THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 19, 1312. nn i Tnu 111(1 mnnnn IliliiUUii bUUl RESOUNDS WITH TRAMP OF TROOPS Opposing Armies, Gather for . Mimic Conflict for "Control , of Western Washington; ' 7000 Men Involved.: PRESIDENT 111 PNew Fashion Is to Take Off Hat and Bow Three Times. (Special to The JonrtuU GaU City, Wash., July 19. The Coun try between Centralla and Montesano is the fcattlejrround for two armies, the largest that have been in the field lq the northwest in years."' When the ma neuvers are ended, all activities will center at Gate, where the troops win be entrained for the return to the vari ous posts. It is estimated that 7000 men will be engaged in the mimic war fare. More than usual interest stamps this maneuver of the -.national guard and regular troops, because of the fact that for the first time a practical campaign, essentially one of real war, has been worked out, Grays Harbor people are particularly Interested In the problem of whether it Is possible for a force to Invade this country by way of the Har bor, and seize the western half of the state, including strategic points such as Tacoma, Seattle and Centralla, ' Attack on Western Washington. In reality, the offending force repre sents the advance guard of an enemy. This brigade Is the first to be landed from the enemy's vessels. Knowing that the full force has not yet had time to land, the government orders an equal force Into the field to oppose the ad vance party of the enemy, while the army can be mobilized. The greatest Importance is attached to the success of the repelling brigade. There has been no time for preparation, and It is a real tent of the government's ability to suc cessfully defend the Pacific slope. Not Spectacular Warfare. This campaign ts not going to present any spectacular features to the average civilian, save perhaps in a few brushes. Modern warfare and modern equipment calls for long distance fighting. Sklr mlsh formation will be held during the irreater part of the activities. It Is safe to predict, unless It is known that the enemy is not nenr. The modern tele graph and signal equipment of both sides will keep the advance guard In constant communication with command ers. The country offers ponslbillties of more than one method of campaigning. and neither side will know what tha other Is doing save as his scouts happea to pick up information. INSANE PEASANT SLAYS BROTHER AND HIS FAMILY (t'!i!(o(J Trent l.ftniod Wlr.) Rome, July 19. After murdering hla brother, his brother's wife and their two children, a peasant named I'ristoforo has today returned to the insane asylum at Alltsandria, from which he escaped a few days ago, and quietly gave him self up. He l.nd been sent to the asy lum two years ago for killing his own wife's only son. (United Prees Letted Wire.) " - Peking, July 19. In deference to the representations of silk producers 'and dealers who feared their business would suffer by the abandonment of the old native dress in favor of occidental $3 to North Beach and Return The Q.-W. K. & N. sells Saturday to Monday tickets to North Beach at above rate. Steamer Hastsalo leaves at 1 p. m. and T. J. Totter at 10:30 p. m. Satur day, giving one whole cool day and two cool nights to make you ready for busi ness Monday. Make reservations at Ash Btreet dock or city ticket office, Third and Washington streets. As announced in this week's Satur day Evening Post Ten Cents for this Disc Record Regular 10-inch size a dou ble disc fits any disc machine. On one side is a splendid selec tion by the Columbia Male Quartette "Kentucky Babe." li sold as a single disc record it would cost you 60 cents, and it's worth it. On the other side is a story every talking machine owner should know proof of the su perior tone, surface and wear ing qualities of Columbia Rec ords told in your own home on your own machine. This side is worth 60 times 60 cents to every owner of a disc ma chine who does not own an as sortment of Columbia Records. It means new value to every disc machine new pleasure to every owner and some peo ple think it's more fun than any record they own. RISK TEN CENTS! Come In and ask for the Columbia Demonstration Record. At Your Nearest Dealer's or Columbia-Phonograph-Go. i; 371 Washington St styles, yres1dentYaarrfiht Ka1-ha-de-clded, today n6t to' make the change compulsory in official circles. Those who prefer, to stick to the old costume will be permitted to do so pro viding they have cut their queues. The president insists, however, that he likes foreign clothing best., ' For state occa sions, either in the daytime or at night, the swallowtail and low cut yest 'will be called for by wearers of .foreign garb. Frock coats and silk hats will be the rule where no especial formality is required.' President Tuan has also placed the ban on kneeling and kowtowing. Salu tations of the highest respect will be signified by removing the hat and bow ing thrice. Removal, of the hat and one bow will do ordinarily. SLAYER OF V0F.1AH -. AMBUSHED; II Was Released From Jail Only Yesterday; Sons of His Victim Arrested. NEW Hi ESTEAD LAW EASY ON ENTRYMEN Washington, July 18. Secretary of the Interior Walter L. Fisher today be gan the enforcement of the new home stead law which reduces the area of require cultivation where entrymen need relief. The required residence period also Is reduced to three year' Absence from the land for not more than five months in one continuous period is allowed, but bona fide con tinuous residence during the remain ing portions of the three year period must be shown. Credit for the three year period must begin from actual residence. Proof must be submitted within five years. Cultivation for three years, counting from date of entry, is required, includ ing actual cultivation of not less than one sixteenth of the land beginning with the Becond year and not less than one eighth beginning with the third year and until final proof. (United Press Leaied Wire.) Redding-, Cai, July U. Bhot from ambush. William C. Landls, of Buckeye, who killed Mrs. W. a Bradford there two months ago In a neighborhood row, is dead today. It Is believed he was killed foTTevenge, and William and John Clement, sons of Mrs. Bradford, and Dan Thompson, their friend, have been arrested. Landls, who was postmaster at Buck eye,,? camp' near here, shot Mrs. Brad- rora on May 31, following a quarrel. He claimed self defense, and Ms friends never doubted that he would be acquit ted. He gave himself up after the shoot ing and had been in Jail until yester day, when he was released on $15,000 bail. The merchant was warned away from Buckeye, but declared he was pre pared and would take hla chances. Landls'' team was seen driving along a lonely road by neighbors, with Landls lying lifeless In the seat. Examination showed that he bad been shot from in front, the bullet penetrating .his breast His revolver, fully loaded, lay near. Evidently he had seen and recognized his assailant, but had not been quick enough for him.. termlned to win this world's greatest wheat prise , and his men in Oregon are arranging for many samples to enter in the contest. "If we win the prize, Which consists of a Big Four gasoline farm tractor and outfit, we will run that whole out fit out to Oregon with Ita own power and for 2000 miles we will leave the people Informed as to where they can gTOW the best wheat In the world," says Mr. Davidson. "We are going after it and we will surely make the trip from Minneapolis to Oregon overland with the engine if we get It" 0 OREGON WILL WIN 1 WHEAT PRIZE That Oregon will win the prise of 15000 offered by the Northwestern Products exposition for the best five bushels of wheat grown in the Ameri can northwest, is the opinion Of W. P. Davidson, president of the Oregon & Western Colonization company, who has sent out a call to central Oregon farm ers urging them to compete for this prize. Mr. Davidson, with L. W. Hill and Colonel Bill Hanley, haa about 800,000 acres of military road grant lands In Oregon which he says is tired of crow ing sagebrush and Juniper and wants to produce wheat. When the exposition which is to be held in Minneapolis, offered $5000 for five bushels of wheat, Mr. Davidson de- HIS HOME TOWN TO ERECT MEMORIAL TO PHILLIPS (United Prtw Leased Wire. London, July 19. Nearly. $2000 has been subscribed today toward a fund organized by the mayor of Godalmlng to provide a suitable memorial In his home town to" Jack "Phillips,-the wire less operator who went down with the Titanic The memorial la to take the form of a drinking fountain, to be placed in a prominent position on the main road in full view of travelers be tween London and Brighton and to be surrounded by a small park. A number bf contributions to this fund have come from admirers of the heroic operator in America. Journal Want Ada bring result a. Mr. and Mrs. Buying Public and all the Little B. Pub lics: Did you ever stop to think that many of the p e o p 1 e's jobs depend on you? Help keep the larg est possible number at work by boost ing for "Port land Glazed Cement Sewer Pipe" 'cause it's best, and 'cause its made at home. 1 3 V tT:K-X':.r.-ryK-: - .( ; M 7sX;s V V g I l i'-. y, Hlfr, If t vAV'Vo i', , -4 'J if; . i v. ss as f 4 (I V s J-l 'on i , "y f , & - M s, i .:',fr;ri K if ''''' V Buy the best. It always pays. And during this ag gressive outclearance of high value clothes Schloss Baltimore Cloth es It's like finding money We've made some deep price cuts on these fine suits, it's the most important clothing sale you've ever seen; you get the same high quality merchandise, the same con scientious tervice, the same guarantee of satisfaction ,or money back. We maintain quality above everything and we offer these fine goods in a clearance sale that's a boon to good dressers: $15.00 Suits at $11.75 $18.00 Suits at $13.65 $20.00 Suits at $14.85 $22.50 Suits at $16.65 $25.00 Suits at $18.65 $30.00 Suits at $22.35 $35.00 Suits at $25.45 $40.00 Suits at $29.25 Important Announcement! Out of consideration for the welfare cf our employes we'll take the initiative and close during the hot month of August on Thursday at 1 p. m. v . ; The Host in Value Tho Best in Quality : r Ladies' :Home ' .- '"m0: ":" " " " - La'diea Home v Journal Q - J Pattern. iTsZJ'JjZ -WW fSf?n Style dook " . , ill 1 JMh 9 10o-15o S5c With 15c Pat tern Free : ""tHWM... . "T 11 i iTTfna Reduced Prices for y -at r: Extraordinary Values In women's wash Dresses At 01.25, $1.50, 92.50, $2.98 to $3.90 A most wxnderful line of Women's Wash Dresses, handsomely ma$le of good quality lawn, linen, zephyr, Bedford cord, marquisette, tissue and many others. They come in plain colors, also checks, stripes, polka dots and figured designs, and are' shown in the latest styles. They are irresistibly pretty, and included in the lot are the popular new coat effects with belts. Racquet Waists and Middy Blouses at 98o and $1.25 . Just received, a large shipment of the popular Racquet Waists and Middy Blouses, the garments for vacation wear. The waists come in plain white, also white with blue collar, and the blouses come in white with red or blue collar. All are beautifully made of good quality wash materials and finely finished. Sacques and Kimonos, 65c Vals., 35c An immense variety of nice, cool Sacques and Short Kimonos, handsomely made of good quality lawn and challie in dainty floral designs, also dots and rings. They come in many styles in Dutch neck and low neck, also some with small Cp collar. Regular 65c values specially priced at Out BATHING SUITS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE FROM $1.75 AND UP BATHING SHOES SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE ONLY 35c AND 65c BATHING CAPS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE FROM 10c TO 85c A Timely Sale Women's we&ters at $3.70 If one could always measure demand down to the last dozen, there would be no excuse for a sale like this. We have sold a" wonderful lot of Women's Sweater Coats this season, but we might have purchased less and done just as well. But here's a quick clean-up of a good many of the best styles at an exceptionally low price, as every fair judge of values will admit. The assortment includes both plain and fancy weaves, in colors gray, cream, white and red. All new styles, with sailor collar, Byron or V-shaped neck. They are the most popular garment for the beach, mountain or summer evening wear. All sizes and reg- 70 ular $5.00 to 57.00 values. Your choice Bargain Friday at fOi s Extraordinapy Special in Muslin Underwear Consisting of Gowns, Combination Suits, Skirts, Princess Slips and Che mise Shown in Dozens of Choice Patterns and Designs Regular Val ues to $2.00 for This Special Sale This Exceptionally Low Price, Each $8 A great special Clean-up Sale of, Muslin Underwear, includ ing dainty Gowns, Combination Suits, Skirts, Princess Slips and Chemise, well made and handsomely designed. THE GOWNS come in the high, V-shaped or low-neck, slipover style, of good quality nainsook or cambric, trimmed with embroideries and linen laces. All cut good full size and neatly finished. THE COMBINATION SUITS come in the combination corset cover and drawers or skirt, made of fine quality nain sook or crepe, with beautiful trimmings of fine laces .and embroideries. All well cut and finely finished. PRINCESS SUPS made of good quality "lawn or nain sook, neatly trimmed with pretty embroideries, linen or Val. laces. A fine line of choice patterns to select from. MUSLIN SKIRTS made with very good quality cambric top and finished with deep embroidery or lace flounce. Dainty, well-finished garments. : . THE CHEMISE come in neat, dainty designs and are made of a very good quality nainsook, trimmed with pretty embroideries and laces. , V - All are regular values" 16 $2.00ia(rpaIQ'OT7 priced for tomorrow's great tale at this low figure s OC Extra Special for Saturday Jewelry 25o Values . 15c One thousand pieces of Gold Beauty Pins, Enamel Beauty Pins, Enamel Collar Pins, Rhinestone and Pearl Collar Supporters, Watch Fobs, Belt Pins, Hat Pins, etc. Special clean-up sale of all our 25c and 35c grade for Fri- 1 Ci day at 1 DL Wash 25o Values 15c f A special saje of SOO pieces of Reis' Wash Trimmings, six yards to the piece., Comes in wjute, blue, black, pink and red edgings. Wash braids thaeil regularly at 25c a bolt .priadiot..thts,.. f! r sale. at ..... IOU 1Z