The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 14, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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Prisoner at San Jose, Cal.,
Says' His Wife Conducts
.Vocal Studio in Portland,
and That He Sought Shelter
' (By the InternirloMl Kwi Service.)
San Jose, Cal., July IS, Paul Black
ledge, who says he ! graduate of Ox-
. ford university ... and -the. scion 01 the
prominent Blackledge family ot London
merchants, deeded guilty to a charge of
f Wriarv In : th nollce court before
will be aentenoed July 16. Blackledge
was arrested last evening: after be bad
Atmntid to a-ain an entrance Into the
hnmm of Monten Rogers. He declared
that he was looking for. shelter and had
no-Intention of burglarising the resi
dence. ' ' j -
In his poekets "werrfotrnd letters ad-
dressed to him from his wife, whom he
savs la now In .Portland, residing; on
Wledler atreeVwbere aha la said to eon-
duct an exclusive violta etudlo. He aays
aha was formerly Mlsa Gertrude Mcin
tosh, daughter of a prominent and weal-
thy family of Badlands, Cat
Blackledge a aya he waa married seven
' years ago. ne nas ueen ni"i ui mo
, Income from the estate of relatives but
aaya that recently he toad trouble with
ether heirs and his Income has been
temporarily cut off although he has had
hopes tf baring the matter straightened
out. . (
Portland Democrats will ratify the
' nomination of Wilson and Marshall at
-the Armory next Thursday night The
time waa definitely fixed by tha com
mittee of arrangements yesterday af
ternoon and the contract for the place
of meeting was closed.
John M. Oearln. former United States
aenator, will be the chief speaker of the
evening. Governor West will be unable
to attend,' as he Is on his way to Idaho.
Th mflnr wnulri have been held last
week except for the Elk festivities.
Plans are being made for a parade and
musto by a glee club, as well as a band.
. The Progressive Democratic March-
ingclubUu8tfQrmfi(L wilLJurn-Cutj:9r
the first time for the opening rally.
. Preparations will be made at a meet
ing to bo held tomorrow night at the
Medical . building. In the rooms of the
Jackson club. President Alva L. Mc
Donald and Secretary C. P. Houston
have sent out a large number of postal
: cards to young Democrats of the city,
urging them to enlist for the campaign
.and Inviting them to the meeting tomor
row mgni. uver iiv nave aireauy signed
' the roll.
The marching club will adopt a uni
form, and while there will be little or
. 1 tia Afinartunlfv fnr drift hfnfA Thnr-
day night meeting, Its leaders Intend
to muster as large a number as pos
sible at that time. - Red fire will light
the way. and the people of Portland
- wilt be apprised that the oncoming cam
paign has "ginger" behind It
Mrs. Eva Helena Anderson, 81 years
old, and a pioneer resident of Portland.
' died yesterday af the family home, 859
Castle avenue, of old age Mrs. Ander
. son waa the mother of Mrs. John Haw
kins of Portland, Mrs. Edan Nelson of
' Hallo CT a nA . VlftA A nit.,.i.n
...Chamnton. Mlflh, - Th hnrfv t it ,.
Pearson funeral parlors, 369 Russell
.' street. Notice of funeral will be given
: later. : -.
Mrs. Anderson was the grandmother
of Mart; ii Hawkins, a member of the
Multnomah Athletic club, who has won
honors at the Olympic games at Stock
holm, Sweden, during the week.
"Old Darby," the famous painting by
.. - i . ii i ... ity yi i
: tha fifth flnnr nf th M.i . cw.i.
--Store. -The painting Is onetf two trestalTt'- Ren0' -Nav-RevOIarvait--Deera,
examDlea Of the brush of nn nrtfot h
has been pronounced the master painter
,f horses. The present owner refused
an offer fif JSO.OOO made by J. Plerpont
Morgan for the art masterpiece.
Tha other famous work of Miss Bon
hew 1b the universally amired "Horse
Fair," now owned by the Metropolitan
Museum, of New York. It was pur
chased for J75.000 by the lata Cornelius
Vanderbllt and presented to the mu
seum. "Old Darby" Is seven feet by
nine feet In size. It depicts an old white
: horse poking his nose through the door
i of a dilapidated stable.
.1,.,...,. ... -
, The grand Jury has been called to
meet Monday morning at the court
house. -The first thing to bo consid
ered will be the conduct of the Rath
akeller in the Teon building, for which
E. J. Hanbury obtained a license to op-
; erata the place. Evidence already in
possession of the district attorney
shows that the place was not only un
aanltary, but .disorderly In the extreme.
Tha rathskeller was dark last night
Tha. Jury abandoned work during last
.weak. '
w eaaer, ur.. juiy 13. John 4
V opain, cnanpion riaer and roper 4
of the northwest Is eliminated 4
4 from future participation In the 4
4 latter sport by the amputation at 4
4 8t Elizabeth hospital of his 4
right hand about two Inches 4
4 above tha wrist An accident at 4
.Halfway on Juiy 4, when he at- 4
4 tempted to rope a wild horse, 4
, 4 caused tha Injury. The lariat 4
4 tore hlr forearm and fractured 4
4 the . wrist"-bones, and while ev- 4
4 Try yr forfwn Tnaar Toggf the "4
4 member it waa Impossible to do 4
4 so. ' Spain won wide prominence 4
4 by hla victory at last year's Peru 4
e dieton Roundup. 4
' (Special to The Journal)
Summer Lake. Lake county, Oregon,
July 13. Flowing wells In the north end
of this" fert 11 V valley are transforming
thousands of acres of land Into grain
and hay canches that will ultimately
make one! of the greatest winter feeding
sections of Oregon, stockmen have for
years known that the climate -. In the
valley waa conducive to fattening atock
when they were able to feed, but on
account of the mildness of the climate
the rane had been overgrased until al
most every spear of grass wee gone
and only those who had land thai was
fenced and could grow grass and hay
were able to avail themselves of the de
sirable climate and winter feed here.
Two -years -; a well boring outfit
came Into the valley and secured a flow
of water at .165 feet which was fol
lowed by other flows that ranged from
90 to 700 feet The water pouring over.
(Special to The Journal. .
Lake, Or., July IS. A mammoth ice
cavern with nine Inner chambers, exists
17 miles north of Fort Rock. The for
mation Is of volcanic origin with arched
walla of lava rock overhanging the Ice
deposits. The, outer cave ia ai large
aa a ball room and after leaving It and
entering the second chamber through
a small tunnel that nature has formed,
another room is brought to view which
Is large enough for a good slsed skat
ing rink, being about 100 feet square.
Another room is entered from this one
and each leads to another until the en
tire nine rooms have been found, when
an opening through the floor of tha
farthest room suggests that there are
other places worthy of Investigation
farther on which can ba reached by.
using ropes for ladders.
One peculiarity is that each chamber
Delegates to Baptist Young
People's Convention Hear
Many Addresses."
Following an enjoyable outing with
the members of the Baptist Sunday
schools of the city, the delegates to the
convention of Baptist Toung People's
societies of the Pacific coast were en
tertained with a banquet at the Young
Men's Christian Association last night
President William H. Groat was toast
master and the general topic of the
evening was "New Ideals." Rev. I. N.
Monroe spoke on new Ideals In Christ
ian Endeavor, Rev. Duncan M. McPhail
on the new Idea of Interdenominational
work and Rev. D. Carl Williams of
Globe, Arls.. on the new ideals of social
service. ObadlaH Gurin and Everett A.
Knott pleased the banqueters with sev
eral duets and Mrs. H. Wyse Jones
gave soma interesting readings.
Atv:30 o'clock this morning the del
egate's will attend a sunrise prayer
meeting on the top of Council Crest
F. R. Robertson will lead the meeting.
Following Sunday school all will attend
the services at the White Temple, ut
which Dr. Walter Benwell Hinson will
preach the convention sermon. Mass
meetings will occupy ootn me arier-
noon and evening at the White Temple.
The convention will close with the even
ing service.
The election of officers at the morn
lng session yesterday resulted as fol
President. William H. Grost, Oakland.
Cal.T vice presidents, Rev. A. L. Wads-
worth, South Pasadena, CaL, and itev.
J. Franklin Day, Tacoma. Wash.; secre
tary, A. A. Poissant. Sacramento, Cal.;
assistant secretary, Miss Ethel Everett,
Belllngham. Wash.; treasurer, E. C Co
fer, Portland.
Pastoral advisors: Rev. H. W. Gelst
welt, San Diego. Cal.; Rev. J W. Con
ley, Fresno, Cal.; Rev. W. B. Hinson,
Portland; Rev. M. L. Thomas. Tacoma,
Wash.; Rev. D. D. MacLaurln, Walla
Walla, Wash.; Rev. C. u. Trawin,
Boise, Idaho; Rev. O. P. Bishop, Butte,
Mont; Rev. George Van Winkle. Chey
enne, Wyo.; Rev. L. S. Bowerman, Suit
Lake City. Utah.; Rev. Brewster Ad-
rnuenix. ns., iwv, n. tiuu icijjr
Vancouver, B. C.
Additional members executive com
mutes; Rev. J. D. Sprlngston, Portland;
Rev. D. C. Williams, Tucson, Ariz.
President Sproule of the Southern Pa
cific will spend until tomorrow looking
over the properties of the system In
Portland and vicinity and In conferring
with department heads. He has declined
to say whether his visit has any sig
nificance In connection with the elec
trification of the Fourth street line or
the granting of a franchise for the elec
trification, but he did say that as soon
as tha city council has given the rail
road necessary authority the electrifica
tion Into the city will be immediately
accomplished and the highest class of
frequent service steel electric cars put
Into operation.
Already poles to carry the trolley
'wires have been placed throughout the
Tualatin valley and even the cars have
b-ien ordered. Arrangements have been
made for power and nothing remains,
says Mr. Sproule, but the franchise.
The first entertainment to be held
under the auspices of the Portland
Lincoln High School Alumni association
slnco its organization a few months ago
will be the moonlight excursion which
Is to take place down the Willamette
nd Columbia rivers next Friday even
ing on the steamer Monarch. The com
mittee in charge of affairs has prepared
several novel features. Dancing will
also be a feature and light refreshments
are to b served. Just enough Invita
tions have been sent out to comfortably
fill the boathlch is to leave the foot
vi cannon street promptly at 7:S0 1 4
- "7. Miyse wao are. 10. ap
u pariy are Mr. and Mra.
, DV'b- Mr I)avlB bln Principal
or the Lincoln hlgn school, and Miss
Christina McConnell.
Journal Want Ads bring results.
the land has caused a heavy growth of
bay where seed has been distributed and
now the Biblical adase. "aa ye bow,
bo shall ye reap." has coma true "and
thousands of tons of hay and grain for
next wlnterwtll be harvested.
- There are now two well outfits In tha
valley while In the Chewaueart valley,
just adjoining on the outh, is another
outfit 'that is meeting with the sama
success. Many men are making ar
rangemanta to atock their ranches with
dairy cattle and go Into diversified
farming with dairying and hog raising
as thelr leading products,.:. In addition
to the flowing wells tha Ana river
project Is. now supplying water to soma
dosen aettlers who have Immense crops
of farm produota rapidly maturing.
Bummer Lake valley la one ot tha
finest natural fruit sections of Oregon
and tha orchards that are visible on tha
older settled ranches are the equal of
any . to ba found In the state.
Is lower than tha outer ona and they
aeera to. lower by glgantlo ateps from
four feet to ten feet In height The lea
forma In layera and is clear until the
dividing strata between layers la ex
posed, when slit that was formed be
fore freezing la shown. Tha people of
Fort Rock have cut tha lea and have
used ft for f reeling Ice cream and hard
enlng their butter and other cooling
There is another cavern about 15 mllea
north of tha lake which la alao used
commercially by the neighbors, but this
seems to be a rock crevice and not so
clearly defined a cavern aa tha ones
near Fort Rock. Picnic parties have
used the ice many times to freeze their
lea cream aa well aa to cool other bev
erages and have found It a thorough
Republicans Are Apathetic but
Prohibitionists and Social
" ists Are Busy.
(Special to The Joarnil.)
McMlnnvllle, Or., July 13. Yamhill
Democrats are showing more Interest in
the campaign than the Republicans as
Wilson clubs have been started at Day
ton and at Newberg. Among Republi
cans there is considerable apathy as the
sentiment Is pretty well divided between
Taft and Roosevelt.
The Prohibitionists are planning a
strong county campaign. They have
chosen a full ticket and are preparing
to wage a campaign of publicity through
the leading newspapers of the county.
The Socialists have also chosen a
legislative and county ticket and are
talking lustily for thelr'candldatea. '
Booth Bend Road AsaqrmL
McMinnville. Or., July 13. By an
orcler of the county commissioners'
court, the long talked-of road from this
city to tha Booth Bend neighborhood Is
to become a reality. The court approved
the damages as reported by the viewers
When constructed this road will shorten
the distance from McMlnnvllle to Balerp
by nearly three mllea and will bring a
la.r.i"wuw.ber of fartners in closer touch
wltb McMlnnvllle.
Grade Made Ready for Paving.
. ,r, (S,??eU,J0 7,16 Journal.)
McMlnnvllle, Or.. July 18. Crewa of
the Oregon Electric nre at work here
grading -on B street prenaratorv t ,
company's laying Its tracks and paving
! rinrrlnii j fc. 1 t. . ...
- vi. iwu uiockb on wnicn the
company's line holds a franchise. This
work is necessitated at this time as the
municipality will pave 21 blocks of
streets, this summer, work having
started In putting In the curbing. The
cost of the street Improvement will tit
ure at $43,440. "
New Yamhill County Veterinarian.
McMlnnvllle, Or., July 13. Dr. H
Nunn of this city, has been appointed
county stock inspector in 11 Cn Af Tim
I'eter Hanson, who has removed to Rl- i
munu. Dr. isunn is the oldest estab
lished veterinarian In the county and
one of the best posted stockmen In this
Seattle Wash., July 13. Tne schoon
er Mahukena, bound for Puget sound
from San Francisco, Is somewhere In
the north Pacific struggling against
head winds. This waa tha word re
ceived today by the steamer Tiverton
which left the golden gate a week ago
towing the sailing vessel. Owing to a
strong head gale, the Tiverton and her
tow made 260 miles In three days and
July 9 It was necessary to cast the
Mahukena adrift, tha master of the Ti
verton fearing his fuel supply would
give out before he reached Puget sound.
The Mahukena spread sail and disap
peared and is expected to pass in the
straits as soon as head winds give way
to fair.
The Mahukena
Cape Mendocino.
was cut adrift off
Members of the Portland and 4
other Oregon lodges of the B. P. 4
O. E. have started a clamor for 4
the Pendleton "cowboys" and 4
"Indians" who took part In the 4
big Elk parade Thursday and 4
rode ' through the downtown 4
Thursday night in true frontier 4
fashion to be sent to Rochester, 4
N. Y., Cor the 1913 convention of 4
the order. Those who favor the 4
plan argue that the "buckarOos" 4
would prove an advertisement of 4
Inestimable value to Portland. 4
"Those reuowa would make the 4
eyes of tha eaat stick out a 4
4fooV'--Ml4 -oae...--,. , . ,. 1 4.
4. -.. it cost tne fenaieton lodge be- 4
4 tween I60C0 and 17000 to send 4
4 tha horsea and delegation to; 4
4 Portland. To aend them to Roch- 4
4 ' ester would cost at least S20.000. 4
44 4 4 4 4
Government Accuses Promi
nent Idaho Men of Misuse
, of Mails. , ,
Boise, Idaho, July 13 Tha Medburr
Land 4 investment company, of which
George .Thompson of Lewlston, I
o. juradiey and C. II. Hammond of
Boise, are the principal officers and
directors, 19 - being Investigated by
federal grand-Jury in the-United States
court for tha central jurisdiction, now
in session in this city. Tha allegation
is the promotion of a lottery and tha
use ot too mails, to further that pur-
1 ns Medoury Land & Investment com'
pany Is an Idaho corporation organised
unoer me laws or this state.. It was
organized to handle tha townslte of
MeuDury m southern Idaho and to lrrl
gate land In the immediate vicinity.
One of the largest townslte openings
thathas been held in this state took
plajia on the townslte of Medbury De
cember 15, 1911. Tne opening was ex
tensively advertised and was conducted
on a drawing basis, each purchaser tak
ing a chance, it is alleged, on the lota
offered -for sale In tha hope .of drawing
several lucky numbers which would en
title them to other property, Including
several housea and lots and a large
Government Charges lottery.
The government charsres that the
lottery was a game of chance from
the start and that tha purchasers were
Innocently .taken advantage of: that
the .United States mails were used by
ma company ana its offlcera to pro
mote the lottery, literature, etc, being
sent through the malls telling of the
big opening, how tha lottery and
d ravings were to ba conducted, etc. It
la also asserted, according to reports
In. federal circles, that the scheme
cauced the loss of "money to many who
entered into It at the petition of tha
company and its officers.
Thla case was presented to a grand
jury about a year ago, but true billa
were not returned, due, It Is claimed,
to the fnct that the drawing had not
taken place at that time. Since then
the government has secured additional
Who tha Offlcera Are. -
The three main offlcera ot tha Med
bury Land & Investment company are
well known In Boise. Mr. Hammett
was connected with the King Hill and
King Hill Extension Irrigation com
panies and is said to have lost a for
tune in them. He is a former business
man of Missouri and well known busi
ness man In Boise.
Mr. Thompson is one of the most
prominent publlo men or north Idaho.
His home Is at Lewlston, where he haa
been Identified with politics and busi
ness for many years. ' Mr. Bradley Is
a well known former newspaper man.
He has been identified with the develop
ment of southern Idaho Irrigated land
for a number of years. Mr. Bradley
was the active manager of tha com
pany, Mr. Thompson, president, and
Mr. HammetVlt Is understood, was Uie
Mrs. Squire Potter, Dr. de Bey
and Others Entertained at
Lawn Party.
Women of national prominence were
guests of honor yesterday .afternoon
at the most elaborate social functions of
the season In Portland, when Mrs. Vin
cent Cook entertained at a garden and
lawn party in the grounds at her beau
tiful home, 426 Fifth street
The event was a reception to meet
the following women: Miss Mary Wood,
of New York, appointed by President
Taft as a member of the Titanic dis
aster memorial commission; Miss Helen
Boswell, appointed by President Taft as
a social and industrial worker in the
Panama. Canal zone; Mrs. Frances
Squire PotterT of Jew York, well known
orator,- author and educator; Mrs. Desha
Breckinridge, of Kentucky, well known
speaker, and Dr. Cornelia DeBey, of
Chicago, who took a prominent part in
acting as mediator between the strikers
and the packing plant operators in the
strikes In the big packing houses In Chi
cago and Kansas City, three years ago.
Thcaa guests were n- tha receiving
line with Mrs. Cook, as were also Mrs.
book's daughter, Mrs. George B. Max
well, of Seattle, and Mrs. Solomon
Hirsch. The tea table wers presided at
by Mrs. William A. MacRae, Mrs. Lee
Hoffman, Mrs. Tyler Woodward and
Mrs. Leroy Parker. The table was cov
ered with an imported lace cloth and
decorated with vases of gladlolas. Punch
was served by Mrs. Andre Foullhoux and
Miss Frances Wilson, assisted by Miss
Marjorle Hoffman, Miss Clementine
Hirsch, Mrs. Stanley Jewett and Miss
Hazel Weidler, The entire lawn and
garden were enclosed with canvas.
During the afternoon short addresses
were made by Miss Wood, who told of
the progress being made with the Tl
tanto memorial fund; Miss Boswell, who
talked of the great hygenio Improve
ment accomplished in the Panama Ca
nal zone; Mrs. Breckinridge, who talked
on her work among the women of the
south; Mrs. Dr. DeBey, whose subject
was education nmong the poorer classes,
and Mrs. Squire Potter, whose re
marks related to woman suffrage.
Mrs. Potter said that It Is absolutely1
essential ror the good or the country
that men and women shall co-operate
In solving the big questions of the day.
Women must help the men in tha eerl
oub thlnKs of life, said Mrs. Potter, as
well as In the more frivolous events of
the social world.
To Investigate Exile's Fate.
(United PrM J.ied Wlre.t
Washington, July 13. President Taft
today proniisel Victor Berger, the So
cialist representative, that he would
order the state department at nce to
Investigate the case of Stefan Dabrow
skl, a naurallzed American, who Is a
life exile In Siberia. Berger said Da
browskl charged that Consul Thomas E.
Hoenan. at Warsaw, abandoned his case,
although he was a naturalized citizen
of the United Statea.
Kills Wife, Then Suicides.
(By the luternnlinnil Newt jUrvice.i
Los Angeles, Cal. July 13. As the
outcome.f a quarrel over, the atrange-
meitr-or TamTTy-araTrrrHarry Webber,
a marble cutter, shot and killed his
wife on the steps of a rooming house
this afternoon. Webber -then killed
himself. Tho couple had been estranged
for some time. Th Webbers were mar.
rled 11 months ago In Portland, Or.
Marathon, Star Event of Olympiad,
Trainer of American Olympic Team Js Hopeful of Winning
. Honor; Musical Festival Feature of Great Athletic v '
Gathering at Stockholm, ; .
By Michael J. Murphy, Trainer of
American Olympic Team.
(Br to 1 International Newt lrvtce.V
Stockholm. July 1J. I have .been
asked, a hundred times -to say what
chance America has to win the Mara
thon race, tha crow-nlng blue ribbon
event of tha Olympic program, and one
I would, rather have our boya win than
almost an tha others put together, ,
Frankly, X would not dare to hazard a
prediction. . But I do think : we have
fully as good a ohanoe -as wa- had at
London four years ago, - when Johnny
Hayes won from Dorando, tha Italian,
In one of the moat aensatlonal finishes
of athletic history. Too much depends
upon luck or conditions that arise ,ln
tha classic event, I know of no method
of properly determining In advance the
relatiya rnerltiot. out own .Marathon
o Course Is TJlffloult.
Today I went over the course with
Johnny Hayes, who has been training
tha American team. It Is by far the
hardest course 'I ever saw. The first
three miles ara of hard macadam, with a
mues ara or nara macauarn. wiu, 1 w,n bft mtaIwd toroorrow ln-the hls
layer of rock on tha top. This rockTtoro M.Pfttnon rua7 continental 8un.
la not only so unyielding as fo pound
tha feet of the runnera. but It Is not
laid evenly. In fact It is aa rough as
the "Ro6ky. road to Dublin."
But of worse significance is tha fact
that this three-mllea Is also the last
three mllea. and that the runners wno
ro out over It from tha atadlum will
have to return over It to tha stadium.
Under existing conditions those last
three mllea ara likely to prove doubly
annoying and hasardoua to the wall
spent athletea throughout tne very try
ing stages of tha weary journey.
v Americana Save AAvanUge.
jaMi Waaaj daw w . aivvatil w tvyuviusjf smsvj. e vi
1 do not think the condition of theTXf Gallagher, Jr.. of Yale aniveralty.
course will militate against tne cnances
of our team, Tha only team ouisiae
of our own which it can possibly bene
fit Is that of Sweden. Outside the hard
macadam road tbe course trails up hill
and down dale over heavy dust ana
sandy soil. In fact tha entire country
is like Maine or Minnesota, miner man
Ilka any other part of Europe, uur
team, better perhapa than any other
out for tha Marathon, fully appreciates
the significance bf bad roada. The hpt
ter the weather tomorrow the better for
our bovs. Tit team has had plenty of
opportunities to famlllarlie Itself with
the advantages and arawoacas 01 me
Winner Slay Oala Saay - Victory.
If America Is destined to win, there
in lust a Dosslblllty. of course, that
soma one lightly regarded may land
the laurels. But our men, who appear
in best form for the historic test of
athletic endurance, are Michael J. Ryan
of the Irish American Atnieuo ciuo;
John Gallagher Jr., of Yale, and the
Indian Sockalexla of Maine. Ryan. It
will be remembered, won the Boston
Marathon In record time last April. He
seems fit in every way. Bockalexls
should be right at home on he Swed
ish course and will doubtless give a
good account of himself if he meets
with no Injury.
The most Important victory of our
team today wbb that scored In the 3000
meters race. We really had little bet
ter than an outside chance for our run
ners had all been put through hard
competitions all rweek. , On the other
hand, Sweden and England both had
saved up their men to cinch this event
Two Good Xaoaa.
Th feature even te of the-week end
were the two fine races, both of which
fell to America the 400 meters ana
the 3000 meters team races. The former
was a struggle between Tour Americans
on the one hand and Braun of Germany
on the other. The Syracuse collegian,
Charles D. Keldpath, beat out Braun I
How It Was Talked
A Conversation Friday Resulted in Action
"Do vou know. Jack, that we need
In this house?" t . ' m
"I know we need a barrel of money for one thing!
"Well, I don't mean that, and besides, money isn t
everything. We need music more than we need money
money makes you old, while music keeps you young!"
"But, honey, neither one of us can play a note
what's the use?" , ,,,. .
"Well, we don't need to play a note m the old-fashioned
way. ' I was over to Mrs. Baker's yesterday and
Mr. Bs'cer has Hist bemeht a pJaver piano at Eilers
Music House. You should hear it! Why, you'd think
it was some great performer."
"But those player pianos cost lots of money, and
the Bakers could buy and sell us ten times over!"
but Mrs. Baker say that some patents have expired
. . . ... . TnM m r ' ii. . e
now ana tney re seinng at cucrs music nousc iur
nearly half the prices the old combine used to ask."
' I
& r : . " '1 '-r:
Seethe superb Autopiano De Luxe in
Music, House. Undoubtedly the most
Says Trainer Mike Mwfpliy
handily In 48 1-S seconds, with Edward
F. Llndberg, of tha Chicago A. A., in
third place. .
. America wua out bf Its element in
the discus fling with both hands. . It
was an entirely new game to the cham
pions who were not accustomed ' to
throwing with the left hand. . ; ' .
' Crreil Knalesi festival.
""One of the most picturesquely striking
features of the meeting greeted the
throngs' of sport lovers as they . filed
out or tha stadium at tha conclusion
Of the'day's program;"" Immediately Out-
alda the grounda was gathered one of
tha most enormous multitudes ever as
sembled anywhere. - Tha causa of tha
mobilisation waa a . festival by the
Swedish cholra. Between three and-four
thousand singers took part and their
friends and supporters from the whole
country .came to cheer thorn. They pa
raded to 'the stadium with many banda
and banners In which women Imper
sonated historical characters. It seamed
a if all the population of Sweden was
on hand; . ' , ,
Marathon steal Climax.
The. climax of tha Olymplo games
day Is a day of sport and f estlvtty-aO
that It lb believed tha greatest attend
ance of the present Olympiad will be out
for the event A field of from CO ta 10
runners will atart. Tha Americana will
number around a doien. Those listed
to carry the colors of tha United Statea
ara: Andrew Soxaleils, Lewis Lewanln;
Richard F. Piggott, North Dorchester;
Clarence H. Deniar and Thomas H. Lll
ley. North Porehester A. A.; Michael 3.
Kyan, L A. A. C; Joseph Forahaw, Jr.;
MlssourHA. C; Joseph Erlebran, Mis
souri A. C; Harry J. 8mlthr.unattaohed;
John Btrobino, South Paterson A. C;
John J. Reynolds, I. A. A. C. and John
(BpeHil to Tb Journal.)
- Seattle, Waah., July II. Charlea E.
Horton, of Seattle, today, was elected
president af tha National Association
of Building Ownera and .Managers at
Ae close of the fifth annual conven
tion. Tha honor was conferred unan
imously. The others named were, W.
M. Ellis, Chicago, vice president; C. A.
Patterson, secretary, reelected; Frank
C. Haupt, Milwaukee, treasurer. Tha
convention meets next year lnCIncln
natl although Omaha 'made 4 game bid
for the gathering and waa given consid
erable attention. Finishing Its busi
ness this afternoon, tha convention ad
journed and tha delegates were taken
for a ride on Puget sound to tha navy
yard and Tacoma. returning lata to
night. The report .of the secretary
showed an active membership of 17S
with every city exceeding 100,000 pop
ulation In the country repreaented by
one or' mora 4nergbers.
With tha close of thla convention,
the treasury showa a balance of $1600.
(United Pna T!re.t
Peoria. 111., July 13. James C. Skin
ner, a roundsman, was shot and killed
tonight when with . Henry Soper, a
brother officer, ha made a raid on a
negro resort. One of two negro prison
ers struck up a gun in the- hands of
Soper and the bullet entered Skinner s
abdomen. He died on tha way to a hos
pital. A crowd gathered about the prison ad
Joining tha rtty hall and fearing pos
sible mob violence the two prisoners
were spirited away by the police.
in an East Side Home
Yesterday and Music
lots of things
"Well, the
Walker told me
"Mavbe it
Eilers Music House, Alder street at beventn.
intricately carved art noveau case,
exquisite mode! in Circassian walnut
Nurse , Leaves ' Home ' Town
With a .Miss Huntington,
Then . Disappears From
Portland; Case to Police. '
(Special to Thu Journal.)
Pendleton, Or., July 13.r-Where Is
Miss Nellie Baker of this city, and who
is Miss Huntington, with whom she left
Pendleton three weeks ago? i '.!;v.:'.n
These are questions for which the po
lice of Portland and Pendleton are vain
ly seeking an answer In their endeaver
to solve the mystery of her disappear
ance. - r .
According to a telegran received from
Chief Slever today, the irl disappeared
from her1 rootjn, 124 Salmon, street,. Port
land, several "days ago, leaving her per
sonal belongings, '
She left Pendleton June 23, with Miss
Huntington, of whom nothing is known
by tha girl's mother and slater here. She
atopped in' Tha Dalles several days and
went on to Portland. .
' She Is a nursa and bore an excellent
reputation here. . - ,''
Judge Tas'well announced yesterday
uwnuvu uwi quo iv in Tuivui urui"
nances covering tha weeds and grass
nuisance, his clerk would hereafter re
fuse to give the police warrants for
the arrests of violators. Tola order la
to stand until tha executive board com
pletes the details of a new ordinance
that provides for the appropriation of
an amount of money to ba used In
cleaning up lota that ara covered with
obnoxious weeds and grass. -
Three ordlnancea now In affect pro
vide that grass must be cut along tha
curb, that ownera must cut tha erase
12$ feet back, and that tha city shall
have authority to have tha grass cut
on any lot, ana ua cost or tne work
shall ba a lien on tha property that
makes tha property liable for sal forj
Fifteen cases came up for hearing- be
fore Judge Taswell yesterday and In
moat of them convictions were scored,
but la every case, on account of tha,
conflicting ordinances, sentences were'
suspended, pending final settlement by
tha executive board.
(Catted Preai Lcawd Wire. I
Milwaukee, Wla July 13. Minor rl-
ota and scores of fist fights In the
business district tonight called extra
police to tha scene when Chicago news
boys, employed by tha Chicago World,
a Socialist publication, attempted to
cry their papers on the streets. Local
newsboys with the early editions of the
non-union Chicago papers, objected to
the advent of the World and trouble
followed, in which 'pedestrians Joined.
At midnight a dosen police patrolled
every block and further y trouble was
looked for. Many arrests were made.
w n w wii i Rnn i nns
Klamath Falls, Or.,-July 13. Prises
for drill teams and a big class to Ini
tiate are plans of the Woodmen of the
World for the fan fair, September 26-28.
The lodge men will have parades and
street drills, but will arrangu their pro
gram so as hot to Interfere with the
fair afternoons.
Walkers have one and it cost them $800,
so himself r
did. but the Baiters tell me that Eilers
are selling them for $485, with lots of music, and on
terms, too. Two dollars a week who couldn't afford
two dollars a week?"
"Two dollars a week! Sure that sounds fine and
"I'd just Jove to have one, Jack!" "
"Well, suppose you come down to the office to
morrow and we'll go into Eilers and look into this .
player pianos business."
"Jack, you're just a dear!"
There's a conversation almost verbatim. A beauti
ful Bungalow Prayer Piano was sent to this young j
couple's home yesterday as a result of it a $30 Jour
nal advertising test coupon helped get it. It again
appears in this issue. Look it up; it's worth $30 at
in the North show window of EiW
ever shown in 1 Portland. , -,