The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1912, Page 64, Image 64

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Advice on Social I tJ$ 'Fy&
- Customs 1 I ilM, .OA
ST ; -w SB S I 1 MB m mm w a
"N THE summer you perhaps will wish
entertain In an informal way a
guests, and I am solng to an
swer generally the numerous requests
for this kind of entertainment. First of
all, you must consider the weather, and
Jo everything possible to make your
guests cool and comfortable.
Tha clean, cool house, with bowls Of
wild flowers or flowers from the garden,
should be supplied with Comfortable
chairs, and after your .guests are re
lieved of their hats and handbags they
should be refreshed with some fruit
punch. Make this of lemons, oranges,
pineapple Juice or grape Juloe, with the
thin slices of the fruit floating on top.
Serve In sherbet glasses, or have one of
your friends officiate awthe table. Do
not give any cakes, as tne luncheon will
be given, and nothing Is more pleasing
to a hostess than the good appetites of
her guests.
Many forms of amusement can be
given. As a rule, women do not like to
do any brain work on a warm day.
QKim KiQ mors sunaoif to w c wintn
Indoor hours, if you have an engaged
friend who is marking her linens, an ex
cellent helpful way la to supply each
guest with needle and thimble and have
her work one lnMlal on a towel or
sapklo. In this way tha. many contri
butions will make a pleasant pile In the
linen chest, and the general sociability
Of the day will be In no way lessened.
Sewing garments for a poor family Is
another delightful way to pass an after
noon Arranging flowers in bouquets for
a hospital Is a suggestion for the coun
try hostess. If your guests are conge
nial and conversational, just a talking
circle should entertain. You know bet
ter than I.
When It Is time for your luncheon, the
guests should And their places by
means of place cards that can be easily
arranged by taking plain white cards,
cutting two parallel silts in each side,
and passing a rose, a pansy or any flow
er through the openings. Write the name
of each guest on the card. At each
place a bouquet to match the blossom
tn the card can be placed, with a
pretty pin and ribbon bow. A bowl of
flowers In the center of the table will
carry further the pretty floral idea.
For a small Informal luncheon, serve
a relish that can be either a canape
I io entertain in an mrormai way a iik i a Mrj
. . . . . - - MrS mW-- vi,r.ww-. AtmiL umw- - -
Entertaining a Man
DEAR Mrs. Adams.
Will you pleaie tsll me how to
.entertain a male eilltrT S. B.
Conversation Is the usual form of en
tertainment when one has a caller. If
you feel incapable of entertaining a
man, you might Invite vome of your
men and girl friends to call the same
A Quiet Church Wedding
Dear lira Adarei. . . .
Kindly tell me whose place It 1 to fur
nish carriages for a wedding. los thie
expense fall on the bride or bridegroom T
I wouia appreciate any. uiitetlone In
refara 10 a qaiei cnurcn wedding, as I
am rather sinorint In resard'to iurh
' The bride provides the carriages,
that convey the bride and the brides
maids to the church and the reception
or Dreaxrasi ronowing the cnurcn
xne groom provides the
. carriage to convev th uihkrt a -n :i
i .v tllurcn- ""a ne proviaes not . tne other half to the left. The brides
only the carriage In which he and his maids follow, the sime ant passing
oeit man -go to the church, but also op higher into the chancel between
the one In which he snd lis bride the ranks of the ushere, to stand, ne
tlriVf, way after the ceremony. lf at the top of the line of men en
(which Is a piece of dry toast on which
are chopped anchovlea, a little ravlar,
chopped onions, etc.), or a raw tomato
filled with minced meat and peppers an l
topped off with mayonnaise dressing.
Afier this, clear soup on which
whipped cream has been placed should
come. Follow this with croquettes or
broiled chicken and peas, a macedolne
of vegetables. Ice cream, bonbons and
coffee In small cups.
Remember that the clever hostess
need not be a great talker. She should
guide the conversation and bring out
each guest's best points. If one has
had a funny experience in London,
for Instance, there should be given a
graceful opportunity to tell It. Another
should be allowed to tell of her spe
cial work; a third, of a book Just read,
and so on.
The hostess should keep an eye on
each guest's plate, and give directions
in a low voice to her maid, if there be
one. No accident should rurfla her
temper or disturb the enjoyment Of
the meal. A poise, a graceful balance
should characterize the entertainers
And If you follow directions, your
guests will bav a delightful time.
In advance of the weddlns day, tho
bride and her mother settle vUh the
church organist what musical selec
tions shall be played at the entrance
and departure of the bridal proces
sion. The church is decorated with
palms and flowers. In many cases
under an awning a strip of carpet Is
laid from the pavement's edge t the
church door. The procunon of the
bridal party depends upon the num
ber of people In It. If the uhuiI num
ber are chosen, the following order
would be proper: Flrit the ush'r.
walking two and two; then follow
the bridesmaids In similar order be
hind these moves the orlde, leaning
on the arm of her father and Imme
diately preceded by her maid -f
honor, who walks alone. When they
have reached tbe minister, the groom
and the best man, who have entered
the church from the vestry room and
are waiting the approach of the firty,
in uaners Dreax ranks, one-balf of
th.i. h i . . .. i . - . u
oncerning Health and Beauty
EAUTTFUL. arms are almost a
necessity now that nearly all
tho gowns are out with short
sleeves, and "the woman wt0 possesses
lovely rounded, smooth, white arms may
Justly be proud of them.
It la to her less fortunate sister that
my talk is addressed today. Theglrl
with thin, bony ami, unlovely elbows
and rough, red skin needs only to spend
a few minutes every day In the care
Cy ' ")
Lend 6oves
1 1 !
the left and the other half at the top
of the line on the right, and thereby
completing a crescent that seems to
partially Inclose the chief bridal group.
When the ceremony In wr tho
brldo places her left hmd m the
arm of 'nor husband and they lead the
way out of the church, followed dy
the maid of honor oil die .inn of tho
best -mn, while in their veir conn
the bridesmaids, each on the arm of
an usher.
Proceed frith the Ceremany
Vrr Mr" Ada me.
My father h died recently. T hve ben
engused lo be married and our wtJJlng
Jjv has been iet for tlis firit of next month.
Wonl"! It be prTer for 'ii to have the
ceremony then? 'VThat should I wear In such,
a cane? ANNA K.
You can be married very quietly and
without any wedding festivities of any
klud on the date appointed. An vtl
whlte dress or a traveling salt may be
Dissatisfied With Home
IVr Mrs. Adams.
I am a younir woman and have few fir!
friends who 'all have nice homei and are
hawy. I cn:n (rom a la-ae family anl
have not a nice home. This makei me very
unhappy. I refine many Invltetiune to per
tlea becauee I know 1-rou.ld not enterteinr
the same peraone in ray on home 1 often
refute to so out with ynunti men bereme I
do not cere to have them eee my home. I
try to fix up the place to louk attractive,
but the th!n tn it are r old thit It ra-i-not
be Improved. Win you p!e tell trie
what to do. as I am ao downhenhteJ and at
time I feel tike leaving home, but yet I
lov my parent and rt not cure to irt
from them. Do you think they are J ir.g
rifht? r. J.
I can appreciate your situation; but,
my dear girl. It would be cruel to In
sist upon your parents leaving their
old homo. They have grown attached
tn the place which has grown dear t)
- th-m;"nt it wemtt te? hard fcr thrm
to break away from tholr old sur
roundlnga If your friends are the
right kind of people, they will not
Judge you by your home, but will ap
preciate your own true worth. Do not
fr)(r,i ifi,. ai-, ,
Ev Mrs, henry Symes
and- treatment of her arms to soon be
able to wear With grace the clbow-
lenjrtW Sleeves or an evening gown with
short puffs over the shoulders. '
The first stage In beautifying the arms
Is to wash them perfectly clean In warm
water, using a pure white soap and a
soft flesh brush for the elbows and the
skin on the outside of th arm both
above and below the elbow.
Now rub Into the skin a good cold
oream and massage firmly but gently,
rubbing up from the wrist to the elbow
and from that point tq the shoulder.
By pressing the flesh with the two fore
fingers of the hand, ufis a rotary mo
tion for muscle massage
length of the arm.
You can make your own cold cream,
for which I give the formula:
Kentucky Cold Cream
Rosewater '? ounces
Almnnd oil ounces
SperAacetl 1 ounce
Whim ax 1 a"1"
Add the rosewater lowly, so that It will
mix well.
The elbows can be very greatly im
proved by soaking them for a few min
utes In olive oil and then massaging
them very thoroughly, both with the
arm outstretched and with the elbow
bent. Do this every day for a month
and note the Improvement.
Before you retire for the night apply
the following lotion and pull on long
gloves that will cover the elbows. Th
warmth thus created will open the
pores of the skin and allow the lotion
to ho absorbed more quickly; it also
helps to whiten the skin.
Cucumber Lotion
Expred Juice tit cucumburs. .. H pint alcohol IS ounces
Bwt almond oil ti ounce
ShavUne cream (or melud cast lis
soap) .- t dram
Blanched almond.., 1 drams
This U a luave lotion, very whitening,
softening and clanalng.
A live-minute exercise that resembles
i"' L,,' J
Affcr Ippyng Cresm. t
i i
be too harsh with your parents; they
may not be with you very lonuc, una
then It will be necessary for you to
find another home.
A Second Marriage '
Drar Mn Adam.
I am a widow anil am to be married toon.
Wmili it te pro;er tor me to Ueue wed
dlnir lmltatiom In the nann. of my parent T
Mujit the pieflx "Mr." he before my;
Invitations to a woman's second mar
riage take the sarrto form they would
have If It wer her first. The prefix
"Mrs." and the surname of her deceas
ed husband must be used. Her own first
aud mJUdle names may appear.
She Extends fler Visit
Dear Mr. Adama.
I entertain quite a great deal during th
summer. gomoUmea a- person stays too
long In eu h a caae It is ha- I to get rid
of her without hurting her feellngi. 1 there
any tactful way to manage iurh a ilt'ia
I can understand the awkward posi
tion In which you sre placed. The only
thing to do in such a case is to have
some one coming to visit you or to run
cut of the town yourself, If only for a
When Introducing
Will vou oleaae tali me what ! the nroner
way U Introduce my mother to a man?
Tou should not Introduce your mother
to any one. Other should be intro
duced to her. You may say, "Mother,
may I present Mr. BmitnT"
The Napkin Ring c
Dean Mr. Adam
Is It polite to keep the napkin ring on th
table when entertaining at formal dinner
-fn one's own tieme- a?ta.
The table napkin rings are never seen
except when the family stone are feast
ing. In homes where a clean nspkln Is
given every meal the rings are unnecessary.
HORNING, JULY 23, 1313
rope pulling will do much to Increase
the growth of the arms, besides mak
ing the muscles flrm"and strong. Stretch
the arms out straight In front of you,
then imagine you are grasping a rope
and pull It up tight until' the hands
reach the chest. Practice this first
with one arm. then with the other, be
ginning with ten counts and increasing
each day.
Perhaps tho Bkln on your arms Is red
and rough-looking; If so, apply a lotion,
made by adding a leaspoonful of the
tincture of benzoin to an ounce of rose
water, which la excellent for whitening
the skin. ,
If you are troubled with hair on the
anus, use the depilatory here given:
Sulphld of soda or calcium sul-
phld 100 urglns
Chalk 100 grain
Mix thoroughly and keep dry In well
corked bottle until wanted for use. Take
enough o cover the part to be denuded
and add warm water to It until the
proper consistency is secured. Spread
over' the hairy surface and allow to re
main for from one to Ave minutes, ac
cording to tho nature of the growth and
the susceptibility Of the skirt; then
scrape off with a blunt blade a paper
knife, for example. It should le re
moved, as In every case with a depila
tory, when the burning seji?atlon Is pro
duced. Too long contact with the skin
should be avoided, and Immediately
after the hair lias been removed the de
nuded surface should be gently washed
with warm water and a cold cream or a
REPLIES to letters sent to the writer
of this department will be printed
In regular order; but no replies in
print may be expected in less than three
or four weeks.
Correspondents desiring Immediate re
plies to queries may get them by Inclos-.
fng a stamped self-addressed envelope.
Personal inquiries will recelte prompt
attention If accompanied by stamped
and addressed envelope.
Dry Lips
near Mr Rvmea.
Will you kindly tell m what may he don
for dry llpi? ANNA.
Rub the Hps at night with equal parts
of- water and glycerin. Do not pass
th tongue over the Hps, for tbe moist
ure la Injurious.
Oatmeal on the Face
Der Idri. Symts.
Will - you pieate tell me luet how ot
meal it ueed on the face? PIJKPLEXEP.
Make a thin paste of oatmeal by stir
ring together tne meal and cold water.
After straining through a fine sieve, tha
hands and fac may be bathed with the
mixture. Burnt times tho paste is Bil
lowed to dry on the skin.
An Ingrown Nail
Dear Mrs. gymea
rieaee tell me what can D -done ror ao
Ingrown toenail
I nave
wrv brittle teeth. Can I Uaa
ajivthin to make them leaa brittle?
Scrape the nail at the edge of the trie
until it is quite thin, then (Tut a "V"
in the center of the nail edae. Pack a
little absorbent cotton beneath th sides
of tiie nail.
Milk of magneia Is very gbod for
brittle teeth. Hold a little of it in the
mouth and uso It as a toothwash twice
a day.
A Pink Powder
Dear Mn. Pymee.
Will you please give me the recipe for
pink powder for ny face? IVY.
Following Is a recipe which you may
Powder of White Oeranium
(A Toilet Powder)
fltarch powder H Pjund
Powdered orris root t odnee
Oil of geranium U drop
Cmirh free from lumpe. Add th perfum
a i1i(-i. .11 a UM
To make a pink pewder for the face, add
carmine In ihu u.h roc.i-e It Is til to
mix tlie carmine wltn aicohol Diet and
Uteu aid lo Uie toilet iwder.
To Remove a Scar
Deer Mre. Hymea
Pleaae tell me how I ctn remove a arar
from my leg cauaeal front aciofula.
There are some scars which can never
be removed. However, It does no harm
tx try to efface them. To yours, apply
a lotion made of sixty grains of borlo
acid and eight ounces of witch hazel.
The Eyebrows
Dear Mn. Kymti.
Will y u Undly tell me If there Ii any
remedy lor darkening and Increasing the
growth of iheyebrvwa?
I ahuild alo like to have the recipe for
something lo remove superfluous hairs.
An thing but the electric needle.
To darken the eyebrows you can uso
either an eyebrow pencil or the stain for
which 1 am giving the recipe;
Chinese Eyelash Stain
Oum arable 1 drsm
India Ink dram
Roae water 4 ounces
Powder the Ink and gum and triturate
mall quantities of the powder with th
rosewater until you gel a uniform black
liquid In a powder, and then add th le
nw.mler. To Increase the growth of th eye
brows apply melted vaseline to them
every day.
Following Is th recipe for a devllatory
which will remov the superfluous balrs
A Depilatory
Sulphide of sod or calcium sul
phide !00 grains
Chalk . M grains
Mix thoroughly and keep dry la well
corked buttle until wanted -for uu Tk
nuugh to cover the part to b rie
nurie.1 end add warm water to It ntl
mam- te pfWw Js 1bB"bt
over the hairy surface and allow to
remain for from one to flv minutes, ac
cording to the oatui ef th growth ana
th eueceptlhlflty of th skin; then scrap
off with a blunt blader- pper knife, for
xarssl. It should be removed,, aa la every
bland oil applied to prevent irrita
tion. ' (P
When you have gained beautiful
arms, by all means wear one or two
gold bracelets as a contrast and to
show off the arm: but beware of mo
many circlets, or you will ruin the
effect of your beautifuarms
1A .. .
case with a depilatory, when the burning
sensation is produced. Too long contact )
with the skin should be avoided, and 1m
mediately after the hair has been removed
the denuded nurface should be gontly
waiihed with warm water and a cold oream
or a bland oil applied to prevent Irritation.
Lemon Juice Stings
Dear Mra Symes.
Will you please tell m It lemon Juice U
good for bleaching the skin 7 When I put It
on tt etlngi.
How long will I bav to us cocoa butter
to dsvalou th built J. . F. I'.
If the lemon Juice stings do not use
It Instead, apply slices of freshly cut
cucumber to the skin once a day.
The time required depends upon the
site of your bust. Remember that care
ful and regular treatments count for a
great deal. Along with the massage,
practice deep breathing.
Care of the Nails
Dear Mra Syine.
What can -be done for nalla that break
easily? What catues th white spots to
appear on Uiem? A KBADt-R.
Cocoa butter, cold cream or whjte
vaseline should be applied to your nails
frequently to reduce thesr brlttleness.
Ill heaith sometimes causes the white
spots to appear In th nails, but often
they are due to small Injuries to the
nails. Injudicious us of steel Instru
ments for cleaning w.ll cause the nails
to bear the uply white spots. The only
wy .ia.cur Ji)esels l9jetn$ve the
A Mouth Wash
Dear Mr. 8yme.
I ahool4 like o know what W-U make a -rocl
mouth wah for one whoee b.eath,
become uapleut upoo auas aomelhlng
ladlfMtibie. A RBADER.
A mixture of camphor and myrrh, a
few drops of each in a glass of water,
is excellent as a wash for tbe moutn
and for a gargle.
A Thin One
Dear Mrs. Symei.
I am very tliln and should like to know
lr cud liver oil will make me f!et)) How
long should I take itt li. 8.
Cod liver oil will increase one's weight
if a tabiespoonful of It is taken after
every meal. You should take th rem
edy until you have gained the desired
A ToileTWater
Dear Mr. Sytnei.
Aa soon u poaalbl will you kindly give
me tne recipe for a toilet waierT
Following is the recipe for a very
pleusant toilet water;
Lavender Water
Oil of lavender I fluid ounces
Alcohol tt fluid ounce
Roeewatar II fluid ounces
Magnesium carbonate 1 av. ouao
A Tooth Powder
Der Mr. Symes.
Kindly gle me th rectp for a rood
tooth powder. A 3 U BSC'RUiER. .
Her la the recipe for a splendid tooth
Areca nut charcoal Bounce
Cuttlaflih bone 1 ounce
Raw kroca nut, pounded 1 ounce
Pound and mix. Two or three dnp of
oJ of cloves or of cauia may be added If
a perfume is required.
A Cure for Bald Spots
Dear Mm. Byrnes.
I sm a ruung man who is most anxious
f.v a tonic that will oover up bald spots.
Can you give m a recipe? TOM.
Following ar two good recipes;
DldlUed rue water I ounce
Aromatic vinegar dram
Pure glycerin J'i ounces
Tincture nu vomica ounc
lAnoture casthartdee l ounces
Mix thoroughly. Apply night sod murn
ing. Another very efficient remedy for bald
spots is made as follows:
Baiicyllo acid
RMunrln ....
V grains
I grain
I drop
aesllns) 1 ouuoe
LenoHn (or vassllns) 1 ouuos
Rub Into th part sight and morning. -
Desires Wavy Hair
Dear Mrs. grmea .
I ba often received mtwh help from your
filumn. ana sow I sees mora eavira,
I aannut arraiw II nrcttllv. What can
So to make II wwry I I Stoa't want I ue
aruag Irvna . C A. 1.
" it la impossible to ftv your hair
natural wave, but li jo will use the
h.K r f
!;', '
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Tpe Brscee
Jfoyj off
Me Arm
- ye; -
fluid for which I am publishing the
recipe your hair will stay in curl for
?uite a long while. Apply the fluid be
ore putting the hair on tne curlers.
Curling Fluid for the Hair
la mad of a tabiespoonrui of bruleed
qulnceseed to a pint of hot water. Th
water Is poured over the seeds and the
whole allowed to stand tor several hour.
Th resultant mucilage may then be thinned
wkh a few drops o( essence of violet. . ,
For the Bust
Dear Mr. Byrnes.
I am a young girl and have a Very
large bust, which Is very soft aad flabby.
I have been wearing brassieres for th
last five years. Do you think that weirt
Ing these has put my bust In this con
dition? '
What shall I do to rid myself of blem
Ishea or stains on the skin? . '
How oan I get rid of gooe flesh t 1
What la a remedy tor superfluous hair
on the arms? i
What shall I do to whites and soften
by elbows T KENSINGTON, t
Thewearlng' of a brassiere will noi
makethe bust soft and flabby. To im
prove th condition of yours you shoula
massage dally with cocoa butter, usinr
a gentle motion, and practice - dee'
breathing. ' . ,
I presume you refer to brown spots.
These are usually an Indication, if live'
trouble, and for this you need the ad
vice and treatment of your physician.
The cause must be removed before th.
stains will disappear.
JJalhe the skin-with hot wstey-an "
use a good soap and complexion brush
After ilnalng and drying, rub olive op
inio the skin. ,
. For a uepllatory, use the reel pa rlvi
to 'Poor.Worried.-Marie.'i
To keep the elbows in a food condi
tion you should never lean on them.
Rub the cream for- which I n glvuia
the recipe below Into the elbows morn-e
liitf and night. This will round out thsj
elbow and soften and'whiten the skiu.
Kentucky Cold Cream
...4 eesees
Almond oil 4 eunoes)
ww dJxhV.Tw',er ,low,r
Soft Corns
Dear stra Eymes. . . 1
What oan be dons for soft corns thai
grow between tie toe? AMI i7?
Soft corns between the toes may ofterj
be cured by keeping them covered wlti
absorbent cotton, either sprinkled wlthj
powdered aium, soaked in turpentine OA
quiu dean said volu of anything. ,
Soap for the Hdr'
Dear Mrs. Brma -
Kindly tell m whst kind of soap is
beat for on to nee on a hesd which IS
covered with dandruff. XHSJL,
Tar sospi or sulphur soaps are goo
for the shampoo when one is troubled) I
with dandruff. I
To cure dandruff you should rub castor
oil Into the scalp once a day. It is sis'
necVssary that the hair be brushed
thoroughly every day. 1
, m
To Beatrice-The great thing to re
member in housework is to keep the
back as straight as posaible. It you are
standing to iron, to wash dishes or to
prepare food, stand as erect a you pos
sibly can. with the abdomen held In, the
shoulders thrown back and the chut
rising and falling rhythmically to the
measure of deep-drawn breaths. Let In
s 11 the sunshins and fresh air you can;
and whatever you do, go sunnily about
your work, remembering that every rl
is ao ugly wrinkle.
HairlsOili -
Dear Mra lyme.
WU you plea tail me what make V
balr a dreadfully ally and what can t
don t Improve to evadttioaf SAfcAil.
An excessive secretion of fat by tv
sebaceous glands of tha seaip cau. a
th hair to b extremely oily. Platu;1.
aace of the general keallh sre ns'ia. : t
at the bottom of the trouble, if
' sary, constitutional trtaunsnt should t .
glvea,' For local treatment u th I -t
on, recipe , for whica is here i - -llshed:
'-. t
?owdr4 boaboaau f
, .,! , : S'in-e
Iitatllied water 14 f
Mil nl Selta'e ,:-"t -
)le. if I C '., .If :
a tipr vi. .