The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 27, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    T T "
Town Topics
IMn't forget when going away on ynnr
rix-atlon tir fnr thft summer, thnt Th
Journal ran follow ymi it 15 cents a k,
the reptilnr aubsoriptlon rates,-anil the following-agents
will aupplr jou at our regu
lar rate: I
Pay Oreon, Or.. Buy Ocean hotel. t
"Peach Center, Wash.. W. C. Collins.
t'ursoa-Snrliigs, , Wash., Mineral Springe
hotel - ;
Collins, Waah.. Fred A. Toiinff. '
. Gearhurt. Or., Mra. 0. I., Klllott.
lhVHco. Wnsh. 11. B. Woodruft.
r- Lous; Beach, Wash., Lawrence Plnnwn.
(Delivery to all point on North Beacli.) -j
Newport, Or., Glen Howard.
RocKnway Beach, Or . Wllklns A Rice.
KenMde, Or., lister ProebatcL : : .(Delivery
to H parts of Beaalde.)
tVavlew, Wash.. F. S. Strauhal,; ; ;
. Tlllumook, Or., I. S, Lamar.
Wllholt 8prlnta, Or., K. W. McLenrn. '
Cascadia. Or., O, M. Geisfendorfer.
; Toxianrs amuse jients
HEILIO Cathrirt XJountlsa .JrurA -Wo-msti'D
Way.' . . . ' , ' '
. COLfrJCIL CHEST High' class attrac-
Hons, ,.rvr....;
LYRIC Armstrbngr Follies company In
. ''The Winning Widow." - . . .
ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville,
f THE EMPRESS Vaudeville, -
PANTAGES Vaudeville.
, THE OAKS Amusement park.
. Weather Conditions.
Portland an vicinity Fair tonight
and Sunday Not much change In tern-
1 perature. Northerly wind.-
Oregon FHlr tonight and Sunday;
- northerly winds. --
Washington Fair tonight and Sun
day. Northeast to east winds.
Idaho Fair tonight and Bunday. -,
r - -H-ri- Acting District Forecaster,
So Ton want the Bast Auto Truck on
r the market In either three or five tons,
at a price that is within your reach and
' terms to suit conditions? It you do,
Hsee us and Investigate the Avery. There
' are a number in use In and near Por
land to' speak for themselves. The
r Averyhas-ihe powe and wll,l stand
the abuse and still-run. We can give
- it to yoit with solid rubber tired wheels,
or we can give if to you with special
tractor wheels, which have steel tires
and - wood plugs, which eliminate"- tire
trouble and have better traction. We
have a good stock of trucks and plenty
of repairs if you need them. We have a
bargain in. a second hand three ton
truck. Beall & Co., 309 E. -Yamhill st.,
"-. Portland, Or.
-) Pioneer Woman Passes Mrs. Emily
Warlnner, who died at her home, 130
T. East Nlfleteenth street, last Sunday,
"was a pioneer of 185. crossing the
plains tvlth her husband. Dr. W. C. War
Inner, who died in flits city in 1892,
and three small children. Funeral serv
ices were held Tuesday, July 23, at Hol
man's chapel. Drs. W. F. Reagor and
V J. F. Ghormley of the Christian church,
offic'TatlTiff. Four chtldren- Wrs. Eu-
.-gnla Gilllngham of Salem. Mis? Flor
ence Warlnner, R. C. Warlnnerand Mrs.
F. M. Moore, survive her, together with
nine grandchildren and eight great
- grandchildren, ' Interment was In the
"-"Odd FelltnrslceTnetefy--at -64eni,-MrA.
Warlnner was born In 18:! 6, being 86
years, six months old.
Dahlia Show at JTehalem. Nehalem
wlll hold a big dahlia show the lattor
part of August and It is eald it 'will
be the most interesting, for it Is claimed
by-many that Nehalem grows the fin
st dahlias in the world. The soil is
' especially adapted, for these beautiful
'flowers and they grow there in th
greatest profusion and to Immense size.
The show will be under the auspices of
the Nehalem Floral a'hd Industrial so
' olety, and Portland business houses will
offer one of the many prizes that are
., to be awarded. The Portland Commer
cial club wilt probabl yarrange to have
a special Portland day at the show.
Grape Carnival Kennewlck will hold
tDlsr grape cBrnivarcptemrbeT - 19-il,
and the people of Portland are Jnvlted to
attend. It is promised that the exhibit
will be the most remarkable the north
west has ever seen. A letter was re
ceived this morning by the Portland
chamber of commerce from the Kenne
' wick Commercial club, announcing the
grape carnival and containing a general
Japs Assault Xiodger James Nelson,
a recent arrival from St. Louis, Mo., was
badly beaten by two Japanese In a
street last night, when he complained
about dirty towels. II Yonldn, oiteot
... the assailants, was ghot bv the, other,
is in the hospital. T. Tanaho is in in
- city Jail, charged with assaulting both
'" men. -
' Do Ton Want ths Classiest high pow-
reds roadster mado al a. reasonable
I price? If you do, come nd see the lat-
est design 'at our salesroom. It Is the
Glide; with 45 horsepower, and the nu
ttiest 'lines paj"ynTcaTiB'wflrhiiko''I
special price to the first buyer to get
one of these on the streets. Beall & Co.,
$09 Er Yamhill t., Portland, Or.
Annoyed Qlrl A rockplle sentence of
90days was given Michael Shay th:s
morning In the municipal court for an
noying the 11-year old daughter of J.
Kame. 490 Dekum avenue. The girl
said he offered her candy, and wanted
her to take a walk with him. He denied
any evil inteutlons, admitting being
drunk at the time.
Picnic to So Beoord Breaker. The
big picnic of the firemen's band at Ks
tacada tomorrow' promises to be a record
breaker for attendance, JucTglng from
the advance sale of railway tickets. The
picnickers will leave on a special train
of Open car .tomorrow morning at S:16,
starting from the corner of E. Morripon-
and Water streets.
Ths Commonssusk Prootiosl Truss
that made good. See me about It. Al
bert Bernl. the druggist, 229 Washing
ton, near Second.
Will Hold Benrilon. Scout Young
camp, United Spanish War: .Veterans,
will hold, a reunion the evening of Au-
Bishop R.J. Cooke, LLD.
Taylor St. Methodist Church
. Corner Third and Taylor.
, Bishop Frank W. Warne, D. D.
Services 10:30 a. m., 7 :45 p. ,m.
"i i. . . - . v , . '.-, -1 1
rm o1ps byMissFlorcnce Kirkup of
Illinois University a n d. Miss
tferne Smith. '
You Are Cordially Invited.
gust 13 "next, in eommombratlon of the
fourtpentti anniversary of tile, surrender
of Manila to tUe-Anierican forces. The
Oregon regiment of volunteers took a
prominent part in -the capture of the
city. The only entertainment feature
of the banquet to, be .flven will be the
telling of anecdotes 1 each person pres
ent . The committee In charge of the
reunion consists of George K. McCord,
Duke Salisbury and Harvey Wells.
81000 for Remaining- Unmarried By
remaining unmarried Aldarena. May of St Johns, will receive
$1000 morejthan the other heirs named
in the Will of her mother, Melissa O.
Overstreet A provision of- the will
which has been filed for probate, makes
this provision. ,
To ths Ladies of Portland Wa , have
taken full charge of the Bailey & Co.'s
stock of china, glass, etc., at 424 Wash
ington St., with instructions to sell the
same at auction to ths hlgnest bidtUr,
Sales at 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. George
Baker & Co. auctioneers.
Fassel Questionable Draft. Claud I
Curren formerly from Norwood.- Ohio,
was arrested-last- n 1 ghty tot pa a sin a
$400 draft -la . his former home.r The
Instrument has been questioned and of
ficers are on their way for Cu'rren...
An Xzcnrsloa will be given Sunday,
July 28, on steamer Kellogg to Multno
mah Falls by Portland and Webf oot drill
teams, W. O. W. Boat leaves foot of
Washington street, 8;30. Tickets It.--
Aged Man a Suicide After reaching
the 60 year mar it; B. F. Monger ended
his life yesterday by sluclde in the
rooming house at 209 Alder street He
Is survived by a wife and son.
Elver Excursions - to Oregon City
Boat from Taylor street dock.. Week
days, 8 n. m.,, 2 p. m.; Sundays, a. m.,
13 m., 3 p. m. Round trip, 40c. Tickets
good on P. R., U & P. cars.
- Sunday Szonrsloa to Cascade Locks
on steamer Bailey Gatzert. $1 round
trip from Alder street dock at 9 a. m;
returns at 6 p. m. Phone Main 914, A
5113, ,.
Our famous larg n5 Jntcy Tamhlll
crawfish are now at their very best.
Our entertainment of the highest order.
The Hofbrau-Quelle. Phone Main 919.
Steamer Jcses Xarklnu for Camta,
Washouga and way landings, dally
ept Sunday. Leaves Washington strett
dock at 2 p. di.
Wsw Crawflin Parlors. Fresh craw
fish and' delicatessen. Tannensee GrIU,
cor. 4th and Madison, opposite city hall.
-r- '
Tonseth Ploral CO., now located at
our new store. 133 Sixth street Oreeonl.
an bldg. Phono Main B103, A-1102.
Por ease Lower dock with boat-
landing, foot of Yamhill street Call
182 Morrison street. Main 1346.
Tot sale Safe, desk, typewriter and
fixtures. Bailey & Co., 426 Wash., bet.
11th and 12th.
Anna's Portraits Columbia bldg., for
men, women and children. A-1636.
V. A. Wilt end nonnf Intoa. tialnlana
dentists. Third and Washington.
Mt. Hood Stags Una leave's 7:30 a m.
Phone Woodlhwn 3066.
ttn lErata Buffst, 3d and Alder sts.
Continued From Fags One.)
detectives .and miners came Thursday,
when Detective William Springer and
William Phaup, head of the .Baldwin
forces, attempted to ride through Muck
lowon a handcar. They weVe attacked
from ambush, and Springer, riddled with
bullets, felt f rom - the -ear - and rolled
down an embankment. Phaup was badly
Residents of the Paint Creek district
are terrorized. Refugees" arriving here
say that hundreds of homes have been
riddled by stray bullets.
' PaUlitles Hot Known.
Just how many of the miners have
been slain. If any. Is not known. The
Baldwin detective agency, however, has
lost two men William Stringer and
Gus Pinsom Phaup, who is in a hos
pltal hera with a bullet in each arm,
will rectsver; : 1 "
Adjutant General Elliott and 25 mll-
TtTarhch are encamped "af MuckI6w7 If
Is not bslieved that this small force will
D effectfvB ln -rcrtoring-'-oTdeir as "ths
miners and their sympathisers are ful
ly aroused. Hope of restoration of a
normal state of affairs in ths district
lies in the arrival of tares companies
of the national guard which left
Charleston today for the Paint Creek
4jhrds Attack Woman,
-Around -the mouth of Paint Creek,-the
residents charge that tho private guards
are guilty of depredations. Stories have
been told of frightful attacks on .women
and children, and this. It Is said. Is re
sponsible for the clash between the de
tectives and strikers. Woodsmen have
Joined the miners and are said to have
participated In a pitched battle with de
tectives near Mucklow yesterday In
which 3000 shots were exchanged. The
force of miners and woodsmen numbered
600. It is feared the battle will be
renewed today.
The wives and children of the min
ers are starving and the strikers are
attacking the company's stores. The
sympathy of the - residents along the
creek is with the miners, who say that
the guards have been guilty of fright
ful brutalities.
An., unconfirmed report that strikers
threw a bomb Into barracks occupied by
guards yesterday, killing several,
reached here' this afternoon. It was
said the guards fear to leave the bar
racks except in crowds.
Funeral services for Mrs. S. W. Slg
ler, mother of County Assessor B. p.
Flgler, Who died last evening at the
family home at Dayton, Yamhill coun
ty, will " be held at Dayton at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. The body will be
taken to the Portland crematorium Mon
day. Mrs. Slgler was TO years ojd, and had
been an Invalid for several years. " Her
condition became serious two weeks ago,
and Mr. Slglef had returned to Port
land -Thursday after spending several
days with his mother. Mrs. Slgler
showed s6meyttle Improvement at that
tlrne. but slip grew worse again yester
day and Mr, Slgler was summoned back
to Dayton. Mrs. Slgler died a few
minutes before he arrived. .
Mrs. Slgler-is survived by her widow
er besides her only child. Assessor
Slgler. . -
Garment Workers picnic at Bonne-
rmr-sttnfia'f. jmy is: Bp-ctrarrj-w:
R. & train leaves Union depot S .
m.': Baseball, dancing, races. . Fare $1
for round trip. Children half fare.
Finest picnic grounds in Oregon. .
By Bert M. Moses; President Association of
American Advertisers
There are a good many words in use
every day. that are easily worm mil
lion or more dollars each. ;
The words themselves . are , simple
things, and you can. speak them all you
please,- but yotr cannot use' them for
commercial purposes. ;
Some of them aro men's names, some
are coined words, and some are Just or
dinary words taken from the English
language. "' -
Wouldn't you like to have control of
the word. "Uneeda"?
It didn't mean anything when some
one evolved it; but It means millions
now after advertising - has made It
known everywhere.
Who does not envy the trado. that
flows to the stores carrying names like
Wanamaker," "Macy," and "Field"? 1
2 There "are 'nianyj; regslngs,;; but
when "Regal", is applied to a shoe It
becomes a word that 'has made its pos
sessor, rich 'i through constant advertis
ing. Just as the name "Douglas" has
done in the same business. ....
1 Then' there are Postum," - "Coca
Cola." "Sapollo," "Spearmint." "Ar
(Continued From Page One.)' .
Blue ranks and forcing back the be
wildered troops.
The . Reds now have over 100 Blue
prisoners who until noon today were
used for police duty and the heavy camp
work of the Idaho guards. The prison
ers of the Reds were increased by 30
yesterday afternoon through, the capture
of half of troop. B. The Blues have tak
en about 40 prisoners, two Red officers
and eght men being captured last night.
Many Theoretical Bead.
During -the fighting yesterday after
noon and this morning theoretical fa
talities were great, heavy cannonading
and close range volley firing playing
havoo in the ranks. At times firing
from the machine guns wa t-uch
close range that the concussion from the
discharges blew" off the hats of the
opposing forces. '
High state officials of Washington
arrived- lh automobiles this noon to
witness the big battle this afternoon.
The party Included State Senator H.- O.
Flshback, State Labor Commissioner C.
F. Hubbard, lieutenant W. B. Allison,
of the naval militia, Colonel W. E.
McClure of the coast artillery, corps of
N. G. W., Judge . S. J. Chadwlck and
Judge Gose of the state supreme court,
A. E. Cagln of state board of control,
Representative H. E. Foster State In
surance Commissioner J. H. Schlvely,
State Senator F. L. Stewart, State
Treasurer J. G. Lewis and Commissioner
J. li Frost,
Mrs. W. S. Martin believes she picked
up- a good sited fortune when she gath
ered from the sand on the beach at
Nye Creek, Newport, a water agate1 that
Is a perfect symbol of the Great Chinese
Monad, whence originated the well known
trade mark of the Northern Pacific
Mrs. Martin has written to the Port
land Chamber of Commerce of her find
and Incloses a photograph of the agate.
She says she has jto idea of the value
of the etone, but feels that it ought to
be worth a great deal to some promi
nent Chinese or official of the Northern
Pacific railroad. In her letter she es
timates the value at $30,000 to $100,
000. It is said that no two agates alike
have jever been founds and this Mrs,
Martin. auotes as tremendously in her
favor for It means that she has the
only natural symbol of the famous In
The Portland Park band, W. E. McEl
roy director, will play Sunday after
noon at Columbia park, on the St. Johns
line. The concert begins at 2:30 o'clock,
and following will be the program:
March! "Pride of Victory" .Von Blon
Overture. "La Gazza Ladra" Rossini
Waltv 4RSpana". . ; -. -r: -.- .Waldteufel
Sextet from "Lucia". ...Donizetti
Messrs .Dxlsco'.L. Cochran. Cioffi.
Powell, Tart and Talt. s
Musical comedy, "The Newlyweds"..
Selection, 'Macbeth".-, Verdi
Romance, "Simple Avieux" Thome
Medley of Popular Airs Lamps
Caprice, "Forest Whispers" Losey
March, "Stars and Stripes Forever". . .
. Sousa
Next Tuesday evening the b,and will
play at Washington (City) park.
a .
Union and Vancouver Avenue
These lots are close in. Only 18 minutes out from Washington street. Beautiful homesites. Natural trees
-and shrubbery. There are a few good business lots on Union and Vancouver avenues that will make you
..a smalf fortune. -
Streets Arie Improved Water In No Assessments
DO IT NOW. We are selling thousands of dollars WOrth of this property each day. It will be gone
in another week. If you could but realize the nature of this property you surely would take advantage
SI Per Week Will Buy a Lot
! " 'i '
and at the right price as you wiH admit when you see it. We will meet you at the property
.Take Vancouver .car, get off at
row" (as applied to' collars), "Domino'
fas applied to Sugar), "Quaker" (as ap
plied to cereals), "Pianola," "Budwels
er," "Ivory" (as applied to soap), "Ko
aak"Royal" las applied to baking
powder), and as many more as there
are varieties of Helm pickles.
Absolutely nothing, but advertising
has made, these names worth the great
sums It would take to buy them.
There are perhaps other unknown ar
ticles just as good and possibly a little
bit better than the ones I have named,
but the public doesn't know It and can't
know it until tho information is spread
broadcast -
Advertising: will make any man rich
If he has the right stuff in him. '
Advertising won't do it all. and, as a
matter of fact. won't do much of any
thing unless tho fellow behind the ad
vertising carries a high voltage, and a
falF supply" of "horse sense. '. . . .T
: How to acquire the voltage and' the
horse sense, I really do not know, and
never knew anybody who did know.
And until this problem is solved, all
other1 knowledge about advertising will
amount to little more than nothing, .
' ' (Continued From Page pne.) '
as to the pedestrian and vehicle traffic
across the bridge. Of course, I have
nothing to do with the negotiations be
tween the railroad company and the
streetcar company. The pro rata share
of the rental to be paid by the city will
be fixed and the council can authorize
me to conclude arrangements , with the
0.-W. R. .& N. company to pay it It
will not concern the city then what
arrangement is made between the two
corporations." ....
An act of congress passed In 190S,
gives the secretary of war power to reg
ulate rates for the use of - all bridges
spanning navigable waters that have
been constructed since the enactment.
The secretary of war can prescribe
the rates for the city's and street car
company's use of the new O.-W. R. & N.
bridge. Ho settled the rate which the
Harriman lines should pay for crossing
the Hill bridge over the Columbia and
This act of congress was brought to
light by Judge M. G. Munly, president
of the North East Side Improvemnet as
sociation, at a committee meeting at
tended by Mayor Rushllgnt, County
Judge Cleeton and a number of citi
zens. By power of this act, if the railroad
and city disagreed as to the use, the
bridge could yet be opened to trafflo
pending the secretary Of " War's decision.
Mayor Rushlight outlined to the com
mittee his program, which.. Include .an
agreementof use of the. bridge until
Ralph Modjeskl for the city and Wad
dell & Harrington for the railroad de
termine upon a fair division of Cost and
a fair rate of use.
He said the railroad company is In
different as to whether the city leases
the entire upper deck and sub leases to
the street car company Or whether
separate agreements be entered into. He
refused to commit himself as to which
he thought would be the best proced
ure. He said he had been doing every
thing in his power to hold the street
car company from getting permits for
the use of the new railroad bridge
Open Saturday Evenings
In "order to accommodate people who are unable to ,
come to the bank during the day, our offices are open
on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock.
We invite you to open a savings account now and
"get the benefit of theprotection it will afford as " well ; "
as the 4 per cent compound interest it will earn.
j ,U jj J)
Stafford street B$ there sure, it
until Jt Is pcttled thnt the car company
can have but a revocable! permit to got
upon any bridge in the city. He is
anxious for a uniform rate of chargo
against the car company for the use of
all bridges, and said that if the com
pany did not agree to a fair rate of
charge for the use of -the Broadway
bridge, its permit for the use of th3
railroad bridge could be at once re
voked andthe company, forced to set
tlement. v. "
Judge Muhiy'said that the" citizens
helleve the railroad company should
rebate part of the rental charge in con
sideration of the privilege granted it
in the permission to build the bridge
over the river. The mayor said he
would look up the legal phases of this
question. -'.4..- ;.. ;,v,r
Lack of uniform rental is shown by
rseapltulatlon of the "rentals", tor other
bridges. It is three cents a car over
Morrison, $1000 a year over Burnside
(recently Increased . from S760), $1200
a 'year .over Hawthorne.' 'g ;
Judge Cleeton said he was certain The
county could enjoin the railroad from
closing1 the old bridge until agreement
was .entered Into for the use of tne
new, if such course proved necessary.
In attendance At the meeting wore
Judge Munly. Mayor Rushlfght. 'Judge
Cleeton, A. B. Manley, J. 1L Nolta, L.
M. Lepper D. L Poveg, J. B. Ziegler,
Wi C. NorthrH.- H. -RlddelL ' .
x Answering complaints -that -the Port
land Railway, Light A Power company
has been unnecessarily slow ih equip
ping its streetcars with fenders, the of
ficials of the railway company and of
the f ander company have Issued a state
ment' to the effect that the delay has
been unavoidable under the. circum
stances. i .
J. W. Lysons, general manager of the
fender, company, met in consultation
with the officials of the railway com
pany and with city officials
it is . explained that on account of
the narrow streets and sharp corves in
Portland it was necessary tovlesign
an almost special type of fender f
In Portland. The contract for the
ufacture of the fenders was let to a
local tirm. - One- hundred fenders have
been finished and are now being de
livered. The construction of the re
maining fenders for the equipment of
the entire system is now under way,
it Is said, aadihefactojry expects to
make, delivery at the rate of 100 fenders
per month. '
(Continued From Page One.) .
limit seven miles an hour, and was
flnfed $25.
H. L. Coon was fined $25 for going
21 miles an hour on Union avenue.
Al Veggara pleaded guilty to speed
ing on Belmont street and was fined $25.
. A. B. Cross .was fined $25 for speed
ing on Alder street.
Twenty Miles an Sour.
Sol Rosenfeld, member of the -firm
of Rosenfeld, Smith & Co., was before
the court, because his driver speeded
oa -Trinity place-. The-evidence show ad.
he was going 20 miles an hotfr, and a
fine of $20 was imposed.
Others drawing fines for speeding
were Bmll Daube, $2S; Laurence Ear
ner, $25; M. O. Nelson, $30; P. A. Brant,
$25; M, B. Whitney, $25; Fred Hark
ness, $30, and Charles Jennings, $30.
The case against II. M. Holden was con
tinued until Tuesday. William M. E'm
mett was before the court "for attempt
ing to drlvevhls machine past a street
car, while the car was discharging pass
engers. Emmett was found guilty, flnod
$20, but the . sentence suspended, when
the judge learned he was fined $20
Friday for speeding.
' There are more than 6000 known lan
guages and dialects.
means dollars to you..
-1 j
(Continued From Page One.)
decline, while other cities of the Pa
cific coast benefit ' - -..
. v Vast Sot Abandon Bine.
The, closingigateway: too, - sayJthese
men, would be upon the greatest "fresh
water harbor in the world, upon a chan.
nel that has been deepened and main
tained at a cost of millions of dollars
and now carries easily the largest ships,
and upon a city that has grown to tbV? pro
portions of greatness: because investors
had confidence that the interior would
be developed and its products distrib
uted to world markets through Portland.
The special -oriental ommltteeef the
chamber of commerce, consisting of 8.
M Mears, T. B. Wilcox. F. C. Knapp, will
meet Monday to consider several pro
posals that have been submitted for the
continuing of the Portland-oriental serv
Ice. It is understood that Frank Water
house has made two proposals, either of
which, if aeeepted, will moan theontin-1
uance of the Waterhouso line.
Primaryand GrammarSchoolof
OrctnlMd to do the work of the grades In
MTen yean. An experienced teacber la etch
rrada. Attention oblefly to fundamental uo
Jects. A well eautnoed symnatlum and em
.court under root (It opportunity for Indoor
ana oatqoor exercise ana pur in au weatbera.
An experienced director In charge.
Boys and slrla art received as young tlx
year. Puplle from Mt Tabor can reach the
Academy without change; from other dlitricta
with one change. ProTtalon made for aafe
conduct to and from aehool of primary pnplla
from Irrlncton. North Portland and other parte
of city. Particular! furn tubed on application'
to tne oiric. corner liiu aoa uenigomery,
Catalogue on application. "
A. Vrotestant Say and Bosrdlnjr Bohool
of High Btanolng,
'A strong: faculty of 14 up-to-date in
structors. Makes a specialty of college
preparator work. Four modern build
in rk. well eouipped. situated on a oic-
tnresfiue-campus of-fr acrcsi noar street-1
car line, aociai ana moral inriuences
unexcelled. Special courses given in
muslo and elocution. 21styear opens
Sept 11. For full particulars or cata
logue write Alexander Beers, Prin., Pres
ident. Beattle, Wash. -
for Citlf. ConJnctt by e SISTERS Qf THE HOLY '
Cilhfitu Curm. Made. Aft. Elontlu aa4 Coamwr
dal Depta. KmdMtu4DttuJnaXeiwA Malaa4
Intellectual Traialaf . Wrile lor Anaeaacuatat Kidnm
jfSRm4n aai Day School for Olrie U3
OoUtf UU, Aa4aato ana Hamaatary Ba
Mail!, Art, f lMatlra, Srnaali
for eatalof addraa THE S18TER 8U
Otttee S, St. Helena Hall
Belmont School
(23 mile aouth of San Franclaeo.)
It trying, and we believe auccesnfully trylog,
to do for the moral, the Intellectual and the
pbymeal welfare of it boyi whit tfcouirhtfiil
parent! moat wtah to nave done. For catalogue
and other apertfle Information addrea the bead
master. W, T. Said (Harvard), Head Maater.
O. M.-Brink (Pomona). Aaaletmt Head Muter.
Hill Military Acadamy
Send for Illustrated Catalogue"
The number
of automobile
would be re
duced if Port
land had noth
ing but bitulith
. ic . s it eets,be-
biles do not eas-"
ily skid on bitu
lithic. HOTEL
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.60 a day up
American Plan $3.00 a day up
New eteel and brick structure. Every
aaodera coavanieace. Moderate ratca.
Center of theatre ead retail diitrict. Oa
ear lines transferrins eU over city. Elee
trie emaiboa meets train sad ateaeaeffc
Oregon Humane Society
FK03TE HAXTf 698; A-7589
Refer all cruelty calls to this office.
UiiNl AaK ymr uniceUCMr .
(JhUkwter'a lttwoad BraaaA
1111 la Ke4 anj Mold mecalllcSV!
x, mled wtth Blue Rlbboo. V
?7ak no atker. nT af rnr v .
tngnrtat. A.kfoC'in.HtS-TEHt
votia kaewn as Deal, Saint, AlMva Rel tibia
Lr rniat an hrw'ri.icw riirffnin,rno
Foster & Klelser
High Grade Commercial and Electric
East Seventh and Erf&t Ererett fits.
Fhones Sast lUll B-33ai
" ' 1 - HA1U .BALaAr4
law and bwaufias
vaiotaa a laxurikDft nwta.
iim Valla ta SsatoM r-rl
FrTt hir fulllu. .
it tt
v a
GitAT Lu.iTi.-,,.
(T'nlted rrrai I 1 Vim. I
New York, July 2J. Wall hip. -t t
day has a-re.port that the. Great Ni,n n-
em railroad is to have an issue t.f nf
capital securities and that etocklmM 'r
will be given attractive rights of sub
scription for the new issue. The
strength of the stock and the Infor
mation that James J. Hill and his ac
etates have held conferences at his Now
York office have given color tho
report . : i ,
1 III . 1 B
uous service nn
. der the most - -acting
traffic and -other
. conditions
is- the supreme
test of the street1
pavement rr!-
J "ft
W'JQmmiL test. v Demand it
yawl . r".....v.
John A. Melton
and Builden
Offlca and Etora
Fixtures built and
remodeled, ' , ?
Altering and ' r
repairing noasea.
show Caaea and
Counters built
Factor and Office 2SS Second '
street, near Main.
Phonea: Main 1787; A-17ST
Pure Beautiful Jade Jewelry
uoia iiraceiets ana big
net Rlnss of all de
scriptions made to or -der.
American names
engraved wttn- ths
three cardinal Chinese .
characters, via. Glory,. . 1
Proeperltjr and Long- ,
evlty. Charges fea
sombls and orders - of r
any deatgn promptly executed and sent"
prepaid to any part of th V. B. The -Skilled
Chlneae Jewelers. rOOI sAKO
si CO.. Jy Tn Chonff Mgs 848 Pins St. "tj
t i a';.'
porrjuui psicxg-
Pnonssi atala 1, A-IUZ t
Supported hy ITDarBT ATSES '
In ths Comedy
"A Woman's Way"
Evenings, 75c, 50o. SSOf 25o. To
day's matinee, 2fic - .
Next week, begrlnnlnr tomorrow. -
The comedy "Merely fcfary Aaa4
Beats SeUlng- for Botn Plays '
i tss-eoe
THKATIiE 1 5-23-iO-S3
Bertha Kallch, Chick fials, Xydla Velson,
a.tnii wumi. uottue and Sals, Heldy
and Carrier, Wlnslow and
Stryker, Or-
chestra, Pictures.
SSaRae irrary say.
BnlUvan h Coasldlaa
Bef laed TaaderiJj
Spedal Summerftrices
10c and 20c
Any Seat 10J
WXES JTTIiT 93 Clarence Wlltmr t
Co., Kelly and Wilder, Boy-Harvsy
Oon Hanlon and Hanlon, B. J. Moore,
May Ellnore. Orchestra, Ztctuiss. . . , .
Matinee Uallr
VTESX rCXT 83 "The Hold-np," Vow.
ard ss Belores; The Poor JanowiXysi
Bert Lennon, Bankoff and Belmont, Pan.
tares Orchestra. Popular prices. Box
office open 10 a. w. to 10 p. m. boo
and first row balcony reserved. Phones t
A-3238; Main 4636. Carta tn 8:30, 7:30, 9.
Lyric peaire
Fourth and Stark Sts., "TItB WltmunO
WIDOW." A good, clean, ' wholesome,
laughing show for ladles, gentlemen and
children. Two performances nightly,
7:30 end 9:15. Matinees dally, 1:30 15o
and 25c. Friday night Chorus OlrU'
Contest. '" ' v ' : .
lie OAKS
f.l. II I.. II II l.l.l,ll.,,T,,.wrw1,..p,...,.
fAtY!''ti'.i;VjiA?a--11"' W ' '2'....
Big Pree Progrsm of Ontdonr Acts
1 4 P. K. and 8s30 V. U.
Boyd fe Ogle's One Xing Clrons .,
beet in the country, livery aftar.
noon and evening. Ileal cirti
band. AH "free. :
EdadAtedJJDogs and Ponies - rt!
rnnalert of Clowna, ,
Osks Psrt Band very afti,rn""-
end -nl?ht.