The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 01, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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    .- t
Events in Society
It I ImperttlM (but thai conHllmtlnf new
for the tinmlnj wl.'ijr yK4 ilinuld h U
rrteh lh lrk of lh wH-lit.r iltir wit Inter
fh.n Frlrlnir frlith-r broiiirbt In. niullofl nr tcl-
. plKtncd. Nti t uln-i.v mot nilonnif, ttit
, then bo hfiT ffnlr fHrlr In tile wnk
.would' .wtfr.. '"T by nendins thytr
NHrf, In i mu aftiT in imuMMn. (brwl
tb tunc or Nit iMoiMy mi nmurnij miy
Fuitiite soum Iti'Dit bf!i)( lert otit cor n
ciber Ujr.
. fictile Party Enjoyed.
Mrs. Rhees Jaokoon, Mrs. PavM C.
'.. (fowls. Mr Jrre Haxtrr of Kort Snell.
inn, Minn.. Mrs. Frank U. Owen, Mrs.
Maxwell Wake, Miss Hazel Crocker,
jAtlKa Conger of C'hicaRo Miss Marlon
. ... Jackton and the Misses Cornelia and
Onttjr-Onok -mmJr-ttp iIoh)o party tUiU
motored out to the 1 lioman I), lloney
tnan country alacc, near Suppose, on
Tuosday. Hanipcr luncheon was en
Joyed on the lawn. tv
Xr- ' iy V
T rretty Dinner. '
, r Mr. nd"MTs. I. L. White entertained
With -Tmty dinner lant evening when
their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry
r. ' ."V. Mctiger and , Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Berg. A huga green basket draped with
: yellow silk and filled with beautiful
galardia centered the table. Coffe wiib
" enjoyed on t'.ic spacious veranda over
. .if looking the valley. . ....
j ; New York Visitors Here.
Mr. 8, Z. Mitchell and son, Sydney,
'of New York, arrived Tuesday and are
"T"guestr nt"Atexanilra wriera ttrey -will be
--'jotnert later by- Mr. Mitchell, who Is
prominent In lifjlit circles. Mrs. It. E.
, Davis, slater of Mrs. Mitchell lias been
.-snUrtalnlng for the past month Mr. and
Mrs. T. M. Maxwell and sons, Allyn and
John, also of New York. Mrs. Maxwell
. la a sister of Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Mitchell.-"the
'visitor will feamin until
1 Box Tarty for Bridc-Eleet.
. .Mra. J, Cpulsea Hare gave a box party
lit the Hellig yesterday In compliment
to Miss Leila Patterson, of Hlllsboro,
-f-)tM--marlae- 4o-Oeorff -Alaxaadar,
of British; Columbia, will take -place
tHsmofffli. -Tea' wa s served later -at tho"
rortlandt where the table decorations
were pink and white asters and ferns.
The guests waca Mj; sJJelen Gates. Miss
Lura Tamlsiej Miss Eva Ca tellings, and
.:MlBS AUceAVviruDg,. attendants for the
coming weddiftfi. and "Mrs. F. W. Graves
and Mrs. W.Ti. Hare.-
Motor Party.
.Xu Gardctz complimented a number of
tt his friends yesterday with a motor party
whtch terminated at the new Automobile
. ' club house for dinner. The table vfas
deekedwlth ferns a ni attractive favors
marked places for 13. The party was
chaperoned by Mrs. L. W. Therkelsen.
Danclng was enjoyed between the
- J)ug!iter Arrives. .
Mr. and Mra. Guy O. Taylor are being
felicitated on the arrival of a daughter
Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Dewey, Mrs.
Taylor's mother, of Kalamazoo. Mich.,
la at present the guest of the Taylors.
7 - - V .
' Suffrage Tea.
tt Mrs. " A. E. Clark gave the first of
..;her series of suffrage teas yesterday at
.her homo on Johnson street. About 20
-vguttrs enjo'cenne "occasion. Tn the
hall the decorations were arranged with
yellow suffrage banners, pink roses
were used In the living room and the
dining room was most attractive with
Its scheme of purple, white and green,
the- English suffrage colors. Purple
By Dorothy Dix.
HA T 4 s woman's ios t arria ;1 n g
exhibition of vanity?
Is it when she wears that
Instrument of torture known
as the straight front, because
:ihe thinks It -takes a few pounds off
her weight and makes her look slini
;mer than she is?
- Is it when she teeters about In shoes
.three size? too email far her feet, and
t'wears French heels that make every
step an agony?
--- Is - it when she runs The rlskof
of hair from the heads of dead Orient-
aJaon iitr Lead?
Is it when she puts a coat of cal
cimlne over her worn old face when she
ls 0 years old, and decks herself out
'.ln , -Juvenile ...raiment, .and., shamelessly.
bares her bones or her fattn an opera
- box o the passe of the world?
Not at all. It certainly takes sonio
; Belfiadmiration for a woman to be
.willing to undergo sufferings worse,
than those that the early Christian
-martyrs ver experienced for the xaki
of her looks ami the admiration that
She thinks she excites In all beholders,
t,! By Dr. Edith I!. lnry.
A WISE sayin? t the ancients wns
"obsta prine:piis" prevent tne
.beglnu'.ng. This is applicable 's
pecially In tee treatment of sum
yf : iner diarrhoea nf intants. The ma
jority of ca.'es of diarrhoea, nr summer
romplalnt, are duo to ignorance or care
lessness. The mother or nurse is in a
hurry and neglects to be quite as thor
ough as phe should he in the cleansing
Ot the bottles and nipples or in the care
of -the milk. As a tesult the baby has
.diarrhoea and the mother wonders bow
, it happened. ll is u fact that bottle
. fed babies have diarrhoea troubles about
;: ten times as .'reo.i' :Uly as do breast fed
r It seems to he cuMomary for many
mothers to give their babies "tastes" of
various filings, such as ice cream, cof
- fee, lemonade, beer, and even cabbage.
Small wondo,r that habb-s have inlesti
;nal trouiiles! It is a wonder that any of
them live. "
The greatest element. In the preven
. tlon f diarrhoea is the proper care of
the milk, bottles, and nipples. Any im
" purities in cither tne milk or water wii;
affect the baby. Oveirich milk wull
f M'hlla our charges for Alveolar work
are "the Bame as the siandant nrlce of
H!kI clasM brIUgework? in sueli cases
where it i postilble to have hrldfcework
um the fiatient desires it for any rea
son, we will put In for him the very
bet, and -classiest brldgowork. crowns.
exactly omi nalr The price cnarged by
denllAts whose work tlll compare, favor
ably - with ours. "And there Is a rea-eon.-
jportlund Abington bldg., lCSVa 3d st.
. BeatUs Ktlirht blflg 3d and Pine.
, Open Sundays, is to 1,,
. '
- f w
- Mrs. Charles Dana Gibson; -wife of
thfr iamousrT artistirJa prom!nonljn
New -York society. Before her mar
riage she was a MI3S Langhorne, ot
Virginia. She and her two sisters
were famous for their beauty. One
of the sisters is Mre. Waldorf Astor
and the other is Mrs. Reginald
Brooks, of New York. ...
sweetpeas were the flowers "chosen. The
hostess was assisted by Miss Florence
Dayton and Miss Katherlne Taylor.
Social Brevities. .
Among those who went down to Gear
hart today are Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stan
ley, George Stanley, Miss Cornelia Stan
ley and Master Frederick, Jr., Mr. and
Mrs. A. A. McDonell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lilt and Miss Ethelwynne Glass.
Mrs. Maxwell Blake who has been
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mre.
A. L. Maxwell, for a number of weeks,
is planning to leave for the east on
Mrs. Laura D. Nash has returned to
her home In Pendleton after a visit of
a fortnight with Mrs. C. S. Jackson.
Miss Cora Wold left this morning for
Vancouver, B. C, to remain some weeks
as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Robert
R. Boyer. '
Mr. and Mrs. I. Slchel and sons, Mar
tin and Scott, are spending the summer
but the great,' the unapproachable, the
colpA?aLllie danger-defying exhibition
of woman's vanity Is given when she
marries a man thinking that she can
change him and make him over accord
ing to her own Ideals.
It takes about ten years of matri
mony to cure a woman of this lllusian
that she can inspire such a passion In a
man that it will transform his entire
nature. '
By then' experience fcas taught her
thata wife can no more change her
hus-band's UUiarac ter tha n - U-6a
change the color of his hair dr add a
cBtft tB'-ht1 stature.-1" But Mis troulHgrtr
that by the time she has gotten her
head reduced to its normal size she
has also gotten her heart broken.
As a -matter of fact, there is nothing
else so cruel In life as the way we
foster this vanity in girls and make
them believe that it doesn't make much
difference what sort of a man they
marry, because they can make him over
to suit themselves after tljey are mar
ried. Nothing else is so untrue, for
what a man won't do for the sake of
his own manhood he is not going to do
for the sake of a woman especially
after he has the woman.
sometimes caus looseness of the bow
els. If the movements are very thin and
loose scald (not boil) the milk for a few
flays. If the bowels are exceedingly
loose and the movements are green
stop the milk and give only boiled
water or barley water. To make this,
take one tablespoonf ul of pearl barley
and let It soak over night. Then place
it In u quart of water in a double boiler
and boil for four hours down to a pint
adding water from time to time It
necessary, strain through a cloth. Af
ter the movements have become normal
return to the milk irradually. In the
summer diarrhoeas of babies they seem
to be hungry, but in reality are thirsty
Give plenty of boiled water, as this
washes cut the .bowels and carlres
away any Irritating material.
The baby should have from one to
three movements every 24 hours In
appearance they should be' soft and
yellow and should contain no lumps
Tne movements should be watched care
fully, and, at the slightest Indication
of loosehess, should, be corrected at once
without waiting for the trouble to be
com aevere.- Be especially careful
about the milk in the spring and fall,
when the cows change pasture. Too
much attention cannot be. given to the
milk and water supply n summer. If
you are not certain that the water is
pur, it Is better to boil all that is given
to the baby. Purlnj? the hot weather
this is a wise precaution anyway. "
Another measure that will aid In the
prevention of suinme,r, diarrhoea is th
wea:ing of a woolen binder. Until th.
baby is ubout two years, old, it should
have its abdomen protected by flann. 1
day may be, there are liable to be little
drafts, which will cause sudden chill
ing of -the abdomen. The knitted bands
with a shoulder strap probably are the
most convenient. They should be pinned
to the diaper in front so that they will
protect the abdomen well.
In " their new cottag at Beaoh Center,
Wash. . .
Mrs. Jack White Browne, nf Tnonmn.
! iitijknrtlnir tiAt,ti.l luv. In Pm.l1i.nrl
the guest, of her mother, Mra. J. A. '
Brown, 4i Elton Court!
Mrs. -Guy W. Talbot and ftmlly. w!l!i
Mrs. W. M., Walluco, Mih. Talbot's,
mother, are c-njoylnr the week nt l.n
tourelle Falls, the Talbot c6untry place :
Robert Johnson, who litis been the.
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Co A. McKi iimi, '
left Monday for lila homa In Uhiik.ih ri.'y .
by way of Seattle and Citlll'imila, j
Mrs. Frank It. Johnstm is ex'i'jcti'i';
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr,' in.-l
Mrs. Walter Perry Htory, of I.os An-;
geleH, about the eighth of Si pti'iiilx r. '
Mr. and Mrs. Story are at prcs-.uil tr;iv- j
eung in uermany una. i hoy will ti.oioi
through Ireland and .Scotland bcl'oro
sailing to America. AlreRdy u numlxr
of affairs are being planned for .Mi.h.
Ross Trulllngor and Dick irnlderman
were Astoria, visitors' last week.
AIlss Barbara Hoch Is plaiting friends
In Pendleton,
Mrs. Q. B. Mann of SpokSne, is mnk-
lng a visit of three weeks with friends
In Portland. Mrs. Ben 1). llolsmun, of
Portland Is In Spokane where la tho
guest of Mrs. Sol Aaron.
Dan P. Sinythe, the. well known sheep
man - of eastern Oregon, Is a guest ul
the Multnomah.
Dr. A. K. Athens and wife, of Min
neapolis, are1 registered at thy Multuu-
mah. :
V, J. Gunning, a yeast maunfactuicr
of Brooklyn, N. Y;, and wife are at the
J. C atanfer, a business man of Pay
ette, Idaho, Is registered at tho Multno
mah. Vernon A. Smith, a lumberman of
Marshfleld, la registered at tho Multno
Edward Lowe Jr., a lumberman, and
wife, of Raymond, Wash., are at the
Dr; R. H. Ellis, secretary of the Port
land Hotel company, and Kdward Boycc,
president of the company, are hunting
In Idalui, aud laUr -Inuy will o- to tl
New England states for a month's out-
Mrs. Aurellus E. Buckingham nnd
family, of San Francisco, are registered
at the Portland.
Miss Fabre and maid, of Geneva,
Switzerland, are" at the Portland.
J. C. Qarretson, general western man
ager for the Fairbanks, Morse company
la at the Portland.
Miss A. M. J.a re, a prominent society
woman of The Dalles, is registered at
the Portland.
H. Holbrook and If. dciiodJlng, frult
ralsers, and Mrs. Holbrook, are at the
Portland from Hood River.
-- Fred W. Alexander, a lumberman of
Seattle,- Is registered at the Portland.
Dr. C. II. Epley, and wife, of Salem,
are registered at the Seward.
J. 11. Lauterman, an Insurance man
of Salem, Is registered at the Si ward.
A. N. Moores, a real estate dealer of
Salem, is registered at tho Seward.' '
J. T. Gregory, a well known lumber
man of Tacoma, Is registered at the
D. H. Welch, the well known salmon
canner of Aatorlu, Is registered at thti
H. A. Brown, a business man of TTer-
mlston, and wife, are registered at the
M. C. Bennett, a capitalist of Chicago,
Is registered at the Bowers.
Louis K. Porter, a business man of
Pitts, Pa., Is registered at the Bowers.
A. E. Jones, a business" rsan of Van
couver, B. C. and wife, are at the Bow
ers. ,
R. E. Simpson and family and Misses
Mabel and Helen Murphy, of lkle, arc
at tho Oregon.
Mrs. L. Lachmund, wife of the miyor
of Salem, is registered at the Oregon.
J. H. Dunlop -the well known lumber
man of Cascade-LockSj Js at I he tefron,
R, Cate, a merchant of GiaiigevUle,
la registered- at the Oregon.
J. M. Bounds, a real estate d.-abr of
Eugene, Is registered at tho Oregon.
Howard M. Brownell, an attorm y of
Astoria, Is a guest at the Imperial.
Guy M. Fieldhouse, a business man
of Gresham, Is registered at the Im
perial. Dr. A. L. See, a tlmberman of Seattle
and promoter of Seattle, is at the im
perial. Dr. EdwaFd B. WHf n.V"ft AFlPTlft, TS'
.reglatersiL,fttJ,Jia.,liuii trial,,,..,...,; , ,
William Pollmarr, the well known cap
italist of Baker, is registered at ti..-1
Imperial. !
W. F. McGregor, collector of customs'
at Astoria, and family, ate at the lin- '
pcrlaU .
Ross W. Fmlth, seorefary of the K-d,
ert Dollar Steamship- company, of He
attie, is at the Imperial.
J. Palmatory, a business man of T.o-'
Angeles, and wife, are at the Pcrklnsi
W. A. Mayer, an importer of K:in
Francisco, Is registered at the Perkins.
W. H, Bunlen and A. I, Lee, of i;nis-
are registered at the Perkins.
W. M. Foster, a merchant of Inih--
pendence. and Miss M. E. Foster, are
at the Perkins.
Chance Than
r L' jn Fsnama
Remove Tour Fat Quickly With I vim it ins places witli dealers who have
PAT fTlH1 Tlil!ir !f:one out of business. These Inntru-
vj TKEATMKXT'j meats have become lightly shop
Including OBESITY BFSB TEAhv"'" ,Ii,,ui,' ' is in perfect order
It Does, the Work! Don't lie Put! "n1 so unarantoed.
Yoy can become ulendcr uitliont ah'-' ienerallv speaking the trednction
least one third tnWce.
vibrators,' wires or bandages. Tlii -t , Some insti iinients are eut dOWft? -"tfhe
Ily as Is advisable, it won't limn. v,,n i discount is as much as two' thirds
rATESFOH 1 TKU'KK A 1MI K at ji f.; S' !
manes u lllllll HIIIJ III 1 11 1 r 111 ir,'W tiliit
Is specially intended for fut folks and
can be sipped at bed time. i
Fat folks can Improve their luilth!
with the Fat Koe Tri-atiiK nt, iim ii rot '
only reduces frit, hut adds new viu
and health while reducing. :-:t ,!
drugfiist for t hi iem,ir!:ahie ,,w I
treatment, snrl If he is out of it H. :
can quickly secure name JYum 'his
wholesaler. Tilt'o rif Fat Frn-, $1 do
Out-of-town custoniei -s r-.-m K , '
rn l Tyjvj TTTTTT W I'llfl la"nnig BIS
by mail at $1.00. Kolri in Puniai,,! i...
I.Hue-DavIs Drui; Co.. .l.eland I'rmr Co
J94 Morrison St.; Itedd & Ibites i'l'i
Va8hinpon St.; Knight Drug To
402 Washington St.; "T;owe ft Martin'
123 Washington St., and Clark. W'oimI
ward & Co. Secure this great 'II. 00
treatment sow.
Butcher Takes Position as Cutter for ,
Ladies' Tailor, Bui Doesn't Last Long
nu I
c, -y
j .1. Imvlc, ii 'i upf iT Wushlngton street
j hulics' tntler -ia luoking - for another
I cui t. r ami coat maker.
Duv'h wlv rtised for such ft man a
j r,w ilitjii lien and .in it-ply a thin, cadav
iAX&xz aiiii'ciu iJuiUiUYidual.auplicd atat
uig unit do wns an export cutter and
couldn't I'e excelled In his chosen pro-J
lenHiuii: tia Kalil he ban had IS years'
expel ii'iicc.
"1 d.m't employ men permanently un
til 1 know what they can do." said
Havls. "Hero Is a coat, sew In the
Fleevcu. I'll pay you for the time you
loose t liowliu me what kind of a tailor
yon are."
- Joint lnstallnttnn of- officers of 'Web
fooiAcamp Not CG, and Portland camp
No. 197, Woodmen of the World, were
witnessed by over 6(H) members of the
camps last night In the Woodmen tem
ple. Tenth and Alder streets. Follow
Ing the work of Installing the officers, a
banquet was served. A committee from
both camps composed of?Jt!gutorS Bar.
bur, MMr Miller, ''"Lehman," Schmate
and 1'alUlps.
Past Consul Commander of Webfoot
Catup No. S. f). W. Phillips, had charge
of the . installing work and A. W.
Schmalo acted as grand eBeort. The
ilrill team under Captain Lehman of
orllan d. . ca n ip. N p.l.O 7 oJ lcja t ed.,
The officers installed In Webfoot
ffimp weritLl'aipjigu,i commandor, F.
M. Reynolds; consul commander, F. W.
(iernian;.. adviser-lieutenant, I. J. Qor-
dan; banker, X. if. Bird; clerk, A. L.
IJarbur; fteort, O. W. T. Muellhaupt;
watchman, ('.- 1'. .Scott; sentry, C. Nern
inaniigeis, M. T. "Woodward; J. H. C.
Wolf and C. S. Sl.ewes; physician, Dr,
N. P. Paul. en.
The oj'lice;s Installed In the Port
land camp, Xu. 10 7. were: Past consul-coii.nia.tuh-r,
JV. ii. Snyder; consul-commander,
J. F. iraltc; adviser-lieutenant,
H. G. Drew; banker, C. M. Bequetto;
clerk, H. !v hade; escort, D. M. Benson;
watchman, It. K. Mats; sentry, W. Mc-
Sclipiale ami W. E-Ward; aliysiclan, Dr.
Y. I. Coil.. 1 1.
In the dining room where the ban
quet took plai-e a large orchestra ren
dered many numbers and a male quar
trt ems HKVeial selections. A. L. Bar
bur aet.d as toast master. Among those
v.l. n re-ponded were I. J. Gordan, E. H.
Dcory, 1'ied W. German, James Iunbar,
Dr. Taylor, James Ruddlman, J. J. Jen
nings, Frunk Motter and Judge R. G.
.Mo now.
T."D. MaUiewson, Of Seatt!e,nrupertn
tcr. ier.t of the second ' district for the
0.-V. R. & N. company, Is at the Im
perial. .
sit. Is registered at the Perkins.
J. 11. Tiller, a-ratKh owner of Fos-
1 alk machines
The Great Cut Price
House Brings Out
Ever Mtico machines for the re
; proiJct tlon of sound were invented
'by tho Wizard KiiiNon, the various
nwiiitifuct urtr h a v o .. maintained
hstrlcUy a fixed price upon tho same,
j The rules of the several talking
iiinehlne inannfnetnrers strifitly pro-
hlhit even tho mention of the names
of the niii'liines offered for sale at
rut prices. Hence, the machines
cannot individually he enumerated
in nn advertisement of this kind.
Hut cine and see them. Nearly
every make of instrument ' in this
sale while not strictly br;'.ntl new
is nevertheless of latest improved
(. Some of these are demonstra
tion i!i;i--!iines; mnny have been re-
ived hy tis in part payment of. the
Krent MCO and 1M machines; still
jotfiers, and unions tliem some of the
most expensive Klyle of mnrhlnes,
(have been received by us in part
payment for our wonderful little
llunualow Player Piano, cr tho Au
topianu, or the Player Piano I)e Luxe
from homes where two instruments
i were not wattled.
There are also quite a number of
! iiMriinieiits th;!t were on sale in
'" a '"'r Thinktalk-
in; maeiiines for $5.10 including
$.").)0 worth of evcellent recortls.
If you'll conio tomorrow you'll
find in this sale a number of
machines for $155, includ
ing 40 selections of latest records,
payments Jf.lO cash. $0 n month.
$:jt) machines for" $145, inelud-
fTTW7reTeTfT(tiisT3f!I OTtfsTf HfnT $3:50
a month.
$200 machines, $130, including
10 .elections, $10 cash and $5 a
$150 machines, $110, including
in s,nw.pfif fcj Ti 1 l,rDlt
IVrl :
The stranger went to work, and Davis
paid - no-attentlon -for-an- hour. Then
he examined the coat The ialeevea had
been sewn In backwardjs.
Davis' hand plunged into his. pocket;
hirrish es our r eoiiar ana-imrrta-itrBt
the fellow:
"Here take this money and don't coma
back. You're no tailor," he . shouted
"I said I was a cutter," replied the
stranger, backing toward the door. "I'm
a butcher a meat cutter! Ta-ta and
thanks. I haven't, eaten for three days
and now I'm off for a restaurant."
(Unlted PrPKi teased Wire.)
London, Aug. 1. Rather than "lick
stamps for Lloyd Gedrge," Mrs. Septlma
Jtoblnson-Guppy, of Broadlanda, Maiden,
has become the busiest woman In Eng
land. As a protest against the new
national Insurance law she has dls
missed her eight servants, for whom
she would have had to contribute from
6 to 12 cents a week each to tha in
surance fund, and -la new personally car
ing for her 19 room houae, her 10 sere
garden, orchard, paddock and six stall
Beside doing all her own cooking,
gardening, and stable work, she man
ages to find time during her 17 hours
of daily toil," to darn her" stockings and
keep her clothing In repair.
"I do not "know how long I shall be
able to keep it up," she said, "but I shall
never pay the tax."
(I wrlil tn Tfa JonrtMl.1
Newport. Or., Aug. 1. Carl Barr, age
14, of Salem, had a narrow escape from
death yesterday afternoon. He and
Cliarlle McClennan, age 10, were digging
a sandy cave In the cliff at Nye Beach
when It fell, burying you ng Mc C 1 en n a n
to the neck and "completely covering
young Barr: McClennan wriggled out
and got men from the beach, who dug
Jiarr out. He was unconscious and
black all over but Pr. Mlnthorn finally
restored consciousness? Ife ""flftr no
broken bone's and as far es known no
Internal Injuries. Barr Is a son Of T.
M. Barr of Salem.
Another Xanovation.
In addition tn th Kflr lunch In tK
Arcadian garden, the Hotel Multnomah
will serve a special luncheon for the
busy business man In the buffet and
gentlemen's parlors, main floor. Fourth
street entrance, at 25c, Including any
plain drink, 12 till 2 p. m.
Sale of Eilers Music
Army of Buyers
40 selections, $10 cash and $4.50 a
$150 machines and 4Q selections,
$00t $3 cash and $4 a month,
$110 machines acd 40 records for
$70, $5 cash and $3 a month.
$100 machines and 20 selections
for $00, $5 cash and $2.50 a month.
$83 machines and 20 selections,
$33, $5 cash and $1.50 a month.
$00 machine nnd 60 records, $35,
$5 down and $1.50 a month.
$50 machines and 30 selections
for $32, $5 cash and $1.50 a month.
$45 machines nnd 60 records for
$40, $& cash and $1.50 a month.
$15 machine and 12 records for
$24, $4 cash and $1 a month.
$23 machine and 24 records for
$13, $2 cash and $1 a month.
$20 machine and 10 selections for
$9, $1 cash and. $1 .r, month.
$15 machine awl 10 selections for
$8, $1 cash and $1 a month.
$15 machine and 10 selections for
$7, $1 cash and $1 a month.
There are also quite a number of
old style machines, but in Rood or
der, which will be sold with $3 worth
of Intent records for $5.10.
Remember that every machine Is
in a perfectly playable condition.
This is the greatest sale of mod
ern TALK MACHINES ever held.
In addition to the greatly reduced
prices we arrange with any buyer
the most reasonable terms of pay
ment, as above, or strictly confiden
tial in any other manner as best, suits
the convenience of each purchaser.
Make a small - deposit to show
good faith - then pay a little each
week or each month.
If any instrument, .after delivery
is not entirely satisfactory, it may
be returned, for Eilers Music House
is a Money-Back Htore. No transac
tion here is right that does not mean '
satisfaction to the buyer.
Ask , also , about-our-liberal-ex.
change privileges extended to every
buyer during this sale.'
, The Nation's Largest Dealers.
Eilers Bldg., Alder St. at 7th. i
amies Get
"N OT phtnbacnf L-adies -Apparel
-'-"' ' J
tinctly Understood that
good only until the stock
Holeproof Hosiery, the kind that Seinbach old for
$2 per box of six. Guaranteed. Sale f 1 AA
Holeproof Hosiery, regular $3 per box CJ fiJA
grade. Also guaranteed. Sale price. . . ,J) 1 0U
Men's Sweater Coats; can be used as well flj y JJ
by women; $5 values. Sale price j)iO0
Men's Sweater Coats, same as above, $3 (jj 1 0 C
grade. v Sale price . 1 00
Ladies' Tailored Waists, reg. $2 Steinbach OP
grade. Sale price 00 v
Mannish WaisU for Iadies,420 to 43.-13 T
Sale price D I 0U
Silk Tailored Waists, $4 to $5 values. fk
Sale price j)f)U
Steinbach's well-known $1.50 Waists. Sale
Mannish Coats, the Polo kind. A new line for the
Steinbach" store Excellent quality and extremely
durable. They were regularly sold f or Q C
$20 to $35. Sale price ... Jjl.l 00
Lion Clothing Company-Successor
Our Entire Stoefc
An excellent opportunity for the lady going on her vaca
tion who wants to replenish her wardrobe with a few
Tailored Waists. Here's her chance to save. Every
waist on sale is of newest style, well tailored, ofbest;
fabric. A great assortment from which to choose." Any :
size desired. ' " . ' - - - r'- -
Regular $6.00
Values -
Reduced to
These Pongee Shirts have been immensely popular this
season. They are in mannish models, with soft separate
collars. Excellently made up. Neat, stylish, cool, com
fortable. Stripes and solid colors. All sizes. These are
'our regular $6 values. For a clearance at $3.50.
Great Reductions
Charge Accounts Solicited
A i ....--',..
THEBIG j-. 405 "
ft w I -" N K.l Hi!-..
the prices quoted below are
advertised is-exhausted; '
. . .
n ca
irv i mi ii