t-: -.. JHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTEND. WEDNESDAY EVENItyQ. ' JULY 31, 1912. 18 ?Qrriand Distributor Ostcrmbor Mattresses; Globc- tcr the Home With a Victor wColnmbi 'Furniture Upholstering and Repair ing 'done quickly and well litre in our owi shop. Phone and we'll send a mas tp give you an estimate of cost. government" weather :" FORECAST: : r Our PureTood Bakery wilt fill your needs for fresh, delicious French Pas--try, Pics, Cakes, etc. Special orders; executed. , , , ; Kodak Developing and Printing done by most improved method in 2i hours. Bring your films and plates to our first floor section. , ' Fair . Tomorrow. I.. r.l i iii . j , , ,. i 1 : r : - : -'- , ' ... . , ' : .. r- - -t ... ., - ,:. . I i . i .i . i . - oil Hi. (ru' T: . . ri V8t uni dAI ' - f i "Tid s-or Ml ... sTt ne ru ... e Clo "i. j.1 . -r . !ni; ; u I , Mc . , r,, .- . uT' . iv ! ' V XC ' 1 1' Al I n--S.-fS d C( er 4' V C . p J n t ai.i L'J-w ii ..-ig 1 1 i tt-.' ?s . II xgtTl -II rl S H first tireeays of th! AtiuSt event tiavie rolled up new sell ing records which will be hard io. outdistance W I success hasbeen instant complete alKbecause not a stone was left unturned that all might 'be in readinessbef ore-our first ah-' nouncement of this sale appeared. ' If you could have scrutinized the carloads of Furniture which have come hurrying to Portland for the August Sale, you would have seen the high quality standard we have maintained, even in most inexpensive grades. In the Rugs, Jhe Carpets,; the Lace Curtains, , " . . ...... ... . . ' , i .1 ..1. 1 t 11 1 1. . " " - - - Blankets, Pictures and home needs which entered this monster August saie quauiy nas veen mc itcyuoic. Why not look. about "the home now and see what new furnishings you need then come tomorrow? Such savings in these depart ments are known .only in our August and February sales. .'. ....' ' V "F ; Ask Any Salesman About OurHouiehold Club Plan of Payment on Furniture, CarpeU, Draperies, Stoves, Sewing Machines, Phonograpbs - g CompjWeltey;, Exhibition LrarfaKrs$100,000PainUng "ThQACrucWxion'9 IfEW of us, even in a Iife . time, have the opportu- jnty' to view to famous and o pfecious ptuntinjr - as ' Lnndahri mftfrpire .'Th' Crucifixion." T Arid of 'all'the j?ret Jintmg of Thi Crucifixion' by famoui r-; first baring been pronftmced by critic to. ke f the , most real and ' plausible, oonceptiftn of the death of Christ. ': The artist's close ad herence to tbe New Testament rersion is ijemarkable. Figures, costiuiies, set tingsall t are histor icatly torrect. ' ' E-ery man,' woman and child hoii!d visit the ftreat painting by Lundthl--rith.floipr, new building, m $lf.5. $6 j pmuu b vai-iu Wilton Velvet Rugs Over 300 of these heavy, long-wearing Wilton Velvet Room-Size Rugs came in that great purchase of Alexander Smith & Sons1 ware house surplus for the August sale I - t Beautiful Orientals, small figures and plain green or tan centers, with fig ured borders. Regular $25 Rugsr full 9x12 foot room, sue, tomorrow $17.50. S $22.50 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 8-3x10-6 Size, Specially Priced $15.00 Axmiruter Rugs Alexander Smith's heavy, durable grade $2.25, 27x54 inch $l.jf8 $4.00, 38x72 inch 92TC7 $15, 6x9 foot at $11.35 $16, 8.3x10.6 at $13.GO $18, 8x12 foot, $14.75 BruiselrRugs s Alexander Smith's Tapestry Brussels Rugs in pretty small figure and' medallion patterns: $10, 8x9 foot at S7.50 $12, 7.6x9 foot at 88.50 $14, 8.3x10.6 at $10.95 $16, 8x12 foot, $11.85 7Scr Linoleums -at 41c A carload of fine im ported ' Linoleums for the August sale. 3est "E" grade Linoleums, in neat style, parquetry and imitation wood pat terns. 1 Regularly 4 1 75c square yd. Tf J C P-$6J50 French Net and Scrim Curtains at An importer's surplus of those beautiful foreign French Net and $ Scrirh Curtains for the. August bale at aDout naiti .;; ' , Regular $5 and $S,50 grades.. Dainty linen Clunys, Renaissance and Lacet Arabians. Also Scrims with filet edges; Marie Antoinette and braid designs, in waite and ecru. See them in Fifth street window. Tomorrow, pair, $2.05. . . ' j. m rw I r 1. m.'L U-iC omgie v-urxaina mui Make It a Point to. ; Lunch Tomorrow in" : 7h Fr. Tea Room WHETHER business , man; business woman French Curtains $4.65 Elegant-Frencli-Xace. and 'Scrim Curtains 'in beautiful antique tle sTgns. Renaissance, Ma rie Antoinette and braid designs. Wide; heavy Cluny insertion and edges ; $7.50 to J nr $10 Curtains. . 0X.U J . Ajuill!s, .ftCmiaiatijon of Lace Curtains, only one 'pair of a pattern. All grades, from $1.50 Notuyghams.to $60 real imported Brussels. Still excellent" choosing to morrow at exactly ; ONE-HALF PRICE- 19c Scrims Special 5c About enough remain Tngof7tHese ScrmTRem-: nants for tomorrow's selling. , Printed Scrims, in mill lengths of 2 to 6 yards. Many of the pieces, are of same pat-' tern. Reg.t19c qual- ity at, per yard, only OC or shopper, you'll thoroughly ' en joy the surroundings, the appoint ments and service of this beautiful restaurant on the seventh . floor. keeping with the weather," art on our a Jacarte billjof fare. Quick, efficient serylce "AlITjjastryrli from our own bakery .,'-(f . , Pur kitchens are in charge of a chef of Vide experience,' and. open to your inspection at tfty time. . We make a specialty of dainty afternoon teas and matinee lunch eons. Parties may be arranged tot, DON'T FORGET Lunch in h Tea Room Tomorrow, ISitb2 Only" SUITS,-AT 45.00 Odds and ends of -se rge,' wo r ste d, cheviot"7' anl silk Suitp'v'Just. - 25 of them for women and misses. Worth many times the price. AVliile they last f- Specials in white and colors Loose -and semi-fitting: . Also a few odd 'Skirts. Origi nally; worth many times the price, .8 to 12 tomorrow no at V only,-each? OC To-$1.50 GLOVES IZcVomcn's cape, chamois and lamb skin Gloves, broken line of colors and sizes. Regularly $1 to $1.50. Pair, J 7 8 to 12, onlv3tlC KERCH IEFS 49c Hundreds of these large, fancy pure silk Baadana Hand kerchiefs, 32 inches 8 to 12, at only LINEN COATS 88c Short 'and half length Linen "CoalstBffuare. IVcttyHorH?, on-sale fancy work,, pillows, bathing cap, etc. Reg. $1 sradMQ 8 to 12. at onMiUC NAPPIES At $1.19 - Gut Glass Nappies with ' and without handles. Attractive : : 1 star pattern, 6-inch size. Regular $2.25 8 to 12, 1 '1A at only J)1.1 MUSLINWE'R 68c Corset Covers of fine 'nainsook and cambric, trimmed in laces. Drawers in open and c 1 o s e d style?. Some lace trimmed; $1 to $2 grades, 8 m68c BLOUSE SUITS 39cOur regular $1 grade boys' Blouse Suits, mostly white. Ages 8 and 9 years; 8 to 12"onlv tomor row, on third floor, at only. Only-Warner Corsets Have the Double Skirt 'ty ; VIITH the long; hip style in f corsets, the value of this double skirt feature is readily apparent. Below the waist an additional layer of batiste gives double s t r e n g t h, though it cannot be seen or felt, since the-corset i left light and easy-fitting. Many of our Warner models nave this double skirt feature. Ask about tliilm tomorrow. AT $3.00 Model 066. A popular style, with medium low bust and long, close-fitting hip. Has the new double skirt. Of light, though firm batiste, lop finished with em broidery. AT $2.00 Model 273, with high bust and long, snug-fitting hips. Of batiste, with comfortable, graceful lines. 13,000:4 of 15c to 20c Wash Goods at " A H IMMENSE Wash Goods Clearance that will bring n women by the' hundreds with store-opening time to- xnorrow morning, for it's a fraction of original price less thin mill cost for the very fabrics, in demaryl for cool, pretty surrmfer tub dresses. 4000 yards of 15c Dress Ginghams, in the pretty plaids, checks and stripes of all colors. 3200 yards of 20c Cotton Foulards, in dainty rings, dots and designs, copied from high-priced silk fou lards.".; - ' 1 4800 yards of 15c Madrases, in neat stripes and small figures for dresses, men's shirts and boys' blouses. - : 3c 5c Fmrnitiire Event IsTownTalk! HUNDREDS of delighted purchasers have spread the news among their neighbors and friends, with a result that each. day tne response to our August Furniture event is visibly increasing. 525.00 Oak Dressers for $17,98 Beautiful . quartered oak Dressers, as illus trated, with large oval or-squarc French plate, mirror. Waxed golden finish splendid cabinet work, $25 7 flO 'Dresses at 3)1 1 wO $17 Tapesfrj Couches, $ 1 GL75 Well built Couches, just as il- lustratcdr covered inTapev try. . just 52 of them in seven different pat terns. Regularly . $17 August d A IJ Sale price take advantage ; now 1 U J "jjy $5 Breakfast Tables, $2.98 Very convenient for apartments. English Fold ing Breakfast Tables, as, illustrated, finished in either wax -golden, Early English, fumed or natural. Regular -$5.00 A n Tables now &t&L,VO $42.50 Parlor Rockers for Only 827.75, aSy flf r . m&fczzz't Just 12 of these ele gant Parlor Rockers and Chairs of .the fa mous Ketchem & Rpth chi'h - make. Golden ok or mahogany, cov ered in genuine No, 1 leather. ...Regularly $42.50; in 07 71 this Sale SZ D Porcelain Dinner Sets! A PRETTY blue arid brown pattern- in Eng lish semi-porcelain; $10.75 set, 60 pieces, $8.95; $15.85 set, 100 pieces, $13.35. Blue Dervent Olympic Olaf Pattern An .unordinary pattern in Semi - Porcelainwarc, purchased right at the fac tory by our buyer. $10.50 Set, 60 pes., $8.85 $15.50 Set, 100 pes., $12.95 The Dutches, Dervent, beautiful, old - fashioned blue and gold patterns. One of our best stples. $9.75 Set, 60 pcin $7.98 $14.50 Set, 100 pes., $11.90 Auto Vacuum Freezer will freeze, ices, sher bets and cream with out turning in 15 minutes. - You can fill the ice chamber with ice and salt, the. cream cnamDcr wim your delicacy and in 13 minutes it .will be all ready to serve. it ' " I H m August m via m m c hm Sewing Machine Club $2.00 Now $1.00 Week, Sendr One of Out Peerlesa "WUlamette8"Uo Your Home E HAVE two carloads of our famous Willamette Sewin? Machines -a solid carload of the Rntnries iiXJ alonefor the August Homefurnishing Sate Club. If all will realize that they may have one of. these superb Ma chines, paying only $2 at the time it is sent home, and $1 a week f !lwni'e "eing used, this will be a record-breaking month. ri',''iiLl) . There's really no better machine money can buy than our nev. improved 1912 model Rtjtary. It is made for us in' one of the world's largest sewing machine factories. . Added to the, factory cost in immense quantities, is our,moderate margin of profit. All middlemen's expense is eliminated ... 1 A L Investigate the Rotary tomorrow! Accorditic to stvleof IJIf : woodwork $32.50, $35 and $40. Pay $2 how, $1 a week ' no interest nr extrass. . .'.. .. .-' 3SS Aj dx Guaranteed Hdie Sheer Summer Weight, Six Palrior $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 T ISPL the idea thaf guaranteed Hose jnust be heavy! and. clumsy. Ajax Guarantera "Hose" come in the roost beautiful sheer summer weights of cotton, lisle and. pure silk that you ever laid your eyes upon. And they'll wear, too, or we could not afford to give new Hose free for every pair you bring back to the "store with holes within six months. . We have Ajax Guaranteed Socks for men and Ajax guaran teed Stockings for women and children. Let us show-you- hopr much. style and quality is in them. - Ajax Socks for Men Fine Egyptian yarn, light weight, in black, tan and all new summer shades. Box of 6 pairs, guaranteed ,6 months, $1.50. Ajax Silk Lisle Hose, a beau- -tif til-summer- weight,4nb4ackr tan and all new solid colors. Shaped ankle and seamless foot. Box of 6 pairs, guaranteed 6 months, $2.00. :.. Women' Aiax Hoaiem JWomen'sjyaxJOMLOf full lasnionea oiacK cotton. cox or 6 pairs, guaranteed 6 mbnths. $1.50. Women's Ajax Hose of fln6 gauze or silk lisle, in black and tan j & pairsr- guaranteed S months, $2.00. -Uj-. Women's-Black Snk Llsls Hose, in regular and out aizesr Box of 6 pairs, $3.00. 0 Petticoats on Sal MCIea 1 i N OPPORTUNITYto secure at. reduced 7 prices the spTenaioTTppoFFeTtlctl'mat women have: come to recognize Tar-ilfriortothe: ordinary sort. Eppo Petticoats are made with the elastic waistband at the back and fastening at front side witn invisible glove clasps. A: x - Fit ' th,e form smoothly and snugly the ideal Petticoatfor wear with present narrow styled skirts. At $1.48 Eppo Pet ticoats of near-silk and cotton messaline, black. Lengthened with knife plaited flounces, finished with tailored bands or with finely pleated dou b 1 e flounce.' g M n , Sale price is D 1.0 At $1.69 Eppo Petticoats . of Halcyon messaline, with wide pleating, Colors, navy, green, tan, brown, gray and black. They're ex- ceptionally well made. ; special forrf JA clearance . at)la0f 1 At $4.35 Eppo Petticoats of soft taffefa and messaline silk. Lengthened with double . pleated ilourrce or with pleats and clusters of pin J tucks. Plain and changeable shades at J w I I'r i Sale of Woiaieit's. to 75c Colored Hosiery at Only A SENSATIONAL Clearance of, Women's High-Grade Colored Hose just the stockings many of you;will want tor wear, wun me earning suits ana summer dresses' , i Plain lisles, silk lisles, gauze li&les lace, boots, embroidered' boots',, allover lace Hose every summer shadeans and whiter No black among - the" m. -------- f ' .' Famous "Onyx" brand intluded. Three big tables on the main aisle. ; Clearance of S5c,0c and 75c Colored Hosiery again to morrow at 20 . ; ' ,-. , a-m A Trial Grocery Order will convince you of the prices, the prompt service by hundreds of patrons in 25q Grape Juice, bot, 20c Dry Lima Beans, special at 3 pounds for onljr.SS Jelly? c,-loi4esertr pe--ctal, 5 packages for'25 E. C. Corn Flakes, special, 3 packages for only. 23 high quality, the moderate and delivery that is enjoyed our big Pare Food Grocery. Quaker Qorn Flakes, spe cial, 3 packages for 23 Quaker Rolled Oats, 20 4 -Mexican Beans, 6 IbSr 25 Armour's Potted Beef, special, 3 cans only 25 Smalr Prunes, 4 lbs. 25, Sole Portland Agent for lohi S, Xiewm X4a n. WUlmrt 0wta( VUch.lv. fccora Btorta a rmton at wuiir Oo-Crt. 'White Magic vTold in the Hills" , of the PHONESPacific, MarshaU 4600; Home, A-61 Catalogus .Big Snow" Sole Portland Agent for l)nx OnsruiliM jiolry. . Bcthtn i.Bhlrlt raTww. ' - Brroo M linnMk OlctbaafM - twii ' T New Fiction at SC - - ' M , ..(,-,-: v-'.f ...... SCORES of splendid new titles" , in Books worth the readin? at 50c. Reorint' edP tions of Books that sold formerly at $1.18 to $1.50. "lonesome Trail" "The Danger t Trail Phantomofnhe Opera" "The Spendthrift" )rfiv. f 4" t4 jtY' -y-Tt v-- .