THE OREGON liAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 19, 1012. EXCHANGE-REAL I. STATE 21 On mile from station and good little town, iiouth of Newberg, about 36 miles from Portland: good soil and all under cultvatlon, with good orchard and ber- . rlea; almost new 1 room bungalow, barn and outbuildings; price $3500; exchange my equity of $2700 for 4 or room - houa Moun -fleat t district - pref erred ; no Inflated vsluea. . i S2S Lumher Exchange. ' WB WANT some cheap pasture land to egchange for apartment house up to igooo,' - We hare B acres and houae 1 tnllee east of Hilleboro to exchange for house up to 12600. ' . We also have eereral apartment houses and hotels that will exchange for farms, all' paying well. . , ; Tell ua what you want and we 11 get It for you. ' WAONER ft HUNT. ; , 436 Chamber of Commerce. Main 695 HERE! Is a chance to get In the path of something. We have a timber claim that la the key to .00.000.000 feet of timber, the only route of a logging road to all thin timber must go through this claim; It cruises 4,000.000 feet and will ell or exchange for 13500 of land or a house; worth asking about. Tell us what you want and we'll get It for you. Wagner Hunt. 435 Chamber of Com merce. Main 69157. $30 Buys a 5 Room House And $30 per month, Including Intercut. Bath, toilet, fiill rement basement. Dutch kitchen. 4 blocks to car. 72d at., or would 'trade for timber. Matn 7491. 411 Cor- Tictt nldg-. Mr. Lewie. iSACHANOK 6 acre nome wun new ion -. house, facing good automobile road, E miles out from courthouse on Heights. Will exchange for four or two f late close In and will give eome cash. A 601, Journal. " FOR FURNITURE. Cottage and luOxllfi. near electric sta tion, first mortgage $600 on property, equity of $600 for good furniture. Ask for Epton. Main 8270, '422 Chamber of Commerce. TO KXCHANOE The furnlshlnge and lease of 80 room hotel, furniture and carpets all new. centrally located. Would consider house urid lot or Kood farm land or orchard; will give you a bargain. K 7S. journal CHICKEN RAN'CH FOR TIMBER LAND. SO acres, all fenced, good build ings. 1 acre In fruit, well water. 2 miles to large town. $50 per acre; mtg. $600. What have you 7 LEWIS REALTY CO.. nil Corhett hldg. WANT ED J S ft 0 lot; If vou have a nood hit we can turn it to your advantage. Will accept your lot on modern house and lot. A splen did rooming house or a business propo sition or merit. 60ft Henry Ding. 4 ROOM housn on E. 44th at., modern, 2 ft. cement bulkhead around lot, cor ner lot, full basement, lawn, roues, etc. For sale or exchange for lot as first pavtrv'tit. Balance eaev, or will sacrifice for cash. Main 8982. FOR EXCHANGE for I-os Angeles prop erty, residence 7 rooms, modern con veniences hard surface street, owner leaving the city, good restricted dis trict. K-249, Journal. puTnTTTiTa RE ry; Fine established bakery In good town of 1 200 people; no opposition, for sale or rent. Will vxohange for real estate, pear Investigation. X-3X9. Journal. VARIETY store, invoicing auout $4600. No lndchrtvtjness. Will exchange for farm or city property; preferably near Portland. Address The Fair. Emmett, Idaho. 80 ACRES best land, li miles Moun tain Home, Idaho, on railroad, under Irrigation, $4000; will trade for motof truck or Portland property. W. L. 11c- Clellard, 431 6th st. . HAVE-you a lot, lmprovef real estate or an automobile t trade for cigar store, In excellent location, dolns; a fine business. If so address P. O. Box 633. Portland, or phone C-1078. FOR HALE or trade! fine 10 acre fruit ranch at Mosler, all cleared snd In trees, 3 to 6 years old; will trade for small house or lots. Call 644 Williams vc N7'K" bungalow" and" lot 1?i Prairie City, Or. for vacant lot; excellent oppor tunity fur painter and paperhanger. phone C.d. 633. "Want a iikaok near p.eaverton For new strictly modern bungalow, 60x100 lot. clear of Incumbrance; price. $3000. 6fl5Henry hhlg. SEATTLE property for Portland prop erty, 8 loom moiiern house, free from Incumbrance, university district. Price JIKPrt. 310 Ilenrv bid" Matn 4067. H ItOuM house, corner lot. bOxlou, on carlino, for sale or trade for closn in rroperty. Pay difference if necessary." 11 N. th st. CLEAR property, eastern Wash.; ex change for equity small residence, lot or auto. Owner. Waterman. Main 631 EXCHANGE $2000 equity In two story Laurelhurst house for acreage or lots and eome oaerf. A-582, Journal 40 ACRES good fruit land","vei' watered", for automobtle. Ford, nvertand pro ferred. No Junk. K-212, .lou rn ah IN TILLAMOOK City fine, business lots to exchange for Portland property. Phone P-2267. 8 ROOM modern house, also 6 room house with barn and fruit. E. F. De- Rord. owner. 21 0 E. 25th st. N. KXCif ANlli: iTi'tel, good" business, good location, for acreage: none but own ers renly; state "terms; .1-753, Journal. rF YOU WANT TO BELL. RUY OH TRADE, SEE SHOEMAKER 1 NV. CO., 624 HENRY RLPO MAIN 44fi5. WILL cell my eoulty In Belle Crest lot cheap or exchange for carpenter work and paintine. -Address S78 Rrooklyn st. S WILL buy, sell or trade anything, H. F. Lee. 1015 Board of Trade bldg. GOOD real estate to trade for runabout. Tahor 744 or Main 4086. WANTED Five passenger auto ?or good real estate. K-222, Journal. Mutt and Jeff WiU That s, K y,.' "THE rn.s or am HOUlk. ANO Th kill. "CM 1Ofl AN HOUR.. HUH? LOT 7, block 3, " ruse's First addition to oesrhart Reach rront aoxiou lot. unincumbered, with building frame boarded In for five-room cottage, total value $l60; will trade for flve-pasaenrer auto. 1911 or 1912 model, or for unin cumbered Portland realty. K-63. Journal. Li i 7 i n -, . " rmv I- vmrmais S$m4JjlP -P3e ' SJJ, - JJfiP a Wtff I) ' u ..... - -' . ,, . . - ' . ... - ,: ;.."- .' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2- HOOD RIVKK UAROA1N, ONLY $600 CA811 REQUIRED. 20 acres of fine orchard land beau tifully situated on tho east aide district, Hood River valley; over H planted In commercial orchard, part In bearing, fine building site, easily worth $20,000 In lesa than 2 years' time; plenty of water for strs wherries; will tuke unin cumbered Portland residence In good district aa part payment; -only $500 cash required. Q-981. Journal, - Swap column VISIBLE typewriter to exchange for -til!?P.? 1 1111 n 0, Jour t ial. WANTED A ' amtll Improved 20 to 80 , acre place near road and K. R.. must be cheap; will, pay cash If your title is good and you want to make quicg sale, ive run psrticuiara to k-znz, journal ANTED- Larere bodv of atumn land. either side down Columbia, for Port land Income property. Keystone Realty Co.. 306 Couch., bldg. ' ROOMING HOUSES 53 40 ROOMS, h. k., brick, lease. Trade for auto, and some cash. 120 rooms apartment house, one that you don't need be afraid to Investigate. Trade for acreage or ranch. 60 room hotel, close ln newly fur nished, steam heat. Trade for farm. Will assume difference. LEWI 3 REALTY CO., 611 Corbett bldg. 9 Rooms, $125 Rent $26, good house, close In, west side; auction man offers $96 for this. Come on, vou bargain hunters. 16 N. bin at FOR SALE 42 room all housekeec- ln doing good business, expenses small, 4 year lease. If you want a bargain come and eee this. 184 Sherman st. iso agents. 13 ROOMH, $200; wast side, good, neut place. Rent $30; - part cash and terma. Owner 412 Chamber of Com- v.-- VI .1 1 THE best rooming house in Portland Tor the amount or money; be aure to sen this. Owner, Marshall $40. FURNITURE, 6 rooms, close In; rent $20; all for $200 or will reservfe part. Main 1120. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 FOR SALE Grocery store, fine location on electric line, doing good business; will take part trade stock and farm ma chinery; atock will invoice about $1800. Hox 273, Vancouver, Wash Ciear Store, $550 Tn hnnrt ftf nltv A -1 fA'V arA fW. tures, long lease, This Is leva than ln- vunB. lan 10 iN. oin st, WILL Join party with $2500, with equal amount and go Into a big money maker. Clean and safe and hustlers can make $10,000 this" year. No trlflers. K- journal $5200 buys controlling Interest In $10. 000 fuel corporation doing $4000 monthly, cleared 19 per cent last year. Carries salaried position $160 month. investigate. iv-iy. journal ROOMING ,-iouae unfurnished, wllh about 10 rooms, .0th and Upshur, terms reasonable. Inquire at Henry Wetnhard's Brewery, 1 3th nnd Rurnslde. WILL sell l interest In my business at a sacrifice; must sell at once; no fake; will stand Investigation. Call 270 Stark st. Mr. Howard, YOUNG man to take half Interest In erocerv. with best location In Port land: dolnr better than $3000; Invoice about $4000. K-1.4. Journal REALTY office, aood enuiDment. fine location, sell cheap; trade for equity fmall residence, good cheap lot. K-305, Journal. MILLINERY business, living rooms, fine opportunity to two girls having $175 pah; good reason for selling; any Investigation you want. K-2H, Journal. HAVE clean, good paying business, an absolutely safe proposition. Must sell at once, $500 to $1000 cash, balance secured. K-16S. Journal. IF you have money in bank earning only 4 per cent annum, I can place It safelv and make you six times that rate. 231 Flledner hldar. Main 8239. rTjOMINO house of 9 rooms, west side, new furniture; can clear $100 per month; price $700; $250 cash, balance in; per montn. ruuncnuq ping. FOR GALE by owner, confectionery, cigar, tobacco and ice cream parlor, furnished rooms. Phone Tabor 65. WANT to trade real estate for paylnn newspaper in town' of 2000 or more. Kicks 171 H Front St., Portland. BARBER shop In small town of 350; up-to-'late; $160 cash. Barber, Box 14, Ptanfielrt. Or- FOR SALE or trade, old established llpht express and transfer business. K-2!i, Journal. CLEANING and pressing shop, must tic sold. Owner must leave city. 222 Vs Taylor st. ' $1000 WILL get you a business which clears 1 150 a month; H cash. See Johnson A Johnson. 1fiS 10th st. RKKTAUR A N'T Good location, partv going east; sacrifice for J200. 226 Vi 2d st. BARKER snop for sale. Diie . cliaUv guud business, fine location, corner "th and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. f AfLORcieanlng and pressing shop for tale, good location. 84 KUllngswortli ave. THIS week any reasonable offer takes furnishings 51 II. K. rooms, always full. Owner, 409 E. Ralmon st. OLD established real estate office will sell its list, maps, rugs, furniture, etc.. all for lir,o. A-fiSl. Journal FOR SALE or trade, 20-room rooming house; 14 rooms furnished. 603, Jour nal. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Party with $300 to take rne half Interest In factory doing good business. 1293 Fas t Morrlso n ' st GROCERY stole will Invoice about $3000; doing good business; east sldo district. Phone Woodlawn 3077 GROCERY, cigars, etc., with nice living rooms for sale at invoice; sales J 15 to $25 daily. 403 Rothchlld bldg. MEAT MARKET for tale cheap. Phone East 4S10. SALOON for sale, long lease. Indepen dent license. 146 2d st. BARBER shop for ealeS chairs. 1 bath, a bargain. 28 Main St., Ashland, Or. Swat the Fly, .... ... 4 ; I .!,.... M-feMll I '' ' 1 -" 1 1 1 1 .- . .-,(..-. 0 - FOR ' SALE AUTOMOBILE Must sell on account of other b"lnesi Interests the beat paying, most centrally located automobile business In the olty. Only $6000 required to handle this busi ness; ' one-half .cash, nigral terme on balance; present owner will remain with purchaser long enough to teach business If desired. If you era looking for n good substantial, - well established - business, It will pay you to look this up. For full Jim m'U mm, minrrwH j -pop, uwn Must fin Fast A first class stationery and "book (Ar m. ,rir Kf lnnuttnn In fine iif the bVst towns In Oregon, stock worth UQOui nuuu; win sea or irnue ur iuu land property or for land, at Invoice; may out down stock to $1600 owner must go east within $0 days. Call, or write Kumrnlt Inv. Co., lit Killings, worth ave. Tel. 1617, morning and evening Woodlawn 1168. AUTOMOBILE agents 1 want local agents In every county In Oregon ta hsndle a nanulsr priced line of automo biles; a good name and reputation for Integrity counts mor with ua than money or experience; If you have $476 and can furnish bond, you can procura agency for our high grade car and we will furnish you with demonstrator. For run particulars aanress saies manager, j-618, Journal, Portland, jur. TfokT afcORaE ' Prof If s of 60 to ion ner cent have been taken by Portland buyers during the last year. Grand Trunk Paclflo railroad Is bulldlng rapldly to this superb town site. Before the railroad arrives la the time to buy. Lots $200 to $300, easy payments. Henderson & Co., 607 Spald jng bldg. Both phones, ' ACCOUNT OF IMPAIRED HEALTH Must sell $2000 grocery stock, fix tures, shelving, horse, wagon, harness; business averages $1600 monthly; first class location; rent reasonable. Address Owner, J-678, Journal, TO trade for grocery, pool room or any good live business; I have a $2000 equity - In new modern bungalow. wlp all modern built in conveniences, owners onlv. Address 1116 Ellswortn. Phone B 13R9. 500 Business Cards, $1 Rose City Prlntery, 132 V, Third street. HELP WANTED ELALE WANTED BRIGHT BOYS WHO CAN HUSTLE ON SATUR DAYS. APPLY TO CLASSIFIED MANAOER OK JOURNAL BE TWEEN 11:30 A. M, AND 1 P. M. OR BETWEEN 6 P. M. AND 6 T. M. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC . i Must be good all round mechanic and driver, man used to handling all kinds of cars preferred, good opening for such man. ORE(;ON AUTO EXCHANGE, 493-495 Alder St. V ANTED Representatives to sell In dlspenaable household utensils; In de mand everywhere; sold only by demon strators. C. M. Packer, 216 Common- wealth bldg Salesman Wanted Must be high class. Can make from $300 to $500 month. See Barnard, 407 Yeon bldg. TWO men of rood address who can furnish good references and bond, per manent employment to right parties. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 40J Wash ington st. WANTED Young man between 16 and 20; must have had soda fountain ex perience. Perkins Pharmacy, 6th and Bsmngion WANTED A married man, no children, . . ... .. -1. . M ...K..Knn -1-. 11, iim u uu tx biuaii auuuiuaii yiajj. Apply 353 Stark ' e WANT job printing and laborer; give dentistry. Call 245 Vi Washington st Room 2 WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Oarage, 445 Hawthorne. A YOUNG man for clerk and delivery at grocery; state wages and experience; references. A-141, journal. EXPERIENCED solicitor wanted for cleaning and dyeing works. Apply 324 Yamhill. EXPERT private shorthand Instruction. Position for you. or I forfeit $25. W. D. MncDonald, 1359 E. 8th St. N. LIVE salesman with wide city acquaint ance can secure exceptional proposi tion; call Main 2255. CHEF headiiuarters and helpers. Cali fornia Wine Depot. 285 Yamhill, next to Journal. MAN to deliver goods and solicit for c i caning works. 348 1st st. YOUNG man to work in grocery. Ap- ply 133 2 Grand ave. EXPERIENCED dye works solicitor for wagon. Apply at once. 7 Grand ave. N. HELP WANTED MISC. 40 MEN and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks. Special inducements, per centage earned while learning. Tools free, xprt instructors, 17 yars In busi ness, 37 schools. Life time scholarship to cverv student Moler Harbor College, 35. N....ith eL.. .Portland.. Or. Do You Know That Moving picture operators make $25 to $50 weekly? You can do the same. Learn to operate; lessons cheap. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE! 62H Washington, near 1711k INTERNATIONAL Correspondence Schools, headquarters 409 McKay bldg. Open Wed. and Sat. nights. Main 1026. WE are giving a complete course In automobile training, for a short time for Tortland Auto School, 315 Hawtlvrne. A COURSE In our practical training will fit vou for chauffeur or "repairman. Portland Auto School & Garage Co., 315 Hawthorne ave. MEN and Women wanted for govern ment positions; $80 month. Write for list of positions open. Franklin Insti tute. Uep't. 339 Tfr Rochester, N. Y. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, films, supplies; operating taught. Laemmle, 338 0Hk. UNCALLED for tailor riiade suits $10 up. Harvard Tailors, 32 3d st. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. $10 up. Taylor the Tailor, 285 Rurnslde st BUSINESS CHANCES or, Rather, Mutt Does jo'' cmo but t Jtx; r r ,; . orE - IP H vfR. GOT -SV I LIGHTS eNNaACj 1 I ! " ' ' , (11 71 , ! HELP WANTED MISC. 40 MEN HTOP READ LRARN. T THE OREGON AUTO SCHOOL gjves practical Instruction In repairing and driving automobiles: TUITION REA SONABLE; part cash when you enroll, balance after graduating and obtaining salaried position. ORE. AUTO SCHOOL, 268-268 11th St., cfffT Jefferson. "WANTED- A salesman" who is a man to represent vh; Cash - weekly." Ad dresa Capital City Nursery company, 414-417 U. S. National Bank building. Salem, Or. . 1IELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED YOTJNQ LADIES FOR TEL EPHONE OPERATING, WITH OR WITHOUT v EXPERIENCE; PAJD WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STS.. OR (MAIN OFFICE), WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED for suburban home, close In, girl for general house work, and one to assist In house work and care of two children. A good home for woman and daughter, or twh wishing to work together. Must be reliable. Ample time to arrange for change. Answering give phone number If any. K-191, Journal. WOMEN and glrlg to work In fruit; good wages; 'long season; also a llmltel number of men. Apply Oregon Packing Co., E. 8th and Belmont. STENOGRAPHER for two mouths, possibly permanent. Must be experi enced and accurate typist. State aga and experience. "Attorney," Paker, Ore., Box 96. WANTED-A woman who can do good horns cooking at the beach; apply at Be.hnke-Wa!ker Business College, 4th and Yamhill. MAID for second work. Reference re quired. Call at 60S Yeon bldg., be tween 10 and 12 a. m. WANTED Girl for general housework: must be good cook, small family, good wsgea. Apply 654 Irving WANTED girl for general house work Small family. Call East 4016. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 5r C. R. Hansen & Co. General Employment Agencies ESTABLISHED 1876. 26 and 28 North 2d St., Portland, Or. Women's Dept. 7th and Wash. Sts. Upstairs. Help Furnished Free San Francisco office 805 Howard et. hpoKsne office 218 nernard St. M. C. A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOY MENT AGENCY, SECOND AND ASH STREETS. HEADQUARTERS, for competent loggers, mlllmen, R. R. construction men, farm hands, and all classes of skilled and unskilled labor. Write, wire, phone or call at our ex pense. Marshall 2271. A-7746, A square deal to employer and employe, No charge to employer. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPL0YMFNT OFFICE AH classes of unskilled skilled, pro fessional and clerical, male and femala help furnished on short notice. No .fecSi Men's department 215 2d, cor. Salmon Women's department 246 Salmon st Main 3555; A-6624: Bennett's Employment Agency 84 N. 2d. M'll 364; A-1933. Quick service, reliable help to employer fra. WANTED AGENTS 0 WE need a salesman In each of sev eral excellent fields to sell our splen did nursery stock. A permanent place; cash weekly and a square firm back of you. Write for particulars. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN for Golden Rod vacuum cleaners. L. A. Amlck. 216 Common wealth Idda. Main 4030. WANTED Agents, canvassers and so licitors at Bl 3rd St., before 9 a, m. or '!er p m. Years' work. SITUATIONS MALE 3 YALE graduate, experienced traveler, desires position as companion or tutor for months Nov. -Feb. inclusive. Address K. R. MncGnffev. Parkdale. Or. WANTED Work In grocery store or delivering by young man of experi ence; will give references. A-660, Jour nal. NEAT girl or woman for general house work for 3 adults; can go home nights; 714 E. Salmon st. A YOUNG man, 6 years' experience soda water dispenser, wishes position. A 645. Journal. CHAUFFEUR, well experienced and re llable, wants position. Address 300 12th st. A-1S52. Marshall 4K55. YOUNG man, hustler, would like steady position for 6 hours In afternoon, 2 to 7 p. m.; inquire No. 70 N. fith st. GENERAL housework by boy who wants to study In. the evenings. A-2147. WANTED By a stilctlr sober and hon est man. past 40, position as night watchman or Janitor; A-635, Journal. HAIRDRESSER WANTED Woman who understands all branches of busi ness: sready p'-sHlon. K-2.r.2. Journal. ' NUTATION'S FEMALE THOROUGHLY competent experienced lady wishes to take charge of room ing or apartment house. K-102, Jour nal. LADY wants to keen house for widower or bachelor, small wages if can take daughter; K-15S. Journal. COMPETENT lady with boy 12, cook for crew or men or housekeeper on ranch. M aln 4023, A 7136. WASHING and lspnlng by a neat, re liable lady. After 6 p. m.. Main 6891). 40 MRS BERTHA W1TZEL, aewlng at horn or by day. ; 781 E. Both et S. vv - vy cur. 1DRE8SMAKINO,. suits a gpeclalty. Call Main 4140. NUIWES 00 MATERNITY home, best of references. Mr,-Williams, 8 Union ave. B. E. 27. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST -SIDE- NEW ECOTT. HOTEL ' Cower 7th and Ankeny ata. Newly furnished throughout, central ly located, moderate prices, family trade soimiien. rnone Mam i87Z. TUB COLONIAL, outside single and double rooms $3 to $6; some are cor ner rooms on first and second floor, and suitable for I people. 186 10th, corner Morrison. W. car from depot. NEATLY renovated and partly fur nished and unfurnished rooms In brick building, 663 Hood St., 16 and 112 per month. Apply at grocery store. nni noon St.. or v none Main sit 9. DAYTON hotel. $3 per week nnd up; everything absolutely new; lint and cold water and phone. Cor. 1st and rayior. Main rtizo. 247 A 6th st.. rooms ud Dor week. Free phono and hath. Main 77li4. TMF FllPrfh Strictly modern, prl IMC LUlLIU vate bath. $3.60 up. o(j wasnington st. GOOD light rooms, hot and cold water, free baths, single $3 up; double (3.60 end up. 20.SH 3d st. NICELY furnished front room, modern conveniences, central, reasonable; 404 l lay, near nun. PLEASANT outside room, clothes closet and bath In private famllv, walking distance, 592 2d St., West Kirle. FOR RENT Close In. nice, llsrht bed. room, $1.50 per week, on 2 carlines. 422 Jefferson. AMtfDON H ( 'TEL. furnished rooms, hot and cold water, close in; $2.50 and up. 263 Third St. 471 "MORttifidSf" Nicely furnished moms, well ventilated; also one house- keeping. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE FURNISHED single housekeeping rooms worklngmen; corner Orand ave. and E. Davie. Winter's block, $2 per week; w-ond Included. KIVERVIEW HOTEL. 8d end E. Rurn- slde; all outside rooms; beautiful view of river; phones In rooms; elevator service; moderate rates by day or week. l'Wu-ROOM apartments; gns plate fur nished $1 per week each. Belmont apts., 4H0K Relrnont St. ALDER-GRAND Nice clean rooms, $3 up. izi urand ave ONE newly furnished sleeping room, $2 461 East Morrison, corner E. 8th., nicely iurnisnea rooms, reasonable rates. ROOMH AND HOARD 15 WELL furnished room with board In prlvnte family for lady or gentleman. All conveniences. Reasonable. B-2596. 551 E . Madison. LA HUE room, best of hoaTo-suitable for 2 gentlemen, centrally located, very reasonable. 291 W. Park, near'Jef ferson. ONE room with private bath and one without; fine location, good walking distance; home cooking. 617 Kearney. DANDV -place for "2 gentlemen; fur nished front room and board; living roii m , p I ano, home privileges. 476 Clay . SINGLE or double rooms with boardT 6 en c h. Mars hall 26 ii3. 29 1 II t h. LARO E airy rooms, with board. 235 3. Cth St., E. 3109. WANTED ROOM AND HOARD 89 BOARD and room wanted for old gen tleman who in unable, on account of palsy, to feed himself. State explicitly your location, terpis, etc. A-637, Jour nal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE 8 HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms. Gem hotel, 665 1st sL Fine view, new building, rooms $1.25 week up; free pnone. HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished complete with cook stoves, single rooms, $1.60 per week; $2.26 per suite. 201 2d st. FINELY furnished housekeeping and single rooms, very reasonable. 404 Park. DErilRABLE h. k. rooms, select loca tion, reasonable. 429 Halmon, between 11th and 12th. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern. $1.60 up. 8 car to 207 Sherman. Marshall 1 193. TWO nice rront rooms, gas range, free liRht, bath, phone; $3.50 week. 272 Montgomery St., cor. 4th st. LARGE housekeeping rooms, with run nlng water. $16. 181 6th st , cor. Yam hill. teritXTttTTrrrrrOTWr and clean, guu, electric lights, walk- 1 ng dlstan c e A-5324, 555 6th St. FOR RENT Two nice furnished house keeping rooms, hot and cold water aad batjwent $16. 308Jth st. REST and cheapest rooms at The Royal, luSVa 4th st., near Wash St.; also housekepptng suite cheap. THREE room suite furnished .complete for Housekeeping, 2 beds, close In. Johnson & Johnson, 168 10th St. "Twt) housekeeping "rooms $4.25 per week; prhalo entrance, bath and phone. 22fi 12th. NEATLY furnished suite, gas ranire, bath, phone, etc.; JHi per month. 512 Columbia st. Ntar 6th. CAMBRIDGE BLDG., furnished, unfur nished housekeeping rooms, central, cheap ren t Room 33. 3d and Morrison. NICEST large, clean and coolest house keeping rooms In city, $2 up. 184 Sherman nt. 294 JEFFERSON, 2 cool, dry housekeep- i ii ijt rooms in basement, only 10 mo. CLEAN housekeping suite, running wa ter, i. 3;;;i ii st. SUITE housekeeping roms, gas, bath, laundry, phone, lil N. 17th st. a a e DRESSMAKING ' nOUSEKEEPI.NO ROOMS 8 WEST BIDE - ;- FURNI8HED front room, alcove, clothes closet, jir4 vate porch, H. K. 476 C ay. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST BIDE 48 CHEAP Fine, clean, furnished," half basement rooms, walking distance, car; also 2d "floor, small furnished bed room, with kitchen , privileges. Phone VELL furnlsned housekeeping rooma, i and 3 room suites; sink, bath and gas for rooking, $13 and $16; private family. din nussen, cast oom. FtRNISHED housekeeping rooms close In, large bay windows, very reason nuie. nv rj. inn or r.mmi otiv THREE clean modern furnished house keeplng rooms. $16 month; tHl At- nina ave,, cor, mannena; L car. LARGE suite, furnished housekeeping .rooms, cheap rent. l 1st St., near fltark. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, single, en suite. $2.60 and $3. Inquire 164V Union av., corner Relrnont. $Ti 8 completely f urnishedl-ooms, bath, sink, laundry, gas range, phone. 828 E. Htark. COMPLETE furnished housekeeping rooms, convenient to ferries, block L car, 622 Delay, cor. Morris. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 640 E. Stark st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, "Til month. 467 Ei. Pine nt. THREE furnlsTied housekeeping rooms $16. 560 E. Morrison St. BUITE of furnish7dhousekceplng rooms; nice yard and shade trees. Tabor 2023. FURNRSHED housekeeping - apartment, 71 Grand ave N. HOUSES FOR RENT 12 NICE suburban home to rent Tor two months, or permanent to good tenant. Rent $10; 30, minutes out; 4 blocks to car; new house: outbuildings, chicken house. Call afternoons. 203 Lumber Fxchange bldg. SEVEN room houjM rood locality, on i- . r , t -n-.- r4"'1' T nTTTX-SWTVAl east siob, ciose in. in i ui.iuw-'n. Inquire Imperial Pharmacy. 48 N. 6th. Hoth phones. . BEAUTIFUL new 6 room modern bun galow. Just been tinted, right on car line. Take W-W car to 39th St.. No. 1152. A MODERN 6 room bungalow, very large rooms, roses and fruit trues, bet. two carlines. 944 Clevelund ave. Take U car. Main 75 6. $12, 5 room bungalow, full lot, 1403 East Flanders st.. M-V car. Inquire 1416 E. Gllsan st. Tabor 2574. FOR RENT A room new house with modern conveniences. 449 Newton at., Willamette Heights, SEVEN room house, t'odern, easy walk ing distance, 21st near Washington; reasonable rent. Inquire at 66 N. 21st st. FOR RENT Modern 6 room bungalow, furnished, near Kenton. Phone Wood lawn 2667. $10 MONTH 6 room house, bath, 2 lots. 6101) 38th ave., cor. 61at st. Stewarts, Mount Scott. FOR RENT $25. A ten room new house or double flat; fine river view. Phone C-2089 SIX room house, hot water and bath, 1403 E. Couch, M. V. car. Inquire 35 E. 52d st. N. Tabor 288S. ELEGANT furnished house, also un furnished, garden, fruit, view; rent ree.onat)le; z,v ;ihi)s. FOR RENT 4 room cottage, barn, wooa shed, i $10 per month; Inquire 6916 43d ave, Kern Park, Mt. gcott line. A ROOM house, modern, tubs, shades. reasonable. 31 E. 18th. Inquire 53 K. 28th. ' 37s Victoria at., near Rrondway. 6 bright clean rooma, all conveniences. EIGHT room modern house, garage, rent $2 5; 1031 Uroadway. MODERN, new 6 room house. 806 Mon roe st., E. 5242, li car. Adults GOOl) 7 room house, electric lighted. 65 East fith North. $20. $20 East Side, new 7 room bungalow. block from car corner. Main 4663. 6 ROOM house for rent, cheap, at 105 E. Water st. Phone East 450! $16 5 room cottage, bath, shades, elec t rlc llg ht1osjck.eU FTItNISHED HOUSES 8tf FOR RENT Furnished new bungalow; verv desirable: hardwood floors, all modern conveniences, 1 block to good car line; price $40; must furnish reference call at 620 E. 26th upstairs; phone Sell- wood 19S3 NINE room house, furnished, new and up-to-date. One of the finest locations on west side, $80. S. D. Vincent & Co., 816 Chamber of Commerce FOR RENT 6 room furnished house. paved street, 1 block to car; good neighborhood; all conveniences, $2i.60; phone owner, neliwooq is. FUR RENT A 4 room well furnished house, on 3'Jtn ana si bunion sis.. on carllne. Inquire at 055 E. Tlbbets st (Cheani 5 ROOM8 furnished, modern cottage on 39th and 80th ave. a. E., SIR. CaM Tabor 1042, aft.r 4 p. in., or Main 6187 any tlme riTTTOf ' "r1irsTie7rT17-Ir''ouY" sT; wa'klng distance; $30. Key 594 Mad ison at. SEVEN room furnished house.' Piano. $26 months 125 Yamhill. Phone Hall, Main 220R. FURNISHED 6 room house. 102 East 18th street, near Morrison. FURNISHED 7 room house. Call 863 Fifth st. Phone Marshall 3451. FURNISHED 4 room house. $20, Vaughn near 22d; phone Main 7031. FURNISHED house for rent, 6 rooms. 257 Russell st. Phone East 376. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 FOR SALE At a bargain. Rood furni ture of 12 room modern house, close In. 321 V. I'urk; cheaprent. 7 room i ottiiKe for rent; all or part of furniture for sale, walking distance; 286 Williams ave., U car. CLOPE in X room furnished flat, rent $32.50, Income $50 and reserve three 422 Jefferson st TE& room house for rent, Furniture for sale. Going away. Cheap. Main 6551. By HOUSES FOR KENT fujin m. re n .j SIX room house for rent, furniture for sale: 4 rooms rented: brlnuin lo $44; house rent $26; least; terma If wanted. 7 it a. Thurman t. fTJrniture tif modern II rut'um, fin yard, close, cheap. , Phone heltwoo.i 13H1. iTRooM1 flat for rent.", furniture fo7 -ale; $500, worth $2000. Owner, Trade ror diamonds or auto, Mttrshsii, $370. FOR flAIJv Furniture of 4 room fUt" . or., exchange for ..raonandL. board .r rent ' 72 Mllwaukle. klGHT room house for rent and iurnl ture for sale. 36$ N. list at. APARTMENTS 43 THE VILLA 8T. CLARA, jztn ana xayier. Mout magnificently furaishefl apart ments In the ctly; location perfect; rent al! reasonable; every modern conven ience, banquet hall And roof garden; high class service; references required. Both phones In all apartmenta. Main 2276. The Wellesley Court 165 E. lbth. 2 and 3 room furnlanefl ' and unfurnished apts., now ready; pri vate phones, baths, every conveniences close lr.; entertainment hall. Homethlng exclusive and quiet.- Investigate. THE WASHINGTON, 68 Northrup at near zist.; room unrurnisnea apart-. . ment. with all modern conveniences, -bath, telephone, gas range, refrigerator, steam heat, hot and cold waters f aa, electric light, Janitor services, eta.' Take W car to 21st and Northrup rnones Main 437, A-1133. ttttt rivrpwTinflff 208 18th 8t., Near Tayfor. Handsomely furnished or unfurnished -6 room apartments; also single fur -tilshed rooms; telephones in every apart--lent; pleasant surroundings, conven- ' gently located to cars. Phona or call personally. ivionigurnery rtpanmerus Corner 3d and Montgomery, building, n ew. and jirlctly. . idru.2 .xoom..partj. ments furnished complete elevator, minutes' walk to P. O. No children, rates $25 to $32. Main $466. Carmelita Corner Jefferson and 13 th, 4 and I room furnished and unfurnished apt.; modern, close In. - Phone Main 3968. - San Marco Apts. An exclusive apartment house, fur nished and unfurnished; modern; two I room apts. ready. Cor. E. Couch and 8th. Tlarrison Court - Unfurnished 2 and 4 room apta.; I room furnished apt; walking distance. 6th and Harrison sts. Burch Apartments Beautifully furnished 2 room apart ments; bath, dressing room, new mod ern, fine summer location. 110 21st N. Rose-FriencT S.-W. cor. 7th and Jefferson; elegant unfurnished npts., all outside rooma) references. Grey- GaHles New 2 rdom apts., $20 and up; also single rooms; walking distance. 289 10th st. Phone A-2621 JEFFERSONlAN 16th and Jefferson - - ets.; modern 2 and S room furnished housekeeping; summer rates $16 and up; best you ever saw for the money. Lucretia .Court Lucretla st., near 22d. and 'Wash.: very desirable unfurnished apartments. ALHERMARLE. 2 and 3 room arts., steam heat, phone, bath, walking distance; $20 up East 4163. 363 Williams avenue. ' - The Westminster Apt, 262 6th st,, 8 and 4 room suites; strictly modern. 3 minutes to P. O, Drickston Apartments 44$ 11th near College, 2 and $ room" suites, strictly first class. Marshall 17. The Banner Apts,' Modem 2 room npts.-; comptetetyftir- nlshed; rates reasonable. 489 Clay at. WOLFE-APTS:t 2llAR1CETTrTr Newly furnished 2, 8, 4 rooms, $22.60 to $40; single rooms $3 up, free light, phones, heat, hot and cold water, eleo trio elevator. Marshall 3697. THE CAMBRIAN. 12th and Columbia; large 2 and t room apartments: new, elegantly J!ur- hlshflfl: modern, close In. Marshall 1693. - THE ORMONDE One nice light 4 room apartment, either furnished or un furnished. 666 Flanders St., Nob HllL" Main 8251, THE M'KINLEY APARTMENT-. ' E. 7th and Morrison sts., very central..'. 2 and 3 room apartments, furnished complete, private bath, from $20 to $32.60 -.- PARK APTS., 363 HARRISON Beauti ful 3 and 4 room furnished ants.; walking distance. Marshall $070. A-4433. 2 ROOM apts. and housekeeping rooma, newly furnished, neat aa war, cheap rent. 320 Montgomery st., near 6th. r, a s ruriKe, iinoieum, waier, garoage, $1 6. 708 Vancouver ave. Woodlawn J953. THE Evelyn apartment. 267 N. tlt at W. car. 8 room furnished apartment, all modern, low rent. Main 1988. -JUl.f AETTE Furnished and" unfur- nlshed 2 rooms. 2d and Montgomery." FOR RENT FLATS 13 ' NEW 4 room, good view, near Russell' and Williams, gas range, heater, . snaaes; jimce yards, .aet 4703. FIVE room nat and s rooms in ettlo. ( lose In. west side, $80. S. D. Vincent Co , 81 Chamberof Commerce a "Rooms, owner keep room for rent af furniture. Marshall 2370. FURNISHED FLATS 50 FURNISHED flat. 4 rooma. homolllts. close In. Call at store. 7th and Jef ferson. 3 ROOM flat. $14, furnished, til Bel- ' mont. Pellwood 1852. STORES AND OFFICES 11 DEPTRARLHI offices. The Qoodooogh ! ' Bnd" Fisher 1