2 k THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1012. - 1 EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 21 WASTED REAL ESTATE 31 ROOMING IIOCSES 53! EUSLXESSf CHANCES . 20 nrsixEss chances r,XaiAXGEKILL ESTATE 24 rirThe Oregon Locators -f "510-511 Rothchild. Bldg. Main 1222 ' ETEADQCARTERS FOR - EXCHANGE. 40 acres, highly improved farm, near Newberg, good buildings, large orchard, 01 kinds fruit, for house and lot in city, to value about $5000- clear-ef- lacum. brancea, 10 acres, close to Portland, 10 minutes from street car. all under htffh state cul tivation, fina buildings, fruit, etc.; a fin lacs lor stocK of groceries,, lnctuaing midtng and let-in suburbs, up, to about 0'W.' ...... . House and lot, rood location, value fSOOO; clear of Incumbrances, forclose ln acreage. " Booming house;' 80 rooms, very cen tral, price 2800, for city property or acreage. Hotel, strictly modern, 80 rooms, long lease, best location, for city property or acreage to value about $3500. Fine fruit farm in the valley. 75 I1EAA . , . .s, j acres very fine land and all In bearing fruit; excellent buildings; want stock or general merchandise in good country town to value of $15,000 or less. See us for exchanges' on any kind of "Property. We errthe wideawake and quick action traders. STOCK - general merchandise. Invoice i $15,000, to trade for farm; might con elder city property; splendid location. '' Stock of general merchandise, mostly rrocerlea' itore huUdlne and 2 modern bungalows in Tacoma,. Wash. to trade ; tor improved larm; . 11J.500, equity $8500. for 'improved farm; price .on above , '" i-apafttoent flat building, In Nob Hill district, Portland, income $120 per trade for clear income Drefar 2-anartment flat b ulldlngs, bwt would consider residence close in. We have many other properties to trade. See us or write, giving full de tails in first letter. Bright Realty Co., Inc. .: ' 202 Hamilton bldg. n BiTcra plaoapt 0 xleare i iL 15. IjCcuIII VI-" xion, t acres 6 year 01a newiown nppieu, -- few -trees bearing, good 4 room cottage, large barn and outbuildings, lft acres garden, balance place in barley thin year and was good crop; two miles to 1 good railroad town, 2,& miles to another -' and Only 6ft from Medford, on good county road; good spring end good well, best of soil, all for exchange for a good f mercantile stock In the Willamette val- ley, Chittenden & Neill - 810 Oak st. IP This 100 acre place, with 60 In culti vation, and crops in and looking fine, oniy ft miles rrom a gooa vviiiameue ; valley town, with good house and barn, bearing orchard of about 6 acres, con venient to school, with fine living wa ter and best of soil. Stock and imple ments all 80 with place, all ready to go . to making money, should appeal to a genuine eyeryday farmer that wants a place to farm where be will not have to make a grubbing machine- of himself for years to come. Only $75 an acre. Take part in Portland property. . Chittenden & Neill - 310 Oak st. Exchange fiA acres. SO cleared, nood house end barn, close in, to trade fpr city property, 40 acres, 80 cleared, house and barn to ' 1 trade for city lots, or house and lot. I -Good 7 passenger car, 1912 model, to I trade for good house and lot lira jo tnto "The Acreage Man" 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 3264. 19 acres, convenient to ear, (United Hallways) best of soil, on good road, 12 acres in cultivation, fine ereek and good well, good 3 room house, fine large earn, chicken house ana otner outDuna Ings, 4 acres wheat. 1 acre oats, acre potatoes, ror gooa house ana lot in; Portland. . Chittenden & Neill 810 Oak t FORTY acres near Latourell Falls.. ahout R mtlefl east of Portland, nonr mm .. 'Portland-Hood Klver auto roarl now in- . Ing built; is very beet of soli and most- - ly tillable; large spring stream contain-. Ho ACKEH of gmrl land, 1 mile from Ing trout runs through place; cun be' boat landing, In flnent dairy coun- 'divided into small tracts with wster on trv In Orernn; will benr rlnun inves- : etch; price $S0 per acre: will exchange tlgation. Will trade for Tortland resl - for city property. Osburn Bros., 503 dfnee. K MfKy irtr, .... i WE HAVE one of the best hotel propo- sltlons in the city; has 48 rooms, nf-w furniture, beet or locations and the rent is only about half that of most of the hotels In the city; will trade for a farm ln the valley and pay cash difference this i is gilt-edged; it will pay you to J- i!!UJ(.a' 5J:L"er - 1UJ a-435 ChRm- r.,:ii..,:;,:","c;-. : station, partly cleared and irt C4ilt .ilUrtEXClIANCE my, 16 ,Joi,-, JSOOB; . WLU , BWenfcJlrst-irtortgage, note well secured. 10 acres in crop. f7r g0o,i city property, clear of lnonmbrn moaern or i-roorn nouse witnin two v1 til?rr,e.IUl$y ln Wf8t "' Crn,r' K-661. journal, ilUDERN S-room dwelling. 1177 Ella- worth et,, Waverley Heights, for lm- proved acreage on eulmrban car line near Portland, value $7600. Apply 708 1 wiicot Did 'TO EXCHANGE for lot In Rose 'City I I'arx. witnin one ijiock or Manuy lioao One horne and gasolliio wnfidsaw; will pav difference In rash. phone Main .6869. (WHAT have you In city property to fx- chango for a fine improved tract of acres at Mt. Tabor? Oood living can be made on" this place. Owner, :i . liumbormens bdp. NOlHTScTto sell, c7pHvTMariT, field. Bandon Information Hureuu Lani values and locations given free. 1014 1 Chsmher of Commerce. 10 IMPROVED ar rc.. new 7 room I omp. Orchards, Clarke county, for port lam! residence eo,unl value. 101 l Ciiauiber ' of Commerce. , ROrMYurni(itie.i mnTi: " Mt ReljTh Center, V'neh hvmi!i J 1 00''); will r trade for acreage mar Portland on car- line J - 2 8 . .Iournal ' $860 corner lot to ex ! an f r email store or auto or win ti ll f"r $io riown. I don't need the lot Adilresa owner, H-t. Journal. - ' I WILL trado my o-4ij!tv" "f JlifL'i In 3 lots In Sellwood I,:m pa 111e.nl on "new 6 room bungalow. M.ihi 7403. Mon- , dev. - NEW 7 rooi.. ln'i-lem i,...me. ti,,,,. for 1 acreage or s'"ni; f inu. M'im li .- ome Improvements N"t " t ij'i 1:1 1 j i from Portland I'hm e TalM :',i."2 VILL tradrt 10 res or U' nr.piuveil fruit land In Clarke ro mty, W.-ikIi . for auto truck c. s. uU3 Journa;. jVancouvfr. Wash. i 1 HAVE a home In n nire dlsfl't l'rlie v $4000. with nothing iiK,ilnpt It. that X want to trade for a farm I want to jesl with owfterw onlv .1 -211. .lonrnn! JefeW 7-riom revldence, I.nrlinirn'. nave equity $21", value Ifiooo; want 1 lots, land or ofer. H-191. Journal. OOOD 6-room modern houfe. lot H'mina. ' In City View Park; want 60x50 w ith 3 : or 4-room, J-341, .lournal WELL improved 240 hi ir farm with " ' Stork andf crop pear Cmvallls for acre fm tf ctiv nfwi"tr K-711. Journal. ir IU" ll Si'.l.l., 1!CV on TRADF. SEP PHOKMAKKH INV. CO. . fi wriv pi nn ma;' 44r,r. tluu ArimnKD Uoj a i es I arm Um 1 - - for modern 6 room rtsldenci. Tal"u- $T1!; : WHAT have you to trHde fur 6 aero t-tVlLoui etauon?. J-2i0, Jouthiil. 4 77,ta M.trflt, tt eltv iirnnnrlv tn Iradrt' for Vtpck of grwcerles. J-n'l, Journal WILL" buy, sell or trade anything, 11 F. Lee.,1015 llvard of Trade bldg. - ".: i . $14,000 Equity In rood ranch to trade - for city property about' same value. - $10,000 Two houses and one lot E. 8d, near Oregon, for city property and some cash. . $8.500 I,arge lot and 6 room house, Walnut Park, renting $S0. Will trade equity of $3000 for coast cottage, 5 or rooms, equal value. : .- -, ' $ t, 000 Three 4ots and splendid t room house at coast; want Improved city .property. l $-S,B06-gCwo:goo(LJiJots Wtllrfmctte Heights, improved streets; . ... . .. want bungalow Hawthorne dis- trlefr about same value with room for garage. $ $00 Two good lots on peninsula and .Borne cash; want bungalow, Rented, not over $2500. JACKSON & PEERING, 246 Stark St. FOR EXCHANGE. 12,000, house and seven lots, Port land, for farm. $2300 to $4000 bungalows, Portland, for farms, acreage or lotSi $6500 bungalow. Kansas City, for Fort- lartrr -nome.- $6000 lots on Sandv Boulevard for su burban home. J. R, HENDERSON- & -CO., - 60? Spalding bldg. Marshall 8951 . A-4154. 750 ACRES IN SOUTHERN OREGON. 300 IN CROP. IMMENSE BU1LD- T.TNGS. ' 70 HEAD FINE DAIRX STOCK. u :he ;s MmTOS FARM. PRICE ONLY $60,000. WILL TAKE PORTLAND PROPERTY. - PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE, 7-KTAttK i'ARM of 120 acres'. 35 acres in cultl vatlon, good 8 room house, plastered, brick basement, spring water piped to house, fine trout stream through place, 40 acres of good fir timber; is only 15 miles from Portland and near station; in Washington county; will exchange for city property. W. H. LANG CO., 815 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. One of the best farms in the Willam ette valley, well lnproved, 320 acres, Close to irood town. 1125 ner acre, or -wtip'take; grtorTctoBeTrr Income-jiropertyT 01 iu n resilience in ruruana as part payment; small amount of cash, balance reasonable time at 7 per cent. P. O. box 24 4, Albany Or. 10 acres cherries,TYears 673. 160-acres fruit land, all cleared. 820 acres plow land, all cleared. 1B0 acres, 30 acres cleared. 3 0 acre fully equipped chicken ranch. 7 room brick house. Most of above Is unincumbered. What nave you to exchange? W. J. BRUCE 608 Yeon Bldg. 160 acres land less than 60 miles from 1'ortiana. 100 acres level; 40 acres creek bottom, 7 acres fine trees; acre strawberries; 3 million feet fir timber; 6-room house, barn 40x60; spring water 1 piped to barn and house. Will exchange ! for Portland property or good hotel or apartment house. Security Develop ment t o., 3th and Pine, Hundreds of Trades Of every description. We can match anything, great or small. Farms for rooming, bouses, rooming house for city property, acreage, for cltv property, cheap lots for small rooming house, eic, eic. ( k ) J. E. NICHOLS CO.. 1& Yeon bldg. MODERN 10 room residence with sleep lng)nroh. bulltln cooling closet and all up-to-date conveniences, walking distance, worth $7500. will take less. Will take some kind of business as part payment to $2000 or $3000. balance ran run long time. What have you? II-10S .TournaK 2000 ACRE3. ALL UNDER PLOW. " PRICE, INCLUDING ALL STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, ONLY $75,000. NOTHING TO EQUAL THIS IN ORE GON. WILL TAKE PORTLAND PROP ERTY. PACIFIC COAPT BROKERAGE, 270 STA RK. HALF neetlon In "No Frost" belt of Klickitat county, on Columbia river; 220 acres set to finest young orchard and vineyard, in that jcUoij, ha If - tail to postofflne, More and school; want airaira lana or city income. come. No junk or hied. H-7, Journal. big mortgages entertal 150 ACRES IN THK NOTED APPLE. GATE COUNTRY IN SOUTHERN ORKOQN, 100 ACRES UNDFR PLOW. PRICE ONLY J50 PF.R ACRE. WANT , 1 OK I LAND RESIDENCE. i-a,ici COAST BROKERAGE. 270 STARK. Nice highly improved little farms In Willamette valley, worth from five to seven thousand, for home In city and cash or mortgage. Real estato or mort Khk for runabout or llsrlit oar. Tilla mook firm far cltv property. Martin. , T.mnher Exchange J k y tcm o r ,p ;r , i b Yn bid $ll"0 equity in five a'-res. balance $10 per mo. and Interest 7 per cent; two acres In crop, bearing fruit trees, four- room house, clihkun house and park, lotn or rouniry property considered; 15 mile out. M-7S. Journal. WIAT havTymilo IradedFllTacres the Oregon RlPrtrlr near Tiiear-.i partly cleared indin ntiltlva- rn nre 11.72. journal ;80- eWalfRlfa "or" fruit "land npw dl(ch. houei Darl1i 5 acr ( me.ons and BHparagi s. half mile to school, store and poslofflce; part cash, balance to null, Home exchange. 11-8 , journal SALE OH EXCHANOE. ;noo eoultv In house and lot In Montavllla, worth $2000. Part cash. Would take auto up to $1000. Owner. r;r, Journal. FIVE room houe aud lot In Latah. Wash, for auto. KO acres, Lincoln Co, J 'J n f) ; take nuto as part payment, or hnuso and. lot ln Portland." Mr. Lowe, l'2i 7th wt Oregon City. fjiifi.n,-r wheat ranch In Umatilla coun- ty to trado for apartment house or site to build apartment. TEUTPCH LLOYD CO.. 2712,lneKt. IKOn eoultv in Ladd's addition lot for rood Mt Tabor lot or will take house find lot and If hnl. is cnyy payments, pre-l.-r Hawthorn ave. district east of E. f.at'i st A-23 Journn!. CL'SE in acreaue. Portland pmpertv. lease and furnlr.hlngs of a paving apartment Iiohfo, exchange for a farm, Htiv or all. Cull at 4 31 E. Taylor, apart ment 2. MODERN 7 rooin -houfe niar carllne, b't TiOxlOO In good residence district. Settle, to exclifi iu;r for Portland prop erty. "10 Henry bl u. SO acres. 10 acres clear, balance timber and pasture land Near lallrnnd Price f'.". iht acre, for Portland property. 310 Henry bids' I WILL trade my eoultv In k Lents i its. Arden Park, for wagon and tentu I orne". e.-ttie, raln or hay. ( has. W. It; e. Mvrtlc t'reek. Or. $ 2 00 20 acres, adjoins sore and school; louse b;rn. 6 acres In young orch ard, under new ditch. Part cash, some exchange, rfst to suit 11-9, Journal I Ai'KI'S clear to exchange for cl-nr b't cl ote in from owner; no Agents. Marshall i'lill HAi.I! or trade for a home 4 acres No 1 garden land near city limits. P-2j:" Wll I. trad.' good lot In Rossirlere for l "Uf and lot at Seaside. H-78, Jour nal T IN rf.m modern house, west side, fine location. No Incumbrance. Want farm or affaire. 23 Allsky bldg. 6'. acres at Wnndburn. higlilv improved", plenty fruit and berries, for home In Ponl,...! 30 Henry bldg. TIlP.Kn now, molorn bungalows valued ITf.'ei. to exchange for Improved farm in valley. 310 Henry bldg. , improvements. 125.000; will take olvy property In part. 420 Lumber Exchange. Good acreage to exchange for a 30 or 60 room h'Mir or hotel. , Main l503 after 6 p. m. Back to the Farm Says James J. Hill, which -certainly many people, will wish they were back to the farm when they find out that they have lost a chance for a proposition like this: 7 acres, all extra good fruit land within 40 rods of the city limits of Vancouver, Wash.; 2H acre in : cultivation and crop; balance will clear for $35 per acre; rural de livery and telephones-Will take a nice bungalow and pay the dif- lerence 11 any. One Acre - -Good 8 room house in the heart . of the thriving city of, Chehalie, rWasiu;: will trader far anrall-acre . - age around Portland; must be - good. -This property is high class and will readily, bring in good interest on the money by renting; plenty of fhiit; good neighbor hood, s The owner of this prop erty Is a widow lady who wishes to come to Portland nearer her. children; will make a sacrifice for something that will suit her. What have you 7 $70 Per Month 20 room apartment house and furniture; lot 60x100; some nice fruit -trees twilf -exehenge-for acreage in the Willamette valley. Trie price 01 tnia is very reasona--ble and- 4fc- 4 paying -a b4g-4a terest en -the money, - Unfinished 8 Room House Within 7 block of the car line; will exchange fora good -lot un- -encumbered; owner is. not able to finish this; will make a big sacrifice. Here Is a chance to get you a home on an extremely low prioe. If you want something good, come In jto our office ana We Will dMorrBeTfiese lo-yftTiml assure good cash values. 1 G, S, Smith & Co, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Main 255. To Exchange, Some good Irrigated laud near Red mond that will exchange for city prop erty or acreage near the city with a house gn it. :-XT(t "in. Westmoreland '""'at""'pi.rt""'''pi'3fi ment on a house. Several house to exchange , for lots that are clear. Home good hotels and apartments to exchange for farms. An apartment house In Boston to ex change for property in Portland. Here is a chance forgSomeone who wants to go back east. We hope you don't want to go, but if you must here is your cnance. A house in Spokane to exchange for Portland property. Tell, us what you want and we will get it for you. WAGNER & HUNT. 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6957. .We -want a lta.lf section of good hay land near a railroad; win pay cash. WAGNER & HUNT. 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6957. , Ideal Home A beautiful, comfortable home place, 1 acre of ground, onE. 52d St.; good i rooms; all city conveniences, . over 50 fino fruit trees in extra good condi tion, apples, pears, cherries, plums, quinces, Krigllsh walnuts, butternut, gooseberries, currants, raspberries; good chicken house and yard; will trado for flats or other Income property. SEE -MR. JONES. OOWEN-IDE TRUST COMPANY, 2 Lumbermens bldg. Ground floor. $0500 in first clasa real estate contracts. payable monthly, for acreage close In for summer home. Good rooming house close in, free from debt, house and lot, grocery store or acreage. 4Vs acres at Ryan station, 6c fare; good house; for-fcity property. Two 5 room bungalows,! $2500 each, mortgage $700, for grocery store, or would take auto a part pay on either one. M, C, Reed Co, Main 4C75. (J17 Hoard of Trade. Hotel, Central Location 35 ion;;ia, In 1th st., near Morrison, 4 years' lease, furnished fine, bent loca tion in city, steam heat, water In each room. A money maker. owner hua other bufinesa that takes his time. Will trade for lots, house tnd lot or farm or acreage, clear or would tell on easy payments. Portland Business Exchange HlLuJl1il0,lll,L '''' Marshall 382. INCOME PROP&iFrY WANTED IN EX CHANGE FOR 1 tract of gooa land 1 tract of good lau i 1 tract of tp'od lund 1 tract of good land ..... 1 tract of good land , . . . $5, J00 173,000 $65,000 ,..,$68,000 $J ij.OOO These are improved and all good lands and well located. We have many oth ers. Come and see us if you are looking for farm lands. Everett & Crew 609 Rothchild bldg. To Exchange 57 acres, 11 miles eat: of Vancouver, close to railroad and boa't lauding; 13 aereo in- prunee; 0 acres meadow; "2 -Lacxea .potatoes;- good -a r-oiwn house. prune dryer, store house, barn, chicken house; (food team, harness and wagon: all tools hectssary to place, j cows, j heifers, 125 chickens. Price isooo. mortgage $4000. Trade ln equity Port land property. nee J. 11. Ulbson Chamber -t'f Commerce. B1J lo ACRES, 5 miles from Newlierg, $&0 per acre, take residence to $3500 or might consider business property. 40 acres timber land, near electric line, to exchange for city property. 20 acres near Medford for residence to ,150U. Good paying rooming house to exchange for citv lots to JlEaft. Good new busi ness house tn exchange for farm t6 $13. ooa. W, W. Green, 713 Chamber of Com merce. Do You Want a Trade? We have trades for timber land, farms, logged off land acreage, hotels, room ing houses and city property of all kinds. Come In and w will match vou. PORTLAND HUSINE8S EXCHANGE. 710 Rothchild bldg Marshall 3d2i"). 520,000 apt. hous" to trade, for A I farm up to $ 10,000 or vacant property, If your property isn't clear, waste of time. Net Income $P1 month. THE H.VRBOLT-WILSON CO. INC., 913-017 Lewis Hidg , 4th and Oak. Main S400. A-71K. HAWTHORNE, 8 room modern house. corner, hard surface street, JH.ino. Cottage, 100x115 ground, electric sta tion, S 1200. Oiibm land. S S acres. $2000, 5 passenger auto, $15"0. Will consider Rood acreage or farm. Chamber of Commerce. Automobile. Wanted High class machine, 4 or 5 passen ger wanted, 1911 or 1 P 1 2 ; will give first class fruit land or city property up to $3500 G. C. II A R ROLT. Main It 0h 97 ACRKS strirniland one mile from R. R.. Lincoln enjnty. value $1500, clear of Incutnliriince'. Trade for bouse up to $2500. Miller Conkl In, 6 1 9 Henry bldg. Marshall 4u .";. SWAP COLl'MN 25 FOT'R Sjiokane lots, value $200 each, to trade for furniture, diamonds, phono graph, typewriter and desk. J-32$, Journal. HAVE 7;, Parker hammerUaa gun, pcr f';i t ("iidltlun, I want a good Undcr woo'o upewrlt.-r or a food bicycle and, some rash. Woodlawn 2600. I NEED a liorse, buggy or light car; am engaged in out of town work. Have ;n room louFe. win give dandy trado If sours Is go-d. 1M2Q. Journal. $15o oi goon nold stock to trade for small house or houseboat In South Portland .T -3 S 7 . Journal. WILL KXi'HANGE 40 acres in Klamath Co. for Bin;ill cur. 11-188, Journal. WANT to buy home on Installments; , must be In good location on fully im proved streets. House already built, or constructed from my plans; must have 4 bedrooms, living and dining room, kitchen, cement basement with f ireptare. Small payment down and not over SS Ser month Including Interest and taxes, tve full particulars la answering. H 159, Journal. ' WANT first class farm for grazing and to include 60, or 60 acres of good plow laiid; convenient to transporta tion; anywhere tn the Willamette valley; can pay- $12,000 cash If - Improved with Duiimnrs. a-. journal. I HAVE clients for farms 60 to 160 acres.- anda 7 tract for - subdivision, about 4000 acrtSi Close around and-ln the Willamette valley. L. P.. Nuck, 214 commercial diock . Main siis, WE SELL REAL ESTATE" BARGAINS VACANT-QR-iMFKOV Ki SECOND HAND REALTY CO, Our properties are Just as good, only the prices1 are leas. 316 Selling bldg. V7 A XrTl rm.n small Wfition tftM ments of $10 to $12 per month, no down pavinent; tit. - Johns district - prererrea. Give particulars and prlca A-33, Jour nnl. WANTED Large body of stuma- land, either side down Columbia, for Port land income property. ' Keystone Realty co., 36 coucn piag. fWANTED - r6 - - er - r west of E. 21st St.: will give $2400 worth gilt edge securities aa first pay- went, 6t5Her-y-ildKi : WANTED .$8504 for tae beet, ,8. room house in Ladd's addition; ground 40x 125 feet deep, 20 foot alley. Call Mar uliall 1585. Residence Sellwood 476. I WANT to buy a 4 or 6 room house, Montavllla ' or Woodstock district; will pay cash, no agents. Address H 112. Journal. I WANT a bargain In a good house on monthly payments, 80 acres land or blach" O-yg, Journal. 'ANT large house and several -acres or ground on car line, some traaa. bal ance monthly payments, low ' interest. G-95. Jouranl. I WANT to buy a home, equity in lot as first payment, balance $35 a month. H-1S, Journal. WANTED To buy home, 6 rooms; have vacant lots, all paid as part payment. Telephone East 3651. 109 E. 6th Bt. WILL buy Montavllla Bungalow, also vacant lotsL Jf jrlce is right. O-lll, Journal, ' '.T ---- - rWANT a iow ' priced lot or small home near or south of Portsmouth ave., on easy terms. H-15S, Journal ROOMING HOUSES 5a Sell or Trade 28 ROOMS, STEAM HEAT, ALL LARGE Outside rooms, in one of the best cen tral locations; rent $5 room; long lease; furniture- and cRrpets good, almost new; this place will clear $200 mo. and a snap .for the right one at $2250, easy terms or lot, acreage, cheap house and lot or small rooming house as first pay merit. II. E. James Co., 88 lOtn (near Stark). Rooming House Bargain . 40 rooms, well located on west side, house always full, pood money maker, owner wlnhes to retire, trade for home In Portland or vacant lots. Price $4000. 9 rooms, close In, good renters, two year lease at $i5 per month. Trice $00. Cull and Mel particulars. Neal mown, riio wwetlancl J) log. r PART MENT HOUSE RARGGAIN. U'i room modern apartment house In beautiful location: exceptionally well furnished and doing fine business; cheapest rent in the city; good for $200 per month -profit; no mortgage to as mme; will soil at a bargain and take 7 room residence free of incumbrances as lMrt payment; only $5fH) cash required. Address owner, H-162. Journal. $300 $300 $300 Buys a 22 room rooming house, long lease, rent only $40; all good rurnlture, I nice, neat, clean placo, cost $200 to paper I and paint one month ago; clears $150 monthly; has never sold for less than . $1000; nm leaving citr, so will give 1 away for $300for Jill. Peters, l5N1.6th. .For Bargain Hunters : 9 rooms, close in west side; owner must sell for best offer If taken at once. Price $170 for All FIX U-P. AND SKLL FOR $600. II. E. J AME3 CO., 83 loth near Stark. 50 ROOM hotel, close ln. newly fur nished, steam heat, trade lor farm. Will assume difference. Main 7491. 66 rooms H. K , lease. Prick. Cheap rent, trade for acreage, or lots. 40 rooms, brick, H. K., lease. Trade for timber or auto and some cash. LEWIS REALTY CO., 611 Corbett bldg, 38 Rooms, $1000 e,lKV ".C w, make monr vf W,u' steam heat, will make money ior V"u. it ...i.-ht tn ooii for inM' (o vestipn t, L;o.hand get'hfe0bargaln'of VUtt- 6i5 YEON RLDO, 1 , . LOOK 31 I lllS $360 Will buy my rooming house of S2 rooms, cloae In. west side, good Income, cheap rent: Owner, 412 Chamber of Com merce i:"2i : A Good Buy 1 A .viD LJ t i.'nl 1 fhUnarl . clean, for " ISDO. tlbo cash I wllf take fobms in" exchangoTfor lijlffITou c.n'tllCTn i 13 n? Z beat this buy in Portland, can today. 0 1st Ft. Marshall 4 917. Attention, Please Will sell or trade rooming house, de- Slrable lo.atlon. Il-rooms. Will pay to investigate. Save agents commis sions 170 16th st. N. Here It Is 10 room rooming house, In Nob Hill district, rent only $25; wll furnished; rooms always full worth $5f0; mv price for all $M0 Pj?t era, jf course, 1 5 N. 5th. nTooEsf sn ap I nTpo RT LA N d 21 rooms, Morrison St., all rented Good furniture, lease w lease. Worth $2000, $800 some terms. 605 HENRY RLDO. 17 Rooms 17 Swell location, a mansion of a place: takes Va block, clear $110 monthly, rent $55; leuse worth $100. My price today $350 for all. Peters of course. IS N. 6th. Y"OU can buy rooming house or busi ness of any kind cheaper through this office because of our long experience In this business In Portland. 50i Y'eon bldg. OWNER CALLED AWAY', MUST SELL. 23 rooms, close In. all rented, money maker. Lease. Good furniture. W6rth $2000. $800, with terms, takes it. 605 Henry bldg. 21 11 iOMS, good corner, cm be bought cheap; moneymaker; will trade for smaller rooming house or lot. Security Development Co., 4th and Pine. FOR SALE nt a big bargain, a 60 room lodging house, centrally located; a money maker. New Eagle House, 22 H N. 3d St., corner Hum? Ide. 42 ROOMS, good furniture. 6 years lease: owner leaving cltv' must sac- rlflce; $500 takes It. 310 Henry bldg. SO ROOMS, mostly li. K"., good furni ture, rent, $85: clearing $100 per month; $1000; $300 cash. 110 Henry bldg. 37 ROOM hotel that has never sold for less than $3000; will sell Monday for $15(10. Fci5 Yeon lildg. vVANTKD 16 to 20 room, good furnl ture, close ln, that $600 will handle. Owners only. H-63, Journal. 65 ROOMS, good furniture, long lease, rent onlv $15n, a money maker. Price $1300; terms. 810 Henry bldg. FOR SALE or trnde, 12 room rooming house, fine location, owner leaving clt v. J-2jJ!1Jmirniil N I ('ELY f uTnl sii edll room FI. K. ; place worth $1000. Want to leave city; $500. some terms. 72 N. 14th St. hotel for-Cease. 87 rooms, mijdern. corner brick, west slffcnrr.furhtcd.ilrglQTr.mryTilrlg; ROOMING house, 16 rooms, fine loca- t Ion : your own price. Owner, 231 6th 16 ROOM house cheap, with lease; party leaving city. Phone Mar. 2678. The Oregon Locators . 510-1 1 Rothchild Bldg. Main 1222, Rooming House Specialists Here are a few at paiiuss' prices, or will exchange: 78 room hotel, extra well furnished, S years' lease, no better location. If you have about $300 cash, or real estate, you can have it. .' , i rooms Prominent -well known hotel, very cheap rent, good furnit'ei-e. No vacant rooms here , About $aJQ cash or good real estate will do. ' " 48 rooms -Very cheap rent, 5yea?iT tease, corner location, i&oy in caaa or reat .estate wiu..ietjrjctU4rv 4S rooms Fine corner, extra weTfTur- nished, long - lease; about-$ 1 20ft- -eaah or acreage o vacant lota to this amount and 'you can commence to make money In this housej at once. - 28 rooms a dandy little place and a big money maker. $2000 is the price on easy terms or will exchange for good city property; 14 rooms J Extra well furnished, choice locatWn,- rent $55rprlce $950 ana half cash ia nough. - - -. 2$ rooms $800, $300 Cash. ' 15 rooms $900, $400 cash. ThU is a very swell place. '. 10 eoomB-andles9-all-looatlefle and at all prices, ' , We have everything In this city In Hotels, RoomlnHouaen or Apartment y )ouse mat s ior sale, tnat's worth nav- ing. 'Come tir nnd lonk over our Mtr 'PEOPLES' UOOM1NO HOUSE CO. Hotels, apartment, roominar houses. 1 Henry bldg., -th and -aJc zu room transient, close tn, has cheap rent with long lease, one of the most elegantly furnished places in the city, haa hot and eold ater In every room, has two private hatha and two public, ifyou want a first class small hotel you must see this to appreciate its viuuh; owner win iaae city lots; price $2800; requires about; $1600 in trade SOME CLASS TO ONE LIKE THIS. 20 rooms close in, cheap rent with five year lease arranged in 10 two suites, every suite having steam heat, hot and cold water and elegantly fur nished, this place la clear and making money; ewner- wrantr-ter -trade for-good home in the city; price is $2760; wilt take clear lots or equity in house and lot; If you want something nice see this. MR. BUYER, TAKE NOTICE. That Ihe Peoples', Rooming House. Co. has one .ol.the most., coinpletii lists la the city, anything in city property, acreage, farm land, timber land, hotels, apartments, rooming houses, firing in your trades and we will match them for you. 12 ROOM apartmnt house, furnished for four families; good Income; bargain if taken at once; sell on account of elck ness. Call 749 Mississippi ave. STOCKS AND IJOXDS 58 TALK WITH FLETCHER. 25 Alaskan Coal Oil Special 2,000 Alaska Pet. & Coal.. bid 4,000 Almeda Con. : 2 Coin Machine Mfg. great sacrirlo-1 200 Dennos Foorl hid 4.000 Fidelitv Corner bid 3,000 Montana Silver-Lead bargain ! 60 Multitype Machine, old stock. Hiwrpi 2,000 National Copper .snap I 100 Necarney City Oil very cheap i 340 Peerless Air Motor bargain! 100 Physicians Chcm. & Drug bid 25 Portland Con. Pile snap $200 Provident Inv. & Trust bonds, bid $1,500 Realty Associate bonds .. bargain 2,000 Riverside M. & M bargain 2,000 Skamania G, & C tid 1,000 United Placer "Mines bargain 6,000 United Placer Mines to trade for city property, timber or acreage. 100 U, 8. Cashier bid All other stocks and bonds, Bee me be fore buying; may be able to do better.' 1 WANT : Almeda Con Poulsen Wireless Clipper MinlriK Highland Oold National Copper Necarney City Oil (Free or pooled) Swastika U. S. Cashier Wasn.-Or. Corp. Washougal O. & C. Pac. States Fire 225 Ablngton mug, CAc? sell 20,000 shares of Black Eagle M. &. M. stock very cheap. Hotel Edel Brail, 210 Morrison s t. 60 SHARES Portland Concrete Pile & Equipment Co. stock; make offer. H- 1 9; - Joumn1." - - ' nrsiXESS chances 20 GROCERY. Nice clean stock and good living rooms, only 8t)o; anouier one at inven- tory about $1000, with 3 good living rooms, and another good one that wi nventorv around $1100. These are all locations. oee us ror grocery store; wo make a specialty of them. Rothchild blii ur. Call 510 FoR SALE Sawmllt in Polk county, i -i capacity 16.000, in first ulass order; innlll now rlinnlnp" nUntv niM lynnrl t i m. "" reaVon to lTingT' w.li" make'a , nr, v i u iriuaii .sr. 1 Kood price on this. lj. s. Klwell. care Telephone Roister, McMlnnvllle, Or. MOVING PICTURE SHOW. Oneuif the best west side locations; electric piano and completely equipped; large Mtmn capacity; oheap rent. !''.; I lease, owner sick and must sacrifice. If 1 you have $800 cash you can get posses-: slon of this profitable place. Or nilg-ht ! consider real estate, can oiu ioiticiui,i lt.7' . A hi Ai it laKvn at once; grocery ana feed store, nice growing trade, fine ' BS i r7, enVT ....T tSk- ocii ' ,-' , , , 4onTecupnery, uigars, tic, Good location, cntap root with S good living rooms, for quick sale only $45$; wo have others from $500 up. Inquire 61" Rothchild bldg. GENERAL merchandise store for sale 7o7 of $25,000 a year; goods'-delWereti Tat door by train; stock $5000; or will exchange in Clarke Co., Wash., doing business ; for house and lot not over $3000 and cash difference. Address M-78, Journal. vol; can buv controlling Interest in the best fuel corporation In city at I.. T-. i.J 1W, JU ' Aa lth $100 in on!bnrKil1"- yTosltlon J100 monlh. Are ) takes It with ! 5'ou open "r tt B00 t,1,ngT JUI"- CONFECTIONARY, cigar and book ! FOR SALE or trade, fine business bulld store, on one of the best business ng stock and fixtures: doing $35 a streets in city; we can get you a big day. Rent cheap. Tabor 1423. oargain on una, as owner itiuoi leave at once; coma make us an offer. (K) R15 Yeon bldg. Confectionery,' Fruit, Etc. Good location, hxitu good fixtures, worth doublo the price asked for julck sale $600; part cash will do. Inquire 61 a Rothchild bldg. GROCERY, confectionery and ice cream, good location and growing trade. Two nice furnlsfied living rooms; rent only $15. This place will invoice $660. It's yours for $400 cash aa I need money. 403 Hdthobilrl Mflg RESTAURANT AND TER8. All prices and all sizes, from $300 up. If you will cnll we will show you some restaurants worth the prices asked. In niiirp 6i Rothchild blda-. DY'E works, all conipletej with horse clearing about $200 a and wagon month. Woul Would like to retire from busl- ness. Will sell all or hair intertst. 851 Burnslde. FOR SAI Nice little restaurant and lunch room. Dandy place for man and wife. Don't miss this chance. Sick ness the reason. A-141, Journal. RESTAURANT doing splendid business, cost $5()0 to equip. Will sacrifice for cash if taken Monday, for $150. Jordan, suits 619 Lumbermens bldg, Confectionery, cigars, soft drinks! slatlonery. fruit, etc. The best "torn ln Portland, lease: will invoice $800; price $500. 605 Yeon bldg. EXTRRDTnTRT opportunities In the business world now; buy while others are forced to sell; good ones $100 up; 605 Yerni bldg SWELL barber shop, best location In Portland, good lease and cheap. Yeon bldg. 1203 A BARGAIN- Restaurant doing good Rose business. K9H K. 67th St.. N. i in i u ft. - .11 .'. A GENERAL blacksmith buniness, do ing good business, Cheap, 640 Front fTjr$ 'ATE--A small dairy of 3fi head milk ccwa. P-752, Journal. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Lot 60x100, 2 room shanty furnished with range, heater, iron bed, mattress, 2 rockers t tables, i common charlm tub and boiler, all dishes and cooking utensils, also a large garden consisting of potatoes, carrots, parsnips, beet: cabbage, etc., 1 block from car, SO min utes out. all goes for $755, $210 down, balance lit Mr month. ' Where can you beat itt Owner, phone Woodlawn . .ioi. -. " .- - ATTENTIONPLEASE. 80 acres of land near S. P. R. E. aur vey; 'church,-stores; and school; creek on place, for $760. - Large -17 room hotel in the most thriving town In the Willamette valley ne-eom pet i tlon ;-wi It eon sider-$ S OO-cash and property to $7000. Address Ira U Barber, Wlllamina, Oregon. Partner Wanted- X will sell at a sacrifice one half In terest In one of the best realty offices in the olty making big money; will give terms to suit; must leave the city on account of health. Investigate this. UALJU 870 bTAKK, 81. For Sale Meat M arket . Qn. account sickness, will sacrifice at invoice price ' Daily sales from $35 to $40 per day. A No, 1 location, west aide. If interested, Investigate, J-284 Journal. . I ORT'sAIiE Delicatessen and ' luneli counter; oldest stand in citr. paying net every month $160. Must sell in 10 days on account of ill health. WTO sell at your own price if in reason. ( IT if. KEMPER, : 44 tf. ma st. WAN TED-T-Reliahle blacksmith taiease or buy blacksmith shop and 10 acres, 10 mile, from Portland en automobile road. A tine location for all kinds of repairing and Other Tegular work. Ad dress R. K.. 678 Qutmby t, or call after 6 o'clock evenings. . r - a SNAP. A beautiful modern apartment house, including cafe and confectionery and two other store rooms; excellent loca tion and doing a good business. $1000 will handle It if taken at once. H-323, journal.! Go Into the Collection Business A full correspondence course in the best school 1n America, and a small established collection business for sale. Price $0. S-997. Journal. GROCERY stock and fixtures invoiced -last-weekn-f ound to be ISuOvAm leaving- the -eity- Monday evening! Musi sell. Listen! Only $500. Jordan suite, 619 Lumbermens blag. PATENTED device for sale; if you have $1000 to pay expense to put it on the market you can make a- fortune; make me an offer; I have no money and can't handle it. S-970. Journal. TO make quick sale will sacrifice 26 shares United States Cashier for $175, company's price $750; I reed the money. O. H. McClelland. 301 Railway Exchange bldg, GOOD cnance for good, up-to-date res taurant and lunch counter man to lutn rinMtnfkRa In 1' imOflR. lionu rxxz : , , . , . l FOR SALE Ice rceam parlor and con- fectlonery at 421 E. Morrison; blur. "tore on corner; reasonable rent; will aoll cheap if taken at once. Inquire grocery next door. I 'E have one of the best hotel propo-I sltlons in the city cheapest rent, best location 84 rooms;' will exchange for' farm property. Wagner' St Hunt, 433 Chamber of Commerce. Main fii57. I OLD established milk buniness with full , equipment. Owing to leaving here . will sell furniture aleo. If you want a good business and home right In city address P. O. box 476, Vancouver, Wash, j A SNAP " , Hotel, hew brick bldg., located In a i llttlo Willamette valley town of $onu; 2 electric lines Just going tn; look this, up. It will pay you. M-74. Journal. j FOR SALE A blacksmith shop lot, 1 tools and stock; doing a fine business. Leaving on account of health. Harlow, I Or 26 miles south. Inquire 6D8 Up- shur st. Phone Main 362.. NEW and secondhand goods business located ln Pendleton, Oregon; clearing more money than any store tn the eltv. - Phono, write or call 271 Pine st. Mai" .2158. ;i-;,r, 4nn .. .011" ' rtinfwtinn.rv. , cir and'lla-ht a-rocerv. with three llv- room 9"- aTHt "rent- -f or - a H- - $ Sv Lumber Exchanco. ft . . FORCED TO SELL. r" Rest rvavinK business ln Pendleton. ! Oregon, on account of eyes; $2000 w ill 1 handle. Call Main 2158. 271 Pine Kl. STOKK 8eiling bakery goods, confec- tlonerv. Ice cream and cigars: 2 living rooms nnd bath; rent $15. Price $475. J0S Lmher Exchange. - - -- , : ,. v.l'rtfl fiiure, uiih vrcti niutj io'.aimmi. This store is paxing $100 monthlv, rs owner must attend to other business, will sell for $400. 403 Rothchild hldg. HAVE good money making proposition for partv with small amount capital. $50 to $100 week profits. G-23, Jour nal. ROOMING House unfurnished about 10 rooms, I2nqu,lrean at BVnly ry, ISth and Burnsld. terms reasonable, Welnhard's Brewery MINING mm a item tmion! Quart, plaor vvkSi Z AHu,. p..: vvnaien. uranrs rasa ess, Or, and copper mi Terms, by E. A Hotet. Grants Pass, j oood" paying corner location, confec tions, stationery, sporting Mf rl,dl"ri ildar close ln ; about $3600. Would cons rpal estate. H-190, Journ FOR SALEBest " paying saloon in Vancouver, -Wirt. Wwpt'nt- , cense, creap rent. r. 'jrooi-jrarnBt Vancouver, Way FOR SALEv-The right to manufacture and aell the Neamllh Washer for Ore gon and 176 machines. Address Art fiottemiller, Rldgefteld. Wssh. FOR one of the best business opportuni ties ln the northwest call at room 606 Hotel Congress, city l&lEAf MARKt for rent; good fixtures; r e.tabllBhod, business, Emlg's Qro- eery, 6!d and Sandy Road. POOL hall with three tables and lunoh counter; low rent ana n year lease. Price $1000. 303 Lumber Exchange. QOINO away: $(fcwtfuity In modotn new bungalow. Hawthorne district. BEAUTIFUL little store that will in voice $800; your Monday for $460. 605 Yeon bldg. CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream, cigars and tobaccos. 606 Washington st. Other stores for sale. A FIRST class Jewelry tore in suburb of Portland at a bargain; will con sider trade. Add Address H-113, Journal. AN old established business that will pay you $75 monthly if you hustle; price $160. Call 4.03 Rothchild bldg, FOR SALE Laundry route, cheap for cash if taken at once. Main 4697. Call apt. 88. NICELY stocked grocery and confec- In good location. Price $750. Bell- wood 669. ONE-HALF Interest In cleaning and pressing shop; big list of customers; for $150, 803 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner with $2500 to join mo in a profitable legitimate business; references exchanged. A-68, Journal. FOR REN f or tale, restaurant and lunch counter, completely furnished. Oood location. Cheap. 228 Couch st. FOR SALE Garage, concrete building with fully, equipped shop. J-298, Jo u r n ah ' GRoTE RY doing business of $80 to $51 dally. Invoice about $2000. No so- llcltlng Tabor 1914. BARBER shop for sale,' 2 chairs. fu ntstied living rooms in back, $300 if taken this week. E. 26th and Clinton. " "500 Business Cards, $1 Rose Cltv Prlntery, UH Third street. '. SNA! Confectionery, cigar and light grocery. 665 4 Williams ove. See owner. FOR HALF Tailor shop. Apply 20 N. 6th st. MEAT market for sale cheap Phoiu n;-M:' BARGAIN -Lunch counter, 204 Alder. near Front. . rETTgro ArVPArtiS t, sfictldN i! Crispin & Herlow Mtg. & Trust Co. A Moneymaker, We have for -sale a splendid transfer business located in one, of the bet towns in the Willamette valley. You do not need any previous experience to suc cessfully handle this, the present owner will see that you get started all right. It is fully equipped and in best of con. anion, wun little" expense the eaulD- ment can.ba enlarged and th volumo a ousinesj doubled, a they now , have more business than they are able to handlelOwner is making big money, but haVWTTT reasons for seUlng.Thia will stand thorough investigation, A good buy at $2500. . ;. a: k. hill co., ' r v. 4i nonry Mar. -OFFICE OPEN' SUNDATT -The Oregon Locators 510-1 1 Rothchild Bfdg, ;: .Main 1222; - - Business Chance Headquarters If you want to buy any kind of a busi ness, corne in and talk with ub. Our list la the largest in the city and wur experi ence and knowledge of locaiflons . la atl your service to altLyou lngetting Jo- !Jn.u$ua!iDpportuQifoTiii jARY AND INTEREST IN . FIRia- BALAKY AND INTEREST IN FIROP CLASS BTTSlNKSa . P?S c Company .owning .auialieajr .mill .and- I naving contracts covering ruU capacity of mliylelding frpmJtiO to $78. per day profits, will sen a one-fifth Interest 111 business for 12000 nnri will Atrinlnv. Investor either in ofllce otat. mllL. oa. Burjr vt fiw uer jnontn. ittveetmeni -amply secured. Address H-94. Journal. FOR SALE On account of 111 health, ' tanay ttie-raiumery atore, apiendia location and good clean stock; - cheap 4460 BUYS oigar etore if eold Monday. gee owner, m wasnington at. HELP WAJNTEDr.L4.LK WihW WORK, n We want men to work tn niodi ern brick factory, men who are capable of running machines; we j.ave men who have worked ln this plant steadily for 4 years and we wgnt men of that class; we have provided a tract of land for sale to those whom we employ, so that they may become permanent citliens; these tracts are only a step from the depot and town of Wlllamina; very best of soil: all clear and well located for $150 to $200 per acre, your own terms, if "you will pay" $50 down; good schools and we guarantee a home' market at good prices for ail"" small fruits and vegetables: we have sold a good many tracts ai ready to parties who have gone to work In the brick plant and thero Is not one man who has had any trouble or has been turned out of work; the work varies, so that we can say that almost any style of lahorer can get a good position; there aro a few houses ln town to rent and the rent is less than $10 per month for 6 room houses; dry fir wood can be had for $2.60 per cord and oak wood for $3.60 per cord; you can caallv figure out a much renter profit on $2 per day thtre than on $3 per day ln town, besides the rent you will "ay here will go as part payment on your tract; do not fall to ln vestUat. thin; take Sheridan train, at 4th and Yamhill streets at 7 : 20 in the morning, transfer to Wlllamina, and ask for L. W. 1 anion. Of fum one block from depot. , SUCCESSFUL salesmen with experience - - - inSoiy - 'Itnti. - 'rcai estate, mercantile or specialties, can make with us from $1$5 to 160 per mouth a Is every man on ouriMaTos force. Our proposition sella 1 ndf you are theklnd that works, we- pa ra of vn !, n rma ria n 1 v If nUrBlJ call at 702 .Spalding bldg. Ask for sales manager. Kay city Land Co. WANTED An experienced clothing talesman for the states of Idaho. Washington and Oregon to sell our pop ular priced line of men's snd boys' clothing; men with an established trade only need apply; wc can also furnish some trade; all applications must he ac companied bv first class references. ; Felix Rothschild & Co., 206 W, Mcmroe st. Chicago SALESMEN now rslling on the dry goods and furnishing tinde In eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho, to carry in connection our line of men's and women's neckwear and Buster Brown hosiery. Commission basis. Must be 'J3" " , 1 WANTED Steady family man. with Utl I some c.ish. to make payment on a , nom t0- pr,t;on 0n Bajotnlng large ! orchard at good wsges; fine opening To , pwn your own income producing home fll Hi. nniintrv: nelionl anil atara, on nrm the country; school aud store on prem Ises. IL167, Journal. WANTED Competent piale fr capable of acting as ass retary for a corporation; n le stenograpO" assistant sec- -must hare ; f1rt class references; Investment In the fdrporstton reqtitrad; Addres-rn-w? -hsndwmttMr, firing re fereneesrand eal ? ary wanten. .ti-rz, journal. MARRIED man, steady, sober, for mill work; buy home, easy payments; town $600; will double population tn two years; 1400 men employed various mills. (K-ean vessels load at mills. Qive na-. tlonality and address. G-16, Journal. ( WANTED Teamster to take charge of Xmeon amount? ?rc"ha?S-W55t , on a home .or , a young orchard, must wages I3.6t per dy to start, steady work all year. H-167, journal. SalesmanWantecl Energetic, live salesmen wanted fof clean cut legitimate real estate propo sition near Portland. Ask for Mr. Mf ers, 1221 Yeon. Rldg. , PAINTERS NOTICE! ! Will take part payment on one of thoKe chicken ranches ln painting. Now is your chance. Balance on easy pay ments. Cnll at 621 Reck bldg WANTED A good, live salesman, toi sell sanitary closets; can make $500 to $400 a month. Will pay salary to right party. Modern Sanitation Co., 175 Hawthorne ave, SALESMAN of ability, experience In Insurance or bonds helpful, but not essential. Salary -and commission, ReN orences positively required. Provident Savings and Loan Association, 266 Stark AN Intelligent persan may earn $100 monthly corresponding ror newspa pere. lars. N. Y No canvassing. per d for partlcu Press Syndicate, 708, Lockport, WANTED A first class Janitor; Jap preferred: apartment house work to 11 a. m., $20 per month; 189H N. 224, apt, A. ; WANTED Junior linotype operator and printer; steady Job and good wages. State experience and send reference.! Address Astiianci Record, Aanianq, or. WANTED A stout trustworthy man to wheel an invalid lady out every after-1 noon. Apply 4i unsan st. WANTED At once. 3 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at I Hawthorne Garege, 445 Hewthome. -CHEF headquarters and helper, tali fornla Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill, uexi to Journal. MAN and wife, experienced, for farm I work. Apply Belvedere hotel after 131 o CIOCK. WILL give honest boy good home,1 Jill",! $28! board and wages for light work. Hall at:, fist A. FINNU call Sellwood 147 between si , and 10 a. m. tomorrow, AN ALL around blacksmith; do little: wood work and drive s noes, no Front. I vv ANTED Man as partner ln el artner ln show with, foeer were. Agei-ffOwrnet.'- SfXCillNB men wanted; 4"4T3ol4smIth;i Freeland Furn. Mfg. Co, BtEADY man to help on rood call Sunday 1149 E, :7th,