Tii" or,r.Go:i daily journal, ror.TLAirD, Saturday evening, ' july is. Town Topics BUMMEB RESORT XJBBCHir TXOWS. - - Don't forget woen going away on your vacation or for the mcr, that The Journal can fol ... low you at 15 cents a week, the regular subscription rates, and the following agents will supply you at our r&gulHr- rates: ' Bay Ocean,- Or Bay Ocean : hotel. . .- '' ; i -... Peach Center, 'Wart., J. w. C. Collins. .-;.'-'. Carson Springs, Wash.,' MIn-. ernl Springs hotel " . j - Collins. Wa h., Fred A. T0UE Gearhart, Or, Mr. O. I El liott. s-;, -v-, : ' Ilwaco, Wash, II B. Wood : ruff. Lone Beach. Wash., Lawrence ... DInneen. (Delivery to all point on North Beach.) Newport, Or., Glen Howard. Roekaway Beach, Or., WUklns &. Rice, v : ' ' .. Seaside, Or., Lester . FroebsteL (Delivery to all pans of Sea side.) . Seaview, Wash., F. E. Strait-, hal. .',.. . Tillamook, Or. J. 8. Lamar. Wtlholt Springs. Or., K. W, McLeran. T"--' ' ' TONIGHT'S AMPaEMENTS BAKER Baker Stock company In "Are Tou a Mason?" .-, BUNGALOW Pendleton Round-Up Mo tion pictures, COUNCIL CREST High class attrao- tions. ' , . - LYRIC Armstrong Follies company in "O, Ton Bill." , , ORPHEUM Orpheum circuit vaudeville. THE EMPRESS Vaudeville, PA NTAGKS Vaudeville. THE OAKS Amusement park. Weather Conditions. Portland and vicinity; Fair tonight and Sunday. Northwesterly winds. Oregon: Fair west, showers east por tion tonJgnt. Bunaay generany ir. Northwesterly winds. ' Washington; Showers tonight, cooler east Dortion. sunaay generally tuir. Wtnrta mAHtlv westerly. Tdaho: Rhowers tonlnht. cooler south portion. Sunday generally fair except snowers BOUineasi pvrum THEODORE F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster, Aged Woman on Trlat Mrs. Anna Wood, the alleged bunko woman, agea - 80- yearj who was--rrested Thursday by Detectives Coleman and Snow, after fleecing Rev. J, H. Black and Dr. Wil liam M. Campbell, and WTio is believed to. be Anna Peck, one of the most no,-, torlous bunko women in the United States, was arraigned this morning in police court and entered a piea oi not a-iilltv. Thn rase was continued until Tuesday for hearing. When arraigned In court tho woman reviled Deputy uis trlct Attorney Hennessy and the wit nesties aealnst her. declaring that shi was" an honest woman, and a victim of circumstances, and that as soon as her trunk arrived from 8eattle she would show them that her assertions were true. Special Patrolman Fined. W. A. Per kins, a special patrolman, who was ap pointed to serve during the week at the Oregon hotel and who was discharged after two days for drunkeness, was ar rested by Patrolman Huntington for be in drunk and trying to show authority with bis star and was this morning fined $3 by Judge Tazwell. Arturo Factina was arretted On complaint of W. J. Spencer, one of the Elk special patrolman, on Washington street for insulting women. He will be tried on Monday on a disorderly conduct Charge. Safeguard Against Babies The city health board, at a special meeting Reia this morning passed a proposed ordi nance to safeguard the city against the spread of possible epidemic of rabies. The board adopted a resolution calling upon the city poundmaster to leave no atnn unturned to take ud and impound every stray dog in the city. An order may be Issued shortly, if such an oraer is deemed necessary, to compel owners Of all dogs to muzzle mem. Deserter Captured. Patrolman C. T. Potter early this morning arrested M. M. Cooper, a deserter off the cruiser Maryland at First and Main streets after & chase of four blocks in which several shots were fired by the pursu ing officer. The man, admitted that he deserted from the Maryland at Tacoma after serving one year of his enlist ment Mayor Hamas Committee Mayor Rushlight today appointed Mrs. Minnie Miller, Councilman James A. Magulre and Thomas F. Mann of the South Port and Pottery company, members of the free employment bureau to succeed Councilman Ralph C. Clyde, W. H. Mo Monica- and J. L. Ledwidge, resigned. X) welling Burned A frame dwelling at 1019- East Twenty-seventh street, north, occupied .by a family named Lo- max, was completely destroyed by fire at 1 o'clock this morning. The origin of the fire is not known. The occupants were not home when the fire broke out, but returned after it had been extin guished. Swiss Minister Quest. Dr. Paul Rlt ter, minster to the United States from Switzerland, will spend next Friday in Portland as guest of the Swiss soci eties of th city. A banquet at the Swiss hall has been arranged for the evening. When DrvRltter's coming waa first announced he was expected on Tuesday. Kills Sog That Bites Elm. Patrolman R. O. Nelson was last night attacked by a vicious dog at East Thlry-fifth and Broadway and after sustaining a bad wound when the dog bit him, struck the anlma) and killed it. Many com plaints had been made about the dot The dog belonged at 1025 Broadway. 1 Bt. Baynor Gets Divorce Attorney Henry St. Raynor secured a divorce this morning from his wife on the grounds of rtcsprtlon. The matter was heard be fore Presiding Judge Kavanaugh. St. "Blessings in Bundles" Subject of the morning sermon by Dr.BenjaminYoung AT Taylor Street Methodist Church Corner Third and Taylor Evening sermon "A neat ortheltomely Virtues Services 10:30 a m,p 7:45 p. m. , .WELCOME Raynor testified that he sent his wif to Los Angeles in 1900 to study music. preparatory to further teaching. After spending several months In California, she left for Chicago, where she is now living with her people. The husband made several attempts to have her re turn to Portland, but each request was Ignored. They were married in 1892 at Denver. , . ., , Parewell Salvation Army Meeting. Adjutant and Mrs. Loney of corps No, 1 of the Salvation Army, ; located at Second and Ankeny streets. Will hold their farewell meetings at 3 and 8 p. m., tomorrow. They have been in charge of that corps for threa years. .' About ouo cava knelt at the mercy seat V Salt Aoralnut MtT.iilt in tnrr ihm city to deliver a 12009'check was started yasteroay in ' tne circuit .court by' M. Barde & Sons : against the city, x- The Chftnk Waa arivan a mlntmnm KM mm " , r - ... -n .,i.i..,,uiii l v, vu Junk from the water department This ma was later neid up by rival Junk Buyers. Tonne' Goal to : ftaolraKa PraaMAnt John H. Toung and General Freight and x-assenger Agent wiimir is. coman Of uie nut nnes in uregon, iert this morn- Snff fnra trln nv.r tK. a TJ a. . e Snokane. . Mr. Yonnr will ananri Similav U " 1.1. lit. . in iacaiiio who nis lamiiy. Spiritualiati' wiTSL-Tfie ahhdal fei vival of Spiritualists and Liberals is now being held at New Era, Or., under ino lurecuun Qt jar. ana Mrs. A teCOll Bledsoe of Kansas City; mlsslonairea of me national assoolation. jUver Exooralona-. to oavm m oai rrom Taylor street dock. .Wees days, S a. m., 2 p. m. ; Sundays, 9 a. m., 12 m., 3 p. m. Round trip, 40c. Tickets guoo on r, h., u r, cars. , Everybody's Soiaa It. rolnr to Rlnr ler's big dance tonlarht. Morrison trAt at oecona-, largest ana coolest hall in the city. Swell orchestra, latest dances. - a Picnic, Crystal Xake Park. Sundav. juiy 14, Dy rrospect Camp, 10. W. O. W, All visiting Elks invited. Everybody come. Dancing afternoon and evening. i 1 Our famous larg ul juioy Yamhill crawnsn are now at their very best Our entertainment of the highest order. The Hofbrau-Quelle. Phone Main 119. Steamer 3ss Xarklss for Camaa. wasnougai ana way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington sfireat a oca at z p. m. let's Go Swimming, elegant big plunge- right down town.- Portland Swimming Baths, 167 Fourth st, near juorrison, ioc. Maiamas will leave Portland Jul is for outing on Mt. Hood at Cloud Cap inn. ncgisier wun uorsey B. Smith, eu irtn. Oee, But That Hits the Spot I That's wnai an tsius sa,ios who drank R-Porter. It s a dandy drink during hot weather. New Crawfish Parlors. Fresh craw fish and delicatessen. Tnnnenaa fti-Hl cor. 4th and Madison, opposite city hall. Mount Rood Cloud Cap Inn now open, uorsey ts. emitn, manager. Tick ets and reservations, 69 Fifth street. Baces today and Snndavi Tmttin pacing, running; Country Club Track. 2 p. m., aumismou, ouc. Aune'a Portraits Columbia bldg., for men, women ana cmiaren. A-1835. W. A, Vu and associates, painless o en ii is, inira ana yvasnmgtoo. " Dr. A. P.' Petiel has returned. H Corbett building. Few Brats Buffet, 3d and Alder sta. FREE BAND CONCERT AT PENINSULA PARK Tomorrow afternoon the Portland Park band. W. E McElrov airnrtnr will play a fine program at Peninsula park. reacnea Dy me St. Johns line and the L cars. The concert will begin at 2:30 0C1OCK. Following will be the program: Coronation march from "Th Pronh. et Meyerbeer Overture "Stabat Mater'' Rossini Cornet solo Selected Mr. a. i' . Driscou. Walt "Dreams of Childhood" r Waldteufel Humorous paraphrase and variations on "The Wearin' o' the Green" Douglas Intermission. Selection from The Fortune Teller" Herbert Caprice "Forest Whispers". . .Eiinberg iuouiy ui iH'uuiar Bungs utmpa Grand1 selection, "Mactmth" Verdi unciaemai soios Dy Messrs. isianoone nil rinttW March "Regimental Pride" Heed CHILDREN DROPPED FROM BURNING UPSTAIRS; SAFE (Special to The Journal.) Dayton, Wash,, July 13. The house and household furnltur of T. H. Fritz, Just west of the city limits, were de stroyed by fire early Thursday. Mr. Frit had Just started the morning fire. The three children were still in bed. The fire had gained headway upstairs, probably from the flue, before It was perceived by Mr. Fritz. On rushing up stairs the little boy had Just Jumped out of the window. In a moment, this method now being the only way of res cape. Mr. Frits threw the two little girls out of the wlhdow. They landed on the ground without hurt. The wife and mother has been for some time in the hospital st College Place. There was Insurance of $550 on the house, but Mr. Fritz places his loss at about 31200. FALLS CITY WILL HOLD THREE DAYS' FARM FAIR 'SpecUl to The Journal.) Falls City, Or., July h 3. Arrange ments are being made to hold a three day agricultural fair In this city in August. There has been great progress here in fruit, berry and vegetable pro duction, and it is believed the exhibits this year will excel those of former years. Fire of unknown origin destroyed the farm home of A. Wi Planklngton, near this city. The family escaped without personal harm, but nothing of value was saved. Insurance of. 3400 was carried on household goods. Theft of Fish Net Alleged. (Rpeclal to Tha Journal.) Oregon City, Or., July 13. Archie L. Meyers was yesterday bound over to the grand Jury on the charge of stealing a fish net from Max Tilford Jr., of this city. The net was valued at 1200. Meyers admitted his guilt, but claimed he had a partner. As yet the police have been unable to locate his confeder ate. His bond was fixed at $500. Fire Barns Parkplace Home. Oregon Clfcy, Or., July 13. Fire de stroyed the home of Mrs. Cornelia Lll He, at Parkplace, Thursday night. Th origin la unknown. y JHE MISSOURI IDEA By Bert M. Moses, President Association of American Advertisers ; The dominant note in advertising to day Is that everything is being ques tioned. ' i , '" . Nothing la taken for granted. Everything is in a ferment. - Much advertising talk that passes for new is sublimely silly and pitifully crude, .while practical men who, think they are; unearthing original truths. are simply repeating principles that date back to days that are long dead. 1 Out of all the cries and clamor, there Is comingjo the surface the simple but eternal conclusion that nothing but truth is worth while, nothing but hon esty pays, nothing but facts will stand, and no rule is required but the Golden Rule. And it Is more and more apparent that simplicity Is preferable to com- Lplcxlty; that experience cannot be ac quired, except-through working at the things jmd that it is squarely up to the advertiser himself to make his adver tising pay. Strange, is it not, that all efforts to dTscoVer" fie i wtruth and find new facts British Bark Hougomont Taken for 40s 6d for October Loading; Fixtures for Bar ley Advance; Engaged. The highest rate paid so far this sea son for a sailing ship for transporting wheat to the United Kingdom is that received yesterday for the British bark Hougomont, which was taken by M. H. Houser at 40s 6d. The rate received by the Hougomont waa for October loading, but If she does not arrive until November she will re ceive sixpence less, or 40 shillings, the rate at which sailing craft have Deen fixed for the last week or so. One ves sel fixed last week got a higher rate than the Hougomont, but she was a steamer, the Kina, which received 42 shillings. The Hougomont was last reported as sainng from Port Talbot, for Jqulqui on March 7, and she should be In the South American port now. The average run from that port to the Columbia river Is about 50 days. Fixtures, for barley have also ad vanced, the latest charters being at 35 shillings from San Francisco to the United Kingdom, an advance of lis 3d over the minimum rate of the shipown ers' union. The French barks Ernest Legpuve and Admiral Cecilia have been fixed at that rate by C. W. MCNear & Co. The last previous charter for bar ley from that port, made a few weeks ago, was 30 shillings. The Ernest Le gouve is now en route from Antwerp and the Admiral , CeclMe, rrom inewcasue. England; with general cargo for San Francisro. Two steamers engaged for cargoes this way which have as yet no outward charters are the British steamer Ven nachar, chartered by Hind, Rolph & Co. for coal from Newcastle, Australia, to San Francisco, and the British steamer Lord Curzon, taken by J. & A. Brown for a similar cargo. NAVIGATION CRIPPLED Launch Flyer Breaks Main Drive Shaft on Upper Columbia. (Special to The Journal.) v.nnavtpic. Wash.. Julv 13. Passen ger traffic on the Columbia river be cltv and White Bluffs is effectually tied up here by the disab ling of the Hanford irrigation rower company's launch Flyer. The Flyer, which makes dally round trips between here and Hanford, broke her main drive chaft nn h run ud river this morning and will be out of commission for a week or ten days. Word was also received nere, tnat the freighter Charles Bureau Jjad .rn.mcH hntneon hern and Hanford. Should this report be true, both freight and passenger trarnc win De uea up until next Tuesday, when the Open River Transportation company's steam er Relief Is expected to arrive from Celllo to be put into commission on me upper river. - . . . REPAIRS FOR LIGHT SHD? Advertisement for Bids on Work Begun Today. Rnerifiratlons for docking, overhaul ing and minor repairs to lightship No. 88, which are requirea every nine mnnthu. were returned to Henry L. Beck. lighthouse Inspector for the Seventeenth district, from Washington yesterday aft ernoon, and advertising for bids on the work was started today. Bids will be opened in Inspector Beck's office about a week from today, rne ngntsnip is now at the buoy depot at Tongue Point, hr station off the mouth of the Co lumbia river being temporarily filled by Uhatilla reef ngntsnip no. e. ine lat ter will undergo extensive overhauling and repaira after No. 88 returns to her station. RECEIPTS $650,513.47 Collector of Customs Sends in Re. port for Year Ending June 30. In his report of transactions of the local custom house for the fiscal year ending June 30. which has been for warded to Washington, Collector Mal colm shows aggregate receipts of $650.- ADtrCK of a boat STEAMER'TEAL" Leaves OAK STREET DOCK at 7 a. m. Sunday, Tuesday ana Tnuriaay. All Day River Trip Up the Columbia Passengers, AUTOS and Freight. THIS WAT for Cascade Locks, White Salmon, Hood River, The Dalles and Intermediate landings. BJBTv&sraa roLiownra day Fare one way, $1.00, round trip, $1.50. Open River Transportation Co. A. B. WABTELU Manager. Phones Main 8960. A-3527. Furthermore, If yon want a schedule iBefor M1G WHEAT xour aay oumng- ipr 913.70 Ass.rojt XV - lead straight back to th few original thinkers who lived in times when taxi cabs and hobble skirts were probably unknown? -' - ' - Whether or not tha feeling of unrest and the yearning for deeper advertising knowledge will make a higher average in attaining suocess in merchandising is questionable, because there will always be but few1 men who attain the heights, while the vast' multitude will continue to plod along in obscurity, content with the pay envelope at the end of the week, . j ' -"- It there were a' recipe' for genius if there were some method of awakening mankind Into great effort and great self reliance and great ambition, that would be Infinitely more effective than alt the advertising propaganda that la being let loose on the patient people. Truth, honesty, facta, and the Golden Rule, supplemented by a reaaonable amount of horse. sense, are, after all, the basic principles behind advertising. Just as they are the fundamentals be hind every other avenue of . endeavor of the human race. - .- - 613.47, duties amounting to $4.J11.IT. The value of domestlo exports waa $, 7s,927 and the value ot foreign ex ports was $3301, Foreign imports were valued at $2,789,841. The complete re port is as follows: Number, of vessela entered from for eign ports,. 17. Number of vessels cleared for for eign ports,. 88. Number of vessels entered from do mestic ports, 855. Number of vessels cleared for do mestic ports, 8(1. Value of exports: Foreign, $3301; domestic, $9,976,937. Value of Imports: Foreign, $2,739,841. Entries of merchandise, 2462. Documents issued to vessels, 98. Duties, $646,211.97. All other customs receipts, $2277.80. All other navigation receipts, $2023,70. Aggregate receipts, $650,613.47. Expenses of collection, $61,737.31. MARINE IXTEiXIGENCTB One to Arrive, Etr. Alliance, Eureka July 13 Btr. Roanoke, 8an Pedro July 14 Geo. W. Elder, San Diego July 14 Gas str. Anvil, Bandon July 16 Str. Beaver, San Pedro July 16 Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay. .... .July 17 Str. Bear. San Francisco. ".. . . . . July 21 Str. Rose City, San Pedro July 26 Sat to Depart. Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay July 13 Yale, Am. ss., from San Fran.. July 13 Harvard. Am. ss.. San Fran. .. .July 14 Str. Alliance, Eureka July 14 Str. Rose City, San Pedro July 16 Str. Elmore. Tillamook Julyl8 Str. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego.. July 17 Gas str. Anvil, Bandon July 17 Str. Beaver, San Pedro July 21 Str. Roanoke, San Diego ...July 24 Str. Bear, San Pedro t..July 26 Grain Tonnage En Boa. Amleres, Fr. bk.. 2715... San Francisco Berengere, Fh. ship, 1875. San' Francisco Marechal Oontaut, Fr. bk.. 2025. Antofog. Vassals in Port. Amaranth, Am. bktn St. Johns Boston. U. S. S... Stream Bossuet, Fr. bk Westport La Perouse, Fr. sh Mersey Rose City, Am. ss Ainsworth Miscellaneous foreign to Arrive. Alpens. Am. sch 731. ...... .San Pedro Artemis, Nor. str., 3063... San Francisco - ALONG THE WATERFRONT Immigration Inspector J. H. ' Barbour will leave Monday morning for Victoria and Vancouver, where he will spend a week on official business. The steamer Pomona is now maintain ing a schedule of two trips dally to Oregon City with three trips on Sun day, while the steamer Oregona la on a dally schedule to Salem. The steam schooner Willapa, Captain Johnson, arrived at Kalama yesterday THE ANNEX Twelfth and Washington Streets " Portland's newest and most beautiful hotel Absolutely fireproof Both phones in every room Commercial tourist and family hotel European plan High-class grille in connection. THE ANNEX HOTEL CO.' F. P. WILLIAMS,. MGR. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Saving Is Simply Good Sense He is wise who provides for tomorrow. He is wiser still who provides for day after tomorrow. Keep a picture of your old age before you. That is your day after tomorrow. Save now while you still have earning power. HIBERNIA SAVINGS BANK "A CONSERVATIVE CUSTODIAN" Open Saturday evenings six to eight. SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS Spend Saturday, Sunday and Monday At the Beach 11 BITTY OF BLOOMS OBT AUT ABXJJ AT Hotel Gearhart By-the-Sea TXnder Management of KltebelL f Best table on Pacific coast. Vegetables -and milk from our own farm. All kinds of amusements natatorlum and surf bathing, golf, horseback riding, clam-digging, etc. Finest beach on the Pacific. from San Pedro and she will load a cargo of lumber for San Francisco. Laden with general freight, the gas schooner Tillamook, Captain Antonsen, is scheduled to sail, tonight for Bandon and way points. The Standard Oil tanker Asuncion, Captain Bridgett, will be due to sail tonight from Portsmouth for California. Bringing a cargo of cement, the steam schooner Claremont arrived yesterday from San Francisco. .. w To load a cargo of lumber for Cali fornia ports, the steamer Daisy Free man arrived at Llnnton this morning. '.' I. D. Boyer, a customs inspector, will leave tonight, accompanied by hia wife, for the foothills to the east of Salem. He will be gone two weeks. - The Japanese steamer Hokuto Maru, Which sailed , from Otaru a week ago today for this port will be due to begin loading a cargo of lumber for China, under charter to the China Import & Export Lumber company, early in Aug ust She is bringing a cargo of hard wood logs for the Pacific Lumber & Manufacturing company. Maps or the bar survey this year at the mouth of the Columbia river show that the channel has increased about 2000 feet, the distance to the 24 foot contours being about that much more than it was last year. The channels at low water show 2T and: 2Tf eet MARINE NOTES Astoria, July 13. Arrived down at 4 a, m, barkentlne Kohala, Balled at 2:46 a. nv. steamer J. B. Stetson, for Aberdeen; sailed at 10 a. m.. steamer jmeivuie uonar, tor San Francisco. San Francisco, July 13. Arrived at 7 a, m., steamer Bear, from Portland; arrived at noon, steamer Nebraskan, from Portland. San Diego, July 12. Sailed, achooner Irene, for Columbia river. Astoria, July 12. Arrived at "8 and left up at 6:30 p. m., steamer Alliance from Eureka and Coos Bay: arrived down at 4 and sailed at 6:20 p. m., U. 8. cruiser Marblehead, for Port An geles! arrived at 8 and left ud at 8:50 p.- m., steamer Daisy Freeman, from san Francisco; arrived down at 10 p, m.. steamer Melville Dollar. San Francisco, July 12. Sailed at non, steamer ueo. w. aider, for Fort land. San Pedro. July 12. Sailed, steamer Beaver, for. Portrand. Callao, July 13. Sailed previously, British bark KlUarney, for Portland. Astoria, July 13. Condition at the moutn or the river at s a. m., smooth; Ask the man who has tried them all, and he'll say "b-i-t-u-l-i-t-h-i-c" regarding t h e question of what is the best and cheapest in the long run. Pure Beautiful Jade Jewelry uota Bracelets ana big net Rings of all de scriptions made to or der. American names engraved with the three cardinal Chinese characters, vis.. Glory, Prosperity and Long evity. Charges rea- annnhla mnA nrHH tf any design promptly executed and sent rcunia 10 injr pari oi ine u. o. rne kill oil PMnaaa T.wlr. vrtnw ajawn CO.. Jay Tu Caong BXg's 848 Fine Bt. wind, northwest 25 miles; weather, cloudy. Tides at Astoria Sunday High water. 1:24 a. m.. 7.1 feet. Low water, 6.68 a, m., 1.7 feet; (:4 p. m., 3.6 feet. Dally Ittver Keallngs, 23 jfG .& s 9tr ; 5- v - a : : 5 ITATIONI if Lewlston Riparla 24 30 25 1 20 20 37 15 1 6.4 12.9 h-0.2 ' 0 timatiua Harrlaburg 0.2 l.Oh-0, 1 Aioany raiem ............ WlldonviUe ..i,... Portland .......... Falling. 1.8 3.4 11.7 0.1 h-0.2! 0.4 AMUSEMENTS 1SATS VOW BEtmfQ KHIUa THXATBB 7252SSngTomorrow,JuIy 1 4 Cathrine Countiss Supported by BIDUay ATXtES In "TTTTI awTBTN rEvar75c, 60c, 86c. 26c. Wed. Mat 25c WELCOME, ffc iv O. B. HFII IP THEATRE 1 iJLJlaUlvJ Ttfc and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A-1121w ALL THIS WEEK Every afternoon, 2:30 o'clock Every evening. 7:30 o'clock. HATOTtAi OOX.OB MOTION .KCTUBES SCENES OF THE WORLD FROM LIFE AND NATURE Afts. 50c. 25c. Eve. 75c. 50c, 26c, 7 Sunday, Jnly 14 CATHxnra oomrnts Supported by 8TDNET ATRE3 Uf "THB TKXET" Season seats now on sale. First week sale next Thursday. WBBK JTTIiY 8 mCZAIi BXTSOCEB P2UOXB Nights Matinee 10c and 20c Any Seat 10c BMTEjr BSAXCAlf BZ BVJAJCAA TBOOTB Oi" ABABB Mm AH D BOBBIB SMZTX ICBAOfl TBIO BfBBBBBT BROOKS 9XBXHABT AXX HIKTTAOB JOBJf T. OTTBBT OBtrSBSTBA BAKER Mala a and A-0300 Dan. Biv Hn a-amoni saxB BTOCK OOMFABT. Matinee today Last time tonight. An Instantaneous hit, ABB TOTT A MASOVf Oreateat laughing play on earth. A scream from beginning to end. As played wun immense success Dy 1j6o Ultrlch stein, it's fame is world wide. EVENINGS, 25c. 50c. All matlneea, 25a IN liAI WH.H.K. Starting Tomorrow Afternoon, 1:20. SPECIAL ATTRACTION J. Hillary Martin and his famous , WHITE SLAVE TBAXTXO Motion Pictures SENSATION OF THE CENTURY Performances all day and evening. Admission 26c. BUNGALOW THEATRE Twelfth and Morrison. All Thi VmIl 12 o'clock noon. The only and original wuriu lainous PENDLETON ROUND-UP Motion Pictures With mnnw n aknr vtawa nava hana shown. Hi only genuine pictures ahow- 1n o i Via rma 1 auan ralan enM 1 1 Fascinating thrilling, awe-inspiring and uniurniK. j no uniy ones or meir aina. Admission 25c. Children under 12, 15a KAZIT 6, A-2090 MATXSSB BTZXT DAT 15-8B-B0 IIOHTt TBlfa U THEATRE 15-25-30-75 David Belaseo presents "The Drums of Oude," Lew Sully, Bteln, Hume and Thomas, The Euaene Trio. Edna Luby, Sealby and Duclos. Four Florimonda, Orchestra. Pictures. Anrass Sfatinee Sally WHBK JXTLT The 8ven - Aviator Girls, Si Jcnks, The Ansonla Trio, Four Harmonious Girls. Wra. Morrow & Co. Bstra The Barefoot (Trilby) Texas Tommy Dancers. Popular prices. Office open 10 a- m. to 10 p. m. Roxea and first row balcony reserved. Phones: A 2236. Main 4636. Curtain 2:30, 7:18, 9. Best Place On Earth VOir1 THEATRE JLi a at.l 4th and Stark Sts. All This Week OH. TOTT BILL I And TBCB BA&E700T SAM CS Two Performances Nightly Itatlnees Sally 2:30 lBo and 35c COUNCIL CREST FOBTXtUrD'S ROOP QABSER 1200 feet above the city. Free scenic amusement park. High class attractions. Open-air link. Pic nic grounds In old apple orchard.. JDM3SSIOIT TO OBOVITSS FXBB ELK TOR SALE MOUNTED Best Specimen on the Coast 120 Grand Ave PHONE BAST 491 The OAKS POET&ANS'fl GREAT AMUSEMENT FABK Big free list of outdoor attractions. King Fharoah Famous educated horse In clever stunts. Oaks Park Band The finest musi cal organization in Portland. Tha Heapolitans Roma Trio . in Punch and Judy for the children, tidy liTtngstone- Skating bear in the rink. Mo Ting Pictures in' the auditorium. a '"H n n nnr nrrir irrrii- " i-irini-qriniimirtAaji fSk -ttta-a ry say. Jynpress W Bef Ued TanoevilM in a .V m IJ r . .i ( - ' 'k-.V-.Y.; i $fl$lf ;,Themost8clerr I the! xacting ft;tantiateithe i .,y vjiiuu v.mimcu mm iSarber WfavemenH mimm HOTEL STIUflBT SAW FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Squar European Plan $1.60 day up , American Plan $3.00 tdaj up New eteel maA brick tractors. Every aaadUni coBTanlanca. Madarate rates i Canter of theatre and retail district. Oa) ar Ubm traaaf arrlnc all ever city. Ela. . . trie eoiailras aaeets traias aad itniara ' John A. Melton Carpenter and Builder Office and Store 1 Fixtures built and remodeled. Altering and r repairing houaea. Show Cases and Counters built Factor and Office 238 Second.' street, near Main. , . Phones: Main 1787; A-17IT ' Foster & Klelser High Grade Commercial and Electrlo SIGN'S; East Seventh and East Everett Sta. Phones Bast 1111; 8-3234. Oregon Humane Society Office Cltv Hall, Main lit; A-7589. Humane Ofiloer, Sergeant B. Zs Crate. Residence 24 E. 24th N., East 4779. Horse ambulance corner of Bth and Tay lor. Veterinary In charge. Marshall COO. Animals' Rescue Home, Northrop Acres. Thomas A. Short. Supt. A-SS47. rinsa. HAIR mm sad. BALSAM Clauim PromoCW araillini lha hah hmriautat niin. Vm Tails to Bartore OnH Hair to lta Tontkful Oalaa. I rrarraai uur nuuir. yy.aniw.w.tgntrrtm, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Primary and GrsmmarSchoolcf Orgtnlwd to do the work of the grade la MTn jean. An fxperlend teacher la etch I rde. Attention chiefly to fundamental aa jerti. A elt equipped grmiMilum and opoa court ander roof glva opportuoltjr for Indonr nd outdoor exerolno and plr la til iraUier. An experienced director In charge. . Bojt ind girls ire received la yoang ss fix' year. Pupils from Mt. Tibor can reach tha Academr without change; from other dlatrtett with on change- Provlnlon made for Mt conduct to and from fchool of primary pupils from Irrlngton. North Portland and other part ot city. Particular! fumlahed on appJIcatlun 1 to the office, corner I3ta and Uootgomurr. Catalogue on npnllcetion. Beatdent and Day School for Glria !n"v chars of Blatar of St. Joha Baptitt (Eplaaopalj OaUagiata, AcadaBi aad llaauatary PaparlaMal, ataai. Art, ClanUaa. SyaiulM. For eataloa addraaa THE SISTER 8 DPEBIOB Offloa S, Si. BaianaHall li'ConiKtti r the 6iSMi Of IH HiiU RASES OF JESUS AND MARY. (Mt Judmk-4 Cdhfitu Cmnu. Made An. Eiocntloa aa4 Cmuht cil Dev. IUJm m4 Dt toutmu. Rcanca Man! tna lattlleenal Traialaf. Write larAaaouawaMBL AalNa VtTBK WMIOK m. M,r,',AtUms MW 1 Asnnalf Academy VmJ i i iii ' In