The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 14, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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Royal Engagement Mat Be Announced
Pope Pius and His Sisters Who Aiii in His Care
His Jealousy of King Edward
and Love for Kaiserin Re
vealed in Royal Diary,
Head of. the Catholic Church
' Dwells Simply, Subject of
Care for His Sisters, '
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Suppression of White -Slave
Traffic Purpose of Proposed
vv Measure Sueeested hv Him.
Uy Ea L. Keen
; ,; London. July 13. England Is erecting
C a unique memorial t the late William
I T. Stead.
It is In the form of a law designed
i to suppress the white slave traffic,
g against which Stead preached so vigor
ously and in such plain language that
V. on one occasion he was sent to prison
on the ground that he had offended
i, public deceney.
Repeatedly in the past few years at
J tempts have been mada to get through
;; parliament a bill which would carry out
England's obligations under the Inter
I national agreement signed In Paris In
J 1904,' providing for cooperation of the
! leading countries of the world in stamp
t tng, out the rapidly growing evil. But.
ilt waa Jiot -until after th Titanic disas
. ter that, inspired by the idea of paying
t a fitting tribute to the memory of ona
Z Of the ablest editors and greatest re
t formers In BriUsh history,, a number, of
t Stead's' "friends and admirers got to
J gether Jn a final effort to place upon
; the statute books such drastic leglsla
) tlon as wouli remove from England
t BmlPCh Of helng at present a genera"
? clearing house for the white slave
trade. Their labors have been reaarded
. with unexpected success. Already the
bill amending tlje existing utterly inad
" equate criminal laws relating to this
subject has passed its second reading,
has ben adopted by the liberal leaders
as ft government measujjfrkand will al
most ' certainly bt enaJd before the
summer recess.
English Laws Are Lax.
Owing to the laxity of the present
' statutes, England has furnished a frutt
i ful field for the recruiting of the white
slavemarkets of America and the con
: tinent Those who have investigated
the subject Intimately, say that the
antl Slave law recently passed by the
' United States congress, although it has
resulted In a marked diminution of the
. traffic from England by way of the At
lantic ports, has lamentably failed so
: far as the Canadian frontier is con
V cerhed. ColnJdentally with the cam
paign in England, the national vigilance
association has been conducting an ac
' tlVS propaganda in Canada by which it
is hoped the ports of that country will
be closed against the traffic.
J-"Th hill does not attempt the hope
,' less task of making people virtuous by
' law, nor does It attempt to effect a com
; plete cleansing of the Augean stables of
t vice," explained Arthur Lee, M. 1'., who
- has charge of the measure in parlia
ment, in discussing its provisions with
jrour correspondent. "Its main and sim
ple Object is to paralyze the activities
Of those sinister creatures who make 11
commercial business of deeoying, kid
naping; and ruining young ami innocent
i rirla, and to punish the rfeSraW tara
i Sites Who live upon the earnings of
' those who have fallen into their
Love Tragedy Shocks Venice.
Br the International News Serrlre. )
' , Venice. July 13. A great sensation
has been caused in society circles here
J by a love tragedy, the details of which
r became known today, and by which two
' well known families of the aristocracy
ars thrswn Into mourning.
Os the arrival last eveping of a train
at the South station of Vienna the of
fields discovered in a first class com
partment the dead body of a young
, lady. Near ner was lying a gentle
man, evidently In a dying condition
v who has Since expired. From letters
which wera found upon them, declaring
their intention to commit suicide to
gether, the lady was identified as the
countess Alice Amaru iJ-r,nno, and the
fetntlcWSTrlirBaMfiLaaisIaus Kurthy
So Clear Is the mountain atmonph
in. tjuiio. unun mo rquaiur in r.cuaaor,
tlut persons dressed in white have been
rilMtlnaiiiishad 11 miles awnv
f, c :
Grand Duchess Olga of Russia and
Prince Adalbert of German.
Berlin, July IS. According to a socie
ty journal, which is usually well in
formed, there is a diplomatic side to the
meeting of the two Caesars, the German
kaiser and the Russian czart which took
place July 4 at Baltic port! Russia.
The kaiser was accompanied by his
third and unmarried- son, Prince Adal
bert, and the report is that the imperial
meeting will result in the announcement
of the engagement of this young prince
and the czar's Grand Duehess Olga.
Yacht Trip Planned for Wooing
Is a Most Dismal
(By the International News SerTlee.)
Palis. July 13. News has Just reached
Paris that tha Duke and Duchess of
Manchester's party, which sailed away
bo gaily from the sunny shores of the
Mediterranean last spring, went all to
leces in flowery Japan.
It will be remembered that the ducal
host and hostess were not the principal
figures in that interesting yachting
party. Mrs. William B. Leeds, the
wealthy widow of a New York banker.
was the real heroine and Lord Falconer.
son of the Earl of Klntore and tjueendam,
aspirant to the. hand of Mrs. Agnew-Chapman-Van
Valkenberg, was the hero.
Sir Francis Lascelles was of the party
by way of chaperenage. The duke and
duchess had hoped to make a marriage
between tne Impecunious Lord Falconer
and the wealthy widow, and where could
tiic wooing be done mora discreetly and
effectively than In the yacht Seml which belonged to Anthony
Drcxel? - -
Widow, Bored, Beturns.
But in this case the course of love
did not run smooth, for on reaching
Yokohama the widow thought she was
bored and made a bee line for Paris,
and the whole party went to pieces on
the sunny shores of Japan. Mrs. Leeds
traveled back by the Tsanssiberlan rail
road, but not with any member of the
party. .,
Loid Falconer passed through Paris
a few days ago on his way to London,
hut he did not see Mrs. Leeds, who had
been called to America by the Illness
of her father. The Duke of Manchester
Is n. .w on the steam yacht Warrior, near
Cistellama. and the duchess is believed
to be In Tanderagee castle, Ireland.
Never was a yachting party more dis
rupted or a courtship cruise more com
pletely wrecked.
Kitchener to Undergo Operation.
(Bt the Interntitleoa Newi Sertlc.
Berlin, July 13. The Vosslche Zel
tung has received news from Cairo
that Lord Kitchener will shortly arrive
In Berlin to have an operation per
formed on the leg which he broke in
India In 1903. It la stated that the leg
has recently been giving the British
agent general some trouble and that he
has decided to undergo treatment by a
German specialist.
Lord KltchcnrU" accident occurred
while he was riding through a tunnel
near Simla.- A native scared his Jtorsa,
which crushed mm against the wall,
breaking a leg and throwing him to the
ground. He was sllpwed to lie there
unattended for a considerable time, as
the natives were afraid to ' render him
By Count von Elphberg.
(Bt the luternntlonal News 8irTlee.)
Berlin, July 13. Tho kaiser is not
to be outdone (by his son as an author
and has long been busily engaged writ
ing or rather dictating his memoirs,
since he succeeded his father in 1888. He
Is devoting at least half an hour daily
to this work.
The memoirs will only be published
according to the kaiser's present inten
tions 10 years after his death, but if the
work displeases the next kaiser It may
never bo published unless revised.
From a person who enjoys the kaiser's
absolute confIdencfiund long friendship,
I luarn that the memoirs ana extremely
frank. They deal with much sincerity
with his ministers, his children and his
fellow- European-sovereigns,-- The me
moirs will include a pen portrait of
Edward VII, detailed the. day after that
monarch died, and which will throw a
strong and somewhat constitutional light
upon the relationship of the two men
who for 10 years held Europe s fate In
their hands. The kaiser acknowledges
that tho repeated achievements of Ed
ward, his easy genial way, his success
as a diplomat and even as a dandy dis
pleased him, for his own natural gifts
run on quite different lines.
Falls to Outdo Edward.
The kaiser, It seems, once tried to
outdo Edward In tho art of dressing.
He ordered some sensational hats of
varied hues, but especially. gray. Ed
ward's favorite color for head gear, to
be hrought to Potsdam palace, previous
to his departure for Willcni Wlllems
hope, where he was to meet his royil
kinsman. He tried them all on In the
presence of the kaiserin. but W llliain
had to recognize that hlu hats lacked
chic and that he never would succeed
In getting the butter of Edward as a
Each meeting the kaiser had with Ed
ward left the former dissatisfied and
uneasy. Each time the same words
rose to his imperial lips: "What will
come out of all this? Did I commit
At one point In his memoirs, tho
kaiser expressed his regret that another
European ruler should always be act
ing as his tutor.
Towards his own family the memoirs
are not over tender. His wrath at tho
crown prince after the latter's Incau
tious demonstration In the reichstag at
the Morocco debate Is set down in vivid
phrases. Toward the kaiserin the me
moirs bear witness of unfailing respect
and affection. The kai.ser, who so sel
dom takes advice, reveals the fact that
In certain different circumstances fie
consulted his spouse and acted with
profit as she advised. The kaiser ex
presses only One regret regarding the
kaiserin and that concerns her delesta
tlon of court functions in which he rev
els. She loves to retire early In the
evening and looks on the January court
balls as tortures. The kaiser relates
how one evening at a stale ball the
kaiserin had Just received the homage
of M. Blhourd. the French ambassador,
but owing to her natural timidity she
could not find a fitting reply to the
carefully considered words of the
The Incident was embarrassing and in
different political conditions might have
been considered an affront to the French
representative, but the kaiser, who sees
everything, came to his wife's rescue
and at once found a fitting reply which
adjusted the matter. Several Incidents
of this kind are recalled. But tho
stories which will attract most com
ment If ever published tonceins the re
lationship of the kaiser with his minis
ters and distinguished foreigners.
Storm7 Scenes Bcviewed.
The world mav hear with surprise
that--the katsef-oftn- harT violent dis
cussions with his chancellors, that
Prince Von Buelow's retirement was the
sequel to a wild scene which took place
at the Berlin palace several days after
the publication of the London imily le
egraph's interview. From that day Bue
low's fate was sealed.
The kaiser's relations with Americans
of distinction are also curiously de
scribed In the memoirs which display
a most vivid interest affecting America
and especially American capitalism. His
friendship for J. Plerpont Morgan is
frequently referred to, while his admira
tion for John D. Rockefeller, Andrew
Carnegie and others are matters of fre
quent record. He speaks also readily
of his 'Interview with ox-President
Roosevelt, but confesses he was imme
diately disappointed. The kaiser and
(he crown prince have made up their
dispute which was seven or eight months
old. They met again In Bernn at (lie
bedside of the sick empresh and the
kaiser accepted the invitation of his
son to Inspect his regiment at Dantzcl.
Socialists Prepare Protest.
Socialist leaders arc preparing to cir
culate hundreds of fhousands of copies
of a manifesto condemning th cruelty
practiced by officers on common sol
diets in the German army. The Social
ists declare the army exists, not for
national defense, hut to suppress up
risings against the officers, who as rep
resentatives of the ruling caste, mal
treat their men in the most brutal way.
The manifesto alleges that young sol
diers are beaten with the ends of rtfles
until they fall senseless; are roasted be
fore the huge stovos used for heating
the barracks to expiate on .the trifling
offenses against discipline; are tram
pled on with heavy boots; beaten in the
faces with clenchod fists; compelled to
stand for hours with extended arms,
balancing rifles In an erect position.
The manifesto will he dlsirlhuted In
Berlin and throughout Germany by vol
unteers. Turkish People Enjoy Races.
(Br the luternatlnnnl Newn Service.)
Constantinople, July 13. An enorm
ous and motley crowd gathered at Con
stantinople, on the beautiful plain of
Vell-Effendl, on the shores of the Mar
mora, tQ witness the first horse races
of the Ottoman metropolis. The day was
magnificent, the weather propituous,
and the people at the height of their
festive mood. The Moslems have never
seen horse races before. To them It
was In every way a new spectacle, -and
to all it was a real sign of advancing
Among the many thousands of spec
tators women predominated. Hours be
fore the show they came from every
quarter with baaketa of provisions, In
tending to spend the whole day in gaz
ing at and chatting over the events of
the day. The groups of Turkish "han
oums," In their bright, multi-colored
tcharshafs," fredjehs, and yashmaks,
wers picturesque in the highest degreo.
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mmTumtmiM of bread famine
Aunt Patricia Wants to See
Crown Princess Marga-
ret's Baby
(By the Interuatlonnl Xews Scrlre.
London. Kng., July 13. All London
Is generally delighted over the report
that those two charming royal sisters,
Princess Patricia of Connaught and the
Crown PHncess Margaret of Sweden are
to pay simultaneous visits to the Eng
lish courts.
One is always glad to see Princess
Pat New York has confessed the charm
of her presence, and for Princess Mar
garet there is absolute affection In the
British heart;-for- she t- thst-reaflty
which is ,so appealing to the people
the true wife-mother.
Princes Patricia met Princess Mar
garet lasi In the fall of 1911, but since
that time she is once more an aunt and
she is anxious to see the- new baby. It
can be safely said that when modern
history Is written no two English prin
cesses will be accredited with more
popularity than these two daughters of
the Duke and Duchess of Connaught
and It la simply remarkable how-all
their activities remain Interesting to the
British public.
As the future queen of Sweden, Prin
cess Margaret has endeared herself to
the Swedes over whom one day she will
rule. She receives a remarkable ova
tion whenever she drives through the
streets of Stockholm. Her husband and
her children are her constant compan
ions and like all of her family she, has
the social gifts developed to a surpris
ing degree. She won easily the affec
tions of tha populace but the crowning
point came when after six months of
hard study she mastered the intricacies
of the Swedish language. This tactful
compliment to her new country was ap
preciated more keenly because so unex
United Tress Lenned Wlre.l
Paris, July 13. H. Max Maurey,
author of "La Recommendation" and
other plays, also director of the Grand
Ouignol theatre here, proposes a revo
lution In the hour of lifting the curtain
on theatrical performances.
Since "five o'clock teas" don't get
started until 6, dinners urflll 8 and per
formances at the theatre until 9 only
then to have playgoers straggling In all
the way up until 10. M.; Maurey pro
poses that shows begin at 7 p. m., or
directly after one finishes "tea." Then,
around 10 oelock, or 10:30, the show
being out, theatregoers may have sup
per and linger over the meal until they
get good and ready to go home or until
the head waiter puts them out.
Next season the scheme may be tried.
Dancing Masters in Annual Congress.
(By the International News SerTlee.)
Paris, July 13. Paris dancing mas
ters have Just held their annual con
gress. This is the solemn occasion on
which are decided the destinies of the
ballrooms for the coming winter. The
congress was International, and a num
ber of dances from the new world were
presented. The "Mattchlche Argentine"
of an Argentine professor was a suc
cess, and has been added to the reper
tory of the dancing -masters -of "Parts.
The assurance that it in no respect re
sembles the Spanish "mattchlche" is
consolatory. Hopeful, too, Is the fact
thatv the animal dances presented by
several American professors aroused no
enthusiasm. I
At the top, on left, is a posed por
trait of Pope Pius X. On his right
is his sister, Lucrecla Sarto, who
supervises the culinary matters of
the Vatican. The pope refuses to
eat any food that is not prepared
by her hands. In the center is a
snapshot of Pope Pius leaving the
Vatican for a carriage drive about
the gardens. At -the-bottomr Ter
esa Sarto, another sister of the
pope's, who helps Slgnora Lucre
cla Tn looking after the welfare of
the pontiff.
Child Brutally Mistreated by
Drunken Nurse in City of
(By the International Newi SerTlee.)
LondOij, July 13. "A more fiendish
and abonirlnable case It has never been
my lot to try," remarked Paul Taylor,
at Marylebone, in passing sentence of
six months' hard labor on Ellen Cole
nutt. a young' married woman, living at
Chrlstchurch - residence, Llsson - grave,
for. wilfully Ill-treating a nurse child
4H years old. Frederick Palmer, so
licitor, prosecuted for the National So
ciety for the Prevention of Cruelty to
It appeared that the defendant had
been living with a married man, and
was keeping the child for a sum of 60
cents a week. She admitted that she
had given way to drink, and was ac
cused of grossly Ill-treating the child.
Dr. Ryan, of 89 Kentish townroad stated
that the child was fairly nourished, but
was suffering from rickets and whoop
ing cough, and when examined on May
15 had 19 bruises about the limbs and
body, as" if It had been struck with a
blunt instrument and pinched. There
were also several Inflamed welts on its
cheeks, which were evidently inflicted
with the swish of a cane; three abra
sions under the eye, like scratches, and
scars on the nose.
On June 8 the doctor said he saw the
child again, and then found that it
scarcely had a sound inch on its body.
There were numerous bruises in addi
tion to those he had previously seen,
while on the child's forehead were ten
short weals that appeared to have been
caused by a cane split at the end. All
these Injuries were about two days old,
and there were several others some
days older. A lodger in the house spoke
of hearing the child cry frequently, and
She had heard the child srfyl "Don't beat
me, mummy." f
Defendant expressed regret, and In
passing sentence upon her, Paul Taylor
said the child must,, have looked upon
her as the devil incarnate, and upon its
own existence as a veritable hell.
People Hungry While Specu
lators Coin Life's Ne
By F. L. O'Nell.
(By the International News SerTlee.)
Paris, July 13. "Let us smash the
infamy' Let ua smash the infamy!"
This Is the shibboleth which has been
resounding through the legislative and
municipal halls of Paris during the past
few days. The Infamy referred to Is
the coining of the. necessities of the
people Into gold by spe illation, especial
ly In wheat, flour and sugar.
It Is calculated that there will be a
bread famine in Paris later in July, and
Ithe. muiyclpal , council of ; Paris recpni-
mends that the communes or trance
buy upths TOppHfB of wheat, flour and
sugar so that their people may not be
chained famine prices by speculators.
This follows the demonstration by
the Socialist leader, M. Juarez, whose
advocacy of a similar purchase by the
nation for the benefit of the people was
recentlv presented in the New York.
j rromTKer" Whole discussion in the
chamber, senate and city council, it is
quite clear that speculation Is the enemy
of the people. Georges Berry, deputy
for Purls, a man - whose name stands
for civic virtue, says:
"At Toulon, Bordeaux and Limoges,
the municipal councils ask how long
they will be able to give bread to the
population. Thus we may have a short
age of bread all over : ranee any day.
We must not close our eyes so as not
to see nor close our ears so as to not
hear. The situation is all the more
serious because In France bread Is the
basis of all sustenance and for a ma
jority of the population it is half their
"Those who do not lower the barrier
of tariff and let in the wheat to feed
our people forget the lessons of history.
While our people are crying for bread
they do not offer them stones; but they
re practically saying with Marie An-
tolnettc. Why not give them cake?'
"Why should people be allowed to goJ
hungry as long as bountuui nioiuer
earth produces cheap wheat In Australia
and elsewhere? Free the latter from
tariff and you will liberate home grown
wheat from unruly speculation and save
our worklngmen from starvation. Un
less a remedy be found 1 foresee the
direst consequences for the tranquillity
of my country. The old Romans at
least gave bread and circuses to the
people. We, the heirs of the Roman
civilization, should have been able to
improVe on that during all the long
centuries which since have elapsed. In
stead of which speculators, the lineal
descendants of the money changers
whom Christ ejected from the temple,
have got us by the threat.
"Paris Is threatened with such a
shortage as we have not seen since the
siege and the commune."
Boys'"and Girls' Republic.
(By the International Newa Service.)
London, ujy 13. On a beautiful farm
of 190 acres, In Dorsetshire, Is soon to
be established England's first boy and
girl republic, modeled after tho success
ful Junior republics in the United
States. The youthful citizens and clti
nesesses, who will be recruited mostly
from, industrial schools and reforma
tories, will formulate their own stand
ards of honor administer their own
Ja'wsr and "chasten ' their"' 6 wrf "offenders!
Special training will be provided for
the trade or profession for which they
ma display aptltudi?, and they will be
remunerated on the result. Out of
their wages the young republicans -will
pay for their own board and lodging. -
By Leland Crawford.
(By the International fcews Service.)
Rome, Italy, July IS Columns hare
been written regarding the personal ap
pearance of tha - po pe,- his part - In the
ceremony of ths consistory and the
pomp and splendor that surrounds the
papal court, yet relatively little is
known ot his Intimate personality. This
in part, may be explained by reason of
the ceremony that surrounds ths pontiff
and by reason of ths cars that has been
taken to guard him from the approach
of 111 lntentloned plebeians.
It has always seemed to me, how
ever, that behind the church ceremonial
Hhere nauet be- a humair aid some
touch of interest outside tha stern
formality that guards every publlo
move of Plus X, that would brin ths
holy father, disciple of Christ, on a
plane with his fellows. It Is with this
Idea In mind that I sought ths streets
contiguous to the Vatican rather than a
plea for a reception.
The Vatican itself Is a magnificent
old pile whose spires, roofs and gables -rise
high above an encircling grove of
ancient trees that decorate its gar
dens. The quiet serenity of the vine
covered masonry, the peaceful majesty
lent by the hand of ages and the atmos
phere that seems to surround ths hal
lowed spot through its long association
with the ecclesiastical history, make its
Imposing architecture the most , promi
nent in Rome.
This feature is all the more accentu
ated after a visit to the ancient Roman
amphitheatre, and the great aqueducts
and mausoleums of the Roman em
perors. These, in truth, are Imposing,
but they contrast sharply with ths
buildings that house the pope and form
the font of the Roman Catholic chureh.
TneTRohiun buildings are inanimate and
magnificent in their death, While the
Vatican Is animate and doubly impos
ing through the soul that lives within.
Ths Vatican Idas Apart.
The Vatican, indeed, lies apart and
distinct from tho rest of the city. It
Is not removed through its isolation,
but through Its atmosphere. On the one
hand Is the magnificent palace of King
Victor Kmmanuel, busy with the toll
of war and feeding the countless ave
nues that lead to the Ghetto and on
the other hand is the palace of the pope,
vast, silent and Imposing, set in an at
mosphere of its own and as much apart
from the busy city as though it were
surrounded by a desert
In fact its air of isolation Is such
that one. wonders in what light it is
viewed by the surrounding millions who
ha.:e . helped to effectually remove it
from the plane of mundane things by
the act that severed church and state
some half century ago. It is not neces
sary to go far to receive the answer.
Plutocrat and plebeian alike observe
the ancient fealty with all the devotion
of true believers. There is little of the
anti-Catholic demonstration that Is
prevalent in free speaking America. And
It seems that the church, through Its
severance with the state, has gained
rather than lost by the transaction,
Of the pope himself, his rites and
character there are a thousand stories
current. Plus X, the son of a poor
peasant. Is hailed everywhere as the
father, and to his people he has always
retained those simple manners and cus
toms that marked his novitiate as par
ish priest and teacher of the peasants.
Something beside mere anecdote,
however, forms the foundation for these
stories of simplicity and nobility of
character. There Is In Rome at the
present day physical proof of the pon
tiff's former obscurity. This proof lies
with hia two sisters, Lucrecla and
Teresa, unobtrusive peasant women whs
have followed the pope from his' humble
"'"SIstsM''XTvs"SM Pops.
These women dwell In a llttLe house
not a stone's throw from the Vatican.
The Inside of their dwelling lg extreme
In its simplicity, and the only ornament
of the bleak walls-being a huge portrait
of Plux X.
Both of these sisters are old, well
along in the sixties, and both of them
observe a quiet regime and simplicity
of dress that makes them inconspicu
ous to the peint of obscurity. But if
their habits are mouse like when ap
plied to temporal affairs they are very
lions when concerned in the welfare of
their brother.
Lucrecla, the cook, In particular Is
keen and crltlral in tho interest of the
pontiff. It was she whom he called
from llleso when he was first attacked
by the rheumatic gout that has proved
so painful and so dangerous during his
later years. And it Is she, assisted b
her sister, Teresa, who now supervised
the pope's meals and tends him In his
Of the pope's culinary tastes and vrr
sonal habits it is said that he is frugal
to the point of self denial He adheres
to the simple peasant dishes of his
youth and observes a Spartan regime.
Another interesting figure of the
pope's household is his brother, Angela
barto, a humble postman, who spends
what time he may in company with the
pontiff and his sisters. It Is his brother
upon whom the pope relies for that
masculine companionship 4hat is a part
of every mortal. And these two old
men, both handsome and with thick
white hair, alike, and yet not alike, ar9
the closest companions.
England Treats German Am
bassador in Too Friendly
, (By the International Newi SerTlee.)
Berlin, Germany., July 13. They have
tried to bribe me with amiability."
This is the quintessence of Baron Mar
shall von Biebersteln's first report to
the kaiser that has given Joy to the
English party at the, German court. The
new ambassador declares he was re
ceiyedjn. ,L.ondop. wlth absolutely. ovsr
whelming friendliness. Marks of esteem
and amity were showered upon him from
the very moment of his arrival, but the
German ambassador Is suspicious. He
does not believe In tha sincerity of
British friendship and he has told his
Imperial master what he thinks.
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