niE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 13, 1312. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 FOR SALE CH RAP IF SOLD THIS Erown mar, t years old. works single or douWe, eity broe -m saw lor i ladv. weiirht 1200. Call for Mr. Ed ' wee's 410 Ft Madteen fit. Fheo East GKsrN( outfit for sale or trade for STpeastern tarm, consisting of 5 good teams, 7 dump wagoh, other wagons, plows, scrapers, automobile and other tools; steady work Included. Marshall M. Q. B. Croyle. FEW odd horses for sale; horses sold. exchanged. Rltter. 39$ Water st TEAM for sale. 715 "Williams ave. Woodlawn 1476. ' . LIVESTOCK S5 FOUR fresh cows. 2 extra fine Jerseys. ..-141 E. ASthet, -N- MVrcar, YOUNG Jersey cow for sale cheap. Call 33 K. 37th N. POULTRY 37 WANTED "White Wyandotte pullets. 3 months old, and other breeds. The Poultry Supply House, 206 Salmon st. Main 2491. ; . -FOR SALE 3a Buff Wyandotte laying hens, good clean stock. 70c each. R. T. Green. 20S Salmon st. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs -J and -etock; pure Kfagiet strain-. Royee. . Pell wood 1335- DOGS AXD HOUSEHOLD 40 SEND for free book on the proper food for seed eating cage birds. Oregon Bird Co., dept. J., box 743. Portland, Or. FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 19 Mi faihjre-nf an apartment house forced us to take back 50 "Eclipse" gaa ranges after being In use loss than a month. To sell them at once we have put a special price on them and will sell them on easy terms. A $30 "Eclipse" with Side oven, separate broiler, four burners and a simmering burner, nickel front, mission style of stand, special price (21.50, on easy payments; a $32.50 "Eclipse" with elevated oven and broil er, same size as above, special at $22.50; none were used a full month, and are bright and clean and could not be told from new ranges. If you want a gas range cheap and on easy terms, ask to see these. I. Gevurtz &. Sons, 1st end Yamhill sts. MUST BE SOLD. Swell lot of furniture, carpets, rugs, --leather davenport, dining set. Circas . ian walnut and Tuna mahogany bed ,-- room suit, brass beds and odds and ends. Call at 69 Trinity Place, between 19th and 20th St.. off Washington st. .. ,FOR SALE New and second-hand Car ' ''dm and pocket billiard tables, and 'bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 - 48 6th st Phones Main 769, A-1769. 8AFES Sptciai bargains second hand fire and burglar proof; safes opened and repaired. Purcell Sife' Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 Eth st. Phone Vnln B309. SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers, "W. & W," White and Standard sew ing machines; easy payments. Call 383 E. Morrison, near Grand. BOWSER, also New Double Anderson ol) tank, direct current electric coffee mill. II. Sternberg & Son, Vancouver, Wash. -SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co.. 227 Stark st. Main 7711. BRASS bed. bicycle, chiffonier, dresser, . several other pieces hardwood furni ture; take part cash and terms. 72 N. 14th st -TWO lectrle fans, one electric piano and a whole movii.g picture outfit by piece or the whole. 404 Park. HAVE visible typewriter in good order to' trade for diamond valued $40 or thereabouts. K-2Q2. Journal. WATCH dog for sale, or will trade for a cord of good wood. 3521 65th st. t B. E. SMALL gas stove for sale cheap. Phone B-1073. Call evenings 7G2 E. Buin slde, FOR SALE; New cooking range, giving up housekeeping. 595 5th st. S. Phone A-3783. 26 SEWING machines, different makes, slightly damaged on account of fire Of Sunday morning at 3S2 Morrison s t idOTORCYCLES $40 up; bluyclesTTlO up. 181 Madison, near bridge. ONE 4 8x60 Q. water heater, O double desk, range, bicycle. East 4432. STOVE furniture repairing, given. Marshall 3223. 52 estimates 8 4 Wash. YOU can rent Oliver typewriter 3 months for $4. The Oliver Typewriter Agency. FOR SALE Concrete D, 181 Kilpatrlck st. mixer. Address A new tent house for sale. . 610 Belmont street. . A bargain REMINGTON typewriter, No. 2, in good order. $10. May trade. 112 Union av. STEEL range, excellent condition. cUtae. Sell wood 1 4 03. . AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 41 Are You Looking for a Bargain' in a Used Automobile? If so see us. We have a 40 Chalmers In A-l shape at a ridiculously low price. Good rent car, or will make exception ally fine truck. See Lir.slev, rare Stu flrtaker Corporation of America, Vhap- r man uuu Aiuer His. leieLUona Miiln 6969. , AJTOMOMLE agents I want .-al -- agents In Oregon ti handle a popular .... pi iced line of automobiles, h Rood name and reputation for intcerltv counts more with us than money or experience If you hav $47.- and ran furnish h-rd you CH.n procure, the agency fiir our liiith Jrde car and we will f'irnish von with emonstrators. For full particulars ad . dress Sales Manager. Portland, Of J. . 617. Journal. AtTTOMO HI1.E HARCAINS " Whybuy a new rheap car when von ran ecure one of our high, gra in used ran at the same prt.e We guarantee them: different makes and model, all traded In On new White rars We also oflr Several 2d hand tru. ks. Write W hin Car Agency. Sixth st-eet. nt M.-Misun 111 E. M. F. 30. 4 i-k.k, -r tov l,'rrn fully equipped. This . ,ir has i.e..n u.s., very little and ran not (,,. t,,;, frf,, n,.w Cost $1350, prl' SCT", I'unotri ' If'i'-e Auto Co., (V,r. k. nth nni Hawthorhe ave. AUTO repairing and" Vtorr.r".. "wTS .guaranteed, all exp.-rlet-fd help -j i Powell Garage. 37th and Hawthorne Tabor 1147. FOR 8AI.E Harle'v 7"'".n 1 1 . r7i7n7 cycle, cheap. r:,n at ,r,.n ril. Rtruction Co 'b Garage, l.uh an 1 I v.. 12 ' AHUMUHILr; barg'-r. Kc rd car, model l. for or t! ),i. 1". St Arleta or Eirland additl rr, 4827 Fast 70th st , 1- S'- S PASSENGER MaTel "i Would take some trad- I , rood people See Mr Johnson ui r. bargain nns with 1;8 lots LAUNCHES AMI BOATS (il LAUNCH for sal 2 feet long. Woodlawn 351 or traib 47 IVr.n ; h. . sular av. O. P. GRAHAM iioat building and repairing, ways. Foot Abernathy nt. Marine ROWBOATS. Sailboats, Power Boau Boit shop foot California street. SAILBOAT "Terrlor" for sale, $ioo. Phone Tahor 3352. LAUNCH for bale cheap. 960 orbctt st Csll efter 6 p m TWENTY foot launch, fully H horsepower; snap. $110. ITDVI' in,' i-ii t: t i i. HiiMi III, I-OK S.I,K nearly new, or is room house, at bargain if taken this week Peat $20. Large garden and fruit. 84, Kt Ash st HrtNiltRE ol 5 iooiiih. neatly new. 1ake terms. K-23S, Journal. CM WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 "NOTICE TO MOVERS." " Have you furniture to. sell; reliable party wants to buy $1009 worth of sec ond hand furniture, stoves and rugs In small or large quantities and- pav Ull t? cash it la worth. Fruiti East 638. CASH registers wanted Need , three 2d nana cash registers immediately. Give description and lowest cash nrice. A-B50.- Journal. -- --- WANTED People of Portland to know mat l pay the ntgnest-cash price for second-hand 'household goods. N. to, Seater, 124-126 Grand ave. East 158J. COVELL FURNITURE & COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Main 3022 BARGERS" AUCTION HOUSE. S68-370 E. Morrison st E. 1022, $1000 worth of good furniture at once. c. BE WISE: cet more, iar raiuumnd, hand furniture by selling It to Fora Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951. A-244S. WANT $500 worth 2d-hand furniture. In large or small lots. Casey Fur niture Co. E. 1809. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE- Hl'Lli GOODS. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX-. 89E. MOR. E. 768. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. Can- era Kxrhange, 245 Morrison. WANTED Good pasture for 2 cows. em rrnncis aye. -- WANTED Band saw, 6 H. P. gasoline engln,-wood lathe and motorcycle and hens; give lowest cash price and de scription. K-220, Journal. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST On St. Helens road, a black and white hnt with green pom-pom! Will person finding it please phone to King & Co., 355 Alder St., and they will send for it. LOST Ladles' gold wutch and pin, en graved "R." Reward; return to Rose Cully, care Western Hardware & Auto Supply Co., 7th and Pine. Main 8828; A 2016. LOST Brown coat sleeve in Corbett bldg. Return to J. Colivks & Co,. Cor bett bldg. Reward. LOST Fountain pen and sum of money at L,ents or Tremont station. Phone Marshall -1 R07 Reward. NOTICES 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the district court of the T'nltefl States, for the district of Oregon. In the matter of H. C. Falls, bankrupt. No. iUbo in tianktupty. Notice is hereby given that on the ICth dnv of Inlv A T) mi" H r t?nll of Portland, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his credi tors will be held at the offices of the undersigned, rooms 40-1-2-3-4-5 Fenton building. Portland, Oregon, on tho 30th day of July, 1912. at 10 a. m at which time said credito- may attend, prove tlielr claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact sucft other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be presented in form re quired by the bankruptcy act and sworn to The schedule filed discloses no assets. CHESTER O. MURPHY. Referee in Bankruptcy. Dated July 17, 1912. NOTICE. Portland. Or., July 16. 1912. Mr. Ed SJiellenberger, Campaign Manager, Knights and Ladles of Security. Allskv Bldg.. Portland. Or. Dear Sir In thank-1 Ing you for the prompt pay.ment by tho ivnigrus ana Ladies or feccurlty or the death claim to our favor, It may be of , interest to others to say that some lblprivate terms in Portland. 307 Spalding viiiirs uku our muuier, u,uzaoeia v. Goetz, attracted by the splendid reserve tuna reature of your society, became ono of your members and her faith in I the sat TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Take notice that from and after this date I shall not be responsible for any obligations Incurred or contracted by my wife, Mrs. Sarah Faye Shaw, either in her name or mine. (Signed) C. O. SHAW, Forest Grove. Or. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Take notice that from and arter this date I shall not be responsible for any LADIES $1000 reward; I positively guarantee my great successful monthly remedy; safely relieves some I i of the longest, most obstinate, abnor- ,,.u, vtit-. c in ij it via, r. , iki imi 111, juiiu, : (If I T1 r art n -l,l, n.nrlr- ,.,..11 VI ' Double strength, $2. Pr C. T. Southlng ton Remedy Co.. Kansas City. Mo. . i.'ili i,irni v. (.11 w , r , ii 1 1 1 1 i . i v DR. ALICE A. GRIFF, Diseases of women and children, has removed to" LaFayelte bldg, 313'. 4 Washington st. SI'l RITUALISM REV. MA V A. I'KU'E, I MEDIUM, READINGS. TEACHING.! HEALING. DAILY. CIRCLES TUFS . 1 WKI). s P. M. 821 CORBETT. COIl 1 Will TAKER. MAIN 7227. K. iR S CAR. DR WALKER, sp-ciallst; cnlcklv cures diseases of men, blood and skin dis eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glr.nds. kid ney, bladder and piles. 181 First St.. Portland. MRS. STEVENK, J years Portlands loading palmist and clairvoyant, has her Uto l.k, "Palmistry Made Knsr." i'!i sale. 5:';i Williams ave. corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. in. I DI. A. ArFj'iT'NiT ! Diseases of women and sureery Ex- ' air, I n.i turns free :i"2 Mei cia i t .s ' Trust ; I'lHH. -in ami asmiiKu'ii. .Mam ,'Mi. v, ASTHMA heart trouble, wish to the rase I ran t cure. DR. DOUGLAS. I . ('. 338 Union nve. ,V, Portland. Or. MASSAGE. $1; scalp and"7a"ce treat ment. Open Sunday in to 4 p. m Eemngs, 7 to 9 p. m. 406 Nnrthwesl building. Sixth and Wh sbl n g t on M'JXi 'ID Marvelous cure for wenkness In men, l v rnnll $1 per box; money re torned if It falls. Dr. Plerro H.mnlv ( Vi l- Morrison SANDEHSiN Co. -Savin and Cotton Root J'llls sure remedy f"r delayed pet tods. $.' box or :t boxes for $'. by 'j1l. T J Pier-e, 245', Morrison' M'RH. JOHNSTONE- MedlunTteaThT? of mcntnl nnd physical feltnre; rheu matism ruied and tiealnienta given. 267 Jefferson V l NG lad v. French gipduatei wishes a few pupils from 5 t 8 p. m. Ber ger method J-64'1, Journal 'I:"F. iA. WrU SffiCK. nature's rifted I'hrenolopist ?,1 vears' ex perler.' e 8 4th st 9 a m to 1 'I p m I-'J: G V ki'mTlT l"--Women's mal.f s. d' 'it- ,1 h.a:--: mnved to K M"rr''-n, ro-nrr i",,h. n! I O' nrr '1ST Was: F.r.'i K .CHIKuf' tnd man: .ington. urisl, fori,:-14-5 Dekum Mil : l.hii, W'hMI-:N I'se femolds when others fall ' S -id and guarantee. by the Ausplund i L-'LT'"1" N 'i' M- Main hl"6. I i rfl'lV "V 1 K( ; ! x I a Ii' E, irTatritlc i -Hler. medium, readings. teaching, i !?l:lv.r?1 -,!LL' Rhone Main 7748. i i GENTLE. -IAN. 32. some means, wishes i I meet iadv under object matrl-1 lir-.-'v S.r.u, Journal C.IRT.S. I I. earn our business: Snnttarw p.aniv Pa r " 400-412 Dekum bldg .M.i I 'AMI-. KSTELI.L. Sjdrltual Medium, removed from 144 11th si to 128i lM.'i, near Washington. MISS STiiNK, " manl'-nrrne. ""fareTd B-aip Inatment. 4.10V4 WHsliinrton St. ('Iflr.. i LoRENZ N.rvu Tonic Tablets restore HU'llf; :u,r ,f)x . H boxes $1.25. 1 Mnrflinn -I ru '' ':iv T,,o- f.. 'ic .' mmI; ,,. -T. i- - . !.. M'-i.i. comer, e . s, ,i ,.,,i,r. 20. 3 floor SAVE $;"", ,;u or SU'terne ,,t y huNing your trunk! :" H.n . cor. 17th st, li.w-.M ot MK. remedy for diseases of .MAI. lory my uin, 210 5th st. ordained me- stability of the order has been both jautos llvesnck storage ,7 n, mr , C..V a,Kl "" klndii of wo0''-, Pbone isfactorily and financially confirmed. ! Vtllj ...T.: , . J. i8,', i ?I1 1 I Holgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 45. Tnvtr . . r. " r ' nuj uiiiiK ui uiuf , ii will riiii i . . i, :,,t 1A' 'ou ,fss. Call and get our prices. 609 . PHOENIX Fuel Co., Dry wood $1.50 r Ar iicr inrr- I Pwetland bldg.. Sth Bnd Washington, ' Per load. 521 Savler. Main 3544. CAK GUK'IV l" MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT! jF.PLFFSKN handles woo.l and coal. - - lzj- Gontracts. rrnrtcniren ennltte. .Vi. v " obligations incurred or contracted by my ; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. HIGHFST erade carnenter and cabinet wife Hattle C. Urp, either in her name , D. U. ToJrminjlLumbej , work fir 1anks, stores anS homes! 6! or-jnine. ua.-sij-.i. t u l A de.sirable place for ladies and gentle- ;H. Hammond, 185 Madison. Ln!?e1llJ.0,r b0.72I.,mrnnV.f?n d'amond i HAllRY eTTANFOTTd, designer ann land Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond. builder of mod kn, flat and PERSON'AL 22 Palace, 334 Wash., oPp. Owl Drug Store. ! apartments Office 7. 3 Tj!.rr n PERSONAL DON'T experiment with poisons. When f V regurarmouihiy-remedr vlrced that is the best , in need o get a bottle most harmless remedy ever put on the i market for painful and suppressed Ptfr.1!l.FWUtL, ,f , vMa1ralf,f ods; absolutely guaranteed to give sat. 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main S,3: A-2A71. Isfaetlon. For sale and guaranteed In CHRISTOPHERSON & MATTHEWS portIn.l the Je"erson Drug ana Jefferson sts. Mam 764. MISSING PEOPLE. ' Wishing to know the whereabouts tz Pallor Olaf Albrechtsen, 28 years old, Danish, light curled hair, left Denmark 1905, last heard from 2H years ago, being owner of a restaurant in- Marshr field. Or Any Information will be thankfully received by his brother, 2S0 Rich st., San Francisco, Cal. SCALP treatments aid shampooing. 422 H Wash. St.. suite 68, top floor FINANCIAL 51 TO provide you Immediate working capital will buy good accounts re ceivable from reliable Jobbers, manufac turers, lumber mills and wholesalers, Oregon. Washington. West Coast Trust Credit Co., 711 Selling hldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equltv In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or. Oregon. H E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. LOAN'S WANTED 30 $1300 Wanted at will pay once, extra fine security; 10 Per Cent On 5 acres on Base Line Road. IK miles from city limits and 10 acres, 1U miles from center of Medford, Or. 919 YEON BLDG. FOR SALE Two building contracts, with deed, $1330 and $1460; gilt edge. Will discount for quick cash. Title per fect. J. R. Sharp 606 Commercial blk. WANTED $400 on 50x100 lot lnLaurel " ' hurst, value $1600; first mortgage. Call 270 Stark. Ask for manager. MONEY TO LOAN 61 CHATTELS, SALAI.IES SALARY FURNITURE AUTOS DIAMONDS PIANOS WE LOAN FROM $10 TO $1000 YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate if paid before due. 206-7 Macleay bldg. Both phones. Bet 4th and 6th on Washington. Open Mon. and Sat. eve. till 9 p. VACATION LOANS $10, $20. $30 $50. $70 $100. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH "GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU THE WAY OF DOING BUSINESS. IT WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE OI'R RATES ARE THE LOWEST. OUR SERVICE IS SUPRIOR. EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, :0S FAILING BLDG. $Z T.O Drake's Easy Money $100 Furnished salaried neoole without e cumy. indorsement, de.av, deception or i extortion ; cheapest rates," best and most oiag. Successors to HUTTON CREDIT CO. SEE FRANK LANE tels, diamonds and real security; pe- cmi service rennerea. LAWSON-RROWN INVESTMENT CO., 1125 Yeoh bide. Tel. M. 875. ELBY COMPANY. Advances money on pianos, furniture, diamonds, watches, jewelry, storage re ceipts, real estate, etc. Quick, reason able, confidential. 320 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark sts. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names: MONEY sold on Installment; conflden- tlal to salaried people. F. A. New- j ton, 505 Henry bldg. L A,L, a' v,,," , .J . , "'i ' ; OIMK PRIVATE party wishes to buy 1st mort gage. on Portland propcrty-up to $1900. Phone Tabor 2977. : MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E NICHOLS, ' GTS YEON 'BLDG. " LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum blda. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel- ry; strictly confidential. 141 U. 8d. ' -'- MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE MONEY to loan at current rates of In terest "n farm and city property. See Mr. Neelv with WARD A YOLNGER, hutte 426 Yeon hldg. .MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE f $250 AND UP. J. F. NICHOLS, j 615 YEON BLDG. i $200. $;;5'"."$'70"6. $1200. 1 r.ese aniounts to he placed for 1 or - years I- red W. German. 436 Cham- er of Commerce. M 6145. TO loan, estate fumis on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 M uk e y hldg. 2d nnd Morrison. PRIVATE money to loan in sums of $60 and up on reil, personal or collateral secnrltv, 2(17 nrnril;in hide. MONEY to loan, large loans a specially, building loans, lowest rates; fire in- Burance. W G. P.eck. 315-316 Falling. $100,f03 on mortgages city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzle & Cry, (Jerllncer bldg.. 2d and Alder. $12i'i0 on Improved real estate, money ready no delav Kauffmann & Moore. 22'. Lumber Exchange. Jio.onn or any part for Immediate loan on real estate Phor Tabor 771. MONEY "to" LOAN ON " REAL" ESTATE. A II HARDING, 313 Chamber of Com BRASH EM" Loans Money. 528 Lumbermens Bldg. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. W71T. ! ''eltz ft Co , ,110 Spalding bldg. QUICK LOANS m itir h innn nn n nnno nnitanhn m i.-. . . . . : : ' . VM M lv loans on all securities, ii. w.iakth and Craft shop, furniture re- Is. I n it. 45 ashtngton hldg. Main 6100. M ' i N K Y to loanm'lmproTeVl real estate" LLWhlte. 7"1 Selling bldg. ViTLL loan $2".nu or less real estate. Kan I'iston, iR Commercial Club hldg. M O RT i j A ( JE lons. Louis Salomon and 7 per rent Co . 229 Stark st. ACCOUNTANTS FT7BLIO. C. EUGENE WILLIAMS, public account ant. 1041 C. of C. Phone Ma In 744 1. COLLLS, BERHIDGE & THOMPSON, 324 Worcester bldg. Main 6567 ARCHITECTS FOR accurate and artistic made to order plans at lowest rates, address Archi tect, 1189 E Oak. Phone B-3109. AESATEBS PICKERING & Co., assayers, smelters, renners, miyers. high graae ana bul ! lion gold. 142 H 4th st. Phone Main 6109. . . .. vrrr-.. r itttLLn 1' .Ui.HM hi,; assayers, ana- , ..,,--,1... ...!,' MONTANA AHiitv office, lntioratorv ore testing Marshall 2"2,1 186 Morrison. AXTOaSISTV KORNEGAY. SHEELEY ft HILLIU8 General practice. Abstracts examined. Collections. 622 Cham. .Com. Main 7375. ATT0B5EX3 I Tft)DV 1-.v-. rtn,, & 1.... .. examined, written opinions - - r- ons, .. 117 ,Allsky bldg. A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law. Gen- general practice. 416-417 Yeon bldg. DIVORCES guaranteed. Oregon Law In stitute. 528 Lumbermen. big. Mar. 4641 BATHS RUSSIAN. Turkish baths, swimming pool, open day and night private rooms In connection; ladles' and gentle men's departments. 696 Front S car south. Marshall HS. PORTLAND Swimming Baths, 167 4th; elegant plunge, open dally, 2Sc. SXt&XX 90QX HOWE,. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 Id at, Blank Book m'f'g.; agents for Jonea' Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; see the row Eureka leaf. A-S133. Main 133. BoorBOrssas. THE DITTMAR-PETERSON CO. Magazine, music ana law books bound, blank books and loose leaf sys tems. 63 5th st. Phone Marshall 1235. BUSINESS CABJDS Warren construction co. street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 917 neckbldg, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO., Portland office. 605 Ftrlc bldg. JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Worka, carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty E. 410. B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. CAKPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from out carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning. 53 Union ave., near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. 1518 Patton ave. Wood' In 2685. COAX. AND WOOD ,PFHCESAONIL GREEN SHORT WOOD. $2.50. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. $2.50. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for.fuel and bedding. Tftz Portland Slabwooi Co. Main 3119. A-7001. BORING WOOD & COAL CO, East 313S. Country slab. Tabor 1742. B-2633. Block and Cordwood. B-2629. PAC, SLABWOOD CO, Main 3709. A-7366. Green slabwood. bie and small lnnul block wood, planer trim's. cordwood. Neer& Farr-w?ir, LfyTf Wfl foot cordwood at $5 per cord. No. 1 4-foot oak at $7.25 per cord. M-4596. A-4547. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of preen and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. SEGHER'S WOOD CO., F. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 38th and Vaughn. Main 6359. A-2415. EDLEFSEN Fuel company will trade 2 (arm wagons and uug-y for hay, oats or wood. Yamata Wood and Coal Co, PORTLAND WOOD YARD. Fir, oak, slabwood and coal. Wreck age. 9th and Gllsan. Main 3363, A- 2S3. DELIVERED PROMPTLY EVERTS. Ft. Currv nt. Main 876 F. STANDARD WrOOD CO., Box wood, cord and block wood, coal. 347 E. Stark. Thones East 2315. B-1695. JING WO CHINESE MED. CO. cures men and women. New location lSiV Jlorrlsont near bridge. DR. J. lTXoNG-M EDI C AL C6!7P b. y slcian for men, women. 253 V, Alder. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDEXS E. GEORGEFF. carpenter, builder, store front and store fixtures especially. glazing. 291 H Ankeny. Marshall 285 CHUOPODISTS ropot!1st. l ormerly bth and Washing 1 ton 514 Dekuni blilK ;DR. CLAUItE ASQUITH. foot specialist formerly of New York, 612 Swctlana Ibldg. riR U. S G. and Mrs. rictelier. Painless chiropodists. Over Har.elwnod. M-3713 PA1NLKSS chiropodist, corns, 'bunion. Ingrowing nails A-7R45. 417 Swetland. CHIKOPBACTIO FHTSICIAH HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.50 week. Bath office 2d and Wash. COLLECTIONS PHYSICIANS' X- Dentists' sect., general collecttT "01 Medlrsl bide M. 6167. DA5CINO a'KOF. WAX. WILSON'S, dancing school, Lessons 25c during summer season, Including -kuiy- damUrnf t?ber and tnti- slc. Waltz, two-step, three-step, etc f6ty 6trrst., between Stark and -Oak sts Phone Main 7637. HF.A'FTFs S'i'TIOOL. 101', 2nd St.. be tween Washington end Stark, jirivate dally class, Monday 1 to In p, m., les sons 2."ir. RING I.ER'S A'-adeniy. private and rlnss lesson", dallv. 2",1li Mor.. cor 2d. DOG, CAT AND HORSE HOSPITAL J. G. ed. Plee, D V.SV Dogs and cats t'eat boarded. Wood. 3076. 1601 Alhlnn. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4086. A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. '.. 5440. B-2287. ELECTBIO MOTOR MAINTAIN AN CE Burning out fuses? Costly repair bills? w e make weekly Inspection and take Fleet rlc Malntenanre Co . 121 N. 5th. DEESSMAKING SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring and dressmaking taught- 383 F- Morrison. FXTKNITUBE BEFAIBING 1 paired, reflnUhed, packed, upholster- ;lng. Mar. 3964. 7th ard Flanders. Ref, GENERAL BEFAIBING. GENERAL machine and electrlo work. i irv-aii ui eti-riiiL- motors ana oynn mos a specialty. E. Hlppely, 224 Oak. OLD lawn mowers made like new by improved new Invention; low pflce; expert locksmith. Pete Poller. 224 Main. GASOLINE ENGINES PTATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments; launches. accessories, wholesale and retail: engine repairing. iteiersen Machinery Co.. 1.86 Morrison. HAIB GOODS FEB VET A HANEBUT Treading wie and totinee makers finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments, 1 47 7th, near Mor. M. 546. SWITCHES, purfs and transformation made from combings; dyeing. Mrs. Grimes, its 17th st. N Phone Main 6174 HAT FACTOBT LADIES' and gentlemen's hats eletned and blocked. Royal Hit Works, 2 1st. M. X442 KODAK DETELOFINO ROLLS developed free; prints, Sc up; mail orders BOllclted. 205 Merchants Trust bldg. responsibility for monthly fee. PortlandiHl,'.C,lHm?rd81 C'lh "8nB- rssxraAircs JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds, mtge loans. 1322 Yeon bldjr. M. 9285. McCARGAR. Bates Lively, 301 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance com. XwaJTrXKlf BUSES STEREOPTICONS. advertising slides, 4 "show cards and banners. Grant Carder, Peoples -Theatre bid., Park and Alder. SJEREOPTICON'S. slides, banners, cards, etc. Enterprise An Co., 73 H 6th. - XiEATHES AITS TSSTDXXOS ' CHAS. L. MASTICK.& CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every descrlotlon: tao manufacturers, findings. r--' ' XACKXHXXT B. TRENKMAN & CO., hydraullo and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. MISSENGEES. HASTY MESSENGER CO.. open night and day. Main 63. A-2168. - MOTOBCTCXE SEPArEZNO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle aup plies .and repairing. 189 Burnslde. ' arysic schooi.8 ato teacee&s E. THIELIIORN, violin teacher; pupil Sevcik. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1628 SCHOOL OF MUSIC, staff of teachers. Ore. Conservatory of Music, Portland, OFFICE FTJKMTTTJBE DERBY LESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co.. 210 7th st. Main 687. OSTEOPATHIC FHTSICIAWS DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 208 Fenton bldg. Main 8961. PAINT, OIL A3TO CLASS PIONEER PAINT. ,-CO., 1S6, First it. Main 183M. A-7043. THE BEAVER VAKND-H WKS.. make GOOD products. . Ask your dealer. RASMUSSEN & CO., "High Standard'1 paint, ne. cor, 3d & Taylor. M., A-1771. PAINTING AND PAPEBINCJ FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Dnane 8? l Wash, E. 109.5. TINTING $2 room up; palnling, paper hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. WALKER. 22J TaVlor, Inside work a specialty. Lowest prices. Main 7981. GOOD work, my motto. A. Osbouin, 386 E. Wash. B. 2167. E. 4214. E. H. PiCivARD: Minting tlntin" pa mpering; satisfactory work. East 13b6. PATENT ATTOENETS PATENTS obtained; trademarks, copy rights registered in nil countries; book lets free; consultation without charge. Peter Harberlln, 326 Worcester bldg. PATENTS procured or J. K. Mock, Ai-torney-at-Law, lute of U.S. Patent of ice; book free. 719 Boa d of Trade bldg. PAWNBROKER UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 vears in Portland. 71 6th. Main 910. PHOTO SCENIC VIEWS. Free exhibit Oregon scenery and com mercial work. 413 Stark. PHKENOLOOIST PROF. GRIFFITH, 28 years resident I'hronolojjist, gives best satisfaction. Office i:;s N. 6 th s u . PIANO TUNING FRED JACOBSEN, piano tuning, $2 00; IS yrs. expenenre. 19n 3rl. Main 9431. PLATERS OF AIL METALS. WILLAMETTE Plating Works, 208 4th. Plating and polishing. M. 9848. A-7190. We i epli, te silverware; sr 11 you new. Port. Plat. & Mfg. Co., 22d-Thurman. M. 913. Firs PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24thvand York. Main 3489. PRINTING ANSLEY Printing Co.. 250 Oak. 4671. Printing to please. Main &OOFING, FAINTING. REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting, jobbing. J. Losll. 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun ningham l'",, 231 Stark. Main 1407. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stencil.i. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 SAFES THE MOSLER Safe Co.. 108 2d st. Safes at factory prices; repairs: lockouts opened; bargains in second hand safes. B ASH DOOBj!! JfflND O WS United Glass & Glazing Co., sash, doors, plate glass. 11 th, Gllsan. Alain 4 431. SCREENS BUILT to order screen doors and win dows, painted and hung, complete. American Srreen Co. Phone East 5229. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, new a:.d old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures 289 Couch. M 2703. SHOWCASES" "6T"vry description, banTC store fixtures mda.lo.ovdej The i.utke Mfi; Co. H. H. H1RDSALL. HAMILTON BLDG., Show cases In stock. Prompt delivery. Pales spent M, Winter Lumber Co. SHINGLES BEST in Portland. See them. 201. Washington st. S. E. Gilbert. SIGNS AND 8HOWCABDS OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors; also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign i co. Phone Mar&ivull tits, ill ueKum llMc-- . ; , . FOSTER & KLEISER Signs; the lar gest sign makers In the northwest. E. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. WAHLANDER CO.. room 703 Bwetland lag. Phone Marshall 4922 ror scenic Special window trims. TAILORING ALFRED OGILMEE, 310 Labhn bldg., 2d and Washington. Suits to order. TATLOBINBXOOL KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College learn aressmaKing, taioring. nsi inn - 'I Every Womann Is InteretUd and should 1 know about, the woadtrfal MABVELWhlrIliiSpriy The new Vaginal Snljire, ( egtMO coDTenieou jt cmuaf stanuy. 1 ilr Tfinr drnffffllt for U. If hernnotupply the M A R VF.Im sccept BO 0t4r, uUt MHO leap fn- ,iinLrted book sealed. It foil prtlentr nrt dlree Doni lnvabublt to Udles. tiTIl. CO, 44 Lut Ui 1U Illf TOU.1 fW Ml r IkHmor Dn C, Wodlt4V, filatke Os, ass Laee-Dattr Dru (. tuatm. it mm : CATARRH; ji bladder; iWiV 24 H ours ; .-:ui tear. tho koY) , ( , -lemiiir name ' JSewor of coumterfeUt ECHULTE'S Ladles' Tailoring, Cutting College. 310 Central bldg.. 10th-Alder. TOWEL SUPPLY I , CLEAN towels daily, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply-Co tth and Couch, sts. $1 per month. Portland .Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. T&AXSriB AMO BTOBAOS C. O. PICK Transfer .& Storage Co.", of fices and commodious i, story brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor.- 2d and Pine ata. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign points. Main 68. A-l9. - PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., cor. 13th and Everett sts.: most mod ern storage warehouse In city l our low fire Insurance rate proof of ihls. Free trackage; moving, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods in through cars to and from the east. Main &eu. a-ibzu OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 18T0. r " Transfer and forwarding agenta Storage, frea trackage. Offices and storage, 474 Gllsan street, corner 13th and Glisan. Phones. Main 69. A-1169. CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co., Ex ' pert furniture and piano moving. i trunk 60o each, additional 25c. M, 7089. A-4734. NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co., 64-66 Front. General transfer and storage. Main 448. A-4468 BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer TJo. Es . tabllghed 1882. Phones M. 6980. A-3322 W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 333 Morris st. C-3168. Stand 6th and Couch. TRUNK MANUFACTUKEM SAMPLE cases, trunks, repairing. West ern Trunk & Leather AVks. Main 9032. TYPEWEITERS ALL ma,kea rented repaired, sold. Cun- ingnam co., zai stark. Main i4u. TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt, 2d hand. 142 2d st. Mar. 419. , UPHOLSTEEEES CARTWRIGHT & CO., 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing ana mattresses; work guaranteed. Main 6335. VACUUM CLEANEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com mon wealUibldg. L.A.Amlck,Mgr.M,4030 WELL DEILLINO JAMES W. GREEN, well drilling contrac tor, 25 yrs. experience; 8, 10, 12 In., any depth. 690 Vancouver a,ve C-2478, WHOLESALE JOBBEKS - ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. S10P PAYING ' S' BILLS No Temporary Cures or Sud den Checks to the Diseases by My Method, Only Ab solute, Safe and Lasting Cures. THE CHINESE DOCTOR I can assure you of much better health in Just a few treatments If my Instructions are carefully carried out. The remedies I furnish are not poison ous, being derived from Roots, Herbs, Barks and Buds that have been gath ered from all quarters of the globe. I treat- all diseases, nnd the phenomenal success I have had is shown by the large book .of te-stUnouiaJ tu,ye been sent to me by prominent people of tho northwest. CONSULTATION FREE If you live out of town tnd cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in stamps. CGccWo Chinese MedicineCo. 162 V2 1st St., Cor. Morrison Portland. Oregon. FOR BL00B POISON Gfe- ''-GEE woMf.;;.:' wo NEW GEMAM REMEDY It Is now two years since the Introduction Of the NEW GERMAN' REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during that time I have adminis tered this preparation in several hundred cases, often giving as many as five doses in a single day. I know my experience with it is far greater than any other physician In Portland. I have given this remedy a severe test, having met In my experience some ex tremely bad cases, and I can say without fear of contradiction that It Is the greatest discovery of the age and the nearest absolute and permanent cure for Blood Poison, regard less of the stage of the disease or the symp toms present. Every sympton of the disease, from the smallest eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked In their progress at once and completely neaiea wnnin There Is no longer any oouoi aooui wonderful curative power of this remedy, when given by an expert there is absolutely, no danger of snv kind from Its use. I lntro- duce it DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOD by the INTRAVENOUS METHOD, the only method of administering It, and the one ree- C. K. HOLSMA N, M. D. ommended by Prof. Ehrllch himself. Licensed In Oregon In the hands of an expert specialist there Is absolutely no danger of any kind from Its use. I Veep you. in my office from ono to two hours no longer. You will be thankful to me as long as you live, as It will give yau a new lease on life. My erpilpment an fine as any In Oregon, and I glvo you the GENU INE GERMAN REMEDY In the RIGHT WAY. I also treat. SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY AND AT THE LOWEST COST VARICOSE VEINS. HYDROCELE. VITAL WEAKNESS, SKIN DIS EASES, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISORDERS, ULCERS, PORES PAIN FUL SWELLINGS, NERVOUSNESS, LOSS OF STRENGTH AND VITALI TY AND ALL SPECIAL AND DELICATE DISORDERS OF MEN. Offer Free Consultation aid Aivlcc I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you mv treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood disorders, piles fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's disorders and give you a FREE exam ination. If you cannot call, write me Immediately, giving me a description nf your case In your own words. By return mall I will send you. absolutely free a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to how to pro ceed in order to correct your trouble. My fflce-ls open all day from 9 a. m. to $ p. m. and Sunday from 10 to 12 only. WHOLESALE J0BEES3 EVERDING & FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 iront St.. Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. WADHAM3 & CO., wholesale grocers. manuiacturers ana conee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. M. A. GUNST & C07, ' DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOARS. PORTLAND, OR. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 St., between salmon and Main. SEE ME FREE. If youare -worrying about any ailment in cluded among thoso within which I spe cialize. I invite you to call at my offio and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agnosis and advise you of tne ' proper course to pursue to rid yourself forever of vour worrv mnA your aliment My years of experience and my qualifications have made me an expert In the treatment OT the ali ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office la assured of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a cure la et, fected. NEW GERMAN REMEDY FOR -BLOOD POISON -'- My method of Administration Is Ab solutely Safe. Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins Fimrdes, Nervous Debility, Nerve,' Blcod and Skin - Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Polsdn, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments, Piles or Fistula. I to 57 to 8 Dally; Sunday 10 ta 1. Examination Advice Free, J. J. KEEFE, PL G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. IIS 14 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 6TH. PORTLAND. OR SUN (CEINESSri dcctobJ 133 x nmsx: nR8.DR.CMAN. The reliable Chinese Doctors 8. K. Chan with their harmless Chinese rem edies of herbs and roots as medicine caa wonderfully cure all sicknesses. They have cured many sufferers, both men and women, of chronic diseases and all internal and external sicknesses when others failed. No operations. Examin ation free. Ladles treated by Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call or write to $ S. X. Chan Chinese Medicine Co., 133 & First St.. Portland. Or. Opposlta O. W. P. station. KEW RATE? SURE CURE! WE CUT 25 OFF On our Wonderful Chinese Remedy on account of liv ing expenses being high. Men or women suffering with diseases or sickness can come and have a free consultation with our Chi nese doctor. Call or writs to M 11 CHINESE MEDICINE CO 185 Vj MORRISON ST., AT BRIDGE PORTLAND. OREGON. nr. Pierce's SexoM Pills Cures Debility and Weak ness of men from any cause; also Insomnia, De spondency, Indigestion, Pal pitation, Paralysis, Tremb ling of the Hands or Llrnb-, Tain in the Back, Kldnev and Bladder Troubles. Prlo to any address. Money ie- r7. J f!1W $1 per box funded if I t fails. W rite for circular, e Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., son st.. Portland, Or. Addfess th 245 M, Morri T7 FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound Savin and Cotton Root Ptlia. The best and only reliable remedy-for DELAYED PERI ODS. Cure the most obstinate rnni.1 in 9 in 1ft aave T) rl n.. 14 per box or three boxes $5.00. Sold br druggists everywhere Addreee T. J. PIERCE, Room 1. 2454 Morrison st, Portland. Or. I T. YEE & SONS. The old, eminent Cnlntse doctor spent lifetime In study of herbs, graduated from sev eral universities in China. Cures diseases of men and a amen aucce uul ally, vh - 'I matter who has failed 1 k: .Ti-ia Call or wrltn I T Vee A Sinn. 'd2,ra MedlclheCo., Yamhill, tc:aJ S. E. Cor. 2d. Portland. Or. iu days. proper -221f4-Morff!Km Street Corner First St.,' PORTLAND. OREGON. Mn ' KEEFE Mr Cfi.K.CfW1. d) I US f . - 4;., .- A ' 1 tnn V1 -. :v ;: ; jt ' n.- Ik.' VI 1 .JV Sii.iiiiiimii l r vr'n