The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 31, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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m DEtiiES
Great Northern and Northern Pailflc
. .-S an Illustration cf what ths service
means to ths shippers of theWUlamette
valley, Salem, Wpodburn and Albany
fruits and produce in carload lots1 may
Uave the point on ths svening Ore
gon Electric local of a Monday, for
Instance, and reach Vancouver the next
evening to connect with tho fast
freight service oyer ths North Bank
the following night 7tlfr:3ft o'clock.
TMsfleHvera the freight leaving the Wil
lamette valley points on a Monday eve
ning into Spokane the following Thurs
day morning where direct connections;
are made with - the O. N. and N. P.
fast 'freights. Handled In this manner
the carloads of produce from the val
ley points reach St. Faul in four to five
day after leaving Epokane, or ths fol
lowing Tuesday in the example given
lnconnctton with 'the Willamette val
ley, shipments leaving on a Monday
From Whlta Salmon. Granddallea and
other shipping points on the North
Ban: line along the Columbia river, car
load shipment will be picked up by
the- fait freight leaving Vancouverlally
ati:J0-p;-m and hauled to
for-connectlonrwtthths-special service
of the, Q. N. and NVP. railways arriving
In St, Paul from alx to seven days after
shipmedt From St, Paul to Chicago
the time consumed is about tl hours.
This new service is effective, this wek.
the next monthly meeting of the s" -.-:''.
August 13.
Four hundred strangers 1 th
New . York society'a register. Mary
strangers filed application for membr
shlp. ..
The Boyd A Ogle one-ring circus
pulled against a program of speeches at
the - Oaks .amusement park yesterday
evening and the circus won hands down.
The New York State society of Ore
gon was holding it annual picnic at
th Oaksand Captain O. E. Caukin,
Q. A. R.i Addison Bennett, newspaper
mnr-and-J, WlJackT a-Jlsxlcanwar
veteran, were to speak, r "
But when the time cams' the 1500
Nsw Yorkers present declined to be
drawn from ths lur of the, circus ring
and the speeches were held over -until
.Damage Salt Transferred.
A damage suit for ?0,00q against ths
California Fruit Canners association by
Mrsoilva Rowley, on account of the
With indications pointing to a heavy
movement f .f resh f rulj nd . vegeta'
bles Trduringzith-prBit-seson, - tfcs
North Bank road and th Oregon Elc
tric railway havs arranged to handle
eastbound shipments in th Quickest
time possible as a result of an arrange
ment for fast freight service with the
Dr. Emma F. A. Drake of Den-
v , ver to Be Here During
In a sawmill operated by the company
In Klamath codnty was removed tojTiy
from the circuit court of Klamath Sun.
ty to the United State district Ajiurt.
Rowley was struck by a flying board
on March 19 and died two days later.
Labor. Attorney Goes Over the
Story of Great Trial for
r Dynamiting of Times Build
i ing and Sensational Ending.
'. ifnUea Trrs Leated Wlre.l
S.HlLPf Records, Los Angeles. July 81.
-The defense concluded the d.lrecrex-
fnilnation of Clsrence Darrow at 10:25
fcie morning and tha prosecution at
JncK betfsun eross-examlnation. i,
The end'Of-Darrow'g llrect testimony
am at 10:25 after V full examination.
ts t&ncluslon was a full resume of the
y' In which John R. Harrington, a
Olcago attorney, had been his guest for
" greater part of ' the month of No
vember. J911, while M tho same time
3)e was betraying everr alleged, fact he
trained to Oscar trawler, apodal prose
cutor of the department of Justice, who
iias head and front of the attempt to
;Bend.JE?Mew'avoUnets1 the McNamiiras,
4o the gallows for the dynatnlting of the
$,os Angelet Times. -J - -
t Jarors Askad Questions.
m At tha conclusion of Darrow's direct
testimony, several' jurors asked him
questions, regarding his testimony and
fhs prosecution then began Its cross
examination. So great was In Interest taken In the
' testimony. f Darrow that women stood
In l$ne for hours today waiting for the
?doors to open, Many, brought lunches.
Becoming tlfe.d scores of women sat
Jdown on ttio ' cement floors in the
'Oorrldoro-the MaXL of Jftecor.!ls.
When court convened In the Darrow
trial today It was expected that the dl
JFect examination of the defendant
would soon be concluded and tho cross
Jfixaminatloa begin today. The prosecu
; 4lon' Is expected to make a hknl fight
discredit Darrow, and his cros-cx-"nrteaW-probably
will b- gruelling
Jpd long.
- t " "Isnor on Trial.
At times the defendant deemed to for
get ho wis on trial for jury bribery and
Ifco temember only that labor Had blt
terly condemned him for the settlement
; ie had made. His testimony at such
times was directed not so much io the
.iiury as to the world of WorKingmsn
who 'misunderstood, and who, ho hopes,
;.!wlll now understand.
Darrow-explained the alleged- bribery
at Guy Blddlnger, a l.iurns man, whom
.Jtie stats tried to show barrow had
irlbed In order to obtain information.
Covsrsd Entire Cast.
J Darrow's testimony so far has prne-
. 3jcally covered every feature of the Mn-
1 J?amara trial since his first connection
wlth :: It. Darrow went wer - tlto ease
IJarefully. putting a different construe
Uon on every point raised by tho proxe
JTtlon through the testimony; of h
;Aesea in an endeavor to show "w Imie
mte tjrtbeTy and corruption" In' his con
i 'durt of the trial.
' 2 The witness has denied In detail ev
4tn allegtlon brought by the Ktate and
Hi Id a. djftmatlc 'story of tha i ml
jplnutttef uilbhs to have the M'-Nam-.ira
wotherailehd gulltr. ns'tie. puts It, "to
"Jsvi'ths tlfe'of J. B." VWfH ruimln
jed! in 8 .final agreement, acrordjng to
JJarro,.. the, day before' the allied
'rib$ry of juror Oeorte N. LwkwooJ
, .
"5 A largo attendance Is expected at a
Tjeeung ot me jmncranc roiiniy cum
'ttee. which has been, called for to
tjtht ny. chairman It. IV Van Imter
ie meeting will bo held on the aeeonil
or of tbn Medical bulldlrig Ih tho
-.icksorr -club- quarters and all Iwmo
"ats are Invited. One purpose of the
Resting Is to perfect a permanent or-
' jinlzation.
: JS An address on the work done at the
7 Baltimore Democratic convention w ill
:ts given by Will R. Ktnp. Democratic
,' Relegates at the convention. Due to
"vllclt of randMatea d tie vote for
Eeclnct comuiltteeincn at the primaries,
lto n, number of varanries exist on
the committee. The vacancies Will Uht-
K-bO-TrthMr-ttttmUgbys -Tnetlngr-Kor
is, representation of Democrats out-
Gdo ihe committee Is especially desired
making s.ggepUona of names for
those vacsnulcji. l?r!dcs the work of
tpmplettnjf 'o orpnnlr.atloii, plaiin for
vvtu .vojiib i uhi'b),ii nut. vv VUllMU-
' -
Dr. Emma F. A. Drake.
Dr. Emma F. A. Drake, of Denver,
Colo., eminent author, physician, edu
cator and lecturer, and secretary of ths
World's Purity Federation, will be In
Portland during August, and will de-1
liver BO lectures in homes, churches,
factories and stores. Dr. Drake is con-
sldered one of America s leading lee-'
turers on rescue work nd social and
moral reform.
-J'oUowijui ia..a. Usl of the f I rst Week
meetings of Dr. Emma Drake:
Thursday, August 1 Mount Tabor
Park at 2:30 p. m., reception; invita
tions sent out to 160 women.
, Sollwood Naearene church at I p. fa.
Friday, August 2 Wosleyan Metho
dist church, Central addition, mothers'
meeting at I:0 p. m. United Brethren
church, Alberta street, rtilsed meeting,
at 8 p. m.
Sunday, August 4 United Presbyter
Ian church, Qrand avenue north, corner
Wasco street. 10:30 a. r m. Bellwood
Baptist church, 7:30 p. m.
Monday, August 6 American Chicle
factory. 12:30 p. m. Naxarene. church,
Brentwood, 8 p. m.
Tuesday, August I Modern Confec
tionery rompany, 12:30 p. rh. Univer
sity I'ark Baptist church, 8 p. m.
Wednesday, August 7 Neustadter
Bros., Htanrtard Factory No. 2, at 12:30
p. m. Hell wood M. U. church at 8 p. m. '
Thursday, August 8 United States
Laundry, 12:30 p. m. Forty-fifth Btreet
Baptist church at 8 p. hi. ,
His wife had gons to ths beach 4
for a short vacation and J. F. 4
Carney had taken advantage nt 4
that fact to stay down town with 4
some of Ms friends until tne ln--4
fantile hours of the morning, but
when ha attempted to get Into
his home at 201 Nineteenth 4
street north at 1:10 o'clock this e
morning hs found that the front 4
door lock was out of order. 4
Securing a ladder, Carney put 4
it up to the ront porch, And 4
started lo climb up to the bal- 4
cony. Patrolman N. M.. Jones 4
happened along at just that time, 4
and when he saw the man mount- 4
ing tho ladder he saw visions of 4
the capture of a housebreaker 44
and Ordered the man off the lad
der. It was necessary for Jone
to draw his gun and threaten to
(hoot the climber before he de
scended. A neighbor finally ex
plained that the man lived there,
and but for the Tact that Car
ney abused the patrolman the af
fair would have been dropped.
Tbe result was ihe arrest of Car
ney on a disorderly Co"nduet
charge and he will be tried oil
that charge on Friday.
USYife DonbV Temporary Alimony.
UTemporRiy alimony been ib-tiled 1
Helen L'.'Sced, fife of John 8 ficvl a1
rntractor. In the clrrult rmirt, w ! ore
Die lo auinir for a divorce. The woman
Jfked for i:r,o a month. Sfd set forth
an nffiilav that l.e gave her t!M0
IS cash, J2000 Vurth of property m a
' jecent settlement.' Judgi; (Jant'Tihein
Ltld after bearing arguments In the
flatter that the woman could not be in
bcel of esyterme money; that the nt
raony iiii!t!oii should hi- determimd 1a
the trial on Hn metits, as Well ri nt-
(t'nle4 1trt wf. Wtre.t
Tarls, Julv 31 An effort la being
mnje here to learn the Identity of a
f.inTiipnnbly- tfreMed woman who, late
yesterday, Wirled'herelf from the top
most platform of the Klffrl tower. Tho
'.nihs ere severed before the body
fell to the seeond platform, 525 feet
heiow, where it was smashed beyond
r etocnlt Ion. About 400 franca were
found hi the woman's pocket.
ernv ft a, .l niir,
tkancfs rnit lty hi lr i omplalnt
IMnt I(4sl(rns.
Ippiity City Bulldlnn Inspertor J. H. i
I.elKt hna tendered hie reelgnation to 1
take effect August 1. Mr. Lelst, who
linn bren In the employ of the city for
M'vernl years, le the Invmtor of a metal ;
lath He contemplates entering Into the ;
buMnc-s of manufai tunng lath for th-
trade. i
;ThU ItcHntlfu! Irvingtnit neshlincr. 2T(li and Knott Hts Must be Hold
Shin Vrk A 7500 Home for Only $3100 On Easy Terms
I rooms nnd elcen nir oorcn, l 1 n k i tilastered celllne: I nen and dust rhulrn.
iHUii-in on' 1. 1 wooq nil, inunory trav. rrult
rHm twr.elrd. i.ialc rail
Ci n wlilj IMik can.- end fireplace.
lag room l.fMin.(i I'oiiina, ialeO' linmc
and coal
cellar, guaranteed furnaco heating all
looms: tttnlnir room. den. llvint room.
wni poo uen. nardwood noora, pon.Mo u. . him nan nave gouien o.K rinlsh' lot
le.ea, iiwise, eh t,mU4l. SHU, , .mJfl6flJuuatZS3i feet . op Ijlock to
rhvn firiis'.ed. In white enauo l. t,Hi,iclway lur; ImrJ Hiitfan- sfreets"" a
duplU'Mto of this bouie sold for $"500;
1)0 iltvs aso. Apply to owner on the
cround (26th and Knott) or phone Main
lexiroomi and huh tiii!H. white rn-
irl with litht blue sans, cellitin to
B ateh- lufK cloifts. linen closet, full
tloortd atuci 111 ce'iiint basttnent with
. f a ft m'' " M
Purcha8 8i:Cv "
Lioe IiiYsHuge btembach Stocfc
Sale Starts
Tomorrow at
9 A. M.
Sale to Raise $50,000,00 Gash
Everything Is Greatly Sacrificed
Toniorrow at
9 A.M.
Men's Clothkg Goes First
Advance Sale
Pall Clothing is arriving. Great cases of it are already In. To carry
out our intention to raise as much money as possible, we at including
this great surprise in this MONEY-RAISING SALE They Include all
the newest model., -with an exceptionally strong showing of the popu
lar box-back coat All -colors. and pattern.'. .il i..,iti
Regular Prices Reduced From $35.00
Two-piece Outing Suits, $15 to $18. . .$4.65
Spring and Summer Suits, $15 to $18. .$8.65
Fancy Suits, 1912, medium weight Spring and
Summer $11.85
$25 Fancy Suits reduced to $14.65
$30 Fancy Suits reduced to $16.65
Blue Serge Suits, Regular Lion Standard
$15.00 ralues reduced Jo $9.45
$20.00 values reduced to $13.35
$25.00 values reduced to $16.65
$30.00 values reduced to $19.65
$35.00 values reduced to $21.85
Black Unfinished, same as above, single or
double-breasted, all sizes, included at the
same prices as Blue Serges.
Norfolk Corduroy Suits, regular $18. .$11.65
Norfolk Corduroy Suits, regular $15. . .$9.85
EPT NOTE The suits advertised in this
sale are regularly carried by us, and the regu
lar prices quoted prevail at all other times in
this store. They include Cambridge Clothes,
Leopold, Morse, Character Clothes, Gridiron
Brand, Cohn, Himmel and other makes that
are well known to Lion customers as being
FULL VALUE for the MONEY all the TIME.
Tan Silk ancl Rubberized Raincoats, regularly
$16.50, with raglan and plain shoulders, re
duced to $9.65
English Gabardines with combination collar,
the only strictly waterproof gabardine in
the city; just arrived; no rubber, $25 val
ues for . $17.65
New Fall Overcoats, alio Raincoats, in plain
and fancy colors, long and short, all new,
regularly $15 $10.85
$18 Overcoats and Raincoats as above $11.65
$20 Overcoats and Raincoats as above $14.63
$25 Overcoat, and Raincoats as above $17.65
Panama Hats, $6 and $7 line $3.65
Panama Hats, $5 line $2.45
Soft and Split Straw Hats, $3 kind . . . .$1.45
Split Sailor Hats, $1.50 kind 85c
Black Derby Hats, new shapes, $2.50 values
for only $1.85
Soft Felt Hats, assorted colors, $2.50 values
for only $1.85
50c Khaki Hats 35c
50c White Duck Hats 35c
Caps of all kinds, $2 and $2.50 $1.35
All Leather Suitcases, $5 to $6 .$3.85
Entire Stock of Men's Shoes, Boys' Shoes and Children's Shoes Reduced So Low,
That It Is a Shame to Mention Prices. Furnishing Goods Sacrificed Unmercifully
The Entire Lion Stock on Dress Parade at Money-Raising Prices