The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 21, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Red Light Flashes Every 30 Seconds;
Each Flash Means a Consumptive Dies
Mazama Crowd Makes Side Trips
Preparatory to Main Ascent of Hood
Regularity of Ominous Signal Impresses Upon
From Snug Camp Sheldon Jaunts Are Taken to Nearby Gla
ciers and Spurs; Mazama Anniversary' Was Yes
.; -terday; Original Climb. JulyJ 9, ..1894,:,
Salem, Or., Spectators Horrors of Tuberculosis in
United States; Means of Cure. C ;
" ' " " ' " ' ' ' 1 "
Plan for Solution of O.-W. R.
& N.'s New Steel Span Is
sue! Offered by East Side
" ' ' Business Men's Club.
A resolution adopted by the East Side
Business Men's club, submitted to Mayor
Rushlight and the county court, offers
' what members of the club believes
would prove the best possible solution
of the operation of the new Steel bridge,
Th club presents a memorandum of
. figures which purport to show that the
city can condemn the, bridge and not
only-obtain the use of" the upper deck
for a period of 40 years without cost,
but can. make a profit of $1500, by
r renting the upper, and lower decks to
the street car company and the Harrl
man railroad company respectively.
The club suggests that a temporary
- arrangement be made whereby the city
may rent the upper deck for the pub
lic use until such time as the entire
bridge can be acquired by condemna
tion, the rentals so paid out to apply on
. the purchase price.
Mayor Rushlight will give the offered
plan of the club careful consideration.
Following is a copy of the letter sub
mitted to the mayor and the county
Condemnation Flan.
"Pursuant to a resolution ur.anlm-
ously adopted by the East Side Busi
ness Men's club and filed with the
county court the fore part of May, 1912,
it the time the question of rental price
and value of new O.-W. R. & N. bridge
" was up; The East Side Business Men's
; club favors the condemnation and pur
chase the new bridge outright by the
City, under their eminent domain prlv
i liege, as the very best possible solution
; of this problem for a number of rca
' sons
' 1 "The cost as shown by the railroad
company Is about 11,500,00, for which
' bonds could be Issued same as for
'. Broadway span at 4 per cent.
"Street car rental for 20 years, per
present tentative agreement aggregat
ing approximately $800,000.
-."Rental to railroad company at, say,
15417 per month, which would be about
proportional with the price asked of
Street Car company and City 20 years,
: tl.SOO.000.
--"garter to city In rents asked by pro-
posed rental from railroad com
pany, '-- 20 years, aggregating approx
imately $800,000; 20-year period total,
"Rental for estimated life of bridge
(20 years additional), $2,900,000; total
receipts, $5,800,000.
"Interest on $1,500,000 bonds at 4V&
-. per cent, annually, $67,600 for 40 years;
, estimated lif of structure (may last 50
to 70 years), $2,700,000.
- "Remainder in city treasury (which
tf ilrflt cost of bridge), with the City
,i still owning the bridge, in addition
thereto, $1,600,000.
Based on Present Prices,
i ' These rentals are based upon present
,i prices, which should, of course, ' in
; . crease with the years, due to natural
; property Increase valuation and im
f portsnce Of increase of tonnage and
t traffic due to a rapldly-growitig met
, ropolis.- This would give the City a
decided strategic advantage and posl-
tlon, allowing a common user to all
railroad companies and street car corn
er panics over this bridge, for benefit of
I city belt line to be installed in connec
- tlon with new public docks, with equal
( privileges to all and with special prlv
f lltges to none, and would not cost the
' city and county one penny over the
t JJegUlar maintenance cost which they
ar paying now on the old steel bridge,
j and the Increased rental values through
i-tht-years, assessed on an equitable
ffcasis, would wire out this maintenance
J. coat and should plaee a comfortahle
I balance In the city treasury, besides
taking care of the upkeep of the
Officers Of 14 circles of Women of
Woodcraft were Jointly installed and
-dismissed st elaborate ceremonies helJ
' last night on the stage at the Oaks aud
itorium. The following circles of Pprt
" land " "We re re pre sen ted":' Mount Hood
FacajewB, MyrcTa, Mrmnr Scott Roy
A . f T, . . '
;". Yf.cs". "fe "n-Ri
. and MOntavllla. Sunrise and Vancouver
-circles - of Vancouver, Wash., wore rep
resented as was Sola circle of Oregon
City. Specially trained drill trams took
part In the work. Mrs. Heitha Sumner
I.ech, grand banker of the order, con
ducted the ceremonies. The captains of
, each Of the 14 drill team ('instituted a
,' team, under the captain' v of Katherine
Stltes, Which gave txhiijiucn drills.
Mr. J. Leacli, city orpanUer, end
Mrs, Bertha Leach were glen large bo
fluets. -
Officers of Willamette and Prospect
camps, Woodmen of the World, were
also Installed and dismissed. The cere
monies were conducted by J. J. Jen
nings, past counsel commander. Fancy
drills were given by Captain Lnrson's
Prospect camp team, ar,d t y .Mrs. Stltes'
A large portrait of Mrs, c r. Van
Orsdftll, grand guardian of thy order
surrounded by electric lights, w,lfi
featur Of the decorations. Special
Stags lighting effects were used in li.e
--- Music was furnished by Ml.s rior
ence Leach.
t - . (L'nlted I'fw I.rn.'-d Wlr.)
' Tacoma. Wash., .luly L'". Mp
4 , llevlng that his brother, J oh. n
4 Stevenson, a timber cruiser, has
; been killed hy John Tornow, the
- 'beSt man,'' somrwhere in tne
VWOOdS between Shelton am ll;o
Qulnault Indian rf-spr nt inn.
. James Stevenson, a retired liiiu
4 bermin of Puyallup, today
started for Shelton mid t'entialia
where his brother was last fph.
4 Th timber cruiser was to work
for the Page Lumber company.
- estimating timber between Shpl-
ton and the Qulnault. Bince ho
4f -left Centralis he hjs never ii.eri
teen, lie would have passed di.-
recti y through the territory
wher Tornow killed his other
4 four or five victims.
'-Iwrytl-rtnr-Aar trturTeBtritsr""
(Siltm Burets of Th Journal.) .
Salem, Or.,' July 20. As one enters
the, Armory- auditorium, where the tu
berculosis exhibit conducted by the Na
tional Association for the Study,, and
Prevention of Tuberculosis Is being
fields ha -sees- a nred light flash tor a
second and then disappear. Watching,
he sees the red glow come and go with
monotonous regularity every 30 sec
onds. Each flash times the death ot a
person In the'' United States from tuber
culosis. The ' white plague is taking
them at the' rate of two every minute.
A little farther along is a statement
printed in large letters that one third
of all the people who die between the
ages of 20 and 45 years die of consump
Probably never before have the peo
ple of Salem been so impressed with
the extent of tuberculosis and the ur
gent need of greater cooperation and
knowledge in the fight to st'mp It out.
Among the statements of warning Is
" 'Consumption Cures' do not cure
consumption, while you are taking
them you are losing time and time you
cannot afford to lose."
Another says: "A careful consump
tive, one who coughs Into a handker
chief and spits into anything that can
be boiled or burned is perfectly safe
to be about -you."
Much Interest Is being manifested In
the exhibit and the lectures and ad
dresses being pi :n In connection. This
s tho first exhibit made by the asso
ciation on the Tacifln coast.
The exhibit has photographs or mod
els of dozens of state and privately
owned sanatorlums and homes for the
(Special to Th Journal. 1
Vancouver, Wash., July 20. A tele
gram was received at 2 o'clock this aft
ernoon by Mrs. H. Bullard, 600 Colum
bia street, that her husband had been
severely injured at Moro, Or., and was
not expected to live. A second telegram
came soon after stating that he was
dead. Mr, KuHard M t Vancouver a
few days ago to visit his son, Charles
Bullard. at Moro, and was assisting in
the harvest field when injured by
Miss Winnie Bullard, a granddaugh
ter, was to have been married tomor
row morning to H. C. Daniels, and after
the receipt of the first telegram decided
Admit Depositions Taken From
Frisco Witnesses in Breach
of Promise Case.
Depositions taken from witnesses in
San Francisco constituted the evidence
yesterday afternoon In the case of Helen
M. Goodcve, against R. H. Thompson,
Jr., for breach of promise, which Is
being heard by a Jury before Judge
McGinn. One deposition of unusual
length was taken from II. C. Clunle. a
roomer in the flat occupied In San Fran
cisco by the woman.
Clunle Is said to have been a clerk
for a set of racing promoters. His
testimony was to the effect that he paid
$50 a month for his board and lodging,
that he knew Mrs. Goodeve, did not
know her to be married at the time, and
that her character was of the best. In
be eew of rt!s Tnmlrmttnn -while the
depositions were being taken, attorneys
for Thompson, Jr.. brought out that a
man by the name of I'onahuo also
roomed at. the Goodeve flat. This man
was also employed as a clerk at the
race track. The defense continued read
ing from the depositions until a mem
ber of the Jury advanced the orlnlon
that the Jury did not care for further
reading. Judge McGinn Inquired Into
the materiality of the depotlUan Bug?
g e s t Injj Jo J he df e n d a nt a jc o u n s e 1 . that.
i7I"Te ellmir.afed. except that which bore
litectly ui.un, .Uia.f,ihp Aiurjijt-vi444
for Thompson, Jr., f aid the depositions
were offered to impeach testimony" to
the effect that tho Goodeve woman was
not living alone and to determine, if
possible, who A. J. Trimblft Is. The
flat in question Is at lilt Washington
street, Safl Kranrisco, where the woman
livid for more than one year.
M. C. Sylva, engaged in the sale of
railway e'lulprneut. was railed to the
stand at the close of the deposition,
and Identified a photograph of William
1). Hoflus, who Mrs. Goodeve claims
gave her a deed to J60.000 worth of
property in Seattle. Mrs. Goodeve had
previously selected a photograph from
a number of pictures, testifying the one
J. !l m (.herr' Far, held last
treatment of ' tuberculosa It shows
and explains the unsanitary conditions
which breed the disease and - which
must be overcome before a successful
fight can be waged against it.
. This afternoon President Ackerman
of the Monmouth Normal pres.mi at
the meeting, which was attended by
over 50 teachers from the nor;nal. Dr.
C. S. White, Btate health officer, deliv
ered an address on, '"What, the Teacher
Should Know About the Prevention of
Tuberculosis." Dr. 'Charges R. McClure
of Portland spoke on Tuberculosis In
Children," and Dr. W. B. Morse of
Salem on "Home Sanitation."
At the meeting held tonight Thomas
D. Kay persided. L. F. Griffith, assist
ant superintendent of the state insane
asylum, spoke on, "Early Knowledge of
Consumption and Its Inpo.tance.
George P. Rodgers told about "Patent
Medicines and Consumption." Dr.
White delivered an address on "Haunt
ed Houses." W. L, Colvln, who has
charge of the exhibit, gave a lecture, 11
luotrated by atereoptlcon views.
Tomorrow . afternoon at 3 o'clock a
meeting will be held, with Rev. A. A.
Moore presiding. There will be special
music, followed by an address by Mrs.
M. R. Trumbull of Portland, president
of the Visiting Nurses association, on
"Society and the Stale in Their Rela
tion to Tuberculosis Prevention."
Dr. E. A. Pierce of Portland will de
liver an address on, "Facts the Public
Should Know."
The exhibit will continue until next
Wednesday night, and will be open for
the public from 10 a. m. to 10 p m. of
each day. A progam will be given each
night. It Is all free to the public. '
to marry at once and go with her hus
band to Moro to care for her grand
father. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Floyd A. Ross, of the First
Christian church, at the home of Mrs.
M. R. Haacko. They had Just packed
their suitcases preparatory for the Jour
ney when the telegram came announcing
the death.
Mr. Bullard was 58 years old and came
to Clarko county from Iowa In 1904.
He Is survived by his wife and two chil
dren, Charles Bullard of Moro, Or., and
Mrs. Mabel Sebrlng, of Buena Vista,
Tho body will be brought to Vancou
ver, arriving here at 11 o'clock Sunday.
Central Oregonians Discuss
West's Policies With Him.
Not Knowing Who He Is.
Prinevllle. Or., July 20. Governor
West arrived at Prinevllle at noon today
and left about 2 o'clock for Burns in a
drenching shower. The governor's black
saddle mare was in splendid condition
except for a few sand blisters around
ber feet, acquired on Sand mountain
through which the Santlam road to cen
tral Oregon passes for about five miles.
The governor is making good tine, hav
ing traversed the distance from' Red
mond to Prinevllle, 18 miles, this morn
ing. He expects to make the ranch of
Clone Roherts, 20 miles east of Prinevllle
on the Bear creek road to Burns, this
The executive is enjoying his experi
ence Immensely, having now been on the
road one week since leaving Salem. He.
Is meeting many people and hearing a
great deal about himself end his policies
first handbefore the. people '.themselves
know to whom they are speaking. He
had a cool ride through almost muddy
rnnds this afternoon on account of hav
ing a thunder shower all today and yes
terday. so eelet-ed was like one she saw of Ho
fiu. The one selected, however, was
not that of Hofiug claimed Sylvia
Thnmpgnn, Jrv."Wag caTTerT 16 the stand
shortly before noon yesterday, and tes
tified regarding the deed to Seattle
property. He said Mrs. Goodeve had
told him of the deed, and explained that
she proposed returning it to the donor.
He Paid he told her she was foolish' to
return anything given her. Witness
further denied asking her to put the
deed on record, as she testified he had
Gndeve will be called to the
stancTMonday for rebuttal testimony.
The Jury will receive the case late in
the afternoon. The woman is represent
ed by Attorneys Mallory and Lusk, while
Attorneys Sheldon and Arnold represent
the defendant.
.Thursday,. FridajMuL,aturdAy, has -
draws many thousands of spectators.
Politicians and Others Wonder
Whether 4-Cornered Race
Will Be Pulled Off at elec
tion This Fall.
Will Jonathan Bourne become a can
didate for United States senator by the
Independent or the third party route,
and make it a four-cornered race with
Ben Selling, Ilarry. Lane and F. W.
Will Bon Selling, the Republican nom
inee and exchalrman of th Taft cam
paign committee, finally decide to stick
with Taft or gyrate to some other posi
tion? These questions, which form the main
interrogation points In the senatorial
campaign, remain unanswered. The ine
as to Bourne probably will be obscure
until Ih. martmin , . 4 1 1 1 a
month and aima up the situation. The
question as to Selling seems likely to
keep its Sphyn-j-like qualities until Sell
ing emerges from Yellowstone park and
returns to Portland, an event which It
IS now announced is not to take place
until about the first of August.
Senator Bourne is being urged by
some of his friends to enter the field.
Others have counseled him to remain
out, taking the position that his defeat
in the primaries will weigh against him
es an independent or third party candi
date. He has been told that many who
supported Selling at the primaries are
J ... ki- S.a!a a
iiwn i ray r m duui i inn anu i n j t nu
the allegation that Selling failed to ob
serve the corrupt practices act Is also
being urged upon him as a reason why
he should not regard the nomination of
Selling as bindings
Bourn Asks Questions.
Senator Bourne himself has said no
thine for publication, and he has aDDar-
entlv authorized no one to SDeak for
him. It Is known that he is asking
questions and is intensely interested in
the situation. He has planned to come an ex-president or tne ciud ana, a pio
to Oregon as soon as congress adjourns, necr mountaineer, will .be one of the
perhaps in the last part of August, and
at that time he is expected to make
definite announcement His friends as
sume from his pre-conventlon state
ments that he Is against Taft, but they
cannot say whether or ,not he will ally
himself with the third party movement.
Selling has vigorously denied that he
violated the corrupt practices act in
the matter of his campaign expenses,
sending a statement to that effect from
his Yellowstone park retreat last week.
But no statement has been forthcom
ing from him as to his choice for pres
ident, and the Taft people, with whom
he was so actively allied early in the
primary campaign, wonder If he is
wavering In his fealty to the regular
Itnlkey After Boosovelt Strength.
F. W. Mulkey has announced himself
as a third party candidate and he will
seek to annex tho Roosevelt strength.
8hould Bourne also become a member
of the third party and announce his
candidacy, It would be necessary to de
cide in Kiome way who Js to receive the
par-- support, but if Bourne becomes an
independent -candidate this complication
Will not arise. Meanwhile Harry Lane,
the Democratic nominee, Is watching the
fun and has no worries as to the ticket
he will stand upon.
(Washington Bureaq of Tba Jonrnsl.)
Washington, July 20. While Senator
Bourne has received many letters from
Oregon deploring his primary defeat
and urging him to become an Independ
ent candidate, he has been so much en
grossed with conference work on the
rivers and harbors and the postofflce
bill that he has given no thought to
the question of his candidacy. He Is
now busy working late at night prepar
ing his report on the postofflce bill.
When asked about his candidacy, he de
clared that he was too busy even to
think of that subject, but he admitted
that personal friends In Oregon had
been urging n upon. Mm. "Como and se
me Monday," he said, then added, "but
1 don't know Whether 1 shall have this
report finished by then or not."
Oregon City, Or.. July 20. Gladstone
was"-defeated yesterday ""by" the crack
team from Mt. Angel by the score of
9 to 0. This Is the twentieth victory
for Mt. Angel and they were defeated
only five times this season. The Glad
stone team was picked up for the Chau
tauqua season, and had not played be
fore this year. The batteries were: For
Mt. Angel, Yarrow and White; for Glad
stone, Rankin and Coshow.
The final standing of the Chautauqua
race is:
Played. Won. Lost. P.C.
Mt. Angel 6 4 i .800
Gladstone 6 3 2 .600
Clackamas 4 2 2 .BOO
Archer-Wiggins ... 4 1 3 .260
Portland Colts ... 4 1 3 .250
Umpire for season William Bumslde.
by Bassett and Whaite. Falem.
become - a - annual - feetiral that
. (Special Correpsondenea.)
Camp Sheldon, Mount Hood, Or, July
0. Nestled near 70 strong In perma
nent camp, the 191 J Mazama family is
now-concluding I'ta first week'a outing
activities, with several ascent f Mount
Hood's Icy sides having been made.
Many Interesting side trips have been
made and more are to follow. Eliot
glacier. Cooper's spur, Barrett's spur
and Newton Clark glacier being points
of .nterest. . ' - .
- ?amp Sheldon Is a picturesque spot
In a quiet grove of hemlock and larch
trees at the foot of Ellot glacier and
only 15 minutes' walk from Cloud Cap
Inn. A sparkling- cold brook flows
through the camp, furnishing ample
water for all purposes. The women are
snugly cared for In comfortable outing
tents, while the sterner sex bunk be
neath the stars, - -
Wastes? Frowns oa Invaders. '
The acts of the weather man have
made a good deal of discomfort, for that
ol not. after h?B." lBeVM,-'
day, yesterday sent a thunder and elec
trlcal storm and this morning's early
quiet was broken by a heavy shower of
rain. However, the mountains' peak has
been somewhat hazy for several ' days
and it is believed that the rain will clear
the atmosphere, allowing a clear day
and fine view on Monday, the official
climb day.
Yesterday brought a rather singular
or sentimental side to the Mazamas, for
Just 19 years ago July 19, 1894
with 194 members (156i'.men and 38
""7"" ' "Tr r ZV i .
on the summit of Mount Hood. It was
at first intended by the outing com
mittee to illuminate the pinnacle with
red fire In honor of the club's anniver
sary, but the plan had to be abandoned
because of hailness and stormy weather.
With the present amount of habe prev
alent the Illumination could not be seen
by Portlanders, for whom it would beln-
! tended.
In its stead, however, a huge
I camp bonfire will be held, with a pfo
! gram of events and the Mazama owoHc87
! tra in attendance. Judge M. C. George,
Dance Given at Cloud Cap Inn.
Guests at Cloud Cap Inn last night
played host to the Mazamas at an In
formal dance and muslcale. An impro
vised orchestra,, consisting of a guitar,
oil can, dish pan and iron bar, manned
by volunteers, furnished, the musjf. The
lancers, Virginia reel and quadrille were
danced in Ihe open air court by old and
yo-jpg alike. Refreshments were served
and speeches were made by ex-Presidents
M. C. George, H. L. Pittock and H. H.
Riddell. Messrs. George and Pittock told
of experiences connected with climbing
snow peaks on the Pacific coast from
Buker on the north to Shasta on the
south. Mr. Pittock said his first assent
of Mount Hood was In 1859. FYank B.
Riley told of the climb in 1894 when the
dub was organized. He said that 3i)0
pei sons essayed the Journey, hut that"a
snowstorm turned all but 194 back. The
climb was made up the south ridges
from Government camp.
Mount Hood Ascended From South.
What is said to be the first nscent of
Mount Hood from the west was made
Thursday by H. H. Frouty and George.
X. Riddell, they having crossed to thB
west side of the mountain trom Cooper's
spur, crossing the Ice fields above Eliot
and Newton Clark glaciers. A party of
10 six men and four women made the
first climb of the week on Wednesday.
Mrs. Moore, Retiring Head of
Women's Clubs, Asserts
She Is Suffragist.
Mrs. Phillip N. Moore of St. Louis,
retiring president of the GeneraT Fuda
glst, despite the fact that when n
gette, despite the fact that when a
resolution indorsing the suffrage move
ment was introduced at the recent bi
ennial meeting of the Federation held
at San Francisco, Mrs. Moore, as tne
presiding officer, declared it out of or
fler. The Federation--ostensibly went
on" record as being opposed to equal suf
frage. Mrs. Moore, however, says that
suoh was not the Intention,
"I am a suffragist," said Mrs. Moore
at the Portland hotel last night, "and
every member of my board' while I
served as president of the Federation,
Is a supporter of the movement. When
the resolution was presented at tho San
Francisco meeting I ruled It out of or
der because It came from the floor
rather than from the committee on res
olutions, and because our constitution
provides that no political or sectarian
features shall be considered in our or
ganization. Every member of my board
was of th same opinion as myself.
The lamented Mrs. Bara Piatt Decker
had also expressed similar views on
the question.
"I knew that were the resolution al
lowed a larger number of our members
would have withdrawn from the organ
ization, and would have become more
opposed to women's suffrage than they
were before. I feel that we should
keep such members with us at all costs
and educate them Into tne convictions
of the suffragists.
"The biennial at San Francisco was
a success In every way, though the
death of Mrs. Decker has cast a pafl
upon our enthusiasm."
Mrs. Moore an0 tier-daughter arrived
In Portltand yesterday morning and
left this morning for the north. They
will take the Inland Alaska trip before
returning to St. Louis.
Yesterday mornlg Mrs. Moore waf.
taken about the city by Mrs. Frederick
Eggert, newly elected president of the
Portland Woman's club, and was greeted
by Mrs.' Sarah Evans, president of the
Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs.
Last night at the hotel Mrs. Moore
held a conference with a committee
representing the Collegiate Alumni of
Oregon. Mrs. Moore Is a past presi
dent of the National Collegiate Alumni,
aVid is now a member of the national
organisation. It was In regard to mat
ters connected with the local end of this
organisation that the conference was
The Oregon organization was repre
sented by Mrs. James Kerr, president;!
Mrs. Robert French, Mrs. William
Flnley and Mrs. Dr. Z. Crane of Cor
vallis. To prevent a person being scalded by
team In lifting the lid of a roasting
pan., an Ohlotnveator lias patatd
pan, with a hinged lid which may be
opened with any lonff handled utensil.
The party was led by Chairman Bene-
ftel of the outing committee and H. H.
Proutv. the veteran club mountaineer.
The party consisted of Messrs. Bellin
ger, Goldapp, Fabre and Hanson and
Messrs. BenerieV-Prouty.-ijGeorge EId
dell, William's.:. Spence and Carroll. A
party of women from Cloud Cap inn also
mad th ascent on Monday.
Zatpias Attract XJrhtaiaf. '
Yesterday's electslcal storm occurred
while several Mazamas were on the
snow fields. The lightning charged the
air in such manner, that the women
wer forced to abandon their hatpins,
and the men their alpenstocks for a
time. - However, no damage was done.
There have been no accidents and but
few mosquitoes.
Flashlight pictures were taken Thurs
day nighty following Secretary RUey'S
announcement that the official club
magazine, the Mazama,' will be pub
lished at least annually henceforth.
The first number to appear after a long
period of Inactivity will be in, October,
Who Art at th Camp.
Those registered at camp are: II. H.
Riddell, Mors Riddell, Mrs. H. H. Rid
dell, Agness Plummer, H. II. Frouty, W.
P. Hardesty, F. W. Benefiel, Gertrude
Metcalf, W. C Yoran, E. Uoulse Almy,
Randolph Carroll, James Weston, Mar
tha O. Qoldapp, Elsie Silver, Ella Ehrm
seh, Altoe Banfleld. Fldlla O. Davis, Seattle;-
Blanche Hart, Dr. Anderson, Edna
Armstrong, Mabel Cooper, Elizabeth
Yost, Frances Cooper, Jean Richardson,
Beatrice Young, Pearl Ellis, Edith Ellis,
A. Boyd Williams. Wayne E. Hlbbard,
F. P. Luetters, J. H. Epsey, E. R. Hul
bert, Anna Bullivant, J. E. Bronftugh,
Master George Bronaugh, George X.
Riddell, Mrs. W. 6;-Seattle,-Mrs. E. E.
Dllllnger, Gertrude E. Bide, Mrs. C I
Brubaker, R. W. Ayer, Milllcent E.
Hanson, Myrtle M. lason. Will A.
Spence, Anna C. Dllllnger, Mary C. Hen
thorn, C. L. Winters, Leroy E. Ander
son, Myrtle Bingham, Katherine W.
Hayek, H. ,E. Monroe, Verdi Monroe,
Mrs. W. E. Monroe, W. S. McBrlds and
E. C. Sammons.
Votes Abont Camp.
Blisters and sunburn are common
ailments, but Dr. Anderson la caring for
the victims.
A huge bear has been seen near camp
several times. It gave quite a scar at
Parkdale Wednesday.
Master Morse Riddell Is the youngest
Mazama, having qualified by gaining the
summit of Three Sisters on the last
club outing. He and Master George
Riddell plan to go to Hood's summit
A new Mazama record book and box
are to be placed on the summit Monday.
There were several cases of real fa
tigue during Monday's hike from Park
dale, to camp.
Under , the supervision of Chief Wes
ton, the culinary department Is a fea
ture, the cuisine being good because of
dally supplies from Hood River.
Miss Fidelia G. Davis Is an enthusi
astic mountain climber from Seattle,
who has scaled several snow peaks, In
cluding Mount Rainier.
Flshllig at Beaver and Clear lakes Is!
reported good, and George Riddell 1
organlzlng a party to visit the trout
grounds next week.
A party of Hood River townspeople
are to join the climbers on Monday.
Severe Storm Comes in Midst
of Harvest, Causing Con
siderable Loss.
I Serial to Th JrEmal.)
Walla Waila, Wash., July 20 With
tho wheat heavily headed and the farm,
era of the Walla Wulla valley In the
midst of harvest, a severe rain and wind
storm, struck the valley at 7 o'clock
this evening and it Is stated that consid
erable damage was done to grain. The
farmers hai:ebecn fearing rain for th
past week. Rain at this season does dou
ble damage, as it softens the wheat ber
ries and allows the grain to fall, making
it almost impossible to cut It.
Tonight's storm damage was greatly
Increased by the wind which accom
panied the rain.
Six-year-old Opal Bummers, 28S Jef
ferson street, lies in bed th her legs
and arms covered with bruises, as the
result of being struck by an automo
bile driven by E. A. Baldwin. The ma
chine struck the little girl about noon
yesterday. Baldwin was driving the
car west on Madison street. The child
was crossing Madison on Fourth street.
She was knocked down near the south
west corner of Madison and Fourth,
this showing that the machine wasf pro
ceeding on the wrong side of the street,
say witnesses. Baldwin said he had
Blowed up Just before he crossed Fourth
street and was not going faster than
2 or 3 miles an hour.
People who saw the accident say the
machine was going 25 or SO miles an
hour when the child was struck.
Dan Leatherman, who runs a confec
tionery store on the corner opposite to
that on which tho accident took place.
says he measured the distance the ma-
chine went after striking the little girl
For instance, what s the sense in paying a furni
ture store $21 for a Morris Chair, when our
price for a better chair is $13.35?
I 389 Alder Street, Opposite
Dr. F. C. Brbsius; Hood River,
Turned Back .Without See
ing His Wife at Critical
Time, E. P. Adams Says,
(SvecUl to Th JnuraiL)
Hood River, Or., July 20. Suit has
been tiled in the eireuit-eourt for Hood
River county by Elmer Percy Adams
against Dr. F. C. Brosius, asking $50,000
damages because the physician failed
to attend Mrs, Adams, wife of the plain
tiff in an obstetric case.
The plaintiff alleges that his wife
met an accident that caused premature
childbirth, and that Dr. Brosius was
coiicq, iraveieu id mues ana reiusea IP
go further on his Journey..
Dr. Kanaga was called on the case the
following morning at 2 o'elock, and
made the run to the home-south" of
Parkdale in four hours, but found the
wife and mother in a. slnkinir condition
She soon died.
, The plaintiff charges carelessness,
recklessness and negligence upon the
part of Dr. Brosius.
Dr. Brosius Is one of the leading phy
sicians of Hood River, and one ot the
pioneer physicians, H owns one of the
finest brick blocks In the city, and is
reputed to be fairly wealthy. He was a
member of the Oregon troop that went
into the Philippines during the Spanish
American war, and holds th rankest
The accused physician has a son in
Europe, who is traveling for his health,
while a wife and daughter reside In
Hood River. He has been a leader in
Hood River's civic and social affairs
ver since his residence here.
When interviewed today relative to
th charges, he stated that h had noth
ing to say for publication, and refused
to dlHCimn th matter.
Elmer Adams, th plaintiff, is a fruit
grower of the upper valley. It is re
ported that detectives have been at work
on th case for several weeks accumu
lating vldence.
Attorneys Stevenson, Logan and
Smith of Portland hav th eas for
Dr. Wadsworth Uses No Flow
ery Words in Espousing
Cause of Temperance.
Dr. Guy Wadsworth, associate srere,-'
tary of the temperance committee of the
Presbyterian church, arrived In this
city yesterday on a lecturo tour of the
Pacifio coast In the Interests of ti-nipcr-
ance. IJr. wadsworth lectures this
morning at the Westminster Presby
terian church, East Tenth and Weldlr
streets, on "The Leader of Tomorrow,"
In the evening h will present a Ft tp
optlcon lecture on "Our Mutual Foe."
at the Third Presbyterian church. Fast
Thirteenth and Pine streets. Both lec
tures deal with the subject of tempi i
ance. Dr. Wadsworth has been lecturing in
Washington cities and towns and is now
on his way to California. Next Thurs
day evening he will address a moetluK
at Albany and the follomlng i-wninn
he will give an out door fterio,it.-on
lecture at Eugene. No definite arr.i:w
ments have been made In other Oregon
towns for stops but he anticipates fcv
eral more audiences before crossing Into
For 12 years Dr. Wnds worth was the
president of Occidental c!ltHe In Ik
Angeles, and for three years ho occu
pied the same office with Ilellevuc col
lege In Omaha, both Frcsby te.rian insti
tutions. For thre years prior to lti
talcing Up With his present line of work;
lie was trie pastor of tho First Presby
terian church of Pueblo, Col. He has
been active In the temperance work for
about a year.
In 1887 Dr. Wadsworth graduated
from tho McCormlck Theological semi
nary, folTOwlnir mr graduation- from
Amherst. At McCormtck he received
his decree of doctor of divinity. His
present labors take him throughout the
stolen west of the Kooky mountains.
The general headquarters of the com
mittee of which he is associate secre
tary are in Pittsburg.
"My method of placing the temper
ance question before tho people is en
tirely educational," said Dr. Wadsworth.
"The sympathetic, emotional plea does
not enter my lectures. By using cold,
hard facts I try to show that the use
of liquor Is not beneficial in the least
and is, In fact, Just the opposite.
"For instance, Qreat Britain's life In
surance companies have a class which Is
open only to total abstainers and their
rates are lowest. Total abstainers have
been found by statistics to have at
20 years of age a life expectancy of
44 years, temperate drinkers an expect
ancy of but 31 years and heavy drink
ers only 16. The latter cannot secure
"Facts sfhow that alcohol is not of
benefit as a medicine and that even
the purest liquor Is poisonous, because
of its presence and the German scien
tist has proven these and many other
as startling facts. Let me talk to a
man and I believe I can convince him
that my ideas are correct."
and found that It had proceeded 42 feet
before coming to a stop.
. Dr. R. C. Yenncy, who attended the
child, told her mother, Mrs. C. L. Hall,
last night that ss far as he could ascer
tain the injuries -were not fatal. Mrs,
Hall fears the child Is Injured Inter
nally, as she has had several sllcht
,01dsf Wortman&JKing, g