The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1912, Page 19, Image 19

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aly to be presented to the Uni
ea and thert waa rejected by
V In twain
vaiur r- . . .;JKNJdKvSBA Vi ' i f ' Mr:
: pFfae jgag dig of ..--iOMimei .
V" S I 1 SJNs , AW A'WWvWY V . Vr .VI: .1, I I II I III t II SjC S S ' , SX'Ksl' SS' V -
After fifty years of business, I can say that I have you to thank for the measure of my suc-
cess. That you have assisted me in building up this big establishment is due, primarily, to the
- fact that I have always adhered to the policy of honor first, then full value for the money. Be
cause of this principle, ! believe this store numbers among its customers the finest people of
; Portland. I am satisfied that we have always carried the best stock, at the-4owest prices, in the
most beautiful store in the entire Northwest.
I am about to take a trip to regain my health. To maintain the integrity of this corner in
the years to come has been a study. I have negotiated with many men from many places. I
$1.50 Affler'. Tryon $1.10
$2.00 Dent's Outseam $1.45
$3.00 Hansen's Auto $2.15
$5.00 Youmans and English. .$3.45
$3.00 Brooks and others .'. . .$2.35
To $5.00 Broken lots $1.65
English Wool and others $1.15
To $2.00 Caps 45c
$5.00 Split Straws $1.95
$100 Straw Hats $1.25
$2.00 Straw Hats 85c
Bangkoks and Panamas HALF
Up to $3.00 broken lots 45c
$2.50 to $3.50 now $1.95
$4.00 to $5.00 now. . . . $3.15
$5.50 to $6.50 now $3.85
Prices on Everything
Men's Suits
$30 to $50 Suits and Overcoats. Rogers
Peet Co., Brokaw Bros., Hornthal and
Benjamin - Rheim Clothes. t Q P
The very finest made wlOaOD
$25 and $27.50 Suits and Over-A 1 O O
coats, same makes as above blJ0)
$20 and $22.50 Suits and OVercoats,
Michael-Stern Co., Naumberg, Smith
Grey" Co. and Stratford System clothes
for young men. All 1912. All
Priced now at vllt)
15 to $18 Suits and Overcoats A tr'
reduced to viOD
.$30 and $35 Blues and Blacks, regulars,
stouts and longs. Rogers-A no fr
Peet, etc. Reduced to 3Za).UJ
$45 to $60 Full Dress and Tuxedos. 1912
models; same makes as Ann
above. Your choice of lot at 3)aJ f t)U
$45 and $50 Full Dress and Tuxedos, 1911
models, being worn this AQ fA
year. Rogers-Peet. Now..JO)U
tentions, dissolved business partner
ships,' and all because of one personality
that of the Cavallere Uffixiala Carlo
Barsotti. journalist, philanthropist, poli
tician and owner of a string; of Bowery
lodging houses. , Barsotti is the man
who raised the money for the Columbus,
Garibaldi,, the, Verdi and the Verras
sano monuments that now adorn Man
The discussion that has torn
display the per-
t the heat wave. From the
ib In Forty-fourth street to
Gents' ice cream cone stand
7 street, it rages. It has
adshlps, caused family de
All Steinbach prices remain marked
in plain figures.
E. & W. Redman, 4 f or . ..... .25c
25c E. & W. Linen, 2 for 25c
25c Soft Collars, 4 for .25c
25c P. K. Soft, 2 for ........ . .25c
$15 1912 Rubberized Silkaline, half
price $7.45
$5.00-$6.00 Ladies' Rubberized re
duced to . $3.65
$3.00 All Wool $1.35
$5.00 All Wool ...$2.35
$5.00 Knit Vest , $2.45
$5.00 Stockinette Coat $1.15
Young Men's Suits
$10 to $22.50 Black Cheviots and Thibets,
single and double breasted
suits. Sizes 30 to 36
$12.50 to $25 three-piece Suits, snappy.
Single or double-breasted. Ex- A" Qj
ceptional values. Reduced to),0)
$25 and $27.50 snappy English single
breasted suits. New fabrics and late col
ors. College brand and Gar-son-Meyer
$20 and $22.50 Fancy Suits, all hand tai
lored. Made for excellent Ail mj
service. Our price is only. . 1 1 I O
$15 and $18 models; for school. and. liigh
school war. The regular Steinbach
standard. Take your choice
now for only
249 Suits for young men in broken lots.
On account of advanced .season we will
sell this entire lot at once at,
per suit
; fui lVv V&l rj t-j I J l1 J &iJ IrvVJ GrJ h2
hattan, and who is president of the
committee that brought over the monu
ment now lying in crated sections on
a Hoboken wharf.-. -
An Interesting feature of the situation
is the1 attitude of the municipal art
commission. Although that body is
lined up with the art-for-art's-sake
party. It rejected the monument when
$2.50 E. & W. Drew, white. .$1.25
$2.00 E. & W. Dress, white. .$1.00
$1.50 Cluett, white 75c
$2,00 Manhattan 777777"; "i" ;$1.05'r"
$2.50, $3, $3.50 Manhattan. . .$1.65
$1.50 Negligee, with collar . . . .75c
$2.00 and $2.50 Shirts $1.35
$1.00 Monarch 65c
$1.50 Cluett 95c
$2 Negligee, collar and tie to match,
for $1.15
$1.50 Nofade, extra cuffs 95c
$1.50 Detachable Collar . . . 85c
$1.00 Infants', 4 pairs .50c
$2.00 Boys' and Girls', 6 pairs. $1.35
$3.00 Boys' and Girls', 6 pairs. $1.95
Odd Lots
$15, $18 and $20 Top Coats. We have
200 very desirable coats, made of English
covert cloth, cheviots, fancy velours, in
all shades, and offer them at prices which
will command the attention of A Q
every economical buyer. Each DOD
$25 to $35 exceptionally high grade Top
Coats, made with full box back and al
ways sold by Steinbach at above prices-.
Another quick selling proposition. Re
gardless of former prices and AQ qj
cost, take your choice for only b)D
$12.50 to $20 Suits. Here is a tremendous
sacrifice. We have an immense lot of
odd suits, comprising. some of last sea
son's models and a few models that were
in style prior to 19,11. They come in sin
gle and double-breasted sacks. We have
them in regular, stout and long fits. There
are some cutaways in black, blue and
other conservative patterns. Regardless
of what they cost and irrespective of the
ordinary Steinbach price, we offer them,
the entire lot, any one or two or a dozen
that you want, for the Tom A( Qlf
Fool price of vDOu
It arrived from Italy on the ground
that its architectural lines were not in
keeping with the figure. But they took
a cold, intellectual view of the situation,
and if -the" Cavallere Barsotti and Ses
are Contl can persuade the sculptor,
Ettore Xlmenes, to .make the necessary
changes, the monument may be put in
place in the Colonial park.
Atlanta, Ga. July .J7. Rachel Idel
son. I years old. Is 'lobbying" enthusi
astically among Georgia legislators in
the capltol in the Interest of a bill (hat
am satisfied, however, that I can do no better than by turning over this big business to one of
my fellow-townsmen, Mr. Gus Kuhn, whom I have known for many years to be a straightfoN
ward, honest business man. In the name of the Lion Clothing Company, associated with Mr.
Samuel I, Fox of San Diego, Cal., Mr. Kuhn has purchased the entire business of A. B. Stein
bach & Co.
I bespeak your hearty support of my successors. They are worthy of your confidence and
patronage, and I believe I could leave my best friends in no better hands than "with these -two
Again I thank you. (Signed) A. B. STE1NBACH.
$1.50 Men's, 6 pairs .95c
$2.00 grade, 6 pairs $1.35
$3.00 grade, 6 pairs $1.95
$2.00 Ladies', 6 pairs .......$1.00
$3.00 Ladies', 6 pairs . . .$1.50
$3.00 Ladies' Silk, 3 pairs . . .$1.50
15c Steinbach, 4 pairs 25c
Pure Silk Hose, 2 pairs 25c
$2.00 Tailored Waists 85c
$2.50-$3.00 Mannish Waists. .$1.35
$4 to $5 Silk Waists $2.30
$1.50 Waists 65c
$10.00 American Hosiery Co. Silk-and-Wool
Shirts and Drawers at,
per garment ........... .$2.65
Boys' Clothing
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, Norfolk and
double-breasted coats. The celebrated
Ivan, Frank & Hackett, Carhart Company
makes. Note the reductions that we have
made from the original Steinbach prices
which you have always paid:
$12.50, $14 and $15 Knicker- Am an
bockers at (Jj
$9, $10, $11 Knickerbockers at... $6.65
$7.50, $8 and $8.50 Knicker- A ir
bockers at )D1)
$6, $6.50 and $7 Knickerbock- A J i p-
ers at 2)4.1!)
$5.00 Norfolk and double breasted Coats,
some with two pairs of pants A
50c, 75c and $1 Boys' Wash Suits, QH
now OOC
$1.50 and $2.00 Boys' Wash Suits, r
now Qj)C
$2.50 and $3.00 Boys' Wash At - r
Suits now 5la ID
$3.50 and $4.00 Boys'. Wash A jk
Suits, now vlaUD
$4.0 and $5.00. Boys' Wash 1 QC
Suits, now . . . I v 1 J
would, if adopted, create a new county
of .Kent v . j
I?very day the little girl mingles with
the lawmakers and tries to impres
upon them the importance of creating
the new unit In the state. Her argu
ments are punctuated with kisses, and
these, it is said, are proving heavy
weights in the scale.
$5,00 Pongee Silk $2.45
$242.50 Madras and Soisette. . .95c
$30 Pure Silk, garment. .... .$4.35
$6.50 Pure Linen Mesh, garm't$1.85
$242.50 G. & M. Knit, garni' t $1.15
$343.50 G. & MJKnit, garm't$1.85
$1.50 Cooper Spring-Needle, g't 85c
50c B. V. D., garment 25c
50c Porosknit, garment 35c
$1.50 B. V. D. Silk Stripe, garm't95c
$1.50 White Cat Union, suit. . 85c
75 doz. $1.0041.50 Blouses. . . :45c
6 dozen $3 to $5 Straw Hats. . . .85c
Boys'Straw Hats, 6 to 7
75c to $1.00 now 45c
$1.25 to $2.00 now 65c
Along With Furnishing
Goods and Boys' Wear
Little Chaps
Russian and Sailor Suits. These ire
just the prqper caper for the little chaps.
They never look neater, better and more
attractive than when properly fitted with
one of these. They are the very latest
conceptions in clothes for the kids.
Latest, as well, in fabric and trimmings.
They are made by Ivan, Frank Company
of New York, the house of the Buster
Brown clothing. They will please the
most exacting mother and tickle the van
ity of the cleverest little fellow in Port
land. The prices are revelations in the
clothing business.
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.60 Russian A
and Sailor Suits. ali!)
$4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Russian A H
and Sailor Suits wujO
$6.00, $6.50 and $7.50 Russian An A
and Sailor Suits vJlu
$8, $8.50, $9 and $10 Russian A i nr
and Sailor Suits v4Ot)
T. 9 a.m.