The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, July 12, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Many to Visit Potlatch,' Others
to Take in California Trip;
V- Great Numbers Still in City,
: ' However.
f National Elks ar leaving "Portland
today almost as fast as they have been
coming In during the week. In few
eases, however, are the delegations as
Compact in thelr-departure as they were
In arrival. The parties are spuumg
up, and those who are going to make
Individual trlpa on their way home, are
leaving according to their own incnna
tion and convenience.
Li- One. exception-. la th Jersey iClty
fveast to cosst" special. This- party
left last night and will return by way
' of the ooast. The eastern Pennsylvania
delegation is also staying together, and
Will visit Seattle and then go down to
California before going .east. They left
last night
A majority of the big delegation from
Seattle went home last night The Ta-
" coma prise winners left last night also
as did the New Orleans delegates.
3 The Salem crowd, the Albany people
and most of the valley town escursion
lets who came in for the big parade left
- last Bight and this marnlng. The New
"Hampshire delegation will leave this
afternoon on the Shasta Limited for
San Franclaco. They wlll visit In
southern TStllf ornla Before going home.
The Alaska people will leave tonight
and will go direct
Edward Leach. New York, grand treas
urer, and Robert Brown, member of the.
grand lorum, were among grana wage
officials, who left last night for their
homes. i
;, The Utah delegates will leave tomor
row, but will take different routes home.
Soma will go- to California and others
will - visir Seattle," and then take the
northern route to Lake City.
. Tha local reception committee la tak
ing care of the visitors right up to the
mlmit'a of departure, and are assisting
tha i hotels In furnishing automobile
transportation to the railroad stations.
It la expected at headquarters that
by tomorrow night four-fifths of the
visitors will be on their way home.
(Continued From Page One.)
former, added much to the merriment
f the entertainment
I ' Kid Horses Into Hotel.
At the Imperial hotel. Sheriff Taylor,
George Perlnger, "Bill" Ferguson, wheat
fimn, W. R. "Jinks" Taylor, brother of
the. sheriff, and D. J. Clark, livestock,
agant for the O.-W. R. & N. company,
rod their horses down the steps into the
bar room. On the main floor the horses
were given a "drink" at the bar. At the
Multnomah hotel the horses cantered
Into the big lobby as though It were no
thing new for them, , and then at the
Portland hotel - they walked- down the
etalra Into the 'grill, with the sure-foot,
ednesa of the range and mountain cow
poniea. ,
v Together with the "buckaroos" wera
a band of whooping "Indians," in war
paint and feathers, among them being
Mark Moorehouse, Marshall Spell, Gail
gturdlvant, Dr. W. H. Lytle. Roy Alex
ander, Jim Eatea, Cres and Jim Sturgis,
Jack Dozler, Oscar Ifohler, George
trand, deputy sheriff, and "Wlllard
Bond. At each stopping place the "war
dance" and "war-whoop" waa given with
Startling realism, which waa added to
by tom-tom mualo furnished by Charley
-Vaa-Feltr-FFaneta MoParland and Leo
Sampson, three real Umatilla Indians
brought down for the occasion.
j Bangs Vaudeville In City.
It was a wonderful show. It would be
counted wonderful if seen on the range.
Witnessed as It was last night In the
Jieart of a great city thronged with
thousands of merrymakers, It was some
thing to be remembered for a lifetime.
There wer features of the Impromptu
celebration, too. which the onlooker
could not tee nor appreciate. To tue
"buckaroos" themselves they are the
Significant detail, of the showing.
Among the 2M head of horses brought
- from-Fendletoft In a special train, there
war it head of genuine Indian spotted
horses. To the layman this probably
doesn't mean much, but- the man who
has lived among the Indians and knows
thetr ways, baa learned that to an in-
I avN t ? JLj iuA fA it 'K tr S i
1 if',. vSu 1 ' 1 tl f ' I I "' K
k. . J A ICSw) IV;. jff-
B left to rJghtWohn Galvln. ex-mayor of Cincinnati, P. G. E. R.; Judge; Jerome B. FUher. Albany,
i J" - L7' Tii PowerB' Governor John K. Tener of Pennsylvania. P. O. E. It; Charlei Ma-
Urkcy,' Tortland.
. I v - - '$- f
. I v. . ' - 1
" LA "tryr" il-t . 1
UvJ lc sf-V.' a z- kj y A
( J ,r t . 'J
dian squaw her "spotted" horse is just
aa dear and probably more-so than an
engagement ring Is to a white woman.
To get these horses the Pendleton boys
had to enlist the aid of friendly Indi
ans and had to coax and promise and
even threaten to Induce the owners to
let the horses go for even a few days.
Bonnetg Valuable Beyond Price.
The Indian war bonnets and some of
the clothes brought by the delegation
are valuable beyond price to their own
ers. The war bonnets decorated with
real eagle feathers, the -trutlls turned
and tipped with horsehair as only an
Indian can do It, are growing scarcer
every day, and the Indians as well aa
the white men who hava them among
thalr collections, are hoarding them al
most sacredly.
Besides the horses In the Pendleton
section of the parade yesterday were 39
mules and a burro. This included
"Jinks" Taylor'a pack train of 1! mules
and a bell mare, and the famous buck
ing horses, "Long Tom," "Sunflah
Molly." "Llghtfoot" and "Hotfoot"
Long Tom," the Pendleton boys say,
has never been ridden "clean;" that Is
to say, with one hand on the bridle rein
and the other hand free.
Carload of Trapping Brought.
The delegation also brought an auto
mobile earful of saddles, chaps, spurs
and trappings, and every item of the
furnishings, as well as the livestock,
was Insured before leaving.
The Pendleton boys, all most modest
regarding their own personalities and
their part In the success of the show
ing, give much credit to Elmer ("Horse
mill") Turner, who though not an Elk
himself,' worked long and hard In as
sisting in getting the exhibition to
gether, and in taking care of the ship
ment and care of the livestock. Besides
being a "buckaroo" of some prominence.
Mr. Turner is counted the best all around
baseball "rooter" In Umatilla county,
and what he doesn't know about horses,
they aay, wouldn't make any kind of a
P. C. Sparry, chairman of the 1913
committee o"f Pendleton lodge No. 288,
ana Thomaa Fitzgerald, secretary, came
down early In the week to make arrang e
ments for headquarters and attend to
details of their showing in the parade.
They were accompanied by R. W. Rit
ner. manager of the "Roundup," who
assisted In the work and made himself
generally useful.
(Continued From Page One.)
brief farewell address was delivered by
the retiring grand exalted ruler, John
P. Sullivan. When he had concluded
his remarks, delegates sprung to their
feet and cheered wildly for 20 minutes,
attesting the position he had held in
their esteem.
- His speech was followed by the Intro
duction of a aeries of resolutions by Dr.
C. H. Brough of Fayettevllle, Ark., ex
pressing the appreciation of the Elks
for the splendid abilities of Mr. Sulli
van, and suggesting that a $1200 ap
Let 'er buck boy," who made decided bit In lino of march yesterday.
propriation be made for the purchase ef ;
a suitable testimonial for the retiring
chief. The resolution was adopted
When the new grand exalted ruler,
Thomas B. Mills of Superior Wla.,
stepped on the platform the delegates
greeted him with a atorm of applause
as hearty as the ovation given Sullivan.
Mr. Mills spoke only a few minutes.
He thanked the lodge for selecting him
and promised to do his utmost to guide
the order aright during his term.
- Two . matters -.of... great Importance
were settled at this session of the grand
lodge In addition to the order prohibit
ing "goat riding" as an Informal part
Of the initiation.. The first matter was
the final decision to expend $250,000 for
the construction of a new national home
for aged and Indigent Elks at Bedford
City, Va.; the second was an appropria
tion of $20,000 made to assist helpless
Elks who are victims of tuberculosis,
nan Finally Heallsed.
The action of the grand lodge in set
ting aside a sum of $250,000 for the
proposed new home marks the conclu
sion of agitation to build the home else
where than Bedford City.
Under the motion unanimously
adopted by the grand lodge a tax of 26
cents will be levied this year against
each member of the order, and a simi
lar tax probably will be levied in 1913
and 1914 to raise money for the home.
If any more Is then needed, it probably
will be drawn from the general fund.
Cary Applegate, secretary of the,
grand trustees and a member of the new"
national home commission, today ex
pressed himself as well pleased by the
action of the grand lodge In thla mat
ter. "Under the authority granted by this
grand lodge," he said, "the home com
mission will get to work as soon as pos
sible preparing plans for tha proposed
home, that will not exceed In cost $250,
000, the sum set aside for the purpose.
It will take several months to complete
the plans and preliminary work. The
matter of building the homo is settled
for good. It will be built at Bedford
and I certainly ant pleased. New plana
will be submitted to tha grand trustees
for Indorsement, and then the grand
lodge will formally pass on them. Ac
tual construction' work will follow.
"At present we have about $76,000 in
the building fund. This wilt be aug
mented this year by approximately $93,
000 through the 25 cents tax levy, and
will give us more than half the sum we
Shall need to complete the work, before
the foundations of the new home will
have been laid."
That the work toward the preserva
tion of elk of tha four footed varUty
will be continued, la assured through
tha action of the grand lodge yesterday
afternoon, when the committee on the
preservation of elks submitted an
amended report. The report showed that
congress recently appropriated a total
of $70,000 for food and shelter of the
animals In Wyoming. The grand lodge
decided to continue its work of securing
federal and Ptato protection of the
A woman may not be able to keep a
secret, but when It comes to suffering
In silence she has man .beaten, to a
More Than 10,000 Visitors
Spend Delightful Evening
at Resort Above City.
Council Crest fairly swarmed with peo
ple last night when over 10,000 Elks
and their families and friends had the
big park on the top of the crest to them
selves. All of the amusements were
free and the visitors took advantage
of every line of entertainment offered.
The big skating rink .was turned into
a dance TTall and with the playing of
popular music the visitors hid a de
lightful time. Manager Duchamp of the
Crest, had arranged everything for the
evening and his plans were carried
through without a hitch.
Luncheon and refreshments were
served in the big orchard and were
heartily enjoyed by everybody. Sand-,
wtches, ice cream and soft drinks were
there for the taking and they were
Continued From Pago na-
clared that they preferred to have the
money In drafts, rather than be Incum
bered with cash, and' their wishes will
be compiled with.
Before it waa decided not to nave
the formal presentation, however, Mr.
McAllister went to the official grand
stand at 11 o'clock with George L. Ba
ker, chairman of the parade and music
committees, and W. O. Van Schuyver,
treasurer of the reunion committee.
There they met T. B. Randall, trustee
of the Oregon City lodge; W. R. Logus.
esquire of the Oregon City lodge, wher
drilled it for the competition, in which
it carried off second prize; Henry
O'Malley, exalted ruler of the lodge, and
K. J. Carey, leader, and J. O. Davis, a
member of the Idaho State band, which
took second prize.
After a short conference it was agreed
to have all awards entirely informal,
Tha Aberdeen delegation, which won
first prize for best appearande In the
parade, was strikingly costumed In coats
of purple velvet, purple high hats, pur
ple tlaa, and white flannel trousers.
They had with them four live elk, In
cluding one great an tiered bull who waa
so gentle that he drew a cart In which
aat a pretty girl. There was also one
baby elk, two weeks old, who trotted
beside his mother. For more than a
year the Aberdeen Elk have been train
ing their elk herd. On the live elks and
their cosliuues -tlwy pent fafc
Winner of the second prize, Oregon
City, was also strikingly attired in
white trousers and blue blanket coats
with white trimming. They were pre
ceded by the Oak Grove girl's band.
Pendleton won third with its Indian
and cowboy costumes. Some of the In
dians wore nothing . whatever but a
pleaaant smile and a breech clout.
Taootna Handsome DelagaAloa.
The prize for the greatest number waa
won by Tacoma with 284 In Una, all
dressed effectively In black silk hats
and frock coats.- They were led by Cap
tain James H. Dege. Seattle, second,
with 226, made a splendid showing in
white uniforms, with purple ties, and
carrying big letters that spelled out the
name, "Seattle." Vancouver, third, with
170 In line, wore Prince Albert coata,
of white, with cuffs and collar of pur
ple, purple ties and white canvas shoes.
Pendleton easily won first for the
uniqueness of its Indian and cowboy unl
forms, and Astoria took second. Tha
Astorlans made a striking appearance,
each man marching as the body of an
enormous clam, whose shells he carried
about him. Seen from the rear they
looked remarkably like so many bird
men. The Palles won third with its Indian
costumes, which Included purple blan
kets. The Dalles Indians took delight
: In separating a pretty girl from the
crowd and then dancing a war dance
around her.
Albany, which took the $300 prize for
the Oregon lodge with the best showing
In numbers, had 392 In line. They were
dressed in whkte dusters and hats, while
each marcher Varrled a white umbrella
wtth purple trimmings. There were
two hands with thla delegation, besldea
an auto float, In which rode attract
ive women,
Bands Wla Praise.
The Fifth National Guard band, which
captured first prize of $500 for Its mu
sic, marched In front of the Berkeley
delegation. It was easly recognsed as
a military band from the snapptness of
Its music and its blue infantry uniform.
Idaho state hand, from Moscow, Idaho,
second winner, tickled the crowd with
its lively airs. Its members were
dressed In atjractiva White flAnnaLThe
Pendleton oowboy band waa the most
unique in tne parade. The entire band
was mounted .and in full cowboy coa
tume. Tacoma also captured first prist of
$509 for its float Two large stuffed elk
In the forefront were drawlna- a chariot
of white and purple sweet peas over a
roadway of ferns. Two little girl a drove
the six white horses who hauled the
float Bremerton took aecond prize of
$300 for its float representing the bat
tleship Oregon, and Hoqulam was third,
with Its float on which were nine pretty
girls and two big stuffed elk.
Denver Drill Team Comas.
Denver's drill team, commanded by
Captain It. H. Klncald, won first prize
of $500, Oakland, under Colonel J. K.
Rltter, won second prize of $300, and
Los Angeles, commanded by Captain M.
R Osterin, was third. The big surprise
of the day was the failure of the crack
San Francisco drill team, commanded
by Captain S. W. Naur, which haa never
hitherto been second' in any competi
tion, to win a place.
The prize for ie lodge traveling the
greatest number of roUes to the conven
tion hasn't yet been awarded, as the
exact number of miles traveled by tha
different lodges that might be eligible,
hasn't been computed. Secretary Mc
Allister has two persons in his office
busy figuring out the distances, how
ever, and will be able to announce the
winner tomorrow. Jersey City is be
lieved to stand a good show of winning.
Oregon Emerald at Last Pays.
Eugene, Or., July 12. After running
behind every year since Its existence,
the Oregon Emerald, the semi-weekly
newspaper published by tha students
of the University of Oregon, came out
$234.96 ahead this year, according to a
report Just file by Wendell Barbour,
business manager of the publication.
Barbour Increased Its size and the
amount of news. He was graduated this
year and will go oast to study Jaw,
The Shop That Particular Men Patronize
You Can
Have Your Choice
Any Fancy Summer
Suit in Our Entire Stock
At 25 Reduction
Every Garment a
311 Morrison St. Opp.
liin Ell! SAYS
Visitor Proud of Way in Which
: They Were Treated
Here. ,
"Tha Tacoma Elks, aa on of the Pa
cific coast lodges,, is proud of the Way
Portland haa ' entertained the delegates
to the Elks grand lodge meeting and
tha thousands of other- Elks ' from all
over America, attending the reunion,"
said George McCarthy, esquire, of Ta
coma lodge 174, in charge of Tacoma
headquarters at tha Portland hotel, and
J, B. Judson, a prominent Tacoma Elk
and trustee of tha Tacoma Commercial
club and Chamber of Commerce, this
morning.' . .-
-'We-cannot begin to express .our -appreciation
of the courtesies shown our
lodge at the reunion," continued Mr. Mc
Carthy. "We aro proud of having won
two first prises in. tho parade, and I
Want-to-say-that-aU-the-jwtao -money
with considerably added will b apant
In the entertainment in Tacoma of those
Elks attending tha reunion, who atop
off with us for the big show in the
Stadium and tha two or three days of
entertainment that wa , have provided
for them In Tacoma."
'The Elka' reunion In Portland, . and
tha excellent manner In which Portland
has entertained all visitors, cannot be
but a great thing for all of the north
Pacific coast," said Mr. Judson. "Port
land haa spread herself and thla has
been a great advertisement for the
coast . Wo In. Tacoma hops to add, to
the pleasure given the visitors and to
add to their wonder at the country we
have up hero. Other coaat cities will
no doubt do tha same and undoubtedly
much good will coma, of it"
The Tacoma ppeclar train left shortly
after , midnight this morning with a
happy crowd of Tacomans who had
spent the evening rejoicing over the
showing they had made and the prises
they had won. Several hundred Taco
mans remained over for the festivities
today and tonight and the Tacoma head
quarters continued to hold open house at
tha Portland hotel today.
Hoisting her "mud hooka" from the
bottom of the Willamette river, the
cruiser Marblehead, with tha California
naval militia aboard, sailed at about 4
this morning for Port Angeles, where
she will hold target practice.
The Marblehead stayed but two nights
and a day in the harbor here, because
of lack of time, but during that time
the officers and crew were royally en
tertained and yesterday afternoon a
large number of people vlaited the his
toric warship. Captain Bauer and the
officers of the ship were entertained at
dinner last evening as guests of tha
Oregon naval militia and tha night be
fore the enlisted men were entertained
aboard the cruiser Boston,
During tho Spanish-American war the
Marblehead, In command of Captain Mo
Calla, landed the first force of United
States men in Cuba at Guantanamo bay.
Going up to Chlmanera, 10 miles above
the landing pla'ce, her screws became en
t angled with submarine mines which did
not explode and which are npw in the
Hew Tork navy yard.
and the "Benjamin" label as a gurantee of
satisfaction is on every suit
Suits Now
Suits Now
Suits Now
Suits Now
on Blued we offer 15 discount
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The success of the
real estate dealer de
pends largely upon
the time he can do
vote to his business.
Our guaranteed Cer
tificate of Title
saves blm time
which ho can turn
into dollars. Inves
tigate. Call for book
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Co- Fourth and Oak.
Post Office