The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 14, 1912, Page 26, Image 26

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Coquille River Boat Service
Resembles That o f Electric Line
Closing . of. Elks' Convention
Greatiy reduced prices on Men's and . Boys' reliable
clothing; and furnishings. Gome this week and
Benefits Educational Gath-
ering; Musical Program Is
1 4Afk3
Greatly Enjoyed.
Increased attendance marked the fifth
day of the Chautauqua and made Sat
urday the record breaker for the sea
- alon. With the faces of the Elka turned
i homeward and Portland and vicinity
once more settling back to normal, an.
: increasingly large attendance is assured
from now until the close of the session
-Just one week from today.
Saturday afternoon and evening the
Chicago Operatic company held the
"board, and although they had filled
' every platform program for two days,
there was general regret that their en-
gagement had come to an end. The uni
versal verdict was that no better musl-
. ,tI attraction had. ever , been put upon
the Chautauqua platform.
ZT : Child Welfare.
. -The child and its welfare is ever
and ever a growing subject and it was
a, matter worthy of note that a program
m few years ago to discuss "only a
. child" would hardly have drawn a
baker's dozen, while yesterday, "only
the child" and its welfare attracted an
audience of. several hundred at the"
. forum hour. The auditorium was so
full It would have done credit to an
mfternoon program. Dr. W. T. Foster,
president of Reed college, delivered a
'masterly address. He took up the re
sponsibility of the parent along the line
f proper education, and the proper
. place for the child to get the education
that Is to make for the weal or woe
: of the man. He talked plainly to the
hundreds of mothers that were there,
and drove home truths that they can
' never forget, and it would be a callous
parent, indeed, who . did not take home
something as particularly applicable to
, her. own training of her child. Dr.
Foster unsparing scathed the fake mcdl-
caVnatltutlons, giving . specific In-,
stances Of Portland institutions that had
beggered young men and women finan
cially and robbed-them of health and
. Mrs. Robert Tate presided and was
; particularly happy in her greetings to
ths assembly. Excellept music was fur
nished by Charles Duncan McNeil.
' ', At ths close of the program the mem-
. bers of ths Congress of Mothers and the
Child Welfare workers repaired to tho
domestlo science pavilion where a de
licious lunch was partaken of, and the
work of the congress discussed over the
.kind of coffee mothers only know how
to make.
The work of the congress at the kin
dergarten pavilion is progressing finely
, and Increasing in attendance avery day.
Boy Scouts.
An interesting and attractive feature
is ths 10 boy scouts who are patrollng
tha grounds. They are under command
of -Colonel C. M. Dusttn, and are a
handsome, orderly and manly set of
boys. On July 19 at 11 a. m., there
. Will be a sham battle by the soldiers
of the First Regiment, Oregon Reserves.
Xadis of ths O. A. B.
, This is a comparatively new orsanl
ration, but strong in the east with about
vO.000 members. It works along the
same line as the Woman's Relief Corns
but has an inherited right to admission!
A" cosy little headquarters has been
arranged near ths secretary's desk, and
several earnest, enthuslastlo women are
tnere, dispensing hospitality and pro
moting their propaganda.
The Harmony Woman's club is again
occupying Its comfortable rrame cottage.
' '- ". O. T. V.
":As usual this Is the mecca for many
Chautauquans and the living room of
the substantial cottage is always full of
busy interested women and it is a place,
where one Is always sure of finding
"something doing." Yesterday Mrs.
Elisabeth Dalglelth spoke to the young
people on "The Man of the Sea."
- Many Strangers.
This-Chautauqua Tias another dis
tinguishing feature, which is an unusu
ally., large numbers of visitors from
some distance, which Indicates the
broadening of the Chautauqua influence.
Among those registered yesterday were:
Mrs. C. H. Jones and family of Salem;
MrsJDayld, Hammack. Mt.. Vernon.
Wash.; Rev. Clarence True Wilson and
family of Chicago; Miss Frances Gage,
eattlerMrs. Ella Pollock, Rldgarirld,
Wash.; Maggie Butler, Monmouth; Miss
Virginia E. Crawford. Heppner; Mrs.
Robert R Frailer, Milton, Or.; Anna L.
eerensen, North Yakima, and Mrs. O. P.
Johnson, Buenos Ayres. Argentine, S. A.
- Even Sunday is not provided with
idleness on the Chautauqua grounds, and
the day will be Just as busy, though It
Will be a shifting of Interaste which la
alwsys moreXestful than simply doing
BQtnlng. f
Rev. C. A. Phlpps will conduct the
Sunday school in tne forenoon. At 3
p.m. the Chautauqua chorus will pro
vide a program which will be a musical
"Soldiers of the Common Good" will
be ths toplo of tho afternoon lecture,
which will be given by Charles Edward
Russell. Mr. Russell Is one of the most
experienced newspaper men in the coun
try, having run the gamut of avery de
partment of the newspaper office from
reporter of various lines of work to
editor at different times on several of
our well known dallies. He has done
particularly strong work in
political conventions, and la sometimes
referred to as "tne political Messiah."
At l:S0 P. m. Miss Helen V. Hoswell.
who will be the lecturer on Tuesday
afternoon, will visit the headquarters of
the Oregon Federation of Women's
Clubs, and has been Induced to give a
ittle talk on her experience in Tanama
nd the work of the women of tht
Canal Zone federation.
When Lou J. Bcaurhnmp arrears to
night and delivers his lecture, "The
ge of the Young Man." those who
leaf him will have heurd one of the
nost inspirational lecturers on ths
American patform. Sam Jones said of
Mm:,' "He makes you laugh, and laugh
md laugh; and cry, and cry, and cry
nd think, and thing, and think." it is
his peculiar power that invariably holds
? .
J?IljH,Jli I
k.-' i'S..W-r-
Above, the Dispatch, Coquille to
Bandon; below, the Coquille, same
(Special to The Journal.)
Marshfield, Or., July 13. Few dis
tricts of the" same wealth or resource
depend upon gasoline launches and
steamboats as a means of transportation
so much as tha valley of the Coquille
river in Coos county. The Coquille riv
er extends from the head of navigation
at Myrtle Point, down to Goqullle, the
county seat and on to Ban4on at the
harbor entrance, nearly 40 miles.
The valley of this river is ope of the
richest parts of Oregon. The upper riv
er is lined with highly productive dairy
ranches, rich bottom lands of high val
ues and beautiful homes. On the hills
and mountains beyond are enormous
quantities of valuable timber and sev
eral coal mines are in operation. On
the lower river are saw mills, creamer
ies, logging camps, ship yards and fish
canneries besides valuable fishing
For all of these industries the river
serves as an outlet from the interior to
the sea as well as though it had been
put there by man to serve as a road
stead. It is the only means of fast
transportation from Coquille and Myr
tle Point to Bandoni On accourit of in
crenslng business in the river valley,
transportation facilities have during the
past few months been greatry improved
and there are now six boats making
trips to and from Eandon every day.
The service for passenger travel and
freight transportation Is almost as good
as an electric interurbn line and. the
river has done much to develop the ter
ritory The Dispatch Is a large boat running
between Coquille and Bandon. The Co
quille ahd the Wolverine are fast boats
making the same run. The Dora runs
from Myrtle Point to Coquille and
makes through trips on to Bandon. The
May, a smaller boat, was recently put
on the riiri ahd a new boat, the Norma,
has Just been built and put Into service
with the others between Coquille and
Bandon. Tha boats connect with the
trains to and from Marshfield, giving
a direct trip from Coos Bay to Bandon
at the mouth of the river. A few years
ago there was but one boat each way
a day. The rivalry between lines had
caused the boat owners to Increase their
speed. The boat Coquljle was recently
rebuilt and Is now fitted with a cabin
having Morris chairs at every window.
The boats carrying freight handle all
the milk and other products of the
farmers, while ocean going vesEcIs
crossing the bar go up the river to load
lumber at the sawmills and coal at the
mines. Last year the lumber ship
ments from the Coquille river showed
an Increase of 90 per cent over the year
previous and several new Industries are
planned for the district this year.
Chances of Complications Get
Less. Hourly While Strength
Is Being Gained.
(8peeUl to Tbe Jonroal 1
Eugene, Or.. July 13.Sherlff Bown
n T .
vi Italia county is reported to have
spent a comfortable day with chances
of recovery Increasing every hour. Ho
Is gaining some strength end the likeli
hood of complications Is growing less
Sheriff Bown was Injured four miles
north of Corvallis when his auto went
into the ditch. He is in a hospital at
Corvallis with a fracture at the base of
the skull. This fracture extends to tha
part of the skull connected with the ex
ternal ear, which Is the cause of the
profuse bleeding from both ears since
the injury. In the evnt that menWltl.
sets In death is Inevitable.
Where the accident haonened for nn(t
a distance the road Is high In the middle
with a Sharp ditch at each side. At the
particular place where the accident oc
curred the ditch is deeoer th. ron
more slanting and the bank higher than
elsewhere. After the accident the car
stood on the bank at the east side of
the road, the left wheels of the left
side of theVar In ths ditch, anrf ti,.
other side high In the air. The rieht
rront wheel had broken off at the hub.
and the front axle had shoved along on
the embankment the length of the car
From appearances the car, after leaving
the roadway, stopped In less than two
lengths. It was apparent that the diffi
culty came in the uncoupling of th
steering gear. The car could not have
hcen going at great speed. ,
'TTnlted Prei IKl Wire.)
New York. July 13 Under the ss
sumed names of "Mr. and Mrm. w w
Stanley," Stanley Ford, the actor, and
his bride, who was Mrs. Helen Story
youthful divorcee and heiress to the late
juage KODert initon's, millions, sailed
reporting! today on their honeymoon trip fo Eu-
iupe. i-oro, who was named as core-
aponoeni in nis wife's recent divorce
action, assailed the Justice of the de
cision. "We were perfectly innocent." he
said, "but we will be very happy All
we ask Is that the puhlic let us alone"
Workmen at Camp No. 1 Are
Clearing Right-Qf-Way
Near North Bend.
The fulbl
Registered Duroc
Jersey Hogs
.'he kind that. 90 -per cent of the
"ebnskt farmers raise. Bred
ows, young stock, both sexes;
oars for immediate service al
ays on hand.
Write- your-wants.
North Portland, Or.
every audience he addresses.
program for tomorrow Is:
Morning: 10:30 Sunday school Rev
f . A. I'iiiprs president of the State Sun
day Fi liool association, superintendent
Afternoon: 2:00 Music by Chautau
cua cnoru. under the direction of Pro
feesor I'. T. Chapman, musical director
Soloists. Miss Goldie Peterson and
Chsrlrs Duncan McNeil. Lecture by
Charles Edward Russell, author. Jour
nalist and lecturer: "Soldiers of the
Common Good.'' 4 :00 Sacred concert
barman's orchestra. 8 :00 Chautauqua
chorus Soloists, Miss Peterson and Mr.
McNeil. Lecture-sermon "Th. a..
! th9 Youn Man." by Lou J. Beauchumn
Monday's Program.
Morning 8-1 1 Chautauqua summer
school. 11:00 Chautauqua forum "New
Ideas on an Old Subject," by LoU j
Afternoon: 1 : 5 Concert, Chapman's
orchestra; soloist, Pauline Miller Chap
man. 2:00-An afternoon with th poet
and orator, Fred Emrson Brooks 3 30 '
Baseball. 7:15 Concert. Chapman's or
caesua; solttlst. Unetm,,
cornel with on-hest nn ..
. L.rr ivniernon llassett
ture. iaKe tha Sunny Sid",
by Ixu J.
(Br'ia) to Tlx Jmrnil.t
North Bend, Or., July 13. A foroe of
45 men Is engaged In clearing: the right
of way for tho Eugene-Coos Eay line of
the Southern Pacific near North Bond.
The men are at work about seven miles
north of this city where a camp has
been established by Thomas Dixon, rep
resenting McArthur Brothers and Perks
company. The camp Is known as Camp ;
No. 1 and Is the first construction camp ;
or tne new line in this locality.
General Manager C. C. Tinkler of the
contracting firm Is expected in the city
within a few days with his wife. He
has rented the STiellev resideno In
North Bend, one of the finest homes In
the city.
Philip Nelson, a tunnel contractor, has
been In tho city after havlnjr made a
trip over the entire line. It la "said h
will make bids for building some of the
tunnels. i
Porter Brothers, who hav necurl
from the general contractors th work
of building 80 miles of the road, are
making preparations for work. Most of
their equipment will b landed at the
L'rnpqua and the Sluslaw rivers as their
work will end with a tunnel south r
Gardiner. This tunnel is 4000 feet Inn
and will require probably a year and
a nau to build. Work on the tunnel '
will be carried on during the winter
weather regardless of the rains. ,
workmen who expect to aecur work
on the road are beginning to arrive tn '
this locality. The workmen will all be
taken care of in camps which will be
established along the line hut NnrfH I
Bond will be headquarters of the flnan. 1
cial department as well as the distrib
uting point for all material and equip
ment. A warehouse and office building
will be erected in this city.
(Spednl to The Jnnrnil. )
-Monmouth, Or., July 13 The Oregon,
.ormai scnooi nas completed the first
of the six weeks of Its summer semes-1
ter with a total enrollment of 147. Much
Interest is manifested In the work and I
satisfaction expressed with the plan of I
the school by means of which regular
normal jvork Is offered by the regular!
faculty and normal credits given for !
completed work. Many of the students!
In the summer school are planning to
continue work in the fall and the pres- :
Ident reports that his correspondence
indicates a greatly increased attend
ance during the ensuing year. '
rn11 l'rit l.entm Wlre.t I
El Taso. Texas, July 13. Mexican
rebels from rasas Grandes today occu- '
pled Bavispe, Basaraca nml ( olonla Mo
reles, In Sonora, tho latt.r a 'Mormon
colony, and forced the evacuation by
federals of Agua Trlota. !
Friends In El Paso of Mormon BLshop
Orson P. Brown, are alarmed over fall- :
ure to get word from him. He went'
Tuesday to the Mormon colonies In 6o-'
nora. In anger, to demand Justice from
the federals, and no word has come
from him. It Is t eared he has been im-:
prisoned by feiWnt commanders. !
General Orozeo announced to.lay that
no attempt will be made to hold Juarez
It will be evacuated upon the nnro.h i
of General Huerta's efmy. J
in a suj
much for so small an outlay. See the prices:
MEN'S suns
$10.00 Suits, now. ......$ 6.95
$15.00 Suits, now $11.35
$20.00 Suits, now. ... .$13.35-
$25.00 Suits, now . .$16.65
Blacks and Blues One-Fourth Off
$2.00 Pants, now. ...... .$1.45
$3.00 Pants, now ....... . $2.25
$3.50 Pants, now $2.65
$4.00 Pants, now. $3.00
$4.50 Pants, now $3.25
$5.00 Pants, now $3.75
$6.00 Pants, now $4.50
$1.93 Suits, now.. . . . , .$1.35
$2.50 Suits, now ....$1.65
$2.95 Suits, now. ..$1.95
$3.95 Suits, now $2.65
$4.35 Suits, now......... $2.90
$5.00 Suits, now $3.35
$6.00 Suits, now $3.95
$ .50 Garments, now . . . . . .35c
$1.00 Garments, now. ..... 79c
$1.00 Shirts, now. . ......$ .79
$1.50 Shirts, now .$1.15
$2.00 Shirts, now. ...... .$1.35
$2.50 and $3 Shirts $1.95
50c Neckwear, now. ...... .39c
25c Silk Web Padded Garters,
unow 15c
All Straw Hats and Panamas Half Price
When you see it in our ad, it's oo
Five Stores
First and Morrison Third and Oak First and Yamhill
Second and Morrison 87 and SO Third
(I 0
I . . -
In Our Furniture of
tlie Medium Grade
There's Character of Design
and Trustworthy Workmanship
The recognized distinguishing features of good furniture are in evi
dence throughout our line of furniture that is classified as medium
grade. The selection of materials, the workmanship, finish and con
struction all display the merit that denotes such pieces as of the de
pendable kind. But of equal import
ance is tne pnee. ror instance:
At $38 are Beds of beautifully fig
ured Circassian walnut or mahogany.
in me neavy colonial scroll design.
Large Dressers and Chiffoniers to match at $45 and $45 re.
And yet for those who prefer something along the plain, straight
toes are matched pieces m mahogafny, Circassian walnut and golden
oak, priced as follows:
Beds, full size or three-quarters, at $20.
Chiffoniers at $25. Dressers at $28.
i : ;
The Importance of Originality
I I ! i . i . .
In interior WnraHnn ! tnn n(n lr...J l
those building new homes or re-decorating their
homes. One cannot obtain effective or artistic
results without a proper knowledge of those things
most important in home decoration the treat
ment of walls; the correct sefection of window
hangings and floor coverings, furniture coverings,
etc. The experience of expert decorators and de
signers, together with a stock of fabrics and wall
coverings tor the simplest as well as the most
elaborate treatments, makes it possible for our
decorative department to originate correct
schemes, whether it be for old or new plastered
walls. Well be glad to submit designs and es
timates. Color-fast drapery materials, 50 inches wide,
in green, rose, blue, brown and yellow, suitable
tor living room, dining room and bedroom han.
lngs, at $1.25 yard. 6
Large selection of Scotch Madras, 50 inches
wide, at 75c yard.
Brussels Rugs
Marked Lower Than
Their Usual Prices.
In them are shown patterns
and colorings adapted for all
rooms. Oriental, chintz and
flora! effects for bedrooms, tans,
etc. Note the sizes and prices:
0x12 ft. Rugs at... $27.50
10.6x12 ft. Rugs at $37.50
10.6x13.6. ft. Rugs $42.50
11.3x1 ft-Rugs at $47.50
See the new seamless Wilton
Ruga in two-tone borders and
plain centers, in refined shades
of gray, brown and rose.
5th and
J. G. Maclk &. Co,
5th and
m i