The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 27, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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Traffic Reserves on Busy Cor
ners Sound Whistles, Sig
, naling Drivers to Stop and
, Go Ahead; Follow Cars.
In Philadelphia the auto drivers must
follow the strert cars, they are regv
tated at corners by four traffics reserves
s oil each corner wh do not motion them
ahead or to atop, but they employ whla
ties and the vehicle driver, the"motor
1 f , man and the pedestrian learn to listen
' for the sound, and the list of accidents
. on busy corners la down to the mini
mum. according to Chief of Police Jo
seph B. Taylor of Philadelphia, who Is
at' the Portland notel witn nis win on
brief visit.
"The speed question Is now and will
ever be a" serious problem, said Mr,
- Taylor. "We have experienced consider
able difficulty in combating the evil,
but our system so far has proved fairly
- lurcessf OL
v - "For Instance, the autolst must not
' ftass a street car when the car Is not
running; he must not cross the street at corners: he must not par nis
car In the street. Modifying the latter
statement, I may say that we do permit
cars to be parked on Broad street, but
only . because Broad is a particularly
wide thoroughfare, and there they are
- permitted to stand their machines in the
middle of the street only.
.Most Follow Street Cars.
Mr. Taylor explain that In Phlladel
' phi there Is but a single street cat
track on streets, which run east and
,-l.west nd-north attfl south, If an autolst
v desires to go east while oh -a street
running north and south, he must fol
low the street car, or. the direction the
tar travels until he reaches a street
Dton which the stret cars run east.
Besides the four "reserves" on each
corner, Philadelphia Is supplied with
"tOO mounted men who also help to
i, strictly enforce the vehicle ordinance.
Philadelphia has more than 6,000 au
tonaoblles, says Mr. Taylor, but the Usit
', of accidents from speeding is not heavy.
V This because the police axe particularly
. rigllant apd because all the authori
ties' endeavor to give the pedestrian at
least even chances for his life.
Mr. Taylor believes his plan of regu
lating traffic on the corners by use of
whistles is the best "that can be em
ployed. , Laarn Tse of Wllstle.
' Many times, he says, pedestrians do
jnot see the motions of the officers and
accidents rot Infrequently occur, when
:rTVlth" the whistle plan everyone soon
' 'learns thri one whistle means for the
" "traffic going east or west to stop, while
that traveling cnorth orsouth moves
forward, and two meansrvice versa,
" Mr,' Taylor lias teen connected with
--.the -police department of Philadelphia
"for' 27 years. He has been the chief
-Of police since 1904. He has been at
tending the International Association of
- Chiefs of Police at Toronto and later
. the meeting of the International Bureau
. of Identification, of which he la a mem
.. ber,"at Buffalo.
- From here Mr. Taylor will go to Los
lngeles and thence home. While here
Chief Taylor la being entertained "by
' . Chief Elpver of the local department
. i
.... (Spwlal to The Journal.)
, Orenco, Or.. July 27. The Oregon
Nursery company will Initiate the profit
'iharlng plan this afternoon, giving the
1 imployes of the big nursery, which is
the biggest on the coast, a chance to
have some of the profits of the concern.
Investments as low as $10 will be re
ceived from any employe who has been
wlth the nursery a year. Tho amount
to be invested from time to time by
the employes is left entirely with the
; Investor, no limit being placed on the
amount The employe, investing his
earnings In stock, Is guaranteed a 6 per
,cent Interest on his lnveatmentand Is
lven.lheprlvtlega.jf .withdrawal a.t
---any time fee desires.
The population f the Russian Empire
grows ai a rare or z.&uu.uuo a year.
Telb How Sick She Wa And
. What Saved Her From
' An Operation.
; Upper Sandusky, Ohio. "Three years
: ego I was married and went to house-
Keeping. l was not
feeling well and
could hardly drag
myself along. I had
such tired feeltng9,
rny back ached, my
sides ached, I had
bladder trouble aw
fully bad, and I could
noteatorsleip. I had
headaches, too, and
became almost a ner
vous wreck. Mv doc
m' i' hiiaui'i' "i in Ni ii
tor told me to go to a hospital. I did
tiot like that idea very well, so, when I
law your advertisement in a paper, I
wrote to yoafor advice, and have done as
f OH told me. I have taken Lydia E.
inkham's Vegetable Compound and
, Liver Pills, nd now I have my health.
; "It sick and ailing women would only
know enough to take your medicine, they
would get relief. "Mrs. Benj. H. Stans
BEBY,Xtoute'6, Boxl8, Upper Sandusky,
If you have mysterious pains, irregu
larity, backache, extreme nervousness,
inflammation, ulceration or displace
ment, don't wait too long, but try Lydia
E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound now.
. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, made from root3
""and SerbsTTsaa been ffie standard remedy
for female ills, and such unquestionable
.- testimony as tie above proves the value
of this famous remedy and ehouldjgive
verr one confidence.
'' ) -, - ..'-.."S'.aj-.'-i I!... ni. mvwtv sMmmiivi!'. m.m..wus, ..n-sfaam
ACKERmAN AGAIN I in the realm feminine
Thicker Mixup Than Ever Has
Resulted From Failure of
Attorney General to 4 Get
a Formal Stipulation:
(Salriu Barf iii of The J"nrnl i
Salem. Or., July 27. Secretary of
State Ben Olcott la in receipt of a Ut
ter from President J. H. Ackerman of
the Monmouth normal again requesting
that the claim on the normal appropri
otion of $50,000, which is in controversy.
oe aiinwea.
Prenlflent Ackerman says he Is in
Btructed to make this rejuet by the
executive commltte of the board of
regents for the norhial.
The question Is whether the Injunc
tion Issued by the circuit court restrain
ing the secretary of state from placing
the referendum on the appropriation on
me ballot still stands.
When Secretary Olcott put the matter
up to Attorney General Crawford again
today tie admitted that there was a
possibility Uiat the secretary of state
would. ie' In contempts court If he
let the referendum measure, go on the
ballot. But he said, without doubt no
more man a sugni rine would be lm
This raises the point as to what ef
feet this would have on the referendum.
If the circuit court recognizes the In
Junction by imposing a penalty on the
secretary of state for contempt of court
for not abiding by the decree, and In
the. mean time the people vote on the
measure and turn it down, what legal
standing will the vote of the people
nave ir tne injunction la In effect.
will a referendum vote of the people
on me measure count for anything?
it me injunction is In effect, then the
responsiDinty ror tne present m xub
clearly rests on the shoulders of the
attorney general who neglected tOvsee
mat the stipulation between the unl
verslty case and the normal case was
made in writing, and. If there was no
agreement that the two cases should
go together as is now contended by the
normal officials, then be Is responsible
ror noi taxing an appeal In the case.
However, correspondence of the attor.
ney for the normal lndlcaies that there
was a definite understanding that the
normal case should abide by the de
clsloii, in the university case.
ommission's Recent Order on
Routing of Cars Effective
September 1.
The Interstate Commerce commission's
recent order that railroad companies I
ust route cars in direction of their
home as promptly -as possible becomes
effective September 1 and is expected
ge of aBcar shortage" when thrgraln
crops begin to move. '
The order is the direct result of a com-
plaint made to the commission by a coal
cperator, who declared that the Illinois
ventral wuu.u nut Buppiy mm Wim Cars
enough to handle his shipments to St
Louis. The railroad replied It would
have had enough cars If Its cars had
been returned promptly by the Missouri
Pacific, Instead of being used in that
coriparjys service.
This furnished the commission with
an idea. Instead of taking direct ac
tlon against the Illinois Central, It la
sued a general order covering the situ
ation. The railroads are takina- stens this, order by changes in the
rules of the American ....Railway aasocia
tlon which have Just been adopted and
Dfccome erreenve September 1.
The changes adopted require that for
elgn cars must be loaded In the direc
tion Of their home road or Over the road
which delivered the car to the holder
thereof, or by a route which allows the
owner to participate In the through rale
Until the latter part of 1911 roads
whose equipment was largely used on
other Tines occasionally resorted lo em
bargo against roads which persistently
tailed cr neglected to return cars within
a reasonable time.
The new rules provide for the estab
llshment of a commission by the Rail,
way association to supervise the hand).
lng of freight cars and the observance
of the rules. Aty railroad, after notice
to an offending lino, may refer to this
coir.missicn cases of persistent delay
or apparent persistent misuse of cars.
The commission is empowered, upon. In
vestigation, to impose a fine for a vio
lation of the rules.
At the semiannual election of officers
of the Central Labor Council held last
night, R. O. Rector, business agent of
the Carpenters' Union was elected pres.
ldcr.t. Other officers and committees
elected were: M. W. . Peterson, vice
president; E. J. Stack, secretary of the
Oregon State Federation of Labor, sec
retary; Everett Logan, treasurer; W; A
Randal), reading clerk; T. D. Markell,
conductor; L. Jamleson, warden; A. W.
Lawrence, Phillip Pollock end James
Magulre, trustees; S. P. . Rearlck and
w. A. Randall, executive committee:
Mrs. Uenple Merriman, A W. Lawrence
and M. W. Peterson, organization com
mittee; T. H. Burchard and James M
gulre, legislativo committee.
w. a. u Ken, or . uregon city, was
present at the meeting and gave an ad
dress :n behalf cf his single tax mea
It was decided that the proposed plaa
to establish .a labor union hospital as
sociation should be .considered fully at
i he regular meeting of the Council neit
frieay night.
Minors Select Meeting Place.
O-'nlted Press Leased Wire.
' ripple Creek. Cnlo. .Tnlv 9.7: rfc
Western Federation of Miners have de
eMed t hoin their TieTt conventroiriff
Trntmara mk V. ii.. . ...
- au uc urauy creaaea wim-i
out removal f v I
. - men tvcaioi uy nuns I
that have been invented by a Wisconsin
man. .
l V a " It'
S j t I ST' i
I '' ' ' ' ' ' ''j " ,v' ' ' ' ' ill
Pm v ' ' l-? x ' ill
Myrtl Blodgett, a Hooper Indian girl
winner of gold and silver medal contests. These were won In her
native reservation. She afterward ' became a student In tho Sher
man Institute, a government school In southern California.
Edited br TTiner Mirloa Hiwkca.
DT Mimerr indaFlnwrr MlMlon, 29 North
NIbife itreet, Portlaad. I'reildnt, Urt.
W. B. rcbbelner. Phone A -6681.
Neighborhood Room, Seeoad end Wood
treeti, Portland. mim Binie Blocs.
Bead Worker. Phona Uala 8228.
Learoo. Mlag x, B. TraTltt,
77? Flanders street Mala
JaTentte Court, eonrthoaae. Wlfflan N.
Oatena, Judge; pmhation officer, 8. 1.
White; brad of alrla' department, Mlaa
Emma Butler. Phone Woodlawa 656.
Courthsuae phone, A-6763.
Child Labor Commlaaton. Ifre. Mil Me
Trnmball, 250 H Third itreeL Phone A
063. Big Brothers. Paul S. Seeley, 808
LiumDermena Dunamg.
Bon' Departwent J. W. Palmer, T. If.
C. A. .
Oregon Concreu of Mother!. lira. Robert
u. rate. Tabor m.
Child Welfare Among Indians.
By Lucia Fram Additon.
In the do everything policy of the
W. C. T. U. no race is overlooked, and
the child life of all races Is tf vast
Importance. In the department of work
among Indians definite energetic work
IS being done to Induce all Indian par-
ents t0 8end thelr children to the gov
ernment schools. Mrs. Dorcas Spencer
of Alameda. Cal.. who heads this de
partment of work In the national W: C,
T- U." ,n a C colcatlon
My sympamy ana acuve cooperation
go out to all those who are attempting
to make of the Indian a cleanly, happy,
peaceful citizen. I am not 'concerned
0hm, M onnv.rslnn tn ftnv RDeclal re
llglous creed, nor am I exultant over his
ability to acquire higTier mathematics.
We should be careful to give him the
essentials of right living the humani
ties of our civilization.- Right living
Is not dependent upon the creed of any
one denomination.
"I am an evolutionist as regards the
question of what to do for our red
brethren. They cannot be transmuted
Into something other than they are
by any fervor or religious experience,
or by any attempt "to acquire a higher
education. They must grow into some
thing different by pressure of their
changed conditions. This is not my dic
tum; It Is the teaching 'of science and
the fruit of the modern study of races.
If the suffering and sorrow of the red
man's transition, could be averted, every
humane citizen would rejoice, but such
is not the history of past peoples. Our
Work should' be that of a friendly' race,
who, having passed the first stages of
our own adaptation, turn with sympathy I
of northern California, and a
and Insight to assist those who are
coming up behind us.
One farmer's wife has at herehome
five Indian girls she has befriended.
The Indians were living near her, tn
a miserable neglected state, the Ish
maelltes of this country. Her mother
heart was burdened with the thought
of them and she determined to try to
do something for one child. Indian par
ents find It hard to believe that white
people can bo disinterested in their
errorts for them; so there was opposi
tion at once. She had found one) young
girl who loved music, so this" was made
the bait, and for the promise to teach
her to play and sing the girl braved
the displeasure of her own people, and
jvent to live In the white family. There
she has learned the arts of the house
hold, the refinement of civilization and
the grace of Christian life. She has
been in school and proved herself a
good student She has played the or
gan for the little church for two years,
and all without losing her love for her
own people.
Other Indian families have seen all
this, and want their girls to be Itke Al
ma, until now their plea has tecome so
irresistible that the good woman Is
mothering four more girls from as i
many families, a work quite beyond
ner means. K
(Sslp'm Bureau of The Jonnial.)
Salem, Or.. July 27. It K. Donnelly
and Ray Luper, two employes In the
state engineer's office, left today for
eastern Oregon to complete the maps
and gather more water supply data In
water adjudication cases. Donnelly will
go to Burns and gather data for the
adjudication of Sllvies river, a hearing
of which will be held by George T.
Cochran, water superintendent for the'
second district, on August 26. Luper j
will ro to Baker and gather dnta on
Powder, North Powder and Grande
Ronda rivers.
(Special to Tlie Jotirnal.)
Pafleoy Wash., July- - 27. William
Woodruff, an uncle of George W. Zent,
former superintendent of the Pasco
schools and of ex-Judge W. W. Zent of
Spokane, dropped dead on Fourth avenue
at 9 o'clock last night, while walking
to his home. Mr. -Woodruff -was "nhoiit
70 years Of age, a veteran of the Civil
war and had ben In poor health for
some time.- Death was caused by heart
failure. He was alone when stricken
and by the time several nearby persons
reacnea mm me was extinct.
Journal Want' A3s brinj? results.
A y ' i- sj
miUllll. !!. '"J.'J
When He Deeds 1250 Acre
Farm Away, Finds Other
Principal Gets , 500, Acres
and Dealer 750 Acres. '
(Balern Dure'tii of The Journal.)
Salem, Qr., July 27 Alleging that he
Is, the victim of a swindle perpetrated
by George C. Bhefler and F. J. Eld-
ridge of -'in-which- he - says
tney defrauded him out of 750 acres of
valuable land in Marlon county, M. L.
Jones, a wealthy farmer of this coum-
ty, began suit in tho circuit court here
yesterday afternoon to have the deads
to the property set aside.
He alleges the swindle occurred in
connection with a deal wherein he was
to trade country property for the Poer
hotel In Portland, owned by It A.'Troud-
foot He says the real estate firm f
Orussl & Bolds was handling the deal
ror him and that Shefler was the sell
ing agent for the firm. He was to
pay the firm $1500 for making the deal.
Through falsehoods, he alleges. Slief-
lrept him from saying anything
about the deal to Proudfoot personally.
and that Eldrldg represented that
Proudfoot owed him a large sum and
that he was forcing Proudfoot to dh-
poso of the hotel In order to meet his
obligations. He alleges that they rep-
resented to him that Proudfoot do-
manded 1250 acres for the hotel, which
carried a mortgage for 135,000, while in
fact Proudfoot was making the deal
for 600 acres. When the time came to
make out the deeds they had him make
one deed, for 500 acres to Proudfoot
adan6tfrer 16 Eldrldge TYorTBCi "'acivs,
they representing to Jones that Proud
foot consented to this in order to sat
isfy Eldridge'a claim against Proudfoot,
As soon as he learned of the alleged
swindle Jones states he began this
suit to have all'deeds In the transac
tion declared void.
(Salem Koran of The Journal. I
Salem Or.. Jiilw 27 v. w no.ti.M
ani Claude DeVore of Estacada were
here yesterday to- make protest to the
secretary of state against the negative
argument on the measure creating Cas
cade county from the eastern portion
of Clackamas county, which Is signed
by 100 or mora citizens of the county.
mey contend that the law provides
that arguments shall be signed only by
a person, committee or organization.
They finally admitted that their objec
tion to the names being on the argu
ment was because of the influence they
would have against the proposed meas
ure. The; secretary of state refused to take
any action in the matter, holding that
the law Intended to give every citizen
a right to protest against any measure
if he saw fit to do so.
(Special to The Journal. 1
Bend, Or., July 27. Lee Hobbs, a
rancher at Powell Butte, has been
thoroughly convinced that hog raising
Is a very profitable Industry In this
part of the state. Last December he
purchased five of the brood sows
brought in from Nebraska by a local
bank. From these he has 66 pigs and
shoats In two litters all round. Thirty
now weigh an average of 100 pounds
each and he has been offered cents
a pound gross, amounting to $255. For
the 26 pigs he can get now $4.50 each,
or $117. making tho 56 swine worth
$3 72. It has cost him not more than $1
Personally Conducted
Glacier National Park
Leave Portland August 7th, 7:00 P. M, via S. P. & S. Ry.
Leave Portland August 8th, 12:15 A, M. via Seattle.
Special Standard Sleeping Car Leaves Seattle 9 a. m.,
August 8) Leaves Spokane 10:15 p. m.
Arrives Portland 7 :45 P. M., August 21st.
A Delightful Two
Weeks' Trip for
Including Round Trip Ticket, Sleeping Car Berth and all
expenses in the Park.
Por detailed information, apply to
H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A., 122 3d St., PORTLAND
a head to raise them, making his net
return 318. The five mows be still has
and considers them worth more than the
1148.50 he paid for them. The ' f 318
represents, therefore! what he has made
without investing a cent. He will not
sell any of the porkers .yet, as they
will bring blm nearly twice as much
nest winter as they will now.
' - -r- Rebckah ITaVeJ New Lodge). "
' . ' (Special to The Journal. t
, Bend, Or., July 27. -A Rebekah lodge
has been Instituted here with a member
ship . of 21. This makes . the .seventh
fraternal order organised here. i
BP li
X. , J
Wish to continue, It will cost you on
nlv about If
will not interfere with your work or occupation,
offer if you wish, sad I will send you the treatment for your ease, entirely f ree.ln plain wrap
per, by return mail. I will also aend you free f eett, my book "WlMIt IWI kUDICAl UVISEI" with
MplanateiT illustrations showing why womea suffer, and how they can easily pure themselves i
tit home. Everr woman should have It. and learn to talat tar ban tit Then when the doctor aara
"Ton must have an operation," Ton can d aside
themselves with my. home remedy. It curat H
simple some treatment wnicn apeeauy sua enectaaiir eures jjeuoorrnoea, ureen BioKnees ana
Painful or Irregular Menstruation la young Ladles, Plumpness and health always results from
Wherever yon lire. I eaa refer you to ladies
tell any suRerer that this 1mm Traitautreallr ta
strong, plump and robust. Just mm a esr SMtti l and the f res ten day's treatment it yours, also -the
book. Writs to-day, as you may not M this offer again. jAddress
mrs. m. summers, BoxH Notre Dame, lnd.a u. 8. A.
They will not bum the toast, and they
will not bum their fingers either, if
they use the New Perfection Toaster.
For toast or roast ) there is no other store that is as
For boil or broil quick and as handy as the New
For fry or bake ) Perfection Oil Cook-stove.
Every dealer has the New Perfection 03 Cook-store, Hand
somely finished in nickel, with cabinet top, drop shelves, towel racks, etc
Long chimneys, enameled turauoise-blue. Made with I, 2 and 3
burners. Free Cook-Book with every stove. Cook-Book also given
to anyone sending 5 cents to cover mailing coat '
(In pnratad)
San Franclaco, CaL SanJoae,CaL Mamvilla, CaL . Saattla, Waak.
Los Ang.lM, CaL
Stockton. CmL
Q I Saa Vitf
s Spend Your Vacation " 1 1
ofthera -Railway
Los Angeles, Cal., July 27. President
Joseph T. , Bmlth, ' of the Mormon
church, Is spending his 'summer vaca
tion In southern California. Speaking
of the trouble his church had with
Sweden over the passports held by Mor.
mon mlsfllenarlesi Smith said today:-"-
"That matter has been agreeably set,
tied. We found it had been greatly
exaggerated.",.,, ..-... ,u.
Journal Want'.Ads'Srlng results.
You Every SWerSut.:
ring from Woman's Aliments.
1 am woman.-.
I know woman's suffering. .
' I bare fennd the onre. .(. ;'
I will mall, free of any charge)) my tome traei
twslwlth full instrnotlonstoavy sufferer f rum :
woman's ailments. I want to tell id wouieaaboul
this care yog, my reader, for yourself, your
. daughter, your mother, or your sister. 1 want to
mu you now to oure yourselves at Bonis with
out the help of a doctor. . Men SMMtt understand
woman's aafferlnra. What we woman knnwfraai
tiemeMe, we know better than any doctor. I -know
that my'bome treatment Is safe and inra
cure for leecarraeea w Whllltk t'iediiritt, Utcinlloa. Cif
slieanMnt erftlliaf e( Hi Neaik, Praleat, tcaatr w rtlafis
ftrMi, VtichM er tiariaa Tumert, tr Orswttiai ilie sttae a ,
keii. tack taC taweli. kairini Soti taillat a aenwaaotaa. -
rHls ImHus M tH sxlaacbatr. saili sjenf.kei
niiMa, vaif lean, anatr, sis uamr UNiMt nm
If mkseaaei Medial to our sex.
I want to send yon aMitti tri btanjMl
aflrehr Irae to prove to you that row eaa euro
yourself a home, easily, quickly and
sorely. Remember, that, It UI teat fee Mftihii to
th treatment a oomrjleta triad : and if von
oenta a week or leas than twe cents a dur It
leal teal sm rtw Man isi sMnaa, tell me how you
for yourself. . Thousands of women have cured
U mug, T Hethert ef liktert, I will explain a
of your own locality who know and will gladlr
au women's aueasearanamaKawosienweit, 1
' The
Anyone, even i
boy o.girl, can
make toast on the
Oil Cook-stove
Spokane, WaaS,
....... V- --V-.- : - ..