llIll::Jl-l , ' tHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 30, 1912. ' 1' ' I. --"-.., iiiwa1 pnper containing eacn io uennis farrell to do soma Wasting. triIPA AIIIIMir ak i-itia a aa ............ . -, , , , , i : SUMKER EEBOBT B0BBCHIJTION8. Don't furget when golng.away on Tour vaeutlon or for the anteiuw. that Thii Journal can follow ymr at 15 centa a week, the regular aubsrrlptlon rates, and tb fol lowing agents will suppl you lit our regu lar rate: , yv. ;.; " Bur Oram, Or..' Bay Ocen hott. ' J.' HeiPh Outer, Wah., W. C. Colllna. f" Caraoo Bprlugi, Wnb., Mineral Bprfngi bote! .. v. '- , .... , . Colllnt, Waah., Fred A. toting. Oearhart. Or., Mrs. 0. t. Klllott . llwaco. With,, H. B. Woodruff. Lnnr Beach. Waalu tawi-enee Dlnneen, (DellYery to all point on North' Beach.), Newport, Or.; Glen Howard. . .. Roekaway Beach. Or ..Twilsliis Itlca. tteaalile. Or.y I.atr rtoebatel. .(Delivery to nil parti of Keaalde.) . . : . ft-nlew, Vab.;.F. K. BtrauhaL , Tillamook. Or., 3. 8. I.aniar. "Wllbolf Rnrtnior.-rrf-ff-Wi-MoLarn. Ji Cascadia, Or.p G. "Mroeisendorfer, t' TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS HElilO-CathrJne Countiss in, "Merely Mary Ann." COUNCIL CREST High class attrac . . . tions, -v-XYRIC Armstrong; FolleBcofnpanyJn 'Playing the Races.'' . ... - "ORPHKUM Orpheum olrcult vaudeville. TUB ICMPRESS Vaudeville. Wl . VTM . ..111. THIS OAKS Amusement park. -Qtt'eather Conditions. Portland and Vicinity Fair tonight - and " Wednesday; cooler tonight; north went er I y winds, v Oregon Generally fair tonight and Wednesday; cooler . tonight Interior northwest portion: nonhwetyiK.Wlnds. Washington Fair tonight ma Wed . nesday; not much change in tempera - ; ture;- northwesterly winds. Idaho Generally fair tonight and Wednesday; not much change, .In tem perature. THEODORF- F. DRAKE. "'"'"-,"Aictrrig"Difrrrlct Forecaster. Wlfa Vo. 1 Sues for Uoroa. Whlla taking a vacation in Portland this week, Howard Alfred Fields, leading man for the -Enterprise Comedy company, was Served with a divorce complaint filed -by wife No. 1, Ruby Lane Fields. Wife INo. 2 declares her love for Fields, and 'proposes to call him her lawful hus band. Fields and his second wife were arraigned In the municipal court last I week, both charged with a statutory of fense against the marital laws, the first Wife being the chief wltnens against them. In her complaint. Ruby Lane Fields sets forth she married the actor at De Lamar, Cel.. in 1908, that he de serted her In 1910 at Turner, Or and baa not returned. In the complaint In the municipal court, she accused him "of .marrying wife No. 2 at Gold Hill, where "the show made a stand of., one week. - This one week was what caused the trouble between the couple. wllwas then that he met No. 2, and later mar ried her at that place. o Ton Want the Best Auto Truck on VhA niurtrAf In aithttr 1iran nr firtt trmR at prlca that is within your reach anl terms to suit conditions? If vou do, seo us and Investigate the Avery. There are a number In use In and iuir Port land to speak for themscl ve. The Avery has the power, and will stand the abuse and still run. Wo can tri It to-you with solid rubber tired wheel. Or we can give It to you with special tractor wheels, which haOe Pteel tires and wood plugs, which eliminate tliy trouble and have better traction. We have a good stock of trucks' and p'enty ofreralrs if you need them. We "have a bargain In " a second band three ton truck. Beall & Co., 309 K. Yamhill St., Portland, Or. I Inea on $6100 Bond. Suit to collect Itilfln nn n hnnrl tinn Mtnrtrri v'atnrrtn v in the circuit court by Wllliarii Nellson. against C. Masters and the Title (iuar anty & Surety company. Nellson claims this amount was lost by the failure of Masters to complete a contract of clear ing land near Mosler, Or., which land VII tn ha utt In troAH thin voir Tho surety company was on the bond of Masters ror mo raittmii perrormance or the work. Instead of performing the work as agreed, the plaintiff . alleges Masters worked slowly, and what was done was not properly cleared. Ad Clrnb ' Lunobeon. L. B. Mahone and C. L. Smith will be the speakers at tomorrow's weekly luncheon of the Portland Ad club. This was announced this morning by H. K Lounsbury, gen eral freight agent of the O-W. n. & N. company, who will be chairman for the day. - Mr. Mahone will speak on the geological resources of the state and Mr. Smith will take for his topic, "Ore gon from an agricultural point of vttnv." . Tha luncheon will bq held aa usual at the Multnomah hotel. risks Will Filed. The will of B. E. nske;-Who -wastHed July 23 tn an auto accident, was admitted to probate yesterday in the county court. The Instrument was drawn In 1907. The widow and children are left the estate, amounting to approximately $20,000, with the exception of a house at 60 East Eleventh street, which is be queathed to Mrs. W. V. Farrell. mother of the deceased. An allowance of $150 a month was granted the widow for the support of the family. May Locate Office Here That the Missouri Pacific will probably estab lish an office here is the report brought bapk to Portland by W. C. McKrkie, gen eral agent for the Denver & Rio Grande and other Gould lines In this city. Mr. . McBride's tour of two" weeks took him i as far east as Kansas City, where he was in conference with representatives or the traffic department of the Mis souri Pacific, Stsals Bnrr; Wagbn Wrscksd.-J-M. E. Maguire, a driver for the Pacific Face Brick company, who leaves his wagon at Water and Columbia streets, reported to. the police last night that someone had stolen the burr off the rear axle of his. wagon and when lie started up, the wagon was Wrecked, and he narrowly escaped injury. 'Jhls has been done, he states, on several occasions recently. Do Ton Want the Classiest high pow ered roadster made ut a reasons !o price?, If you do, come and see the lat est design ut our salesroom. It Is the Glide, with 45 horsepower, and the 'iif-, tlest lines put in a car. We will niak . a special price to the first buyer to get I one of these on the streets. Beall & ' 1 809 K. Yamhill at., Portland Or. '' ! t Blsctrio Bangs StoveThe demonstra tions of the new Copeman automatic electric range, capable of cooking any thing, continue to arouse the interest of the housewives of Portland. These Illustrations will continue dally from 2 to 6 p. m. Drop in und look this new ui'Bu vver, I. Parent Teachers' Cirole Plcnlo. The Parent Teachers' Circle of the Wood lawn school will hold their second monthly picnic at Peninsula Park KYi. ; Augusr-z. -Everyone IS'UTgeG'W come and bring their lunches. A good j program has been arranged for the day. Wtonnt Hood A real mountain resort! at Cloud t Cap - Inn. The most glorious spot on Mount Hood. Tickets and ros I miuiio, iurB)T'jB, snutn, 69 sth st. vuy charts Amendments. Fof the banent of the general tubllooao copies teartst? : v innv TAimnrnitin pc nu nocoo dudIiic I w w Pntaiti Inlnat Aaiumiit n vr Lombard has . filed a protest with" the cy auuuor against the assessment of vermin iota owned him on Fremont street for a street im t ween East Eighth and East Thirty- v"u vn jjTcmont. ixmuara says part of the Improvement consisted In the filling- of an old gravel pit which . wn excavated over his remonstrance. I He does not believe it fair that the city should . permit a nit and then, order it filled again at the ex- yciiae ot property owners. Must rnrniah Use of Wires Under wie provisions of the franchises owned ijy .th-a. two telephone companlea of the city the executive board can compel the companies to furnish the use of all vim wires necessary ror the Installation of a proposed system of semaphore and gong signals to be Installed at various intersections.- This is the sub stance of a long opinion submitted tg City Auditor A. L. Barbur by City At- iimriiiin o. urant today. y lay Cable CI tv At -tbla-rmarning-f Heda rt -opinion - for-the oawuuva Doaru declaring that the board has power to grant permission to the Home TeleDhorte rni imnv tn ' loo o cable across he Hawthorne bridge. The uie city attorney some time ago if it had the fright to Issue a per mit. Some Of tha mmhr hclno. k opinion that the company might have. ui a irancnise. May Assess Cemetery. The city may B assessment against a private .iiciery operated for a profit if the property owned by the cemetery is bene fited by a street improvement, this be ing the opinion, submitted to City En gineer Hurlburt from thA ni,r office this morning. The city engineer proposea to assess the Bralnard ceme tery for the cost of a trf imm. Jment. - -w- ,u Wh,aYonI,Vwr3rxl-iias Away for the last long sleep know that they are irom everything that would molest them. The "Portland" Concrete Burial Vault will do it. 441 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 486. Olsons Child Welfare. Child welfare s under discussion at a meeting being held this afternoon at the auditorium tabllshlng a training school for mothers will also be presented for consideration. Butter for Campari Wc pack but ter in two pound tins, filled with brine and then soldered, such no r,,, A!...J customers use. If you want butter that o ,r 8everal months phone us, Main '318. Hazclwood Co. Anti-Suffragist, to Meet There will i" m.uru meeting of the State Asso iTnoA , iyVVv to Kqnal Suffrage at 10.o0 o clock tomorrow morning at hffl , Quarters, 604 Couch building. Biver Excursions: .Boat from Taylor street dock. Week days. 8 a. ni.. 2 p. m.; Sundays, & a. m;, 12 m., 9 p. m. Rounn trip, oe. Ttokets I gobd on P. R., L. & p. cars. - ! Bondsmen Hot Keleaied The Na- j tional Surety company cannot now be ! r''!as,-d by the city for a bond fur- t nlMhort hv . ... ........ j M'uinvHiiy jo protect the city against possible damages that might arise by reason of a permit Issued 11 For the first time in 14 years this store will be closed all day Wednes day, preparatory to inaugurating THE BIGGEST SALE M ITS HISTORY We have purchased the entire stock and leased the premises of A B. STEIN BACH & CO. and for the purpose of raising money to complete the purchase we will be gin a tremendous MONEY-RAISING v SALE THURSDAY MORNING- L0M .. . . ! Moonlight excursion given by W. O. W. decree team Nn 77 atr MnnirKl, Salmon St. dock, Wednesday." July Jl,8 p. m, uancing on board. Tickets soc. St. Andraw'a Court, w. (1. ft wm give lawn social at 894 East Sixteenth eireei norm, juiy II,. if weather cohdi- iiuiia are isvoraoie. , ' Steamer Jesss Karklnu for Camu, Waihoua-at and linrflnn Am ... CDt DUndaV. Laavaa Waahinartnn rntr uuvk t p, nu "; y ..,.. Wo Medical Co. to Han ih. tlrmt nt me month. Thv w h. in ht n oince at nrst, near Morrison, Have Your Orde for rnal nnil wnnA booked; while price is low. Edlefsen ruei uo., East 303, C-2303. Anne's 'Portraits TninmhU ,m tnr men, women ana children. A-1635. W. A. Visa an1 kkU). nAinl.ua dentists. Third and Washington. Dt. X. C. Brown. Bye. Bar. Marquam - w Hrats Buff at, 3d and Alder, sts.. LYRIC HORSE BALKS; . DOCILE ONE PROMISED The Armstrong Follies rnmmnv at the Lyric theatre this week Is present ing one Of the blacest riots of lnucrhter in "Playing the Races" that the natrons of the popular playhouse have seen In some time. It Is one continual round of mlxups and funny situations, nnd th comedians, Will Armstrong and Gus Leonard, never worked, harder. They are in the limelight continually, and never miss an onnortunitv tn keen th audience in an uproar. The climax of the play comes close to the finale, when Armstrong decides to become a Jockey. A very lame norse. much tn thA Kn a for looks. Is brought, or is supposed to be brought, upon the stage for the scene, but last nle-ht n sometimes do, it became very balky at the time set for Its appearance, nnd, Judging from the noise off stage, it hRd to be -rolled In. much to the. merrlmpnt of all concerned. It was a very trvinu scerte for the performers, as they were seen scuminc to all rnrnwi tn rot away to safe places. The stage boys promise a more docile animal for the balance of the week, and Will Armstrong promises to win the race or forever keep his peace. 'Playing the Races" is full of lift from start to finish. All the muslcnJ numbers are good, especially "Rosa Pigeletto." by Miss Beatrlqe Flint and chorus, which was encored no less than five times. Its name Is very de ceiving, one Imagining that it is a serto mmlc sections, but It borders on the higher cla&s, carrying the melody of the sextet from "Lucia'' tn a manner that gives Miss Flint an excellent opportuni ty of showing what a magnificent voice sho possesses. "Daffodils," by Ed Arm strong, and the "be-by dolls," was well received, each girl telling a daffodil, such as, "If chicken Is tough, Is a bar tender?" "If the town was thrown Into darkness, would "Mayor Rushlight?" "If Ethel Iiavls Is weak, Is Armstrong?" etc. Clnra Howard Is to the front with a counle of lively numbers nnd th chorus works as gingery as ever. "Play ing tne itares will be the bill up to and Including .Sunday night, with a matinee dally and the Chorus girls' contest on rriuay nignt. ifey torn m-WS THIRD STREET Le Gette Jr. Takes Exception ' to Statement of Juror in Damage Suit. Vigorous denial of charsres "of "tm. perlng"' with the jury In the breach of promise Isult 'of Helen M. Ooodev against Robert. H. Thomnson Jr. nt Portland, In" which Mrs. Goodeve won a verdict for $50,000 damages, were made by Wilber Le Gette Jr., this morning. Le Gette hAfl h.Atl nnonaAi! tol. ing W. A. Wallis, a Juror in the case, to the apartment of Mrs. Goodeve at iiinpiepnin nnrt Marshall utr.at. ,.v,u,. the trial was in progress. ' i' met Wallis in front of the Lyrie theatre about 8:30 o'clock thA vnin. Of JUlV 20" llM T .u. Ilattn In menU"I-ha4. a canrErA-wifli me, but I was not going to take pictures, as I am told the affidavit of Mr. Wallis sets fOrth. HOW InilM T ha trnirxar 1 . pictures at that time of night?' ""' i oia not try to induce Wallis to see Mrs. Goodevn. Th SllfPiriatlnn . n m from him. He said he would like to meet ner. ns she looked nu a -ioh., friend' of his. He knew where he was going all the time. I Wll lining thA house phone to call her apartment when, unseen Dy me, Bno came In from the street and she and Wallis were talking while I was trying to get her on the telephone. If WalllS W8B SO 'dllmhfnun,lA,V at meeting her. as he savs. Whv did ha sit on the steps of the schoolhouse out there with her from about 8:45 to 10:30 o'clock? That Is what h did and h. did not seem to be verv 'dumhrnnndari either. 'Some one evldentlv wn w.tnhinA- and saw the meeting, for I did not say anything about It till I was called on by an attorney for th defense after the trial and told to tell what I knew. I did not want to make any trouble for Wallis. so I let him off env In ,tw statement and took the blame myself, not telling half I knew about the meet ing. Now that he makes the statement he Is credited with, however, I shall tell all about It. "I have not been ( for either side In the cmsa I nm . friend of Mrs. Goodeve and hope she gets the $50,000 I think It's coming to her but I won't stand for the accusa tions made against me without telling wnai i Know. "Furthermore, I am not and have not been connected with John IS. Goddard In the real estate business, as has been asserted." Horse Throws Hoy Onto Rock. (Special to The Jonrnal.) Cottage Grove, Or., July 30. As the result of being thrown from his horse that had shied at a piece of paper, 12-year-old Otto Senter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I.. Senter, Is suffering from several severe bruises, the most serious of which is u gash on the forehead. Which required three stitches. This wound was caused by a sharp rock. The boy's back nnd shoulders were' also bruised and there were several minor scratches on the face. Charles Mayer, a business man of llncoln, Neb., and family, are registered at the Multnomah. I THI ''.:'..' . I . " .. ' , J m "Fish stories." far beyond the con ception of the average sea .captain and Which will put the "whale" story in the shade will be turned loose at Bonne vllle next Sunday for the edification of members of the Portland Press club and their friends on the club's annual ex cursion, when the state fish hatchery IS Placed on thn ltlnorarv nt thA ol.lt.r. To all who attend tha outing a cordial Invitation is extended by the state fish and game commission. Mt.r m.h w.- den Clanton and the management of the hatchery to see the tiny trout by the millions disport themselves In the ponds where they are being held until large enough to be turned loose.1 r That the methods employed In raising these deniiens of the lakes and rivers may not remain a mystery there will be attendants to tell the unsophisticated everything there Is to be told, and then to answer the thousand and one queries which are sure to bo asked. That the story interesting has been verified by all who have ever Inspected the hatchery. "We will not make any extra pre paration - for visitors." said Warden Clanton. "for the hatchery Is always prepared for 'comrjanv.' W, dn -ont the newspapermen to See the fish and wie natcnery ror we want them and all of the ncoDle of th ai.i. tn .u.A a wonderful tnrii , An ti. sight Is worth seeing and the welcome t w"i give will be as cordial as pos siile." HEALTH BEAUTY and VITTUCCi'S VIRGIN. . OLIVE OIL are closelvlrelated. Phvsiclans recommend V. V. O. O. for its purity and quality. YOUR doctor will tell you that its use vyui give you better health and i clear complexion. Ask xpur dealer for VITTIIOCT8 OLIVE Oil. BOOK It's free to yoo. John Viftucci Co. EXCLUSIVE IMPORTERS Seattle Vancouver II! aflaunss. ncrwranaiM. . 1. Yes we know how your family has been ' complain ing i' about baker's bread. That's why we want you to learn our way of bread making. . Our Crown Bread Recipe tells you HOW to make good bread and shows you by actual photographs just how to handle every process. Just drop a card to us for this booklet. ---Of-'ccnjrserwfrrccommettd CROWN FLOUR Crown Mills Portland, Oregon , THE PORTLAND FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER During this warm weather, try some of the dainty salads we make and serve; Or some of the delic ious sea foods; fresh from the ocean; you'll enjoy them. The cool, airy Grill In a Mecca for aftertloon shoppers. '" Courteous service always. Delightful orchestral music every evening". THE POXTLAHD HOTEL O. J. Zanfmann, Mgr. azaaa&rf Benefit by the experience of others. Avoid experiment ing with "cheap" pave - merits. Get the best, bitulithic the "best . by every test." Jime has demon strated Its ser viceability nnd s 11 perlorlt y. There's every reason why the streets adjac e n t to your property should be Im proved. ..i.v-; Barber i Foster & Kleiscr Uigh Grade, Commercial and Electric ICG-MS; East Seventh and Erst Everett Fts. Tlionss East 1111 jj-2221 m mm mm p Reliabl Good work depends upon proper faclil tlea whlca this office has In every par. tlcuUr. Spacious, Inviting, sanitary of-, flees, equipped with all the neceasary I nu jaiesi acienunc dental appliances. expert operators, etc. , Popular price are possible because of the Union's Urge patronage.: Why gc, to other dentists less able to please you and less able to perform strictly high-class work, and why go elsewhere and pay1 the generally prevailing higher prices. Come to thi Old Reliable make sure In advance of' perfect work and permanent satisfaction t least cost. . HIGH GRADE FLA TIB, CSOWHg, VOBCBLAXH Agj BXXSOE 70KLAT POVUIiAB PBXCES Extractions a Specialty Our extraction i .u. . . . . use,0oVn7vaI1 fr that It wti'rhurt1 W. use only painless methods. Our work n.nn7f'n X recommended to nervous people, old folks and for children. Fifteen Years' Guarantee -With AH Work -j What Our Guarantee Means The Union Painless Dentists Is incor-' porated under the laws of the state of iireff?n' and the company is responsive, for the guarantee that goes with all th wnrlr Mint I..... .ki. .ui .jY affords the public absolute protection teriais or wommansbip and ma-: UNION -PAINLESS DENTISTS (Incorporated) Morrison -Btrest, Corner PirsV-j ialntixe Corner Phone Main 6936. '.' u yon evenings. AMUSEMENTS " POPULAR PRICES- HEILIG "th and Taylor Phones: Main 1, A-1123 TONIGHT EVE kioht V,AVt THIS WEEK BARGAIN MATINEE TOMORROW CATHRINE COUNTISS Supported by BTDJTET ATBIS In the comedy drama "Merely Mary Ann" Evenings 75c, 5ftc, 35c, 25o. Wednes- day Matinee, any. seat. 25c. Kat:aas S7ry say. ress- BnniTan tt Oonsldlng T Refined TaadsTlIfea , Special Summer Prices, Nights Matinees V 10c and 20c Any Seat XOi WEEX JTTLT 89 "A Wyoming So., manes," Happy Jack Oardner h Co., D'Arcy and Williams, Prankls Drew, , u v.u w aiwa W f- A V e - light Pictures, Orchestra, MATH 6, A-loSO MATIBBB EVERT BAT l5-a5-80a- ltn WEEK THEATRE 15-25-50-75 W. K. 8t. James and Players, Ifartla Travelogues, Charley Case, Mont Trio, Bnrr and Hop,. XAfferty. The Oreat Ubby, Pictures. Johnson's Rvobart tj XaUy and prcnestra. Katlnea Daily WEEK JULY 29 Prank Bush. Th Clipper Quartet, Mr. and" Mrs. William nTlA HMmAmtm m. - MaU. ' Mlyakko Troupe, Fantageaoope. Popular "; v,aaa Tl rtw mWia nniM 1A A m. X i a (,WS. VAA-W "'- V - 1U AW p. m. Phones A-223G, Main 4636. Boxes and first row haloony reserved. Curtain aau, ma, , Lyric Theatre': Ponrth and Stark Sts. The Armstrong' Pollles Company in PLAYIHQ THE ' RACES, the Real Olrly-Olrly Show I Two performances nightly, 7:90 and 9:10; 18q and 25c. Matinees Dnily, 2 '30, any seat 15c. rriday night, Chorus Girls' Con- ' test. ' ' " " .. 'wsf" "Ihc OAKS PORTLANDS GREAT AMUSEMENT PARK All Big Outdoor Acts Free Pree Circus Every afternoon and evening. The best hit ever seen In Portland. At 3 p. in. and 8 p. m. Clowns, Animals' Acts, Circus Band, Oaks Park Band every afternoon and evening in delightful concert. King Fharcah, the famous educated horse. Every afternoon and eve ning. . ', Skating Bear tn the dancing pavil ion. . , )AAAAAAMWAAMMMAAAAAJtAAAAJ ascbalB: BXCREATIOK PARK Corner Vaughn and Tweaty-fourta It' Victoria- vs. Portland 7VX.T 29, 30, 311 AVQ, X, 9, 8, 4. Games begin week days I p. m, Suit days 2;I0 p. m. ...... rrr?AMBS BAT TRXDAT. - ' Boys under 13 free to bleachers Wadnes . '.. . : day. Oregon -Humane Society orrxes m mTdiso tr. PHCnr MArrjcs; a-?- fl - rfr all eru-'I'y "i'' 1 ' MB fttv am Bk a w - mm, ,:t..i!