The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 22, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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l : ft SOWED Oil STAGE
It Is Imperative that thos contribut
ing iiewa for the SunJay ociety pag
should have It reach the desk of the
society editor on -Friday whether
brought In, mailed or telephoned. New
Is always most welcome but those who
have ffarrs-ea.-:y ln-th-wek would
' conf?r a great favor ty aendlnar their
reports ln as soon - after as possible,
otherwise the volume of late aoclety on
Saturday may necessltat- some Item
: being; left over for another day -
A Word About Mrs. Wilson.
HUSBAND with whose tastes
the- wife- .sympathizes. her
home and her children," are
the three elements contained
In the happiest life for a
woman, affording to the belief of Mrs.
"U'oodrow Wilson, who may be the first
lady of the land next year. As the
American people are somewhat familiar
with the leading characteristics of Mrs.
William Taft and Mrs. Theodore Roose
velt, interest naturally centers abput the
family of thp Democratic nominee The
executive mansion of New Jersey has
never had' at its head a more charming
'- mr - than' Mrs-. Wilsons who-- Is- a
southerner. : Before her marriage she
was MiRN Ellen Louise Axson, of Rome,
Ga., and ,she has all the southern
-woman's anient devotion to home and
family. The following excerpt from an
v interview in the New York American
gives an interesting bit of her views:
"I've often said that husbands and
wives reach their tnient and noblest de
velopment when they are complementary
tri each other. It seems to me that a
woman lias almost enough to do to at-
U. .. I .. 11M.I1,. 1 ,...11...,,. L...
irim ti ner miunr. vv nut? -i iMsnrve mat
n 1.4 l.m. . a .. 1, I aUa...
n rty'intrn siiiiuni Minn CI J 1 1 1 1 1 ! ft rtUVUl
her husband's business affairs, 1 do not
believe in a wife interfering In his busi
ness. 'However, (he tireless energy of the
twentieth century woman Is wonderful
to behold. It is a jiuuiifestation of the
awakening spirit of American woman
hood a spirit that Is destined to help
us to maintain ourselves In the Van
guard of civilization. I nm a great
believer in the intellect, strength of
character and optimism of the American
Mrs. Wilson is a painter or no mean
ability. There, arc throe daughters,
namely, Margaret, Jessie and Eleanor,
whom Mrs. Wilson taught at home until
they were 12 and "fed" them on Greek
lassies and read them to sleep with
the girls U J. ?sie. She Is 2j years old.
and a blonde. She is the youngest
member of the national board of the
Y. W. A., and the onlv college grndu
aote of (he trio. Maigaret is studying
to be a singer. Eleanor's talent runs
to painting.
lioating Party Knjoyed.
Members of the Portland Lincoln
High School Alumni association enter
tained with a boating party on the Mon
arch I'rMav evening in honor of the
June ,-iass. It was the first affair
given since the organization whs formed
about three months ago. The rhaperons
for tho evening were Mr. and Mrs. T. T.
TIk. Mrs. A Simon, Mr!. Norah S.
Batrd and Miss t'hristlnji Mac t'onnell.
n the committee were R. 1,. Rnlrd, J.
P. O'Connor nml X M. Simon. The party
went down the Columbia about la miles,
hack up to tin' Vancouver bridge and
then home I'niving was n feature, of
the evening and refreshments were
tyuiet Wedding.
A nuirt wedding was solemnized In
the Washington Annex. Seattle, Thurs-
How to Live the
V Ada Patterson. I
T ATLANTIC CITY the other day
A .1 slender, keen-ejed man of quint
J---rrraTm-!- nridressed several hundred
i phisiciana. .
W it 1 o said was listene I to
with stl.nt.on, f-r Ir. Charles
L Pa 1. a !- rrn'.iert in bis profession.
Moreover, he ft of that subtle branch of
the trrf of therapeutics which deals
te'Tiv tt -tMjrr rnrMf"-
tie ...iit,,s a mar, ot woman has less
r,e d to 1 (p- r tl'.e da-gers of occupa
tion the I'unnpi of IhinR during
the unemployed hours
Discussing t he forces that make for
sound nerves anr clear brains, this man,
V h" has been the arbiter of thousands
of destlnif. whose word has opened the
gatts of liosjitals for the insane to per.
mlt j.-ihiii.s to fro free, and whose ver
dict bus closed tboso galea upon many
others, said
"Man nfeds social life ns maurh as be
needs air and food. A man Is like cer
tain tiei'.K, which do their het when
they are planted iur.t so far spart. Not
too close, fur then the roots encroach
nnd rob each rrtber of nourishment; and
not so far apart that there Is no sup
port ami jioteetlon from the sun and
yinrl" i
1 l-" wcrnvi nv the npotle of mental
soundness are rs worthy of qarnest
tl.ouiibi as t:e (fxt ..f your favorite
lumif.t.T'h sermon last Sunday.
R'cill the persons ou know who llv
too much nlnne Kceentrlc, aren't they?.
Different front the average person"
Prone to stubbornness and mldirted to
ixilling ttieir own opinions ,'ilovo ttiose
i f II i ir fellows Rui they are sturdy
folk The roots of their belief are deep
Hi the other hnnd pass In fancy's pro
cession before you those vou know who
NK nf th.-
Kdlth It. l.n wry.
niost eontiiRlous of tho
Ui I'llilren's dlmasec Is nearlet fe
ver. It usually occurs In epi
demic form and may iifSumj
iiliirniini; prorortlonn if not tu 1.1
in cheek lv 'inai.uitliie :nd other tnoav
liios of sanitary Importanep
The u wt of si aiiel fver UHiially is
!i I . r u i t A child n ho previous han been
well. smldenl will mmmenrf to vomit
without nny apiarent cause. If It Ifl
oid fluoiu:!i to do so. It may complain
of a headache and n sore throat with
difficulty in swallowing. An exam
ination of (in- throat Knows the tonnilB
nnd all (lie I'ost.ilor region of tn
mouth !:e'y ml. The t f mpera t u re is
high nr.d the pulfp rat fast.
lhe second day, thn fruptlon ap
prora. 11 IS n marlet, punctuate erup
tion which iiRimlly commences on the
throat and chest and then oprrads to
other pnrls of (he body. About this
time the tor.K'ie lakes on the. typical
nppeai 'me e. It Is coated white, but
the papiliae become enlarged and pro
trude, i;l!nK the ' Ml rawberry" appear
ance, On the fourth day th rh com
mences to dlsnppear and three days lat
er ikuquamatlon or "peeling" begins.
The temperature begins to fall when
the ritMi dlcappeais.
.Ilia, -LODUilitaUottM iua lie numerous.
mitlH media or inflammation of thn
middle ear l on of the most com
mon. The maatold cells may becomo
involved, causing mastoiditis.,
F.ndocarditiH is not uneonynon. A
patleal l.o ha itruggleg Uruugti Ui
rt t
Miss Dorothy Perkins, daughter of
Mrs. George W. Perkins of New
York, who, with many of her eo
elety girl friends Is studiously
avoiding the teaching of the tur
key trot anC other censuous
dances, by holding meetings in
their respective homes, and being
taught by their eWers of the
dangers of the dances mentioned.
day, July 18, when Mrs. Mary C. Snyder,
of Tortland, and J. W. Ball, of Seattle,
were married by Rev. L. V,. Bendict.
They will make their home in Portland
about August 1.
Bits of News.
Mrs. George F. Heusner and her
daughter, Miss May Heusner, are leav
ing Wednesday for the orient to be gone
four months.
Mr. and Mrs
R. R. -niltner will be
home this week after
aoiourn of some
months in the east. They were accom
panied by Miss Nellie Temmlnway, who
went as a delegate to theChl Omega
convention at Buffalo.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kadderlv and daugh
ter are enjoylntr a stay at Welch's camp.
They are accompanied by Miss Madge
Riddle and the party plans to remain
the rest of the season.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Fprnule left
San Francisco a short time ago In their
private car to remain a week or 1" days
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin McLean have
removed from Se'Utle nnd will make
their home in Poitland.
Lawrente PUippa haa been spending
some tittle with friends In Taroma.
Miss Etta Chamberlain is n guest i:i
the home of Mr. and Mrs. UinlM Purr,
Walla Walla.
Harmonious Life
live always In a human hubbub, who
confess that they "hate to lie alone"
Poor, pulpy creatures, most nf them,
spineless and without menial resources
Show rue tb man who wants contin
uous association with others, nnd I will
show you n man of limited Intelligence
and shallow character. Tho woman
whose life Is one grRnd gnd after the
pbasures of toe tea and card table is
not-B jivon t wdnm 'jvo n-nqtrl jro 10
unr.nel some tight knot in our nn af
fairs. Dr. Dana says: "Man needs so, ;al
life as much as h needs air and food,"
but he does not say he needs it as con
stantly as air nor as regularly at, food.
The infereencies tha,t he . needs just
enough contact with 'other minds to
avoid morbidness, and not rnr.i,i:li to
cause him to lean upon others for his
Ideas or his hnpplr.ess.
"Not too close," l-.ft warns, "should the
human trees Jive, lest, tho roots en
croach and rob rnch other of nourish
ment " That is what happens to the
minds that have too much society, too
little solitude. Like leeches, they attach
tftemsetvf-i -4 tht-cf. -tb-rmtrin tht
mental substance of those who permit
themselves to be leeched of time and
I hounhts.
"But not so far apart." the gieat
allenlit continues, "that there is no s ip
rort and protection from the sun and
winds." If you want to be a humani
tarian, live in a world of persons. If a
.scholar, lhe in a world of ideas. For
strencth comes from solitude and Reu
tlenrss from society. In solitude wo
gather our forces Li society we scan, r
them. And tboso souls that have rown
to their fullest stature have leirne,
through much heartache that friends are
a luxury, not a necessity.
acute attack of the. disease may he
left with a weakened heart to trouble
him (he it iniilnilcr of his life.
Nephritis or Inflammation of tho kid
neys, liiilte commonly follows an ai
tack of tins disease. It may net ap
pear mini the (hi!, I las been appai
etitly well for h week or two. Tin
danger of nephrllls and other compli
cations ina he le.ssen. , by careful
nurflrK- Tho child should not be al
lowed to leave his bod too early His
filet should be regulated carefully for
several woeks. lie ,houM not be ex
posed to any draughts or Inclement
weather for some time.
In lhe treatment of this disenno the.
patient should he knpt la bed In n w !l
ventilated room He should br. Inolate.1
and no one except the doctor nnd nurse
allowed In the room. The diet should
be light but nourishing. Milk and other
liquids should he tho chief articles of
diet. Wuter should be given in abund
ance. A dally bath with warm water, fol
lowed by an oil rub Is very beneficial
Tho oil keeps the skin softened and
also relievos the Itching that usually
accompanies desquamation.
Th mouth, nose and threat should
be sprayed several times a day with a
mild antiseptic solution. The iirluo
should be mea.Hiired dally and any dimi
nution of the quantity should bo re
porUll J.0 tho iihi'fcit-Ull. as UUa uuii m.
dlcata the commencement of horlous
kidney trouble. , f
No case of scarlet fever Is too milJ
to be given the best of core, for fre
quently the mild cases are followed by
Iha moat severe acqutla.
. Oi:,:J
J jr Aft-
Cathrine Countiss, in "A Wo-
man's Way," Shows. How
to Rout an Affinity. ......
From last week's emotion-demanding
role tn "The Thief'eathrlne Cotmtlss
becomes a comedieiine as "Mary Stan
ton, a wife," in "A Woman's Way," in
which she opened the second week of her
special summer engagement at the lioi
lig lastinfght, and be tt-said to th
versatility of Miss CoauUIss that she
loses none of Iter charm in the trans
ition. There are dull, insipid situations
in "A Woman's Way," Which, demand
acting of sustained personality to make
them at all acceptable, and Miss Coun
tiss, ably assisted by Sydney Ayrcs, ac
quitted herself creditably.
'fbt jomwliat extensive cast-of-"A
Woman's Way," was responsible for the
appearance of several of Portland's
stork company favorites, who were not
seen with Miss Countiss last week. Con
spicuous among those who uvere hrartlly
received' . last, night were Miss Mario
Baker and J. Frank, Burke, recently of
"the Bilker Stock company. Others among
those who made, their initial appear
fince were John 0. Livingstone, Neil Mc
Kinnon, Laura Adams, Myrtle Langford
and Mario Edgett.
"A Woman's Way" as worked out in
Thompson Buchanan's comedy, i3 a re
lreshingJy new way to a wife's satis-
factory Holution of" the, dlvroce prub
tenr. tnsteiu ot oiowing up ana re
turnlne to Iter parental roof when stw
finds that her husband, Howard Stanton,
has an affinity in Elizabeth Blaltemore,
a widow, Marian Stanton, the wife, In
vites the disturber to a family dinner
party and there the widow is undone and
the husband is shown the folly of his
ways. With Miss Ccuntits as the wife,
Mr. Ayres as the husband and Miss
Claire Sinclair as the widow, the lends
are in .artistic hands and tho support
is correspondingly strong.
"A Woman's Way" Is handsomely
gowned and splendidly stager! The at
traction will be at the Helli? all week,
with matinees on We'fcnebday und Sat
A r I'nl ted 'Pro IuppiI Wire.) 4
New Bedford, Mass.. July 22
4 Charged with assaulting an of-
ficer and with disorderly con 4,
duct, tl'.e wife of a striking te?i- 4
tile worker, carrylnrc a nine days'
4 oid habe, was arrested here today 4
and locked jn a cell. The wo- Q
man's husband also was arrested. 4
The couple recently invited
4 pickets to make their head-
4 ' quarters In their yard. The 4
pickets were not arretted. 4
(TnltPd I'n'm Leawed Vv'lio.i
Minneapolis, Minn., July 22. Declar
ing that ho Iielleved his mother had 1
mnrdered end -robbed of more limit $1iki
Which she carrird nn her person, Jolm
W. Weinard. sou of Mrs. I'ct.-r Wein;ii 1,
has vowed to leave nothing' undone
to solve the mystery of her death, with h
I occurred Saturday. The woman's
body was found beside the Great Nor
thern railroad tracks at the foot of a
path leading from the viad'nt.
In addition tu the information that
the woman carried lroni $miO to $K,oi
on her person In small sacks. L J M- -Mullen
Paid positive!', ihr't the bod",
1 of the woman was dragged down the
path through a t.irialo ,! weeds which
! would have prevented her from falling
or rolling down, and that aftrr the b idv
was at the bottom It was draKifed "o
feet iiloriK'tbe right of. wav and dropped
j l.'cepite the police theory that thr
woman died from heart failure, Coro--ner
JrlSet. flTSt prTVstifln to ?ee "th
body, still tiehl to the bplief that tin
woman had been murdered. Dr. 11 C.
t'olp. of Rotd.liiiidale, also sliared this
1 opinion.
iSpr-I'l I" The .le.irnnl I
F!ucne, r.. July 22 - The f.mhr in
the eaBtern end of ljine eouniv is t.eint
ei prOKeted b ftv r.itKe:.. wl,.
unrlfr tho AVfel;s Inw, urn tuit rolling the
li.'iioer unucr my or ti.e federal Kovern
mrnt, but whose lut;es lire mitf!d- Hie
t.f iansrti :ipd sua ids inside. The wri
ftetlng In the rai.n itj of federal initio',
iii?r,t nnd the loetliion of their reside
ttv ftn!lons arc follnn-w M!lo'
Thompson, Blue Kiver 1it-irt; .1 R. 1
Miller. Vldn di'triet: '. Sehuliz. W'n !
If try district: I'hnrles Katon, I.ostmerk
district, l-'rnnk Urumbatmh, Coapt I-'ork
diMrirt. In addition to this pntrol five j
VMinhnR are i.ahl by thp Hoot h-Kell v !
!.unilir eoiiiimny far 4uiy In thM )t-l
tiei.l ir resion.
(l.'nlteit Crrn (.eastil Wire 1
I'eona. II, Julv 22 "1 Jood - hv. irirls.
If o;i don't Sfe n.o again you will find
nie in tha bottom of the river." said
William Hluckburn of rhllailelilii.i tu
Tlrls employeil n the. lobby of h hotel
Saturday, one hour Inter his body
h recovered frooi the Illinois rU-i.
niaikbinn. au h idlhu nf (!,,. VtifisI
Hit!a M 1 1 1 ' i i, 1 Life lnnrfliii'i' iompiui,
w-nt out in a canoe w . i ri a companion.
He wore a swimming suit and dove fiom
fie cftnoc Into the. water He cume up
f et first, sank, and whs seen no mere
Bhve. It Is belb;ed that i o was seiaed
with luait failure.
Joffprson, Or., News Notes.
t Special lo The Journal
lef ferBim, nr . ,lul 22. A nephi .w rf
Eil Hoffti.iin, Junt iiorih ol towh. fell
off u pon .inii liroke an iirni. Mrp
llnffmHn Rot out Qf a bURKV ttt the tune
Hnrl ran Intn the housp, when her horse
ran nwny nml destroyerl the huRgy.
The construrtlnn of Groen'ti hrhU'e
Just south of town aeros tha Sutiltlum
river. Is holtig ruKheil anil a full crew
will be at wink this week.
Mrs. p. M'cCann !: lsltin her ulster,
Mrs. B. H Clark of North Rernl
1 MiJLUl'JaXd
A -
Dainty Sandwiches for
. By Elizabeth Lee.
AXDWICHE3 of various kinds will
be welcomed at the lunch table
during ' warm weather quite as
much as they are at the outdoor
picnic, and there are often .many
scraps of leftovWa that might be util
ized in making sandwiches, but which
would not be presentable upon. A disli
in their condition, - ' ,
For Instance, ' a leg; of lamb, which
ISowa -inora Zbiaiie-thin jiieafJsIjiot
very appetizing, but minced finely and
mixed with a little . sauce, n chopped
olive, and the whole creamed with ma
yonnaise sufficiently stiff to spread be
tween sirres of thin bread and butter,
will be delicious.
Scraps of cheese grated, mixed with
a little cream and a.dasfi of goodHot
sauce, maltcs-an excellent filling Tor
either white "or graham bread. Tho
cheese, "however, should be rubbed to
a paste. A few chopped walnuts added
M cottage cheese and spread upon let
tuce leaves, finally enclosed between
slices of thin bread and 'butter, will
surely be appreciated.
Cre? m cheepe sandwiches are very
tasty. The cbeeute is beaten to a t;oft
TUcempfta Tea Room Will Please Those Who Take Lunch Here
Standard Sewing-Machines on Our Club Easy Payment Plan ol 81.Q0 Per Weelc
The Only Store West of Chicago Occupying an Entire Block
IJt rt ill
w .
fj riow
satin bands.
Wash Mf?s $1.75 to $10
So smartly tailored are these garments that no woman
who wears one will feel as though she had on a gar
ment that could be bought for Sio.oo. The materials
are cordeline, rep, linen, crash and ratine. There are
also a number of very beautiful garments in embroid
ered linen. "
LJEiperle and MarQuisctle
Waists, Special at $1.89
liven if vou could find equal values in other stores, you
wouldn't like the models as
trimmed with laoes m' hand -embroidery and
come in all sizes. Specially pricedvt onlv
Wash Dresses $1.98
You'll like them for their pretty stylishness and coolness as
well as their value in materials uhI. Lawns, dimities, ging
hams, likable patterns and charming models, suitable for
street or house wear. Nearly every sie m the
lot. Regular values as high as io. Hasement
White and Wash Goods-Mall
20c Poplins at 10c
I.i ,:i P.'pIts hi nrvtn. olil r
20,000 yarda of the finest Imported Persians, Lawns,
tistes, Wash Chiffons and Mulls, 45 ins. wide, various values
India Linon. fine, sheer quality,
2000 yards in lot; regular q
121. prnde tnmnrrnw at Af
Decorated Clilmai Half PMee
Yes. we may as well tell vou ihev
They're the better grades t ehin.i
ol it selline at hall' the regular p
Haviland lee Cream Plates, regular price Sl)..5o O A 7'
the dozen, specially priced tor this sale at only O " U
Regular MoJS alues specially priced this sale, dozen $5.20
Regular S21.i;o values specially priced this sale, doz. $10.50
Haviland Water Pitchers, regular price S2.10, special $1.05 j
Regular S2.23 Pitchers specially priced tor this sale at $1.13
Regular $3.25 Pitchers specially priced for this sale at $1.63
Sandwich or Cake Plates, SI. it) values, special at, rach 55c
Sandwich or Cake Plates, S 1 .50 values, special at, each 75c
Sandwich or Cake Plates, $2.5o values, special, each $1.25
Five o'clock Tea Cups and Saucers, S 1 2.50 vals., doz. $6.13
SI 3.5o values special $6J5
Dessert Sugars and Creamers, S2.2- values, special at $1.13
5.5:40 mtues special irt $1.70 - -St. w values speciatttt $2.30
Haviland China Chocolate Pots, S ,.o5 values, special $2.00
Haviland After-Dinner Coffees, $s.5o values, special $4.25
Haviland China F,tuit Saucers, $3.50 values, special at $1.75
the Home Lunch Table
cream, a few' chopped olives being added
during the procesa. ,
This is moistened with mayonnaise
nnd then placed between crackers, not
spread with butter. 5 .
Children love walnut Sandwiches, and
as these ax .easy to prepare, as well as
most nutritious, there Is no reason why
they- should not appear upon th table
quite frequently during warm weather.
The . nuts ' must be blanched and
cJioppedtbea mixed KUhaJittla-creanL
cheese and spread " between - thin slices
of graham bread.
They will eat watercress sandwiches,
too,, when they might-refuse the cress
au naturel. The green leaves are
chopped, seasoned with salt, a dash of
pepper end a llttlo cottage cheese, thon
spread between very thin slices Of white
bread. - - - . ....
Sandwiches made from slicea of Bos
ton brown bread, buttered and filled
with Crisp lettuce leaves dipped into
French dressing are . delightful. Mock
crab sandwiches are general favorites
and as most of the ingredients ref.iuired
are to be found in theVaverngn kitchen
they can bo easily prepared. Half
a cup of grated cheese is' mixed1 with
salt, paprika, mustard, and vinegar to
lunonos a
The two items Riven in the headlines tell the reason for the crowds of women
you'll see headed this way early tomorrow morning.
Silk Coats in the most asked for models cut on approved lines materials
that instantly impress all beholders-with their quality and, last of all, trimmed
in a manner that shows the handiwork of artists.
Laces, satins, broadcloths and braid are used as trimmings, while the mate
rials used for the coats include cloth of gold, double-faced satin, bengaline,
changeable silks and pongees. For easy choosing, a large number are grouped
in two lots.
. .
adou: I nose mmonos
They're made of prettily patterned serpentine crepe, loose or empire styles,
shirred at wast line. The trimmings are borders of self material and fl 1
i" . - ii c,,:.,i
cvciy Na- in me nn. npcuai
well as these. 'They are
ment 35c Dot'd Swiss 18c
i ir,r ic.mi'f nt di'ttril Swisses, j1
I ' . i n t i nt ch'ttri! r
1 I! - 'f Jcr ami
r '. n- the vard f'r
1 O :
Dahlia Silk, in all colors
A j
dainty fabric for summer
frocks. Special, the yd.
.ire (dd pieces but vou
Haviland and (jerman w
Si5.oo values special $7.50 1
taste, and then the whole is beaten to
gether with a couple of tablespoonfuis
of ereamed--. butter. Borne people Pkt
the addition of olives, but to my think
ing these are not x an Improvement.
W;hcri thoroughly , chilled spread be
tween thin slices of(vhite bread.
Real crab eandwTches call for the
yolk of an egg hard boiled and rubbed
to 'a powder with a little butter, the
crab meat" chopped anl a few drops o
vinegar or lemon Juice. When mixed, to
a paste spread on thin slices' of buttered
bread.' This makes delicious sand
wiches. f : ' -.
Even plain ham and bacon can be
made-attractive if - cutveryhtn ami
broiled, then placed between slices of
thin bread arid butter and eaten hot.
-These recipes are all for savory sand
wiches, but this by no means completes
the list for the variety of sweet sand
wiches is almost unlimited.
Most Attractive Mountain
The Canadian Ngtional park Is an Ideal
spot for a summer outing. Ideated in
the very heart of the Rocky mountains.
No expensive sido trips necessary Spe
cial rates from Portland. Apply Third
and Pine (Multnomah hotel bl'dg.)
Journal Want Ads bring results.
i . ....
pntc luiuunuw, c
Imported Brussels Lace Curtains in large assortment," the?
kind of patterns that you want to put into your modernly
furnished home. Floral or scroll centers, 45 inches wide, 3
to yards long. Great savings at the following prices::,
$6.00 grade special at $3.95 j $10.00 grade special for $6.65
$7.00 grade special at $4.65 $11.00 grade special for $7.35
SR.flO orAc rfril at $5.35 ! 12 00 orarlp icnprlal fnr S57.Q5
$8.50 grade special at $5.65 ;,
White Scrim Curtains with
and. inexpensive bedroom curtains or splendid for fat 2 r
Summer -cottage, 30 ins. wide,
Union Suits
SumnTer calls for many changes in underwear to keep
cool, clean and comfortable. And when garments like,
these may be had-for :Sc, there's nn reason any woman
should not be well supplied. Low neck, short sleeves,
loose knee, lace trimmed. Sizes from 4 to 0. JTt
. . , i i, -
tXlUiiy pilwLU lOI lUIIlOIIUW
Marquisettes 75c
White ciiituoiilcrcil ma rquisct ! c -
anil nile-i. in alh'vcr '!' 7C
sM. $1 ami SI Si. ..nie I DC
of lQHPnfii
llCfllJl E I
French Bordered Voiles, 45
inches wide, choice pat- pcy
wont tare mr mat, as mug
. . , .....:... i.
ait, .nn c Mi.tpo aiui
' (jerman China Cake Plates,
on special sale tor tomorrow
: (jerman Fancy Plates, oc values, specially priced only 38c ;
i (jerman China Sugars and Creamers, reg. 8oc vals., pair 45c
' Regular Si. 85 values specially priced for this sale, pair 93c
; Kegular S2.7 values specially priced for this sale. pr. $1.33
Three-piece Tea Sets, S 1.25 values, specially priced only 63c
: German China Chocolate. Pots, S 1.25 values, special, ea. 63c
S2.25 values special at $1.13 S3.00 values special at $1.50
German China Tea Pots, $1.25 values, specially priced 63c
German China Tea, Pots, S2.00 values, ;pecially priced $1.00'
; German China Water Pitchers,
uerman unir-a ater ntcners, S4oo values, on sale 52.25 s
German hma Frtttt-Sattcerst $ i&trstenrkfafotr&k -S3.00
values, a dozen $L50 $4.50 values, a dozen $2.25
Eiht-inch German China Fancy Plates, $2 vals., doz. Cl.C V
$3.00 values, a dozen $1.50 ?5.40 values, a dozen ' IT
The Ragtime Muse
, , A Curu for Ilaldaoss.
There's only one thin fate nilgai pu;
On me to ri'ake m tot? the l'ut .
Of sonte old rabbit, shot at r.ticht .
By struggling moonbeams' nsisty light.
By cross-eyetl hunter it gAva
A lump to clear a raurt'Ws grave.
The thing' a wretched baldness tint
Would show when I bad un my hat.:
A . bald spot running: o'er my dome
So far thst when X start from home
To go to town my scalp would show
Beneath jnyLhat, an inchjjr so
A-erescetit f uniootii polisFitsd skin
To make the "whole world turn and grin
When I bad passed, till 1 would feci .
Each, grin niako my blood cougi-aL
And that's the reason T wouhV bes? ;
A graveyard rabbit's left hin.l I!g,
Said rabbit being shot in May
By a left-handed, crons-eyetl jay,
As it. Its little lilt- tosave. .
Sprang ovt-c hunsfej mufl rer's grave
I superstitious? No, not 1.
Cut bald rntn everything should try.
A Pennsylvania stenographer has won
the honor of beins tho first woman to
obtain a win less operator's certifest
from the government, enabling her r.
tak-i sin-1 u position on a stcainshlyr.
on the Pat i fie.
Tneiv's- no 1 1 --- J of growtnt;
obi. 1-0 la i- ;is uur Luuka are
cult, e! n. d. 'I'iie Maui if.i; Spo-
ioltii k now iieinK demonstrat
t.d In our rest room. Second
fl ' M'. h'ln women to keep their
youthful nppiarancc.
A (
$18.50 grade special $12.35
lace edge and insertion, dainty'
yards long
a3 25c
.-,,1, ,4. tu -. ..n f , 11 :
AIC ll, U1C Mill MUV If
Men's Under
wear a! 37c
L:xcepii(in;il values Shirts
and Drawers Ai fine quality, well made and
tn ni staved, sizes 30 to-:
5o. in the Basement
toniorrow, speeia!" at
as me piece vou need is here.;,
i j . . . . i i 1 1 i.
ut v ' i .i u )i i ,ma him iniri3w.;
regular price one each,
at this very low figure tJUl
$1.25 values, special at 63c
till -