A 11 :o:i DAILY JOURNAL, TORTLAND, TUT" DAY IlVENING, JULY VA2. . j, Town Topics Don't forget woen going away on your vacation or for the sum mer, that The Journal esn fo''; low you at 1 cent a wwfe t" raguiar subscription rftes. ana the following agents wll SUPPl, yp at pgr regular rate Bay Qcen. Or, Py Ocean hotel. - Beach, Cent, , Wash., W. C. Collin. . ... ' Caraon Springs, Wash,, Mln trai Bprlns hotel. . , . Collins. WaHh., Fred A. young. Oaarhatt, Or., Mrs. O. 1 El liott. . Ilwaco, .W&ab., It B. Wood ruff. N ' . Long Beach. Wash.. La""!?? Dlnneen. (Delivery to all pointa on North Bach. . Newport. Or., Glen nowanj . Rorkawa Beach, Or., Wilkin eV Rice. :: ' " Beaelde, Or., I,eatr Preebetel. (Delivery to all parts of , aide.) Beavlew, Waah., JV TO. Streu- hal. Tillamook, Or. J. 8, Lamar. . Wiihoit Springs, 6r V. W. McLaren. TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS HEILIO Cathrine Couritlss in "A Wo man's Way." . COUNCIL CREST High class, attrac LYMCArmstrong Follies eompany in 'The Winning Widow.'' ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville. THE EMPRESS Vaudeyille. PA NTAQE8 Vaudeville. THE OAKB Amuaement parte. " Weather Conditions. Portland and vicinity Showers, to night or Wednesday; southerly wlnda. Oregon Showera west tonight or Wednesday, generally fair east portion tonight and Wednesday; warmer Interior aouthweat and eaat portion! Wednesday. Southerly winds. , , 4 . . , WashingtonLocal showera tonight and Wednesday; not much change In temnerature. Southerly winds. Idaho Fair south, showers north por tion tonight and probably Wednesday; rising tstoperature south portion Wed nesday. THEODORE F. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. How Suspect Waa Apprehended J. M, Karo, proprietor of the St. Charles clothing etore, 9-11 North Third atreet, ays that it waa through discoveries made at shU etore that F. H. Perry, alleged bad check man, waa arrested Saturday afternoon by Detectives Bwen ness and Flack. Karo says that Perry went into the store Saturday and eald ha. wanted to buy a suit of clothes. H asked Karo to hold the suit for him until he could go out and, cash a check. Karo told him that the banks were Closed, but that he would cash the check if it was all right. That seemed agreeable to Perry and he gave Karo the check. Karo called an- official of the United Statrs National bank over the telephone and was informed that the check was not pood. Then the detec tives wore called and Perry was ar rested. Study Circle Program Tha inner Study circle of the Ad club will have charge of the meeting tomorrow at the Multnomah hotel. Frederick Hyskell will serve as chairman of the day, and A. A. Bchcll, W. L. Campbell and Frank , WcCrllHs. The subject for discussion will be the relative advertising value, of newspapers, billboards and streetcare. It will be presumed that the "Indigesti ble Impure Food company" of Portland has $10,000 to spend during a year in advertising "Hard to Eat Biscuits," and the question will be Which of the me diums gets the money. An Interesting meeting la anticipated. Torger Suspect Olvos Bond Nathan Oage. proprietor of the United Coal company and a well-known fuel man of Portland, who was arrested yesterday charged with forging the name of John Lowe to a postal money order calling for $100 last March, was releaaed under $200 cash bonds yesterday afternoon and wllf probably waive a preliminary hearing and go before the next United, States grand jury. The money was found In a tobacco sack on' the street by an old north end character nnme1 Frank fef finger, known " to "hTs 'aliaocialesa a' "old sheriff." Effinger claims he sold the order to Gage for $5 and the latter cashed it at a local bank. Bald to Taderal Oread Jury Frank Pansa, accused of having secured the transportation of Annie Wallace from Bpokane to Portland July 5 for Immoral Surposes contrary to the whlta slavery lws, was given a preliminary hearing before United States Commissioner Can non yesterday afternoon and waa held undfcr $4000 bonda to the next grand Jury. Pansa is not a citizen of the United States and may be deported if found guilty. Frulthoute fcouts Xallroad Office One of the centers of downtown rail road of flee, the southeast oorner -of Third and Alder streets, has been leased by a wholesale fruit concern for a term of years after September 1. As a re sult the Rock Island, Santa Fe and Illinois Central lines will be forced to Seek new quarters from and after Sep tember 1. These and other tenants of the two-atory brick building at that cor ner have been ordered to vocate. Neighbors Extinguish Blase Fire broke out last evening In the-'"home of E. P. KeUlhar. .647 East Forty-sixth atreet, the neighbors forming a volun teer flra brigade, putting out the blase before the department arrived. Neigh bors report that no one was at home during the nlaht. Kelllher leavlne earlv in tha evening. The fire is thought to stove. Accident Victim Dies Nicholas Echmata died lat night at the St. Vin cent hospital from injuries received yes terday morning when he was knocked from a lumber wagon to the pavement by a streetcar. The man's skull was , fractured, chest badly mashed, and Other internal, injuries caused. The ac-1 ciaeni nappenea at rirtn ana Moyt streets. Estimates of Btrast ImnrmumitTfti Estimate of tha cost of proposed street paving Improvements amounting to $240,000 were filed yesterday in the auditor's office by City Engineer T. M. Hurlburt. The eaUtaates will-be sub-; muted to the city council tomorrow. Umbrella Thief Sentenced Four months on tha rockplle was the sen-1 tenca given Albert Frock thia mom-t lng in the municipal court for stealing two umbrellas. Frock pleaded guilty, attempting to Justifyfhls actby explain lng that he was.drunk at the time. The umbrellas were taken from ' ah auto mobile standing on Washington street. Tries Suicide Twice George Hollings 1 worth; nromer- wt ----Wq,rth-TwBnrys-Slxth street, attempted suicide twice last night by Inhaling gas; mice did the landlady, Mrs. Hall, open the win dows of his room, turn off the gas and finally call a policeman. HoMngsworth ro"Mvod a letter from his wife at Al bany early in the evening, which letter is reported to have had a tendency to efttia hit aUaroplj at eelf-destructlon. Knights of the o At 'the lit weekly meeting of Home. Court No. 1, Knlghta of the Rosa, It waa decided, to inaugurate an active campaign for new members during th summer months, This decision waa resohed after the lo cal court had decided to organise a unl form rank and to maka application to tha Rose Carnival association to permit tham to tot aa a guard ef honor to Rev Oregonus during the coming rose earn! val. It we decided that U would be a good thing to add several hundred mam bare to the loeal court In this city, thus giving the lodge additional material from which to pick their uniform rank. In charge of tha membership campaign will hff Allan R. Joy, T. A. Smith, F. E. Watson, John Ditchburn and Walter MoQovarn, A number of roemtiera of the Knlghta of the Rose, living In As toria, have deqldad 4 organise a local court in that city , and they have al ready signified their . intention of in duclng tha new lodge to attend the next rest carnival in thia city in hody, taking part In the uniformed parade, if possible. ' ' . 1 Joyriders Bteal Auto .Four Joyriders stole the automobile of Dr. O. I. Trom meJfl from park and Madiaon streets last. night They drove the machine over to tha east side, deserting it at Huljivene guloh, . when Patrolman Thompson fired two shots at them,, The police were unable to . locate the four men. The machine wan deserted while It was in motion, a telephone pole final, ly stopping the. auto which now la praa tlcally a wreck. Sergeant Oelsner found the car at Union avenue and Hoi. laday atreet. . lenttnoeA for Attempting Suicide, W. B. Beaben, switchman, was given 10 days on lhe rockplle this rooming in the municipal court for trying to hang him self In the city Jail laat night The man was arrested yesterday evening on a charge of vagrancy. After taking a sleep in the early part of the evening, he twisted his suspendera into a rope, tied one end around a cell bar, and the other end around his neck and stepped from a oroasplace in tha eell room. Offi cers who found him cut the improvised rope in time to save his life. Bogus Cheek Sffas Bentanced. To pass 600 bogus checks was tha plan of Frank Berry, who had thia number of cheeks printed on apeclally prepared forms. One check of $20 was passed, thus causing his arrest. A plea of guilty was en tered to tha charge of forgery this morning. He was given a sentenoe of four months on the rockplle. Orocers' Plcnlo Wednesday All Fort land and Vancouver grocery stores closed. Special train leaves union depot at 8:60. Returning at 6.30 p. m. Fare round trip 1. Children free. ' River Excursions to Oregon City Boat from Taylor atreet dock. Week days, 8 a. m., 2 p. m.; Sundays, a, m.. 13 m., 3 p. m. Round trip, 40c. Tickets good on P. R., L. & P. cars. e Steamer Jesse Rarklnu ror Camu, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington strait dock at 2 p. m. Tor Lease Lower dock with boat landing, foot of Yamhill street. Call 16a Morrison street. Main 1(46. Toneeth Floral Co., now located at our new store. 133 SUth atreet. Ore gonlan building. Aure's Portraits Columbia bldg., for men, women and Children. A-1635. W, A. Wise and aasociatea, painless dentists, Thud and Washington. ' KewXrats Buffet, 3d and Alder sts. Sr. X. C. Blows. Kye. Ear, Marquam ORDINANCE AIMED AT "CURE ALU'DOCTORS At request of Councilman Tom N. Monks, City Attorney Orant will today draft an ordinance intended to abolish the lucrative business enjoyed by "fake" doctors. The ordinance, which increases the license fee for such members of tha medical fraternity to a prohibitive fig ure, will be introduced by Councilmaa Monks at tomorrow's council session. "I have received numerous complaints from the victims of these medical fakers,-"- satd mt: MonkB"yeitemay;"'"ariff I want to put a Stop to the practice of peddling 'cure alls.' I know of one poor workingman who bought a bottle of what ha was told., was magical oil from a snake's tail. He used the oil and his condition Is now serious." Card of Thanks. We desire to thank tha many friends who so kindly assisted us in our late breavement. Mrs. R. Ww Craig and family. And some men seem to thtnk it le to their credit to lie about their truthful ness. It Shows Every Step Young housekeepers or those inexperienced in bread making will find a treasure in the little booklet we mail free on request. The Crown Illustrated Bread Recipe It explains and illustrates every step in the making of good bread. And because"we know that ours is the best flour made, it specifies We'll be glad to mail you a copy your address is all we ask. GrowiirMills s Portland, Oregon BAND CONCERT AT PARK AND JEFFERSON TONIGHT A splendid program has been prepared by Director W, J3. MeEJroy of the Fort, land Park band for tha concert this evening at Hou,tn Parkway, Jefferson and Park streets. Tha concert begins at I o'clock, and following will he the pro gram; March, 'The Mldeh!pmsnj.,leufendau Overture, "William Tail", " l .Rossini JCyJophona solo, Th Waterfall," polka ....gtobbe - Kari pimmone. rslts "Esnstnola" ...wMet election, ,'The Wiiard of the Nilo" Jralts "Eanstnola" ...wMetra election, ,'The Wiiard of the Nil?" Grand American Fantasy ....... .Bendix Duet. "Miserere," from "II Trove tore" ; VerdJ B. F. Drlscoll, cornet, and .Eugene Cioffl, baratone. Musical cftmedy, "The Three Twlna'' ............................ Hoschna Porto Rlcan Dance "Roslta". . . .Mlsaud March, "On Dress Parade", .Chambers Following will he the concert schedule for the balance ol the week: Wednes day "afternoon, Brooklyn park: Wednes day evening, Peninsula park; Thursday evening, vyashlngton (pity) park; Ft!' day evening, HollaMay pari;. NOSE MADE CROOKED, ASKS $4000 DAMAGES In return for a nose that his guardian alleges to ,be permanently crooked and eyesight declared to be weakened, Runar BJodahJ, 1$ years old, through his guar dian, Arthur SJodahl, has aued Dr. James C. Zan for damages of $4000, Zan Is dtelared to have bean tire driv er of an auto that ran over young fljo dahj at Fourteenth and Flanders streets en October 18, JU, inflicting the In juries set forth in the complaint. The boy was riding in a coasting wagon In the street when the auto, going faster than 20 miles an hour and carelessly handled, it is alleged, struck him and ran over him. His nose was broken and will always be crooked, the boy's statement declares, while his eyesight is permanently In jured. CONDITION OF LAEfHURT " BY AUTO STILL SERIOUS The condition of little 6-year-old Lo gan Roe of.78fl Kerby street, who Fri day afternoon was struck by an auto mobile driven by J. B. Clemence while closslng Alder atreet near Lownsdale, is still serious. Ths boy is in the Good Samaritan hospital, where he has been since the accident. Dr. George Wilson is In attendance. Journal Want Ads bring results. Final Clearance on All Bristle Goods, Combs and Parisian Ivory OWB TOVBTE Orr on any article tn bristle department, Including Adams, Kent and Howard Brushee. Contract goods excepted. Many Pa rlslan Ivory Kqveltles at 25d. 571 and I;lt BOiaand 76o Hair Brushes at 33c 13.00 Stiff Bristle Hair Brushes at only 81?P Combs at 19. 37. 79e Tooth Brushea at.. 10. 19. 25 Clothes Brushes. .33. 03. 0120 Now Is the time to secure your fa vorite Brush and Comb. SFIClAXS FOR lUltDAT IN KXTBXSB GOODS DIJLBTSCCJTT SUe i Red Foun tain syringe, reg. $1.60; sp'l. 89 cize i nea foun tain Syringe, reg. $1.00, sp'l . .77 Size S Com. Water bottla and Rvr- lnge. red, reg. $1.75, special 1.27 Fancy Bathing Caps, reg. 25c. special 19 Fancy Bathing Caps, reg. 66c; special .....49 Fancy Bathing Caps, reg. 76c; special 59 All Roiiups oira rotrTH orr Celluloid Trays, reg. $1.25, sp'l. 39 Bath Sprays, reg. 75r, sp'l 63 Batfi Sprays, reg. $1.60. sp'l.. $1-19 Sanijtary Belts, each 25 Fruit Jar Rings, best grade. Sc. dosen. i dozen 20 RAVIWO XXirTB TROM THE FEB. FUME FSFABTJOEWT 25c Satin Skin Cream 16 25c Woodbury Facial Powder.., 16 25c Banltol Tooth Powder 16 26c Woodbury Facial Soap IS 28e Cuticuxa Soap 15 J5c Rublfoam 16 10c 4710 Verdure Glycerine Soap, 8 for .........19 "Wood-lark" Nail Polish, best made 25 The Hew "Wood-Iiark" Bldg. Fourth and Washington Streets Jill ill CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN at PAR-PHONE EXCHANGES FOURTH FLOOR OPEN A MONTHLY ACCOUNT TODAY FREE DELIVERY in the CITY PROMPT SERVICE SUMMER RESORT8 FURNISHED TENTS AT COLUMBIA BEACH S Each tent is equipped with beds, bedding, stove, table, , cooking uten ails, etcr You wifl have the free use of shower baths, water, jwings, tennis courts and boata. Good board may be secured at 35c. per meal or $f.66 per day. "Make your 7eimnrWetern Oregon" TrueF Co., 272 Stark street, or write Frank E. Roberts, Manager, cars Co lumbia Beach Hotel, Columbia Beach, via WarrentorJ, Oregon. STAR COMEDIAN WAS ONCE ELEVATOR BOY I ' " v. i I ' ' K t '..rt,'i -V...'1 :.'T.v," 1 I r 1 . ',:&' , kMJ'b. y .1..'., i.' ai)ijiiWiiinkiifii,n'-lrrrrir' CUrence WlIoTSr at Kmpreoo. Clarence Wilbur, star comedian of "The New Scholar," the .headline . act at (he Empress this week, rose to a high plaoe tn stagedom from the lowly posi tion of elevator boy. While engaged in operating the lift of the Masonio build ing in Pittsburg, Pa, hla talent as a aomedlan was noted by a producer and before long the elevator boy was filling the main comedy role m "The Devii'e Daughter," a production In which he shone for six years. Later he became a member of William Barry's company and he also had an important part in Rice's famous musical piece, "In 1492." For the past six years he has presided as the leading funmaker in "The New Scholar," which has an exceptionally long record as a headline sketch in vaudeville. 4. in filling the leading role Wilbur takes the part of Mary Ann Taft and of Patsy, upon whom devolves the task of creating all tha fun In a country school, Oliver Putman takes the part of the professor and six pretty girls appear as 4bo fellow pupils of the cut-up of the school. nones Killed; Roofs Taken Off. (Special to The' Jonml. Halfway, Or., July 28.. A terrific hailstorm struck Homestead, Or., yes terday, damaging crops dreadfully. The wind took the roofs off four bouses. Lightning killed four horses at Home stead belonging to J. Mitchell, one of them valued at $400. FACXFIO nroXCT FOWOI FOB FOUX.TBT A powerful and reliable vermin exterminator. Price, can 25 and 50 DAKTDT ROACH PEOTtOTftn Nona better to exterminate oock roaches, en la, eto. Price, per can v 50 "WOOD-LAJaK" FUHJXTUitB FOZJSK Liven up the furniture. Thia pol ish is quick, lustrous an (J last ing. Price, per bottle... 25 rSEKXJSSS BXXD TO HID For moulting birds overcomes diarrhea and bowel trouble with birds during the moult ing season. Price, per bottle.. 25 WOOS-XJlBX" bzbjd bxxd MIXTURE The best mixture of eeeda for sinners Jcnown; acknowledged bird ratsera and Importers rec ommend this selection. Price, per Pkffr 151 3 pltga..,...25 CHOICE MIXED BIBD 8ESS Per sack 25 TIvff-eacTci Trrrrrgjt.OO" BIBD BAND (Crystal white) A reliable sand for the, bird to burrow In. Price, per pkg 10 BIRD xiAsnrA Per pkg.. 15 i 2 for 25 BX0 WUTDTXF BAUD OF ABT OOODS ON OXTB FOURTH FIOOB Pkctures, inc. Etchings, Paintings, etc ONE HALT OFF. Pottery, In. Vases. Jardinieres, etc, OJTH HAXF OFF. Olass, inc. Empire brand, etc, OUTE third orr. Frames, inc. Ovals, Circles, etc., OJTE THXB9 OFF Framing -10 per cent discount on all orders this week. FOn TECH BTOCKE8 TRATEXiEJI REDUCTIONS KERB, TOO Bamboo, Wicker and Reed Luggage, light and durable; our complete stock of new and up-to-date Suit Cases, regular $1.60 to $15.00; special SI. 13 to S1125 All our new stock of Traveling Cases fitted complete. with toi let and manicure sets, Seal, Calf and Walrus Grain, Ebony and Ivory fittings, reg. $3.00 to $36, special S2-25 to $26.2t Black Bags are fashionable., new ar rivals, all at removal prices. IT KTEASrS COJS FOBT To have the proper Truss adjusted by our expert fitters (men and women). Single Truss 75 and up. ' Double Truss at 81-25 ano" up. Send for free book let, order and measure blanks to day It Woodard, Clarke SUMMER RESORTS SAYS BRIDGE SCARE IS fil LY BUGABOO "It seems to me that there (a a good deal of needless agitation about the trafflo situation that has arisen by rea son of the order to close the old steel bridge," said Mayor Rushlight today. "I don't think there will os much suffering, even if the city and tha O-'W, r. a n. company shouldn't corns to an agree ment at once, "The ears that cress, the old steel bridge now could be routed across the Jjurnslde and Morrison bridges , until after the Broadway bridge is completed, and the inconvenience would -not be nearly so great as that caused when the bid Hawthorne bridge wa closed for mere than two years. "While the new Hawthorne bridge was being built the traffic on Morrison bridge was frightfully congested, and people had to be transferred at Grand avenue. In the present case, however, passengers will not have to be trans ferred, but may proceed to their desti nations lust the same as if the cars still used their present routes. Of course there will be inconvenience, but it will pot be nearly so bad as many people seem to think it will; Tha chief annoy anoe, I should say, would be in the lopger schedules that will be necessi tated." LOCAL AGENT EXECUTES A BOND FOR $100,000 The James Mcl. Wood ft Co. insurance sgency, representing the National Surety company, has Juet executed a bond for $100,000, given by the Washington Irri gation Development Co. to the Chi cago, Milwaukee & Puget Bound Rail road Co. The purpose of the bond is to cover payment by the Washtngtoq Irrigation 4 Development Co. to the railroad company of the cost of relocat ing certain portions of Its track, on ac count of the development company put ting In a dam along the Una of the Chicago, Milwaukee A Puget Bound rail, road in the state of Washington at P4ast'e rapids, on the Columbia river. MEASURE IS DIRECTED AT UNMUZZLED DOGS An ordinance prohibiting unmussled dogs from running at large during the rest of the summer months waa filed in the city auditor's office this morning by Councilman Watklns. The penalty Says the "Wood-Lark": Make haste, if you would take advantage of our Removal Sale. This is nearly the last call. Removal Sale prices predominate our store offering you the opportunity of a lifetime. Fol lowing are a few suggestions for today and tomorrow." Taeiday'ft -Mid Bwnv A t. in v vsw 1 F RICE 8 IH OUR L -0 v a a r e Dargaine are always ripe. Get the habit eome here for your medicines. We save you money. Murine, reg. 60c, special 30 Strawlne cleans and bleaches straw hats, reg. 60c, special . . . iO and 25 Bchlff man's Asthmador, reg. $1, special 79 Decaetros Sacred Bark Tea A mixture of herbs and barks, useful in ' kidney complaints, constipation. Inactive llver--25 Tyree's Antiseptic Powder, reg. $1.00, special 79 Jayne'a Sanative Pills, reg. 26c, special 19 Allen's Vegetable Compound A ' reliable remedy for female complaints and general weak- ,-"special , .. , ,-i . .-, .- ;-85 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, .regu larly 60c; special 39 Hoyl's- Pile Suppositories Give ' flatisfaotlon. For blind, bleed ing and itching piles. Special. 40 Dr. Hand's Remedies for chil dren. A complete line In stock. Teething lotion, colic, worm medicine, etc -25 Mary Goldman's Hair Restorer, regularly $1.00, special 79 Cooper s Blackberry Cordial, the best remedy for diarrhea, sum mer complaints, ate 25 Herplcide. regularly $1, special . -65 Dermatic Egg Shampoo Re moves dandruff, cleans and softens the hair, special 25 Hamlin's Wizard Oil, regularly 60c, special 89 Compound Extract of Buchu, Hoyt's A remfidy for back ache, weak kidneys and uri nary disturbances, special. .. .50 Calocide For sore feet, regular ly 25c, special 19 Mothersill's Seasickness Cure, reg ularly $1.00. special 89 Spratt's Dor Remedies We car ry In stock an almost com plete line. BPECIAM rOB DRUGS TUESDAY ATTD WEDNESDAY "Wood-Jiark" ghoo. Fly An effective, thor. ough and harm less repellent of gnats and files, etc., especially for stock. Price 25. 40. and 75 COOMB'S BLACKBERRY CORDIAL For diarrhea, colic and relaxed conditions of the bowels Price, bottle -25 and 50 CATAPLASM OF KAOLIN (Fleeter) Relieves inflammation ajid con gestion. Price, can 25-50 & Co. America's Largest Drug Store HOTEL STETOBT SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan 3.00 day up New stael and brick straeture. Erry asodarn conranianca. Msdlerate ratas. Center of theatre and retail district Om ear Uaaa traiuf arrins all evar eilr. Elaa Sria emuibu saeeU trains and ateasaerft VP ir viumiion pt ma orairmnre is ioi r.ne. The ordinance waa drafted at tha in stance of the health board, in order to prevent poaeinia epidemic of rablea. Sev ers! cases of this dangerous disease nava ocrn reported. THat Pleases One. of the delightful features of our eve ning aerv(ce in tha Grill la the orchestral music. both before and after 'theatre. Every performer la a eololst of ability! you'll be n o less pleased w 1 1 h the splendid music than with the delicious foods we serve. If you're entertain ing friends, bring them to Ths Portland; they'll enjoy It Tjsta Foaw&Avo 0. 3, KAUFMAirW, Manager mnraro-ngroii.il i Bfummnssitaipm Old Reliable Good work depends upon proper faclll ties- whio.i this office has In every par. tlculir. Spacious, inviting, sanitary of floes, equipped with all the necessary and latest scientific dental appliances, expert operators, etc. popular prices are possible because of the Unlon'a large patronage, Why go to other dentlste less able to please you and less able to perform strictly hlgh-elaee werk, and why go elsewhere and pay tha generally prevailing higher pribes, "Coma to the Old Reliable maxe sure tn advance oz perfect work and permanent satisfaction at least cost. HIGH GRADE PLATES, 47BOWVB, roMcmjus &xj BRIDGE TORX. AX FOFUZiAB FBXCBS Extractions a Specialty Our extraction work is the sort that removes all fear that it will hurt We use only painless methods. Our work la especially recommended to nervous people, oia routs and for ohudren. v Fifteen YearV Guarantee With All Work What Our Guarantee Means The Union Painless Dentists Is Incor- B orated under the laws of tha atata of rcaon. and the company is resconsile for the guarantee that goes with all the work that leavee thia office. This afforda tha public absolute protection agalnat inferior workmanship and ma terials. UNION ; PAINLESS DENTISTS (Incorporated) aam Morrison Street, Comer First ici&tlre Corner Phone Hats 6938. Open Evenings. ' OTXIifc never be able to fully ap preciate b 1 1 u -llthlo pavement until you pay for it, use It and observe how it survives long and hard wear through a period of 10 or 15 rears. Foster & Klelser Illgb Grade Commercial and Electric IGN East Seventh and Ecst Everett Sts. Phones East 1111; B-3S34. l . Music 1 laCH 0 Tl ii uaTa ill iiMraai i al SI aaTTi iaMrTsTrTrTnl aa T !l D i i C . ' . -r ( -u tA k !'.;i:,.,,1,;-,V,,- 'ft' ' );-V: foWM&n Yean of condn. ' der tha most ex acting traffic an) other condition ia the eupreme teat of tha street ;v pavement Barber Asphalt Withstands thia test. Demand it tn your atreet Im provements,' AMU8EMEXTS FOFOiias psjoas I HEILIG Ttb and Taylor Ftkoaesi Kals 1, A-IW ' " TONIGHT SginSSR. BAROAIN MATIKEB TOMORROW QATHRINE COUNTISS . inpported by anrDirrr ATMS The Merry Comedy f "A WQMAJfS WAT" Kvenlngs. T5o, IQc, Ms. HcWednes-, day Matinee, any seat tSo.' , MAT A-JOtO aoAxnts B STSHT PAT W-tS-BOe rnf$2 THEATRE 3 23-30-f3 Bertha Xalioh. Chick Sals, fcydla JTalson, and Jrrler Wis alow and B try key. Or eheetra, Plofarea. ' HatUM nvary wf, - - Special' Summer Prices NighU Matmeei. I0cwid20c Any Scat 104 WBXX SJTLX M Claxenoa Wlltmr ft Co., Kelly wd wilder, be Boy-liarrey Co., Banloa and Sanloa, S. J. Moore, Mar Siloote, Oxoheatra, riotiuea. Ketinee Pally WEXX JTTIiT 32 "Tha Hold-up," How ard ft Salores; The roar Janowskys' Bert Jenson, Baakoff and Belmont, Pn tayea Oroheetre, Fopular prices. Box 9ff Ice open 10 a, w, o 10 J, ml Boxes and first row baloony reserved. Vhoneet A-88W! Mala 4638. Curtain I3Q, Ti30, 8 Lyric Theatre ronrth and Csatk tbh, "TBJB WlttjriHG WIDOW. A - aoo4.' elea n,- "wholesome, laughing show for ladles, gentleman and children. Two performances nightly. 7:30 and 9:16. Matinees dally, S:30 16o and tie. Friday night tlhorui Girls' Contest. ' POHTXAITD'B QXSAT AMTTSEMSBT JPAKX - - Big Tree Frogram of Outdoor Acts cxacus oiBCtrs oxkcub Boyd ft Ogle's One Bing Clrcna best in the country. Every after noon and evening. Real circus band. AU free.- Educated Dogs and Ponies Big acta. Piuuilest of Clown a. r . Oaks Park Band every afternoon and night. Moving Picture in the auditorium. Baseball BSCBBATXOilr PASS Corner Vsagha and Twantyfourtn its. Vernon Portland JTOY S3, 84, M, 86, 87, 83, Games beein week days It. n. Sun days 2:80 p. ra, , - . . UlDtES- DAT PBZBAT. BoyS under 12 free to bleachers Wednes. aay. , . - THE ROUND UP Pendleton's v Great Show September 26, 27, 23 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Remember the Dates We Want You With Us Oregon Humane Society Ullica U'l nati, main orn; a-hu. Snmane Officer, Sargeant B. f, Crt Residence leeldenc 24 JR. 2tih N.. tast ;;. ree amo'ilni corner f S(h .' Veterinary' irtchrS? V.u' ", ' male' Rescue Home, ,N'or"m-r, a Horf lor. 1 Thomas A. Bhort, Kurt., A-i,Ml. I r lound Want A;'; jar. it..'. mm: It :!' "I' fV.i- jpipress. W BaflMdTaadarMi .