"A THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1912, CHraCPODIaTS PR. C. ASQUTTII. New York expert foot specialist. Miss Asquun, electrical i clal, Bray massage. 612 Swetland bldg. . CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN . HAVE given -thousands of ' adjustments ; . $2.60 week. Bath office 2d and Wash. COAX. AND WOOD - Prompt Delivery; - "3fflii(ir- Any Length Green and; Dry Slabs Short or 4 Foot ALBIDOA FUEL CO. Phones! E, 182, G-1117 mi? " SPECIAL ty PRICES ON GREEN SHORT WOOD. $2.b0. GREEN -4 FOOT WOOI. - -- INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.50. DRY SHORT WOOD. pAWEUST-,-oruKfled4ing,- The- - Portland '.Slabwood Co. Main 3119. A-7001. BORING WOOD & COAL CO. East 3138. Country slab. Tabor 1742. B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. PAOSLTABWOOD COti&l Green siatowood, big and small Inside frlock wooflT pTaner IrTmlooTflWond: Mn-n- jP, tnrr For a short time we iNeer & rarr wm sen no. i 4-foot cord wood at $5 per cord. No. 1 4-foot oak at $7.25 per cord. 1.1-4596. A-4547. BEGHER'8 WOOD CO.. F. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 38th and Vaughn. Main 6359. A-2415. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 8 IS, B-1867. WOODdellvered direct from the forest to your hirae, old growth, $5 per cord. Orlando Zeek,. Greslmm, CA. PORTLAND WOOD - YARD. Fir, oak, slnbwood end coal. Wreck ge. Otrf and Gllsan. Main 3363. A-2283. Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry St. STANDARD WOOD CO., Box wood, cord and block wood, coal. 847 E. Stark. Phones East 2315, B-1695. ALBINA.FUEL CO. All kinds of green and'dry wood. Rock Springs and Men flota coal. COAL aud all kinds of wood. Phone Holgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 485. PHOENIX Fuel f'.-v T.r tnnnd II hi) per load. 521 Savior. Main 3544. EDLRFSEN 'handles wood and icoal. CHINjTDCTOBS JING WO CHINESE MED. CO. cures men and women. Ne-v location 186 4 llorrlson t near bridge. DR. J. L.-LONO MEDICAL CO., phy sician for men, women. 253 'V Alder. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS E. OEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store front and store fixtures especially, glazing. 2!)1H Ankcny. Marshall 2861. HIGHEST grade carpenter and cabinet work for batiks, stores and homes. O. H. Hnmmond, 185 Madison HA R R Y-E STA N FOluT, designer ana builder of .modern homes, flats and a pn rtments. Off! ce J7 3 5 n V, Morr! son. COLLECTIONS , PHYSICIANS' Dentists' acct., general collections 201 Medical hid. M. 6167. DANCING PROF. WAL WILSON'S dancing school. Lessons 25c during summer season. Including lady dancing teachers and mu sic. Walta, two-step, three-step, etc, R5U; 5th St., between Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. -HEATH'S school, lusaona dally., waltz, two step, three Ntpp, Baltimore or schottlsche taught in first lesson. Alisky bids'.. 3d nnd Morrlsimji's. H F. A TTf'sTs " i'l "ioT., fo 2d. bet. Wash ington and Stark, private dally class, Mondnv S to to. lesions -5c. DOG, CAT AND HORSE HOSPITAL J. G. Slee, D.V.S. Dogs and cats t-eat- I ed. boarded. Wood. 3n70. 1601 Alblna, FROWN BROS., 546 Wash. Main 4086. A-40S6. Res. 91 E. 12th. K. 5440. B-2287. j FURNITURE REPAIRING ARTS and Craft shop, furniture re naired. ref inished. uacked. upholster ing. Mar. ,1964. 7th and Flanders. . Ref. GENERAL REPAIRING. GENERAL machine nnd eleetrlc work, repair of electric motors and dyna mos a fcpeeiaUy. I". Hlppely, 224 Oak. 6l;U lawn mowers mode like new by Improved new Invention; low price; expert torksjTiitb. Pete Policr, "24 Main, DA ESSMAK1NC SCHOOL Valentine's syitrm nf cutting, tailoring, dtf !.maktng- tnught. 3S3 K. Mnrrison. BTATIONARY and marine, electric. eiiilpmentH; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing, ReiiTscn Marhlnery io.. 1 fl Morrison. hair goods FEBVET & llANKITT Leadlnn wig and tonpte makers; finest Ftock of human hair goods; hair flresslTiK. mrnlcuring, face and sea In treatments. 147 7th, nenr Mor. M. 54(5. SWITCHES, 7'iif's an'l-Transformation mnde from combings; dvring. Mrs. Grimes, 1 75 17th st. ,N. Phone Main 6 1 74. HAT FACTOBT LADTES' and -gentlemen's hat cleaned and blocked. .Roval Hat Works, 223 1st. M. 5442. KODAK DEVELOPING ROLLS lleveloped free; prints, Sc up; ! CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co., Ited. 205 Merchants pert furniture and piano movin mall orders solid Trust blriK- INSUBANCE JOHN KER Insurance, Nurtv Ijonds, mtge loans. 1323 Yeon hldg, M.92R5. Jli'i'A ROAR, Bates iTTveiy'Qi Yeon bldg. Every form of (nsurnnCe'; bonds. PA tW( Ts 'I' A TES EIRE INSURANCE CO. Onlv Oregon fire lnsuranoe com. LANTERN SLIDES STEREOPTICONS; advertising slides, show cards and hanners. Grant Carder, Peoples 'I'h.-atre MOk., Pnrk and Alder. STEREOPTICONS, siu-s7bnnners'. cardsi etc. Enterprise Art fn 73 H 6th, LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHAR. L. MA STICK & CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description; tap nanufacturers, findings. MACHINE3T B. TRENKMAN & Cp.. hydraulic and special pipe, smoKe fiiacKs on tanxs, mining muchincrv, repairs. 104 N. 4th. MESSENQBBS. HASTY MESSENGER CO.l open night ' tn1 day. Main 53. A-2158. MOTOBCYCLE HEPAIBINO REPAIRS of all kinds: also bicycle sup plles and repairing. 489 Burnside. MSIO SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS PROF: T. E. LAWSON. 13S 14th St., . Main 5197; piano lessons; beginners, Mr. K TIIIKLHORN, violin teacher; pupil fievclk. KftO Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1629 SCHOOL OF Mt'SIC. staff of teacheis, - rw.' fftntwrvatrtrr tif-w nwtrPon ttmit. 0F7ICB FUKNITVBB DV5HBT LESKS and 'office, furniture. ' 1'aley Desk Co.', 210 7th et. Main 687. OSTEOPATHIC rHTSICIAgS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON," spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic fllsenses, 208 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. FAINT, OIL AND GLASS 'PIONEER . PAINT - CO.,' 188, Firs st Main 1334.' A-7043. ' THE BEAVER VARNIPH WKS., makes GOOD products. Ask your aeaiar. RASMUSSEN &CO., "High .Sundarr paint, ne. cor. 34 & Taylor, fli.. A-xm. painting in FAFsxnra War Rates In ralntlnc and tinting. Tinting a epe- clalty. Marshall 2516. FOR best work. prices right, call P.. A. rtnime STR"! t WmK'E. 101S. ' TINTING 2 room upj! painting, paper , hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1834. WALKER. 226 Taylor, Inside work a specialty. ' Lowest prices, jviain GOOD work, my motto. A. Osbourn, ?86 E. Wash. B. 2167. E. 4214. . H. PICKARD: plhtingi tintin- 'pa pering; satisfactory work. East 16. PATENTS obtained r1 trademarksrcopy rights registered In all countries; book lets free; .consultation without charge. Peter Harberlln, 326 Worcester Diog. PATENTS procured Of X. K. Mock.;At- iorney-ai-L,aw, tate oi u. o. rwm vi Ice; book free. 719 Boa-d of Trade bldg. PAWNBROIEB UNCLE METERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years In Portland. 71 6t"- Main siw. PHOTO SCENIC VIEWS. Free exhibit Oregon scenery and coir mercial work. 413 Stark", ,"" PIANO TTJNINO FRED JACORSEN, piano tuning." 1 2. 60T 18 yrs. experience, mo a.- Mam ai. PLATERS OV ALL METALS. WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208 4th. Plating and polishing. M. 9348. A-71, We replate silverware; sell you new. Port. piat. & Mrg. uo.. zsa-Tnurman. m..vis PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and York., Main 8489. ANSLEY Printing Co.. 250 Oak. 4G71. Printing to please. Main ROOFING, FAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting, Jobbing, J. Losll, 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham Co-.. 231 Stark. Main 1407, BADGES, trade checks," brass signs, stencils. Krebs Bros., 114 2d. Mar. 1871 JBAFES THE MOSLER Safe Co., 108 2d St. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bnrgains in second hand safes. SASH. DOOBfr J108. United Glass & Glazing Co., sash, doors. ate glass. 11th, Gllsan. Main 44.5 1. BUILT to order screen doors and win dows, painted and hung, complete. American Screen Co. Phone East 5229. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES THE JAMES T. MARSHALL .MFG. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, store a nd offi ce fixtures. 289 Pouch. M.2703. SHOWCASES oi every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. R. If. BTRDSaLL, "HAMILTON BLDG.. Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. Washington st. S. E, Gilbert. -201 SIGNS AND SXOWCABDB OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Marshall 4383. 312 Dekum bldg. WTKR & KLEISEH Signs; the lar gest sign makers in the northwest. F. 7th and R: Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. . 'WAHLANDER CO., room 702 Swetland tddp. Phone Marshall 4922 for scenic and pictorial show cards, cloth signs. Special window trim. TAILORING AT.FPEn OCILBEE. 310 Labbe bldg.; 2d n Ti ii Wnhintnn Sulrw to nrrtpr. TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladies' Tailoring CollegA learn dressmaking, talorinp. 143H 11th HCMCLTE'S lAdies' Tailoring, Cutting College. 800 Central bldg., lOth-AWer. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND BYORAGR C, O. PICK Transfer &J5torage Co., of fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooma and flropfoof vault for valuables, n, wv cor. 2d nnd Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. i Special rates made on goods in our I through cRrs to all domestic and foreign E2!H!2! Main 596. A-1998. PORTLAND Van and Storare Co., Inc., 13th and Everett ; most modern storage warehouse in city; low fire insurance rato proof of tills. Free trackage; mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods in through cars to "nnd from ca.-;t Main r.f? 0. A-1520. OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, free trackage. Offices and storace. 474 Gllsan street. M3th and Ollsan. Main K9, A-1169. -Ex- lnr. 1 trunk 50c ech, additional 25c. M. "089. A-47Z4. NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co., 64-68 Front. General transfer and storage. Main 446. A-4 4 68. BAQCiAOE A Omnibus Transfer Co. Es- tabll llshed 1882. Phones M. 6980. A-3322 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 33l Morris st. C-3168. Stand 6th and Couch. raTJNJKJMANUrACTtrBESS SAMPLE cases, trunks, repairing. West ern Trunk K- Leather Wks. Main 9032. TYPEWBJtTEBS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun - inghnm Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co.-r-Rebuilt, 2d hand. 142H 2d st. Mar. 419. JffPJWLSTEBHBS CARTWRIGHT & CO.. 188 Madison, up- noisiering, nirniture repairing ana ! mattresses; work guaranteed. Main 6336 Golden Rod Vacuum" Cleaners, 216 Com monwealth bldg. L.A.Amlck,Mgr.M.4O30 WEtLDEILLINC JAMES W. GREEN, well drilling contrac tor, 25 yrs. experience; 8, 10, 12 In., any depth, 690 Vancouver ave. C-2478. WHOLESALE JOBBEXI EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front St., Portland, Or. Phone Ma t H9. WADHAMS It CO., Wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. M. A. OUNST & CO., - PISTRIBt'TOK Oh FtffR CIOAR8, PORTLAND, OR. . MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., z30 2d st., between Salmon and Main. ATTeN &' LEWIS GROCERIES 41 POR i' LAND STAR HOMESTEAD No. 42. B. A. Y., meets every Thursday evening In . the Moose hall 6f tha Royal bld J46H Morrison st, s. W.or. 7th st Visitors welcome. , FRANCES FRY. 1100 Denver ave. Phone Wjoodlawn 94. Correspondent MEMBERS of the Degree of Honor, A. U. U. W. and friends are mvitea to attend a reception to Grand Chief of Honor? Margaret Herron at Port Indus ioage room, 128 inn st.i jmaay, Aug. 2, at 8:30 p. in. By order of the lodge. ROSE COULTER. Attest: Chief of Honor. J. .R. MANN, Recorder. :. MOUNT HOOD CIRCLE, NO. 151. W. of W will rlv a nnclat "Shirt Waist East swa-W, o. wJJau it;ast aixin ana Alder streets. Best ventilated hall In the city since Installation of eight large windows. Weinbergers orcnesirs, ao mlsslon: Gentlemen. 50 cents; ladles, 25 cents. - - - - -- IVAN HOB lodge. No. 1, Knights of Pythias, meets every Tues day night Castle hall nth and Alder sta, . E. M. LANCE. X. R. a THE annual picnic of Orphla temple, No. 18, Pythian Sisters: will be held at The Oaks Thursday afternoon, Aug. 1. All sisters and families are Invited. Bring your lunch basket. '' ' HELEN M. LAM AH, M. Of K. St a. NOTICE to members, that AlWna lodge 470, F. U. of A. has regular meet ing every Monday evening In Hill's hall, Russell and Williams ave, B sura to come, always something doing. H. M. CALLWELL. Sec'y. R'. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frl. eve.. Allsky hall, 3d and Morrison. BUSINESS CARDS- W, 6. Smith & Co.TSicX Washington bldg.. cor. 4th, on Wash'ton DRESS suits tor rent, all sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 8Q9 Stark St. CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison St. DEATHS AND FUNERALS DANIELS In this city, July 23, Carol Brace Daniels, aged 28 years. Fu neral services will be held at Flnley's chapol at lft a. m.. today. Sunday. Friends Invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. Deceased was a nurse in training at Good Samaritan hospital and was to have been graduated with this spring s class CASON The funeral services of Emily Fl&Yence Cason will be held at the Fourth Presbyterian church, corner of First and Glbbs street, at 3:30 p. m. to- day, Sunday. Friends Invited. Inter ment River View cemetery. KELLY The funeral services of the late Sarah Catherine Kelly will be held at Gresham, Oregon, at 3 p. m today, Sunday. Friends desiring to at tend may take special car at First and Alder streets, at 1 ;40 p. m. BOYER In tills cit", July 28, Amelia Bnyer, acred 53 years 2 months and 21 days. P'uneral services will be held at the chapel of the Portland Crema tor i u m ajtdySu n d a 600 choice lots and single graves on new ground for sale. Office 206 Com mercial block. Telephone Main 4989. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141 6th st, in Selling bldg., Main 7215 FUNERAL DIRECTORS J, P. Finley & Son Third and Madison. Lady attendant. Main 9, A-1599. Dunning & McEntee Mnoddeerrnak every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-4558. Lady assistant. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director and undertaker 220 3d St., cor. Salmon: lady assistant. A, R, ZELLER CO. B o h phones. ERICS0N Undertaking 6133. A -2 2.15. Co. Main Lady ass't EAST SIDE funeral directors, success or to F. SI Dunninur, Inc. E. 52. B-2525. I rDPU Undertaker, Lady assistant. LLIlVtl B-1 888, E-7R1. E. 6th-Alder. HEMSTOCK, 1687 E. 13th. Sell. 71, B 112: and Unlvers. Park. Col. 394-395. Pearson Co, 371 Russei: rectors, 369- 1 ft.. E. 1080. MONUMENTS OTTO SCHUMANN, granite and marble works. East 3d and Pine. East 74.1. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS BRONG-MANARY COMPANY, Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. and A-1743. BRUBAKER McKay Bldg. & BENEDICT, Main 502 549. CHAPIN & IIERLOW, 832 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1652. KNAPP ; MACKEY. 212-18 Board of Trado. M. and A-2010. OREGON REAL ESTATE CO.. THE Grand ave and Mult. 14. 67, C-1 703. SHIELDS. J. H. 205 Gerllneer Rld(f. Main MS) The Oregon Law on Advertising Air bereou. who In a newanuDcr or other jertillcal, - or tn puhftV ' wlrerriwrnettt. or lelfer or clroiilur, kdowTngljr miilie. or ftti emlniite any stntenient ur nnsertlon concern ln(r tho quantltj or (jiinllty, the Talnc (he mpichmidlse. or tho motive or purpose of dny price. Uie method of produolne or aitnufnc ttirf of his merchandle or profoMlonal work. or the manner or soiiree of tmrehase of mifh krIp whleti l mitro or enlrnlnted to mlsleml. 1 nhnll t" deomrrl cullt.r of a misdemeanor, and I on eonvletlon thereof vhidl !e punished hr a I fine of not than $10 nor more than $50, , or hy inim laonment in the county Jail not r- ceedlns o dnv. or ly both anch fine and Ini- i prlnonment. (I.. 1009. c. 104. p. 104). j Tho attention of ndvortln'-rs. who ne "The , Journiil." well p that of the public, la dl- ! reeled to the ithove aectlon from the Oregon i Code roverlng ndvertlHlng. I "The Journal" makea the'aame rate on dla-I play adTertlxicir to all advei tlei. In pronor-1 tlon to the annee used, aud doe not make ' "fish of one" advertiser and "flesh of in- j other." believing one olnaa, or profession, In- dividual, or corporation has "etiual rthta" to . advertise a in other tlitnits. and ahould do o en the same terms and conditions. ! "The .loiirnnl" believes that It Is no crime tn advertise. i Headers of "The Journal." answering adver- j tlaements appearing In this paper, are re qneated to report In writing any failure on the part of the advertiser to do as be advertises, j and If the complaint Is well founded, that ad vertiser' will be denied access to these eolnmns, I a haa been done In the past, nnd If the ad- I vertlsoi's acts are In violation of the law he will be subject to pntssjitltlon. There are no Advertisers n"lni these columns i against whom comphdnts have been made fcy our renders, and when eomphdnts are made prompt atteutlim will be (riven to them. ('. 8. JAfKSOV. Publisher. CLASSIFIED .in KATES In effort April 1. 1912. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED. C ASH A D V ERTIRKMENTS. Dally or Sunday, 1 time 9c per line. 2 consecutive times. 8c per line rer in sertion. 3 cr more consecutive times, 7c ptr line per Insertion, or 7 insertions for price of 8. No ad counted for less than 2 lit'es. The above rates apply to "New To day" and all other classifications, ex cept Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wated to Rent ads. Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartnttents and Hotels excepted), the rates are: 6c per Una first insertion. 4c per line each subsequent Insertion. No ad taken for less than lBc. CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time. 10c per line. S consecutive times, 9o per line Insertion. per 7 or more consecutive times, 8o per lino per Insertion. The above rates apply to "New Today" and all other classifications, except "Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments anil HotM wixpte 1 h rate 7 per- iln per Insertion. i No ad charged for less thaB two lines or ISc. v ' . Contract rates upon application, A phont call will bring a solicitor. MEETING NOTICES REAh ESTATE TRAKSFKRS CERTIFICATES of title made. Title & Trust Co., Lewis bids., 4th and Oak. A. M. Johnson to Jennie Johnson, wife, lot 10, block 8, City View Park 1.700 . 00Z " jaatAeiSur t JtJOtq 'Z o sa-aa "V 'A i usjijbs 8Juir Portland Trust Co. to F R. Chap in, lots 27. 28, blook4. West -Portland Park ;....,....... 160 Mautz Building & Investment Co. to Edna H. Petzel lot 2, block 13, Irving-ton V'... ............. "7,440 Z. II. Duncanson, executor Mar-. -r gajret Sargent.- to George E.- r tna, lot ze, mock a, iieser voiv Park .................... Keynote Realty Co. to Dora Wag ner, lot 6, block 1, Glen Harbor Central Trust & Investment Co. to W. Louis Fliedner.-lot 1. blcck 8. Colonlal HalghU ia. j. countiss to K. it. worm worth, lot 13. block 21. Vernon G. L. Llndsley and wife to Per-. meua t;. xucaer, lot 11, diock IS, Overlook -...., . . .... Hibernla Savings bank to B. C. Turner, lot 13, block 14, Kath- - arina Thomas A. Edwards and wife to F. H. Hoenel, lot 9, north half lot 8. block 24. Arbor Lodsre. . . . Olin F. Ford and wife to Portland Trust .company, lot 6, block 69, Vernon ........ t. 8.600 Laurelhurst company to Chrlstene V-Mutfctnsi- let -17.- block :-Wr Iaurelhurst Albin Pajunen to Nannfe Paju-, r nen, wife. Jot 17, block SO, Belle Crest .... ... ..... . PaulF. Puclos and wife to H. H. JNobie, jot az, block i, wooa mere 800 Title & Trust company to E. W; Reder, part lot 6, lot 7, block 8, Mallory addition 760 Mary M. DIHey to HJlla M, Lug- ' net, lota 6, 7, block 6, Brainard BOO Abbie Pigueron to H. E. Smith, lots" IB, 16, block 12, South St Jdbns 7V V. : ; . ;vv ; t;7T77t ;t. v 8,000 Calvin H. Huit to W. R. CumJ mlns, lot 1, block 14, Mount Ta bor Villa 100 W. R. Cummins and wife to Cal vin A. Huit, south 30 feet lot 5, block 12, Brentwood 100 E. L. Cooper to Mrs. Jeff Cran dell, lot 22, block 7, Willamette addition 8,000 Lizzie M. Salberg and husband to Callle B. Charlton, lots 19, 20, block 4, Mansfield 600 Ernest S'eldman to Lloyd S. Law son, lot 5, block 112, Laurel hurst : 6,000 Ernest B. Nelson and wife to Pat rick Murray,- lot 6, block 2, Hecker addition 600 Mautz Building and Investment company to Blanche E. Irwin, lot 2, block 26, Irvington ..... 7,875 Earl W. Hamilton and wife to Charles Masson et al, lot 6, block 12, City View Park 2,160 Minnie Frink to Francis ri. K.ee non, lots 3, 4, block 7, Alder Springs 650 Cassie K. Buckman et al to J. H. Misner, lot 18, block 47, Waver leigh Heights 1,000 Demenico pi Sciulla to William Donahue, lots 3, 4, block 1, Se rene Park 1,000 H. J. Parkison and wife to the Home Builders' company, lot 6, block 6, Laurelwood 650 Ladd Estate company to Laura Bretscher et al, lot 6, block 24, "Westmoreland 700 Laurelhurst company to G. W. Priest, lot 17, block 11, Laurel hurst e 1.800 R. J. Richardson to Mrs. L. P. Hanson,- lot 24, south half lots K 9R hlnelr TtalstonH addi tion 8,200 John Halsey Jones company to A. A. Baumann, lot 8, block 24, . Jonesmore 80a Cberles O'Connor and wife to T. K.- Strlckler, lot 12, block 34, Belle Crest 00 Ladd Estate Co. to Fred C. Lei bold et al, lot 9, block 9, West moreland A . . 630- William' E. Love and wife to Stella Campling, 61x100 feet beginning at northwest corner lot 4, block 8, Piedmont 8,948 Council Crest Investment Co. to F. E. Paseomb, lot 7, block 30. Tract "A," Council Crest Park 800 Fred K. Hungerford and wife to Thomas I. Hoyt, part lots 7, 8, Mock 3, Pleasant Home addi tion " 8,000 Portland Masonic Cemetery Co. to La Grande H Pearl, lot 119, section I sd. Ccm. . . . . ... ' 160 R. W. Schmeer et al to Mary G. Rose, lots 19, 20, block 8. First Electric addition to Al blna , 600 Ladd Estate Co, to Irwin C. Sut ton, lot 21, block 12, Ladd's ad dition 2,000 E. W. Reder to Edna H. Allen et al, west 33 1-3 feet lot 6, block 8, Mnllory addition 1,260 Lilly Trigg and husband to George R. Gels, lots 30, 31. block 6, Arleta Park No. 3 812.000 "VV R. HAIZLIP CO., Inc. Abstractors, 605 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. NEW TODAY Do you want to investi gate? Our autos are at your service. Join the next crowd. Our organization (as well as our oil) will bear the micro scopic test. We are not only willing, but anxious, to lay bare our proposition to those of the most critical and exacting business intuition. HEADQUARTERS AT 270 Stark Street 5000 ACRES $35 Per Acre HILMHETTE VtllEY UND Not cut-over mountain side or second class land, but deep rich soil of the highest grade of the fertile lands of the Willamette valley. Thirty-five miles from Portland, 40 per cent In cultivation or cleared. Bal ance young fir. jfbout 10 per cent heavy tlmbor. Not. ono acre of waste land. From 50 per cent to 100 per cent cheaper thah general prices nnd good value in small tracts to the hus bandman at $100 to $150 per acre. I know of no other such magnificent body of land, nor nothing at such low price. I bolleve this tract could be turned in 90 days at $75 per acre; If in the hands of the right party. It takes practically one third cash! to handle it. G. E. WAGGONER 805 YEON BLSO. Exclusive Dealer In Large Tracts. MORTGAGE LOANS On city, property at reasonable rates. CLARK-CANNON COMPANY. 6 Board of Tradt Building. 4,600 NEW TODAY JL Pointers: It Is ' Portland's most charming residence sec tion. Trees d . shady walks, rnrnfcirtahl homes. - I Two new bridges will make It a short ride on . car. without delay. Lots have not been In creased in price for ad vertising fund. Abstract goes with each sale, showing satisfac tory title. It Is not ncssary to build at oncebuy and build when yon please. t -Tms --1 --per - -can t do wn. 1H Per cent per montn. People are buying right aiong ior iuiure uuuu . lng., - i.: agency for the Piedmont roperty, Five carlfnes run to the Pledmonr district none through it. Visit the park-adjoining Piedmont; see tne play grounds for children. Values will Surely In- crease. Prices now 81000, $1100, $1200, 8130U 618 LumbermeiiB Bldg., 5th and Stark Get our new map and plat free. Market Men We have booths and spaces for rent for the fol lowing: Fish anrJ Poultry. Meats. Delicatessen. Creamery Line. Confections. Family Liquors and several Sundries. In the new Sanitary: market on the southeast corner of third and Alder. Best location in the city. 50x100 for Second Floor Grill. Flaherty & Connolly 622 Yeon Bldg. TO LOAM $20,000 TO $40,000 On GooJ Inside Real Estate OREGON REALTY CO. 43 Fourth Street Marshall 3790 : A-3324 PARK STREET $21,500 Quarter block, now paying in come of $10.") per month. Terms: $11, .WO cash, balance ! at 6 per cent interest. Louis Salomon & Co. S 229 Stark St., near Second. Fine Location For factories or warehouses. 1200 feot fronting the Willamette river, almut HOo feet deip. abutting the S. 1". Ky on the west line, giving excellent transporta tion facilities; owned by an estate and ran bo bought for $100 per front foot. This Is fine, property and by reason of its location valuo. will steadily inrrnase In THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35 10a 4th St. A-3S00 To Lease Th ret! story brick building and base ment, Union ave., close to both water and rail. Will remodel to suit tenant. Long lease, reasonable rjnt. MALL & VON BORSTEL lff4 84. 408 B, Barnside 1280 Acres, Slump Land In Cowlitz county. 90 per cent tillable. Fine soil. Value $12.50 peFacre. MILLER & C0NKLIN . 619 Henry Building, i 860 Jfr 6.600 xsTf. 600 XSSsJ CONDOR STRIPS PINION CROSSING YAQUiNA BAR Newport, Or,, July 27. The gas schooner Condor stripped a pinion while crossing Yaqulna bar this evening and was towed, In by the" OIlie S. A sail was quickly made and a distress signal raised, which' was answered by the life saving" crew. The crewlaldtotitrthe '-ZTl "v. wo-i,iiu twice . wnue crossing ine oar, enaan- BerJtiS-.ti4.1d9XMt.awciUKQC)l- the sail held her . steady till a new con nection toi matte, xne conaor win be laid up at Newport one week, NEW TODAY $10,000 Piedmont Home Joti$7,500 Only $1,000 Down Owner just wants enough cash to go to eastern Oregon. The balance nothing- down for - four years .xcejjt. -the Interest every 3 months. Did you ever hear of such terms being offered, on one or the tinest homes m .f leumont. L,ot 130x100 'with 23 small pines, locusts and dogwood, corner, faces thred streets, fine lawn. 9 room artlstlo bungalow. revery modern con v-ertiencerewwe lsh, maple and tamarac, rioors. mis is an awful sacrifice, but there's a reason. Owner offered" 19500 for this home be fore completed. BE QUICK. He's In a nurry to leave town. Let us snow you early Monday morning:. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. E. Burnside St. Home Price $6500.00 Lot 50x100 and modern 7 room house, situated 590 E. Burnside st between E. 14th and E. 15th sts. This Is a beau tiful place and in good shape. We can arrange terms to suit purchaser. , MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Second St. Lumber Exchange Bldg. IN IRVINGTON ON 19rti STREET Built for a home.J Excellent finish throughout; sleeping porch, breakfast room, three sleeping rooms, fine fife place in living room. In short, all the conveniences and comforts you would choose. High, sightly lot, splendid lawn and trees. Moving to California, the owner will take $6000; $2000 cash. This is $600 below actual worth. Columbia Trust Co. Ground Floor Board of Trade Bldg. E. Flanders St. Bargain Price $1350.00 Lot 40x80 on East Flanders St., he tween E. 26th ancf E. 27th sts. -This prlco Includes hard surface streets. Terms $600 down and balance to suit purchaser. MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 Eeoond St. Lumbar Exohange Bldg. Portland Heights Attractive nine room bungalow, two hathrooms three toilets, automatic gas water neater, three quarter acre grounds, beautifully' wooded with na tive trees. Price ti 2.000. Can arrange terms. HENRY C. PBTHDHOaiME, OWBZB 808 Wilcox Bldg. Mortgage Loans AT LOWEST CURRENT BATES INSIDE CITY LOAITs, SPECIALTY ttABTMA2T-THOM2S0ir BAJTX Chamber of Commerce Bldg. mooter a vo AUCTION SALE OF OF CHINA AND GLASS WE AUK NOW CLOSING OCT THE HAII.KY & CO. STOCK. AT 421 WASH INGTON. ST., NEAR 11 TH ST. Comprising Royal Doulton, Mlnton, Coal port and Crcsent in English China, Hpv lland French China. Coffee Sets, Salud Sets, Cake I'lates. Service I'lates, Bouil lons and Saucers, etc. All in Imperial China. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: We Wish to Sity to the public that this Is "no so culled closed out sale, etc., but a gen uine going out of business proposi tion, as The Iiailey Co. is retiring, anil as is umuhI with us we positively have NO HKSliRVE. TERMS ARE FOR CASH Purchases of $10 or more will be de livered free of charge. iSALES EACH DAY- AT 2:30 AND 7;30 P. M. PLACE OF AUCTION, 42 i WASH I Nt 1TON STREET. P.AKER & CROW ELL, Auctioneers. ON TUESDAY NEXT AT OUR SALESROOMS 16(5 AND 16S r.VRlC KXRKKT, WE SHALL SELL THE FINK FURNITURE ETC.. RE MOVED FROM J. FEN IK RESIDKNCE. TRINITY PLACE, WITH INSTRUC TIONS TO SELIf THE SAME TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. . , Comprising genuine Leather Couch and Morris chair, Library table. Gas lanin, large Mirror, IMctures, Lace Cur tains, -Portieres, Couches" and Covers, Rattan and- Fibre Chairs, Center, tables. AxmlriHter and Brussels rugs,' Parlor Fockers. Pedestal Dining Table, Buffet, Cnlna cabinet, Chairs, several very pivttv Brass and Iron beds, best Springs and Mattresses Pillows, quartered oak Dressers and Chiffoniers, set of Rtd path's Library of Universal Literature, tde Luxe), other books, antique mahog any Dresser, Refrigerator, Steel Range, Kitchen cabinet, Utensils, etc. THESE GOODS WILL PES ON VIEW TOMORROW; SALE ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT be seen on weanwtay afternoon. sausvu""' " ON THURSDAY NEXT AT 19 A. Al, W. C. PAKER aUd C, A. CROWELL, 1M-S Park st. Auctioneers.. P0IK8 E..: AMI HII Take Two " of Senior Event: Repeating Friday's Sue cess Hart Elected. Victoria, B. C, July 57. Portland oarsmen at-tha-annual regatta of the North Pacific Association of', -Amateur Oarsmen, again demonstrated their su periority In tne second day's races held at Shawhigan Lake by capturing two of the three events today, A fairly fresh breeze blew throughout the afternoon, the result being that tha water was not as smooth as on the first day and the times somewhat slower. 1 s , ' ,t ' The Portland representatives . tooli both the senior singles and senior dou bles, the -latter crew- betng-that-wWch won the Junior doubles .yesterday. Pf sender Betalns Tltl.' 1 " In the senior singles, Pfaender, Port land, won easily from F. Nott, Van couver, who was second, and W. T. Ken. nedy, J. B. A. A., third. Pfaender fin. ished bine or ten lengths" ahead of Nott who was two lengths ahead of tho Vic toria oarsman, time 11 minutes t 3-S . seconds. 1 - The senior fours, which was won W the Vanggilyercraww1th Portland sec- ; ond and the J. B. A. A. third, was tha most thrilling race of the regatta. The ' crews were as follows: Vancouver, H. P. Carper, atrokeA. E. Tennant. Noj S; M. H. Smith, No. 2; H. A. Baker, bow,! Portland, J. Helwlg, stroke; W. Rising. No 3; E. A. Hansen, No. 2; A. A. Allen.! hoW. J. B. A. A., B. E Scott, stroke; F A, StackpooL No. 3; M II Scott, No, 2; J. Donaldson, bow. Even, for First Mile. , , ' The three crews were about level for , the first mile, then for the next quar ter Portland led, but Vancouver spurt-" ed and drew ahead, winning by two lengths, with the J. B. A. A. a elosa. third. , Havely, stroke and F. R. Newell, bow,' after winning the Junior event yester day, entered for the senior doubles and defeated Simpson and Kennedy. Vic toria, by four lengths. Time, 10 mln utes, 14 seconds. The Portland and Vancouver senior crews were scratched. Bart Vice Preeldtw. The Portland crews showed their au perior training throughout the regatta, fintshing strong in every event At the annual meeting of the associa- iiuu r. mcu. Kusseu. Vancouver, was elected president, R. Hart, Portland, vlca president, and H. Kent, Vancouver, secretary-treasurer. fc ; : Next Begatta at Vancouver. The next regatta, according to rota tion, will be held at Vancouver. The question of including an eight ' oar event was discussed and while feeling favored the move, no definite action was taken. The advisability of a 140 rfirvd crew race was also brought up and the matter was left to the Van couver Rowing club to decide. FOREST GROVE MAN "E W. Haines of Forest Grove, erf state senator, who as vice chairman of the Republican state committee. lift.Oe come the head of the committee by the resignation of Bruce Dennis of U Grande, has decided not to call the committee together until next month. Campaign plans will then be taken up. Dennis resigned because of his de cision to support Roosevelt. Hs de. clares he is yet a Republican, but he recognized tha't if he tried to retain the chairmanship he would be out of, tune and his resignation would ba de-t inanded. , .-'.; j On tho plan announced by Haines, the Taft campaign will not reach a lively; stage until September. The committee Is expected to take up the cudgel wtttt-f out a quiver, however, and do all It can; fr Taft. It is not yet known what speakers can be had from the eastiilf any. - Speeder in Double Tronbla." f (Special to Th Jocrnal.l : ' I Spokane, Wash., July 27. Arrested for speeding. 1), L. Vaughan,- 4 young Spokane man, is now confined In the city jail charged not only with violating the speed limit but with theft of the roacmne M:w:iiaJ.TOlIOiuhan was endeavOTinxia.:iffi speeding charge, Dr. G. Shelledy ap peared at the police station to report the theft of his machine, and pointing" out the-, motorcycle Vaughan had ridden, positively Identified It as his own. A camera which will enable motloa pictures of the aurora borealls to, ba made has been perfected by a Swedish scientist. ?V Auction Sales AT Wilson'sAuction House Cor. SECOND and YAMHILL Regular Sales Days Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 a. m. FOR ALL KINDS OF GOOD MEI. IUM PRICE FERN ITU RE, tARPE'M, ETC., HIGH GRADE FURN1TURK, ETC., AT PRIVATE SALE, INCLUJa ING 1 UPRIGHT PLAYER PIANO In mahogany case (cost $!I00), oim K1.KO TRIC PIANO, 2 UPRIGHT PIANOS n fine condition, all at prices that will Interest you if you art looking for ft good Instrument. We also have a larKa stock of high grade Furniture, equal tn new. Come in and look through. Yvt can find almost' anything ftV wUh W Haviland China, Cut Glass, Prlc-a-ltia , Statuary," etc., etc. You will bs sur prised at 'the Immense stock we eany and the low prices we quote. MERCHANDISE Groceries, Shoes, Stationery, Hardware, Etc. in our variety store, next to auc tion room, at about wholesale rust, FOR PRIVATE SALE RESTAURANT Located at Twenty-elf.-i.Gi e'i, I J.' T.. W1I.K1 .N, Au' tl .i. I Furniture, ftro.-l.- r,t Me,. I n, I bouKtit fur-cfh. f.:l:i l-!-. A 4 suras DEIS f