THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TOlXTLAND. TlfUHSDAY EVENING, JULY 25, 1012. imiwpnm" nun lliaii Sans- Antonio Civic Organiza K tionsCombihetf in Chamber; f: of. Commerce Bonuses Are Given' to- Tw Railroads;; ; San Antonio Texas, July1- 2S.-r-iThS' Chtmbir.ot Commerce, oJ.tbl cUrcel brTatr a luncfteon In' the Gvinter hotel I the raUlnro h-2M00txaliJiQBua Jnr the building of the San Antonio, Rock-port- ft- Mexican nUmr.' What may b accomplished by energy ani, activity hai been shown by mwabsra. at th Charoorr ot Commerce, wlto hav raised thi your In subscrlpAlorw. from th Cltlsens 9118,000 cash botwis for tlw Ban, Antonio,, pvaldoi' A. Oujjr railroad, l0,0tro fur ths Chamber- of. Cowmarce and $25,000 bonus for tha Sao. Antonio, Rockport b Mexican railroads , The year 191J will be rwnftmbartd In 8a n Antonio as one" of the greatest In la hlatory. First In Importahca was hs-amalgamation of all the clvift oran lsntarnw Into th Chamber of Commorce. maklnr It tits largest In the soutlt end almost? thr eoctmd largest lrr the cotin try: Hardly had" this- been accomplished before the- members" werer called on to raise tho boirus fin th San 'Arrtwrto. TJvald Gulf railway, now being; con struct between San Anton and a point an the gulf coast near Aransas Harbor,, tha. new deep water port tor this city, which, belntr 100' miles closer than, Galveston, will effect a large v Ing in. fl-elghl . . Bnpport 0f ChambtiN Immediately afterward, in a campaign lasting' four wweks, ftGO.000 was raised tov ths support and; maintenance of the Chamber of Comrnerew, resulting also n a noticeable' tacretMtar In civic price' and harmony, which already had attracted much fsvarabhs notlcw for San Antonio. About two week ago the campaign to raise the boon of J23ff,0f for tha San Antonio, Ronlrpart & Mexican railway was begun. Increasing In Interest and Intensity as it proKtexsed, th eompla tton of ft, celebrated at tha luncheon to day, caused rejoicing, throughout the city. The campaign- was begun among the banks, Jobbing houses and larger property owners, extended to the retail trade and finally the popular demand to contribute to the fund resulted in suo scrlpQons from small property owners and wage earner. The people were do- termlnJ to have this railroad, believed accessary for gn Antonio to maintain j hn supremacy as tha metropolis of ! I ..Construction. I to. b begun at once, material and equtpmcot bolng now here. It will, extend botween San Antonio and Rockjtort. adjaceint to Aransas Harbor, with which It Is connected by Its own ratta and whr U ta entering- wharves ad4 warehouse Thili tine will be 180 .miles ta lsngtb. At to iimi ,11ms tba xallroa will b built ua south between 'Son. Autoulo and tha bwer Rio Grande vaulley, opening to tha; trade of Ban (tAatonl an of tho richest districts in tbm world.", : '.r ; ".: I Tha work, of tha Chamber of Com mrcs' the effectiveness) of which has . shown - thla yaar; -th two new iilroada ta tha ooass sjnd. to the port t.)8t ta nearest ta tha United States UA the- Fa nam. eaaaL am J tha new rail, rewd Into tha lower Rla Orande valley, m tours ta Bun An tenia a trade and man- uficturl&a development that will, It (a be llered, double within 'tha next decade th present population f the city, now abput Xll.000, and -give, her tha contln aia uadtanatad -right Jto. tha--tltla of imptropoll of Texas. EXACT SIZE OF LONDON WORRIES AUTHORITIES ( ratter frru Unmi Wire.) Xendoiv July ?5. The question of the waet tcreaga of tha "aqtiar mile" in tha metropolis which, la known a the city of London ts caunlDg tha municipal authorities, mar worrr than narl Lament ' is havtB wltn tha boms rule bill. The director general of ordnance sur veys says It Is 678.2 sores; tha corpora tion of the city of London is satisfied with 638, while the London county council generously maluta ths figure 711. mother of the numerous municipal boards has been asked t sot as umpire. TEAM BALKS IN FRONT OF TRAIN; DRIVER HURT :v (RDeellil to te Jouranj l Tsndlttoo, Or,, ujly Aufust Walkon a farm band employed on the H. H. Harrranoh nar Pilot RocK, PORTLAHD STORE A. B. Steinbach Retires from BuslnesYAftef 40 'Tears 'of Activity; Samuel Fox 'and Gusv Kuhn Are Purchasers. NO BATTLESHIPS THIS YEAR, SAYS CONGRESS (United l'rwi I.utd ."Washington, July 85. -The caucus of Democratic members of tha housie last night, by a Tote of 70 to 61. decided against the construction of any batlte ahiiia. Several inafflactual attempts were made to have ths caucus vote to l'ftlaase Its members front tha pledge ex acted by tha previous cavscus not to vote for battleships this yearj DEIS1VER SPEEDERS KILL UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN d'oltrd Pre" UtMdl Wirt.l Denver, July 25. An unidentified wormiM was killed here totfay, Kred Gra ham, a druggist, and i'.dwln Keyte, chauffeur, were fatally Injured when their automobile turned turtle In the outaltlTts of th city, while running at a. high rats of apeet. A. B. 8telnbacb. a pioneer Portland business man, and for 48 years one of ths leading clothing merchants of the city, has sold his bit mercantile estab lishment at Fourth and Morrison streets to Samuel X. Fox of Ban Diego, Caln proprietor of ths Lion Clothing company of that city, and Ous ICuhn, proprietor or me u.ion ciotnmg company of Fort land. While tha consideration involved In the sals will not b mads publto, it Is known that t , waay approximately 1150,000. ' -";"'' ; Messrs. Fox and Kuhn have formed a partnership, end will conduct the big place, at' Fourth and Morrison as a high class clothing and furnishing goods sa tablishment. Mr. Fox is one of ths best known business men in San Diego, where for 28 years he has been a leading mer chant; and Mr. Kuhn, ths other member of the firm, hss for ths-past II years been one of the best known figures In the local mercantile field. "Four weeks ago," said Mr. Fox, "when I left Sen Diego for Portland, where I had planned to take my vaca tion, I had little thought of entering the mercantile field In Portland; but upon my arrival in the city it looked so good to me that I mads up my mind' to In vest soma money here. Upon learning that Mr. Btelnbach contemplated retir ing from business, I formed a partner ship with my brother-in-law, Mr. Kuhn, and bought out tha Btelnbach store, which we expect to conduct, on the sams high business plana that Mr. Stetnbaoh has always maintained It. Portland Is far and away the best ctty on the coast, and I consider myself extremely fortu nate In becoming a part owner In a well established business here." Mr. Btelnbach turns over the store to the now proprietors tomorrow, and In a short time will sail for Europe, where he expects to take a well earned rest of two or three yeara. However, he will not give up Portland as his home, as he Is heavily interested in Portland property, and expects to return hero and again make this city his place of residence. had a narrow escape from death yes terday evening , when the Pilot Jlock local collided with his wagon on crossing in this city. His team balked In ths middle of the track. He was ploked up Insensible and hurried to Ihe hospital where an examination revealed a broken nose and msny bruises,' , MOTHER DISCHARGED FOR STEALING WINE Ban Francisco, July 2B. "My chlldrsn band, and thHt I soM it t J ' 1 ' 1 ' their mouths." , This was tho r'et hr to ',i v nf Mr , D. Blgnorlttl to the charge of tltf ft cf a quantity of wine from hor. ttunWn.V sre starving, I did It -for them. Tou. store. Mrs, pignorttU, ' wht r b;i will please remember that ths stuff I separated from her husband fir five stole was from' their- father; my bus-1 months, was discharged. Journal Want Ads bring results, 3 MEN AND WOMEN! TO THE MONEY-SAVING POSSIBIUTIES OF THIS THE BIG GEST HIGH CLASS SAMPLE SHOE STORE IN PORTLAND For Women The newest styles InAVhite Buck Boots, Satin and Velvet Slippers to match gowns.- Worth $3.50 to $5.00. OXFORDS OR HIGH TOPS, Up to $2.90. V Vf-' V '. For HJcn j i i. Burt and Packards, Florshelms, Upham Bros., Wichert, Kuppendorf, Murray and several other celebrated makes. Worth $3.50 to $5.00. OXFORDS OR HIGH TOPS, Up to $2.90. F. J. GLASS, Prop. REMEMBER we do not claim to have all sizes in every make, although we have YOUR size in most makes. If you have a 6, or 7 foot, we can save you $2 to $4; if any other size foot we can save you considerable anyhow. Come in and see. THE STORE UNDER THE SIDEWALK 1(D) TOM Next to 5c, 10c, 15c Store. SAMPLE SHOE 131 FOURTH ST. NEAR COR. ALDER Phone Marshall 4246 STORE . ... .. Fl Gevurlz Surrenders the Second and Yamhill Corner Store (lOOxlOO ft.) to the. Market Company This Week-A Grand Close-Out Sale Is Now In Progress AilX3taiZiflllBllRHIIIHniPIgBI.1BslllKIHDliiaAUUHaUlllallBilERIIIIIIlBlillE BiKgtBgliASiaeLf ATlkiJILlMawaailglaiaiHBBlllHJSissaaaiiassssia-e-a.--" Two Days BsWOOTODui ssrissMi NJ S 1 ill . SMsnamwal " IFSIIIlillllllll Mil e Saturday night at 10 o'clock the ladies' and men's clothing departments will be closed out, as that section of the store building (100x100 feet on Second and Yamhill) must be surrendered. The bottom has been reached on prices. Come and see the values we are offering. You cannot find their equal anywhere. Two Days MIOIPCB liy My's Suit and jong Coat -In the loiise Mow (Spf- (D)f Only joS Values Up to and S530 Included Last call in ladies' suit department two days more and it goes out of existence. We still have 200 beautiful suits for disposal, but the above low price will surely sell the last one before Sat urday night closing. You will find beautiful $25.00:white serge suits in the lot some of them with pin stripes; also browns, blacks, blues, tan, etc. A good run of sizes yet remain and you will find the styles up to date and workmanship and materials of the best. The sale embraces everything in the ladies' section, including: ' HMWMMVssV saUsssWMniaiSBMsl ftWktfBaMWSug mnmmmmm jWMMsMIUUjl ssBslssail SII1SMM $25 to $30 Broadcloth and Chiffon, long, tight and semisitting coats.. .$9.95 $20 all wool summer Coats now . . ... . .7.50 Neckwear, all kinds, each ; .5 Belts, all kinds including leather 5 Petticoats, values up to $1, to close out at. . . .75 Corset, Covers, values up to $1, to close out at 1& Gowns, values up to $2, closing out at . ..98 Gown s,-val ues- tip to $1:23; closing otit-atrrrr: 69 Drawers, values-up to $1, Closing out at 39 Just Think of It! Your Unrestricted Choice of the Entire Stock Any of This Fine Selection of MtUJUMWS eaBMUflHot- That's All! IVo More! The finest suits we have remaining from the past week's sale are included for this extraordinary price. Suit values up to $30 going for $8.95. You will never have a better opportunity to secure the quality suit for the money we ask. Suits from the country's most expert tailoring establish ments, such as the "EFF-EFF," "Sincerity" and other celebrated brands. Fine all wool Suits in all popular color shades; 'made with guaranteed fronts, padded shoulders, hand felled collars, hand worked buttonholes, linings of the best quality. These Suits were purchased to meet the demands of the installment trade, consequently are of a quality that may be depended upon Suits that have wearing quality as well as ap pearance. . iPTFJP fill M?W Second and Yamhill Street itfe pi I . ! T I f 4 issaii .i 4 ; ' pts aa m- ' V-' "V" Store Will Remain Open till 10:00 Saturday Night Xome ,; and invest Ipfe wm. mm' S52awcwr. fin t. t atfcflsjsr. r t t ; f i J j S i i ; t KSCfftUEiSJ J . .jv.lJT-iII..TIiilll'lfHSl.imS ISSS1SS1 .-araSTsrsni'MSiBBslBlBliSJHarsrwaasjB ililii 111 vaiiiiitiiiiiiir9iiiHsiiiBRiiiBiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiBifJifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3iiiz:!ii:3iirii BllDBIlllllllBll.lllllllIIIIIIIIIDIIBIDiaillllHIIIIIl.llllllHllllllllllllllllfllllllllliHIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllBni.lRIVIIIIWV sva;..-. ssl 111 vs sa W ssj ss ss sa sh hs sa ssj ssj ss ss n BJ PJ H Si si sn fjF bk w sa sa ssb sa sb 3 H J si BIIIbIsIbIbIsIsIIbISJbIbIIbIIbIII bsT bbI VJ ffM bb Bl ss bb si E I fj B ss pj sj ss sh bj be si sa bb ss ps bk bjs bsj sh sri as is sj 1 ss v t a i StiHilHIIlillllMlilHlHim