The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 24, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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::t IVcel: of the Exhibition bf "Old Darby" Rosa Ddnhcmr's Celebrated Hor3 Painting, Valued at 065,000 Ho Admission, 5tli Uir.
h Abovo the Street, Lunching Is a Delight in Our Cool Seventh Floor Restaurant Orchestra Music, 1 2 to 2 A la Carte Menu
Government Wither Forecast
- Picture ' framingdone artistically
ind at moderate prices in our 5th floor
ihop. Newest of mouldings to choose
Tom. 'T .' ''''':
Take a catalog with you on your
vacation 7 and replenish the - wardrobe
Jiroogh the use of our mail order sec
tion. ,
Visit the demonstration of the fam-.
5us Melba line of toilet, articles and'
ipedalties. Second floor, new building.
ShowerstonighFand probablyThurs:
; southerly
J ' 1 1!
1 1
Our Semi-Annual
W'HAT a host of splendid sav
ings, it means for you all,
the more remarkable since only wanted
merchandise makes up the immense
lots fresh, new summer goods at
prices Jhat won't be duplicated else
where. Each day finds new offerings in ar
ticles for the home and person need9
for the summer and early fall.
1 ; B-
Order Service
AND the vacationist, whether m
the mountains or at the sea
shore may share in all the economies
possible through our Semi-Annual ,
Clearance, - ', "-J"
The wardrobe and other needs may
be replenished through the use of our
summer catalog and efficient mail or- ,
der service. Take a Meier & Frank
catalog with you on your vacation,
On sale from 8 to 12 a. m.
only No telephone or mail
orders will be filled.
. Women's $5 Waists Tailor
ed styles of plain and striped
silks, with soft collars and cuffs
Also of silks, chiffons and col
ored voiles. ft 1 A Q
morrow only t
$1.25 to $2 Wash Petticoats
. Of gingjhams and percales.
Both plain, and checked. Fin
ished with net flounces, tucked
and widi bias bands. Pink,
blue, tan; and gray, f t
From 8 to 12 tor J JQ
morrow for only
18c Galatea Mill lengths of
10 to 20 yard pieces. Splendid
quality for women's and chil
dren's tailored dresses, etc
Good colors to choose from.
Yard, 8 to 12
totnorrow, spe- I
cial price of '
75c to $1 Brassiers Of linen
mesh that hook in back with
lace in back. Also Bust Sup
porters, finished with rows
o( insertion and
ribbon. 8 to 12
tomorrow at only
Women's 15c to 35c Neck
wearOdd lines of colors and
styles Dutch Collars, Jabots,
Stocks, Ribbon Roses, J
etc. Special from 8 to
12 tomorrow at only
Women's 25c to 50c Ker
chiefs Of pure linen with
dainty embroidered initials and
rorners. Also with novelty col
ored borders. Slightly mussed,
Priced from 8 to
12 at 3 for 50;
each, special only
10c to 20c Baby Irish Laces
Insertions and Edgings,
to Vi inches wide.
Pretty for dress trim-
mine. Yard 8 to 12 at
: Men's 35c to $1 Underwear
Shirts and Drawers of Poros
mesh, Balbriggan and nain
sook. Athletic
styles. 8 to 12 to
morrow for onlv
Men's $1 to $2 Summer Pa
jamas Broken lines and sizes
100 suits in all A f
to sell from 8 to fcflyC
6a 7
nil 'I
Bathing Suits for All Are Here
c ii
AND the styles for women were never prettier or more becoming than these
we show in nnr Sernnd Flnor Ser.tinn.
" Airin'the'l'ttraclivewell'Iitting one piece styles with round and 1
with sailor collars. All fabrics the suits of silk and satin at from
alpaca at from $3 to $10; others at from $2 to $2.75.
uare necks. Some
9.50 to $18; of
Children's Bathing Suits
Smart little styles for the miss of from 2
to 16 years. Of flanned and alpaca. Ages 2
to 8 years at from $1.25 to $2.50; 8 to
Men's -Boys' Bathing Suits
" Any sort of Bathing Suit that a man or
boy coulfPwant may be found in our first
floor section. One or two piece styles. The
"The Price She
Paid" Phillips
LIPS' new novel a book
that every admirer of the much
loved author will want n
to read. In Book Store 91OU
"The Sentence of, Silence," by
Reginald Wright JCauffman at
"The Just and Unjust," by
Vaughan Kester at $1.25.
'The Plunderer," by Roy Nor
ton at $1.25
'The gtrait Called Straight," at
'The Brute," by Frederic Arnold
Kummer at $1.25.
Th Book Btora, Aldtr anft
UorrUon-ttrMt X&truoM
July Stationery Sale
SUPPLY Vacation Stationery needs in the July
Sale this week. Most every requisite at a
15c Crane's Linen Tablets,
all sizes, each 9.
50c Boxes Crane's Gold and
Silver Edge Correspond
ent Cards, 41.
50c Bridge Playing Cards,
package 33.
35c Fancy Gilt Edge Play
ing Cards, pkg. 23tf.
15c Fancy Bridge and 500
Pads, 9.
500 and Bridge Score Cards,
dozen 4.
tc Fancy Shelf Paper, two
packages 5.
25c Glass Unspillable Ink
Wells, each 16tf .
15c Glass Sponge Cups,
each 9.
$1 Loose Leaf and Fancy
Postcard Albums, hold
ing from 200 to 500 cards,
100 Cards from your own
plate, 65tf.
100 Cards and plate, plain
script, $1.39.
100 Cards and plate, French
or Old English, $1.98..
All Commercial Blank Books, Clearance 20 Off
CUITS In the lot that you'll want for
midsummer and early Fall wear.
Smart, new styles, every one of them I
Of serges, whipcords, fancy tweeds and wor
steds. Black, tans, browns and a large assort
ment of grays and tan mixtures. Both man-'
nish and fanqy tailored styles. Jackets in
cutaway, Norfolk and Empire, back styles.
Notch, large sailor and tuxedo collars.
The season's smartest styles included in
this group of $25.00 to $35.00
Suits in the Clearance Sale at
5 to $10 Skirts at $3.85
They're a necessity these days when sepa- .
rate 6kirts are so popular. All in the neat,
straight lined styles. Of serges, voiles, Pan
amas, black and navy. Finished with high
girdle tops and with regulation band.-
They're a remarkable value at this rfQ QC
Clearance price $5 to $10 Skirts at9JtOD
Now here full line of popular red Norfolk
t 1 . r j - e 1 i m-ti
1 (acKcis lor women ana misses opcticu ti pxu
oond Tloot
HUiA BaUdla
Reduced Prices
on Wflll Tenti
A MusHnwear Clearance
pRETTY, well-made Corset Cover
and Drawer Combinations, cut to
conform with the present close-fitting styles.
Of soft, fine nainsook, trimmed in dainty
Val. and Torchon laces also allover em
broideries. Regular $2.50 Com- 1 pj a
binations for Cleafance tomor'w )1 to
$3.50 and $100
Leona Combinations
Garments 3-pieco,
made of fine nain
sook, trim'd in Tor
chon, Val. lace and
$3.30 and $4 Che
mise of fine nain
sook, with dainty
yokes of Val. and
Cluny lace and em
broidery. Fitted or
plain back and
trimm e d d0 yQ
skirt, atR&, f"
$1.35 Dress Forms
ON C E you
have used a
Dress Form in
fitting your own
garments, no
home - sewer will
be without one.
For the Clear
ance Sale, a spe
cial tomorrow on regular $1.35
Forms, as illustrated. Designed
'expressly for home use. Where
a rorm is needed in fittinr
.waists and dresses. Any size
bust .measu remcnt. Ai ij
Special tomorrow atu)llt
Adjustable Stand which may be
attached to the Dress Form
Price $2.
Adjustable Forms!
.'The Princess is the most com-
l 'J J UI Hi
made for professional dressmak-
- .... r u. i ! 1 .
ri use. iiay uc rcguiaieu to
any shape or "size. C A
Our price tomorrow 4)lDDu
embroid- An q pj
cry, only Z.O I
Women's Nightgowns Of best muslin,
nainsook and crepe, in high and low neck
?tvles. w y
11.50 Gowns, 98; $2-$2.25 Gowns, $1.47
$2.50-$2.75 Gowns, $1.79; $3 Gowns at
Ramie Linen Brassieres, trimmed with real Irish crochet lace.
Almost irresistible yes, at these prices: $3 and $3.50 AQ rjr
brassieres, $2.50 $6.00 Brassieres for this sale only b J 0
July Sale of Pure Foods
Pure Eastern Lard, Pail 68c
ONE of the many splendid savings in our July Sale of
Pure Foods in full force this week. Refer to the full
page Grocery announcement in Sunday's Journal. BestJQ
Pure Eastern Lard, medium pails, priced for tomorrow atQOC
Cottolene, medium pails, 55
Yeloban Milk, 4 cans for 25
Fancy Dry Apples, 2 lbs. 25
Fan, Seeded Raisins, 3 pks. 2l
Mexican Beans, 5 lbs. for 25
Eastern Corn Meal, sack 27j
Cookies, all
10c pkgs, 3 for
Wheat Eats,
a new break
( a s t delicacy,
Puget Sound
Salmon, 2 cans
for 25d.
30c Royal
Banquet S a r
dines, can 25
Maine Succotash, 6 cans at 55
Small Prunes, 4 pounds for 25 $
Wadco Baking Powder, lb. 17
Armour's Sail Soap, 9 bars 25
25c Sacks of Table Salt for 20
Shrimps, 3 cans special for 25
8000 Pairs Men's 25c
to 50c Socks at 17c!
PROBABLY the most sensational, sale of
Men's Socks we've ljeld this season!
Three big aisle tables filled with this immense lot
of Summer Half Hose for Clearance tomorrow.
Fully 8000 pairsa larger
part the famous "Onyx" brand
fine Silk Plaited, Silk Lisle,
mercerized Egyptian Cotton,
mottled Japanese Silk, open
gtitch Silk, etc. Every plain
color and fancy pattern plenty
of blacks and tans. Buy a sum
mer's supply of 25c, 35c and
50c Socks tomorrow, the pair.
JUST the Tents in 'demand
now for camping and out
ing trips. Each one - complete,
with poles and stakes.
Tents of 8-baL Duck
7x7, 3 foot Wall Tents $5.20
8x103 foot Wall Tents $7.10
18x14, W 1 1 WaUTent $1 1.25
7x7, 3 foot Wall Tents $6.10
Tents of 10-oz. Duck,
BxlO, 3 foot Wall Tents $8.30
10x12, 3 foot Wall Tents $9.80
12x14, Zy2 ft Wall Tent $13.15
Extra Flys for Tents, 7x7
7x7 ft, $2.30: 8x10 ft, $3.30;
10x12 ft, $3.00; 12x14 ft,
$4.60. r
Drumtight Folding Cots
Heavy brown canvas, with
maple frame. $2.50 Cots, $1.95;
$3 Cots, $2.39; $3.50 Cots,
Take a Thermos Bottle
Keeps liquids cold 72 hours, hot
24 hours. Ask for a genuine
Thermos Bottle. We have them
in all sires and styles, $1 to $7.
New Willow Plumes $10
HEAVY, luxuriant, double
hand -tied Willow Plumes
better Plumes than we've ever
been able to show at this price be
fore and in nearly every -beautiful
hade you might ask for!
Genuine male African- Stodt full
16 and 18 inch lengths. Cerise, gray,
emerald, lavender, red, coral, navy,
sky, maise, etc. No black or. white. See them tomor
row. -Specially - priced for-this great Clearance Sale, only
New French Plumes Undervalue
The importer wanted to stimu
late 'business in his dull season
made a concession. $00 Tf
Special at $4.95 to
tMOafl JTloor Hnr Bonding Mali Oram
Black and White Willow Plumes
Double hand tied, African male
stock; 16 to 18 inch sizes. Spe
cial tomorrow at the 1 t rtr
very low price of only J 1 1 5D
Clearance Steamer Trunks
Size. Regular. Special.
34-inch $23.25 $18.60
36-inch $24.00 $19.20
IflONDERFUL how- much you
can stow away in a Steamer
Trunk! Not too large to take on a
trip to the beach or mountain jaunt
easy and inexpensive to transport.
These at Meier & Frank's tomorrow
are of 3-ply basswood, with vulcanized
fiber inside and out. Strong bolt lock,
two Straps, cloth lined.
Size. Regular.
38-inch $24.75
40-inch $25.50
$4.25 Genuine Cane Suitcases 24-inch size, cloth lined,' (HQ -l
with leather scolloped ends, shirtfold, brass lock and catches )) ID
$9 Genuine Cowhide Suitcases
26-inch, cloth lined, with shirt-
fold. Strongly made,
non-pullout handle
Complete line of Fiber Basket
and Canvas Telescopes.
Fourth Floor, Main Building.
Mail Orders Filled.
Sole Portland
Agents for
Joh Biova X4
Wnaalar T7l hm,
WlUamtt I wlaf
Aeon atoTM a
Pnlton ft tltlit
intT Blloklty
Ortfflaal Oraftmui
TMlBiiFl ft. T5Tn
m ii pvj i r'.i i . f . mkn ii mi
E. Hi -4 Bk. rm lam.'v
Sole Portland
Agents for
rrrln, QVtwm.
Botnam ShlTta aafl
Madam !
wo. rwou.
lampok ClotlMfM
mm., .,,
Our Regular $3.50
Famous "Reliance"
Lawn Mowers $2.99
HIGH grade
easy run-
n i n g Reliance
Lawn Mowers,
built according
to our own
Frame is
strong and rig
idall working
parts enclosed
to protect them from dust. Ihe 12-inch size,
with sharp steel cutting blades. Regular $3.85
Reliance Lawn.Mowers in the Clear-Aa
ance Sale for tomorrow at this price O
$4 Reliance Lawn Mowers, 14-inch, for $3.07
PHONES Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home, A-fllOt Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue
$1.00 Grass
Catchers 79c
. Our Patented Grass
Catchers, made of
heavy tanvas with gal
vanized iron bottoms.
Easily and quickly at
tached or detached-:
morrow at only f 7L
40c Grass
Hooks 29c
The Little Giant
Grass Hook made of
best knife steel, with
black japanned handle.
Just fits the hand, and
s ugni to nanaie. Keg
morrow at onlvrll: