The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 20, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Beavers Try Hard to Win but
Villagers' Batting Eyes Are
"Blight, Bayless Getting Five
Straight Hits.-
Beats Veazey Easily and Colts
""Helpless" Before ; Strand
and Cochran.
Forget the pitching and the score
jestenUy. There was no interest tn
either bt them. But the crowd was
interested ia one thing beside the field
ing, and that was the binding of Ut
. tie Dave Bayless. Little Dave crocked
put five hits in five trips to the oblold,
-and all, but one was as immaculate as
. the circuit burners of Brashear and
Hodge rs. Once Kapps hobbled on a
' terrific grounder but it was the con
census of opinion that Uapps could not
I have gotten the man' at second or at
first, so the effort went into the rec
ords as a hit. Bayless is the f lrut
Coaster since Buddy Ryan to roll up
'ft pedro on the local lot, and the little
' tallow .sot an ovation from the. ladle,.
every, time he came, to bat. His bat-
ting did much to make it a 9 to 6 score.
' Strange to relate, there were twa
home runs in the same inning. Roy
- Brashear the first up for Vernon, drove
the ball Into the left field bleachera.
and Bill Rodgers, also a second sacker
and first up for Portland, kited the
: pill out of the lot Via the garden wall.
There were catches by Carlisle, Doane
and Rodgers and stops by Dave Ban
croft tht kept the fane in good humor
'despite the walloping Klawltter was
'getting on the mound. Dutch was hav-
ling a bad day and the village sluggers
' ; round lita In every frame but the first
end eighth. Castleton was found read
iUy enough and for every kind of a hit
JJn the category, but he tightened when
'hits meant rune and the best the locals
could do was to gather one run In each
of five frames.
v-t Brashes Oeta Homer.
, Brash ear started the run getting of
the afternoon, when be turned one of
Klawitter's curves Into the bleachers in
left and Jogged around the eacks. Bay
'lea got his first single in this Inning,
took second on Litschl'a eacrifioe, pil
fered third and scored on Bancroft's low
Hbrow toRapps of Agnew's grounder.
Rodgers got half of these runs back
'When be followed suit on the homer,
'and then with two out, Howiey doubled
to left but Carlisle camped under
Klawitter's fly to the same territory.
; It was Bayleas again In the fourth
! Inning wltb hi single across second
ithat started the rungettlng for the
southerners, and when Krueger allowed
jthe globule to ooze 'twlxt his tootsies,
IXave went to third, counting on Lit
achl'S long fly to Chadbourne. Burrell
singled to left and In succession stole
second and third, the latter pilfer
while Agnew walked. Lera was out at
the plate on Castleton's double to right
Kane closed the inning by skying to
Xodfera Gives TJs Another.
jr- Rodgers" walk, his stolen base, ad
.vance after Rapp's fly to Kane and
j ilowleys three bagger to left, gave the
. local another run. Howiey expired at
third when Carlisle made a brilliant
catch of Klawitter's long fly to the
left field fence.
' The Beavers neared Vernon In the
. fifth,-irhen -Bancroft doubled with one
out. - and scored on Krueger's single
to center, after Lindsay was an out
. field Victim. Krueger took second un
tba -throw in. but Rodgers breezed.
Jhe Hooligans tramped out of reach
In the seventh when they made a gen
eral onslaught on Klawitter's curves
and Crooks. "With one out Brashear
' singled to left and Bayless followed
; with another zing to center. Lltschl
"TOrced'Brashear at third, but Burrell
came across with a clout that scored
Bayless and Agnew's long biff to left,
rushed Lltschl and Burrell over. Cas
"tleton 'popped to Klawltter and stopped
the tally getting.
Krueger Goes Around.
' Krueger s single, Rodgers scratch
Single to Kane, a pitched ball that hit
. Itapps and filled the bases, and Chad
bourne's sacrifice fly, gave the Beav-
- ersr another.
Brashear's amble, Bayless' last sin
trio, liltschl's safe bunt, Burrell h saeri
' fics fly and Agnew's double to left
j- brought the Tiger total to nine. Doane's
.SlMlawa.AtOJWJM,..a error eharired
to Brashear, who failed to cowr and
. Lindsay's single gave the Champions.
their Ust tally.
Tbe score;
Spokane, July 20. The Indians
blanked the Colts yesterday, 7 to 0, in
another wildandwoo2y . gamv-thaIn-diahs
taking advantage of eight hits,
seven bases on balls and four errors be
hind- Iltcher Teaieyr
Portland should have broken into the
run column, when it is taken into con
sideration that 17 Colts reached first
base and that once the visitors had tbe
bases full and none out. In every in
ning except the last the Portlanders
succeeded In getting the first man up
on first base.
Spokane made three runs in the first
inning and one in the fourth without
a semblance of a hit, sacrifice flies
helping them to tally.
Paul Strand gets credit for the vie
tory because the locals made three runs
in the first inning. Cochran relieved
him when the Colts grew dangerous and
was tight in the pinches.
Tonneson and Noyes or Cadreau are
booked for the mound this afternoon.
Miss Campbell Wins in La
dies' Singles and Miss Val
leau and Fottrell Capture
Mixed Doubles.
Kibble, 3b' .
Fries, rf . .
Mahoney, cf
4 r i r u Vi a n If
WllllHms. ib
McDowell, 2 b
Harris, c ...
Moore, o ...
Coltrln, us .
Veazey. p . ..
Myers, lb
Cooney, ss
Zimmermann, cf .
Powell, rf
Melchior. rf
Devogt, o 1
Aitman, 3D
AB. R. H.PO. A. E.
6 0 2 1 S 0
4 0 1110
4 0 1 5 0 1
4 0 1 2 0 0
3 0 0 7 2 0
1 0 0 2 6 0
2 0 0 6 2 2
1 0 0 0 0 0
2 0 0 1 6 1
3 0 0 0 8 0
. .29 0 S4 SI 4
AB. R. H.PO. A. E.
4 119 10
8 1 0 2 3 0
3 2 2 3 0 0
4 0 1 2 0 0
116 5 11
10 14 2 0
3 110 11
3 11 2 4 J
1 0 0 0 0 0
.2 0 0 0 1 0
Strand, p
Cochran, p
Totals 25 7 8 27 1J 2
Fpokane 3 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 07
Portland 00000000 00
Runs Myers, Cooney, Zimmerman 3,
Melchior. Aitman, Cartwrlght Two-base
hits Kibble I'Vles, Zlmmermann. Sacri
fice hits Harris, Aitman. Saorifice
flies Zimmerman, "Melchior, 2, cart
wright Stolen bases Myers, Zimmer
man, 2, Devogt 2. Double plays Mc
Dowell to Coltrln to Williams; Myers
to Cooney; Cochran to Devogt, to Myers;
Melcholr to Myers; cooney 10 cart-
wright to Myers. Passed balls Harris
2, Devogt Bases on balls Off Veas
ey 7, off Strand S.'off Cochran 6. Struok
out BT veasey , oy Birana s, uy
Cochran I. No runs, 2 hits off Strand
in 2 1-8 innings; no runs, nits rr
Cochran in 6 2-3 innings. Time 1:48
Umpire Moran.
American League Games.
At Philadelphia: first game R H E
Detroit 8 12 6
Philadelphia 6 11 0
Batteries Wlllett and Stanage;
Brown, Pennock and Lapp.
Second game R. H. E.
Detroit . 8 10 4
Philadelphia 14 14 1
Batteries Works, Donovan end Stan
age, Onslow; Houok and Thomas.
Umpires O'Loughlln and Egan.
, . , , , ... . . P1U" memDers jen mis an
English BQbierJiLAtlejrnpU
Tit ' r i ,i r TCUD h en invited for 6
whig waurt . vti iwuvju
Chicago Scrapper.
At Washington: first game
St. Louis 1 7 2
Washington 6 9 0
Batteries Powell and Stephens;
Groom and Williams.
Second game R. H. E.
St. Louts - 1 8
Washington 10 10 2
Batteries C. Brown, Hamilton and
Snell; Cashlon and Alnsmlth.
Umpires Westervelt and Evans.
At Boston: first game R H E
Chicago 0 6-7
Boston 8 9 0
Batteries Bens, Bell and Kuhn; Col
lins and Carrigan.
AB. R. II. PO, A
xranisie, n fi 0 2 4
Kane, cf 5 0 o 4
Hotp, lb ,,,, 6 0 1 li
Urashear, 2b.... ; 2 : z
.Bay less, rf. ..5 4 ft u
Litschi, us a 1 1
Bnrrelt, 3b 4 1 "
Agnew, c 4 1 2
Ca6tleton, p 4 u 0 u
Totals 3S & 5 2:
AB. It. H. PO
Doana. rf
, Bancroft, ss 4
Lindsay, 8 b 5
; Krueger, cf i,
iKodfers, 2b 3
i Cha bourne. If. 3
Jlowley, c 4
.Klawltter, p 4
Second game R. H, E.
Chicago ...f. .....TT. 1 t
BoMton 2 8 2
Batteries Clcotte ancl Sullivan; Bedl-
ertt and Carrigan
Umpires Hart and Connelly,
At" New York R. H. E.
Olevelnnd v.v......... .3 8 2
N w York 4 8 3
Batterles Blending and Easterly;
Ford and Sweeney.
Umpires Sheridan and Dlneen.
Pacific Coast League.
1 W T,
0 , ernon 61
0 ! Oaliland 67
0 1 Los Angeles
0 , 1'iirnnTh! 41
0 San fi iinclsco 4:
' Sacramento 3a
1 .
Northwestern League.
W. L.
Vancouver 6 40
Spukane f.3 H!t
Sfattle ;M 4t
Portland iZ f,0
"l''torla 42 50
Tacoina 37 5S
Si 8 10 27 9 2
P. r.
P. C.
; 7
.4.', 7
American League.
. yrnoa 0 - 0 2 i. i ;
Hits .0 2 1 ?t 1 1 1
Portland 0 1 0 1 1 '1 u 1 1 :i.
, liiiM 0 - 1 1: 1 0 2 2 lo
BtrUCK OUt By CustJr 2, I y K
8'. Bases on balls off cuii.
Klawltter. 4. Two lja:se
llOBD, Agnew, Bancroft, H 'i
ae hit Howlev. 1 1 1 ; !,,,;-.
Khear, Rodgers. Deuble Mays -Ho
and Bancrort; Krucg-r a-,.i
V :1a
fill' A
la m
wlttft . N'-w
:i. "ft' !
T':ne j
- Ill a- 1 v,,,,.
National league.
rifice hits Litscin, nam 1.
flies Littschi, 13uriu;l. 1:1. :
Inn bases Bayless. P.ut r
TlDdarers. Hit by pid a. l
- i. ;i;o . .
I'll -:n z
I ' .!..'!.:! ! i
y Castieion. 1 une
pirea-aicCarthy an
d Ca
Western Trl-State KesuNs.
- At La Grande:
T-a Grande
Iiatterles Garrett
ftitchoeer and King.
. At Boise:
Walla Walla
Bol e
Batteries Kelly
and Kelly.
it 1
! 1
I ! S
it on
w. l. r r.
:0 27 .600
51 III .614
i'.l 37 .-,70
4.7 3' .jiSCi
4':! 4t .4:
r; 4.) .42
a r. :,) .23s
23 8 .2H1
w. l. p r.
fill 21 .741
i'J .11 .613
4 7 .13 .,V1
43 4 1 .t,:
3H ;if .if4
::6 60 11:1
::l 51 .378
23 61 .274
By playing a steady and heady game,
Miss Irene Campbell of Portland yes
terday afternoon carried away the lad
les' singles championship of the State
of Oregon for the season of 1912. Miss
Emily Valleau of Alameda, Cal., was
Miss Campbell's opponent. The match
went three sets, the scores being 6-8.
6-3. 6-1.
Miss Campbell after losing the f'rst
set in a hard struggle tightened up and
won the second and third sets with
The new champion was leading by
the score of 6-3 In the first set when
6he lost form for a spell, finally los
ing out by the score of 8-6. In the sec
ond set she pulled herself together and
won 6-3. In the third it looked like a
love set, the champion having four
games, while Miss Valleau hai none.
Miss Valleau, however, won the fifth
game but Miss Campbell took the next
two with ease.
Miss Campbell has played wonderful
tennis throughout the tournament. In
the preliminary round she defeated Miss
Lilly Fox In a three set mutch 6-1, 2-6,
6-4, In the first round she won from
Mrsa Parker, 61, 9-7, and in the semi
finals defeated Mrs. Northrup In a hard
fought game by the scores of 6-4, 6-3.
Southerners Win Mixed Doubles.
Miss Valleau and her partner, Ella
Fottrell, captured the mixed doubles
championships by defeating Miss Byron
and Brandt Wickersham if a great two
set match by the scores of 6-4 and 9-7.
Miss Byron and Brandt Wickersham
played in their best form throughout
the match, which, as predicted, was the
best mixed doubles match played on the
locals' courts for several seasons.
All four players made sensational
shots and half volleys.- Several sensa
tional rallies were made throughout
both sets.
For a time during the second set It
was thought that the match would go
three sets, Miss Valleau and Fottrell
won the first and second games and
dropped the third one. They won the
fourth game and lost out in the fifth.
The California pair won the sixth game,
when the northern duo won three
straight games, giving them the lead
by one game, 6-4. Miss Valleau and Fot
trell evened matters in the tenth game
but lost out again in the eleventh con
test. They won the twelfth game and
lost the thirteenth. With the score 7-6
in favor of MIps Byron and Wicker
sham, Miss Valleau and Fottrell took a
brace and won the next three games,
winning the set by the score of 9 to 7.
Two good matches were played in the
semi-finals of the men's singles. John
ston of San Francisco and Wlrkerehnm
of Tortland winning. Both were crack
ing good matches and well played.
Wickersham defeated Wilder of the
Irvington club in a four Bet match by
the scores of 6-4, 6-2, 0-6, 6-0.
Wiok Plays Great Game.
Wickersham played a wonderful game
in the first and second sets and cased
up a bit in the . fourth. Wilder winning
a love set. in ine rourtn set, wicKer-
sham played a heady game ana; won
James Ewing put up a clever game
against Johnstone, the California star,
but was defeated, Johnston winning
three sets, 6-4, 6-4, 7-6.
In the semi-finals of the men's doub
les, the California duo defeated Rich
ardson and McCormick by playing their
usual sensational game. Johnston and
Fottrell won the first set 8-2 and the
second by the score of 6-4. In this set.
McCormick and Richardson were ahoad
by the scores of 4-3, when the southern
pair put over Borne excellent rallies and
won three straight games. In the third
set McCormick and Richardson were
leading 4-love, when Johnston and Fot
trell decided to end the match and won
six straight games and the set by the
score of 6-4.
Ooss and Wickersham defeated Ewlng
and Brewster in the same round by the
scores of .6-2, ,6,-L, The set was fast
and fairly well played.
Miss Fording and MIbs Valleau de
feated Miss Bent and Miss Thayer In
the Fenil-finale ofthe women's 'doubles
by the (scores of 6-3, 6-8.
Finals mixed doableH Miss Valleau
and Fottrell beat MIbs Byron and Wlck
erHham, 6-4. 9-7.
Final!?, ladles' singles Miss Campbell
beat Miss Valleau, 6-8, 6-3, 6-1.
Semi-finals, men's stnKles Wicker
sham beat Wilder. 6-4, 6-2, 0-6, 6-0;
Johnson heat Kwing, -4, t-4, (-o.
Besnlt Easily Forecasted.
By looking over the drawlnps In the
men's singles, it could be easily seen
that Wickersham would be the opponent
of one of the California players in the
finals. Wickersham was In the first
half and the three California stars and
Richardson were In the second half.
Semi-finals, men's doubles Ooss and
Wickersham beat Ewlng and Brewster,
6-2, 6-1, 6-2; Johnson and Fottrell beat
Richardson and Mci'ormlck, 6-2, 6-4, 6-4.
Semi-finals, ladles' doubles Miss 1
(United Preif Lested Wire.)
Los , Angeles, July 20. Perfect
weather and heavy advance sales caused
prediction of a great crowd at Vernon
arena, ywhere Jack WhJttof Chicago,
and Owen Moran, the British light
weight, were scheduled to box 20 rounds,
Both boys easily made the required
12S pounds at 10 o'clock this morning,
Moran was a trifle heavier than his
opponent. Referee Eyton visited, the
fighters in their quarters shortly be
fore noon, giving them final instruc
tions. Moran declared today that he had. re
gained his old form through propeV
living and training here and that he
expprts to win Inside of 15 rounds.
White, admittedly In the best condi
tion of his career in Los Angeles, pre,
dlcted at least a decision victory. ,
The winner probably will bejonatohed
With Joe Rivers. - - J
mm to see
Teutons ThinkjBraun Can De
feat Meredith in Middle
Distance Race.
A large crowd of Portland Motor Boat
club members left this afternoon at t
Saturday and
Sunday. Sunday noon soma race will
be pulled off, and the boys will start
on the homeward move about 6 o'clock,
arriving home before dark. Borne of the
boate will not leave till tomorrow morn
ing, not being able to get away sooner.
Among" the boats that will make the
trip areCommodore Boost' iJLrtlean,
Fleet Captain Klnnear'e Ruth K, Secre
tary Welch's Sunny Jim, T. Blrdsell'e
WhlmrTjohn-McIntire'a-Margarette, DT.
Brown's Betsy B, J. L. Scarth'e J.' U. O.,
and Von der Werth'e Naughty Girl,
(United PrM friud Wire.)
Berlin, July 20. With the interest
of leading German sportsmen centering
in the performances of George Horlne,
world's champion nigh .Jumper, and
James Meredith, who beat their cham
pion, Hans Braun, at Stockholm, 13
American athletes are here today to
take part in the athletic games tomor
row. The Germans are convinced that
Braun would have won the 800 meter
race at Stockholm if he had not been
"boxed," and look to see him beat
Meredith tomorrow. Horine failed to
perform up to standard at Stockholm,
and they are anxious to see if the
San Diego boy is really the phenome
nal leaper he is credited with being.
The American Olympians who are
here today are: '
Ralph Rose and P. C. Qerhardt San
Francisco; George Horine, San Diego;
James E. Meredith, Mercersburg acad
emy; Melvin W. Sheppard, Irish Amer
ican A. C, New York; Donald W. Llp
plncott. University of Pennsylvania;
T. S. Berna, Cornell; P. J. McDonald,
I. A. A- C. New York; Harry 8, Bab
cock, Columbia university; Maro S.
Wright, Dartmouth; Frank J. Cole, Chi
cago university, and Jarvis W. Bur
dick, University of Pennsylvania.
Captain Milton Smith has sent his
fast boat, Vamoose, to Belllngham,
Wash., in care of Otto Rauft, to take
part in the races to be held there July
26, 26 and 27. Among the boats to run
In the free-for-all will be the Wigwam.
c Astoria, which Is expected to return
from the east in time for the raoes,
and "Red Top," which was brought ot
here last season from Iowa, and was
expected to show some speed, but (owing
to a mishap failed to show up to ad
vantage. She is now owned by some
Belllngham motor boat men and will
make a good showing next week.
John Wolff, not satisfied with his
new Dull, which he called "Wild Wolf,"
Is now placing the englnns back in the
old Oregon Wolf hil, the, boat which
made such a fine siw!r at Astoria
last season and broke a world's record
here Just before the engines were re
moved. Mr. W'olff has some new ideas
for the old hull, and will make even
better speed than he did before, he says.
were admitted, among whom was W. M.
Ladd and son, Charles Ladd.
"The rusleesnavirissued an ultima
tum that all houses not painted Ihe club
colors within the next two .weeks will
be ordered -to move from the club prem
ises. This action was taken in justice
to those who complied with the orders
of the trustees and painted up some
few months ago.
Qui Fleming's engine' has arrived, and
he will have her running In a hull he
built-fetoself within the next-few-days.
Fleming has some speed up his sleeve,
and a race will be pulled off during the
season between his boat and James B.
Welch's "Sunny Jim." Fleming has a
six cylinder Grimm engine and Welch
has a three cylinder Fairbanks-Morse
Vancouver Makes It Sixteen.
' Vancouver, July 20. Vancouver made
It U straight. Bennett's three-bagger
and Brashear's single put the game
away for the champions. Score: R, H. E.
Beattl 1 7 1
Vancouver 4 7 2
Batteries--Fullerton and Whaling;
Gervals and Sepulveda. Umpire Toman.
H. A. Reynold has taken the agency
for the Silent Reynolds motor and has
received an order for a four cylinder
16-20 horsepower from O. P. Graham,
one of the reliable boat builders of
Portland. Mr. Graham will Install the
moter in a pleasure boat
At a meeting of the trustees held
Wednesday evening 12 new members
Gas and Power Supply Co.
Motor Boat Supplies
Marine Engines
843-844-8441 KAWTXOXKa ATB.
Launches! Canoes! Rowboats!
none Mala 1760 or A.-B3U
root of Salmon Street.
Beavers Three Games.
AB. H. P. C.
Doane 13 7 .538
Chadbourne .... 11 2 .183
Bancroft ...... 12 2 .167
Rodgers 11 7 .636
Lindsay 14 4 .286
Krueger 10 8 .800
Rapps 10 4 .400
Howiey 4 2 .500
Fisher 7 1 .143
Suter 3 0 .000
Fitigerald ...... 1 0 .000
Harkness ...... 4 0 .000
Klawltter ...... 4 0 .000
" 104 82 .808
Celts rive Games.
A Danish scientist has Invented a
porous lead, filled with microscopic cav
ities, which not only diminish weight
but so add to the surface of the metal
that storage batteries are increased five
times in power without increasing their
slxe. ....
Monogram Oil
Klaxon Signals
And Other Leading Accessories
- Seals Win a Game.
Ban Francisco, July 20. Oakland
made seven errors yesterday and San
Francisco had a soft time winning. The
score: R, H. E.
San Francisco e 7 I
Oakland 8 10 7
Batteries Delhi and Shea; Abies and
Rohrer. -
Lightweight -Champion - Com
ing to Oregon to Take a
T Shot at Deer.
(United Press Leased Wirt.)
Angeles- July 20 Refusing . to
go back on bis statement not to fight
again before ' Thanksgiving day, Ad
.tions to start for Portland Monday in
spite of another two hour session be
tween his manager, Tom Jones, and
Joe Levy who directs the business af
fairs of Mexloan Joe Rivers.
Almost tearfully Levy reasoned with
Jones, while Promoter McCarey eat by
and importuned Jones to consent to a
Labor Day battle. JOnes has taken -refuge
behind Wolgast's statement that
there will be no fight, despite Mo
Carey's contention that both practi
cally had accepted bis terms.
It is reported that Levy would climb
into the ring at the Moran-White match
today to claim the championship for
Rivers. 1
Wolgast Is preparing for a deer
hunting trip In southern Oregon, ac
cording to announcement from the
south, the season in this state opening
August 1 and continuing until Octo
ber tl. Ad is no doubt attracted, to
this state because the season bag limit
here Is five buck deer as against two
In California.
Journal Want A bring results.
otor Boat Supplies
Fairbanks. Morse & Co
95 first street. Corner stark.
Spokane Portland Seattle
AB. H. P. C,
Kibble 21 6 .286
Fries 17 4 .235
Mahoney ........ 10 2 .100
Crulkshank .... IB 6 .85$
Williams ...... 17 6 .294
McDowell 13 4 .808
M.oore 4 0 .000
Harris 11 2 .183
Veasey 4 0 .000
Tonneson 2 0 .000
Glrot 2 1 .000
Eastley 1 0 .000
Bloomfleld 2 1 1.000
Doty 7 ' 4 .571
161 42 .281
$3.50 Recipe Free
For Men.
;r.MLlirwIT-r' m" Send Name and Address To-
day You Lan nave It rree
and Be Strong and Vigorous
Men's consolation, semi-finals Harri
dan bent Kelly, C-2, 6-3.
Women's consolation, semi-finals
Mlfs I'ox beat Miss Roper, 6-0, 6-0.
and Brown; h
.' Union Association Kfsults.
Missoula, 3; Ogden Z.
Helena, 4; Great Kails, 2. '
Bait Lake, 16; Butte. 7
Tacoina Iirrnks League Kerord.
S.n'.Cf, July 20. By ncorlng 15 runs
! Ti 13 i lls in the second Inning, two of
M em homers, Tacoma broko all. N'orth
1 western lenK'ie records. Seventeen men
j went to hat on three Victoria pitchers
I in' of them got two hits in the one
, !'i time. Score ; it j 15.
I TiM -ma 1 7 23 3
Vi ",r"'i -i 5 9 1
H:t1n-wy-Hunt and LaLonge; Kauf-rv-i'i,
Wilson, Narvesnn and (Jrlndle.
I nifirc -Van llaltren.
BOYS, Look Here!
, ttorvTre, P.fTa Fen The st
Lt our window. These Hte for hoys
t-Btng the fcaturduy Kvening st. In
I'dilltlon to the reduisr ;fth profit Now
i- the time for hew boys to make a
Marl. Com and take a loon at tht
finndy prizes.
Angrls IJreeie Home.
l.of Angeles, July 2n. Although Rac
r:uier,to made 10 hits yesterday the Ben
ntorr; Mi led to tally on l,rm Angeles.
K. II. X.
AnpfV-a 7 J2 0
, ; , 0 1Q 2
.ech and Brooks. Kltz-
National Leagno Games.
At St. Louis , It. H. K.
Brooklyn 4 7 1
Ht. Louis 6 8 0
Batteries Curtis, Allen and Miller;
Willie, bailee and Bresnahin, Bliss.
Umpires Johnstone and Eason.
possession a prescrlp.
debility, lack of vigor.
Here's Health for You!
At Cincinnati R. H. E.
Boston 2 8 6
Cincinnati 3 6 2
Batteries Tyler and Kllng; Humph
ries and McLean. i
Umpires Klm and Bush.
R. H. E.
4 10 -0
0 3 1
At Chicago -
Batteries Rlxey and Killifer; Laven
der, Richie and Archer.
Umpires Rlgler and Finneran.
At Plttsburp; first same-- R H -E
New York -6 4 2
Pittsburg- 4 10 2
Batteries Marquard and Meyers;
O'Toole, Warner' and Simon.
1 i .os .uifrfra
iicrhin. nto
Kfirald and Check,
Western League Results.
Omaha, 6; I)envr, 1.
Lincoln, 5, St. Joseph, 2.
Second game R. H.E.
New York 4 8 (V
Plttsbuiiif B
Batteries Amu, Crandall and
ers ; HendrU and GJLsou.
Umpires Owenand Brennan.
I hae In my
tion for nervous
failing memory and lame back brous;ht
on by excesses, that has cured so many
worn und nervous men rlpht in their
i own homes without any additional help
j or medicine that I think every man
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This prescription comes from a physi
cian who hss made a special study of
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ous debility ever put together.
I think I owe It to my fellow man to
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any man anywhere who is discouraged
vith repeated failures may stop drug
ging himself, secure what I believe is
the quickest-acting restorative upbuild
ing, SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever de
vised, and so cure himself at home
quletiy and quickly. Just drop .me a
line" like this: Dr. A. E. Robinson, 3887
Luck Building, Detroit. Mich., and I will
send you a copy of this splendid recipe
in a plain ordinary envelope free of
charge. A great many doctors would
charge S3. 00 to $5.00 for merely writing
out a prescription like this but I send
it entirely free.
' , T 7'5hN''l.4lMr Ak jour DmtrUUif A
Arneriean Association Results.
.Columbus, 4; Kontms City, 1.
Toledo, 10; Mllwsukee, 7.
Louisville, 7; 61. Palil, 3.
Ohl-ohM-Mr'g IMinmtd BraadAN
I'lll. In K aa mold mMlllgV
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To men and women who suffer from chronic ailments, stomach
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A great many sufferers are continually dosing their stomachs with poi
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Ii any organ of your .body is weak or inactive, the only way to restore
It to a healthy condition is to restore Its strength and energy. Do drop
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Electra-Vita is a scientific device for infusing the body with a powerful
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No matter how far away you live, you can use tlectra-Vita as success
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