for so
small an amount. Falling to get space
on oriental freighters out of the sound
ports, he would be dependent on the
generosity or available space the big
shipper might have left In his chartered
"It can be readily seen what a tre
mendous handicap he will be working
under. Even If he ls,able to ship out of
Puget sound, tt will cost him from 60
cents and up more than competing ship
pers have to pay, and his goods must
sell as cheaply as those of the other
man In- the market. It is a game that
could not be kept up long.
"In the long run the Portland shipper
would simply be automatically frozen
out of oriental markets, Portland would
Ipethe loser.
Lumber Men to Buffer.
"Lumber shippers will suffer espe
clally with the withdrawal of the reg
ular line from Portland. The man with
a few1 thousand or 100.000 feet for which
he has an order in the orient will be
.i- ... ... v, i.
UUUiO IU SCl lb IIIOIC, AW, 0J ltli(,i;
ttillv nrohihltlv..
It la a state of affalra that should be
carefully considered by the Chamber of
Commerce. The million dollars needed
to insure a line for Portland could be
quickly raised if the Chamber of Com
merce would take up the task."
Another reason pointed out by ship
ping men why the opportunity is es-peelally-good
for the Chamber -.Commerce
to bring great benefit to the city
by taking in hand the raising of the
fund, part of which has been pledged,
Is the whence that the establishment
of a regular steamship line will give
a chance to bring pressure On the rail-
roads to grant Portland shippers a
This -Inability g secure a through
rate, a privilege enjoyed by shippers out
of both Puget sound ports and San .Fran-.
Cisco, has handicapped Portland export
ers considerably.
Through Bates Heeded.
At San Francisco the Southern Paclf-
1 1 , a.l.i vit iud puuiiu . , v. ......
.turner lines, or lines with which they
'are In close harmony, whereby a through
I rate la allowed that Is much cheaper
I .h t. Tertian t
rL., , ., . ,w
1 llin 13 LiiC v n DO in vj. ,110 ...
that Portland tadmlttedly the logical
point of shipment because of its water
grade route through the Columbia river
.UasjL Until Portland has a regular and
Permanent line of steamships, there Is
j no chance of gaining such rate here,
jbut when the steamship line Is once es
tablished, the Chamber of Commerce will
jbe In a position, with other commercial
bodits - t0 bring very strong pressure to
bear on tne railroads "ere.
un account oi me inruugn rsie hj-
lowed out. of Puget sound, vast ship-
mcnts of cotton that under other clrcum-
stancea would be shipped out of Port
land, are diverted to Seattle and Tacoma
every year. These cotton exports come
Just at a time when flour shipments begin-to
fall off, and keep outgoing ves
sels filled all through the year.
$75,000 SUBSIDY
(Continued Fromv Page One.)
oriental traffic, now beg to submit the
"On the assumption that the public,
the shippers, and the railroads, are
Jrenulnely (not sentimentally) anxious
for steamship service from Portland to
the orient, and
"Further assuming that the railroad
companies will give any permanent
steamship line that operates from Port?
land, the same facilities In every way
for handling this oriental trade, as they
now give to lines operating from San
Francisco and Puget sound,
"We recommend that an effort be
made'to raise ft fund equivalent to $75,
000 per year for three years, to be used
s bonae eeoure th -operation- a
permanent line from Portland to the
orient under a contract for a term of
"All steamship lines that have oper
ated from Portland In the past, are re-1
By Bert M. Moses, President Association of
: - - : i American Advertbers
Nature was the first advertiser.;
viler advertisements assumed various
forms,- and every form was - honest
Nature could never be enmeshed by
the pure food and drugs law for false
and misleading advertisements.
She always tells what Is so.
Pain la nature's way of advertising
that something Is wrong with the phys
ical side of man.
Bad odor. Is her way of telling of
Thunder Is the advance announce
ment of a storm.
The cackle of a hen Is a top-of -column
ad that there's an egg In the pest,
and the crow of the rooster Is a bold
statement that the advertiser has faith
In his prowess and challenges combat.
The peacock advertises hia wardrobe
by a full page spread of his tall, and
the bark of a dog Is advance notice to
keep at a distance. - .
Hunger is the stomach's advertise
ported to have been conducted at a
loss, and this is confirmed by the fact
of their discontinuance. This unfor
tunate condition has prevailed on ac
count of the physical condition, that
existed at the Columbia river bar and
In the river channel, but which physical
conditions have been mostly overcome
and are showing a steady improvement.
Handicaps to Be Bemoved.
"There was a further handicap in
the way of port charges, which have
already been readuced, and any handi
cap in this line will probably be en
tirely removed by getting the public
dock commission to grant three years
free dockage, at the public docks, and
the Port of Portland to give three years
free pilotage to the first established
permanent oriental steamship line.
"It Is our opinion that the past serv
ice has not been operated from a sat
isfactory publto service standpoint, be
cause scheduled sailing dates were not
maintained and furthermore, conditions
have prevailed that made It next to Im
possible for small shippers to have any
assurance that they could secure space
for parcel lots of flour, lumber, etc.,
and It la our opinion that to be of
general public utility, and Interest, the
service must be absolutely regular and
all shippers must be able to book space
for all- classes of cargo, by making &p
pllcatlon a reasonable length of time
before date of sailing.
"Although the past steamship lines
have not been profitable, there- Is every
Indication that with the changed phys
ical conditions In the river and at the
bar, -with the Increased volume of busi
ness that would, naturally seek an out
let through the Columbia, with reason
able encouragement from the railroad
companies In the way of routing all
freight overland to and from the Co
lumbia river, there seems every reason
to believe that a permanent line will in
a few years be a paying Investment.
"One reason' that we believe a bonus
Is necessary In order to Induce the es
tablishment of a permanent line, iri ad
dition to the handicap of the past fail
ures. Is that charters at this time are
particularly high, considerably above
I $5.95 to $14.95
All the latest
Take the elevator to secondiloorr Swctland building, Eiftk
and Washington streets. Entrance on Fifth street, next to
Postal Shop.
The National Suit and Cloak Co.
KODAKS...... $5 TO $100
. Let us do your developing and printing All work
done on the premises by expert
ment df "Food wanted," and drowsiness
la the advertisement of the brain for
sleepr "'
The falling leaves advertise the ap
proach of fall, and the violets todcstly
foretell the coming of spring.
Any advertiser of morchnndina who is
a closo observer of nature realities that
the only thing worth while Is Truth.
Tell -what Is so, und toll -It In a way
that must be seen or lienrd.
' Tell It In tho proper place and at the
right time.
Tell It over and over, ho that In time
your advertisements will come to be
recognized as being as true as nature's
A man can be honert and truthful
without boasting about it.
Do not say in every advertisement
that yftu are -!nnest
Simply be honest, and that fact will
0 established morn qiilckUii than If
you continually boast about Ti.
the average, and anything like a rea
sonable charter rate cannot be (Ob
tained upon a three year contract so
thnt the present charter rates would put
any lino at a decided disadvantage un
less It Is offset by a public subsidy.
"In our opinion a Biibrldy can b"
raised and Is worth a trial IxvnuHe its
accomplishment lays thn foundation of
hucccss In the efforts on the part of
Portland to securo an oriental steam
ship line, as the committee having t ! i f
bonus In cliarge would be. In a portion
to make a contract with one of the
present Transpacific steamsblp lines, or
it could offer h locally organized com
pany a helping hand tliat would be al
most certain to secure the necessary
subscription to the oupltal stock."
(Special to Tlifl Journal 1
Eugene, Or.. Aug. 1. W. H. Gardner,
traveling salesman for the Stearns Drug
compan. of Detroit, Mich., died at a
hoteT hj" this clty-Tiicsday afternoon
after a very short Illness of apoplexy.
He was stricken while at the hotel the
evening before. IIIh wife In Portland
was sent for. Tho body was taken to
Vortlanl lor- inlur-uieiiL. -The.-.Gardutia
made their homo in that city.
Rainier, Or., Aug. 1. Arthur Hoff
man, age 20, son of J. W. Hoffman, a
well known and old resident of Maygor,
was accidentally drowned while working
In tho mill pond at the Oregon Lumber
company mill at Ingles, Tuesday. The
body was taken to Jlayger for burial.
Clatsknnie Votornn (ivts Pension.
( Washington lliirau o It? Journal i .
Washington, Atif. 1 . -Congressman
Hawi y was notified today that Enoch
W. Conyers of Olatsknnle had - been
granted a pension of $30 per month.
The National
Suits and Coats
styles of summer Dresses, sale
pneca $1.95 to $7.95
.Wash Waist, value to $.'!, on sale for 55f.
Fifth and Washington Street
Children Give - Playground
Show to Edification of a
Large Audience.
Portland experienced Its first play
ground circus yesterday afternoon and
was well pleased. The circus was held
nt the Sellwood Park playgrounds and
children from eight of the city a plav
grclnda participated. Approximately
hulf a thousand adults and twice its
many boys and glrlo attended as spe'
tators. Two hundred children played the
part of clowns, acrobats, dancers and
- Miss- Alice -Ryan,- supervisor -of the
llrooklyn playground, directed the clr
cus. sna was assisted-Hy. the super
visors of tho other playgrounds,
. - l.vevytning that Is to be found In a
rcnl circus was made a pnrt and fr
eel of yesterday's show. And In addi
tion thero' were numerous stunts thnt
tho tdngest three ringed circus "on
earth" never exhibited.
Although ho only had a skin of cloth.
Instead of the usually thick hide, a
wise elephant gave a performance In the
one ring that would have put to shamo
the most learned Jumbo In captivity.
Prancing wteeds, tho lion, frog, gi
raffe and other beasts showed three
marked human attributes Intelligence
power of ppevch and two legs ench. N'ev
crtheleMi! they went through" their pace.i
In a manner that proved both enter
taining and instructive
The circus begnn with a grand pa
rnde around the grounds. At the head
of each park contingent waa a banner
bearing the name of rep
Then each playground put on Individ
ual stunts, which included Indian club
drills, folk dances, songs and acrobatio
exhibitions by the girls and athletic
team work, Indian dancing and a scout
drill by the boys.
In addition, boys and girls Joined In
the presentation of a pageant which In
accounts accepted for any
amount convenient to you.
Honesty the only require
'ment Your patronage will be
We are open Saturday
evenings from 6 to 8 for
those who cannot reach
our bank during the regu
iar day sessions.
Sixth and Washington Streets
Open Saturday Evenings from
6 to 8
There is and -has
been for a long time a
few bad chuckholes in
pavement at prominent
locations about the city
that would not now or
ever have been in ex
istence if the pavement
was bitulithic.
Geary Street, above , Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New steal and brick structure. Every
Cnodern conraniaoce. Moderate rata.
Center of theatre and retail diitrict On
ear linee tranaf erring all oyer city. Else,
trie omaibua meat Uaiaa end teamen
Oregon Humane Society
paoas MAXH 598;
Refer all cruelty calls to this office.
Foster & Kleiscr
High Grade Commercial and Electrlfi
East Seventh and Krot Everett Sta.
Paost Eaat 1111 B-2S2i.
eluded the landing' ef folumtxts. Turt.
tana attacked by Indians. parade of
nations and the 13 original states.
Mttle Miss VonewlU Smith, of Hi Pl l.1
well waa queen of the clrous. turoiiKh.
out the afternoon she; end her imUi,
dressed In rejal robce, sat enthroned In
the middle of the field. '
Man's Suit Free.
If I cannot prove to any rn.m that
I am rivlnsr the nvu miMflt values In
the city durlnirmy cleanup sale, I will
fit h,lm with a suit and preaent Ji to;
him free. Jimmy Dunn, room Ore
gonlan bids'. ; ' ;
Journal Want Ad bring result.
Department stores advertise vary
special prices for regulur $10 glasses
for 14. SR. Wondor If 'anyone be
lieves tills? If you deduct the reKUf
lar price of 16c for ordinary window
Blase thev will still have, a modost
little profit left. Don't you believe
for one Instant that you will (rt
more than you pay for. I Just fit
Klasses, and I know how. No over
charge; ne misrepresentation u
Dr.Haynes gK
Suite 437 Bldf., 4th Tloon
7 th and Taylor'
Fhoncai JCaln 1, A.1133 ' ''
Special Matlnte - BatnrOay -
Supported by. STS VET ATSES .
In the Comedy Drama
Evenings 75c, 60c, 35c, 25c. Todav
matinee 2jc Sit. Matinee 50c. J5c
Auguat 4, 5, 6, 7, Comedy Dram
"Awakening1 of Helena ttichle" f
lUran ft Constfllae'
Xeflntd TaudsTilie
Special Summer Priced
10c and 20c
Matinees i
Any Seat 10c:
WEEK JUIiY 89 "A Wyomlnff o-'t
mance." Happy Jack Oardnsr ie Con,4 :
D'Aroy and Williams, I'rankie Drew,
Xs Xeonaidla, Valentine Vox Jr., ??wW
lljat Pictures, Orchestra. ,
mad? e. A-;oao -..
WEEK ft IHKATRI! H..W,7t .
JxriT as -
W. H. St. James and Players. Uartltt". .
JohnMii'fl TyivtlAvnn oia.l.v r! r a
Robert Se Hoot Trio, Burr and Hope.' I.
Kelly and afferty, The Oreat Msbyj
Orchestra.- Pictures. ,-.-34
Matinee ali
WEEK JTTET 89 Prank Bajfi7 TiV
Clipper Quartet, Mr. and Mra. William
Morris, The Three Madoaps, The Tcido
Mlyakko Tronpe, Pantageseope. Popular '
prices. Box office open 10 a. m. to 10
p. m. Phones A-3236, Mala 4638. Boieav
and first tow balooay reserved. Curt US
9S30. 7:18. 9. 7
Lyric Theatre
Pourth and Stark fits. The Armstrong
Polllee Ooinpany In PLATIKO THB
SACES, the Seal Qlrljr-Olrly Show I Two -performances
nightly, 7:30 and 9:15j 16
and 2Ss. acctinees Dally, S:30, any at
15c Prlday night, Chorus Girls' Coa-. '
testr : -:S-'-
x : -Wf
Vaufhn and Twenty-fourUl 8t
Victoria H
Portland '.'"?r
JUIiT 29, 30, 31; AUG. J, 2, 3, . '"(
Games begin we$k ,da;s 3 p. m. Bua""
a..wv .... ... ,
Boys under 12 free to bleaghera Wednes.'
Press Club Picnic;.
. Bonneville
Sunday. August 4, 1912
A great program of prlae events. Bas.v
ball (Press Club vs. A1 Ciuhn racea..
nuislc, danolng. Good, wholesome fun.
perfect ordpr. Special train IftvdV '
Unton Depot at 9 a. m. Returnlfla; ar1 :
rlvcs Portland 5:15 p. in.
Tickets may "be purchased from tl-e
secretary, Portland Press Club, Kllii
bullrtln:. Also at Cnion Depot, also
O.-W. H. & N. offloe. Third anU Wuw
Ington Streets. "
AU-Sig Outdoor Acta Tree X
Pree Clrcns tt Pour Daysw
Kvery afternoon 'and evmiinij.
Tbefbest hit ever seen in Purl
Iant At p. ni. and S i. ,m,
Clowns, AaunaJs' Acta, Clrcui Sand.
Oaks Park Band every afternoon ard
,..6X?nlnftU)ri .,''Jil'l,'lll';0,,"'"rl."
Xlnr Pharoah, (lie inumu .iui'ut..!
' horse, hvry al'toiiioou au- v
VkatUg" Bear In tht danrlns r-i'-'' I
lon.r - . i
i ' ' 1 1
jjfSjl laatiuee vry Bay,
(Pitt ran ere
Eft. A til va