THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 12, 1012. I 1 i 43 ,-J.he Edenholme Make reservations for Elks convention. J and 3 room apartments, furnished snd imfurnfslied, batlv phone and elevator, 6-i t cor. Market , THE VliiLA 8T. CLARA, ; I2th una Taylor. Most jnagnif Icently furnished ,apar.l rnenta In the ctlyi location perfect rent als reasonable; every modern conven lenee, -banquet hall and, roof garden; high class service; references required. Both phones in all apartments. Main 2X19. ' " THE CAMBRIAN. 1?th anil f!n umhlar larra and I room apartments; new, elegantly fur nished; modern, close In. Marshall Zft3. FOR- RENT FIATS 13 I ROOM flat In new brick building. Mll- waukte and Bismarck te.,-120 month. Good opportunity to rent rooms. Rent free for July to good tenants. Apply 405 Washington st. . . THREE furnished flats for rent. No. 897 San Rafael., 4 rooms and bath In each flat, 1 block from Union ave. car ' line. Phone Marshall 689, W. M. Taylor owner. 8 ROOM flat, disappearing bed, shades, gas range, linoleum, water, garbage. 1 116. 708 Vancouver nve. Woodlawn 1953. J"JW, modern four room flat, walking distance, half block from car, sleep ing porch. B69 Market. Main 409. NEW 4 room, good view, wear Hunsell and Williams ave., gas range, heater and water. $18.75. East 4702. MOtCftN 4 room upper flat. InrRe al cove and attitf, 121. 44- l-tn sr. FOR RENT Modern 4 room flat; E."2d N. Phone Woodlawn 362. 174 MODERN 4 room upper flat, large al cove and attic. $27. 44- lztn si. -i'Oft-RENT lipp otwe f 1V oe In. Inoulre on premises. 529 Everett. UPPER flat, good location, $18 per month. 616 Powell st Selwood 66. FOUR room flat. bath. gas. walking dis tance. 164 E. 20th St.. $10. Main 4161. ilS. 3 rooms and alcove. 668 Market st. nwar Chapman; gooq view. THREE room furnished flat, 915 Bel mont. Sellwood 1352. FURNISHED FX ATS 50 C18.50. ": Modern 4 room, furnished for house keeping;' gas ranee, bath, etc.; plenty lirht and air; this Is clcse In on east side; also 4 room unfurnished, $12.50. liS9 Commercial court. Just off Russell. FURNISHED flat, $15; modern, lower, .' . 4 rooms, screen porches, nice yard, water and phone free. Tabor 638. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT Lower dock with boat landing. Inquire 184 Morrison tit. Main 1346. TWO modern stores, $10 and $15 month. photographer, druggist or any line. J. Wolf (1338 Foster Road. . Anabel. BAKERY, 1 block south Russell st. on Union ave. Apply 1005 Union N. WANTED TO RENT SEE B. D. Vincent & Co. for rentals. 816 Chamber of Commerce. -SUMMER RESORTS. 50 OWNER'S completely furnished winter home at Shelburne station, one block from beacb; 7 rooms, large yard, shaded verandas, piano, fireplace and running 'vater. Inquire T. J. Hoare. Seavlew, Wash. FURNISHED tents for rent at Lake l Lytle. For Information, phone Marsh- I all 209, ' ' WHITTENS camp ground, block from , beach, Newport, Or. Furnished tents fnd cottages. A-13, Journal. . , V'tVV! ATrmlnir p-mnnrin S2 fift ner mrnth. Foot California St.. Fulton car. I EASIDE cottage, furnished, fdjo"- - cation, near ocean. Inquire 169 3d st. i COTTAGE for Main 4191. rent. Seaside. Phone 1 - I i 54 " : Plan i HOTELD HOTEL PORTLAND European oniy i. ou qna up. i PKLVEDERE European. 4th and Alder. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 331 BARN 30 stalls for rent, resaonable ' near Broadway bridge. Phone Sellwood 1351 APARTMENTS ,S - ; Portland's prettiest residences for ' HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC, 18 eastern newspaper and magazine pur- -- I noses; pictures will be from 2 to 4 feet TU KH..nU., Urr. S. ! long on exhibition Portland's store win- ihe MUrphy HOrSe Gi MUle UO. dows before forwarding east. No fx Commission dealers in horses, mules, I pense to you. Any one that will give vehicles and harness, of all classes. '; permission to photograph their resl? Auction every Monday morning at 10,dence call Tahor 4123. Murray & Mur : o clock. Bring your horses to us and , 14 win aen inem lur Liieir iiihihhi VKlue; all representations guaranteed. v e are not and never nave neen con nected with T. W. Murphy, formerly of M'o Aider meet. Col, J, F, Murphy, Auctioneer 4-40 E. feth at. S. Phone Kant 8S1S. i ; ; ; LI VER barn for sale or rent, 15. horses, : racks, buggies, wagons, harness, wad .. ouasifs, whkuiib, Harness, sao- :.!les. pack badles and P!f. BaS?i?! .Ve7t,h'n.K good ; yurd and the only md the only barn In the city. Ac- count of sickness going to California, W. E. Gannon. Droorietor and owner. Yacolt, Wash. GRADING outfTt for sale or trade foF an eastern tarm, consisting of 6 good 1 teams, 7 dump wagons, 6 other wagons, ; plows, scrapers automobile and other tools; steady work Included. Marshall 8181. G. B. Croyle. , brAN of marps, weighing 2100 lbs..! harness and farm wagon, also spring wagon ib'j Ouvs outnt. 43 h. Salmon. I -f UK BALE HorseB. wagons ami liar- ness. AddIv Mr Boodv Itcbert Rm S,l .r, fVrr on " '' ONE of the fastest pacing horses on th j coast, must sell; or will exchange for ; cheaper horses. 14 Union ave. CARLOAD of h orses and mules. Goose neck, farm and delivery wagons; liar nea and saddles. 381 Water, west side. HORSES and buggies for refit "by "day", week or m6nth. 6th and Hawthorne Eaet 72. ONE 6-year-old pony and 3 or 4 cheap - family or ranch horses, 4 saddles 1 road card. 14 Union ave ' FEW Odd horses for sale; horses "sold" - exchanged. Rltter. 893 Water st. $125 takes a good'eheap farm team.lfr. qulre for Bosler's team.l4 Union ave. LIGHT driving team for bale cheap. 9G0 Macadam st. LIVESTOCK -5 THREE fresh cows and calves One extra fine Jersey. 242 E. MUh st N M-V car: jRESH dairy or family cow, heavy rich milker; 95 E. 30th. B. S. car. POULTRT TWO and 8 months old Barred Ply mouth Rock pullets; R. 1. Red, Black .Minorca, White Wyandotte and Buff Plymouth Rock chicks; clover cutter jrnw-l ',r vui umniiuea cure. nest thick iceu in mwii. me poultry cup pi jMOUeej208Sjjjno WHITE Orpington chieks, 20c"; nhi cockerels, 76c; few young hens bar- geln. C-2318. BARRED Rock eggs, baby chicks, pure Ringlet atock. Royce. Sellwood 1335. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PUTS 46 THREE angora tortoise shell, Angora ' kittens, 3 Boston bull puppies, 1 Aire dale, Iplt bull dog. Dr. E. C. Brown. V.. Eset 8440. VINE' Fox Terrier pupies for sale, i'8 i relaware ave., St. Johns car. l " t OKn5AIXMISCELl.Af EOUS GENUINE Everett piano," uprighL Payment. Call day or evening, Morrison i at. 5 $90. oi lv iov, neater. Ped springs, mat- r. oed aprings, m llO; Tabof ihl. ra, 8, wheel. FOR SALICMISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE New and second-hand Car nm and pocket billiard tables, and Dowupg alleys and accessories; oar rl turee of all kinds: easv payments. - Th Rrunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 41 41 6th et. - Phones Main 769, A-1768, SIX Inch sticker. Crescent shapcr. Two good, machines. Both at one-mira cost. Either for one-half. If you're goiiisr to need them now' your chance. j-489, journal. ilAKES Special bargains second hand fire and burglar proof; safes opened and rnalred. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co., 85 Eth at Phone Main 8809. .. .. NEW 22 ft. electric llshted motor boat, Speed 12 miles.' Will store same. Can be seen at foot of Bancroft ave. Dirt cheap. Phone Main 8030. SPECIAL sale of slightly used Singers, "W. & W.." White and Standard sew ing machines; easy payments. Call 888 K Morrison, near orana SLIGHTLT used cash registers, credit registers, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co.. 227 Stark st. Main 7711. WANTED Hay or auto for piano, farm horse, came back trucK. Z lots fori land, 4 lots Tacoma. 1109 Hawthorne, Portland. TWO gasoline vacuum carpet cleaning machines. Good as new and dirt cheap. 657 Vancouver ave. RESTAURANT for quick sale. caap. $125 If taken at once. Rent $17. 273 Salmon st. FOR SAUK Steel range, buffet, other furniture and tent. .Excellent condi tion. C-2588. . ELK'S head, mounted, for sale; very large and beautiful. Tarior MuTORCYCl.ES $40 up; bicycles. Ho up. 181 Madison, near nriagi CABINET Wheeler-Wilson machine, new. 254 Union ave., N. East ta. ONE 48x60 y. O. double desk, range, water heater, bleyclo. East 4432. STOVE furniture repairing, estimate given. Marshall 8223. 62SH Wash. l'OUxan rentOliver. typewriter s months for $4. The Oliver Typewriter Agency, AUTOMOIJILES-MOTOKCYCLES 48 FOR SALE One 1911 Bulck runabout one 1910 Bulck surrey, rear seat dc fnrhMhloi nn Rulck 1910 6 passenger; one 1911 Cadillac. 6 passenger; one 1910 Oakland runabout; one Columbus elec tric. All the above cars In good condl tlon with extra equipment. HO JWARD AUTOMOBILE W., 7th and Couch. Main 4555, A-2550. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Whybuy a new cheap car when yon can secure one of our nign grade usca cam nt the same iirlce. We guarantee them; different makes and models, all traded In on new White cars. We also offer several 2d hand trucks. Write Whitu Car Agency, Sixth street, at Madison. STRICTLY A-l 5 pass. Chalmers, -'30." non-skid tries, machine just over hauled. Completely equipped. Price $685, $200 down, $40 per month. 350 Alder st. I HAVE the cash to pay for 1911 or 1912 Overland or Ford 5 passenger car, from owner only; must be in good condition and price right. H. G. Harts horn. 227 Stark st. AUTO repairing and storage work guaranteed, all experienced help. The Powell Garage, 27th and Hawthorn Tahor 1147. FOR SALE One 2000 pound 1. H. C. truck $400. Sunnvsldo Auto Garage, 204 E. 34th st. Tabor 1925. 7 PASSENGER Plerce-Arrow, 40 h. p., In good condition, or trade. East 4423. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repairing, ways. Foot Abernathy St. I T.AT'VrfT fnr siVle or trade; 6 h. rect long. lawn 351. 1717 Peninsular ave. od- IROWBOaTS, Sailboat,, Power Boats. Koat shop foot ffrlfornla street. FURNITURE FOT, SALE 05 FURNITURE of 14 rooms for sale, fine rojXr ahtaaS'sacXr?ermseryMa"S sSEP""!1 a sacrifice, terms. Alain FURNITURE nearly new, of 6 room House, at bargain ir taken tnrs ween, Rent $20. Large garden and fruit. 845 EastAshst: FTRNITl itE of 9 room" house, only $150 if taken by Monday; will sell by piece. lece. House ior rent n Qeairea. 10 West Park t ll'I UVITHBI,' nf ft rn,m. fnr aula ahun at 867 Cleveland ave. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS O WE HAVE orders for 200 pictures of ray 2926 71st st. S. E. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." Have you furniture to sell; reliable party wants to buy $1000 worth of sec- lomi hand furniture, stoves and rues In , small or larce nimntitles and oav all inhLJ tfJK-VZK?JJlYli?I JtZtZ that I pay the highest cash price for ReCond-han.t household goods. N. J. Seater. 1.4-121 (inind ave East 1S3. COVELL FURNITURE A COMM1 tU0jL(' v.PaIs. Lh?. besL?lL1' -f"i your second hand furniture, carpets 11U stoves. Z04 1st. Main sozz. HIGHEST PKK'ES PAID FOR HOUSE- "("vr-ur0- iWX'lV? F' .RN1 n. UK EX., 3nft E. MOR. E. 768. RAROERS' ACTION HOi'8E. 3RS-370 E. Morrison st. E. 1022, $1000 worth "f goori furniture at once. BFrwiSEfget" more"'fory.ur" second- hand furniture ny selling it to Forn And Inn Co., 211 1s'. Main 8P51, A-2449. WANTEl j KcHk c,pr, tc fm. era Exchanpe. 215S Morrison., ..,;,-.. . "? - V pu r r pi , ill i n B iss. -UHHe 0x14 up. J-470. Journal. FINE rhubarb one cent per pound. Geo. W. Took, Wichita. Greshnm car. LOST AND FOUND 21 WILL person finding (-liver mesh bag In ladies' lavatory Portland- hotel, kindly return small ring and watch, which arc vulued for thoir assoclatirm; can keep money us reward. I'ltaso leave Mot. I Portland office. LOST Cash rewind for return lo h2f J Hawthorne ave, of large English ibrlr.db- Bulldog, weighing lie poundf. U. i" T'. Baldwin, East 911, Mar. 3310. LOST Between K. Morrison and 6th nt 3. west, Thursday, a necklace, Set j with pears and amethysts; finder plensa return to 701! Kothchiid bldg.; reward. MONDAY i.lght, purse, containing i money; . o. w. emblem on back, i Reward J1C U'3 4 E. 22d st. N. tel. Reward. Lust or stolen, brlndle English bull ter rier. Return to 341 Harrison St. Re ward LOST Maltese to 208 2d st ; and white reward cat; return FO 1 ' N D Elk chiirm by A. L. Porter, Box 135 Oorvallls " r ' TEHSONAL 22 ( iilKOPOUisT and manicurist, form erly 6th and Washington. 614-5 De kum bldg. MIS STiiXE, - manicuring, face and scHlp treatment. 430ft Washington st. I )f fice 1. SAVE $2 to Jig by buying your trunk JfJjltcaii. at 53? Wash., cor. 17th st DAI..M or r Iks, remedy for diseases of women. 532 Davis r. Main 921L MLLE ROBERGE Physical cultufT o50V2 Alder fit. Office 29. 3d floor w''ss Johnso - mpntI !iJ I PCiiln a tirl facial Iran i. "I ,h. u :.iorr snn n v.ninge, - 408 :;.-..'". 1 ,lrl.. 'tn and Washington. MHr. MAl.Loitv'ifXV." or,i ; "i -h r. um. 1'4'JVj, 5tlif.t ch cleg Wed eve EDWARD KiiErHAHl7rTc7uTt"em Del. ior minorlunt fnJn , ft eiit' I-"-'rH or "Buffalo, man or woman. F-405, Journal. PERSONAli DON'T experiment with poisons. When in need of a regular monthly remedv ret a lmltU of Antlko Mltur No. 8 and be convinced that Is the best and most harmless remedy ever put on me msrket for painful and suppressed peri ods; annoiuteiy guaranieea it givs nai- lsraeuon. For aale and guaranieea i'j Portland by the Jefferson Drug Co.. 16 and Jefferson sts. Main 7648. A-7818. LADIES $1000 reward: I positively guarantee my great succtssiui "monthly" remedy! safolr relieves some or me ion ir eat. most Obstinate, aonor mal cases In 3 to 6 days; no harm, pain or Interference wltn work; maw $1.60 DouMe strength, 82, Dr. C, T. Southing ton Remedy Co.. Kansas Clty. Mo. nn. alichj a. griff. . Diseases of women and children, has removed to LaFayette bldf., 813 H Washington at A MAN in fair circumstances wishes to get acquainted with widow with some means, ace 88 in 42. must be strict Christian, German, no other, ob- eci matrimony. C-715, Journal. SPIRITUALISM REV. MAY A. PRICK, MEDIUM. READINGS. TEACHING. HEADING, DAILY. CIRCLES TUE8.. WED., 8 P. M. 821 CORBETT. COR WIUTAKER. MAIN 7227. F. OR S CAR. dlseaaeM nf men blond nnrf akin dl- eases, sores, ulcers, swollen glands, kid ney, bladder and plies. 181 First st., Portland. MISS PERRY, eastorn graduate mas seuse, isew vork schoo of C & D. Treats rhcumatlsiw. paralvnls and nerv ous cases. 29U 1.1th St.. 13th or Jpffer son.cai. Open Sundays. Main 7661. MRS. STEVENS. IS years Portland's! leading paltnl.'t and clairvoyant has her late bonk. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale, B s 7 41 Williams ave.. corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and sureerv. Ex- mlnations free. 3D2 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Main 4047. ACTUM A r heart trouble, wii nomiVIM w the case I can't ,'lsh to cure. DR. DOUGLAS. D. C, 338 Union ave. N., Portland, Or. REV. VIRGINIA healer, medium, dully. 231 6th st. Main T748. ROME, magnetic readings, teaching, near Main. Phone I WANT to see parents or relatives of Mrs. Crissie Yost Wakefield. Mrs. King, 6.19 Vancouver ave. Phone Wood lawn 968. SOT.ER. Industrious gentleman would like to make the acquaintance of some respectable lady age between 30 and 40 years. A-389, Journal. SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness In men, by mall $1 per box; money re turned If It fails. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., 21SU Morrison. SANDERSON CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills sure remedy for delayed periods. $2 box or 3 boxes for $5, by mall. T: J. Pleree, 24SA Morrison MRS. JOHNSTONE Medium; teacher of mental and physical science; rheu- miitlam fiirf.,1 nnri trAHlmpnla irlvAn 9117 Jefferson. j LADIES. ATTKVTIOX An nrr. nf I prevention Is worth a pound of cure. For further Information call afternoons at room 309 Gerllnger bldg. MRS. SOPHIA K. SEIP, mental and spiritual scientist. 302 Allsky bldg., hours K) to 8 p m. Main fi24. LADY'S barber shop, now open. 408 Hoyt and 10th sts., near North Bank Depot WOMEN Use femolds when others fail Sold and ctfiranteed by the Ausplund Drug store. 110 N th st. Main 8101 GIRLS. Learn our business; Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4QQ-412 Wknm bldg. MADAME ESTELLE. Spiritual Medium, removed from 144 11th St., to 1284 ijin si., near waspington. DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women'n main. dies, acute diseases; moved to 600 VI Morrison, corner 15th; phono E. 51 56. Li F, .Sj Nerv Tonlr; Tablets rektore lost vitality; 26o box; 6 boxea $1.28, Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st NOTICES 20 NOTICE OF STOCKHOLERS' MEET ING. Notice Is berebyglven that a snecUl meeting of the stockholders of Mult nomah Mechanical Manufacturing com pany will be held at the office of the company, room 317 Beck building, Port- WELLS & PKOEBSTEL, 'aasayers, ana land, Or., on Tuesday. Julv lt. 1912. Ivttcal chemists 204U Wash. M. 7503. at 2 o'clock p. m., for the election of a board of directors to succeed the di- rectors now holrllnsr over and to con sider the advlwibility of authorizing the ooara or airectors to sell, on a royalty basis, the patent rights owned by said cjjmpany for the United States or anyl General practice. Abstracts examined, states or territories thereof, for the life I Collections. 522 rhnm. Com. Main 7375. rnf, J.f Rn tlitnZe PX"!A. E. COOPER. Attorney at Law. Gen tensions thereof; and tpaell and dispose i eral practice; abstracts examined. ?rf ! , KC e.and exc,ustv ght for the 1424-1428 Yeon bldpr. Main 873; A-2071. I n ted States or any states or terri- ; lVTTpuTAi jc i tTTiirnra torles thereof, to use the patents now CHRISTOPHLIiSON & MATTHEWS, owned by lh. company for the life general practice. 411-417 eon bldg. tnereor and all extensions thereof, for nuch price and unon such terms as the stockholders shall determine and for the transaction of general business. Portland, Or. June 14. 1912. M. R. WINDHORST. Secretary. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION NOTICE Tl-.e partnership heretofore existing between W. II. Boyd and C. S Mudge, known as the Boyd Realty Co.. 167 N. i-tli st.. Portland, la this dav dissolved by mutual consent. S. Mu'dge retain ing full control and assuming all ac count to datt. W. H. BOYD, (Signed 1 C. S. MUDGB. I'aled July 10, 1912. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCF.RN Take notice that from and after this date T shall not be responsible for any obligations Incurred or contracted by my wife, Mrs. Gertrude Gerllnger, either in her name or mine Signed) EDWARD E. OERLINOER. IINANCT.Hi IS your money earning you something, or Is it lying idle? Call and see us. We can place any amount trom $500 and up In first mortgages on first-class real estate Mr. Neeiy, with WARD A YOUNGER, Suite 426 Yeon Bldg. TO- provide you immediate working capital will buy good accounts re ceivable from reliable jobbers, manufac turers, lumber mills and wholesalers, Oregon, Washington. West Coast Trust & Credit Co, 711 Selling bldg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract off-sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. LOANS WANTED 80 OWNER would like ft loan of $1400 on a 7 room hon;e in Montavllla for three years. 0-65H, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN C7 CHATTELS, SALARIES MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security, cheapest rates, easiest payments. Come and get money when you want it, and pav as you can. Offices in all principal cities. D. H. Toiman, 317 Lumber Exchange. SEE FRANK LANE for a loan on pianos, household goods, autos, livestock, storage receipts, mort gages, anything of value; it will cost you less. Call and get our prices. 609 Swetbind bldg., 5th and Washington. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, mortgages, equities, chat tels, diamonds and real security; spe cial service rendered. LAWSON-BROWN INVESTMENT CO, 1125 Yeon bldg. Tel. M. 87B. EL BY COMPANY. Advances money on pianos, furniture, diamonds., watches. Jewelry, storage re ceipts, real 'estate, etc. Quick, reason able, confidential. 320 Lumber Ex chance. 2d and Stark sts. A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to brrow money on diamonds end Jewelry nt eastern rates. Diamond Talace. 334 Whs'i .i opp. Owl Drug Store. Si??vET""-old "on Installment cm, flflfn. til to salaried people. F. A. New- ton, 505 Henry hldg. ,..! i I'KL loan.'-, no- red tape; confi dential. Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. LOAN for the asking, salary er ohat tel The Loan Co., 414 Dekum bid.. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 SALARY FURNITURE) AUTOS DIAMONDS PIANOS WE LOAN FROM $10 TO $1000 YOU CAN GET IT TODAY, Rebate it paid before due. , 106-7 Macteay bldg. Both phonea, Bet 4th and 6th on Washington. Open Moh. and Sat. eve. till 9 p. m. "VACATION Q5ANS" $10, $20. $30150, $J0 $100. WHEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF READY CASH GIVE US THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOU THE WAY OB" DOING BUSINESS. IT WILL PLEASE YOU BECAUSE OUR RATES ARE THE LOWEST. - OUR SERVICE I8 SUPRIOR EACH TRANSACTION STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO, 80R FA.ILIKO I1LDO. $ t , $ $ $$$$$$.$$ MONEY to loan on furniture. , pianos. autos, live stock, atorage, receipts, real estate and contracts at lowest ratea and strictly confidential. U. S. REAL ESTATE AND BROKER AGE CO., 818 Hamilton bldg. Main 2084. $ 8 3 $ $ $$$$$$$$ 16 TO Drake's Easy Money 1100 Fiirnished salarlod people without ee curlty. Indorsement, delay deception or extortion; cheapest rates, best and most private terms In Portland. 307 Spalding bldg. Successors to HUTTON CREDIT CO. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS, 616 Y EON BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONEY TO .LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, $260 AND UP. J. E. NICHOLS. 615 YE ON BLDG. PRIVATE money to loan in aums of $50 and up on real, personal or collateral security. 207 Oregonlan bldg. MONEY to loan;' large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rate; fire In surance.. W. G. Heck, 315-311 Falling. TO loan, estate funa.s on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. $100,000 on mortgages" city oT farm property, flic lnsurunce. McKenzia & Co., Gcrlinger hldg., 2d and Alder. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A.H. HARDING. 313 Chamber of Com. BRASHEM Loans Money. 528 Lumbermen Rldg. MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent W. IL , opaiuinff iu;f. QUICK loans on all securities. S. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. M aln 6100. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. I. L. White. 701 Selling hldg. WILL loan $2U,(MH) or less real estata. Kajrlngtc.n. 416 Commercial Club bid g. MORTGAGE loans, C and 7 per cent. Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark st. $700 to place rlsht awav. Smith-Wag-oner Co.. 311-312 Lewis bklg. $10,000 or any part for Immediate loan on real estate. Phore Tabor 771. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOTJWTAirrS PUBLIC. C. EUGENE WILLIAMS, public account ant. 1041 r. of C. Phone Mln 744 1. COLLIS, BEKRIDGE & THOMPSON, 324 Worcester bldg. Main 6567. ARCHITECTS FOR accurate and artistic made to order plans at lowest rates, address Archi tect. 1189 E. Oak. Phono B-3109. A3SATE3ZJ PICKERING & I'Of. assayers, smelters, refiners, buyers, high grads and bul lion gold. 142H 4th st. Phone Main 6109. unvT a v a c n r r TTVTrr-Tr-Trj; llitC ?, ., 5,"i , T ' V. ATT0RNET3 KORNEGAY. SHEELEY & HILLIUS ArjT0SXPBX3S AUTO Express Co. will deliver parcels, baggage or freight quickly, reason able. Phone Tabor 4134. BATHS RUSSIAN, Turkish baths, swimming pool, open day and night, private rooms In connection; ladles' and gentle men's denartmnt 695 Front. S car south. Marshall 113 PORTLAND Swimming Baths, 167 4th; elegant piling, open dally, 25c, BLAJHK BOOH KUHCBIS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d at, Blank Book m'f'g - agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Le.f Ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3133. Main 133. BOOKB174D?BS. THE DITTM A R-PETERSON CO. Magazine, muntc and law books t I imniinW iyiyiy- II v. , l bound, blank books and looi-e leaf sys 01 ! terns. . 63 5th st. Phono Marshall 1235. BUBI-KISS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 817 Beck bldg. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.. Portland office. (105 Electric bldg. OAJtFET CLEAinNO JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works, carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-19B3. 204 E. 19th N. CARPET WEAVUrO NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, 353 Union ave., nenr E. Morrison. PENINSULA Hug Works, rag carpet and rugs, lo i i-'atton nve. wooer in zona. CHIROPRACTIC PHTSICXAN HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.50 week. Bath office 2d and Wash. COAL AITD WOOD PAC, SLABWOOD CO, "M,09- Green slabwood, big and small Inside block wood, planer trlm'gs. cordwood. FOUR ft. fir wood for sale, $3 per cord. Inquire of E. A. Newbery. 4 blocks south Russell station. Woodstock, Or. Phone Sellwood 444. K ftor R, Forr-01 a short time we in eer sl ran win sen no. 4-foot cordwood at $5 per cord. No. 1 4-foot oak at $7.25 per cord. M-4596. A-4547. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry at. .STANDARD WOOD CO.. ' Box wood, cord and block wood, coal. 347 E, Stark. Phones East 2315, B-1696. FULTON WOOD CO. FirKt class dry and green slabwood. Phone Main 7890 A-2S99. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. , SEGHER'S WOOD CO., f. Hill, Prop. Cord, oak, ash, slabwood. Get prices. 38th and Vaughn. Main 6359. A-2415. EDLEFSEN Fue""compuhv will trade 2 - farm -wsgong 'snd tmgy for bay, oats or wood. Yamata Wood and Coal Co. EAST $19, B-1887. PHOENIX Fuel Co.. Dry woo3 $1.66 per load. 521 Bavler. Main 8544. EDLEFSEN liandFea w ood ad coaL COAXt AJTD WOOD SPECIAL ifs J t PRICKS ON S3 WREEN SHORT WOOIY 1 GREEN , 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, ' $3.50. - DRY SHORT WOOD. -SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding, The - Portland Slabwooi Co. Main 8119. A-7001 j-.nst siss. country slab; Tabor 1748. B-2688. Block and Cordwbod. B-2629 " PORTLAND WOOD YARD. " 'Fir, oak. slabwood and coal. , Wreek Ke. 8th and OUsan. Main $363, A-2281 COAL and all-kinds of wood.' Phone Moigate Fuel Co., Bellwood 48B. CHrJTEBB DOOTOXS JINO WO CHINESE MED. CO. curei men and woman. Nil location IRStt xiorrison sr.. nesr nrioge. DR. J. L. LONG MEDICAL CO.. nhv, slclan for men, women. 268 Alder, E. QEORGEFF, carpenter, builder, store rront ana store fixtures especially, glaring. 291 H Ankeny. Marshall 2861. HIGHEST crade carpenter and cabinet wotk ror oanks, stores ana nomes. u, it Hammond, 186 Madison. ILTRRY E. STANFORD, designer and ouiiaer or modern homes, flats and apartments. Office 7. 850 H Morrison. cnntorODisTi DR. MARGTTERITE CRAWFORD, chl ropodlst. Formerly 6th and Washing ton. 614 Dekum bldg. - DR. U. S. G. and Mra. Tletcher. Painless chiropodists. Over Haaelwood. M-3713, PAINLESS chiropodist, coma, bunions. ingrowing nans. A-7S45. 417 Bweuana. COLLECTIONS PTITSICIANS' A Dentists' acct., gensral collections, zm Medical niflg. M. 617, DAWC1WO HEATH'S school, fancy, stage and social dancing taught dally, waits and iwo-Btep guaranieea in rour lessons, class Monday evenings, 8 to 10 lessons, 25c. 109 2d st., between Washington anu ttiarg. PROF. AVAL WILSON'S danclnsr school. Lessons 26o during summer season, Including lady dancing teachers and mu sic. Walt, two-atep, three-step, etc. 85 hi Fifth st., between Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. RINGLER'S Academy; private and class lessons dally. 231 U Mor.. cor 2d. DOO, CAT AND HOKHE HOSPITAL J. O. Slee. D.V.S. Dogs and cats t-eat-ed. boarded. Wood. 3076. 1601 Alblna. BROWN BROS., 546 Wash. Main 4086. A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. E. 6440. B-2287, DKESSMAKIWO SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system of cutting, tai loring and dressmaking taught. 883 E. Morrison. ELEGTXIC MOTOa MAIHTAIWANCE Burning out fuses? Costly repair bills? We. make weekly Inspection and take responsibility for monthly fee. Portland Elertrlc Maintenance Co.. 121 N. 6th. rCRNirCRE REPAIRING- ARTS and Craft shop, furniture rs patred, reflnl.hed, packed, upholster ing. Mar. 394. 7th and Flanders. Ref. GESTURAL REPAIRINQ. GENERAL machine and electric work. repair or electric motors and dvna-l-8--:-.!!1!1 K. Hlppely. 2 24 Oak. OLD lawn mowers made Tike new-by Improved new Invention; low price; expert locksmith. Pete Poller. 224 Main. ALIIIXJGBrGIUTEa STATIONARY and marine, electric, equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. JZAXBJIOODS FEBVET & HANEBUT Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human hair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments. 1 47 7th, near Mor. M. 844. SWITCHES, puffs and transformation made from combings; dyeing. Mrs. Orlmes. 175 17th st. N. Phone Main 8174. HAT FACTOBY LADIES' and gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked. Royal Hat Worka, 223 1st. M. M42. KODAK DEVEiOPIBTO ROLLS developed free; prints, 8o up; mall orders solicited. 205 Merchaata Trust bldg. XHSUBAXCCB JOHN KER Insurance, surety bonds, mtge loans. 1322 Yeon bldg. M. 9285. McCARGAR, Bates A Lively, 301 Yeon ning. Every form of Insurance, ponds PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Onlv Oregon fire Insurance com. ZiAITTEBN BUSES STEREOPTICON8. advertising slides. show cards and banners. Grant Carder, Peoples Theatre bio.. Park and Alder. STEREO PTICONS, slides, banners, cards. etc. Enterprise An Co., 73 H 6th. LEATHER AJTD XUXDIXQM CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 tit Leather of every description; tap manufacturer, findings. MACHIITERT B. TRENKMAN & CO., hydraulic and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. MESSENOSBS. HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night and dgy. Main C3. A-2158. MOTOBCTCEB BEFAIBIXO REPAIRS of all kinds; also bicycle sup plles and repairing.. 189 Burnslde. MVSIC SCHOOLS ADD. TEACHERS E. THIELHORN, violin teacher; ' pupil Sevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1629 SCHOOL OF MUSIC, staff of teachers. Ore. Conservatory of Music, Portland. OPICEJPtrBHITlJBB DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Daley Desk Co., 210 7th st. Main B87. OSTEOPATHIC PHTHICIABTS DR. LILLERELLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chronic diseases. 208 Fenton bldg,JMaInj961. Dr. Smith, graduate kiritsvllle, Mo 1898, postgraduate 1907. 1 122 Selling bldg. PAINT, OIL AJJD OZ4SS PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 First st Main 1334, A-7043. THE BEAVER VARNISH WKS., makes GOOD products. Ask your dealer. RASMUSSEN & CO., "High StandaTF paint, ne. cor. 3d & Taylor. M A-1771. gAIHTIHO AHD PAPEBIHg FOR best work, prices right, call P. A. Doane. 3B2 V Wash. E. 109H. flNTING $2 room up: painting, paper- imiiKuiK, a, names. Main 1S34. TT, AT TTT.. . . w.rvc., u Taylor, inside work a specialty. Lowest prices. Main 7981. GOOD work, my motto. . 386 E. Wash. B. 2167, A. Osbourn, E. 4214. E. H. PICKARI): nolntin tlntln pa- perlng; eatlsfactory work. East 1868. PATEHT ATTOBHETS PATENTS obtained: trademarks, copy rights registered In all countries; book lets free; consultation without charge. Peter Harberlln, 3?6 Wo rcester bid g. PATEHT AXZOBHSTS - PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock. At-torney-at-Law, late of U.S. Patent of Ice; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. UNCLE MEYERS COLLATERAL BANK 40 years in Portland. 71 6th. Min 810. PHOTO E OX NIC VIEWS. Free exhibit Oregon scenery and com mercial work. 413 Stark, ' ' PHUXHOIOOT O rrof. It, A- McCllntock, 88 yeara ex perlence; he polnta the -way to suc eesw, health and happiness. 8 N. 4th- st. piawo Tuirnra FRED JACOB8EN, piano tuning, $J.Q0; 18 yrs. eiperlence. 190 8d, Main Hil, PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and York. Main 3489. JTXATZRS OV AX It METALB. WILLAMETTE Plating Works. SOS 4th. Plating- and polishing. M, 9348. A-7190. We replete silverware; sell you new. Port Plat. A Mfg. Co., 22d-Thurman. M, 948. ANDERSON PRINTING CO.. 7SH th st., cor. Oak, Modern offloe, luoa lacnuies, ANHLEY Printing Co., 250 Oak, Main 4671. Printing to please. , Boornra, PAnrrnfp, bepairi-to TIN roofing, repairing, palntipg, jobbing. xjviii, nt jenerson. ivjain if-. BVBBEB STAMP" ATO SEALS STENCILS ahd office stationery. Cun ningham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. BADGES, trade, checks, brass signs. loncMsjvreDs uros., lu za. Mar. isii BATES THE MOSLER Safe Co., 108 2d at Safes A t fftftnrv nrlafl, pn4. 1 rt U- n , 1 , opened; bargains In second hand safes. BASK, SOOB8, WZVDOWB yplted Glass & Glazing Co.; sash, doors, naiq giagg. xitn, uusan. jviain ji. BCREEJTS BUILT to order screen doora and win dow nalntA1 nrA Knn Mmnlilfc American Screen Co, Phone East 8229. SHOWCASES AJTP r-XTPBES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, afore and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M.270S. SHOWCASES 01 every description, bank, bar and store flxturea made to order. The Lutke Mfg Co. R. H. BIRDSALL, HAMILTON BLDG., bhow cases In stock. Prom ot delivery. Sales agent M. Winter Lumber Co. SKnroLES BEST In Portland. See them. 801 Washington st. 8. E. Gilbert. SIGjrS AJTD SHOWCARDS OFFICE, door and window lettering; name plates for desks and doors: also commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Marshall 4383. 312 Dekum bklg. FOSTER & KLEISER Signs: the lar gest sign makers In the northwest. E. 7th and E. Everett nts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. WAH LANDER CO., room 702 Swetland bldg. Phone Marshall 4922 for icenlc and pictorial show cards, cloth signs. Special window trims. TArLORDTG ALFRED OGILBEE, 310 Labbe bldg., 2d ana vv asnington. suns to oraer. TAILOBXlf a. SCHOOX. KIESTER'S Ladles Tailoring College learn dressmaking, talorlng. 143 H 1 ltn SCHULTE'S Ladles' Tailoring, Cutting college. 300 central bldg., lOtn-AWer. TOW -31 STJPPI.T CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, Towel isupply uo., 9th ana couch sts. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 430. A-4410. TBAKSPER ASO STOBAOB C O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., of fices and commodious 4 story brlcK warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2a and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Knerdnl Eaten marie nn roods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign riolnts. Main 596. A-1996. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., cor, lath and Everett sts.: most moa- ern storage warehouse In city; our low fire insurance rate proor or mis. r ree trackage; moving, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods In through cars to and from the east. Main 6640. A-15-0 OREGON TRANSFER CO, Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage, free trackage. Offices and storage, 474 Glisan street. corner 13th and Glisan. Phones, Main 69. A-U69. CITY Hall Transfer & Storage Co., Ex pert furniture and piano moving. I trunk 50c each, additional 25c. M. .089. A-4724. NORTHWESTERN Transfer Co.. 84-66 Front. General transfer and storage. Main 446. A-4468. BAGGAGE & Omhlbua Transfer Co. Es tablished 1882. Phones M. 6980. A-332Z W. JOHNSON, express, baggage. 333 Mwrris st. C-3168. Stand 6th and Couch. TRUTH"! ICAHirrAOTV&EBS SAMPDB cases, trunks, repairing West ern Trunk r Leatner Wks. Main 03, TT PEWBITEBS ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cuii- Ingham Co., 231 8tark. Main 1407. TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt, a nana. 4h -d st. Mar. 419 r UPHOLSTEBEKS CART WRIGHT & CO.. 188 Madison, up holstering, furniture repairing ana mattresses; work guaranteed. Main 6335. VACUUM CXEAHEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com monwealth bldg. L.A.Amlck.Mgr.M.4030 well skill nra JAMES W. GREEN, well drilling contrac- ior, o yrs. experfencet e, 10, iz in., any depth. 690 Vancouver ave. C-2478. WHOLESALB JOBBEBS EVERDING k, FARRELL, produce and commission merchants. 140 Front St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. WADHAMS k, CO., wholesale grocers, manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4th and Oak sts. M. A. GUNST & CO., . DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS, PORTLAND. OR. SKCHifff: CCINESa.. 133 X FIRST St. CorAklti fit).. DR. CHAN. The reliable Chinese Doctors 8.' t Chan with their harmless Chinese rem edies of herbs and roots as medicine can wonderfully cure all sicknesses. They havo cured many sufferers, both men and women, of chronic diseases and all Internal and external sicknesses when others failed. No operations. Examin ation free. Ladles treated by Mrs. Dr. Chan. Call or write to B. X. Chan Chinees Medicine Co 118 hi First St.. Portland. Or. Opposite O. W P. statloa nwyrytL. T. YEE & SONS. The 44,'A!old, eminent Chinese doctor, i .-TVjspent a lifetime in stud o. JtluL icercs.. ana gruduaUd-Zrora several unlversltlea In Thin- I",, all ! n -SjW if men and women succesaful- iin I ly- No matter who has jf s'H I failed, I guarantee a cure If I L',A curable. Call or write to ? 2JL. T. Tee & Sons Medicine h-"Co.. 280U Timhlll. S. E. cof. Second street, Portlarult Orefon, JL .aut iTJ w. vJ a g--r'A criAn WHOLESAZ.B JOEHrS. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 St.. between Salmon and Main. ALLEN & LEWIS-GROaiRlE7 2d 11? Should be CoBslderd When You Select a Physician . to Treat You' C. K. HOLSMAN4 li. D. I am Just now completing my elx teenth year as a specialist In men's diseases. During these years of close application to a single claes of ali ments I have originated and perfect ed scientific and certain methods by which these diseases are cured. If I accept yojir case for treatment, a cure Is but & matter pf a reasonable time. My practice la limited to the disor ders of the male, and Is further con fined to these special and chronic affections of ths pelvic tract These Include Lost Vitality, Varlcoae Veins, Hydrocele. Blood Disorders, Con tracted Ailments and Bladder and Kid ney Diseases. I havs taken up these ailments especially, because thou sands of lives are ruined and thou sands of men ar not what thoy should be, because they are held down by chronic weakness, whloh the average practicing physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the patient that nature will soon repair the waste. My methods are up to data, and are endorsed by the highest medical an thoritles of Europe and Amertoa, hnc our success In the treatment of men's diseases. CONSTJLTATIOlf TKBO. If you eannot call, writs for Brymp tom Blank. Many cases can be treat ed at homo. All correspondence con fidential. Hours 9 a. m. to I p, , imSXri 10 to 12 m. Sundays. NAD. 221H MORRISON STREET, Corner First St.. PORTLAND. OREGON. Prominent People of the Northwest His Patients. Many Cures Effected Where Other Doctors Have Failed. c GEE E t t b M? -i' THE CHINESE DOCTOR His reputation for successful cures has been due to a thorough knowledge of each particular complaint coming under his car. and his ability to relieve suffering quickly. He does this by us ing simple remedies furnished by nature, compounded from Roots, Barks, . Herbs and Buds, which are gathered In every locality of the earth. Their medicinal properties are unknown to the scientists of this country, and are guarded very closely by the Chinese. In his treat ments no mercury or poisons ars used. His prescriptions are absolutely safe, sure and painless. All diseases known to the medical profession have come under his cara. Like his forefathers, he has made It a life study. If you live out of town and cannot call, write for symptom blank and cir cular. Inclosing four cents In stamps.' CONSULTATION FREE Open Evenings and Sundaya, CGeeWoChlnese Medicine Co. 62l2 1st St., Cor. Morrison Portland, Oregon. (Kindly mention this paper.) SEE ME FREE. If you sre worrying about any ailment In cluded among thoso wlthlA which I spe cialize. I invite you to call at my office and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agnosis and advise you of . tne propar course to pursue to rid yourself forever , , ui your worry ana youf ailment. My years Of experience anu my juui icauons navs made me an expert In the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office Is assured of my personal and individ ual treatment until a cure la ef fected. NEW GERMAN REMEDY FOR BLOOD POISON My method of Administration is Ab solutely Safe. Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins Plmnles, Nervous Debility, Nertro.' Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments. Flies or Fistula, , . 8 io n i 10 b Daily; Sunday li aminaiion Advice Free. J.J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-18 Lafavette Bldgi lltVi -WASHINGTON ST., COR, bTBL PORTLAND, Ok CM 1 Vf-i" VW-47. 7 A" WA ' , KEEFE