i MS UP: on the shore with her two Utile tables, and though she also was unable to swim, she, plunged In after the girls without removing- her clothing1. -- The screams of the babies attracted passerqby, who took the three lifeless bodies from the pooL V heavier heads and with l0Ljr straw, much of this grain is down in the east ern portion . of the county. As with wheat, It Jishard to.aay how much of this eaa be saved. E. A. Dudley, who has about 101 acres in growing wheat this season, is again one of the big farmers. By some his wheat Is estimated as, high as a 41 bushel average. Henry Bchmltt, four miles west of Athena with about 600 acres la wheat this season, has about the same, pros pects as s year ago, if not fractionally better. -,- V i "W.i J Plnkerton, with a quarter seo tlon of wheat, has similar prospects. William Schrlpt.- with . wheat adjoin ing the city, is preparing to harvest one of his greatest yields. - David Ferris with J 5 acres -si miles north of t Athena,' has similar heavy grain. - ; -t, - Watts Bros, extenslvs growers with a scattered acreage all around Athena, have excellent prospects although mem bers of the family are not Inclined to believe the crop will go above the aver, age of year ago. ,- , - ; , COLLiiPSE OF CASE regain Korea's independence, the police had extorted. confessions that the mis sionaries sympathised with and , aided the conspiracy. But offlclaldommado the mistake of arranging for a public trial, hoping to convince the world that everything was fair and above board. As . soon as they came Into open court, counting on the strength of foreign pub llo opinion to save them from the Japa nese vengeance, the prisoners uniformly repudiated these confessions, declaring they made them under torture or threats of torture. -.- . The result has been not only to ex pos Japanese police methods, but to frustrate the plot against, the mission aries, and to render it almost Impossible to form a new plot. The mikado's ad- vlsers think western teachings, such as the Koreans got from the missionaries, are antagonistic to an autocratio gov ernment, and they are afraid of them. Tnes Ealaiar is in Juares from Casas Grande. . Orosco, It Is said, has been given three days In which sto make ft decision. --' ; -- - --- tively that he lr-t-i:.-. I. ; j j that he took two irmi ef f . t I ' lowed them with three soft drli.k. a." which he went home at mMmsht - " slept until he was called to Uke out 1. i train.' , LIFE BUI III III I LABOR COUNCIL WILL ' PICK OFFICERS JULY 26 The semi-annual election of the lbor council will be held July 28, and already nominations are being received for the offices of the council. W. fL UTten will, speak at the meeting of the council next Friday evening on the single tax amendment which is to be voted on at the general election next fall ; ENGINEER AQMITS HE DRAN1C:BEF0RE:CRASH Saltpeter Is manufactured from r.'.tr gea extracted from the air by several plants in Norway and Sweden. .' " 1 . , , J-Jt CROP OF UMATILLA ABOUT SAME AS IN 1 1911; 5,500,000 BU. (Continued on Page Two.) Leaves Babies on Shore to - Leap After Girl Bathers; All Drowned, -r- Officials Who Prepared - for Trial of American Mission - -, aries Are Disgraced. A SALLOF CHERRIES In the Athens, section perhaps the hard est hit farmer In this respect was ,"W, 8. . Ferguson,' who lost considerable wheat as a result of the storms Of "a f ewweeks aga - - ; ; -f ' As in former year there are certain small tracts In the Athens, seotlon that will go better than (0 bushels per aore. This, however,' cannot be considered a representative 4of the crop In , general because such enormous yields grow only in spots and on very small tracts that Next Thursday and Friday we shall have two large shipments of the finest ' cherries ever grown. We think they should bo sold to people at.home rather than be sent by express, to the EeeU Thus comes this chance for cherry bur- 1 ere. All packed In 10-Ib. boxes, these choicest Lambert cherries will be sold for $i.J0 a box. Remember this Is the choicest ftnd most select fruit that can come Into any market. Apply Cans. Zflers, of Xllen Xadiat at .: - ; r - Biers Kudo Kouse, BeUU Depart-' meat, Alder at Bevsnth. (Trotted Prm tMMd Wtre.1 .:' Brookdalo. CL July 16. Drowned In treacherous pool of the' San Lorenao river, MUe Gladys Hawkett,ll8,-Mla Lily McDonald, II, and Mrs. May Crippa, SO. sister of MIsi Hawkett. all of Oak land, are dead - here today. The two younger tirlsjiad leaped Into the pool thlnklnf It was shallow water. They found It over their heads, and neither could swim. Their frantic cries at tracted Mrs: Crlpps, who was romping (Onitea Preie tatted Wire.) Che Foo, July U. The Japanese gov ernment is furious at the collapse of the case It was trying to make out against the American missionaries In Korea, so cording to information from Toklo to day. The officials who prepared it are disgraced and their careers ruined. From man of the US Koreans on trial at Seoul, charged with complicity in the plot to assassinate Count Te rauchU , Japanese governor general, and (Untttd Press Xetse4 WlrO Corning, N. Y, July 1. William H. Sohroeder,' engineer ef the Lackawanna express train that crashed Into the Buf falo Limited July 4. killing 41 persons, testifying at the coronet's Inquest ad mitted that he had taken two drinks the : . Orxraco In Tight Place. V (United Press Lom4 WlrO 1E1 Paso, Texas. July 18. Bearing aa ultimatum to General Orosco either to turn over Tils private fortunate pay his army or relinquish command, General haveibeen cajerallyjursed. Damage to barley in this section la even greater than wheat. With the Journal want ads bring results. night before the wreck, but denied posi Mill mm. Agents Gossard Lace Front CorsetsSpecial Fitters to Serve Yon Take Lunch in Our Fourth Floor Tea Room, Portland's Dainties! Eating Place Glasses Fitted by Expert Optician, Low Cost Women's Shoes Shlned in BasementMail Orders From Seashore for Your Needs. Prompt Service Now that the children are out of school theyseem to, fairly burst through their clothes don't they? Make new ones in the easy way on a Standanh45 at purV chase then $1 week. ' ' $6(M)rVpUnfl We'll be glad to help your church lodge or charitable organization be glad to give it-the grand prize gift $1500 if you and your friends earn the large one. You vote we'll pay. . i, W iptaaim MM 'y In the. New Retail Center The Big Block Square Store (0)11 and All Day ales Present QmM. Valines Stylish Trimmed All Day Basement This is a clean-up a decisive goodbye to all the charming Flats that have made the reputa tion of our "basement for mod ish and modest-priced millinery. Tailored or prettily trimmed af fairs in tasteful colors and shapes. All are high-grade hats that have sold for M A A $5.00 and $6.00 ea. D 1 VU Untrimmed Hats All Day Only 245c A Basement Bargain You may have seen in the basement some untrimmed shapes that pleased you very well you'll remember the former, price. Now every untrimmed shape in the basement is on sale at the price quoted. Milans, chips, hemps, etc White, and best colors. Large, smaJl or medium sizes. Values to $3.50, unrestrict- 0tf ed choice all day tomorrow only tll BaWei Spltts CHOOSE CLEVER ONES HERE ALL DAY WEDNESDAY SECOND FLOOR The .new rnodels the sort that will makexyou serene in the knowledge that yours is one of the smartest on the beach. Panel and Princess front effects, semi-fitted, with panel skirt and bloomers attached. Come in mohair, silk and satin, modestly, priced at follows: Mohair Bathing Suits, with braid trimming, $2.75 to Taffeta Silk Suits, plain or braider A A trimmed, $12.50 to 0eWUU Satin Bathing Suits, sailor collars and rA piping,, $15.00 to tiJL.JV Crepe Kimonos $2.19 Don't fail to put one of these kimonos in your bag when you start for the seashore. Made of serpentine crepe in plain or floral designs, Empire and shirred waist models. Empires have large collars trimmed with pleated ribbon and satin band Art q All sizes from 84 to 44. A great special value atcdZel $12.00 KInaiM Wear IDEAL FOR VACATION ATTIRE All Day WednesdaySecond Floor When you're on a boating, fishing or walking trip in khaki garments, you are free from worry as to the danger of soiling your clothing if you do soil these garments, they're easily laundered. For walking and general wear, the ever-popular Norfolk Suit is much in demand. We also have one-piece models for walking or riding. For the horsewoman we have long coat models with breeches to match. Also Skirts made for all-purpose wear made with straps and open down front ; can be divided for rid ing. Middy blouses. Skirts $2.25 to $6.50 I Blousea $1.25-$2.75 Dresses $4.50-$7.50 I Suits $5.50 to $15.00 Child's Battling Suits A full line of the new models in flannel CI A AA and mohair, all sizes, special at $1.25 to fJlUtUU Children's Bathing Caps specially priced at 12c to $6.50 Bathing Shoes, all sizes, specially priced at 25c to $2.50 Bathing Suit Bags only 75c Water Wings special at 29c Center Bargain Circle" louse Presses 01-19 Regular made House Dresses or the popular "Two-in-One," that can be worn as either kimono or houst dress. Material is good quality percale, in checks, stripes and plain colors. Low Dutch neck, long or short sleeves. Trimmed th bands and plain materials. g A Sizes from 34 to 44. Specially priced only J I 1 " Notions-Bargain Circle v Silk Dress Shields, light weight, i, at lf all sizes; 2So-35c values.. 100-rard Spool Silk, pedal 6 Naiad Bolerd Dress Shields. Elain style; regular 50c, at 35$ ,ace trim'd style, 65c value, 50 Cvaisx th ch pair of Dress Shields Wednesday, r P'r of Dunn's Dress Shield Retainers; our regular price 10c package. Free tomorrow. Spool Cotton, white or black, 200 yards, on sale at only 4 Bastg Cotton, white, 500 yds. 4e 5c Safety Pins, all sixes, 2 for Be Bias Folds, all sizes, 10c vals., K$ White Cotton Tape, 25 yards to the piece; regular 12c value, 8$ India Tape, all sizes, special 3 Hair Pin Cabinets, 10c size, 8e) Cube Pins, 8c size, special at tty Spool SUk, large spools, white or black, on special sale at 25e) Skirt J5$rkers, with chalk, at 8$ Collar Supporters, 5c grade, 3$ Common Pins, 5c paper, 2 for 5$ 15c Skirt Hangers, wood, sp'L &4 Folding Wire Coat Hangers 8e 35c Pad Hose Supporters 10c Pearl Buttons, all sizes, 6 Tflae Easemraemia AsM Fmves Ms IBagjaiM Supremacy For Two flours-8 to 10 10c Toilet Paper 5c Full 12-ouncc rolls of good quality Toilet Paper, 100 sheets to the roll; fine, soft tissue, a regular 10c, value. Limit Ct 20 rolls to customer. For 2 hours All Pay Biaiirfflaiteg to einniiPorcelato Shop in the Basement Wednesday if you desire to pick up neatly patterned Dishes to use at the seashore or for break fasts, etc., at home. They are sold in separate pieces or in complete sets at prices that will prove attractive to purchasers. Gold Band. Decorated Attractive Shapes Tea Cups and Saucers on sale at i Dessert Plates on special sale, ea. 8 Bowls. on special sale at only, ea. 10 Dinner Plates on special sale, ea. lOt I Soup Plates on sale afonly. each lOf Vegetable Dishes on special sale, 25 PiePTatei i special at T only,eIcnTe1JOat Me Salad Bowls on special sale at 18f Gravy Bowls on special sale at 24 Meat Dishes on special sale only 26 One-quart Pitchers special, only 18 For Two Hours-8 to 10 25c Stationery 12& Best French linen Finish Paper, note size, with envelopes to match, assorted sizes, neatly boxed. A bargain worth coming early for. A regular 25c value specially priced for 2 hours at 12 1 For 1 Hour 10 to 11 Sale 25c Rib- bonat9cYard Several hundred yards of 5-inch Ribbon, of fine quality silk. Odd shades and short lengths; 25c grade, on sale, the yard 9c SILK POPLIN AT 29c A wash fabric that looks like silk nd wears better than most materials. Rich, lustrous finish; regular 50c values on sale OQp for one hour, yard'' BOYS' UNDERW'R 15c Shirts nd Drawers in the cool and popular mesh weave. For boys 6 to 16 years, nicely finished; our regular 25c value, 1 on sale for 1 hour xtll CALICO ON SALE FOR ONE HOUR AT 5c YARD Lengths of 10 to 20 yards, best patterns and colorings. Light or dark shades. Make up some needed dresses and garments for less than yi usual cost For 1 Hour 11 to 12 85c Foulards Special at 39c A rousing sale of a popular fab ric, 24" inches wide, good range of patterns and colorings, Qfi stripes and small figurcs MEN'S UNDERWR 33c Balbriggan Underwear for men, drawers with double seat, shirts well finished, complete range of sizes; best 50c quality QO for one hour at.OOl UNBLEACHED SHEETS ON SALE AT 43c EACH If there wasn't another bargain all day, you'd come just to buy these sheets. Full double bed sire, A 0 soft finished, unbleached sheeting one hour at $1.00 CORSETS AT . 55c Four splendid new mod els to choose from. Made by one of best factories. For average figure, sizes 19 to 30, made of CP batiste or coutll, atJtll 1.6 All Day Long One of the most popular de partments in the Basement is our Shoe Section. This of fering shows why. Produced by the best shoemakers , and bought at great price conces sions especially for our Base ment. Best leathers and styles. Patents, tans, suedes and gun metals. Hih boots, oxfords, pumps, etc. In a word, Wom en's $A and 5 H C Shoes at, per pair J) 1 J7 For 1 Hour 12 to 1 45c Embrold'y Only 19c Yard Swiss Flouncings, full 27 Inches wide, made on fine, sheer mus- lin, deep embroidery, very pretty patterns; reg. 45c 19c WORSTED COTN 7c A one-hour sale of wor sted finished cotton, for house dresses, etc, 28 ins. wide, excellent colors and patterns; regular '71 12j4c grade, 1 hour I 2 BOYS' WAH SUITS 48c Sailors or military style, well made and of good material, the wanted col ors and styles; ages 2y'i to 8 yrs.; regular vaI- I ues to $11 hourOV ALL-WOOL SWEATERS ON SALE AT ONLY $1.4 Women's Sweaters, made coat style, V neck, with pocket and large buttons; come in white, gray, blue and cardinal; all sizes. Our regular $275 (PI AO values, on sale tomorrow for one hour at tP-I-efxO For 1 Hour 1 to 2 P. M. Men's Cham! bray Shirts 35c A Work . Shirt that combines neatness with wear and utility. Full bodies, well made, perfect fitting; reg. 50c 35c BATH TOWELS AT lie Size 20x34 inches, made with hemmed ends, good quality Turkish Toweling, a special sale for one hour a bargain "1 "1 unusual at only women's u. surra 2Scj Summer - weight, steer i less and low neck, lace trimmed, loose knee style. Full range of sizes, regu lar 45c values, for Off 1 hour, very special"' V CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES ON SALE AT 45c Shop in the basement for the children, too. These dresses are attractive styles, made of good qual- Attn ity gingham, neat fitting; sizes 2 to 6 years, at l' V( IF or 1 Hour 2 to 3 P. M. Sale of Child's Rompers 19c A sturdy wearing gingham in the most pleasing checks, cut full and made in the best 1 Qf manner; ages 2 to 6, sp'L WHITE WAISTS 29c I MEN'S 15c HOSE 9c Women's White Waists, made of neat white fabrics,, good styles, high neck and long sleeves, trim'd with tucks and laces; OQ. 4 sizes 32 to 44, sp'L SILK MULL, SPECIAL fs Good wearing Socks in black or tan, seamless feet, fast color, medium weight. All the sizes. Take advantage a Qp one-hour bargain, pr. vl SALE AT 15c A YARD , Dotted Silk Mulls in a splendid line of colors, 27 ins, i'wide; rich, silky finish. For making pretty 1 Jfrt I frocks' for Summer wear. Special for 1 hour, yd. For 1 Hour 3 to 4 P. M. Sale Women's Hose at 8c Pr. Cotton Hose in black or tan, made to resist wear and are fast dye. Complete range of Qp sizes, special one hour, pr. RUDDUCER COR. $1.18 For one hour, a sale of these splendid shape-helping Corsets. Non-rustible steels, 6 supporters, hare a b d o m i n a 1 ; "1 Q straps; $2 vals. vleXO $3.50 W'SH SKIRTS $1.19 Women's Wash Skirts, in white or blue materials, splendidly made, fit well and look well . To close out quickly; C1 1Q values to $3.50 OJ.eJ.e7 .MEN'S MUSLIN NIGHTSHIRTS ON SALE. AT 39c Night Shirts for men7 made of feood quality muslin, with or without collars, full length and width,' 9Q finished in pink or blue stitching, special I hour Groceries All Day In the Basement Cottage Hams, boneless, extra fine, pecial sale ft only, pound 12e Eastern Sugar Bacon, the lb. 18 O., W. & K. Table Syrup, maple flavor, excellent. Yi gallon at 40e Peaches, in heavy syrup,3 cans 60 Apricots, in syrup, 3 cans for Sliced Pineapple, special, can 15e Cream of Wheat, the package 15f Jello-Con, 5 flavors, 4 pkgs. 25 Asparagus, S. & O. brand, can 25 Sardines in oil, 3 cans at only 25e Rockwood's Breakfast Cocoa, 19 Cornstarch, the package at only Black or Green Tea, reg. 50c, ZSifi O., W. & K. Baking P'wd'r, lb 29 11 bars Laundry Soap,, special, 25e Roundup or Beatsol Cleaner at &4 Sapolio on sale at, the cake for 7$ Boraxaid Washing, Powder, pkg.Be) Lemons, very juicy, the doz., 20f For 1 Hour 4 to 5 P. M. Sale of House Dresses $1,18 From 4 to 5 in the basement, percale and gingham house dresses, good patterns and colors; $1.75-$2 $1.18 LISLE GLOVES AT 39c Women's Long Lisle Gloves, In black, white, gray and two shades of tan, all sizes; regular 75c quality. Fine qual- 9Q ity lisle thread, at071' WOMEN'S VESTS 7c Ribbed Cotton Vests, in low neck, sleeveless style, Summer weight, with cro chet or lace trimmed yoke. Regular 12c val- rjl ues, special 1 hour 2 .25c, APRONS-rSPECIALSALE , AT.j0NLYJ5s. Women's plain Kitchen Aprons of good grade and weight of gingham, in the neat checked patterns, "f ff. also of plain white lawn, special for 1 hour only V For l ' Hour 5 to 6 P. M; S5-S6 Wash Suits lor $1.08 Women's Wash Suits, in white, tan, striped effects, checks, etc Good, styles and materialt, a sate that helps to I" QQ save; $5 and $6 Tala. T'0 MOHAIR FOR BATH ING SUITS, SALE 39c If you're going to make your own bathing suit, buy some of this material, 36 inches wide, silk finish; black, white and QQ colors; 50c trade Oe7U MEN'S $1.00 MESH UNION . SUITS AT -,47c All sizes, bort . sleeves, knee, length; fine, . dose weave, natural color, 1 an, ideal Summer garment, nicely finished AH r for one hour only xl V CHILDREN'S.. REGULAR 13c-H0SS AT.P?TIY. : Tan or black, lxl fib double heels and toes, seamlm Jeet, fast colors, "medium weight for Summer; O sires 5$i : to lOi ' Our regular . 15c values, pair