THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 0. 1S12. rogramw LEV MOP DUE TO : Hev. Richard Josepji Cooke : Leaves KnoxvillerTenn,; To i Make His Home Here, " ft 'X' . e Rev. Richard J. Cooke, D. D., LL. D. Rev. Richard Joseph Cooke, D. D., ' TJ D., the newly elected resident bishop of Oregon of the Methodist Episcopal church, left . Knoxvllle, Tenn., last Thursday with Mrs. Cooke, three sons and two colored servants who have been la tht family for years, to take up his permanent residence in this city. His arrival Is expected early next week. - Bishop Cooke waa one of the bishops created at the general conference 6t the Methodist church' held In Minneapolis lastLMay. He is one of the foremost men In the church and his assignment to Oregon was received with pleasure by the Methodists of the state. Dr. Cook.e wa born in New Tork city, January 11, 1853. When 19 years - of age he moved with the family to Tennessee and entered the University of East Tennessee at Athens, now a toranch of the University of Chattanooga. .,.vr : Tint Pastorate. In 1180 he graduated from that In stitution. In 187a he had entered the ministry and was ordained In 1876 while still a student. The degree of doctor ' of divinity was conferred on him by the University of Tennessee in 1881. I '- His first pastorate was in Knoxvllle --ifnen ne tooic cnarge or tne .rirst Mem' odiit church in July, 1879. Until 1885 m filled various nulnlts anil In that ; ' year he went to Berlin, Germany, for a year of special study. On his return again assumed active pastorate and WM at length elected to a professorship the University at Athens. He was elected editor of the Metho- Hat Advocate-Journal In 1891. the of , f lcial organ of the southern conference. , This editorship he held until 1994. In i addition to his Journalistic work he was - aad vlJe chancellor of Grant Unlver- f?rrr. CHURCH SERVICES Baptist. ' First White Temple, Rev. Walter Benwell Hlneon. Bible school. :5Q; Services. 11 and 7:S0; B. Y. P. U., 6:15, fermon oy Rev. A. T. Sowerdy. East Side Services 11 and 7:30; Sun Bay school. 10; Y. P., 6:30. Topics, "Con oerning the Church," "The Gospel In Ten immanuei nev. n. e. mac, i reat-n- ing ai ii ana i;ou; n. o., iu. iwtu--day school. 10; Y. P., 6:30. Calvary Rev. J. N. Monroe. 11 and 7:80: B, L 10; B, Y, P.C 6.30. T-Arlets Kev. Duncan M. McPhatl. -8unday school, 10: B. Y. P. U., 6.11; services, 11 and 8:30. ' Highland Kev C. R Elliott B. Y. P. :V:,'T, Sunday school, 9:45; services Tl end 8. Topics: "Galilee Where Ho -Wrought," "A Divinely Appointed Task." Sell wood Hev. jr. W. Hayes. 11 and J:S0! S. B., 10; Y. P. II.. :30. University Park Rev. A. C. Bsxton, V fcastor; 11 and 7:30. s. s 10, B. Y. P. &. 7, -Bunnyslde (German) S. B, 9:45. Con tad .Wyes, superintendent. Bt, Johhi (German) Rev. Karl Feld JnetJ 8. 6- 9:46; 11 and 7:30; Y. P. " Bt Johns Rev. IL T. Cheney; 11:80 and 7:80. Grace Montavilla. Rev. Albert E. Patch. 11 and 7:80; Y. 1'., 6:80; 8. B, :S. Chinese Mission 363 Burnslde strest ; 8. S-, 7; J. O. Malone, superintendent. i First German Rev. J..KratL 11 and T:0l 8. 8.. 9:46. : Second German Morris and Rodney Itev. Frederick Buerrman. 11 and 7. SO; a 8 1:46; y. P. U., 6 46. ' East Forty-fifth S:reit Corner F.ast Main, Rev. A. K Waltz. B S, 1:46, treachlng, 11 und 8 p. in. B. Y. P. U., 7. Topics: "Christ In His House," ' Settii s kip-- Our Banners.'' Xents Rev. i-M. Nelson; S. 6., 10, 11 and 7:60; B Y. P. U.. 6:30. . Mount Olivet Hev. W. A. Ma?att, . castor. 11 and 8 p. m. S. 8.. 12:30. jTabernacle Kev. Itol ert Gniy. p.mtor.' sermon, li ana :4o. t. a, io; y. v., ;45. Third. Knott street and Var.couvrr (avenue Rev. W. J. Heaven, 11 anO h; It X, P. U., 7; S. S., 9:4 5 a. m. Swedish Hoyt ana Fifteenth. Rev. Frederick Linden. 10-45 and 7:45. 8. S, Xf; B. T. P. V.. 6:30. , , ' Methodist- ' Taylor Streev Kev. Benlamln Tnur.g. :80," morning class meeili-.g; servi'-es . 10:s0 and 7:46; 8. B., 12:15; E. L.. 6:45. Topics; "The Fifth Wound," "The LarK Eoom.'1 , atv v. v..u.ifj)( ' r .oil 7'4Br S. 8.. 9:46: R I. s-Xft Tnt.'.n fThe taWof Compensation," "The Measl lire or Man " Trinity Rev. Charles T. McPhe.-son. 1J and 7:80; E. L, 6:45; S, 8., 10. " Swedish Borthwick and Beach. Rev. 3. N. &urdelL pastor, 11 and 8; S. S., 10; 44 I, 7. ,Epwortb Rev. Frank James. Berv . loes. 11 a. m.; 8. 6., 9:45; E. L., 6:45. First Norwegian-PaniBh Rv. H. P. Kelaon, 11 and 8; S. h.. 1C; Y. P. M.. 7. . Sunnyslde Rev. William H. Fry D. ' tt.t, --BL' L- :46: S. S . .11:50: nrah1n ,;U sV'in. and 8 p. m.; Topics: "The Ca pacity Dt a Man," "Practical Chrlatian- ' St Johns Rev F. N. Sandefur; 11 - rrisr-7r e. -.- - - - - - German Rodney avenue snd Stanton trt, V-Ar Schumann. S. 6., 9:45; ler vices, 11 and 8; Epwprth league, 1:18.' Topics: "The Danish Beatlduto," facial's God," Begins Pastorate ,-Rev. C. I Williams, a, recent grad uate of Bonebrake seminary, Dayton, Ohlcv-the- newly-appointed-pastor-of-the First United Brethren church, East Fif teenth and Morrison streets, filled his new pulpit for the first time last Sun day. He arrived In the city early last week. Mr. Williams was a former stu dent at Philomath college In this state before going to Bonebrake., to finish his education, This church Is his first reg ular" aslgnmsnt. - ' " t Rev. Kussell 8. Showers, whose place Mr. Williams asumed on Mr. Showers" resignation, left this morning with Mrs. Showers and Miss Delphine Schle fele, Mrs. Showers' slater, for Berlin, Ontario, Canada, where they will visit during August. Later they will visit at (hp home of Rev. J. S. Showers, pastor (f the United Brethren church of Mad l.on, Pa., Mr. Showers' father. While Mr. Showers Is there a family reunion will he held. Next Tall Mr. snowers will pursue advanced work at Bonebrake seminary. He says he Intends later to return to Portland to make his home in this city.. He was pastor of the First church for three years. H -a During the absence of Dr. Walter Benwell Hlnson, pastor of the White Temple Baptist church, who ts spending a month at the seashore," the pulpit of the White Temple will be flljed "by Dr. A. T. Sowerby, pastor of the College Street Baptist church of Toronto, Can ada. Dr. Sowerby has filled this pulpit for the past nine years and previous to his pastorate there he was pastor of the South Baptist church of Boston, Mass., for five years, and of the First BaptlBt church of London, Ontario, Can ada, for four years. He is vie president of the Baptist convention of Canada. He is a graduate of three universities. Mrs. Sowerby Is also an active worker in church affairs and is at the head of the Servo club, a Bible class of 228 mem bers, which she organized among tne young women of the church. Dr. Sow erby will preach here for four Sundays. He will speak tomorrow morning on "A Man In Christ," and In the evening on "The Torn Up Bird's Nest." Every state In the union except Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, Js represented in tne nsi or dele gates already register ror me World's Seventh Sunday School con vention, to be held in Zurich, Switzer land. July 8-15, 1913. Every province In Canada is represented. Ity In 18 89 and In 1897 he became act ing president of the Institution. On the close of his edltorsnip in he was elected book editor ror the church with headquarters at New York city and Cincinnati. This position is considered one or the most difficult to fill connected with the church. Possesses 71ns Ubrary. So well did he fUl the place that he was returned to the editorship In 1908. In addition to editing and passing upon all books published by the Methodist book concern, he contributed some ex cellent writings of his own. His works have received recognition as standard not only in the Methodist church, but among other denominations. Among his writings are "Digest of Judicial De cisions of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church," 'The Incarnation of Oha Recent Criticism.' time before 'hi advance-fa. For some ment to ths episcopacy. Dr. Cooke was frequently mentioned for a bishopric, At each of the last three sessions of the general conference he received large votes but this was the first at which he gained strength enough to be elected. Dr. Cooke Is a student and possesses one of the finest libraries owned pri vately In the south where he has mads his hom for years. Centenary East Ninth and Pine streets, Rev Delmer H. Trimble, D. D., pastor. S. B., 9:46; E. L, 6:46; serv ices. 11 and 7:46. Topics: "Choosing a Life Work," "Life Choices." Central Rev. c. L. Hamilton, 11 and 8; 6. S.. 9:45; E. L. Laurelwood Rev. Asa Bleeth. 11 a. m.; S. S.. 9:45: Epworth league. 7 p. m. Chinese Mission Chan Sing Kal, 11 and 7:30. Norwegian-Danish Vancouver ave. church. Kev. C. J. Larsen, il and 7:45. S. 6.. 9:45 a. m. Japanese Mission Rev. Eileen Rt- bara, 9:8(1 and 8:30; H 8.. 8:80. WoodtawnRev.- liarold Oberg, pas tor. 11 and 7:30: 8. S., 10; E. T, 6 30. Montavilla- Rev. W. H. Hampton. Sermon at 11 and 7:45; B. 8., 10., E. L. :45. Bellwood Rev. James K. Hawkins, 11 and 7:30. J. K. L, 2:30; E. L.. 8:30. University Park Rev. W. J. Douglass, 11 end 7:30 African Zlon Rev. W. Matthews; 11 and- 8 , R, R, 1 ; E. 7. Patton -n. K. Meyers; 11 and 8; 8. S., 10; E. L.. 7. Clinton Kellv Memorial Rev. C O. McCulloch. S. S 9:45; preaching U and S; clats meeting, 12, noon; Junior league 3. K. L., 7. Carson Heights Rev. II. T. Greens. 3. S.. 10. Sermon 11. Lents Kev. W. Itoyd Moore; 11 snd 8; S. S . 10; E. L-. 7. Woodstock Albert E. Ayers. pastor; 11 and 7:30; 6. S., 10; E. L., 6:30. Mount TaOor Rev. C. C. Rarlek. 11; 7.80; H. 8.. 9:45 a. m.; E. L.. 6:30. Oak Grove Rev. James T. Moore, 11 and 8: 8. 8.. 10. Westmoreland Rev. H. T. Oreere. 8. S., 3. Herrnon, 1:Z0. Weslfyan Rev. (. C Wicker, 11 and 8: 8. S.. 10: T. I. M., 7. Bethel Rev. J. I,. Craw, pastor, nerv lces 11 and 7:45. S. S 1:15. C. F., 7. l'ui:iiiiuiiIom at 11 h. ni. First liprman, Fifteenth and Hovt A. F emmer, pastor, 11 a. in., oomu'iun. ion service; 10 a. m S. 8.: E. L, 8. First. H. E., South J. Hardy Bennett, pastor; preaching, 11 a. m., 8 p. m. Lincoln Street M. K., Fifty-second and r.lnt-oin streets L. G. Parker, paetor. 11 and 8; S. 45., 10:30. ' Presbyterian. First rrecbytcnan criurcnRev. John Boyd, minister. Morning worship, 10:80' Evening, 7 :3U. B. S., 12:10: C. E., 6:15. ''ilvury Eleventh aiu) Cluy streets. Kev. Tl.ornns HolrnoH Walker, 10:30 and 7.4i, BiWe school, nuon: C. E., 6:45. Ktnilwoi th Rev. M. C. Martin, pas tor. Morning 10:30; S. S 11:45. Anabel Kobert N. MeLpan. Ser vices U tnd 7:4t: 8. S.. 9:46; C E at t:4;.. Mizpah Division street and East Nineteenth. Kev. Harry Leeds, pastor, a. m. 10:30; S. S noon; C. ('., 8 p. m. 1-ourth Rev. DinalO Mackenzie, 10:JO und c30; 8. S.. 12; C. E. 6-30 Marshall StreetRev. William J ime. piistor. 11 nnj 7.30: S. S. 10 a,' m.; Y. P. S. C E.. 6:30 t. m ' Piedmont l.'pv t i.- c... ti.i "WS: V'.J P: "1 -?n, To.plcs; 6:80 p. nT ' ' lZ: G Spokane Avenue Rev. D. A. Thomo ion 11 and 7:30: 8. S . 10: C. E.. 6:8o! Hawthorn. Park-Dr. E. Nelson Al len at lu:30; Lib. H. .4.. 12; Y p S c Revt'wm'i1rast..C5,h am Bolmont Kev. William G. Moore, pastor. S 8., 0,riB?Pi, TruUi in Jesus Nan' " J'8 Valu of a Go0() Ser'vi' el" AVP"up-Rflv. Levi Johnsoi.. Hope. Montavilla R,v. S."v. 'Seeman. j At the White Temple I B ,E. CHURCH 01 CONFERENCE WILL BE Eft 5 Prominent' Leaders to Attend Annual Columbia River Meeting; Lasts Five Days, Some speakers and religious workers of national prominence In the Method ist Episcopal church, South, will attend the annual Columbia river conference of that church In the Flrnt M. E. church, South. Union avenue and Mult nomah street, Thursday, September 5. Bishop R. G. WaterhoUse of Los An geles, Cel.. will preside over the meet Inps, which are to last five days. Among those who "have already sig nified their Intention to be present and speak ere Dr. W. F. McMurray of Louis ville, Ky.. secretary of the church ex tension board; Dr. A. J. Lamar of Nash ville, Tenn., head of ths church publish lng house which is located In that city;. Dr. Gross Alexander of Nashville, ed itor of ths Methodist Review; Dr.'Stone-i wall Anderson of Nashville, secretary of the board of education of -the ciiurch, and Dr. W. E, Vaughn of San Francisco, e lltor icf the Feclflo ' Methodist Advo cate. The conference Includes all of west- em Oregon and western Washington and within Its boundaries are 31 churches. Over 000 members of the Methodist Episcopal' church. South, reside In this conference. The annual conference of the Wom an's Missionary society of the church will be held In the Sunday school audi torium of the First church at the same time as tht main conference. With the 31 ministers and four lay delegates' to the main conference there will bo over 100 in attendance from outside points at the two conventions. i-acn minister is a delegate on ac count of his office and the four lay delegates were appointed at the district conference which was held last May in Corvallls. In the Columbia river there Is but one district, so the May meeting 'Included the same territory covered by the coming conference. MeellnKS of the conference will be held morning, afternoon and evening. The women of the First church are mak ing arrangements to serve the dele gates and visitors from outside points with luncheon at noon and dinner at 6 o'clock. The visitors will be enter tained nights at the homes of the mem bers of the local church and will re ceive breakfasts at the homo In which they are guests. Rav. J. 11. Bennett, pastor of First church, Is In charge pf tha arrangements for the gathering and Rev. E. H. Mowre, presiding older of the district. Is ar ranging the. program of the meetings. In Minneapolis, during the recent session of the Methodist General con ference, E. K. Warren of Three Oaks, Mich., a Congregational layman, who Is chairman of the executive committee of the World's Sunday School association, was the host at a dinner conference of 88 men who represented 1 different countries of the globe. The Idea that ministers make poor business men received a Jolt when Rev, A-Mc-MlHan of Saskatoon, Saskatch ewan, Canada, lart tne pulpit some time ago to sell automobiles. He is de veloping into an excellent salesman. Many of the American and Canadian delegates to the World's Seventh Sun day School convention to be held In Zurich. Switzerland, In July, 1913, will go to ths Holy Land previous to the convention. S. S.. 1Q. .11 and 8. Topics: "John's Tenth Hour," "The Way to Heaven." Westminister Rev. Henry Marcotte, 10:30 and 7:451 S. 8.. 12; Y. P. S. C. E-. 6:30. Vernon H. N- Mount, D. D., pastor. Services 10:30 and S; S. S., 12 noon; Y. P. 8. C. E.. 7. Unltv Seventy-third street and Sandy Road; H. C. Marshall, minister. 8. 8., 10. Preaching. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Prayer meetlnp. Wednesday 7:46. Rose City Park Services 11 and 7:45; Rev. Roudinot Seely. Chinese 45 H First, 7:45: 8. B.. :45. Arbor Lnrtgfi Rv. John A. Townsend, 11 nnd 7:19: f. S.,10. Trinltv Rev. Wrn. J. Spire, services 11 and 7:30; S. S.. 10; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. Reformed Frank D. Frazer. Preach ing 11 and 7:30; S. 6., 10. First T'nItp-1 Sixth and Montgomery streets; Frank Dewitt Findley, pastor. Services, 10:30 nnd 7:30,4 Bible school, noon; C. E.. 6:30. Chrlrtlan. Central East Twentieth and Salmon fctreets; Dr. J. F, Ghormley. pastor. Services 1 and 8 p. m. Topics: "Muziled Oxen." Rodney Avenue Bernard W. Bass, pastur. 9:45 m. Kundav echoolj 11 and 7:30. Y. P. S. C. R.. 6:30. First W. F. Reaper, minister, II and 7:45, S. S.. 9:50 a. m.; C. E., 6:30. Topics: "I Go A-flshlng," "The Preclousness of Faith." Woodlawn Rev. Edward Wright, 11 and 7:30; 8. S. 10; O. E.. 6:30. Gladstone Rev. A. H. Mulkey. Ser vices, 11 and 7:30. Bible school. 10. 6t. Johns J. R. Johnson, pastor; S. S., 10; preaching at 11 una 7:30; C. E.. 6:30. Montavilla I. O. f). F. 8. S., 10. Preaching 11 and 7S0 Rev. O. K. Kerry. Krllwood Nineteenth and Nehalem; J. A. Melton. Services, 10, 11 a. m.; 7:30 p. rn. Kern Park J. M. Cartlok. B. 8., 10 a. m, C. PI., 6:30 p. m. Preaching, 11 and 7:30. Topics: Congregational. First Rev. Luther R. Dyott. D. D., 11 a. m. and 7:16 p. m. Topics: "The Complete Life," "Facts that Win." Atkinson Memorial Rev. Herbert O. Crocker; 8. S., 9:45; worship, 11; eve ning vorship, 7:45: C. E.. 6:45. University Park. Haven street, near Lombard Rev, W. C. Kantner, D. D., pastor. S. S., 10 a. m. Y. P. H. C. E., 7. Kervlces 11 and 8. "Three Significant Questions," "A Good Name." Sunnyslde Rev, J. J. Staub; 11 and S; 8. S.. 10; O. E., 6:45. Topics: "Our Modern Reception of Good's Proph ets." "A Great Marksman Who Missed In the Final Test." Hassalo Street J. M. Lowden, pastor. Services, 11 a. m. end 7:15 p. m.: S. a., 10; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30. Mt. Zlon Rev. D. B Gray. S. 8., 10; sermon. 11. Topic: "What Makes the Elks 8o Happy?" , First Oerman Rev, John H. Hoop; 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 6.. 9:15; C. E., 6:30. Laurelwood Hev. William H. Meyer, B. 8., 10 and 8; I. E.. 7:1k Highland, East Sixth and Prescott streets Rev. E. S. Bollinger. Services, 11 and 7:45. Waverly Heights L. 8. Wlney, pas tor; worship, 11 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 10. Bt Johns Rev. O, W. Nelson; 11 and 8; 8, 8., 10. Pilgrim Rev. C. H. Wlrth, pastor. Preaching at 11 end 7:30; S. S., 9:46: C. E 6:30. Boman Cathollo. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral Most. Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass. 6, 8 snd 9. Hlsh mass snd sermon. 11. Vespers, Instruction and benediction. 7:45. St. Joseph's AQenoanJ Rt. Bey. HELD E TO HOLD SERVICES IN CHURCH AT GEARHART " K " '0'C5 j; i ' ;;: y Rey. Oeorge F. Thompson. Rev. George F; Thompson, pastor of the Church of the Madeline in this city, left yesterday for Oearhart, where he will hold the first service in the new Cathollo church which is being erect ed there. Mass will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and preaching serv ices will follow, c This is the first Cath olic church to be erected at the beach resort and in future regular servloes will be held each Sunday until the close of tho vacation season. When the building Is completed later In the sum mer it will be' dedicated by Archbishop Christie. The cost of the lot and struc ture will amount to about $2000 and the bul'dlng will seat about 850 people. E. W. Pettlbone, chairman of tho religious education committee of the Portland Young Men's Christian As sociation and prominent in the young people's work of the First Presbyterian churc"h, has accepted the position of as sistant pastor of the First Presbyterian church, of Spokane. Mr. Pettlbone left Portland last Thursday for his old home in Cincinnati, Ohio, ..where lie will visit for a month after 'which he will pro, ceed to his new work. He will assist Dr. S. W. McFadden, pastor of the Spo kane church, and will take entire charge of the work of the young people of the church. Ills duties will also in clude the secretaryship of the board of trustees of the rhurch. While here he has made many friends who will watch his work in the new field with great Interest Mrs, C. r. Blanchard pastor of the Third United Brethren Church of South Mount Tabor East Sixty-seventh street and Thirty-second avenue S. E. accom panied by her daughter Miss Ruth Blanchard leaves tomorrow morning by the steamer Bear for California where she will spend five weeks enjoying a rest. Mrs. Blanchard Is the only woman minister In the city" and has hullt up a fine congregation In the face of great opposition and difficulties. Rev. Mr. Merrill formerly of the United Breth ren church of Vancouver Wash, will fill Mrs. Blanehard's place during her absence. Instead of a regular vacation Dr. J. F. Ghormley of the Central Christian church plans to attend the general con vention of the Christian church which will be held in Louisville, Ky., during the last of September and the first of October. James Rauw. V. Q. Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vepers, bene diction. 3:30. St. Francis Rev. J. H. Blsck. Low mass. 6, 8:30 and 9:30. High mass snd sermon, 10:30. Vespers, Instruction and benediction. 7:80. St Lawrence's Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and bene diction. 7:30. St Michael's (Italian Jesuit Fa thers. Low ma&s, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:80. St. Patricks, Rev. E. P. Murphy-r- Low -mass,'' 8. High mass ana sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 3:30. St. Stephen's- Rev., w. A. Waltt Low mass, 8:30. High mass and sermon, 10:89. Holy Redeemer Rev. Ed. K. Oant well, C. SB. R. Low mass. 8. High mass and sermon; 10:30. Benediction, 4. 8t. Ignatius Rev. F. Dillon, 8. J. Low mass, 8 and 3:30. Mass, sermon and benediction. iQ;SQ. Immaculate Heart of Mary Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass, 6. 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction, 7:30. Ascension, Montavilla Rev J. p. Flt7.patrlck. Mass at 8. Hlch. mass with sermon, 10:30 8unday school at . BenMtctton ot 3:S0. Holy Rosarv Verv Rev. II. IT. Kelly Low maes, 6, 7. 8 and 9. High mass and sermon, 11. Vespers and benediction, 7:80, Sacred Heart, Mllwaukle Rev. Gre gory Rohle, O. S. E. Low mass, 8. High mass and sermon, 10:30. Vetpers snd benediction. 7:30. Holy Cross, Unlverelty Park Rev. J. P. Thillman, C. S. C. Low mass, 8:30. Hlrh mass and sermon, 10:30. Vespers and benediction. 4. St. Andrew s Rev. Thomas Klarnan. Low mass. 8. Hlsh mass and sermon, 10. Vespers. Instruction and benedic tion, 7:30. . Bt. Stanislaus (Polish) Rev. Charles Snroskl. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon, 10. Xplsoonel Trinity Church Corner Nineteenth and Everett streets. Rev. Pr. A. A. Mor rison, rector. Services 8 and 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. St Matthews Rev. William A. M. Breck. S. H., 10 a. m. Services at 11. Pro-Cnthedral oi BU fifn'nen the Martyr Rev. H. M. Ttamsay, 7:80; prayer and sermon, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10. . Church of Oi'r Savior Woodstock Hev E. H. Clark. Services 8 and 11. St David's Rev. Kenry Russell Tal bott. 7:30, celebration of the Holy Eu charist; 9:45. S. S.; morning prayer. 11; evening prayer, 8; 6, 7 and 11 a. m celebration of the holy Eucharist. St. Andrews. Portsmouth, Archdeacon Chambers In charge, 11; prayer and ser mon, 7:30; S. a. 10 a. m AH Saints' Rev. Rov Edgar Reming ton, rector. Services. 11 and 8; S. S 9:45. Communion first Sunday In each month. St. Mark's Rev. J. E. H. 8lmoson. Holy eucharlst, 7:30. 8. 8.. 9:46; noly .jucharUt and sermon. 11. Evensong I p. in. St John s Church Rev. T. F. Bowen. 8. 8., 2. Evening prsyer snd sermon, 8. Good Shepherd Kev. John Dawson. II and 7:30; 8. S 10. Graco Memorial Rev. George B. Van Waters and Rev. Oswald w. Taylor. Holy Communion 8 a. m., 8. 8., 10 a. m morning service, 11 a. m, evening ser vice, 7:30 p. m. Ascension. Chapel Portland Heights. S. fl., 0:30. St. Michael and All Amrels' Rev. Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11 and 7:30; S. S., 10. No evening service. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel, Good Samaritan Hoaoital Rev. Win lam 'K Powell, chaplain. Holy communion, T Becomes Assistant Pastor ES: 75 MILES IN COVERED RIG TO QUINABY PARK Dust and Mountains Do Not ' Keep Rev. John Burns and Family From Campmeetiiig. (Special to The Journal.) Qulnaby Park, Marlqn County, Or,, Julv 20. Last evening Rer. V. Urblno of Eugene, delivered the opening sermon of the third annual camp meeting of the United Evanglteat ehurcnr before ; an audience that csmfortably filled the tab ernacle. Tonight Rev. 8. M. Wood of Corvallls will preach, while the follow ing program is arranged for tomor row: 10 a. m., Sunday school, led by Rev. H. Barendrlck of Portland; 11 a. m., preaching service by Rev. 6. 8. Mumey, presiding elder of the Salem district, followed by communion . service in charge of Dr C O. Poling, presiding elder of the Portland district; 2:80 p. m., sermon by Rev. D. V. Poling of The Dalles; 8:30 p. m., sermon by Rev. D. M. Metzger of Dallas, preceded by a SO-mlnute song service. Rev. John L. Burns with his wife and son drove over from the Alsea country, 75 "miles, In a covered wagon, when the thermometer registered 90 degrees and clouds of dust enveloped the travelers the entire distance. Dr. Burns Is one of the very able men of the church and has never missed a camp meeting, al though so far removed from the seat of the annual gathering. Other arrivals yesterday were the Rev. Mr. Plowman, ALSEA PASTOR Di Fascinating Thought of Death By Dr. Frank Crane, Former Pastor Union Congregational Church at Worcester, Massachusetts. There is something fascinating, blinding in the thought of death. We call the monks of old morbid who were ob sessed by It, wrote "Remember Death!" upon their cell walls, and had skulls among their dally furniture; and, perhaps, they were morbid, and, perhaps, the idea of death Is too strong a liquor for use In the morning; but, for all that, there is something in death that makes men greet, unseals the wells of poetry, and smells of eternal "tit V .-7 VJ youin. J How was it that Wagner could find no fit climax for jr ' J.i J the mighty loves of Tristan and Isolde except in death? S vHlK Why d0 th murders of Socrates, Joan of Arc and Lln- l S. v,vFi coin place these personalities among the constellations of our esteem? Why Is there nothing so apotheosizing a man can do as to die? And why does the death of Jesus lift his life and teachings into such thunderous power and authority? Every least act of living we perform gets Its pathos and beauty from the sea of death that flows around it The kiss is sweetest that many be the last The parting is tender by the ever-lurking possibility that it may be for ever! "Unsuspected," writes Alexander Smith, "this idea of death lurks In the sweetest music; it has something to do with the pleasures with which we be hold the vapors of morning; it comes between the passionate lips of lovers; it lives In the thrill of kisses." A ray 6"f death makes the most commonplace thing shine. A photograph of the living Is nothing, but of the dead how strangely Interesting. An old shoe, a glove, a hat. If it belong to one of the silent forever, takes on new significance. An ordinary merry-making may be vulgar, even offensive, but becomes at once tragic and sublime when As if beckoned by an unseen hand The man whose laugh is loudest in his cups Rises with a wild face, and goes sway From mirth into a shroud, without a word. All about life play the electric beams of death. All around the actual Is the halo of the infinite mystery. It Is folly, to laugh at death or to defy it. It Is cowardly to evsds rt. It Is sickly and mistaken to be depressed by It. But to be ever subtly con scious of it. and to draw from that consciousness a feeling of awe, of dignity, and of infinite beauty, that Is wisdom. 7 a. mr -Ward services, J, Prsyer and sermon. 7:16. St. John's, Mllwaukle Rev. T. F, Bowen. 8. S., 2. Ev mlng prayer and sermon. S. 8t. Paul's, Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 8. 3. Services. 4. Lutheran. St. James' English. West Park and Jefferson Rev. J. A. Leas, pastor. Services, 11 and 8; S. S., 10 a. m. Even ing topic: Illustrated lecture on "Life of Ckrist." Swedish ImmanneT Tie v. J, Richard Qlsonrll-and-'S! S. 8 V 9)4 United Norwegian Detmar Larsen; 11 and 7:30; 3. 8., 9:46; 9:80. . Our Saviour's (Norwegian Bvnod) R. O. Thorpe, pastor. Services, 11; 8. 8., 10. Zlons German (Missouri, Salmon anl Chapman Synod) H. H. Koppel msnn. 10:15; 7:5; S. B.. :1B. Trinity German (Missouri Synod) Williams end Seilwood;. J. A, Rlmbach, 6:15; 8. S 30: 7:30. Swedish Mtsblon Rev. B. J. Thoren; 11 nnd 8; S. S., 10; Y. P.. 8:80. Elim Chapel Rev. B. J. Thorsen, 11; S. 8.. 10. St. Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton streets. A. S. Mause, pastor. Services 10:30 and Z (German and Eng llsht: 8. S.. 9:30. Immauuel Oerman (Bellwood) H. C. Ebeling, 10:30; B. 8.. 9:30. Orace English (Missouri Synod) Kerby end Fargo. Rev. Carl Hassold, 10:30 and 7:30; 8. 8.. 9:80. Swedish Augustana Rev, H. E. Band stedt, 10:45 and 7:45; & 8.. 9:30. St. Johns German (Evangelical Syn od) Grays Crossing. E. G. Hess. 8. A., 10; service, 11. German school Satur day. 1:30. Lutheran Free church Rev. B. A Berrevlk: services st 11. 2:80 snd 7:30. St. Paul's Lutheran East Twelfth and Clinton: A. Krause. pastor. S. 8., 9:30; services. 10:30 and 7:30. Bible lesson land young people's meeting, Tuesday, 8 v. III. Zlon Norwegian Synod Chapel, Albina and Mason Services 7:o by Rev. R. O. Thorpe: 8. S., 10. 6t. John's Lutheran Penlnsuls avs une and Kilpatrick street; S. S.. 10 a. m. TTnltarlan. Church of Our Father Rev. W. G. Eliot. Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot D. D.. min ister mcrltus. Services at 11 a. m. Y. P. F., 6:30. Topics: "Emotion and Self Control," no evening service. United Presbyterian. Third Rev. J. L. Acheson, 8. 8. 10. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Kenton J. B Coie, 8. 8. 10:3u; preach, lng 11 and 7:30. The Church of the Strangers Rev, s. Earl DuBois. 10:80 snd 8. First Frank De Witt Findley, 10:89 and 7:45; 8. 8., 12; C. E., 6:30 p. m. Topics: "Common Sense." United Evangelical, f First East Sixteenth (Ladd's addi tion); Rev. C. C. Poling. Services 11 a. m.. 8 p. m.; S. S., 10 a. m. Ockley Green Corner Gay street and Willamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bower box; 11 and 7:46; 8. d.. 10; K. L. C. E, 6:45 p. m. St. Johns Ivannoe and West John streets, William Stephen Plowman. Preaching 11 and 8; S. 8., 10; K. L, C. E., 7, Evangelical Associations. First, English F B. Culver,-11 and 8 p. m.: H. 8., 10; Y. P. A.. 7. West Portland, 3 p. m. North Portland." TQermenr l. Stoc'.t- 5T;f' B",.at 10; aertnon at 11 and 8; Y. P. M., 7:15. Memorial Carvln 8 Bnmtraar' I pastor, jparsonage 689 Cast Eighteenth Gives Garden Lesson QSStasSSB-SBSISS,Ni6 I kinds' of soil on eee4 that Is sown by an actual garden, Rev. James D. Corby, pastor of the" Churchof Good Tidings. UnlversalUt, East Twenty-fourth and Broadway, held the Interest of the en tire Sunday school last Sunday while he used the material example to . de scribe) In a realistic manner the growth of ideas and thoughts. The entire hour was taken up with- $ arden Ideas -and Superintendent R. M. Sherman, of the Sunday school, gave an Interesting read ing of jjpe of Whlttler's poems.' Master Oeorge Kvardner recited the story of a garden lesson. Feature sessions are being given during the summer In this Sunday school each Sunday to maintain the Interest of the boys and girls dur ing ths vacation months and many of the older people of the church are be ing attracted by the Interesting serv ices. Even the music has more swing and spirit than was in evidence during the past winter. Miss Movelgh, the new teacher of the kindergarten of the church, Is gaining great popularity among; the little folks and parents. 'Dr, R. E. Orob of Berne, Bwitser land, a member of the publicity com mittee of the World's Seventh Sunday School convention to be held in Zurich, July .8-15, 1913, told ah audience re cently that the first Sunday school in Switzerland was a Methodist school, and the first teacher his mother. One of the special topics that will receive much attention at the World's Sunday School convention in Zurich next year 'will be "How Can We Keep the Children In the Sunday School After They- Jleac-h- the Ages of 14 and 15?" Mrs. Plowman and Miss Foster of St. Johns, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cummlngs of Corvallls, who has charge of the hotel during the week. street. I 0a, m.. Sunday school;- H e rn., morning worship; 7 p. m.. Y. P. A. devotional service; 8 p. m.. evening wot ship First Oerman Evangelical, corner 10th and Clay streets. United Brethren in Christ. Radical Lester F. 'Clark, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7; C. E., 6;I0; 8. 8., 10:30. ' Tremont Rev. Morns Goodrich. II snd 8. S. 6., 10, Alberta Rev. Jonn W. Bprecher. 11 and 8; -S. 8., 10; C. E., 7. Topics: "The Larger Uf." "Under the Shades of the Tree of Life." South Mt. Tabor Rev. C. P. Blanch ard. -U and -6r-flr-ft.. 10; Y. P. 8. C. E-. 7 p. m. Guy TToodworth Memorial Rev. R. O. Sumrnerlln. Services. 11 and 8; 8. B., 10; Y. P. 8. C. E., 7. First Russeu B. Showers, pastor. 11 and 8; 8. S., 10; Y. P. & C. E.. 7. P?!?,J-',T-h.fl Divine, Support," "Why God s Ways Are Best." Prlenfls' Charon. Sunnyslde Llndley A. Weils. Preach ing at 11 and 7:46. Closing service!" of Rev. Mr. Wells pastorate. Bible school 9:46; C. E., 6:46 Lents South Main street, Myrs B. Smith. Preaching, 11 a. m., 8 p. m.; Bible school, 9:45; C. E. prayer meet ing, 7 p. m. West Piedmont Friends Corner Borth wlck and Jessup Rev, T. J. Coburn. Preaching, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Bible school, 10 a. m.; midweek prayer meet ing, Thursday, 8 p. m. i Reformed Presbyterian (Covenanter.) Frank D. Frazer Ber vices 11 and 7:10; S. S.. 10. . ? Seventh Say AdvenHit. " Note: Regular services of this de romlnatlon are held on Saturday. Central Church Milton H. Bt Johns, pastor. Services: Sabbath school, 10 a. m. ; preaching, 11 a. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday night, 7:80; Y. P. meeting. Friday, 7:io p. m.; Sunday night preaching at 7:30. Mount Tabor Church hapel Port land sanitarium. A. M. Dart, pastor. Services: Sabbath school, 3 p. m.; preaching, 4 p.m.; prayer meeting, Wed nesday night, 7:46. Montavilla Church A. M. Dart, pastor. Services; Sabbath school, 10 a. m ; preaching 11 a. m.; prsyer meeting, Wednesday night, 7:80. Scandinavian Church. Arleta Adotph Johnson; residence, Arleta. Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; preaching 11 a. m.j Sunday, 7:30; 'prayer meeting, Wednes day night, 7:80. St. Johns, C. N. Llngenfelter, pastor ' Sabbath school, JO; preaching, 11; pray er meeting, Wednesdsy, 7:80. Lents church C. J. Cummlngs, pastor. Services: Babbath school, 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m.: prayer meeting, Wednesday night, 7:30. Sunday night preaching, 7:30. Missionary meeting, Sunday, 6:30 p. m. Albina Church (German)-J. H. Dirk son, pastor: 0. F. Rusch, local elder. Services: Babbsth scnooU 11 a. m, preaching. 13 m.; prayer meeting, Wed nesday night, 7:80. Vasarena Bellwood Church of the Nasarene East FIftenth and Tacoma streets, Rev. FUlmore Tanner. B. 8., 10; servloes 11. Evening services at Tremont, on Mount Scott car line. Y. P. S,. 7: crayer meeting-, Wednesday. S p. nf. First Church of the Nazarene Rev. C. Howard Davis, pastor; 8. 8.. 9:45; services 11 and 8; street meeting, 7; Y PH 7:30; prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. n Brentwood Church of the Nasarne Bixty-flfth avenue and Sixty-seventh ANNUAL INSTITUTE OF . UAIHULIliJtAbHttli 15 TfiJPFN l IlilY 7) Over 300 Teachers to Attend Dr, Nicholson and Arch i bishop Christie Speakers, Archbishop Christie, who will nuk address to teachers. Monday morning at 9 o'clock the an nual institute of Catholic teachers win open at St. Mary's Academy and Col lege to continue until Friday afternoon. Over S00 teachers in the schools of the archdiocese of Oregon, representing 11 different teaching communities and over 6000 Catholic pupils will be present. Sessions will begin at 9 o'clock In the morning and at 1:30 o'clock each after noon. , Bister Loyola, principal of St. James' high school of Chicago, will be in charge -of the high school department and will deliver a series of lectures hav ing to do with the work of that depart ment, . The religious Instruction depart ment will be conducted by Rev. J. G. Conlan of St. Vincent s college in Los Angeles. ' Miss Bessie McCahe of the State Nor mal school at San Jose, Cal., will be at the head of the primary division. Play ground work will be under the charge of Miss Alice Ryan of Denver, Colo. Dr. A. M. Nicholson of Columbia uni versity. New York cjty, will speak on "The Tendency of Modern . Education." ArchbKhop Christie will also deliver an address to the teachers and State 6u- prtntendent of Prrbtte Instruction L. K. Alderman will speak on "Industrial and Agricultural Education In the Schools." Other prominent lecturers and school authorities will be present. Rev. August J. Bucher of Cincinnati, Ohio, editor of the Ha us und Herd, a Oerman Sunday school publication of the Methodist Episcopal church, who will direct the music at the World's Sunday School convention In Zurtoh. next year, is a native of Zurich. He will conduct the music in English and Oerman, and is able to direct In French and Italian. Rev. John Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. Is spending six weeks at his farm near Cherryvllls on the Eetaoada carllne. He left last Thursday, street. Rev. Aaron Wells. 8. 0., 10; serv ices, 11 and 8. Y, P. 8., 7, prsyer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Young people's meeting, 7:80; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30. Scandinavian Church. 841 Russell street Rev. J. J. Peterson, pastor. Services 11 and 7:80. Prayer meeting. Wednesdsy, 7:30 p. m. Universalis. Church of the Good Tidings Rer. J. D. Corby. Services st 10:45 a, rn.: sunshine hour Sundav school, 12 Toplo: 'Where Is Your God?" No evening serv ice. "' " " "' Free Methodisi First. Church Rev. W. J. Johnston pastor. Sunday services, 11 a. in. and 7:80 p. m. Central church Rev. W. H. Beddn S, 8.. 10.; services 11 snd 7:80. Prays r meeting at 7:80; Y. P. M, :I0. St Johns 11 and 7:30. ASveat. Advent Chester F. L. Bmtthi preach, lng, 10:80 snd 7:30; Buhday school, lis P. 8. Lv, 8:30. Xefomed. First German O. Harner. pastor: ser vices 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; & 8.. 9:80 a. m. Services for the Deaf. United Presbyterian Rev. S. Earl DuBois. 10:30 and 8; C. E.. 7. Christian Solanoa. First Church of Christ Services at 11 and 9; subject of lesson sermon, "Life. Sunday school after morn ing service. Wednesday evening meet ing at 8 Second, Woodmen's Hall. Sunday service. 11 a. m. Tonic: "Life." Sunday school at close of morning ser vice. Wednesday evening at 8 o clock Third, Ellers' hall. 7th and Alder. 11 a rn. Topic: "Life." Sunday school at close of morning service. Wednesday evening service at 8 o'clock. Miscellaneous. Church of the Brethren (Dunkards) Rev. Oeorge C. Carl. 11 and 7:80; B. S. 10; C. W., 6:80. Swedish Corps Salvation Army 430 Burnslde. 11, 4:30 and 8. Congregation Aharai Sholem, Park and Clay. Services tonight at 8 by Rabbi Abrahamson. Sunday morning service at 9:30, by R'abbI Abrahamson. Volunteers -of America 285 J!urnslde street. 3:20 and 8:80. New Church Society (Swedenborclan) Eleventh and Alder, Knights of Pvth las hall. Rev. Albert BJorck of Seattle, ' will preach. The Church of God. 861 Failing street Rev. J. T. Neal. pastor. Sunday ser vices at 10 (German), 2:30, 7:46; 8. 8., 1;80; testimony and praise meeting at 7. Y. M. C. A. Sixth and Taylor streets R. R. Perkins, religious director. Meet ing for men. Lents Church Center street. M"- B. 8mlth. Preaching, 11 and 7:46;' o. B.. 10; C. E.. 5:5. Plsgah Mission, Lents Full gospel Sunday 11 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. Services all day by Mr, and Mrs. Krlstensen. International Bible Students Oddfsl lows' hall. Bible lesson, 1:30. Topics: "The First Christian's Prayer." Christian Yoga Meetings will be dis continued until Septerrfber. Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon) 444 East Tenth street 8. 8.. 10: ar. vices, Tr:45 a. m. and 7 p. m. St. Johns Services in M. W. A. hall. Lecture by William A.. Baker. - i . r tatter Say Saints. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter DayiSalnts (Mormon) 8. 8., 10; preach, lng, 11:45 and 7. i . 1 3D