The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 29, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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nnnTi Aiin iirnnflM I
Mrs. L-E. Kellogg, -Wife of
r; Boathouse. Owner, Cannot
... .Be ...Resuscitated;. Sister,
- Mrs. W. L. Mack, Rescued.
Mod jeski to Be Appointed to
Determine Cost of Upper
Deck of Railway Bridge; Car
Co. Ready to- Pahar'e.
Charge Preferred by j Frisco
Banker Fails to Keep Wo
' man:ancf Two Men In Jail;
Hearing-FrTdayV -1
.(8pwl In Tt. J-inrnsl.t
Lew Bratfv Wash., July 2. While
-In bathing at Lone; Beach at 12 o'clock
- totorr tM Hi"'B. KHlots, wife of Kr-
tt KetrogKT "t h " ""tins ttrmrsfl - tustt - of
-Portland, was, 'drowned and Mrs.- W. r
, Alack, Jjer sister, was cauht by nn jn
dftow and swapt Into a crab hola lira.
! Maolc woi rescued by W. P. Locke, Isaac
Grutton and 3. R. McG-111. who rushed
to the woman's rescue uper liearlns
their cries. J .
After two hours' work upon Mrs.
Kellog; (ill hope has Seen abandoned.
Hellia Hicks, who was also In tha
party. 1ut who didn't (ret annht In
such a strong tow, was able to come
out unassisted, -
Mr. Kellocg , has been , teleirrMphed.
Mrs. Kellogg's daughter, Miss C'orrlna
Kellogg, Is at her hom litre.
Enthusiastic Session Is Held;
"100 Men and Women
Attend Luncheon.
An even hundred women and men at-
landed the luncheon of the college
. Equal guff rage association at the lm-
psrlal hotel this afternoon. The pro.
, srram waa mode up largely of speakers
from tha local newspaper and the
psalters w,ra not selected with the Idea
of thelf being suffrage supporters.
Miss Emma Wold, president of tha
' league, presided and flrat Introduced
. C. 8. Jackson, publisher of The Jour
nal, Mr. Jackson said In part that he
' had not quite decided upon which side
' of th question he really stood but that
.whenever he heard an argument against
, suffrage ha was Inclined toward the
causa, but that whenever ha heard argu
fy tnents for his Inclination was tigalnst.
, . He declared that at any rate he ln
f tended to vote for equal suffrage and
I that he waa sura the cause wpuld carry.
'-..', - Alfred DCridge-Of .file Labor Press
t ' declared that working women need the
r" right of the vote and that they are go-
1 lng -to- hare'lt. "trc Bgtd "that when thpy
tflaep hands with the worklngnion they
f. will be able to do a great deal more to
j 'ard the hettaruient of tha home.
, .Hs jaid tnat tog not neiiev that
; any woman would vote for a man who
j would allow the little children to work
; is. tha coal breakers with bleeding
r hands, ai he had seen them do.
: . Mrs. X. M. Roberts of the Dally News
J told of tha. struggle which the stiff ra
' ' gfsts had waged In Oklahoma, whsnca
she had come to Dragon, and said thut
' women had gained greatly In the ex.
-teem of their opponents by tha way in
J which they had carried on their cam.
i .palgn,
i . A. W. Lawreiice, editor of the Labor
Press, said .that labor unions had gone
L i.Jong way ahead of all other organiza
( : tlons in supporting equal suffrage br-
cause they recognized the rights of
:, women.
" C. E. 8. Wood closed the speaking by
a -wonderful appeal for the cause, de
- clavinff tjtat -'-men --ptaefx) t he-women
, ahead In little things but denied them
I. ' the real Important thing. Hf-'ippeale'I
I to the members and friends for funds
.with which to carry on the work and
said that "BUI" Hunly had authorised
i him to subscribe 1100 to the cause in
' Mi behalf,,
T.-'Many of the Mftliotllst mliilstfrs of.
' MTlty, members f "the Portlaiia Jfln
J lsterlal association, gathered at tin.
"Taylor gtreet M. K. church thin morn
ing to meet with Rev.-K. 'j.' Cooke, Ore--ion's
nefl resident Muthodlst blsliop. On
a account of a misunderstanding, Rev.
; , Mr. Cooke wen not on hand, so the
Bierabm present engaged in a diccus-j-slon
which at times became quite heat -I
ed. It started over a story related
yesterday at the-Centenary M. K. church
by Bishop Frank W. Warne of Lucknow,
" India. On Tuesday inorninK, August 6,
j the Methodist Ministerial association
f wil I raetit again and Bit-hop Cookt is lo
r . p present.
J They All Went to Sleep.
. From the Chicago News
This curious incident comes from
, Suhr, awitterland:
Ah inspector of schools, without any
previous warning, visited the village
achool and found the aldxrly ttather
-, asleep at Ills desk and tha ihlldron de--parted,
haviiiR apparently taken French
i leave. To give the teacher a Hrpat
j eurprise and a bad quarter of an hour,
i the Inspector decided to wult nnlil he
I .awoHe. and ecated himself" en u bench
i In front of the culprit,
f The hours paused and the Inspector
himself went to sleep. The teacher,' on
.r awakening and seeing who wan slep
4 Ing before him, quietly left thK school
j for home.
Without entering the schoolroom the
' eocierge locked up the school and the
slumbering inspector. Several " hours
J -"later the concierge heard a grat nolhe
Tm an4. arming himself, opened the door,
-.J and Was, greatly surprined to find the
. ;. angry Inspector before him.
f ; , . , m
I ' Another Eldorado.
" From the Indianapolis New.
"l " Japan is greatly excited over the dls
; eovrj Of new gold deposits. The Jap
i anese newspapers are printing columns
about a wonderfully rich vein In Kyu-
, ahu, A hunter first made the discovery
and reported It to a merchant In Naga-
sakl. The merchant told an expert from
I a . government school, and the rush to
the acene began. Already 100 appika-
tlons have been made for claims. The
' Vein eatenda through, the whole of the
, mountainous district lying between the
Chlkugo and Yabe rivers. The reef,
titan, ia. a. part of the same general
i deposit, la much richer. The deposits in
I the pea, under about 40 feet of water,
i -.e.t-4-4-e4iwMit'"pnrf,--ths tinti?
being workable llvr. fart of the
I land .vein la in quart from 30 u: joo
I t .feet In thickness. . Some Japanese jotir
, ala point out that In thla same dlstrlet
mining was?ari led on 110 Tears agp-
'and agatn iftlHl, but waa found un
profitable; ...v . ... .....
11 -:, mmmmmmmmmmmtimmmmmm
m&mms&s- rora& : . ...3
-y -5 y-t
What appears to be a case of "Jury
tampering'' in the olrcult court came
out this morning, when Jurojrs In the
breach of promise case of Helen M.
Ooodeve against R. II. Thompson Jr.
were giving their experience with Wil
bur Le Gette Jr.. a frequenter at the
trial. Trom the Jurors it is learned that
1e Gette made several attempts to be.
come-friendly and familiar with them.
So persistent did he appear that three
Jiirors stated this morning they looked
upon him with much suspicion, declar
ing in their own mind tryit should he
make another attempt -to talk to them
the matter would be reported to Judge
The Jurymen- are unanimous in the
support of W. A. Wallla, the juror who
went to the apartments of Helen M.
Ooodeve with J.e Gette, Wallla line
made an affidavit, which, will be filed,
showing how he met Le Gette, and ex-
plaining his side of the matter. He said
Le Gette met him on the street on tha
evening of July 20. ' Le Gctto said he
waa going to take pictures, having a
camera in ids hand, and asked WnlllB
to go along. The Juror having nothing
to do accompanied Le Gette, who led htm
to the apartments of the woman. Wallls
declares he did not know where he wai
going, and that when he faced- the wo
man, the plaintiff In the case In which
he was Juror, he was dumbfounded. Le
Gette then induced them to take a walk,
and have a talk. Wallls later told I,t
Gette be got htm In ttia trouWe 6hd de
manded a statement to show such to he
the case, Le Gete gave such a state
ment, taking the blame for the meet
ing. Attorneys Bheldon and Arnold, repre-
sentlng Thompson Jr., say the actions
new trial. They ulo state in affidavits
that Luuile Ayers and Mrs. W. R.
Wnrfca have evidence that routd not b.
obtained during the trial, which evi
dence Is now available, arA can be of
fered in te new trial. The motion for
tha new trlafcrWjJL be argued this weekf
when the question of the Juror and m
Gette will be taken up. .
Paris, July 19. Clause Caslmlr-Perler,
son of the late president of the republic,
is at the head of an undertaking, which,
if carried out, should be of extreme im
portance to French shipping and to the
world's shipping. The wonder is that
the scheme has never yet been taken up
seriously. It is one for making ttrcat
the main Bnropean harbor for TranrfUt
lantlc traffic.
The natural advantages of Hrest's po
sition arc obvious. The port is the
nearest Kuropean point to the whole of
America. Its natural roadstead Is n
magnificent one, and could be made of
tn times more use than is now made of
It. If French shipping summons the
energy to work Brest properly, the re
sults may be far reaching for the rest
of Kurope. It is certain, for instance,
that nine-tenths of the North American
truffle for tlie continent of Europe, and
practically all the traffic from Central
and South America could be diverted
via Brest, If Brest were nnulo tho
French Liverpool. For the time being,
Brest is entirely asleep, except for tlu
naval arsenal, and the railroad service
from Brest to Paris is worse than
asleep. The distance is Just under 3S7
miles, and the one so-called "raplde" of
the day takes II hours to cover it. With
a decent train service, Transatlantic pas
sengers jamiec! at Brest, which Is a good
dtal nearer .North America than Ply
mouth, could get to Paris in 7 hours. M.
Claude Caslinir-Perier's committee, If It
ever succeeds In doing anything, may
revolutionize Transatlantic traffic.
OUr Point Man Promoted.
(Wiihlhftnn Bureau of Th Jonroal.)
Washington, July 2.Senator Cham
berlain has been Informed that Alfred
Rlner Bay, of Otter Point station, has
been appointed cifptaln of the life sav
ing crew at Fort "Canhy.
n new proces Iafif cTn elides "TFe
made, by printing photographs on thin,
transparent gel'fltlne, which Mien is fas
tened between two glBBB plates.
Coffee first was used in Europe at
Venice) shortly before th end of the nix
tienth century.
Arrest of Officers of 0. N. G.
Resented; Appeal to
, Congressmen.
Upholding the action of officers and
men of Major Kylund Scott's battalion
of the Third Oregon reaiinvnt yesterday
In refusing to obey the orders of Briga
dier Uem rtil Marlon I'. Mauv command
ing them to retrace a niavch of more
than eeveu nillfls in Uuvy marching
order, anU to go Intucump at Oakville,
Wash., where they -had started from at
3 o'clock In the' inurnlng, the I'nited
Hpunlah-Amerlcan War veterans of Ore
gon took up the case today and declurn
they will carry It to President Taft, If
Following u meeting of the grievance
(Oininittee of Uih Portland camp this
mornlpg, telegraph ntenKHges were sent
to members of thu Oregon delegation
In congress unking them to take up the
arrest of four officers, Major Scott, Cap
tain Henry T. William. Captain Waller
L. Tooxe Jr., and Lieutenant Richard
Deich, with the war department. Those
at tho meeting were tho pust command
ers of tin; local (amp, W. T. Phillips,
Ilurvey Wells and Ueoige K. McCord,
J. R. Hultord, the present commander,
and Hr. 1. M. Hyde.
"The case is exactly like one that hap
pened in the Philippine,'' said Mr. Mi--Cotd.
"To try out the troops tney were
sent on alt) tnllu maruli) in heavy march
ing order, and then ordered lo march
back again. The lain mutinied, anil re
fused .tu do It. They werd lUiheld by
the commanding officer in the Philip
pines anil the order was rescinded.
""Now they are Trying to rnake tho
mllitlanien do wlut troops in real ww
farc arc not compelled to do. Wo shall
enlist If necessary all tire Spanish Win
Veterans in the west to protest against
General Maus order, and if we have to
will carry the case tu iU'u&ltut TafW'.-
The Spanish-American War Veterans
are especially Interested in the vase be
cause Lieutenant Denh and Captain
Williams, of the officer placed under
arrest, are Spanlsh-Ainci ican war vete
rans who served with distinction in the
(1'nlted lre Leased Wire.)
San Francisco, July 29. With a guard
of honor of 301) policemen, the. remains
of Patrolman ClmrlcH Hates, who waa
mysteriously killed on the street hero
last, week, were buried today in Mount
Olivet cemetery.
A picked squad of sleuths are search
ing for a tall man dressed in gray afid
a coatless stranger suspected as Hates'
assassins lint as vet without success.
(Pulled lrei Lease: Wlr.)
London, July IS. Voting overwhelm
ingly against surrender lo the employ
ers, all the unions involved In the great
dock workers' strike today voted by
referendum to continue the struggle to
the end.
Leaders of the men declare that tho
fight will be fotiEht to a finish and
the' police and tho government are
again making preparations to keep or
der during a desperate struggle.
.Four I)r.own While Hntliiiig.
( I'ldted l'rem Leaned VVlre.)
Kankakee, 111., July 29. Four persona
were drowned In the Kankakee, rlvpr
yefrterrtH y W Iter --Webrt er," - M r. - Prrrrt
Mastello, Miss Wlda Heinstock 'and
Louie Berkhnlter. .
The first three were bathing wlyjtho
current caught them and dragged them
under. Berkhaltor started to the res.
cue but the whirlpools were too strort
for him and he wt down before reach
lug the atruggUntf trio, . I' - ' ' i
(Special t The Jajreol.!
"Centralis, V?ash., July 29. Following
an order Issued " by General Maus a
week ago, -the regular army officers who
participated In the maneuvers will
statr a 90 mile test ride tomorrow
morning. The ride will start at Gate
City and will be under the personal
supervision of General Maus.
The officers who will make tha ride
ar Colonel W. H. Miller, assistant
quartermaster general; Colonel George
s. Young, "Twenty-first Infantry; Colonel
Lyman Kennon. Twenty-fifth Infantry;
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Clarke, med
ical corps; Lieutenant Colonel C.
w. Penrose, Twenty-fifth Infantry;
Major lliugh Gallagher, subsistence de
partment; Major James Candy, pay de
partment; Major Arthur Yates, quar
termaster department; Major P. F. Mc
Glachln, Second 'field artillery; Major
James Mclndoe, engineer corps; Major
Abraham Buffing-ton, Twenty-first In
fantry; Major J. J. Morrow, engineer
corps; Major James Cavanaugh, engi
neer corps: Major J. B. Clayton, medical
corps; Major K. K. Bchrelner, medioal
corps; Major 8, B. Smiley, Twenty-first
Infantry; Major E. A. Dean, medical
corps; Major C, K. Marrow, medical
corps; Major J. D, Carr, signal corps;
Major J. B. Hughes, Flrat cavalry; Ma
jor A. S. Fleming, adjutant general's de
partment; Major K. B. Gose, Twenty
fifth Infantry: Major V. A. Caldwell,
Twenty-fifth infantry; Major C. J. Qart.
Mt. ttHrttleal corps; and Major- T. Q.
Ashburp, pay department,
(Optica rrc Leased Wire.)
London,' j;uiy-5fcTti'nev7-Johh H.
Juwett, formerly of Birmingham, has
been say ing agood many" nice thtngs
about America1 and Americans, since -hie
return here on vacation from his charge
of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian
church In New York. He was especially
Impressed with the friendliness and co
operation among , thtj churohes of va
rious denominations In the United
"The gulf which exists In England be
tween the Episcopal and Nonconform
ist churches has no parallel In Amer
ica," he said,- and- as an Instance In
point he referred to the Invitation he
had received before he liad been In New
York a month to speak on a Sunday
night in the Episcopal cathedral. "The
natural results," he continued, "Is that
religious life In America Is better or
ganised than In England. There Is more
federation, but I am not sure that thla
is best for the Individual church. Theso
nrganlKaUfftls are very much alive to the
scmlai conditions of the community and
creditable work is being done by them
In handling the big cosmopolitan prob
lems tiiat are born of such a comming
ling of people as there Is in the United
His only note of criticism waa In con
nection with the Taft-Hoosevelt feud.
"It was deplored, by every American
cltlien with whom I discussed the sub
ject," he declared.
(!' lilted Pruu Wire,)
Home, July 39. One hundred and fifty
aeroplanes are to be added to Italy's
aerial fleet as the result of a popular
subscription undertaken for that pur
pose. Announcement was made today
that to date the subscription totals
2,5(10,000 lire. It Is not to be closed un
til 3,000,000 has been colleoted.
Of the ISo aeroplanes that thia
nmount will purchase, at least 1J will
be the result of donations made by tho
Italians living In the United States,
while a similar number will come from
the donations of Italians In South
(Dnlted ! Lsssvd Wlr- ,
Rome, July 29. Within the next tew
stm jomewhat surprised oer the redent
decision of the 8aored Congregation of
Rites to permit the use of moving pic
ture ehows In Catholic ;hurhi forhe
purpose - of religious Instruction. The
fact' that the same congregation less
than a year ago refused to permit a
similar use of phonographs was figured
as a precedent hard to overcome.
The demand for permission to use the
moving picture, however, was almost
world wide. Within tho past few years
hundreds of Catholic societies have been
organized for the express purpose of In
struction In the Cathollo religion by
means of moylng pictures. In' many of
the villages and country districts, es
pecially In Kurope, the local church wii
the only building suitable where the pic
tures could be displayed.
AS a consequence, tha Congregation Of
the Rites finally granted the permission
under certain restrictions. These pro
vide that the sacrod host always be re
moved from tha church, that the interior
be kept illuminated except when the pic
tures are actually Uflng shown and that
the parish priest always be present. The
bishop of the diocese aLso has the right
to refuse permission for the moving;
pictures when he deems it best.
TVe are only too willing to claim re
lationship with people who have money.
pORTT YEAES AGO almost every mother thought her child must have
PAREGORI0 "or laudanum to make it "sleep. These" drugs;""Will " producer
Bleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produoe the SLEEP FROM WHIOE
THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who have been killed or
whose health Has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, eaohr
of which is a narcotio product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling
cither of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
them "poison," The definition of" narcotio w is ; "A medicine which relieves yam.
and produces sleep,but which in. poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul
sions and death" Thetaste and smell ofmedicines containing opium are disguised, -and
sold under the names of "DropsV" Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. Yon
should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without jou or
your physician know of what it is composed. 0AST0RIA DOES NOT CON
TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Eetcher.
stmilatfng rheFbotfantfRcguta
ting Uie Siomadw aadDowels of
Promotes DideslionClifeHiir
ness and lfcstrontains neiitw
Opium.Morphlne norWiacral.
not Narcotic,
Anerfert Remedv for Consflpj-
. . ' , . L f, U...
non . sour aturaiicn.uiarrituta
ness and Loss ofSlezp.
TkeSimSe SignamreoT
YSalMljl p 'II Ui.v.--T- r . Ju I i
Rxact Copy of
per.'-- -
The city council at a special session
today unanimously adopted n resolution
empowering Mayor Rushlight and City
Attorney Frank 8. Grtmt - to cjmHnue
n e gouauo dj wnn inejuvyiyit r. vQ.
for the use by the public ofthe upper
deck of the new steel brldgrtS. The resoi
lutlon further "authorizes the mayor to
appoint Ralph ModJCHkl of Chicago to
enttmate the cost ofXhe upper-deck, as
a basts upon which tho city shall pay
a 5 per cent rental.
A Uorney "WX W. Cot f on s ta te'cl tha t
the PortlandRailway, Light & Power
Co. has tentatively agreed to pay $18,000
a year as Its share of tho rental of the
upper deck, but the street car company
will writ sign a contract until' after the
negotiations between the city and the
railroad company are completed or the
City has given the Mtrect car company
a revocable permit to use the aproacliee
to tho new brldgij;.
"Tho proposed contract between tha
City and the railroad company, as It was
submitted, to the council by City Attor
ney Grant today, met with a number of
objections. Councllmen Clydo and Duly
declared they would not vote for any
such contract being signed" by tho city
unless It should be so altered as to
give the city the power to state on
what terms the street car company shall,
be permitted to use the upper deck. Tho
agreement provides that the street car
company shall dual directly with the
Councilman Menefee said he was op
posed to the giving of any revoouble
permit to the street car company for
the use of the bridge until the company
shall have contracted for the use of the
Broadway bridge.
Aftef a good many points of objection
had been raised by various councllmen,
Mayor Rushlight requested that tho
mnttcr be left to him and City Attorney
Grant' for a While longer. He- said he
thought he and tho city attorney could
arrange matters to the satisfaction of'
all concerned. The mayor Is confident
that the negotiations will terminate to
the advantage of the city. The city, If
the new. bridge is fmaiiy thrown open
to vehicle and pedestrian traffic, will
have to pay the rental in monthly in
( United PreM Leaned Wlw.)
Austin, Texas, July 29. The returns
from thf state primary Indicate that
Governor Colquitt lias been renominated
by a plurality of 20,000 votes.
Dori't Poison
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.
Dr. J. W. Plnsdale, of Chicago, 111., aays: "I uu your CaatqrU and
adtlse its use la all familleg where there are chll3rea."
Dr. Alexander E. MIntle, at Cleveland, Ohio," says: "I have frequently
prescribed your Custorla and have found It a reliable and pleasant renv
cdy for children."
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland, of Omaha, Nebr., eaya: ''Your Caatoria i&
the best remedy in the world for children and the only one I use and
recommend." ,
Dr. J. A. McCloilan, of Buffalo, N. ?., saya: 'I ha?o frequently prescribed,
your Castorla for children1' and. always got good results, tn fact I usa
Castoria for my own children." ,.
Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I heartily endorge'your Cas
toria. I hare frequently prescribed it in my medical practlca, and Iiara
always found It to do all that is claimed for it." -
Dr. C. H. Glidden, cf St'. Paul, Minn., says: ."Uy experience aa a prao
tltloner with your Castoria has been highly aatisfactoryVand I consider it
an excellent remedy for the young."
Dr. H. D, Bonner, of Philadelphia, Pa., eays: "I have used your Cas
toria as a purgative In the casea of children for yeara pajt vita the most
happy effect, and fully endorse' It aa a safe remedy,"
Dr. J. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castorla ia a splen
did remedy for children, Unown the world over. I use it in toy practice
and have no hesitancy to recommending it for the complaints of infanta
and children."
Dr. J. J. Macliey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I consider your Castorla aa
excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicinei
and pleasant to tha taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of tha
digestive organs." . -, .
osNuirie CASTORIA always
mm the
In Use For
few York, July j9.-,Atlempti to at
the r eIeaaft"Of--Mni.-(Y M-Perk4nHFr4 '
erlek Pntterson and Patrick Walsh, helrt
here on, a charge -of larceny, preferred
by Nicholas J, McNamara, Ban Fran-'
tlBc'TJTnffleTTeTffTiiirtlally-sueceseruTTT 1
tnriuv wham TiHo-a ni.ohfiff f(vAt tifi 1 1 , .
hi "each case at 2500; It la expected
that a surety company will put up the "
bond later, In the day.
Tho specific charge, aaaSnst the pr! '
oners Is that of stealing McNamara'a
automobile; ; but attorney for thle
fendants my they are ready to prove
that the automobile Involved belonged "
to-MrrrMcfamarar-nd not to he
band. McNamara.' attorneys were not
prepared to go on with the case today '
and the hearing was postponed until
Friday," When a motion waa mada to,
admit tho accused to ball, the district
attorney asked that the amount be fixed
at ,50O0, .but-.tho court decided that
half that amount was enough.
Patterson and Walsh were In the em
ploy of the McNaniaras. Mrs. Perklna
and Mrs. MeNamara are friends. - Mc--Numara
has openly charged Mrs. Per
kins with responsibility for his domestic
difficulties, and admits a)s6 that the
arrests ware caused to prevent Mrs. Mo--
Namara from accompanying- Mrs. Per
kins, Patterson and Walsh on a trip to
Grand Jury to Act on Cane.
San Francisco, July 29, In respoma
to u call Issued by District Attorney
Flckert, the grand Jury will meet here
tonight to take up the' eases of Mra.
C. M. Perkins of Burllngame; Frederick
Patterson, a chauffeur, and Patrick
Walsh, a Jfalet, all of whom are pris
oners in New York city, charged with
larceny by Nicholas MeNamara, mil
lionaire director In the Anglo-California
Trust company here.
The specific charge against the prls
oners is that of the theft of McNa
marn's automobile, but he "admits that
he preferred the larceny charge to pre
vent his invalid wife from accompany
ing Mrs. Perkins abroad. Domastlo dis
cord is reported to have prevailed In the
MeNamara household for some tlm and
MeNamara blames Mrs. Perkins for
most of his family trouble.
The remains of Carl Staurnes aged
19 years, who was drowned while
swimming In Oswego lake, were" re
covered this morning and taken to the
morgue, where Ms uncle, n. Anderson
of 4:3 Elswortii avenue, took charge of
the body. The young man who was
employed at the Inman-Poulsen mill
was attempting to swim the length of
the lake when ho was suddenly taken
with camps and sank. '
tSignaturo of
Over 3 O Years.