THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1312. i 87 PALART. FURNITUBE AUTOS 1 DIAMONDS PIANOS WR LOAN FROM IIO'TO $1009 VOUCANflET JT -TODAY, Rebatt if paid before due. t 204-7 Macleay bldj. .Both" phone. Bet 4th andf 6th on Wahlniton. Open Mon. and1 Sat. eve,, till 8 p. m. VACATION LOANS $10 $20 $30 $50. 170 $100. when you AttE In need ov t READY CASH GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO BHOW TOU THE WAY OF ,m DOING BUSINESS, i WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE I OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. ! VJ. SERVICE - IS SUPRIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE ANO CONFIDRNTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, 308 FAILING" BLDO. $5 TO Drake's Fasv Mnnflv ,10 Furnished salaried people without se curity. Indorsement, delay, deception or extortion; cheapest rates, beat and most private terms in Portland. 807 Spalding ulAg. . Successors to .. HUTTON CREDIT CO. ELBY COMPANY. Advances money on pianos, fumltnre, diamonds, watches. Jewelry, storage re celpts, real estate, etc. Quick, .reason able, confidential. 320 Lumber Ex- cnanjre, iid and Stark sts. RW.V. PHI MW T AKTrr for a loan on pianos, household foods, outos, livestock, storage receipts, mort gages, anything of value; it will. cost you less 'Call and get our prices. 60$ Swetland bids;., fith and Washington. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. " Contracts, mortgages, equities, chat tels, diamonds and real security: spe cial service rendered. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO.. ii id i eon oias. rei. m. 7B. MONnEY.mR-SALAPvIliiD rEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman, room 317. Lumber Ex MONEY TO LOAN 27 HEAL ESTATE Hartman-Thompson Bank Chamber of Commerce bldg., Fourth and Stark sts. We have on hand funds for In vestment In good firm mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, confer with our mort gage loan department. MORTGAGE LOANS. Marie on real estate security. GI.K.VAIIT REALTY CO. (INC.) i!2 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY to liHn ut current rates of In-turt-st on farm and ciiy property. See Mr. Neelv with V"XltL YOUNGER, Suite 426 Ycoii bldg. $500. $1000. $200, $4000, $10,000 to loan' at onx'e on improved Portland i-koperty. .f. 11 Tli'Ti'N CO., 110SSi',UDlG R EDO. SlpN'EY TO i7oaN"0T i'lEA L E3 TATfc., $?50 AND VP. J. E. NfCHOES, 615 YKnN BLDG. DO you want to borrow on your teal eetate? If so, call upon our mortgage loan department. HAKTMAN-THUMESON HANI' Chamber of ter of Commerce blrig., urth and Stark sts. Fo $200, $:I60. $700. $120.i. These amounts to be placed for 1 or 2 years. Fred W. German, 436 Cham ber of Commerce. M. 6445. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at curient rates. Inyulie attorney, rooms 10-13 Mulkev blrhr., 2d and Morrison. PRIVATE money to man in sunip .if JS0 and up on re.'il, personal or collateral Securitv. 2i-7 ( ii i toi.iari hlila. MONEY to loan; large loni a .specially, building loans; lowest rates; fire In-' sura me. Y. G. He-a. IIIUH .Palling. LOANS of "iTnin, fWo" nr $3i"h'i. real estate sec urity. E. A Heard, 512 Ger- Hnger hMt. $100,000 on mortcaKcs. clt'yV or ,-farm property fire Insurance. .M. Ken.iu V4 Co.. Cerlincer; . 2d and Alder. $10,000 or any part for imnx'dl.ite loan mi real estate. Hliore Tabor 771. HONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H HATtniNG. 313 rhfltuhf r nr Com. BR AS HEM" lx'triM Mnnev. l.umbermens HI'':. MONEY to loan. 6 to S per cert. V. 11. Sitz & Co.. :U0 Spalding bldg. Ql'K'K loans on all securities S. U". Kh'!-, .15 Washington bldg. Main 'iliio MOXKY to loan on imnrovtrl real osiate. 1. E. Whit e. 701 Selling bldg. VIEL Iohii $2c.(.ou it less real estate. Eaningtr.n. 416 i ' ('pill bl.lg. AH ifiTi ;AGElians, 6 and""? .ef cent, l.oiiis Pa l"tnon Co.. 229 Stark st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUWTAHTS PTTBtlO. C KUGKNB WILLIAMS, public acrnunt ant. 1041 C. of C. l'hon.- Main J7441. C iI.EKS, HERIUDGE & ill" iMlsoN. S24 Worcester bldg. Mam ti,6 7. AKOKITZCTO FOR accurate and artistic made to ordor plans at lowest rates, address Archi ectHS'l I-: Oak. I'hone I; -,U OH. . A.S8AYXBSJ PICKERING A '.. assayrr?. amelters, refiners, bu ei s. high graile and bul llon Kold. 142'j. 4th st. Phone M a 1 nfil09. M'KLI.S ft. p'rcjEHPTI'Tl, nssi v'rs. ana lyHcal chemists. 2"4H Wash. M. 750.1. WO N T A N A "a s s a y "o f fTi "e, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 27262'' Moji Isoil ATTOEKETB JollN A. BEKKY. Atty. coll. . lions, ab- stracls examined, written opinions on legal .iiestloiis317Alisl!V bpI'll. 32t. K"Une;ay, sh'eeeey "& hieeies leneial practice. Abstracts examined. Coll, clions. 522 Cham. Com. Main 7375. A. E. CoTTf'KR. Attorney ati7aw. Gen- eial practice; abstracts examined. H2i"Hi8J''I!,!LJ:,,',?Miin 87:,: A-207i C'HRITOPHKRSON & .MATTHEWS general practice. 415-417 Yeon bldg: Dl VORCis'aranteedrOregtiti "Law In- atttuto. 528 Ltimbermens big. Mar. 4641 BATKB RI'SSIAN, Turkish baths, swimming pool, ,open day and nitfht. private rooms; ladles' and gentlemen's clepts. 605 Front H car south. Marshall 11 h.I. i'OKTI.ANIi Swimming Haths, 167 4th; elegant plunge, open dally. 2fic. BIO.JIK BOOK UA-aUU HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d St., Blank Book m'f'g. ; agents for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers: see the iew Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 133 BOOXBIXOEBI. THE PITTMAR-PETERSON CO. MaKMine,,. piuulc .. and . law books hound, blank books a-nd loose leaf sys tems. 63 5 th St. Phone Ma rshall 1235. BUSISI3S CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paring, sidewalks and crossings. $17 Beck bldg. TTTU BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COH Portland office. COS Elpctrlo bide MONEY TO LOAN- CHATTELS, SALAFJES CAXjfZT CLE Agra ;o JOYCE BROS., Electrlo Cleaning Works, esrpers ?i)siia and mid, rerlttinr our specialty. K. 440, B-1963. 204 E. lth N. CAXFZT WEATOTO NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. ta union ave., near Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. 161$ Patton av. Wood'ln $85. xsmmoromarn DR. C. ASQUITH, New- York .xpert foot specialist; Miss Asqulth, elec trical facial massage scalp treatment. manicuring; mi ewetianq niog. tR MARGUERITE CRAWFORD, chl- ropodlst,FormerlyfiUt.andWaflhlnf- on. 614 DeKum bldg. DR. CLAUDE ASQUITH. foot specialist, formerly of Nsw York, (12 Swetland DIOg. DR. U. S. Q. and Mrs-rietoher. Painless chiropodists. Over Haselwood. M-3713. PAINLESS chiropodist, corns, bunions! Ingrowing nails. A-7845. 417 Swetland. ' CHXBOPSACTIO PHYSICIAN HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.80 week. Sa,th office 2d and Wash. COAX AND WOOD . Prompt Delivery m COBDWI Any Length Green and Dry Slabs Short or 4 Foot kink FUEL (Si. Phones: E. 182, C-11 17 pfacESAoNil GREEN SHORT WOOD, $2.60. $2.50 $3.60 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, INSIDE GREEN SHORT, DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. Tbe Portland Slatowod Co. Main 3119. A-7001. 1000 loads of long lumber for sale at $2 per load; call at our yard this -week; cut to -Slave length, $3.50 per load. int. iflug. At Wrecking 'Co., i. 2d and TrvlngBt. E. 610. BORING WOOD & "COAL CO, Iist 3138. Country slab. Tabor 1742. B-2633. Block and C'ordwood. B-2629. PAC, SLABW00D CO.Vf- Green slabwood, big and small inside Hock wood, planer trim'ss. cord wood. IXtJcr Oi lall will sell No. 1 4-foot cordwood at $5 per cord. ' No. 1 4-foot ctik at $7.25 per cord, M-4598. A-4547 ALU IN A FUEL CO All kinds of green and drv wood. Rock yorlntrs and Men- dot a coal. BEGHEK'S WOOD CO., F. Hill, Prop. i 'tr( fur null el a 1 w n r . 1 (lut nrlr-oti j8th and V'au gh'n. M ain (i?59. A-241n ir.fl flinilS nf t.Bl wnn4 nn n V I line. $1.60 a cord. U. Allen, 510 Wash ington ft. Yamata Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818, H-1867 PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir. oak. slabwood and coal. Wreck age. Oth and Gllsan "Main 3;ti3, A-2283. DELIVERED PROMPTLY EVERTS, Ft Curry Bt. Main -STANDARD WOOD CO., Rox wood, cord and block whod. 'coal. 347 E. Stark. Phones East 2315 B-1695. COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone Holgate Fuel Co.. Sell wood 48 5. PHOENIX Fuel Co.. Dry wood $1.50 per load. 521 Savier. Main 3544. ED1.EKSEN handles wood and coal. CIKEJBBJJOjCTOJlS JING WO CHINESE MED. CO. cures men and women. New location 1 85 V4 Morrison st., near bridge. 1 It. J L LONG MEDICAL CO., phy sician for men, women. 263 " Alder. CONTBACTOE8 'AND BVSCXS E. GEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store front and store fixtures especially. glazing. 291 i Ankeny. Marshall 2851. HIGHEST . grade carpenter and cabinet work for hanks, stores and homes. O. H. Kammortd. 185 Madison 1 1 A RRY E. ST.NFOKD. designer ami bulkier of modern homes, flats and apartments Offion 7, 350 4 Morrlsom COLLECTIONS PHYSICjANS' Dentists' acct.. general collections 201 Medics! hMi M. (51)17. DANCINO PROF. WAL WILSON'S dancing school, l.pssona 26c during summer Beaaort, including lady dancing teachers and mu sic. Waltz, two-step, three-step. etc. v"'. 5th st., between Stark und Oak sta. I'hone Main 7K37. HEATH'S SCHOOL. 100 2d, bet. Wash ington and Stark, private dally class, Monday 8 to 1i. lessons '2,i.'. RING LEU'S Acaaeuiy. prlvala and class lessons dallv 231 14 Mor.. ct 2.1. DOQ, CAT AHT HOBSB HOSPITAI. J. G. She. D V S. Dogs and cats t-eat-ed. Im.arded Wood. 307ii. KOI Alblna. iutoWN-HlTos , r.4fi Wash Main 4"o"! A-40S. Pes 91 K. 12th. E. B440. R-22S7. DSESSMAKINO SCHOOL Valentine's system of rutting, tailoring, dressmaking Unight. 383 E. Morrison. FVBNITT7BB H.EPAIKINO ARTS and Craft shop, furniture re paired, reflnished, packed, upholster ing Mar. 39B4 7th and Flanders. Ref. GENERAL BEFAZBINO. GENERAL machine and olectrlc work, repair of electric motors and dyna mos a specialty. E. Hlppely, 224 Oak. OLD lawn mowers made like new by Improved new Invention; low pries; expert locksmith. Pete Poller. 224 Alain. GASOLINE ENGINES STATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. ReP rsen Machinery Co., 1KB Morrison. HAIB GOODS FEE VET & ILVNEHCT Leading Wlif and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 1 47 7th, near Mor. M. 546. SWITCHES, puffs and transformation made from combings; dveing. Mrs. G r i m e s . 1 7 R V, t hjj t N. I ' ) o n e Maln174. JHATTACTOBT LADIES' and gentlemen's' hats cleaned and blocked. Royal Hat Works. 223 st. M. .5442. KODAlDEVELOPING ROLLS developed free; nrlnts. 3o up; mall orders solicited. 205 Merchants Trust bldg." INSTJBANCB JOHN KER . -Insurance, surety bonds, mtge loans, uzi yeon bldg. M. 92S5. Mi't'AKtiAK, Bates A Lively,-307Yfon tildg. Every rorm or insurance, lionils, I'AOIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance com. XiAWTEBH SLIDES STFiREOPTTCONS. advertising slides, show cnrtin ana nunner. rTrant Carder Peoples Theatre hldy., Pa rk and Aid e r! STEREO PT1CONS, slides, banners, cards" etc. Enterprise Art Co.. 7314 sth. ZiBATHSB AND PINDIN3S CHA8, L. MASTICKV CO!, 74Front. Leather of every description"; ' tap manufacturers, findings. fnMn m mm KACBIITEBT a TRENKMAN A CO., hydraullo .and special pine, smoke stacks, oil tajiks, mining; machinery, repairs. 104 N. -4th. MZBSXirOXBS. HASTT MESSENGER CO.. opea-nlght and day. Main $8. "A-1188. MOTOBCYCX.B BEPAXEINO REPAIRS of all klndi: also blcycla up- pllea and repalrlngl89RurnHlde. MP 810 ABP TBACHBB3 E. THIELHQRN violin teacher; pupil Severn goo Marquam. A-itiu. roar, man SCHOOL OF MUSIC, staff of teachers, ure. conservatory or music, r-ortianq, OmCB PUBNTTtrBB DERBY LlSKS and offlco fvfrnltura. Haley, Desk Co,. 210 7th st. Main 637. OSTB OFATHXO rBTBIOXaBB DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. pe clallst on nerves, acute and chronlo disease. 10H Fenton bldy. Main 8981. PAINT, Oil. AND GLASS PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 Klrat st Mam 13J, A-7043. THE BEAVER VARNIPH WKS-. makea VJ V V ' ' I v IP, jinn wm mv. mv RASMUSSEN & CO., "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 3d A Taylor. M.. A-1771. GOUD produOtB. ask your oeaier. PAINTING AND PAPEBINO FOR best work, prices right, call I Doane. W) )- Wash. JO. 109S. TINTING $2 room up; painting, paper- hanging, u. A. names. Main list. WALKER. 226 V4 Taylor, inplde work a specialty. Lowest prices. Main mm. GOOD work, my motto. A. Oabouin. E. Wasn. H. 2167, E. 4Z14. E. H. P1CKARD; painting, tlntln" pa pering; satisfactory wtjrk. East ltne. PATENT ATTOBNETB PATENTS obtained; trademarks, copy rights registered tn all countries; hook lets free; consultation without charge. Peter Harbcrlln, 326 Worcester bldg. PATENTS procured or J, K, Mock, A.- torney-at-uaw, lare ot u. a. raicui ui Ice; book free. 719 Boa d of Trade bldg. JPAWSBBjOJjCM UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Main 910. PBCOTOMBNIOjrEBWS Free exhibit Oregon scenery and corr merclal work. 418 Stark. PIANO TONING FRED JACOBSEN. nlano tuning. $3.00; 18 yrs. experience. 190 3d. Main 4S1. PLATEBB OF ALL METALS. WTT.T.AMETTR Plstlne Works. 208 4th Plating and polishing, M. 9348. A-7190. We replate silverware; sell younew. Port. Plat. & Mfg. Co.. 22d-Thurman. M. 948. PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factorj and office. 24th and York. Main 3489 PBINTINO ANPLEY Printing Co., 250 Oak. Main 467J. Printing to please. TIN roofing, repairing, painting, Jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. BUBBBB STAMPS AND BE ALB STENCILS and office stationery. Cun n'ngham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stencils. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 SAFES THE MOSLER Safe Co., 08 2d it. Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened; bargains In second hand safes. BASK, SOOBS, WINDOWS United Glass & Glazing Co., sash, doors, plate glass. 11th, Gllsan. Main 4431. SCBEENB BUILT to order screen doors and win dows, painted and hung, complete. American Screen Co. Phone East 6229. SHOWCASES AND TIZTUXES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.2703. SHOWCASES oi every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lntke Mfg Co. R. H. H1RDSALL, HAMILTON HLDO.. Show cases in stock. Prompt delivery. Sales agent M, Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. See them. 1.H Washington st. S. E. Gilbert. OFFICE, door and window lettering; ; name plates for desks and doors; also; commercial prlntWng. Ideal Office Sign i Co. Phone Marshall 4383. 812 Dekum bldg, FOSTER & KLEISER Signs; the lar gest sign makers in the northwest. K. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. WAHLANDER CO., room 702 Swetland I bldg. Phone Marshall 4922 rr scenic ! mrr'TrcTT hpeclal window trims. TAIL 0 BIN O ALFRED OGILBEE, 310 Labbe bldg., 2d und Washington. Suits to order. TAILOBINO SCHOOL KIESTFR'S Ladles' Tailoring College learn dressmaking, talorlng 1 43 S 1 1 th RCHULTE'S ldleR Tailoring, Cutting College. 300 Central bldg.. lOth-Alder. TOWEL SUPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. $1 per month Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. TBAMsraa and stobaob C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine tts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. .Special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign points, iviatn iun A-13311. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., 13th and Everett; most modern storage warehouse In city; low fire insurance rats proof of this. Free trackage; mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods in through cars to a nd from jas t Jla inC04fl. A-1520. "OREGON TRANSFER"C0. " i Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, free trackape. I Offices and storage, 474 Glisan street, 13th and Gllsan Main 69, A-1160. CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co., -Expert furniture and piano moving. I trunk 50c each, additional 25c. M. 7089. A-4724. NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co, 64-60 Front. General transfer and storage. Main 446. A-4 468. BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. Es tabllshed 1SS2. Phones M. 0980. A-3322 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 335 Morris st. C-3168. Stand 6th and Couch. SAMPLE cases, trunks, repairing West ern Trunk Leather Wks. Main 90.12. TTPBWBITXBS ssv ALL makes rented repaired, sold. Cun lngham Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. T YPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt, za nana. J4i' za St. Mar. 419. UPHOLSTEREBS CART WRIGHT & CO., 188 Madison, up hnlaterlng, 'fnmitnre repairing; anri mattresses; work guaranteed. Main 6335. VACUUM CTXAKEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com monwealth bldg. L.A.Amlck.Mgr M 4030 WEZ.Ii DBILI.IIIO JAMES W. GHEEN, well drilling contrac tor, Z5 yrs. experience; 8, fp, 12 In.. any depth. (90 Vancouver aval C-2178. WXOIXSU1 JOBBXXJ EVERDINO & FARRELL. produce an 4 commission merchants. 140 Front at, Portland, Or. Phona Main ,17$. WADHAMS A CO., wholesala grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. -I mm I is.. I TT(..orn,Jrt DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOAR8. PORTLAND. OR. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 130 id C. Between Salmon ana Main. ALJjEN ft LEWIS-i-erROeERIES,- MEETIXQ NOTICES 41 POR VLAND STAR HOMESTEAD No. 42. B. A. Y, njaata Tery Thursday 'vnlaf-yintn Moos hall of the Royal bide 141 M Morrison st, . r it. cor. ia u niw welcome. FRANCES FRY. 1100 Danrar Phona Woodlawn 94. Correspondent MOUNT HOOD CIRCLE, NO. Ml. W. of W,. will five a special "Shirt Walat Party" Tuesday evenlna, July 80 J12. East Side W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and Aiders streets. Best ventilated hall In the city since Installation of eight large windows. Weinberger's orchestra. Ad misstonr Oentleipen, 60 -cents; ladlea, 2 cents. 470, F. U. of A., has regular meet ing every Monday evenlnartn Wlfa hatt, Russell and Williams ave. Be sura to coma, always something doing. IVANHOE lodga. No. 1. Knight of Pvthlas. meats every Tua- day night Castle hall., 11th and it, M. iAiN vjrw O.A a ORFHIA TEMPLE NO- 1. PVTHIAI SISTERS, meets on Thursday even ings of each week In K. of P. hell, Hth and Alder, at 8 p. m. By order of Mi E. C. HELEN M. LAMAR, M. or k. j. R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meets Frl. eve.. A 1 1 sky hall, 3 d and M orrlaon. BUSINESS CARDS W, G, Smith & Co.ttca Washington bldg., cor. 4th, on VVaah ton DRESS auita for rent, all sises. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark St.- CLARKE BRWH., florists, and floral designs. 289 fine flowers Morrison at ..HEATHS .AMLJiirmBALi. TEFIT The funeral services of Ian Gifford Tefft son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tefft. will be held today (Sun day) at 2 p. m. from tho family resi dence, 6021 East 49th st. S. E. Friends Invited. Intermunt at Mount Scott Park cemetery. PETERSON The funeral of the late William C. Peterson, beloved husband of Mrs. Margaret Peterson, will be held at A. R. Zeller Co.'e parlors. 694 Wil liams avenue, today, July 21, at 2 p. m. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. I rlcnds are respectfully Invited. HOLTZE The funeral of the late Hugh L. Holtze will b held at 690 Clatsop avenue, Hellwood, today, July 21. at 2 p. m. Interment Mllwauk&o cemetery. Friends of respectf ullv Invited. Re mains will be at A. R. Zeller Co.'s par lors, 594 Williams avenue, to 11 a. m. Miff Mill W 600 choice lots and single graves on ,new ground for sale. Office 206 Corn merrlal block. Telephone Main 4989. MAX M. SMITH, florist, 141ft th st. In Felling bldg.. Main 7215. FUNERAL 1H HECTORS Third and Madison; Lady attendant. Main 9, l.A-159. nimnmrv X. IIrn Aa Undertakers UUlllllllg U6 IVIUL-Iiioo Modern n everv detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-455V Lady a-slstant. : MR. EDWARD HOI. MAN, the leading ! funeral director und undertaker, 2-U 13d st., cor. Salmon: ladv assistant. A, R, ZELLER CO, Both phut) ms. es. ERICS0N "TSJ, Co. Main l.ariy ass't EAST SIDE funeral directors, success or to F. P. Punning. Inc. E. 62 R-2626. I rPPLI Undertaker, Ladv assistant. LLTiLin n-lfit. E-7S1. R (Ith-Aldrr. HEMHTOCK, 1087 E. 13th. Sell. 71, li 1122: and Unlvers. Tnrk. Col. 394-395. Dnnrrnn Pn Funeral (Jiractors, i&Y rcdloUII OUi 87 Itnssell st., E. 10H.V MONUMENTS OTTO SCHUMANN, granite msrble Works. East 3d and Pine Fast 742. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS KNAPP A MACKET. 212-13 Board of Trade. M and A - 1010. OREGON REAT, ESTATE CO.. THE Grand ave and Mult. E. 67, jC-1708. SHIELDS, J. II. 206 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 8431. BRONG - M AN A R Y COMPANY, Ground Floor Lewis Itld. M and A-1 743. HRURAKKR McKay Bldg. LENEDICT. Main 602 649. CHAPIN & HER LOW, --eJUJ- Pkffllf--rf-ttmmiif-llln-- 1R52, The Oregon Law on Advertising Anr peracn. who 1n n nwnrer or other lerlt.llrnl. ..r Pi H'lTrrtisi'lTl.'Tit. op t.y tier or clriilur. kn.iwhijrly nukes or rtl. emlrniteii nny ntufement or ssertlon encern Ins the OMnntltT nr . Jllu 1 1 1 T . the tnlnr. the utei .'fan riiHne, or te moflv r.r purpoft.. of any price, the method nf prti.luetrg or munrne tnre of his tnerehnii'lN' or profelonul work, or the niftnner or oiiri'e of pnrrhne of mirh mle which I nntrne nr rn Irnl.i ted to mlslesd, flmll he rtefmcd guilty .f n mlndeniennor, und on c miction tliereof lntll he punNhd br a fine of le.t lens 1h;m $o itt more tLan $.'Vi. or hr lmnrl5ouiner.t In th c"tiiity Jul! rrit eeo.ltng 31 dnri, or tiy t,th sueh fine mid Im prisonment. (L. 11iM. e. 1114. p. 1041. The i.ftenth.n of dvertlppr. wVn n? "The Jonnnl." well thrt of the put Mr, U d' reripd to the nhove nertlon from tli Oregon C'"te eovertng p1 er I In! np. "TT.e Jnnrnul" niak." the sumo mten r.n ell. plT fnlvortUlnr to nil iilrei t kt. In propor tion to the space ue.t. end ri t mske "fish of otm" advertiser and "fleih of nn. other." hellevtnir 01-e .Ihsh, or In dlvldinl. fir eorporHtlon hnn "equnl rtjtitu' to ndvertNe nn In other ttiitur. .ind should do o n the sume te no und eondlthms. "Th Jnirnal" helleTcn that It U no crime to ndvertlse. Headers of "The .Tonrnsl." neswerlnr adver tisements iippesrlnu In this piper, lire f--ipiesle.l to repoct In wrltlnjr nnr fnllnre on th psrt of the aitverllser to d nn he advertises, snd If the eemphiltd Is well founded, that ad veriler will t.e denied arcesa tn thse chinm. as hns been done hi the PB't. and tf the nd Tertlsei's sets are In rtolatton of tha daw ha will he sulijert to i.r.eruUon. There ars no ndvertUera inIng thfsa rolnnina niMnst whom e.-nir1aluts have hen made It our readers, and when complaints are irmda prompt atlention will he RUen t. them r S. .1 VCKPON. put, Usher. I NCALLEI) FOK ANSWKIIS mm l ANSWERS to classified advertisements which appeared in The Journal await thosu possessing certificates for th$ fol lowing numbers: A- 464, 923, 411. 424. 1 63, 202 ISR. 676. 865, 421, SfV. 276, 480. 429, 19, n, 707, 418, 422, 923. 403. A-B 64. A-K 817. A-H 90, A-K 114. B -8S0, 1S5, 418, 6S7, 607, 422, 213, S21!, MO, 82. 408 269, 34f, 82; 66, ?3. 346, ;ti4, 930, 136, 406. 236, 402.' 64, 431, f.3, 821, 416, 29. 722. 278, 620, 405. 61 5, 443. --2S8. 351, 24. 439. 520. C - 645, 21. 193. P- 429., 422. H 426, 88. 407, 427. 41 1. 424, 103, 162. 428, 101, 402. .1838. 015 7. 4.-.8, S45, 7S8. R 63, 3 .". 5 , 400, 420. 352. 488, 341,418, 48?. 767, 9T, 788,' (IS, 4, 1 1 8 1 19, 270, 136, 343 275. 82, 402, 31 2. 731. S--265, 64, 401, 319, 472. 341. 139. 320, 203, 311.I, 1 7, 4 1 0 426, 212, 421, 24 1. U 225. 532. '292." 3'Jl. 267, 358, 2GL 301. 29, 8. W 267, 215. COJ. T - 686. " Z-lk. 7 ' CLASSIFIED AD RATES Tn Isrll 1 111 ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCFXLED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dally or Sunday. 1 time to per line. i consecutive) times, la par Una rer In sertion. S cr mora consecutive) times, Tc ptr line per insertion, or 7 Insertions for price , of (. No ad counted for leaa than t lit:. ' The above rates ItjcIv to "Naw To day" and all nthr ciaaalf leaf Ion j, t. cepi nituaiions wan text, xo item ana Wated to Rant ads. filtuatlona Wanted, To Rant, and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartment and Hotels excepted), the rates are; (0 per Una first insertion. 1 4o per Una each subsequent Insertion. No ad taken for less than ISe. -CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, 10c per line. ' I consecutive times, to par Una per insertion. T or more consecutive times, to per line per insertion. The above rates apply to "New Today" and all other classifications, except "Situation Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartment and Hotels excepted) the rate Is 7c per line per Insertion. No ad charged for less than two lines or 16c. Contract rates upon application. A phone call will bring a solicitor. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of tRle made. Title A Trust Co.. Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. Brong-Manary company to Anto h. isner, lot 15, biooK 1, sub division traot "K," in M, Patton tract M0 Robert J, Tate and wife to 8am . F. Anderson, lot 6, block 9, Glenevrle 1.H0 Jennie R Miller and husband to V. Li. Whipple et al, lot 1 and 2, block , Millers addition .... 1.150 Holeomb Realty company to C. F. Wiegand et al, west H lot 2. block 6, Banner Acres lit George F. Carter and wife to An na P. McDulin, lot 7, block 7. North Alblna addition 100 C B. Mitchell et ai to Joseph E. Reynolds, traeta IS, 84, 61 and 62, Loamy Land Acres (as signed to J. D. Morris) 4,100 C. E. Mitchell and wife to Joseph E. Reynolds, tracts 1, 2, i, 33 and 35, Loamy Land Acres (as signed to J. X. Morris) 11,100 C. B. Mitchell and wife to Joseph E. Reynolds, tracts 60 and 62, Loamy Land Acres (assigned to J. D. Morris) 1,100 PauLMueaslg to.Xdward Kear- . nev. lot 2. block 2 Slees addi tion . . .' ISO E. S. Bollinger and wife to J. E. Jensen, lot 9. block 18. High land 1.000 Mt. Hood Ry. Development Co. to A. J. Cooper et al, lot 3, block 7, Proctor 1,010 J. P. Menefee and wife to Covey Mot6r Car Co.. und. of lot v 7. 8, 9, 34, 36, 86. S7, block IS. Willamette addition TIO R. L. Stevens, sheriff, to Robert son Hardware & Steel Co., lot 1, and 2. block 137 Park addi tion to East Portland ll,tT4 Herbert Gordon and wife to Louise M. Grussl, lot 6, block 35 Laurelhurst 1,000 J. N. Monteith to Hollls Fartlow lot 1, block 6. Granville I,00 J. W. Grussl, trustee, et al. to Herbert Gordon et al, west Vm of lots 7 and 8, block 24, Han sen's 2d addition LOOO C E. Bolds and wife to same, lot 1. block 12, Cole's addition ,M0 George W. Shirley et al to Flora H. Kllgore, lots 6, 8, 10, block 2, Thayer 1.800 T. G. t, Tr. Co. to G, A, Dourla et al. lot 10, east lot 11, block 67, Sunnyside 3d addition 175 Interurban Kealtv Co. to A. A. Allen, lot 2, block 12, Bella Crest ; . 400 W. II. HAIZLIP CO., Inc. Abstractors, 505 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder sts. NEW TODAY Bride Block Pays Hi2 Two-story brick block built last May In thickly settled district, consisting of three stores and flats, also house in rear. All occupied. Stores leased five vears at $157 per mdnth. Balance part ly leased at J11S per month. Total $270 per month. Price $23,750. Terms half cash. This Is a gtlt-edge Investment. GoddarU & VVIedrick 343 Btark Street Holladay's Addition Center of Population The MOST DESIRABLE LOCATION In the city. Is CERTAIN to ADVANCE IN VALUE from year to year. Seeing 1 believing. Go and see, THE OREGON REAL ESTATE COMPANY OBAJTD ATX. ABB XVLTSOVLkX MT. Are You Looking For An Investment We have a Ood location for business, corner of Mississippi Ave. and Shaver St.; will sell at a bargain on easy terms. CABLE & MUNKERS 516 Spalding Bldg. A SAFE INVESTMENT An Excellent Specnlatioo S9500: 20O0 cash, balsnco terms, buys an Improved corner on 21st north of Thurmnn: proparty pays 6V per cent. Is i blacks from slto for west sMe I'tibllo dock. Located on carlins and In Una of all bis; Improvements on west j side. Can now be bought way blow i market value. There's S50Q0 turn in s! years on this property for some one: who can afford to hold It. Phone Mar shall SC. after 7 p. m. or owner, 148 N. 2H ST. A LEASE On 65x100, on Madison St.. near Second. ! to track soon to be electrified. Hasily for 25 years, with option to purchane j reached by auto, water craft or elec withln three years at $40,000. This ls;tric cars. You will be sorry if you downtown district. See Mr. fcpencer or Mr. Anderson, OBEOOW HOME BTJTI.DUra ft cow STBUCTIOH CO. 918 Chamber of Oommeroe Bldg-. 52 Lots at Snap Price In restricted district, within 3 mile limit, cement walks and water. Owners forced to nmlto quick sale. Price upon calling at the office. OODDATU) k -VTTJODKICK. 243 Stark StisrU ' ' . NEW TODAY Portland Heights Attractive I room modem bungalow, which I built for my home, and which I am offering for sale for 113,000, upon term to suit the purchaser. This bun galow ha been built in tha center of a beautiful secluded spot on the west Slops WI ieig(H, l u oiacnm la always cool In summer and is protected from th east winds In winter. The neighborhood i exclusive only tha most magnificent home are to be seen, looking toward tha south and east, while to the north and west the view, will never-sha obstructed. Nature ha worked with ai master hand to mould so much of wilderness and beauty into' this acie tract. The grounds could not be better arranged. Skirting the main drive to the south Is a small ravine through which leads a bridal path which circles the grounds. In thia ravine I have pre served Ih best of nature's work the tall firs, hemlocks, maples and wild cherry trees. To these 1 nave added the mountain ash, tha dogwood and lyier desirable, varieties. Across tha raviie, leading from the drive to tha bungalow, hua been constructed a bridge, rustic tn every detail even down tothe hood over the electrlo light at the entrance, con trolled by a awitch In the living room. The grounds slope away to the north rather nrecinltousl v. leaving an unob- Btrucler vTewfor TrMtes oveT"th tops trf the tall firs ta King's Heights and tne valley of the Columbia river beyond. On this north slope I have a doaen 3-year-old fruit treea. Thla Is alao my .gar den spot. The grounds around the -house have been kept In lawn, while the virgin wilderness of tho ravine has been scru pulously preserved in every detail. You must see It to fully appreciate It. Tha bunralow itself la complete to the small- eat detail. On the main floor Is a largo living room, with a massive stone rire place, built-in bookcases, artlstlo com bination lighting fixtures and polished hardwood floors. The dining room has a beautiful built-in buffet polished hardwood floors. French windows open ing onto a pergola commanding a view to the norm, treacling to me Kiicnen is a roomv nass nantrv with a large dou ble compartment cooling cupboard. The kitonen is eompioie wun oumDineuun sink and laundry tray, " cabinet gas rsnce and a nrofuston of built-in cup boards, drawers and bins. The back porch Is securely screened. There are two nice white enameiea Dearooms wnn large light closets and a large bath room with toilet separate. In the main hall convenient to all first floor rooms is a very large cedar linen closet with five drawers, one of which will take a dress without folding. This should charm the most exacting housewife. On the second noor is a large enciosea sleeping porch, a complete bathroom, 2 large bedrooma and a paneled and beamed billiard room, with ample stor age rooms on either side, accessible through concealed doors. The view from the billiard room cannot be surpassed. All rooms are tinted, well finished and equipped with right down-to-the-mlnute lighting fixtures. There Is a full co ntent basement with cement floor, a toi let, automatic gas water heater, brown vitroware laundry trays and a large fruit room. The efficient heating appa ratus Is sufficient to keep the bungalow comfortable in the coldest weather. If you are looking for a well appointed bungalow embodying all the prevailing conveniences and surrounding grounds which have never lost any of their na tive wlldness while being converted into an attractive home If you want some thing exclusive, something secluded yat right In the midst of th fashionable part of the city, let me how you this home which I bultt for tnyelt Henry C. Prudhomme, Owner 80S -WXXaOOX BLDO. A Splendid Home . With excellent riew of Mount Hood; landscaped ground, 75 foot frotrtajre; garage. The house ha eight rooms tnd t finished in hardwood through out; elaborate plumbing; tile baths; equipment complete; built one year ago. Price $9300 $3500 cash, balance 3 or 5 yean. See my agent, Coluhfbia Trust Company Ground Floor Board of Trade Building. Total Price New cottage, 2 rooms, neatly papered and painted, water piped into house, in good dis trict. Lot is 50x100, above grade, cleared, close to car line. A snap at $750, terms. ADDRESS U-966, JOURNAL Burnside Corner Do you know that E.i?t Burnside St. is the main artery of the F.a:t Side? THINK IT OVER. Corner 12tH and Burnside, $10,500. Terms. G. II. Kleinsorge & Co. Successor to Ruff & Kleinsurg. 418 Board of Trade. Main 906. RIVER HOME Site consisting of 1, 1-10 acres, front itiK on the river and extending back don't look us up. CaSlan & Kaser 722-728 YEON BLDG. SZS0. Like finding 'Money 15 feet frontage on E. Grant near S4th street Is offered at $2500 for few days. Only $500 cash necessary. Worth at leant $4000. OODDA&S ft TTTEDMCr, 84X-Start ssttttt. NEW TOILU R0SECL Improve. Streets City" Water " ' Telephone Electric Light Ga Cement Sidewalk Curb : Graded and Graifele3 Street -Stores .'tvi.; Low rate' of insurance jr account of city water mains, fire hydrants and engine house A High-Das Residen&S District , Lots 50x100 Only $7C: Lots 50x 73 0nlyS4G: $10 Down and $10 a Mont' SLAUSON-CRAIG COMPANY v 304 OAK STREET Main 9444 - A-33G Ideal City Horn: T500 bN TERMS ... ALMOST 1 ACRES7"'" Modern well-built S-room'l'Rolftc barn, etc. This place is nearly sur rounded by a magnificent nedgerOve 60 fruit trees, cherries, apples, pears quince and plum, of latest and ver; best varieties, full bearing. Plenty c berries. Flowers and fancy ahnibber. grace these large grounds. Many striking photos of this plac have been secured recently for publi cation in a leading magazine. V , i This place is located in. the Ms Tabor district, three block froi; Hawthorne avenue car". ,"., A part of it could be subdivided t advantage if desired. See this place by anto by ppolrv ment DorrLKeasey&Jf, Second Floor Chamber of Cornm EXCLUSIVE AGENTS I BcstplaceOqEcri for investment, is Central Eit SI ' Close-in half lot, worth $10,000; f quick sale, $7500. V ' Fine Union tve. home, modern ' room house and full lot; a bargain . $8000; -will consider cheaper placq . exchange. " T, Grand ave. lot, $20,000. ' " A lso very choice corner, TaTTe part m dtHef"" property. ! Quarter bloc,k, $30,000. . I New modern three-story -trick quart er block" choice Income ftropert $110,000. .-. Several other choice investments. 1 G.L. WLBB 414 EAST STARK ST, ' Mortgage Loan: At Lowest Current. Rates Inside City Loans a Special! Hartman-Thompson Bar Chamber of Commerce Bit Fourth' and Stark Sts. Is Your lone: Lying Idle? or is it earning you something? Co in and see us. We can, place' mot in first mortgages on well-impro-rity rral estate or Willametto W farms. See Mr. Neely with 1 ..' WARD & YOUNGER,, . Suite 426, Yeon Building. . Preferred Sic; in goinj? concern, pays 7 pfr guaranteed, dividends semt-ar.r- pQiacciiniu'ativc.,,, sUCLQCO.Jv ! of $10(X); will consider trade w.. . , cash. H-38, Journal. " MORTGAGE LO' Ob city 'rrnprtif st r---ciAfcavoAiri'OKr c ' BwmA ! Xisds Li.