The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 28, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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" .." 1 1 1
C. S.liACKSOX ' 1 '
ruhihh! wry wninf (except suwir) n ;
,r 'riftb .uaTJUi !hfu Viritii; I'ortuoor.
,t fortiMd. or."
fr tV..Biio.igta -ou I
telephones Min T173;. Hom.
tmi t.. ?dD.rtmt you wint.our.won. "We are allowing our
BtijMnl k K'ntoor C.. BruniwU BoMliw.
225 'itt.b mie, New Vwk; 118 rtop't
Gil Building, Chicago . ,
8abetlptlo tersn by tnll or to any addreM
in tb Colted Statu or Mexico.
:--T-s .-. P.ULT. "
, Ont yeer, . .$5.00 P One montb . .
Oat y'ef . . , . , ,., $2. So 1 4)n4noatb. .
One year IT.5Q I One month..
.$ :5o
. $ sled
.1 .
' Sunday Is the green oasis, the
-"-little Brassy meadow in the wll-
derness. where after the week
days' journey, the pilgrim halts
for refreshment and repose.
" Cliarles Reade.
pT is as certain as things mortal
can te that W'oodrow Wilson
"wiU he the next president of the
United States. If there were no
other reason, the same kind of a
party split '.hat put Lincoln into the
"White House in 1860 will elect Wil
son in 1.912.
Wilson has back of him a party
"that is more compact and united
. than It hae been since 1892. Op
: posed to him are Mr. Tnft with the
Republican nomination and Mr.
-s Roosevelt with a third party nomi
, nation.
Nobody knows in what proportion
Tft and Roosevelt will divide Aip the
Republican vote In the various
-states. -Neither will draw percep
tibly from the Democrats.
" On the other hand, the fight be-
tween Taft and Roosevelt has dis
gusted thousands of Republicans
who will turn to Wilson out of sheer
contempt for the situation. . Other
thousands of La Follette Republi
cans will turn to Wilson beeausfe he
is the only La Follette progressive
A change of only six per cent of
Taft's vote to Bryan in 1908 would
- have given Ohio to the Nebraskan.
With Taft and Roostvelt dividing
the Republican strength of that
Btate probably into halves, Wilson is
certain to carry Ohio. .
ul A change of only one seventh of
- 'one per cent of Taft's vote to Bryan
In Indiana in 1908 would have lost
' thaVstate to Taft. At the head of
but a faction of the Republican
party, there is not the slightest
chance for either Taft or RooBevelt
to Carry Indiana.
j Even in New York, where Bryan
is 'always weak, a change to him of
. ' only eleven per cent of the Taft vote
would have given him the electoral
vote or the Empire State In 1908.
. - . .
JWith Taft and Roosevelt both
pealing . for a halved Republican
vote, and with Wilson certain to se-
ffure. the! principal portion of the
great detachable vote, Wilson's vic
Jtory la New York Is already won.
A . change to Mr. Bryan of fifteen
per cent of the Taft vote of New
Jersey in 1908 would have thrown
the stale to "the Nebraskan. With ! will be no dump carts, no scrap iron 1
the Taft vote of 190R split in thelfloats, no sign of pork wealth, no
middle in 1912, nobody has any Junk wagons in Philadelphia's lllus-1
douht that the man who carried it
for governor in 1910 will carry it
atalnst a divided, disrupted and de-
' moralized opposition next Novem- j Kwing Mifflin. His was a fine con
A ber. But the vote of the four Atatos ' rcptlon ; it was in keeping wllh the
-- of Ohio, Indiana. New York and: stature of a Mg man. It showed
"- New Jersey, in addition to the states imagination, a healthy life-view. It
J.. carried by: Bryan in 1908, will give gives us another name to honor, an- rarity now. The girls don't have the , states. We have even proved Its
WJlson more than the 266 electoral ' other pattern by which to weave our splendid profusion of long "ringlets falsity by producing animals that ex
TOtes necessary for his election. , own tapestries of life. that their mothers had. perts declare to be as fine as any
---Taft tarried Missouri In 1908. A 1 it Isn't far to find the cause. A state can produce.
-Joss Of one twenty-fifth of one per ! HELPING THE CROOKS news dispatch tells us that Ihe past. In addition, wo have the market
-: cent-of-the-Taft vote of thatryear! , " ' ,, , " t yt'ar'H. plan of tfV little false' hair and prices'. Nearly nine cents was
will lv tho .tat to WlUnn IniT"1''' ,',OORB H aougmeu )
1015 ICnr (a 11 nf nil thai
"Wilson will carry most of the great!
itates that are ordinarily overwhelm-1
inely Republican.
"The change from the Taft vote
necessary to throw the electoral vote, 1,0 '""""' " and in time cause loss of the natural!
to Wilson in such states Is surpris- a 8f,,(,ndld conception It Is to insist :halr. ,
Ingly small. , !'hu, we "1,lst not try t0 8ton ,hf kmj To supply the demand for the bo-1
' In Delaware it Is only nine-hun- i"ps ,)(,, nusp " woul1 cost 1,3 l0Bfl gus hair, we Import from Europe and
dredt08 of one per cent, and in Illi
nois fpurteen per cent. In Iowa a
Change "of thirteen per cent will
throw the state to Wilson, in Kansas
nine per cent, iu Maine twenty-three,
In Massachusetts twenty-one. in
Michigan twenty-four, in Minnesota
twenty-two. In New Hampshire six
teen, in North Dakota twentwme.
In Oregon nineteen. In f'nlifoniia
twenty, in Connecticut twenty, and
'In Idaho fifteen.
' ', .The presidential
.Onstrated that Mr.
Candidate. Even
speaking campaign
' ; and an ex-presldem
primaries dein
Ta.ft is a weak
the spectacular
of a president
. with the most
dramatic stage settings ever seen,
failed to bring out more than half
the Republican vote in the primar
ies, a fact demonstrating that neith
er Taft nor Roosevelt was strong.
Roosevelt's bolt from the ("liiento
convention, his refusal to allow ins
delegates to nominate anybody !m
himself, his rejection of the plan
naming Hadley oc any other com
promise candidate, and his final
withdrawal from the Ropti iduan
party, have enormously weakened
the nolfof,the bull moose candidate
on Republicans.
- ThsreiB not the slighter.1 chance
t6 defeat Woodrow Wilson .
' npt a, return of the old
- ' -.'.I jj needed." says a recent mag
' , atine article. "That ic impos
sible in. modern conditions, out of
harmony with modern ideas. The
great need Is that women of the '
country-realize that freedom unac- ing groan and a new grave for a re-! such doctors the state pays at the apru',u;, j ;Ziy o 'o the
companied by. knowledge Is one of ' volver victim every hour In the day uniform rate. , Other services, In the! wJrk Bankhead wa getting impatient
1 h r mnst, Ab n com
ha nut Infn a human lusin'n hands. 1
The reluctance 'of women to face,
this fact Is the most discouraging j
Bide of the woman question
Are: we not prone to overlook the j
exigencies of the changing fashions !
'in conduct? We have emancipated '
our.wojptfn. AVe are allowltig our
young girls freedom-- that would
cause our grandmothers . to beat
their breasts in horror. But do we
realize that free things do taot he
have well by accident? Do we know
that young girls loosened upon -the
i highways and the byways uninstruct-
upon the vital facts of life, are
prey for . vultures, food for gTay
1 If we would change the fashion
of young girl conduct, we must see,
that they have minds that suit with
If we would irwean i
their freedom.
them at extra- "in-rlly tender
no mnat in it that thev :
are -perfectly .equipped -to face the
squalls and pitfalls that lurk along
their way. j
To this end, a thorough ground
ing in sex hygiene is essential. It
were better that' this knowledge
Bhould be administered at home; it
were better that it be taught in the
schoolhouse than not at all.
a name to remember, a name to i
respect, to esteem!- For. the
bearer of the name is not
ashamed of 'tis ancestors. He has
not risen so -high Jiut that he is wil
ling to pay homage to the lowly in
strument that blazed his trail to fortune-
--- ' -
Mr. Mifflin is a Philadelphian. In
October tho Quaker Cityis to give
a historical pageant, a celeb-ation
splendid In revival of memories of
the past. When approached by the
committee in charge, Mr. Mifflin
said: "My ancestors made their
money in the dump-cart business,
and I will celebrate the fact fy
pearing on the seat of a regular cart
handling the reins myself."
But Mr. 'Ilfflin placed his finger
on a sore spot. For the committee
drew itself to its full height and de -
ciarea that no aump-cart snouia ;
spoil the dazzle of the historic page- j
ant, me memuers gave Mr. imillin ;
to understand that he was supreme
ly lacking in refinement and 1 taste.
In other words, they declared him a
coarse, ignorant fellow, who must be
put In his place.
It Is not known what the outcome
of the inciient will be. But It Is
safe to say that something that calls
Itself a democracy will feast its eyes
on pageantry at the appointed time,
that gold and silver and diamonds
will flash' resplendfchtly, that thou-
sands will bask In tho glided, glory!
i of the day; the festival will lose its;
I M i TA.iH-.Sl. I II I
; signuicance. n win sin mieeraDiy j
ap-jinto the ranks of the musical com
n inn a that ran and nlcht In th rfinntrir 1a .lt Tint. V9T of nreventive medicine, in SCCi-i With Sullivan for not delivering tirnm.
edy, the vaudeville show, the mask
the farce.
However, those who have risen
to power and position will have their
skeletons closely locked from the
public gaze, the origin of their "ar
istocracy" will be safe from the in
trusion of the common eye. There
trions parade. I
But out of the mire there has
come to us a peril. It is Mr. James
with the Oregonian's opposl -
X 11 1 uu k"i headdress the coming year will be.
revolver. It helps them to get,dcad na)r from the heads of others. !
'I""u"n n"1
.L i .l coin f f, t
argues mat rne saie or revoi-
vers in Portland will be hurt. What
ioi inn proms on revolver sais.
It argues that under pistol legls-
'"uu" u,u "uu , ul" " LUU,U "ul
i P?1 ',,9,l8 hn the., crooks ould.
ine statement is iia own eoniracnc-'
tlon. Is it likelv that the authori
ties would license a crook to carry a
conceah-d weapon and not issue a
license to a substantial citizen?
The chief of police ynys 'he Tort-
'"" r''""' "-m-M'-uu.. .uiell(1
i .1 I t . : i..... . i ., . .
iao h spieiniKi eneci. uiner ponce
officials confirm his statements. On
account of its benefits, the chief
himself ashed that it be strn(;lh-
ened Which are the better author-
ity on pistols, the men who have to
lace revolvers in the hands of thugs
almost every day, or newspapers up
in towers?
We all know that the Portland
pistol ordinance won't put the pis-
tol out of business. It is only a be -
uinnlng. AH great reforms have
to have beginnings. It Is an experi -
of irient that will help us in making l:n-
provements in sucn legislation. Its also the right to care in the tuher
use will help frame an Oregon state-' miosis sanatoria, and to medical at
wide law. A state-wide law will j tendance in maternity,
help frame state-wide laws in Wash-! All these benefits are to be pro
inpton, California and other qtates. ! vided by the ntate. A large propor
1 11 all of them, there Is a strong ' tlon of the poor are now members
and growing agitation against the I of benefit societies and clubs of all
revolver. They are all beginning to
realu.e that its only function' la to
kill. There la not a state or a coji
beqiiential city in the country tint
will have anti-revolver legislation
wltMtrfi few rearg. " """
Why' take the side -of the crooks?
Why assail auti-revolver legislation
when It Is still weak, still Imperfect,
and but just trying tfMon its feet?
When there is a revolver shot, a dy-1
worth whllo in naHentlv W ill do
something to stop the killings?
The Oregouian has got in the way
of many a reform. It used to de-
fend - the gamblers: It foughtthej
local option law. It tried to kill the
direct primary. It tried to ham-
string the initiative and referendum.
It. has always put the dollar above
the-maa?; It has always turned Its
back on change.
But the Juggernaut of "progress
moves right on.
N international crusade has
Deen launcnea against mat
"dreadful Immoral woman"
who wears clothes that give
too much emphasis to the lines of
"r figure, uiergyjnen, juages ana
oiner men ana women attribute
murders, thefts and minor offenses
on fhe calendar criminal to immoral
"I am in favor of limiting the wo
men in their attire on the street by
municipal action it necessary," said
one of the reformers. "The man
ner in whicL women dress is an in
vitation to licentious men to accdst
There are those who contend that
the fashions of today are the most
attractive and the most sensible ever
adopted by women.
It is admitted.
of course, that the intention of the
fashion is sometimes abused, cor- Not one, however, presents more
rupted. But what branch of life of the unusual than a catse that hap
fails of corruption? j pened recently at La Grande. A
There are many ideas on mod-j lawyer who owned a farm there was
esty. Many, many years ago women ' a strong opponent of the Henry
were required to veil their faceBr on tGeorgo theory of single tax. He had
no account were they permitted to :
reveal their hands on the street. In1
China, it is still the height Of in- 'ernacle in La Grande and prepared
j decency for a Chinese woman to to make there a clinching address
show her feet. Thomas Aquinns ! against the system. But, in order
j told the women of his flock never to better understand the weak
to drink out of a small glass lest in i points, he provided himself with a
rbelng thus obligod to throw their ' copy of "Progress and Poverty," and
ap-fheads back their throats might be read Jt, carefully,
exposed. There was a time when! When the night of the meeting
the use of lingerie was confined to j arrived, 400 persons were In the au-
the demi-monde. Among some of jdience. All expected to hear the
'the staid peasant women of Europe speaker tear the system into shreds,
i today the use of clothing under their ; But behold, Instead of a maddened
outside skirts is taboo. In none of ;
the, Instances were murder, theft or j
other immnralltlpH nn whit ahntPrl
There are thoBe who really loveless and Poverty" had converted
and respect womanhood and are him.
"willing to leave her to those prlvi-;
leges which are the right of every :
living creature. Some very senjihle i
people declare that clothes werejnialned to pray
made for women and not women for j
clothes. It is further averred that
in the last analysis, it is a question !
tliat women must decide for them-j
solves. '
And after all is said andV-dono,
there is much that la Informing In
the words of the heroine of a recent
short story:
Take It from mi, ypertabti!ty hnn't
got nothln' to do with fashion.;. It bevond the Rockies was an all-year-ain't
what you got on outside that round occurrence. Wo were utterly
makes virtue its what s roln on in- , , . . ,
side. You could put some .lamps in unable to produce our own pork.
dlvln' suits and they'd corrupt tho dcvir
flfh; and you could put other dames in
an afternoon tea in the " of Zln lnS PP'"ation our own farmers pro
and well, say! ' j duced for Oregon her own hogs, fat-
And, well say! As to reforniTr'I.ned on Oregon foods and creating
woman's dress
aging work!
at best it is discour -
RE time and fashion vet
make us a race of baldheaded converting. It into high-priced pork
women? !Prs. We are finding out the falsity
Women themselves confess of the old myth that hogs could only
that beads of heavy treses are a
to tie abandoned and that fiftv
; ,)cr rent of a fashionable woman's
'it is notorious that the huge addi -
tlons of false hair harm the scalp
China. Our bill to China In 1 1 0
for human hair was $(i95,r50. S-Vv-
ctify per cent of all the false hnir
our women use Is from the heads of
Chinese, a fact that heightens the
wonder as to why lovely women In
sist on bogu.i adornment of rats,
puffs and switches.
.Miiw reianon net ween a very
lareo nrnnnrHnn of T.-'nrrHoV,
large pioportlon or fcnglish
surgeons and physicians and
that portion of the public
which cntnps; under the nmvltlnns f I
the new-irrsUYance law Is about to be
put into practice,
The experiment is on an immens
j scale. Thirteen niiiMonB rf the poor-
er classes are entitled to tile bone-
fits pf the act. Among these bene -
! fits are Included not only medical
j rare and medicines In sickness but
1 rgedical supervision, to avoid slck-
ness or to cure it in its earlier stages.
kinds. Each society or club has a
contract with some doctor for sup
plying medical attention and medi
cines to the members at very cheap
rates. All these doctors Llovd
T Clrge- proposed ihat the state
snoum ennst ror service under the
act. He lad thus the nucleus of
the state employed medical men.
Tea insured have the ri-jht to em-
ploy the doctors they select, and j
dent and maternity cases and to on,
entitle the state paid doctors to
extra remuneration. ' But the' doc
tors were not satisfied with the
terms 'Offeree:, ihes agitated and
-convinced, Lloyd-George and his as-
soclafes that they are entitled to
jcomewhat better pay than, that at
first proposed
But the matter -of
pay is' notyet 1 lHnallysettledj aKl
though fee youngr men as a class
and many of thr elders recognise
the Immense advantages which they
will-tecelverThey appreciate to the
full Just such a plan of preventive
medicine as the act provides, .and
just such an organization of the, at
present, unconnected branches of the
profession r is In vlev.
The pay of the doctor of the poor
has been both small and precarious.
Under the act we will not only re
ceive more money but he has the
state for paymaster. - ' -----
IOHT or wrong, true or untnie.
practical or impractical, thera
Is a strange effectiveness In
Henry George's "Progress and
The remarkably sudden conver
sion jot Tom Johnson is familiar in
formation". To ,it have been added
similar instances of how the book
brought sudden changes in the
minds of men, until the list expands
into hundreds, if not thousands.
made speeches in -opposition.
At last, he hired the Mormlfe tab
philippic against it, the orator
plunged into an earnest and power-
fnl nrlvncncv nf thA Hvstflm. "Prnc.
Like those who heard the parson.
in Goldsmith's "Deserted Village."
the lawyer "came to scoff but re-
ORTLAND received six cars of
hogs from Nebraska yesterday,
six Cars tho first of the week,
and eight Several, weeks ago.
But they are the first importations
, of hogs for about a year. A few
years ago tho arrival of hogs from
But tho.-forces of change are In
, motion
In spite of swiftly increas-
, Oregon wealth.
! Later, we shall Import no carloads
of Nebraska swine. We shall keep
at home the gold we have .been prof
ligately sending away. We are
growing more and more alfalfa and
' lie satisfactorily produced in corn
t-nsld for tho Nf-hrask.i hoe-s that r.
rived yesterday. The rewards of
the industry are sufficient under
such prices to afford great stimulus
1 to endeavor, and we should confl
..... .
i dently look for a constant increase
In the output. I
"ng of the Revolver.
' am little and bri-i.t. hut I bark and i
, ,, ...,. i
i I am carried concealed, and only 're
ven led
When passion prompts to kill.
tho favorite tool nf knave and fool.
nd society pays the bill.
I do most of my work where vices lurk.
And lawless schemes are laid;
Noflrlminal plan of the holdup man
Without counting on me Is made.
Rut often, too, J'vo sint death through
A child who with me plaved.
I give dancerous Jov to the careless boy
Who kills himself or another;
1 seldom save, out make many a grave,
And ttiany a heartbroken mother,
I Rettrl. tool than me to create misery
The dcMi can find no other.'
I When mnddon.d with hate, and reckless
' fat.
(r crnz'd with whlskrv or wine
i lien reason tcrsaKes It Is 1 ihe niani
It Is then that I best shout and shine; ;
i For thousands of men and women have
1 then I
Become easy victims of mine.
1 Th" murderous lover, the thug under
The Idiot hunter of game.
The ye "it man most rouph. the juvenile
I serve tlieni all the same.
For crlmlnnls black, and folks who
brains lack.
1 am the favorite name.
I My master is Death, the stopper of
' l'pnn a'l lends rnd sen,
j So ! hark and bite, by day and night;
I ni an al'-- or everv disease;
I. ike them. I kill to obev Mt will;
New grazes his kingshln please.
J. P. Wager.
Ilunkhcnd Named Wiliton.
From the New York Globe.
That It was Senator Bankhead of Ala
bama, nitlnsr with blanket power for
mfU1 ln ,n, Pemocrntlc national con-
vention, is now fully known.
HogeT Sullivan of Illinois, though he
went to Wilson at the ouuet, was still
working more or less ln harmony with
tho anti-Wilson combine. The plan waa
to rale Wilson close to the two-thirds
Ised votes to Underwood. He went .to
Sullivan and urged him to vote for
Lnderwood on the - forty-sixth ballot
Sullivan replied he would shift back
to Clark, This angered Bankhead.
Over the phone the day before Under
wood had given him" unrestricted au
thority to act" as he saw fit He saw
the gatae was to kill Wilson and male
another try to sine . Clark, while not
carrying out promises tq UnderwootJw-
c,t'. paw,:iorany: marC' - said -Bank,
unaerwooa will not n used as
hepd, as he hastened to the platform
anli made his dramatio release of the
Underwood delegate. ' :
The nomination of Wilson Was
clinched " th moment Bankhead with
drew Underwood's name and everybody
knew it The rest was a formality!
Letters From tlie People
Communications sent to The Journal
for publication in this department
should be written on only one side of
the paper, should not exceed 800 words
In length and must be accompanied bv
the name and address of the sender. If
the writer doea not desire to- hav the
name published, he should so state.)
Assessment Valneso v- -Portland,
Or., July 24. To the Editor
nf The Journal In Houston. Texas, a
single taxer directs assessraanU. .. Th
valuations for the city have been raised
from 177,000,000 to $94,000,000. improve
ments are assessed at 25 per eut. The
taxes on the small home owners have
bepn reduced, and franchises of nubile
service corporations are valued at $2,
000,000, where formerly they were not
on the assessment rolls. Over 3000
people are paying less taxes than they
were, but they are not the land specu
lator class.
There is no doubt but what in Port
land, at a very conservative estimate.
fully JBO,000,000 could be added to the
assessment rolls by H. D. Wagnon.
every dollar of which would .rest' on
big speculatlvu holdings. Any single
taxer In control of the assessor's office
could reduce the taxes in this city to
less than 16 mills on thef dollar and
at the same time reduce the taxes paid
throughout the county by email resident
Houston's single tax assessor refused
to list household furniture and personal
belongings. He took that up with fran
chise taxes. He estimated the cottage
at 25 per cent of Its value, and made up
the difference by bringing the big spec
ulative holdings up to 70 per cent of
their actual selling values. When the
higher authority of some sort of an
equalization board was Invoked the own
ers of Improved property strenuously
insisted that these valuations remain,
and they did.
Taxes are high In Portland on the
little fellow. The way for the little
fellow to do is to vote for a single tax
er for assessor, and taxes will take a
lofty tumble. Of course, the specula
tlve properties held Idle or covereil with
snicks in this" cTTyiisessed at lft to II
per cent of the asking figures will have
to take up the difference. The little
fellow has the most votes, and when
he votes for himself he will secure the
results in low taxes. As long as he
votes for big business, the results go to
big buslneic. ALFRED IX CRIDGE,
Comfort Stations Needed.
Portland, Or., July 23. To the Editor
of The Journal I being a resident and
reader of jour publication would like
to voice my sentiments regarding onu
of the Important isues confronting the
parents of our town today. I notice
with great Interest the letters, pro and
con, from the people concerning the sa
loon and pool hall question. Just lately
some beautiful public drinking foun
tains have made their appearance on our
streets thanks to one of our public
spirited citizen. Now, between the
drinking .fountains, aloons, pool halls,
soda fountains, etc., we ran all get
enough to drink; but where In Snm Hlil
can we find a place to heed nature'a
rail, outside of a public saloon or pool
hall? We claim to have the healthiest
city in the country. Why not help
melee conditions to keep it so? A city
the sire of Portland could and must
some day provide a number of com
fort stations. Why not now? ( (Jive
nature a little thought. We drive our
boys into the saloons and pool halln (the
girls, not so fortunate, being barred I to
seek relief. WTio Is to blame, the boys,
parents, saloonkeepers or city officials?
Some Portland "John Kelly," kindly
take notice. HARRY HALE.
The Walsh Trajedy.
Portland, Or.. July 23. To the Editor
of The Journal Reading of 'the .Walsh
tracri-, 1 suppose the sin is the same
for both and both are equally guilty,
the woman and the man In ihe case.
Any God-loving, self-respecting woman
would not be guTfy of enticing or en
couraging attentions that rightfully- be
long to another the wife of the man.
And n man of this type, a moral de
generate is what he is, does not de
sire a wife nor family. He should never
marry. Let him remain single and
, lael Ilr tan nut l-t? lpvuid ;vi uliiih bu
I much harm nor rnn lie drag so many
then he can not be capable, of doing so
Into misery. The world Is a million
The study of the calendar, In all Its
various changes, is most interesting.
The Egyptians divided Uielr civil
day Into the same number of hours as is 1
the rule at present, twenty-four, and
calculated twelve for the natural day I
j and twelve for the night
They count-
i ?'1 from on to twplve 1,1 eHch Period,
! Practically they bean their civil day
at minnigni, wntcn was inoirrerenny
reckoned as belonging to the preceding
l or tlie following day.
j The Egyptian month was thirty days
I and they arranged their months into
three (Treat seasons of four months
each, which they called "sha, ' Inuti-
Idatlon; "per," winter; and) "shema."
summer. There still remains some un
certainty for the "sha" seHsnn. for,
according to the Copts, there are four
months from the supposed beginning of
th? rise of the Nile, a few days before
the summer solstice to the end of the
Inundation. It would be natural, there
fore, to be led to suppose that winter
would be the cold season, and summer
would correspond to spring and early
The common year of the, ancient
Egyptians Is that which has been called
the Vague Year, because on account of
lis length of 365 days It fell short of a
tropical or a sidereal year and thus
passed through all the seasons. That
this year was that In which the in
scriptions are usually dated before the
introduction of the Alexandrian year
under Augustus appears from the De
cree of Canopus. .
The Egyptians also used a fixed year
which dated from the so-called rlslrg
f.liie SolliU, -wUicU was June-fti 14
also contained 315 days and It was
ndjusted by the addition of another day
every four yejis. The Inconveniences
of the Vague Year In relation to" the
festivals, led Ptolemy III to reform the
calendar by lntercalculatlng a day after
times better without one of his typo.1
A husband and father is supposed to
be the head of the house, the pro-j
vider and protector of the wife ana
chiidren. A mighty poor prop they
make to lean upon. They ought, to t
labeled dangerous,, the same as polson.
If there Is a hell, I believe u was
made for ,peoole of this class. , The
happy home la the heaven on earth,
where immorality has no placet. It Is
the Dlace where full freedom la en-
Joyed and the best In us has full room
for- expansion and development.
IIayesTllden Commission, i '
Portland. Or.. July 24.- To the Editor
of The Journal In the Hayes-TUden
controversy ever the prestdenoy, how
was the committee that decided se
lected ? ,JDld, it .require a special., act f
congress? Who were in the majority
on. that committee, Democrats er Re
publicans? who cast the deciding vote,
and what waa his political faith?
, Lk M. B.
(The electoral commission of 1877
was created by a special act of con
gress and was made up of 15 members.
Five were appointed by the senaU, five
by the house of representatives, four
Justices ' of-thr supremr courtwere
named in the act, and a fifth justice waa
named by the other four. The Republi
cans had fight members,-the Democrats
seven. Under the Original plan the Jus
tice to be chosen by the other four was
to, have beenJ)avldLpavlat an lndepenft-J
ent in. politics, but on the pay. the sen
iTe pawssd the act Davis was elected
a senator from Illinois and. was removed
from the equation. In his place Joseph
P. Bradley was chosen, and It was
Bradley who cast the deciding vote foj
News Forecast of tke
Washington, July 27. President Taft
will be officially notified of his nom
ination at the White House on Thurs
day. According to present plans, Mr.
Taft will receive the notification com
mittee on the rear portico of the execu
tive mansion, which overlooks the
ellipse. He swllhpeak from the portico,
with the committeemen grouped about
him on the lawn. The president will
probably leave for' his summer home at
Beverly Immediately after the notifica
tion meeting.
State conventions of the Progressive
party during the week will include thd
following. Montana, at Helena; NewJ
Mexico ai Amuquerque; uouismna, ai
New Qrleans; Arkansas, at Little Rock:
Illinois, at Chicago; Tennessee, at Nash
ville;' Colorado, aU Denver; Indiana, at
Indianapolis; Virginia, at Roanoke; Min
nesota, at St. Paul; Missouri, at Kansas
City, and Connecticut, at New Haven.
Governor Woodrow Wilson, the presi
dential nominee of the Democratic par
ty, expects to continue at his summer
home at Sea Girt during the week, re
ceiving: visits from the party leaders
and putting the finishing touches to his
TiottficatrnTr-HTiareisr 1
Republicans and Democrats of Ne
braska, In -accordance with the primary
law, will hold their state conventions
Tuesday, the former meeting at Lin
coln and the latter at Grand Island. As
the nominations were made In the prim
aries the work of the convention will be
confined principally to the adoption of
the party platforms. The rivalry of the
two factions in the Republican party la
expected to cause a lively convention.
Five aspirants are contesting for the
Democratic gubernatorial nomination In
Tennessee, which will be settled in a
'state primary Thursday. Former (Jov-
erncr Benton McMIUIn Is among those
who aspire to head the state ticket.
Democrats of Kentucky will select
their candidate's for representatives in
congress In the) state-wide primary to
be held Saturday.
A state "assembly" of the Republic
ans of Colorado will be held In Denver
Wednesday to nominate presidential
electors and select the names to be
placed on the primary ballot. The
state assembling are a new feature In
Colorado politics. In some ways they
correspond to the old state conventions,
but they arc designed to eliminate the
bitter contests that frequently marked
the conventions. The assemblies take
only one ballot on candidates for each
office to be filled, and any one receiv
ing 10 per cent of the total vote In the
assembly Is entlUed to have his or her
name on the primary ballot.
A notable conference for the discus
sion of molern journalism, Its Meals,
trend and Its existing rendition, is to
assemble at the fnlverslty of Wiscon
sin Monday. The conference has sched
uled prominent speakers, among them
being Melville B Stone, William J,
Bryan. William Allen White, Norman
Hapgood, Charles H. Grasty of Balti
more and Fremont Older of San Fran
cisco. Other events that will figure In the
news of the week will be at the notional
open golf championship at Buffalo, the
conference of the western states gov
ernors at holse, the annual Canadian
Henley regatta at BC Catherine, and
the reception of the merlcan Olympic
team upon Its arrival In New York.
every four years before the year next
I.'nder Augustus a fixed year, called
the Alexandrian, beginning on the 29th
30th of August of the Julian year, su
perceded the Vague Year. This new
reckoning was Introduced somewharo h.
j Uroon s a c and E A D. Bruesch.
however, has put forth a theory showing
I that this 2!Uh-30th year was in use in
Egypt from the time of Dynasty VI
The ( Alexandrian year superseded the
Vague Year, and has remained ln use
to our time In that country, never hav
ing been wholly supplanted by the
lunar year of the Arabs, but recently
It has given way to the Gregorian cal
endar. At the time of Dynasty XII the
Egyptians used four years the Vague
Year, a solar year, a lunar year, and a
lunar year with an lntercalculatlon. The
second of these -years was no doubt
the .Sothlae, the Beginning of which had
"an original connection with the sum
mer solstice, ami the duration of which
was probably the Egyptian measure of
a solar year.
No era has been found In the Egyp
tian Inscriptions. They always, If they
date at all, date by the year of the
reigning sovereign. There Is but one
Instance, of a reckoning by the nature
of an era. It Is the statement of the
Interval between two distant reigns ln
the stele In which, under Ranieses II, an
Interval of four hundred years after a
shepherd king Is mentioned, or more
strictly, following the analogy of ordi
nary dates, the four hundredth year of
the earlier king, as though he wgre still
living. Similarly the eolns 4t the Ptol
mla. oue --class, present tK
dates. It Is, therefore, not surprising
"that the Egyptian cycles, mentioned by
ancient witters, are not traceable on
the monuments nor. through the coins.
Tomorrow Hebrew -Calendar,
Tke Mystery of Cruelty
From tie Detroit Journal r
the; Peruvian rubber Jungles are de
scribed In recent British reports as re
veailhjf new horrors of - inhumanity and
oppressfon. The natives of that un
happy Wilderness, at the western doors
of the Panama canal, have been under '
bondage as bitter as he slavery pf the
Cungo plantations, as bitter as that of
the Portuguese cocoa Islands, as bitter
as the worst wickedness of the.'Amerl-
cjn cotton' .neltr;"v'-'"',5rT'"?" ; :yr;;r
These Tew da VS Which w have Hved
together,. In which- we have gone to
church and to the theatre, and watched -political
and business and social events, T
have been to those. Indian neighbors
days of blood and whippings, of ravish-.
mgs ana death. Solomon might come
back to earth after t3O00 years of his
tory, and repeat: , . " X
"So I returned, and" considered all the
oppressions that are doneJ under the
sun: and behold the tears of such as " ..
were oppressed, and they had no com-- -fprtj'.s:
lanA m Jhejida jfLthelrppres!c;
sors there Waa power, and they had no ,
comforter. ' . ,-
"Wherefore, 1- praised the dead which -aro
already dead more, than the living
which are yet alive." , ;
t Whenever new tidings come of slavery
and oppression, under whatever name,
the tears of the oppressed when on
the side uf -their oppressors there" is "
power, fall with the weariness of the
centuries, and the hopelessness of the
darkest past comes back into our day,
"The whole creation," St. Paul ex
claimed, "groancth and travalleth in .
pain together until now," and any new
scene of inhumanity reveals to us the '
great sea of human suffering, that-vast "
flood of tears which the 8crlptures de--7
clare are stored up by the Almighty
'against the day of retribution.
We must not hastily say that the
world -Is no better than when Solomon
pitied the helpless. Neither must we
think the world, of Its own operations,
has grown entirely righteous. We must
be charitable to our humankind, but we
must bV wise and Just,
i Therefore we... must- realize - that -In
getting rid of a civil Institution known
as slavery, In Europe and America, we
old not -get rid of the enslaving, the "
oppressing, the tyrannous lempeS.ments
among us. ,
We came to a time when well disposed
people had control of the government.
They exerted that control. They swept
slavery from their society, by force,
even by war. But they left human na
ture just where It was, to Increase and
multiply, and whenever some Individuals
have had opportunity, they have proved
themselves still enslavers and oppres
sors, and when they had power the op
pressed had no comforter.
"The dark places of the earth are full
of the habitations of cruelty," Solomon
elsewhere declares. And whenever we
In our smug satisfaction over the Eman
cipation Proclamation have penetrated
tha daxk. .places, we have lu und,.tha..liAbji.
nations of cruelty. Now they are 1A
the sisal beds of Yucatan. Now they
are In peonage cantonments In the
south. Again they are within the snowy,
whitewashed, winding corridors nf a
Michigan prison. The dark places of
the earth are full of the habitations of
It is important that we shall not be
pessimistic. But it is o.ulte as Impor
tant, perhaps more so, that we should
net be optimistic. Sometimes things go
better, and sometimes they go worse,
and that Is why we have a struggle in
the world. And one benefit the horri
fying news from Peru will bring Is to
crush both optimism and pessimism, and
drive us Inward upon ourselves to
make us study our own nature and
ponder It
To abolish cruelty we must abolish
ourselves. Human nature must be re
made in the Individual before the world
can be redeemed. We ourselvea must
begin, and with ourselves, ' to abolish
all our own little favorite cruelties, to
men and women and, as 8olomon says,
to dumb brutes. Can ,we put down all
our own slave driving spirit, our own
oppression of those who have no com
forter? When we begin this, we shall do two
things: We shall understand what the
great grim mystery of cruelty Is, In
Peru and In our own hearts, and we
shall begin also to "move upward, work
ing out the beast, and let the ape and
tiger die."
Pointed Paragraphs
He who hesitates is bossed.
There is nothing so unbecoming to a
woman as a last year's hat.
The average man would rather fo to
church than to t family picnic. '
A bachelor finds It so easy to get
married that he Is apt to be suspicious.
No matter whothef you do a thing or
whether you don't people will talk about
you. -
The girl who expects love to come af
ter marriage Is apt to bump up against
a great disappointment.
Contentment Is - getting near the
Jumping off place when It begins to sit
under a tree and watch the weeds grow.
After a man hae been married a few
years he Imagines every time his wife
picks up a towel that she Is going to
tie It around her head and do a house
cleaning stunt.
By Miles
I owed a dollar and fifty cents to a guy
on Easy street;
I borrowed it one day ln ninety-two.
I had so many debts that there were
' some I couldn't meet,
0 that Is all there was for me to do.
I told the guy I'd pay him when I had
the cush to spare;
He said; ' Why, that's all right, old
man, you know."
But always whenu'd meet him he'd look
past me with a stare,
Which plainly said: "Come pay me
what you owe."
The guy had lots of money and he
owned a car or two,
But he seemed to tuixn that dollar
and a half.
So I met an active member of the
city's working crew,
And he handed me some money with
' a laugh. .
Then I paid the Easy Btreeter who had
thousands In the bank;
I could see that he was glad to get
It back,
Though he grunted when I thanked him,
gave tils motor car a crank.
And I felt like I waa sitting on a
Though I haven't paid the fellow who
works dally ror his eats.
And 1 know he needs the money everjr
He Just grins whene'er he sees me, as
he brushes up the streets.
And he doesn't try to garnishee jnf
Which l wF T wa thl e'Tn uchly that one
ought' to' sort of stick
With the fellow of the same degree
and kind;
Now I'm laying for the other with a '
gold-embelllshed brl"k
7or I hope some, day to steal the
geeser blind.