THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JULY' SI. 1212. BHHBKSSl:;--. . .. . MLLY TO SUPPORT Child Welfare Societies Prom , isc Aid; Winning Babes to Be Shown at. Big Exhibit at SanFranciscoJn115 It -was definitely 4etMei at meet Ins held yeste'raay afternoon In the .... . ' - - i - . . V . . i. iLL.k Child Welfare societies of Portland will lend their support to the baby show fea ture of the annual state fair to he held at Palem 8eiVerr.her ! to ". Yesterday" : meeting, was not largely attended, but "enonch were present to et the proposi tion under way. Other . meetings to perfect plans wlU be held later: The discussion was led by Mrs. Robert H. Tate, president of the Oregon Congress . of Mother?, and O. M. Flummer, super intendent of the exposition of eugenics at the state fair. According to. the plans outlined yee- terCay by Mr. Plummer, and concurred "In by those attending the meeting, the Infant exposition at the fatr will be more than merely a baby show, as the babies presented will be carefully ex amined and measured oy competent physician, and their characteristics, features and points of excellence or de ficiency will ho systematica ly Indexed. PrUes will be awarded the most beauti ful babies. These priaes will be beauti ful cups or medals, and It Is promised Hhat they will be well worth striving for. A competent nurse will be incon stant attendance at the baby show de partment durlnj: the entire, time of the fair, arid will be employed for an ex tra week to (insist in getting the booths nd everything in readiness. It Is intended also that instruction will be given to mothers In the proper care of their babies, or In the best meth ods of correcting any minor deformi ties or -deficiencies that may exist in their children. The babies will be jmea sured by worn- ' : vis unyaaiano. i uq i vi iihiiu ivnvitiiru will Te led by Dr. Kittle P. Gray. Wednesday, September 4, has been set ' aside as Eugenics day at the fair, though every day Will be Babies' flay. Mr. Plummer told yesterday of the - support which is being given the rhlld . welfare work In different secUfins of the country, and of the plans vnich are .. under- way to make the exhibition of ' perfect babies one of the features of the San . Francisco exposition in 1915. It la planned at that time, Mr. Plum mer said, to have the best babiea from every state In the Union exhibited at the San Francisco fair. PERSONALS ' Dr. W. E. Shaw and wife of Bants Rosa, Cel., are at the Portland. TtrK""KrrpiiBtriri7 "a merchant or Med- ford, is registered at the Portland. Rev. E. It. Moon and wife of Eugene are registered at the Portland. M. S. unn, a capitalist of Helena, frnnt , nml family are regtaterflii at the Portland. J. W. Mathena, an insurance man of -Philadelphia, and wife are at the Port land. Dr. J. Sutherland and wife of Spokane and John (. Slayden and wife of Spo ksne are at thoPortland.' Dr. Belle C. Ferguson of The Dalles and .D. J. Cooper are at the Portland. Ms Jessie U Claue and Eva W. Onus eff Denver are rJesfs at the Sew ard. Lf-Roy-D. Butler, a rmsnena man of Kansas City. Is a guest at the Seward C. A. Murphy, a newspaper man of CorvalHs. Is registered at the Seward. Thomae W. Tebb, a lumberman of Tacoma, la registered at the Oregon. L. J. Baney and wife of Seattle, who are on their Way hfime from Chicago, are at the Seward. H. C. R. Alkln, a banker of Sheridan. Or., and E. I.. Knickerbocker are at the Seward. P. A- WHllams. a contractor of Salem, Is at the Bowers. Ci. S.-Hcwln, a civil encineer of Bull Run. la registered at the Bowers. Mrs. W (i. Preston, wife of a capi talist of Waila Walla, is at the Hnwn Dr. William E. Kieth and wife of Ban Jose. Cl , are at the Bowers. . F. C. Lewis, a nwrchant of The Daljes, Is registered at the Perkins Albert Dunbar, a merchant of Asto ria. Is registered at the Imperial. Fred BlllliiKS and family, wlio made the trip to Portland from Vernon, B. C.. In an auto, are at the Imperial. Captain C It Mcculloch of B&kev. - Or.. i regiitervd at the Imperial. J. H Cramer, an nttnrney of, Wash . !s "rflsterel nt the In-.perlnl - T.- w. rrrrrrTTr. a r.sfdwar'e dewier or! E'tgen-. 1s nt the Imferia: Will VVrljjl.t, tl hank exanilivr "f Pa!rn. H r'i;i-terert at the r"K"n. H W. llnvlc v, a . ontiactr 'f Ta corrn, '.i r. ;r'titf1 n ti c Orcrun K M.Tt'-a". np.ullst anl fr'ili grower " II'; .! Ulwr It at t hi- Pe'k'.n Flt ! JetiPl:.g. a mT'tnt of The IR!!ot-.. !. (Mi if at the Ferklr.s I!k;iiO i i re. freigt.t fafflc ntaiiii:er ' f ;',e S.i .-i !-8 at San Krai. c.'i :i:"1 vifc rtre nt U.o il'.iltnorr.ah J r M' 1 -I -e and A A. Ftannr, at-tnrri".--. I M : s Mal.ane of Boise ar at ti.' M . i ni.ii n Vi A. '1 .n A:sant general freight T.t f-.r "1" N'Ti-.f-m l'a-.ric llms at St Paul. : at ti.e MuitiK.nwah K. M.M'iii.iy, a manuiaolurer of D'i. a i'1 wife are registered et the Miltii"tn.tli 1. V l.'iive. resist nt of the ('sllfrr rla l.igljl h:'I I'up'i company nt San FiancWco. i jt Mulinomsh. , Major Jpnv M Baker. V. S A., re tired. U -cK!si. -Hi .it the Imperial. Senator K X Stewart of Kelso, Wash, it ti-cistfcd nt the Oregon F T 1 1 1 ' m, n menlinnt of Tllla tnook. in ri; t.-!-(-ri nt the Oregon. Will II Hl'i.-W. a men-bant of Inde . pendc nee, nr. iH reKitcreil at the Ore gon. C. S iKMiniitt. a merchant of Steven ton, Wash , ; i.-gictered at the Oregon. Glass Workers in Agre-oaient. itif1 l're jftt Wtra. ) P!fti.hur .Tulv 31 Differences that for 10 vears have kept the American Flint OUe -,,r'hera union and the Clnss Hlomr'.' m-iot'iation apart, will en. I tonight et-.l tonorrow, when the Hew agreement, recently reached be tween reprea-nijitiveii of both orgsnlia tlons after a alx ilay conference, goee Into effect. Soo Lifnitcd I through fat tr,y, leaving Portland p " fr-r St Paul. Minneapolis end ,- wse-er te rany on.. '.No! .No if-nt flue reix. i-o oust roM ,h, conti w n.hft orric TMrd and t&lultaemah hotel building). Jeaioal Wajt Ads bring resulu. n OF BABY SHOW AT - MRS. PERKINS INDICTED 1 10 tCaite Prms LmM Wlre.l Eaa Francisco, July-SUi-Mrs-iCora Perkins, wh was arrested in New York while accompanying Mm Nicholas K. MeNamara and party, Including Mrs. MeNamara 'a two children, a man servant iand a chauffeur, to Europe, was indicted by , the grand Jury on a charge of errand larceny for the theft of Mc Namara'a $4500 automobile. District At torney Tlckeft today wired the New York authorities that true Mils had been returned, and that Pat Walsh might be released. ;- " " Nicholas J. MeNamara, the San Fran cisco banker, with his daughter Gladys, appeared before the grand Jury and We S3 Knox Beacon WTO AV tLmJmmBblmJm ' J al Vaalaw POSITIONS FOR YOUNG WOMEN OWING TO THE CONSTANT GROWTH OF OUR BUSINESS, PERMANENT POSITIONS, AFFORDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR RAPID ADVANCEMENT, ARE OPEN TO YOUNG WOMEN THE AND EAST SIDE Sixth and East Ankeny Streets Telephone East 250 Clothes Charge Accounts Solicited Eastern Outfitting Co. 403 WASHINGTON STREET, AT TENTH both gave testimony that made up part of the case 'upon which the indictments were returned, MeNamara alleges that Mrs. Perkins wields a strange Influence over his wife, and with her out of the way, he expects to have no difficulty in inducing his wife to return to California, HOUSE FOR REPEAL . , OF RECIPROCITY LAW Washington, Jyly 81. The house yes terday, 117 to 107, toted to repeal the law providing for reciprocity with Canada. Th'e vote waa on ah amend ment By the senate to the excise bill. By a vote of 118 to 08, the- house also eliminated the senate amendment to ..... a n.rmanant tariff tutant e ChesferfleM Clothes aund Bcfllms f hergdHaiy, Apjimsfl .1st put on sale special lots of the famous Chesterfield clothes at following price slaughter: audi aiKdl audi Come Thursday morning and buy clothes to supply your needs for a year. Special sale prices on Furnishings. Special Sale for Ten Days on KNOX HATS . PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY WEST SIDE West Park and Alder Streets Telephone Main 8800 OF THE BETTER KIND JURY TRIAL DEIiiED III ' cons OF IIS (Salem Borees ef The Jontnit.t Salem, Or July 11. K .party to. a will contest case has not the right to trial by Jury, ccording to a decision of three members ef the supreme court handed down yesterday 1n the case of Georgia Fraricea Stevens against oeorge Tobias Meyera Jr. Justices McBrlde and Bean dissented from this oplnldn. Seven other decisions were handed down yesterday as follow: Arthur P. Williams et , al vs. A. C. Burdlck k Co., appellants, appeal from MullnomtirreTenaaTiTconlr 1910 to sell and deliver to , plaintiffs a carload of Italian prunes and failed to do to, thus causing plaintiffs to lose MM FF(TTIA ISO gioiite at . . 13.00 SO Soite all.... SIS.SO S4rO SniSte at . . SlS.OO - Mo 273475 Morrison at Fourth 9 Oregon Humane Society OTnCtD 174 XASIIOV ST. riOS KAXX l8 A-TSM Refer all cruelty rails to this office. KOKSS AXaXTZJUrOX MAJagHAIJj 00 Foster Gc Klelscr High Qtm6 Uwwe rviml a ex EieCWe SIGNS East Beventh and Kr at Everett St. Vheaea Bast 1111) B-taai. 1512. B0,t which would have accrued by rise In market v The lower court gave judgment for this amount and the de cision is affirmed. " The Little Watia " walla Irrigation union and 40 others, appellants, vs. Finis Irrigation corripany and 400 others; appeal from Umatilla; petltloa for rehearinfr corrections are made In decree of circuit court and former opinion adhered tov vV ' Henry) cerrana, administrator of the estate of Cesaee Cerrana, appellant, va, Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany; suit for damage for death of Cesar Who Was killed by streetcar; af firmed. K. T. Rehfield Vs1 L, S. Winters, ap pellant; appeal fro,m Multnomah; action for damages: affirmed. John Kopacln vb. crown Columbia PulpA. JPapeE.BompAnfcappeUaat, appealT frtlfn Clackamas, affirmed verdict al lowing $1999 for loss of three fingers in accident Fred Doe, administrator of estate of TT NOURISHING TLJ L. E. Dose, appellant, va. R. B.'Be&ttle, sheriff of Clackamas; on rehearing, for mer opinion adhered to. Florence L.- Sherred, appellant, va. City of Baker et al. suit over water rights, modified, SUN YAT SEN STARTS AT - (CnUM Pre, Tested Wlre.l Shanghai, July II. Dr. Sun Tat Sen and Huan Ring, former minister of war, completed afrahgerriehts today to establish a hank here, starting with a cap! tafof il0.e0a.000.- The chief purt pose. Dr. Son explained, Is to finance the government, and avoid the necessity of borrojr ing money abroad. Knox Z "nTv y BANK A Hals There's more food value in a pfht bottle of Hop Gold Beer than there is in a pound of some of the so-called "health foods.' If you don't believe it compare the bounding health and red cheeks of those who drink with some of the health food cranks and judge for yourself. The purest of water the richest and best malt and the best hops in the world give Hop Gold a peculiarly distinctive flavor and quality, Your dealer will be glad to supply you. JAPANESE TO DuID YISF,!? MEM ftJnttetf Prm 114 Wlr.J - Washington, July 81. Announcement that Japan js .constructing three battle shtpe,1 each of 18,009 tons, la made in a consular report published, here today. The vessels are being built at the Ka wasaki yards. The fact that 14 Inch guns to (e mounted on these warshiy are te te manufactured in Japan has" aroused great interest here, Heretofore Japan ha purchased armament for her KBfjcMela. lnjthft-Unlted States,. lA factory In .Europe that uses, oMU nary tar as "a basis is tgrning out about 206 tons of artificial rubber a day. S5 Knox if? oeer x Star Brewery yostxxx Buwnm ooAjrr .Portland Vancouver