The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Business : Generally, and Per
..sons Drawing Large Sal
aries' Will Be Required to
Pay Share of Taxation.
f Washington, July 27,The gist of
the excise tax bill pased by the sen
ate yesterday, lies In the provision that
very firm, person or copartnership In
Hie "United.- States' and its territories
shaHo pay Ifrinually TnTb treasury- a
special excise 'tax with respect to the
carrying on or aoTOg business of such
person, firm or copartnership equiva
lent to one per cent on the entire net
Incomepver and above $5000 from all
sources during each year.
The term "business" as employed tn
the bill is applied to embrace every
thing, above which .a person can , be en:
ployed and all activities which occupy
the time, attention and labor of persons
for a livelihood or profit. Thus persons
not in business for themselves,, but re
ceiving a, salary of above $5p9Q com
within the purpose of the act.
Ths bill was reported adversely by
the Republican senate committee on fi
nance, but the Democratic minority re
port commented on It as follows:,
This measure, if enacted into law;
will be a step in the direction of equal
izing national taxation, relieving to
some extent the consumers of the coun
try who are now required to bear the
whole burden and transferring a part
of that burden to those more able to
bear it
- t'lUe- unf ortunate-tht general In
come tax cannot be levied so as to reach
the unproductive wealth of the country,
but the fact that under the decision of
the supreme court in the income tax case
such wealth cannot be reached until the
constitution is amended, ought not to
be used as an argument agalnBt our pro
ceeding with the work of tax equaliza
tion a far as possible."
Machine touches Cable, Far
mer Touches Machine, Hired
Man Touches Farmer. '
!i ::; (Speeltl to The Jonrrtil.)
North Yakima, Wash., July--at; Try
lng to dislodge the boom of - his hay
stacker, which had caught in the high
voltage wire of the Yakima Power and
Light company, John L. Druse, of Yaki
ma City, this morning, at n o'clock,
brought his elbow in contact with a
metal cable hanging from the machine
and was instantly killed by the shock
Of 68,000 volts. James ' Buncella. Ms
hired man, tried to drag Mr. Druse's
i.bodyi-froni i-Wherellt hadiallen- across
the cable, with a pitchfork and received
either shocks or burns which made him
unconscious. He was brought to fit
'Elizabeth's hospital In North Yakima.
His injuries are not fatal.
Yakima Growers Representing
- North Yakima, Wash., July 27.A1-
'leglng that peach buyers have com
bined to compel growers to ship their
fruit on consignment to be sold at auc-
. tion in tbe eastern markets, growers of
the Parker Bottom district have agreed
-t iet their peaches rot on the trees un
less they can get cash offers. At noon
today - growers -representing 700,000
boxes of peaches had signed the agreement.-
Astoria, Or., July 27. The price of
canned salmon for the season of 1913
i will be considerably, lower, according
I to word received here today. The price
' has been established as follows by the
..-Alaska Packers' association: Chums,
70 cents; pinks, 78 cents; reds, $1.50.
The schedule last year was as follows:
Chums,' 95 cents; pinks, $1.00; reds,
:$1.60. . .
Fancy Goods
August 1 we move to
our new location, 1 52
154 Park street, near
Morrison. '
Stock, consists of Silks
and , Satins, Dressing
Gowns, Kimonos, Chinese
Mandarin Coats, Old Em
broidery Table Mats, Em--broidcxjUGoods,
, , Chines,
Jewelry, Jade Stones,
Cloisonne, etc. ' "
Canton Bazaar
He. 6th St opp. Meier ft r rank's
Murder of Herman
Gamblers' "Trust"
Public-Learns HowThug
' Methods'-Are Employed to'
Silence "Squealers,"
New York, July 2T. -Their Apaches
go to war when the two great gambling
TfeW York Herald. Two weeks ago
Herman Rosenthal was shot to death
at the very doors of the Metropole hotel
because he was furnishing testimony to
the district attorney which would result
in - the closing r of - numerous -gaming
Rosenthal was dangerous to the inter
ests of the "profession," but he was
only a pawn In the great game of chess
the gamblers play, with "protection" for
the prize,,. He was growing powerful,
he became a menace; his enemies- called
upon the "emergency allies" of the
gamblers and he was done to death by
men who fired at him "from an automo
bile owned by William Shapiro and Louis
The shooting shocked New York, as
tounded the country, yet one who Is
thoroughly familiar with the workings
of. the underworld declares it. was. mere
ly an incident in the squabbling of two
sets ofraniblers oyer protection from
the police for which, they said, they
had paid. .
Two Gamblers' Trusts.
There are two "trusts" of gamblers,
known to a certain type of policeman as
'legitimate gamblers ' and those who are
'not dependable." The "legitimates"
are those who pay for protection and
do not "squeal" when the police occa
sionally raid them in order to square1
themselves with the heads of the de
partment These men are, paradoxical
as it may seem, honest in their deal
ings with the police. For instance, if
a crooked police official promises to
protect one of these gamblers for a cer
tain sum of money monthly, that police
official may be absolutely certain that
the money will be paid with regularity.
The "not dependable" are the men
who do not deal squarely with the po
lice who are paid to protect them. Un
til recently this class of gambler was
devoid of protection. Their efforts to
come under the wing of dishonest po
licemen and the natural enmity they
bore the more affluent protected gentry
are responsible for the last display of
Herman Rosenthal, formerly president
of the Hesper club, a notorious gambling
resort of the lower east side, was so
successful in his profession that he
aspired to bigger things. He trans
ferred his activities to West Forty-
fifth street, where some of the most -Im
portant gamblers operated establish
Xosenthal Zs "Sloughed."
Through underground channels the
story reached officials higher up that
certain members of the force were pro
tecting Rosenthal and his associates.
News of the leak reached Rosenthal and
then the men who were protecting him
began the squaring process.'
To divert suspicion and apparently to
disprove the stories of protection Ros
enthal's place wa repeatedly "sloughed.'
That Is, It was broken into and closed
up, He moved, and he was "sloughed"
again. So It went until the gambler
began to get nettled.
Then he did what no "legitimate" has
ever dona. He did what crooked police
men, old in the game, expected of his
class: the very thing which had always
prevented his ''trust" from getting pro
tection. He went to the district attcr
hey and other authorities with his story
of protection that no longer shielded.
He made public charges against Lieu
tenant Becker and alleged that Becker
had an Interest in his gambling busi
ness. The gambling situation was in a fu
rore. The only ones pleased were the
"legitimates," who would now receive
the patronage of men who could no
longer gamble in1 the smaller establish
ments. An Jronclad law of the gambling com
munity in New York is that no matter
how hard Jt pinches the victim must
not squeafcwhn the "squaring" shoe is
fitted to his foot.
The "Oorillas' Work.
There were therefore many men to
whose financial Interest It was' to have
Rosenthal tnifr of the way. Then came
into play tbe "gorillas," known to the
gamblers as "emergency allies. "
In New York today there are many
powerful . organizations of "gorillas"
who live by devious practices, and who
are always ready to "do" anyone if the
price Is paid. The gamblers are con
tinually in touch with the leaders of
these bands, and they know exactly
Where thejr can reach them tl any min
ute. One of the 'bands, the Investigation of
the authorities indicates, was called up
on by enemies of Rosenthal to get him
out of the way. It was not to be "beat
ing up" this time; It was to be grim
death; and the men behind the scheme
picked their "gorillas" with care. They
did their work and did It well, from the
gamblers' point of view, and they will
be paid their price for it. If they qtiar-
(Bt the International New Serrlee.i
London, Eng., July 27.-r-The national
insurance act, the most remarkable, the
most paternal measure looking to social
reform that the world has ever known,
went Into operation last week.
I This act, the creation of David Lloyd
('George, chancellor of the exchecquer,
ordered broadly that every person be
tween the ages of 16 and 70 in the ser
vice of an employer must pay a pro
i portion of his or her wage to certain
I insurance agencies. The employer con
I tributes and the state contributes to
j the fund.
In the words of Lloyd George himself:
I "The workmen's insurance act alms
i to make provisions for keening the
household from poverty, to keep the
worker and his family from pauperism
In the black days of sickness which
come to every household and to guard
against that suffering from lack of em
ployment for which the workman Is not
The new act has aroused the greatest
enthusiasm on the one hand and pro
voked the bitterest Criticism and opposi
tion from the other.
It has divided noble women on that
despised and perennial question, the ser
vant girl question.
. Lady Desart and several other fash
ionables have formed "the .servant tax
register's league."
f The DtKhess" tT "UrarTbdroffgnTha "bt-
ganiheed "the domestic servants' insur
ance! society" to help Servant girls 10
Insure themselves on the same favor
able terms as men.
A time recorder, ' showing the actual
time an automobile is lu use, has been
patented by.a Connecticut man.
Rosenthal Reveals
and Police "System"
I : i
Am; 4
V -A t h ' 1
Photographs by International News
Top Jack oulllvan, held without
ball for cempllclty in the Rosen
thal murder. Bottom Sam Paul,
a New York gang leader, held for
complicity In slaying of Herman
rel over the spoils there will be other
shootings. r .
Much romance has been written about
these thugs and assassins. The fact Is
the "gorillas,' or Apaches whc- klil er
"do up" In New York today are mere
hirelings of political heelers, gamblers
or keepers of disorderly resorts. They
are always protected by the best "legal"
advice. They are not brave and they
do not go Into the open and fight man
to man. They first make sure that
they are almost practically Immune
from punishment for what they are
about to do. Then they do their work
In bands. It is not easy for the police,
if the police are In earnest, to prove
which man of a band fired the shots
that resulted In death, or which man
swung the blackjack which disabled the
man condemned.
Several notorious Gangs.
Thrn there is little chance of the vic
tim fighting back and doing physical
harm to bis assailants if they attack
hinnSmberar If -they clantalte-hijii
unawares all the better. The corruut
lawyers who defend these Apaches,
knowing that they are actually guilty,
usually succeed In saving them from
the electric chair or from long terms of
Among the bands of thugs In New
York today there are the Oophprs, the
Gas House Gang, the band of which
Jack Sirocco is said to be the leader,
and the crowd over which "Big Jack"
Zeltg is reputed to hold sway.
With the sensational killing of Her
man Rosenthal the question has been
forced, and officials of the police depart
ment and the district attorney declare
they will not rest until the matter has
been thraRhed out and settled. They
look to the settlement of the gambling
questions as the solution of the pistol
battles which of late have been terror
izing sectibns of New York.
ttJulted Pri Leased Wlre.l
Ketchikan, Alaska, July IT. After he
Ing on strike since July 4 because of
the refusal of the tannery owners to
grant higher wages, the fishermen's
strike which threatened to paralyze the
Malmon canning Industry of southeast
ern Alaska, was settled today on a com
promise basis. Four thousand fisher
men resumed work after being Idle for
three weeks, and the canneries have
reopened. ' The etrlkers were granted
practically all they demanded.
(Hnltftd I'reaf Jt4 Wire.)
Washington, D. C, July 27. Consul
C. L. L. Williams, from Shatow, China,
sends in word that the recent edict In
China which commands that all queues
be severed, has rather upset the market
in that country for barbers' supplies.
There is somewhat of a tendency to do
awiy with barber altogether, although
barbers, the consul adds, never did
thrive particularly weir- Itinerants
were the" rule rather than the excep"
tlon," tonsorial artists who carried their
kits about with them and who. never
went to the trouble of establishing per
manent stands. ,
. . A f arollies.. nOW.XOBslder
that a hair clipper which costs about
$1.35 Is all that is necessary. The out
look for the sale of razors is very popr,
the consul reports, since the custom Vf
shaving the head has given pluce to
home hair cutting. The Japanese have
entered the field and are retailing a
safety grasor for about 46 cents, Anicri-
c4 4BOfljr-,.,..
Capture of Man Who Partici
- pated in the Killing of New
York Gambler Likely to Un
ravel Mystery.
(T'otted Prem LmiwI Wlrt.l :
New York. July ' 27. -Despite what
District Attorney Whitman declares to
be efforts on the cart of the police de
partment to delay the investigation of !
4 n.ukU. TTwnn Tr..n.
thai, it was announced that another ar
rest will be made tomorrow. TWs ar
rest. It is understood, will be one of the
four men who did the actual killing.
On top of these came the further
statement that unless Mayor1 Gay nor
calls a special meeting of the board of
aldermen to vote onjthe question of an
Inquiry for the policCand pf the Rosen
thai murder a writ of '-'mandamus "com
pelling him to do so will be served on
him. This was the plan decided on to
day by the 17 aldermen who yesterday
petitioned the mayorrto callsuch a
meeting. '
VnJUvaa Held.
" "Jack Sullivan," king of the news
boys, whose right name ia Jacob A.
Reich, was arraigned this morning be
fore Coroner Felnberg on a charge of
homicide and was held without ball.
Sullivan Is the man who passed the
greater part of the night of the murder
riding about New York in an automo
bile with' Lieutenant Charles Becker,
thepollce official who is alleged to have
been the recipient of t e gambling
graff " 7
Through the underworld today there
passed a new story of the killing of
Rosenthal, a story which, though nearly
600 policemen have 'been working on
the ' care, .had not reached the ears of
the authorities. It is said that Rosen
thal was offered $5000 to "forget" his
promise to take evidence against the
gambling, police graft to District At- j
torney Whitman and to leave New Tork
for six months. He was so mad at -the
police department that he refused the
$5000. Then an affidavit was taken
from Dora Gilbert, Rosenthal's first
wife, describing the past life of .the
gambler and laying bare a secret which,
had it become public, would have com
pelled him to leave New York.
Woman Beslgged.
When the Gilbert woman cam . to
stgn the affidavit, however, she cut out
some of the most damaging statements,
and the men who were after Rosenthal,
seeing that neither the offer of $6000
nor the woman's story would drive the
gambler from the, city, killed him.
Rosenthal was to have met a final de
cision on the $5000 offer. Once and for
aH he rejected it and was killed. This
is the story that the Ttnderloln believes
to be the true version of the killing of
the notorious gambler.
Detective 'William J. Burns arrived
In New York today fresh from the in
dictment of several aldertnen of Detroit
for accepting bribes. Late this after
noon Burns took personal charge of
the work of his -men in the Rosenthal
.case. - . . .
fHnerlal tn The Journal.
Lakeview, Or., July 27. By a vote of :
146 to 82, the people of Lakeview Je-!
feated the $75,000 sewer bond issue to
install a sanitary method of handling'
the town's sewage. Many of the most ,
ardent friends of a sewer system voted
against the measure because of its
faulty wording. On the other hand
there were many votes cast against the
4 measure t -the -suggestion -oi -Mm-t
I the larger property owners, but It IS
likely that a new ordinance will be
drawn up at an early date, which will
I eliminate some of the undesirable fea-
tures of the-measure as drafted before.
' Lakeview lias a need of a sewerage
system, fof the rapid growth of the
town makes the older and unsanitary
methods of waste disposal a menace to
the health of the community. One man .
here states, that were it not for the fact
that this is the healthiest climate in
the world, with the best water system
found anywhere, there would be much
disease due to the neglect 'Of the people
in Installing a system.
- -i
Oregon City, Or., July 27. O. F. Wat-!
son of Tlonesta, Pa., arrived yesterday, '
having been on, an inspection trip iof
his. lumber interests in Alabama, Cali
fornia and Oregon, and will remain for
some weeks with his daughter, Mrs. W.
A. Shewman at Concord station, return
ing to his eastern home via Seattle in
company with Mrs. Watson, who has
been the summer guest of her daugh-,
ter, Mrs. Shewman. Mr. Watson is one
of the big tlmbermen of the country,
operating with over 100,000 acres in va
rious States from coast to coast. He ;
saya his visit here is for the primary;
purpose of securing still another tract ,
of pine timber. j
r?nit1 Prei Ue1 Wire.)
Nashville, Tenn., July 27. The repeal
of the state-wide prohibition law will
be the principal factor in the primary
election to be held here next Thursday
to select a candidate for governor. All
the candidates favor the repeal in some
The Prohibitionists are working hard
to keop all their followers out of tho
primary and to support Governor Hoop
er, Republican, for second term. Ex
Governor fcenton McMlllln, defeated for j
the senate by Luke Lea, is a candidate. '
Washington, July 27. The first batch
of washed and ironed money Will be dis
tributed within a few days, or as soon
US The' tfPasory"ei(!partmehT hai eeff'frri
nally satisfied that its money laundry
Is doing good work. Several hundred
thousand $1, $2 and $8 bills are ready
for release. The machine has been
washing money at .the rate of 20,000
bills a day and inspection has shown
that 90 per cent of them art satisfac
Rations for Gamping Trips Made Easy for Green -Campers.
i I. i
Oregon Agricultural College, Corvalr
Us. Or., July 27. "Camp Cookery" is the
title of the latest bulletin from the press
of the Oregon Agricultural college. It
la a small,., con ventent sized book i for
carrying' in the pocket of s, hunting
coat for.ready reference and contains In
its 31 pages a large amount of practi
cal and useful information tor - those
wbo spread their table under the green
wood bough.; It was prepared by the
school of domestic science and art for
the speelal use of forest rangers, camp
ers, mining prospectors and sportsmen.
lt-fotlows-somewharThe- lines of in
struction in the course in camp cookery
given at the college during the year for
the forestry, mining ehd surveying BtVL
dents. . . , y'1, ' ;. .
Believing that they could relieve Some
of the "blue days" in camp consequent
upon "sad" biscuits half-cooked "spuds"
and monotonously; greasy fried things,
the domestic science teachers obtained
from the forestry Uepartment of the col
lege and the forest service a ration list
and carap equipment selected by men of
many years field experience "Narid pre
pared a. list of 'H5 carefully selected
recipes. These are so simply explained
that It takes no initial culinary skill
to use them.? They are also conveniently
indexed at the back of the book.
; Xakenp of the XUtlon Ust -'''.
The nation list, sufficient for one
man for 100 days,- or 100 men for one
SalemV New ElectriclFountain
Ckarms Citizens fcy Color Display
(Sslem Burem of Tht JoarnaL)
Salem, Or., July 27. In the center of
Wilson park, and facing the capltol
building, Is Salem's new electric, foun
tain, which has the distinction of being
the only one of the kind west of Den
ver. Last night thousands of people
wiinej5sj;dJlifiratpuhU!L exhibition and
were delighted with its dancing, chang
ing vari-coiored play Of water. 77 I
This is not Ilka the usual fountain,
no matter how beautiful it may be in
design, which has a steady stream of
water playing over It, but it is full of
mechanism and requires the constant at
tention of an operator when a public
display is being given. The result is
that the water Is constantly changing
in its form and is illuminated by all the
colors of the rainbow.
The fountain is the bequest of Mrs.
E. M. Walte and cost nearly $6000. It
was designed and Installed by F. W.
Darlington of Philadelphia, who has
placed electric fountains in many of the
largest cities In the world, notably in
Brooklyn. Philadelphia, Mexico City and
three In the Crystal Palace in London,
The fountain is a circular design,
standing 10 feet high In the center of
a cement base 60 feet long and 36 feet
wide. Arranged on the top of the foun
tain, in various designs, are 600 water
Jets and five large tubes. The interior
Of the fountain resembles a power house
with Its levers and buttons and pumps.
When the fountain is in operation a man
is stationed on the inside and manipu
lates the levers and buttons to produce
the many beautiful effects.
It is through the opening of the flvl
large tubes that the brilliant lights are
reflected which transform the water
Into shimmering streaks of red, yellow,
green, pink, violet-and almost every
hue. Beneath each tube is a 80,000
candle-power light shaded, by a bril
liant reflector. So when the fountain
ls playing the entire scene is well il-
Avail yourself of this opportunity to secure any article necessary to
furnish your home, as there is a SPECIAL DISCOUNT on every
thingthie final wind-up of the July Sale.
Axminster Rugs
$16.00 ;
The Last Week of the Sale
Special Window Display
day, as given in the book,1 may be used
as a. basis for making up supplies for
camping parties. It includes the fol
lowing: 10O pounds fresh meat Includ
ing fish and-poultry; 50 pounds of cured
meat, canned meat or cheese; 16 pounds
lard; 80 pounds flour, bread or erack
era; It pounds corn meal, cereals, mac
aroni, sago, or born starch;' S pounds,
baking powder or yeast cakes; 0
pounds sugar; one gallon molasses; 12
pounds coffee; two pounds tea, choco
late or cocoa; two cans condensed milk;
10 pounds butter; 20 pounds dried fruit;
1 9poufids , rice ofbeans; 100 pounds po
tatoes or other fresh vegetables; 30
cans canned- vegetables or fruit; four
ounces spices; four ounces flavoring ex
tracts; three ounces pepper or mustard;
three quarts pickles; one1 "Quart vinegar
and four pounds salt. i ; - - !
Eight Eggs to round of Meat
- Eggs ; may be substituted for fresh
meat at the rata of eight eggs to a
pound of meat. Fresh and cured meats
may be interchanged at the rate of five
pounds of ths fresh for two of ctjred. A
substitute of fresh milk may also be
made for condensed at the rate of five
quarts of fresh to a can of the other.
Likewise fresh fruit may take the place
.of the dried in the ratio of five pounds
of fresh to one of dried. A ration, as
the word is commbnly used. Is the food
estimated to be necessary for one man
for one day.- The amount in this Hsris
t j
-4 W
; I
View taken when the fountain was
In operation for the first time
last night.
luminated. Seven differently colored
glasses are arranged for use at each
At the display last night one moment
a geyser-like tower of water ' would
shoot from the center of the fountain
and gradually fade from sea. green into
Solid Oak Dressers
Special Price
$ 1 1 o2S
Have Occasion to Note the Window Display
- '
Solid Oak Dining Table
Reg. Price $16.00
Special Price
Henry Jenning &
"Home of Good Furniture
designed to be sufficiently .liberal and
varied for all circumstances, and is the
maximum which 'should not be exceeded.
'.45 to 53 Cents a Man,
On the basis of this list a party of 1
six may be comfortably fed for 17 days.
The cost ; will vary, necessarily, : with ,
the location, being from 45 to S5 cents
a man for a day if near large markets
a.nd convenient to railways. Three pack.
horses must be used, or transportation
Is otherwise difficult the omission it
the .heavier provisions, such as' canned ,;
goods containing much water, and the,
substitution , of more flour,1 beans and
dried fruits . is advised. .Where fresh!
meat can not be obtained additional
bacon and corned beef must be included. .
Where the campers pack their own food
on their backs a still further cut must
be made in the heavy things. Under
favorable condition) plenty( of flour,
bacon, rice,' beans, oatmeal, corn meal,
tea, sugar, dried fruit, and salt must be .
taken, v As much f oap and jnatcliei oa.u
seems necesaarymuat-s.lso be carrled.-J-
S ' Ploturesque Diet on' X.lst.
The little book also explains how to
build camp fires,and what . should be '
included in the camp equipment. Among'
the- interesting recipes are s-those tor '
."army bread," emergency.;. blscults.TV
"dough .boys," "pulled fire bread," V
"ranchman's bread," "flap Jacks,"'.1
"fried quoits," "Mulligan,"- "hunter's ;
pudding,"- and "Johnnie cake." -. T
(By tbe Intarnatlonal Nfwi Srlee.) y i -San
Francisco, July 27. Reports of i
trouble brewing in Nicaragua and
which is likely to flare up when Gen
eral Louis Mena, the newly elected "
president, if ushered into office in Jan-i
uary, reacneg an mociscQ today on i
the Paclfio Mail steamer San Jose. '
When the vessel c&llad at nortm nf Nii.
aragua all was quiet but there was talk
or a demonstration which might be
made when General Adilfo Dlas, the'
present executive gives up his position.!
George B. Taylor, a mining man,
reached this city on the San Jose and
confirmed the rumors of impending
strife In Nicaragua. He said that!
two months ago all the Nlcaraguan in.
Salvador, including two colonels, had
been rounded up and placed in a stock
ade through fear of eomplicatlons.
shell pink. Around It S score of smaller'
sprays flamed in irredescent lines. Then
the central stream would crumble into
violet mist, whll. the many-colored t
rays that circled It turned to flame. -
Again gorgeously colored bee hives
seemed to r'se from tbe surface of the
fountain, while a spray of gold spouted'
in the center. These gradually roeei
until they turned into ribbons of many!
colors. Suddenly the scene- changed'
and beautifully colored wheat sheaves
The city has provided for a man to:
operate It and It Is expected to be an!
important attraction during the state
fair. R. J. Rlngler, of Portland, was
the contractor.
A big Pittsburg manufacturing com
pany pays about half the expenses of s
night school in which its girl employes
are taught several technical and do
mestic science branches at small cost