THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 19, 1312. iSE lililG WILL Ai'AGEWILSON'S ill COAST CAMPAIGN Oregon Committeeman Prob ably Director in West; Mc 1 Combs Comes Soon to Es;, ' tabiish Branch : Quarters. tUalted Pm Lea4 Wire Seagirt, N. X, July 19 At a confer ence with his campaign committee here 'today. Governor. Woodrow Wilson an 'fiounced that Chairman McCombs of the Democratic national committee will epen headquarters In New York in the near future, .-Branch headquarters In Chicago will. then be opened, after which McCombs will go to the Pacific coast to establish headquarters there. Committeeman Will R. King of Ore ton' probably will direct Governor Wil son's campaign on the coast, The members of Wilson's campaign committee, named last night, are: Robert 8. Hudspeth, New Jersey; Jo sephus Oaniels, North Carolina; Wil lara Gaulsbury, Delaware; Robert L. Ewlbg, Louisiana; A. Mitchell Palmer Jepnsylvanta; Joseph E. Davis, Wlscon-; in; Will R. King, Oregon, all of whom Sirs members of the national committee; -and Senator Thomas P. Gore of Okla homa, James A. O'Gorman of New York, And James A. Reed of Missouri, Repre ' aentatlves Daniel J. McGillicuddy of Main and Albert S. Blirleson of Texas, ad William G. McAdoo of New York. National' Chairman McCombs and Committeeman Davies of Wisconsin will confer this afternoon with Norman K. 'Mack regarding headquarters. Encour aging reports as to campaign funds have $een received. "M'MINNVILLE HAS "-TWO PRETTY WEDDINGS "J" v. .r ; I ' (Special to The JoaraaU f I McMinnvllle, Or., July 19. Two wed dings of Interest this week becausi of the prominence of the contracting parties were the Nott-Hanscom and the 'lllcnardson-Grlssen nuptials. . Miss Lulu Emma Hanscom was united Jn marriage to Earl A. Nott, Rev. H. "Wyse Jones officiating. The bride la a 'daughter of Mrs. Idessa Hanscom and is ft graduate of McMlnnvlllo college con servatory of music, while Mr. Nott Is a graduate of the University of Oregon tnd of the, Willamette university law school They will make their home here, where" Mr. Nott is engaged In the practice of law. Miss Esther Emma Grissen was mar ried to J. O. Richardson of Portland at ithe home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W E. Wright, Wednesday evening. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grissen. Mr. Grissen was a former mayor of McMlnnvtUe. Mr. Richardson Is a young attorney of Portland. The fcrlde .formerly attended the University of Oregon. " Must Clear Vacant Lot. ' (Special to Tba ioarnaLt ' f WcMlnnville, Or., July 19. The city council has passed an ordinance mak ing it unlawful for property owners to allow grass weeds and briars to grow Along the sidewalks and the parking in frOnt of their property. The ordinance la to be enforced by the street commis sioner. The last two weeks in July have been selected as weed cutting time. SOME MEMBERS OF DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE TROOPS CAfll AT CENTRALPA FOR WAR MANEUVERS ff,fo IMD'S SPEECH I PIHCHOT EIGHT PARTOFTESTIMONY Officers Entertained by Com mercial Club, and Dance to Be Given Tonight for Sol diers1 of Commands. c ' Messner Goes to Medford. (SoMlaPto Tne Jnnrnal. :r McMlnnvllle, Or., July 19. The home Of W. A. Messner, who recently sold his mercantile establishment, has been pur fhassed by Attorney 4r-T-Kek Mr-. Messner and family will remove to Med-ford. "V 'Tamhlll Peaches Ripe. ' Spclal to The Journal. McMlnnvllle, Or., July 19. The first Tamhill county peaches placed on the market were brought to town yester day by Mrs. A. Hewitt of Union vale. t-Tfiey-SOld at 80 cents pel- box. (Sperlal to'Thi Journal. Centralia, Wash., July 19. With the arrival tomorrow morning of troop B ifrotn Tacoma and the remainder of the Second regiment National Guard of Washington from Aberdeen, Seattle and Belllngham, the army of defense in the big 10 days' mimic war maneuvers which is being assembled In Centralis, will be practically complete. 'The Twenty-first United States Infantry from Vancouver barracks arrived last night and camped at the fair grounds just south of Centralia. Two troops 5f the First United States cavalry arrived this morning. The first move In the mimic warfare will be made about tomorrow noon, when the army of defense. Colonel Young commanding, wiy march from Centralia for Montesano, to Intercept, and If possible defeat the army of In vasion. The first engagement will probably occur In the vicinity of Gate City, 13 miles west of Centralia, Mon day. '.A detachment from Company M. Sec ond regiment National Guard of Wash ington, the Centralia company, has been engaged since yesterday morning as sembling commissary wagons here, un der the direction of the wagon, mmaster. The old depot In Cen tralia will be used as headquarters of the commissary department of the army of defense, but both armies will maintain commissary stations near the base of operation's. At the noon luncheon of the Cen tralia Commercial club today, visiting army and guard officers were guests of the club. Tonight Company M will give a dance for the visiting soldiers. Deals In Connection With the Hanfqrlrrigation j Project " Brou9hLinto4.imelighWat Hearing in Seattle. (Cnlted Press Leased Wire.) : Seattle, Wash.r JutyJ.-Ju3Ie C. H. Hanford's speech against tha Plnchot policies before the National Conserva tion) 'congress In September, 1909, and testimony of attorneys: In the Gill re. call and ths Seattle,. Renton A Southern railroad injunction suits, featured this morning's session before the congres sional Inquiry committee. The committee left the details of these cases out f the oral testimony wherever the court documents covered the subject, indicating thereby an eager ness to finish the taking of testimony tomorrow night. Land Deals Involved, ; Hanford's "consefvitlon speech was made an exhibit In connection with the testimony concerning the Hanford Irri- gation company, fnh.trattnToTryTt George H. Plummer, western sales agent ror the Northern Pacific Railway, It was shown that the Hanford company obtained thousands of acres of land in eastern Washington which the federal reclamation service desired held in re serve if possible. The exhibit was al lowed to go into the record as tending to show personal teasons for Judge Hanford's activity against the govern ment reclamation department. Walter Shaffner, attorney for Hiram Gill, in the Injunction suit to prevent the recall election in 1911, testified that Judge Hanford told him he did not want to stop the election, but merely to pre vent unlawful expenditure of "money. Shaffner was attorney for Frank H. Scobey, a non-resident, who owned prop erty which would have been affected to theextent of 7 cents by the election. Beca.ll Election Incident. Wilmon Tucker, attorney on the op posing side, testified that in his opinion the only question before Hanford was one of Jurisdiction. He also said that any kind of an order, such as restrain ing the comptroller from spending mon ey on the election, would have the ef- County Court Begins Con struction, of Court House T7 Despite Fight in Courts. v k (Special to T-e Journal t Kiamam aus. or juiy i n county -court began wore onthe new courthouse on the Hot Springs site to day. Art appeal on an injunction is pending before the' supreme court ' The Commercial club members threaten to contest the payment of warrants. The court is determined to build and will employ local "men with families where possible. The county has $62,000 in a special courthouse fund. .The court alms to spend this sum this year. . FEDERAL FORCES ROUT ZAPATISTAS; KILL U00 (United rteaa Leased Wtre.1 Mexico City, July 19. Dispatches re ceived here today say that a federal force routed a Zapatista command at Tlacoyasan on Wednesday, killing 100 and wounding many more. The rebels were trying to exterminate a party of ruralejswhenjth government troops ar rTwff on the sceneTOther advices re ceived say that 800 oi General Rojas' rebels hate been massacred in Dolores Pass. They - were caught , In a canon by federal troops and shot down to the last man. DEPARTMENT TURNS DOWN NORTH PLANS (Waaalngton Bureau of The Journal.) Washington, July 19. The postofflce department Informs Senator Chamber lain that business does not warrant es tablishment of a mail service on the line of the United Railways between Portland and North Plains and that the United Railways declines 4o- maintain a service between Llnnton and North Plains, which the department is willing to establish. . feet of Jeopardizing the holding of the recall election. Scott Calhoun, corporation counsel at that time, testified briefly In the Gill case and; the Seattle, Renton & Southern case in which Judge Hanford enjoined the Rainier Valley people "from refus ing to pay more-than a 5 cent fare. He was followed by Howard D. Hughes, assistant corporation Counsel. U. P. LIFE IS ALSO REFUSED LICENSE Capital Stock Not Fully Paid Contends. Commissioner Ferguson.";"- - " 1 " 8iTm Bureau f The Journal 1 ' ' Salem, Or., July 19. License to trans. acrbuslness in Oregon nas been refused the Union Pacific Life Insurance com pany of Portland, which has been In process of organization for the last three years. ' . This was stated today by Insurance Commissioner J. W. Ferguson. At the time of making the application the company submitted a statement showing its condition June 30. This showed assets of 113,804.86, and showed a capital stock of $73,119.66, and sur plus of $31,320.46. "The law requires of domestic compa nies a paid up capital of $100,000 before beginning business," said Commissioner Ferguson. "The company's statement indicates that of this capital stock of $10000 only, $73,119.66 has been sub scribed and paid for. For this and oth er reasons I deen4 it advisable to with hold the license until organisation-of the company Is completed."" The v officials of the company con tend that as the capital stock and sur plus together amount to over $100,000 they are entitled to the permit, but Commissioner Ferguson holds that as the surplus may be used at any time, if It is counted as capital stock, there would be no protection against Impair ment of the capital stock. The city directory gives Mark T. Kady as president of the Union Life Insurance company, and Isaac Walker as secretary, with place of business In the Ellers building. POCKETS OF SLAIN MINER BULGE WITH NUGGETS (Unltfd Press Leased Wire.) Orovllle, Cal July . 19. Mystery . to day surrounds thev, murder of a man found In a dredging pond near here, with, his head crushed, his throat cut and his pockets bulging with gold nuggets. It Is believed he was killed by Borne one who knew of his mining cleanup but was frightened off before he could se cure the gold. A burro, carrying a com plete outfit, was found a short distance away with his head also crushed. Journal want ads bring results. TEWElKfASHA ACCEPTS VIZIERSHIP OF TURKEY (United Treas Leased Wire.) Constantinople, July 19. Tewflk Pasha today accepted the grand vlzler shlp of Turkey. He plans at once to form a cabinet to replace the one which resigned several days ago on account of friction and rebellion In the Turkish army. Above Judge James A. O'Gorman, New York; W'ilHam C. McAdoo, New York; Judpe Will R. King, Oregon. Below J. E. Davis of Milwaukee, selected as national secretary of the Wilson campaign committee, and Senator Thomas P. Gore of Oklahoma. BnSBBHSEEEPjJ Annual Id-Summer Clearance 3 MOOSE COCKTAILS TAKE W nsfiS tksl e3 t Id IR1IE1 W I t1 1 is Wheat, the Meat of all the Grains :"STTHEAT is the buildei the food that contains all the vital elements for the all-around development and main- taming of health. ; - "Force" is whole wheat rolled into flakes, 1 baked and toasted, a satisfying change from t animal foods in warm weather. i. .... '4 'i , - rorce when com- bined with milk is the ! perfectly balanced I food, ideal for strength (with, lightness. The j blend of barley malt Isives a rich, delicious flavor and makes digestion easy. if s Made by The H-O Company, Buffalo One Before and Two After Brings Hope to Hearts of Third Party Men. - (Special to The Jonrital.) Oyster Bay, July 19. From the homd of the Bull Moose, the Bull Moose cock- tall goes forth in the world. It was In vented by a bnrtender on Main street, after ho had listened for three hours to-- an argument' between- seven oT Ills customers on the colonel's chances In November, The bartender lives in New York and said he wanted a cocktail strong enough to carry him to the Pennsylvania terminal. rnfler the dazed inspiration of the talkfeRt he began putting things from bottles in a mixing glass. The effect on the combination was so satisfac tory he at once put It on his list and it enjoys great popularity. Men on their way to Sagamore Hill drink one and mett the colonel's Iron grip without flinching. When he has told them all he expects to do. they dash back to the village and drink two and go bark to New York believing: It's all going to happen. This is the Bull Moose cocktail: Two- thirds Vermouth, one-sixth dry gin. one- sixth Plymouth gin, dash of orange bit ters, dash of Angostura bitters, dash of any gooa rifrve tonlce, dash of brandy. a laxicab should be ordered lust before drinking tha third cocktail. L0RIMER OFF ON AUTO JAUNT TO WINDY CITY (United freaa lwi Wire ) Washington, July 19 Expelled from the I. nited States senate, William Lorl mer today left Washington for Chicago by automobile. Lorimer was accom panied by William Cooke, his chief lieu tenant. Tf he motors the entire dis tance he will reach Chicago next Tuesday. CONFERENCE PLANS M BETTERMENT Experts Gather at Newport for Study of City Building Problems. We place on sale our entire line of Men's Fine Tailoreifuits at Clear ance Sale prices. This includes. our blues and black. Before visit t ing the high-price store, call, on THE RED FRONT, located in the low ' rent district, where we can afford to sell at a remarkably low figure. $16.00 MEN'S SUITS, 7 1Z CLEARANCE PRICE. . . 3) I ,00 $12.50 MEN'SSUITS, CLEARANCE PRICE... $9-65 (Special to The Jonrnal. Newport, Or., July 19. The social conference which will be In session in Newport today and Saturday, sounds a significant note for social betterment. This afternoon at 3 o'clock H. C. Howe. profesflurof-English., literature-- at the I'nlverslty of Oregon, will lecture on "The Sociological Note In Modern Eng lish Literature." At the evening ses sion, covering the general subject of "The Making of Communities," Dr. Jos eph Schafer la to bring out the mean ing and possibilities of local Individuality-Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, Dr. George Rebec, professor of education, has as his subject, "Schools and the New Social Vision." Dr. Rebec Is a : pioneer of modern thought. A general j discussion will follow the lecture. i At 2 o'clock, covering the subject of i "The Demoralization of Art," Allen H. ' Eaton of Eugene will talk of "Decorative ' Art as Related to Home Building, and ; Thomas Hawkes, landscape architect of ! Portland, will speak on "Landscape i Architecture as Related to the Beautlfl-1 cation of Cities and Towns," with special application to Newport and Nye beach. Mr. Hawkes came to Newport by the way of Astoria, where he spent some time looking over proposed Improve ments of a civic nature. $15.00 MEN'S SUITS, 1 1 AC CLEARANCE PRICE. D 1 I .UU $18.00 MEN'S SUITS, 1 J CLEARANCE PRICE. 3) 1 O.Do $20.00 MEN'S SUITS, C 1 A CLEARANCE PRICE. 3) 1 4.00 $25.00 MEN'S SUITS, 1 L CLEARANCE PRICE. 3) 1 O.UU $30.00 MEN'S SUITS, O') CLEARANCE PRICE. $LLMo OUR MOTTO IS Never to Misrepresent Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. T7 TT TTv 11 J jTk TITTI if! IN kr H 1 H fcT . CORNER FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS New Addition to Oregon City. fwrlnl to Tne Journal.) Oregon City, Or., July 19. The pre liminary survey of Willamette Em ployes' addition on the west side, has been completed. Some of the lots will be 4ux23l) feet, or approximately one quarter of an acre. A park has been laid out, particularly for the use of the women and children. The land should be ready for the builders early In September. The houses will be sold by the Willamette Pulp &, layer company on a monthly payment plan. Inquisition for Enderlln. (1,'nltcd Pr Iaeed Wire.) Sacramento, Cal., July 19. Requisition was honored today by Governor John son for the removal to Clarke county. Wash., of A. J. Endorlln, arrested In San Francisco on complaint that he stole $1500 from the Northern Rrewlng com pany during the two years'he was in that firm's employ. A Swiss street railway company .Is bujldiiijf Jts cars , of aluminum .because of its lightness and rust defying prop POOLROOM PROPRIETRESS BRITISH KNIGHT'S SISTER? (United Prea LeaaeS Wire.) Oakland, Cal., July 19. That she is a sister of Sir R. P. Roblin, former premier of Manitoba, Canada, who was recently knighted by King George, was the statement made today by Mrs. Elmer Duncan, arrested here on a charge of operating a ppol hall. Mrs. Duncan was arrested with several other women who were found In the alleged pool room of which the police contend Mrs. Dun can was proprietress. " j DORSILT COLLAR Distinctively smart and supremely comfortable. 2 for M renta (CTuett, Penbody ft Company. Troy. New York THL PROFITS THAT WILL BL MADL IN BAY CITY LOTS WILL BL LIMITED ONLY B,Y THL CAPITAL INVLSTLD The more familiar the investor becomes with the advantages of BAY the more convinced' he will become of the great future of the new Deep Water Seaport and Railroad Terminus on Tillamook Bay. The following extract from the 'Telegram, July 16, is a criterion of the de velopment of the Tillamook country: "The outlook for business on the New Coast line of the Southern Pacific is most excellent," said General Superintendent Campbell this morning. "Not only have sawmills been established, but there are numerous other industries which are considering securing locations .along the line. Freight tonnage is increasing at a most gratifying rate and I look for extraordinary develop ment of the entire Tillamook country within the next year. Investors and settlers are being attracted by the" fine opportunities. . . . As everybody knqws, the greatest timber belt in the world is in Tillamook County along our line, and there is no better dairying country than Tillamook County that 1 know any thing about." Lots $65 to $1500 On Lasy, Terms Write or call for information. It's worth whije.. BAY CITY LAND CO. 701-2-3 Sf ALDING BUILDING v IB . r.-isi Also Salem and Bay Citv Vm BAT CITY XdaJTS CO., POXTLA1TD Send full particulars of Bay City. Name Address K PUBLICITY IStRVIci erties.