The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 27, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Senatorial Slabster. Has De
ceivers Working Overtime
and Champs Are Helpless;
Koestner Tightens After 3d.
Frank Arellanes, the Mexican1 mixolo
gist, conjured up a po'tlon yesterday
afternoon that put tho Beavers noundly
to nleep and a a result the Deacons
. rneaked stealthily off wKh the game,
vhlch -waa a 8 to 0 affair. "Sphynx"
Keeatner h- Beaver eurvester, had
nothing that deceived the Van Buren
crowd, and when they weren't cracklnir
- In the twis they-were taking the heart
',' out 'of tha Blender one by their perfect
, hunting game. - After the third Inning
. Koestner unleashed his speed and the
-' Senator were held In check. Arellanes
had verythins that a successful pitcher
. needed and he shot three strikes across
at Mr, Pinch Hitter Butcher In the ninth
no fast that it fairly took away the
s breath Of Hank and everybody but the
Senatorial battery.
Hetater was In left because Jimmy
Lewis, wasn't feeling well, and he cer
' v tatnly made his presence felt After
Etilnn waa thrown out at first In the
opener. Al smashed the ball to left field
' for two bases. Then he took third on
O'Rourke' out and when Van Buren,
t who, by tha way, played a sparkling
eame, shoved the pellet through short,
he came across the plate. Van's super
annuated legs could not carry him to
' " seeondTthead of sreriTTvrowTTUior-Tie
was out stealing.
Double Cuts Off Sooras.
A double play saved the Beavers In
tne second. ' Sheehan walked, but was
" caught In a. double play with Miller and
Mils waa immediately followed by two
, safe drives by Irelan and Cheek, the lat
tcr getting tha first of his three safe-
- tl esv ' '
Koestner pared the way for the brace
of runs put over by the Solona In the
third by walking Shlnn. Helster bunted
nd Koestner hesitated too Ion about
throwing to second, following with a
' peg lei Rapps, but too late to catch the
batter, O'Rourke sacrificed .the pair
" along. Van Buren hit down to Rapps
and Bill tried to morgue Bhlnn at the
" plate, but Jimmy Hd under the ball.
Helster went to third and he came rac
ing across a moment later when Tommy
Eheehan ; demonstrated ' how the
"squeeae" play is pulled off. Miller
fanned for tha final out.
Doane singled In the first and reached
third on Chadbourne's sacrlf lea and
Llndsay'a-eut, but Rodgers could not
get tho ball by O'Rourke.
Krueyer Doubles Is Caught.
Krueger opened the second with a
floubla to the right field fence; but was
' out at third on a throw from Van Bur--"entdTrelanr
after Fisher's fly. Dutch
' mad tha bag, but in trying to avoid In
' terferfng with Irelan. lost his stride
and ' overran the cushion. Bancroft
fouled to Eheehan.
In tho seventh inning the Beavers had
the bases full with one out, but the
large concourse of matinee goers was
disappointed when Bancroft and Rapps
" couldn't 'deliver. Lindsay and Rodgers
opened with clean Blnglea to center and
' Krueger sacrificed on a grounder to
Arellanes. The Statesmen passed Fisher
purposely. to get a chance at Bancroft
. and subsequent events showed their wis
dom. - Dave took a couple, then fouled
two, accepted another, couldn't resist a
swing at a high fast one and was an
' Ignominious strikeout Rapps poled one
to left but, after misjudging it. Hols
ter made a wild stab and held on to the
--v. Butcher Whiffs.
. In the ninth with two out. Fisher
singled, but Butcher, sent to hat for
- Bancroft, -was caught off his balance
with - three . quickly delivered strikes
across the heart of the plate.
The game was played in the ahortest
time of the .season. Score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
- Fhlnn, rf. .....
Helster. If. .'.
0 0
0 0
2 0
' Van ' Buren, cf. s
Eheehan, 3t5.r"r.",;i7:-r-7v; ?v
. Miller; lb. 4
Irelan, ss 3
- Cheek. ft-Trn rn .1.1. 4
- Arellanes,'---P."" 3
19 ' S 5 27 "?" 0
r AB. R H. PO. A. E.
Poane. rf. 4 0 2 I fl 0
Chadbourne. If. ...i. 3 fl 0 8 0 ft
Lindsay. 8b. ........ 4 0 10 10
Rodgers, 2b. . . . . . ....4 0 t 6-2 0
Krueger. cf 3 0 1 1 0 0
-TTShe-rV 6.
3 0 1 3 2 0
TJanAft mm 3 A ft 1 ' fl fl
Rappe, lb 3 o 0 13 o o
Koestner, p 3 0 0 0 4 0
Butcher .-. i... 1 0 0 0 0 o
.31 0 7 27 18 0
' 'Batted for Bancroft In ninth.
Sacramento 1 0200000 0 3
. Hit 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 19
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Hits 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 17
Struck out By Arellanes 4. by Koeet
Jier 2. Bases oa balla-rOff Arellanes
1 off Koestner 3. Two base hits
1; Helster, Krueger. Double plays Koest-
nor. Bancroft and Rapps, Van Huron and
l Irelan; Bancroft, Rodgrrs and; Itapps;
i Fisher and Hodgera Saoriflce hits
r Helster. O'Rourke, Sheehan, KrucRer.
Arellanes, Chadbourne. Stolen banes
Irelan. Hit by pitched ball Helster by
""Koestner. Time of game 1:15. Umpires
J' McCarthy and Casey.
: .. ; Scala 'Lose Again.
s1., Log Angeles, Cel.. July 27. The lo
5 cals defeated the Seals again yesterday,
i -1 to 4.
J The score R. H. E.
; Lo Angeles 7 10 3
' Ban Francisco 4 10 4
Batteries Chech and Brooks; Miller,
Henley tmd Berry.
Oaks Are Beaten.
San Francisco, July 27. Vernon came
back strong yesterday and beat the Oaks
"i'.'T te 4,
1 Ihe ecore: R. H. E.
, Vernon 7 11 1
' Oakland 4 6 1
"""' Batteries Castlcton and Agnew;
''.Christian,' Durbln and Rohren
Western League Result.
. . Denver, 5; Omaha, 1. Slbux City, 4-8;
Wichita, 1-1. St. Joseph. 1; Des Moines,
! t, Lincoln, 4; Topeka, 0.
reaui -l x ,
Wrestling Match
, . -1, - CLf PIJZM4
v Italian Champion.
Admission 10c, 76c, 11.00. Ringside 81. 50.
Parson Jloomfield. Given Poor
. Support Back of His Wob
bly Pitching. V
Taooma, Wash., July 27. The locals
secured another flying start In yester
day's gnme with the, Colts and In the
first three Innings scored six runs,
enough to beat the Portlanders. The
final score was 4. to-1. c - - - T
Bloomfleld started on the mound for
the Colts and three runs were made In
tho first Inning. Poor fielding allowed
two more runs to be scored In the sec
ond Inning.
Doty replaced Bloomfleld at the end
of the second inning and held the Tigers
to one run, while the best the Colt
could do with Criger's delivery was to
score three tallies.
- Harris was the star sticker of the
day, getting three hits In three times at
bat - McDowell secured two hits In three
times up. The game was featured by
six double plays.
Persons, tho first batter to face
Bloomfleld, walked . and took second
when Coltrln dropped Kibble's throw of
McMullin's bunt Harris made a poor
throw of Neighbors' bunt to Kibble and
the bases were full. Mike Lynch
whiffed, but Goodman followed with a
single and Persons and McMullln scored.
Halderman sent a sacrifice fly to Fries
and Neighbors tallied. Jansen ended the
inning by fanning.
Portland made one In the' second in
ning. Crulkshank's single, a passed ball
and hits by McDowell and Harris scored
the run. The Tigers came back with
two runs in their half of this Inning.
Lalonge and Criger walked and Persons
nriCtghbori Troiiewea with BTngTesnn
the third frame, Tacoma made Its third
tally off Doty. Holderman singled and
scored on two like hits.
Portland scored a pair of runs in the
fourth Inning. McDowell singled, but
was forced at second by Stelger, Harris
singled and both pathmen scored on
Doty's hit which Manager Lynch al
lowed to get away from him,
" The score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Kibble, 8b .... 4 0 0 1 3 0
Fries, rf t 0 1 1 0 0
Mahoney, cf . . : 4 0 1 1 0 0
Crulkshank. If 4 1 3 0 0 0
McDowell lib ........ 8 0 2 5 6 0
Stelger. lb 3 1 0 7 1 0
Harris, c 3 1 8 8 3 1
Coltrln 8 0 0 8 3 2
Bloomfleld. p 1 0 0 A 0 0
Doty, p..... 8 01 0 0 0
Total 38 8 10 24 15 3
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
Persons, If 2 1 1 2 0 0
McMullln. ss I 1 1 8 6 0
Neighbors, rf 3 1 2 2 0 a
Lynch, c f 3 0 0 1 0 1
Goodman, 2b 4 0 1 4 8 0
Holderman. lb .3 1 1 12 0 0
Hansen, 3b 3 0 2 1 1 0
La Lbnge, c 8 1 2 2 2 0
Criger, p 3 1 0 0 4 0
Totals ....... .....28 8 11 27 15 2
Portland 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 03
Tacoma 32100000 6
Stolen bases Holderman (2). Double
lays McMullen to Holderman, Mc.
uuen to uooaman to Holderman. col
trln to Kibble, Kibble to Coltrln to Stel
aer. Kibble to McDowell to Steltrer. Two
base hits jansen. Sacrifice hits Mc
Mullen. Neighbors, Lynch. Holderman,
Stelger. Coltrln. Pitchers' records Five
runs, 3 hits off Bloomfleld in two in
nings; 1 run, 8 hits off Doty In 8 In
nings. Struck out Doty 3, Bloomrield
1. Criger 2. Bases on balls Doty 3,
Orlger 3. Bloomfleld 2. Passed ball
La Longe. Hit bv pltchei- Fries. Time
2:05. Umpire Toman.
Bugs Win Another.
Seattle, Wash., July 27. Consistent
hitting gave the locals yesterday's game
The final score was, Seattle, 8; Victoria,
6. Gordon blew up In the eighth and al
lowed 5 runs.
The score: ft H E
Victoria ...6 2
Seattle 8 18 1
Batteries Narveson and Meek; Gor
don, Schneider and Whaling.
Indiana in Third Place,
Vancouver, B. C, July 27. Vancouver
ihpyed Spokane into third place by tak
ing yesterdny's game, 7 to 8.
The gcore: ; R H E
Spokane 8 8 1
Vancouver 7 8 0
Batteries Kraft and Ostdiek; Willis
ana Lewis. ' -
National League Games.
At Philadelphia R. ILE.
Pittsburg 1 6 0
Philadelphia 4 10 1
Batteries O'Toole, Adams and Gib
ion. Simon; Moore and KlUlfer.
Umpires Rigler and Finn t ran.
At New York R. IT. E.
Chicago 4 7 0
Now York 3 9 2
Batteries Richie, Reulbach and Arch
er; Matnewson ana Meyers, Wilson.
Umpires Klem and Bush.
At Brooklyn R.H. K.
Cincinnati ..J 4 7 1
Brooklyn 11 1
Batteries Benton, Keefe. Davis and
UlarK; Kagon, Curtis and Miller.
Umpires Johnstone and Eason.
At Boston St. Lcuils-Boston gam
postponed; railroad wreck made it lm
possible for St Louis to arrive In time
to play.
Union Association Results.
Great Falls, 8; Helena, 7. Salt Lake
13; Missoula, 6. Ogdcn, 6; Butte, 5.
4 Beavers Four Games.
AB. H. PC.
- Doane 15 4 .267
4 Chadbourne ... 12 2 .167
4 Lindsay 17 5 .294
4 Rodgers 17 7 .412
4 Krueger 16 7 .438
4V Butcher 5 1
4 Bancroft 13 3
4 Fisher 11 3
4 Rapps 14 3
4 Koestner 8 0
4 Howley 2 1
Klawitter 3 0
4 Higglnb'ham . . 2 0
4 Harkness 3 0
- Total 133 86
4 Colts Pour dames
AB. H.
4 - Kibble 14 5
- Frls 19 6
4 Mahoney 19 4
4 Crulkshank ... IS 7
McDowell 18 7
Stelgw 12 1
4v Harris 14 6
Mtiore 1 0
4 Veazey 4 1
Tonneson 0 0
4 Girot 3 0
4 . Bloomfleld I O.,.08O.4
Loty 3 1 .338 ..4
4 4
Total 13 -SOl
.t ... - J
Mr. Georgo W. Kendall's fast motor
but which can travel as fast as
Schwengers Loses in Five Set
Match; Californians Take
Double Matches.
vifieduvefTTTrrJuir XTr-oe-cnr-
ler, tha veteran Northwestern player,
defeated Bernla P. Schwengars, the Ca
nadian champion, yesterday In a great
game, which lasted five seta. Tyler's
victory makes him winner of the 1912
tournament. The scores of the match
were 8-3, 8-8, 4-8, 6-8, 8-8. Both play-
era were In great form but Tyler waa
cooler In the pinches.
Johnston and Fottrell, of San Fran
cisco, were winners In the doubles over
the Rhodes brothers, of Vancouver, and
also defeated Lovall and Mloof Van-
oouver. ' -v
The finals In all events will be played
Yesterdays results:
Men's singles J. C. ' Tyler, Spokane,
beat H. C. Evans, Vancouver, 8-2, 8-0.
Tyler beat Schwengers 6-3, 8-6, 4-6 6-3,
Men's doubles Johnston and Fottrell,
San Francisco, beat Rhodes brothers,
Vancouver, 6-2, 8-6. H. G Garrett and
H. J. Marshall, Victoria, beat Toole and
Wheally, Calgary, fl-0, 6-3. Fottrell and
Johnston, San Francisco, beat Lovell and
Milne, Vancouver, 6-4, 6-8,
Tacoma, Wash., July 27. President
Watklns of th local ball team an
nounced yesterday that he had secured
Outfielder Ten Million on an optional
agreement from the Sioux City team
of the Western league.
Million was one of the surprises of
the league last season with the Vic
toria team and was drafted by the
Cleveland Americana. Later he was
turned over to the St. Louis Browns
and then shipped to the Sioux City team,
where he sprained his ankle after play
ing for about a month. He was allowed
to return to his home In Seattle, where
he has recovered. He did not wish to
return to the Sioux City, club and Wat
kins fixed up the deal whereby he be
comes a Tiger player.'
Million will play his first game with
the Tigers this afternoon In left field,
replacing young Persons, who 'will be
released or farmed out
President Wattelett of the Victoria
team is trying to sell either McCrecry
or Narveson to Tacoma.
Pacific Coast League.
Won, Lost
P. C,
Vernon 68
Log Angeles ......... 61
Oakland ............. 60
Portland ,.. 44
Han Francisco 43
Sacramento 41
Northwestern League.
Won. Lost
P. C.
61 42
Seattle 56
Spokane 54
Portland 45
Tacoma 42
American League.
Won. Lout.
Boston 63 29
Washington 56 36
Philadelphia 63 39
ChlcaKo 47 42
Detroit 45 48
Cleveland 45 48
New York 27 58
St. Louis 26 62
No games played yesterday.
National league.
Won. Lost
P. C.
P. C.
.4 80
New lorx ti5
Chicago 84
Pittsburg 60
Philadelphia 42
Cincinnati 44
St. Louis 35
Brooklyn S3
Boston 23
Western Tri-State League Results.
At Boise: R H E
Boise 1 14.13 0
Pendleton 1 6 7
Batteries Pope and Kelly; Osborne
and Pembrook.
At Walla Walla: R H E
La Grande 3 9 2
Walla Walla 6 10 2
Batteries Mountain and King; Pit
man and Brown.
Attell and Murphy Train.
San Francisco, July. 27. Now that
Abe Attell is in hard training, interet
in his bout here August 3 with Harlem
Tommy Murphy is increasing. Attell
boxed seven rounds yesterday, three
with Tommy MeFarland and two each
with Jimmy Walsh and Red Watson.
Murphy put In a good' day's work, box
ing eight rounds besides road work and
gymnasium stunts.
Kid Divorce After Sharkey.
New York, July 27. Tom Sharkey,
former heavyweight pugilist, is in the
ring again today, this time with old Kid
Marital Trouble in the opposite corner.
Mrs. Catherine Sharkey charges "cruel
and Inhuman treatment" and asks for a
complete divorce.
Eddie Graney in Hospital.
Ban Francleco, July 27. Eddie
Graney, fight promoter and referee, is
Ul.&t tho St.Pnuids hosplUl.hare.wiUi
an attack of pleurisy. It is expected he
will be able to leave the hospital early
next week. v
Journal Want Ada bring result.
boat, the Sylph, whJcUwag designed
any pleasure launch on the river. It
By Dorothy Campbell.
Having decided that It Is unnecessary
to have more than a cejtaln number of
clubs in order to become a good golfer,
the next thing to be done is to se
lect the suitable set.
Many women play with clubs whldK
are much, too heavy for them, and then
wonder why they become tired so quick
ly. Wooden clubs ought not to weigh
more than from 11 H to 13 ounces, and
Irons should be only slightly heavier.
Even if the novice has never had a
clubjn her hand before," her" Individual
taste h6'ula'be deferredlfTby whoever
is helping in the choice,' an even an In
expert person can tell If a stiff or
a whippy shaft feels more comfortable
to her, and whether or not she feis
more at home wlth clubs that have
more or less weight centered in the
heads. .
A driver Is usually the first club se
lected, and this should, weigh about
12 ounces and be of a comfortable
length when the sole Is resting on the
grajund. The faces of nearly all wooden
cbs have a distinctly perceptible slice
or pull to them, and for a beginner it
Is safer to choose the. latter. The- ten
dency, during the first few lessons, Is
to swing In a cramped fashion, and not
Portlanders. Take Doubles and
- Fours at Lake Shawnigan
Victoria, B, C, July 27. The Junior
crews of the Portland, Or., Rowing club
carried away two firsts and a second
place In the opening day's races of the
North Pacifio regatta, which were held
yesterday afternoon on Lake Shawnigan.
The Portland rowers won first places
In the Junior doubles and fours and
J. Haveley won second plaoe In the
Junior singles in a close race.
The best race of the-'afternoon was
the Junior doubles, Haveley and Newell
winning from Vancouver's representa
tives after an exciting race.
Portland had two crews In the Junior
singles and Vancouver and Victoria had
one each. The race was between the
Portland Crew No. 1 and the Victoria
crew. Portland's Grew No. 2 and the
Vancouver crew had a collision Just aft
er, the start and it looked as If the Vic
toria four would get away with first
place. The Portland crew, however, was
In better condition and with fast work
crossed the finish line ahead of the
James Bay boys.
The senior events will be held today.
American Association Results.
Milwaukee, 4; Kansas lty, 0, Tole
do, 7; Columbus, 2. Louisville, 1; Indi
anapolis, 1.
Mrs. Elfrieda Weller-Welnsteln, so
prano, who left Portland a few months
ago for Germany with the Intention of
going into grand opera, has written to
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, her teacher,
stating that she Is receiving many com
pliments on her singing.
"I am to sing in Bayreuth for Sleg
rrled Wagner at Villa Wahnfrled, where
he and Frau Coslma live," writes Mrs.
"This Is considered in Germany one
of the highest honors that' can befall a
singer. In the meantime, I am having a
perfectly glorious time coaching with
Frank King Clark. It will Interest you
to know that he, who rarely compli
ments any pupil, told me that I sang
better and more correctly than any pupil
that has cojVie from America. He says
he has absolutely nothing to change,
only to develop, and that he would not
allow me to sing what are in Germany
called "dramatic" roles. He nays jny
voice is too youthfully beautiful and
rich to be killed by singing "Brunhilde"
or '"Fidello," of which roles the Ger
mans think at once -when Kpeakfng of
dramatic. We have already commenced
on "Tosca," and will later take up
"Manon," "Butterfly" and others.
"I have a .letter from Mme. Bchu-mann-Helnk,
telling me she has an en
gagement for me at "Hochdramatische"
In Bre&lau, but I don't think I will con
sider the offer."
Mrs. Welnsteln and Mr, Welnsteln In
tend remaining In Europe several years.
Chicago, July 27. Over the 4
protests of Jack Johnson, world's 4
4 heavyweight champion, and Jack
Curley, two Chlcagoana and the
4 most Interested parties. Mayor 4
Harrison today has put the ban 4
4 on the Johnson-Flynn fight pic- 4
4 tures. 4
"Those films positively will 4
4 net-be -aliewed 4e be -exhibited"-" 4
4 here, was the word of Mayor 4
4 Harrison Just before starting 4
4 on his vacation. 4
4444444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 .
for comfort more than for speed,
is quite a sight on the stream.
' 1 J
to follow, through completely, which
has the result of sending the ball to the
right of the direction aimed at. This
Is technically termed slicing, and even
a slight amount of slant on the face of
the driver will greatly exaggerate this
A god driver shaft has spring In it
Just above the place wnere It is spliced
to the head, and one that la whippy
has the advantage of sending the ball
with less effort than a suffer one. All
kinds of-grips are on the market now
of kid, Rubber, cork, etcbut to my
mlndlhe "nioij-reliable ire-the thick
brown leather, which has a rough sur
face. Kid grips feel very nice at first,
but become shiny with constant use,
and require the frequent application of
pltoh or resin to prevent their slipping
during the swing. Rubber has the same
fault if exposed to dantp, and those
that are ridged are too severe on fem
inine hands.
It is a good plan to have a brassle aa
much like one's driver aa possible, the
only difference necessary being that the
shaft should be more unyielding aa well
as half an Inch shorter. The face will,
of course, be a little more laid back, to
facilitate picking the ball up cleanly
from' a grassy He,
Walter L Tooie, attorney of Salem
and Falls City, is registered at th
fc. H. Graaty, a stocks and bonds
dealer of New York, is a guest at tho
Mrs, B. C. Collins, wife of a marble
and tile manufacturer of Los Angeles,
and daughters, are. at the Portland,
d. E. White, manager for the Cluett
Peabody company, at Seattle, is at . the
M. Hyman, a manufacturer of 8an
Francisco, and wife, are at the Port
land. George H. George, the well known
canneryman, and wife, of Astoria, are
at the Portland.
Percy Griffith, an Insurance man of
New York, and two sons are at the
T. I. Dorsey, a railway contractor
of Spokane, Is a guest at the Port
land. Joseph B. Taylor, chief of police of
Philadelphia, wife and Miss J. Ring
are at the Portland.
Mrs. Joseph McCabe. wife of the rail
road contractor of Boston, and daughter
are at the rortland. "" '
Oswald Shier, a terra cotta manu
facturer, and wife of New York are
at the Multnomah.
Albert Schoonhoven, a real estate deal
er of Lfia Angeles, and his mother are
at the Multnomah.
B. A. Shaw and wife and party ef
Davenport, Iowa, ere guests at the
Harry N. Falk, Insurance man and
one of the owners, of the Owhee hotel
at Boiae, la .at the Multnomah;
C. A, MoCarger, a fruit grower of
Mosler, Or., is registered at the Mult
nomah. Roy 8. Neal of Pendleton la regis
tered at the "Multnomah,
F. R. Geals an attorney of Tilla
mook, la registered at the Imperial.
F. E. ManchesterrinerrtianTafid""Tfurri
grower of Lyle, Wash., Is a guest at
the Imperial.
George W. Wright, a merchant of Al
bany, Is a guest at the Imperial.
IL Greene, a civil engineer of Taco
ma, Is registered at the Imperial.
, Charles K. Spatrtding, of-the gpauld
ing Logging company of Salem, Is a
guest at the Imperial.,
E. P. Dodd, a real estate dealer of
HermiBton, is registered at the Imper
ial. L. IT. McMahon. an attornev nt Sa
lem, Is registered at the Imperial. j
uenry uien. a banker of Chicago,
Is registered at the Imperial.
Thomas Nolan, a merchant of Cor
vallls, is registered at the Oregon.
J. C. Scott, a banker of Walla Walla,
Is registered at the Oregon.
J. H. Dunlap, a lumberman of Cas
cade Locks, is registered at the Ore
gon. . Harry Wood, a merchant of Hood
River, is registered at the Oregon.
J. H. Chambers, a lumberman of Cot
tage Grove, la registered at the Oregon.
B Clancy and A. B. Carmody of Se
attle, who are motoring to Sun Fran
cisco, are registered at the Oregon.
L. B. Flagg, a railroad contractor
of Spokane, U a guest at the Bowers.
F. C. Hoyt, a business man of Cin
cinnati ,ahd wife are at the Bowers.
P. A. Williams, a business man of
Salern, is registered at the Bowers.
T T W.llUflmn fl hliDlnnna V.-. r, P T
AuiieieM, ana wue ar,e registered at
the Bowers.
M. W. Harrison, a banker of Tilla
mook, is registered at the Perkins.
A. G. Richardson, former city -ticket
agent for the Canadian Pacific in this
city, is with his family registered at
the Porklns from Winnipeg, Canada.
George McKay, a stockman of Wa
terman, Or., Is registered at the Per
kins. Krtl
F. S. Thompson, a merchant of Med
ford, Is registered at the Perkins.
H. Withycombe, a merchant of On
tario, Or., la,. registered at the Perkins. I
K. M. Moore, a business man of
Spokane, Is registered at tho Seward.
E. P. McCormack of Salem is regis
tered at the Seward.
W. H. Wood and J. 6. Bertholf, busi
ness men of San Francisco, are at the
F. A. Hart, a lumberman of Aber
deen, is-, registered at the Seward.
Dr. W. L, aMtthews of Boise, Idaho,
is registered at the Seward.
James E. Brady, business man of Bpfi
kane, brother of Mike and John Brady,
l4he guest ( his parents, Mrr and 1dr.
James F. Brady.
Experiments Jn France have shovn
that sulphur Is Valuable as a soil fertiliser.
The Wigwam II, of Astoria, Or., car
rlod off the largest money at the races
at Belllngham, Waeh.. July 23, 24 and
25, " 800.'- The rortland Moter Boat
club had a boat' entered, the Vamoose,
owned by Milton Smith and engineered
by Otto Ranft, in the first heat July
23. it was an easy first, but owing
to engine troubles it was .Impossible
to enter either of the last two heats.
It-is thought that if the Vamoose could
keep going she would make a very In
teresting race for the Wigwam II.
Probably the next time that these boats
will get together will be at Astoria the
latter part of August at the annual
Qua Fleming launched his new boat
this week and christened It Matgus.
She ; Is a 28 footer equipped with a
Grimm six' cylinder - engine and will
snpW. some speed, Fleming" built : the
boat; at hlB home on Fourth street and
had it hauled to the river on a large
truck with a sign on, either side as fol
lows: "I am going to Jolnthe Port
land Motor Boat club,'? Mr, Fleming la
treasurer of the club.
C. V. Cooper, with his Charmalee, and
Gebrge W. Kendall with the Sylph, made
the trip last Sunday to Multnomah
Falls. Tomorrow the same two boata
with Dr. a B. Brown In his boat Betsy
B, and B. von dar Werth with, the
Naughty Girl; will make the trip to
Bonneville and return- This will be a
run of about 125 miles. '
Commodore C. W. Boost and party of
friends spent this week down on the
Lewis river In Boost's boat Artisan. -
The next cruise of the Motor Boat
club will be ai the guests of one of the
members,-- Mrv Patterson, who has a
ranch down on the Columbia slough.
The fleet will spend Sunday, August 11,
with Mr.. Patterson. This Is a short
trip and many of the smaller boats will
surely go. At least 26 boats will make
the cruise. -
Many boats have been taken in by
the patrol boat H. W. Scott In the past
month for not having proper equipment
Each owner was fined from 86. to 1200.
4 Count H. R. Von Wledner,. a - 4
4 German nobleman, who ta eny: 4
4 gaged lri apple raising at Ca 4
4 by, Oregon, has entered the Vlo- 4
4 torla, B. C, tennis tournament 4
4 and will leave tonight for that 4
4 city with Brandt H. Wlckeraham, 4
4 Walter A. Goes, Fred Andrews 4
4 and Richard Wilder. The party 4
4 will leave at 11 o'clock tonight 4
4 Von Wledner Is a German 4
4 count and has lived In Canby 4
4 less than one year. He is said 4
4 . to be a player of high standard. 4
4 4
finaimers 1
The Saturday Evening Post
of July 27, gives in detail
the specifications of the va
rious Chalmers . models for
1913. Buy the Saturday
Evening Post and read this
announcement; also 'watch
thlTSunday papers for addi
tional information.
Bumside, Seventh and Couch Streets.
To any man or woman who will mail us this coupon we will send
free (closely sealed) our finely illustrated "book regarding .the cause
arid cure of disease. This book is written in plain language, and
explains many secrets you should know. It tells how you can cure
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Don't spend enother cent on doctors and their worthless medicines.
Electra-Vita, the home U'eatrrfent; cures to stay cured. You should
know about it.
If you suffer from weakness of any kind, rheumatism, pains and
aches, lame back, nervousness, lumbago, debility, drains, loss of power,
or stomach, kidney, liver or bowel trouble, you must not fail to get
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Don't wait another minute.
Cut out this coupon right now and mail it. We'll send the book
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Call if you can. Consultation free.
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How much bettor it Is .to spend a few
dollars for Mghts, whistle, bell, eto. The
II. W. Scott Is doing good work in en
forcing the law,, which will reduce to
a minimum' the chance of accident
The speed boat that takea first at
Astoria during the regatta next month
will have to ga 40 miles an hour , or
better and keep It up for 80 miles.
', -' ' ' :' ' ' '
Remember the big cruise of, the sea
son to Kalama, on the. Columbia. This
will be a three day trip. - leaving here ;
Saturday noon. August 81,' and return:
tnt Monday evening,' September 9..- The X
club must have at least 88 boats In
Order to make It the success it should
be. Register your1 boat now with the
secretary, stating as near as poslhle
the number of passengers you will have,
This is Important . ;
. (Ualted fPrtcs LMwt Wlr.
Tacoma,. Wash., July. 27. TbeJPaclflq '".
Logging congress adjourned last night,
after selecting Spokane for the meeting
In 1918 and reelecting the following off U
cert: President, E. P, Blake, Seattle;
vice president H. C. Clair, Portland;
secretary, George Cornwall, - Portland. '
Today the convention went to Kapow.
In to the logging camp of the St. Paul
& Tacoma Lumber Co. ! t
. ' AND" -
. BED .
881-883 BAIT MOKKIBOlf.
Gas and Power . SupplyCo. .
Motor Boat Supplies -j
Marine Engines 4
43-844-848 XAWTXOBira AT.
Launches! Canoes! Rowboats!
none Mala 1TM or A48U
root of Salmon Street.
Monogram Oil I
Klaxon Signals j
And Other Leading Accessories
free, 90 page, illustrated book.
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