r f j..' Copyright, by.The. North Amencan Company. , . - r-' PORTLAND, ' OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 1912 T 'f-MJSt fl Jfl -MAT i'MM' Z-VV W..If JIT ' I f!LBiikiii ill Ther Mas twnice silky fat brown an''frr?en stripe .catty-pillows a-crawlinV down the mulberry tree an me n Punpo we catched em. I singed to 'em :: "Come ittle cattv-pulows an be my lttle pet. Might swel come yourself, cause I'll catch you yet you bet.". An' the. catty-pillows jus crawled into a 'ittle golding box an I putted em in mine pocket. . . , - , tryfi .-fed - ' Aft I' got ted a'fihe toof'comb an" a toof brush from mine Daddy's baf room an' I brushed those 'ittle catty-pillows' fur till it growed jus as long as anyfing" an' did-che ever know catty-pillows has faces under neaf o' tlier' fur? Well.-theso two had,orful cute, wif big roun' eyes an' lovin' smiles.. t;2 fax- V-::.;Li'''. 4' ' ' iii - . . . tt . V I I 'En , we goed rided 'long iher' an' we sawed A sign up an' it sed, "Forty cents o' dollars' prize for the bestest frarthrycthmrrSq-rnrtrPttppo mt -er we wiwtwi ottr-'wttyptowuU4ttkasJuCJiQrse trough an' we brushed ther'.hair an' an' tied it up wif wif ribbons on taked 'em to the pet show an' 'ey looked perfjejcly ; lovely. 'En me'n Puppo we bnilded a nices' 'fttle stable for 'em 'an a horse trough togW 'cm a baf at an, we called 'em Billy an' Teddy, nn we'teached 'em to run races an' 'ey was the nices' 'ittle catty-pillows what you mos ever sawed. j " i An nte'n Pupno we feeded 'cm wif bowls b milkran' an cake an ' tfroMeT orful KKii-HUB ey gotted lots o' 'ittle footscS dowti each side o' ther' stummick an' we putted 'ittle shoes on to 'em ufJto maked two 'ittle red saddles wif wif gold fringe to 'em so's we could ride 'em. ""7 An' an' ther was ponies an' puss cats an' puppy logs canary birds an 'ittle bears an'-bunnies et ihcpetshowJut when men Puono rided in on our two splendiferous cute 'ittle fatty-pillows cvc'budJy clap ped ther' hands an scdf 'The prize orr67lywhir6ol!arrgoes"tohcnrty Oh you Kiddo." - (Cirrihr. nu. br The Nt Ai'rirti f 4 ' r -