THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 12, 1312. 13 1 1' Gill PRAISE f PROF. GOODRICH Contest at Multnomah: Field Called Off; Only 3 uanas Enter Preliminary uomesi; Crowd Entertained. The eagerly awaited band contest that was to have been held at Multno mah field lat night as a feature of ' tha1 Elks grand reunion wan called off lata In the afternoon, and at 8 o'clock, when the blf grandstand was filled with people It was announced from the field through a megaphone that the con teat had been declared off b the com mittee. In the afternoon Secretary Mc- Alirater Vl notified the Judges by tel ephone that the contest would not be ' held, aa Wagner's band from Seattle ' and the Kallspell band had been dis qualified for not participating in yes terday's big parade. Three "bands only entered the prelim inary Contest at the Oaks Wednesday afternoon, the firth Regiment National Guard band from San Francisco, Wag oner's band and the Kallspell, Mont., band. The Judges, Lulgl Ruzzl. Fred erick W. Goodrich. Charles Duerke and John Bayley scored the three bands on the playing of the dedication benedic tion from the opera "Lea Huguenots," and the "Dance of the Hours," giving Wagner's band 100 points, the Kallspell ', band 72 points and the Fifth Infantry band 60 points. The low scoring of -the-San Francisco band eliminated U - from the final contest so far as the Judges were concerned, and the only re- ' mainlng bands were Wagner s and the Kallspell band. rarade Without Instruments. . These bands could not pluy in the big parade because Of a protest having been - filed with the American Federation of - Musicians against the San Francisco -band by - the aaaociaiion of San Fran cisco.' Wagner's band escorted the Se attle delegation to the point where It fell In line with the big parade, and the Kallspell musicians paraded without their Instruments as members of the " Kallspell contingent of Elks. "1 woe somewhat surprised yester "' day afternoon when Secretary McAllls . ter called ine up and told me that' tbe band contest had been declared off," said Mr. Goodrich this morning, "for we desired to give the public another opportunity to. hear these two Kplendid 'bands play music of real woith, al- thcugh tbe Judges had already made up "their minds as to the respective merits -of the bands. "The very first contest settled the ' question of merit, and we would have reathed no other conclusion but to give ! Wagner's band first prize and the Kal-I sfspell second. They were so extremely superior from all points of view in con cert work, that no further comparison was necessary, and we submitted a re port to that effect yesterday to the 'commission, this report eliminating the Fifth Infantry band from -further con- tests. . . " i-W tlid not know the bands at the first concert except by numbers, and "were entirely impartial. Each individual jf the committee kept his own score r od -checking up we came to unanimous indlngs, giving Wagner first and the Kallspell second place, and eliminating the Fifth Infantry band, as It scored tbe lowest "We awarded the Fifth Infantry band ' first prize 4n the parade. It marched well, played well on the rrkrch and .made a good appearance as a marching band. The Idaho band made a good showing, and was given second place, and the Pendleton band, too, showed up " well." . plays Difficult Plooea. 4 Wagner's band, appeared at Multno "mafi field last night and played two -heavy numbers, a fantasia from "Loh engrin." by Waeer, and Tschalkowsky'a famous overture, "1812," the number selected by the Judges as the test piece for the final contest. Both numbers ' were splendidly played and elicited a veritable ovation from the thousanda In the grandstand and on the field. "7 The. Kallspell band was busy serened? .-lag-ia -the downtown district, having been Informed that they had been dis qualified and so did not appear to com- r- The Fifth Infajatry band was present and followed Wagner"a band with sev eral pleasing concert numbers and en tertained the crowd for an hour or more. The Sllverton band, too, was on the For That Outing Trip We can supplj' you with :A Stevens .22 Rifle for $2.50 A Winchester .22 Repeating Rifle for $8.50 X real good Camp Ax fQr....$2.00 A Compass that is right for..$ .75 Af Ingersoll Watch for $1.00 A 5-inch Stag Handle Knife ..$1.00 A pocket electrie FJash Light, $1.25 A "good Hunting Coat for $2.50 "And, as for food fishing tackle, all the liojra know we have the right stuff." Backus & Morris ,- 223 MORRISON STREET. , - Between First and Second Sts. No noise no iiust -no Chuck Hples That' bltulithic . pavement. - - field playing ragtime marches during the waits. About 100 members of the local asso ciation of musicians met at 11 o'clock last night and escorted the visiting as soclatlon bands to the union depot. The big massed band started from Multno mah hotel, where the visiting musicians were . staying, . and led the parade through the court of honor and, down Sixth street to the depot, followed by thousanda of merry making' Kike and friends. Behind the big band walked the bands from Seattle, Kallspell, Che halls, Olympla and La Grande, At the depot the band formed In a huge circle and played "Auld Lang Syne," after which. Director Wagner expressed the deep appreciation of the honors shown visiting members of the association. CRUISE HAS TO STOP IN CRATER LAKE FOREST (Special to Tha Journal. I . Medford. Or.. July 12. As a result of congress failing to pasa the appropria tion bills of the forestry department, the reconnaissance crew of 10 men Is Idle and the work uf cruislng-the heavy tim ber In the Crater Lake national forest is halted' indefinitely. Much of the ripe timber was to have been sold to the large milling companies. The extended appropriation of last year failed to pro vide for any expenses other than In curred by the regular office and field forces. 1 Preparations for the protection of the timber of southern Oregon are practi cally completed and with 35 fire war dens and guards in the field at this time, with 20 more to be added August 1, making a total of 5f, Supervisor M. L. Erlckson of the Crater national for est looks for a year in which the fire loss will be reduced to a minimum. The extremely late season has aided mater ially in reducing the fire hasard. Until last week the weaker grasses were green, which "made the spread of any fire ex tremely Improbable. The state, in con- Junction with the Jackson County Fire Patrol association. Is protecting the pri vate forest interests and state lands. LITTLE BONE BUTTON MAY CONVICT OF MURDER Pendleton. Or.. Julv 11. A little bone button may be the means of convicting Columbia Oeorre of the brutal murder of A-Te-Me-At, an aged squaw, aBt Sat urday. The button was found at the scene of the struggle and still attached to It a piece of pink flannel. Search of the lenee of Columbia (jeorge revealed a suit of torn pink underwear with the top button of the drawers and a small piece of cloth micslng. Other buttons on he raiment ale identical with the one found at the scene of the tragedy. Miners. Will Flock to Yreka. Medford, Or., July 12. Fully 100 miners and mine owners of this city are planning to attend the mining congress to be held In Yreka at the fourth semi annual meeting of the mining men of southern Oregon and northern Califor nia A lnrpe quantity of ore. consisting of high-grade samples and specimens of the low grade milling properties and a few nugget displays will be sent from this city. THE ANNEX Twelfth and Washington Streets Portland's newest and most beautiful hotel Absolutely fireproof Both phones in every room Commercial tourist and family hotel European plan High-class grille in connection. THE ANNEX HOTEL CO. F. WILLIAMSr MGR. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS B EST r HONE USE IT AT THE FREE TELEPHONE AND INFORMATION BOOTHS Fifth and Washington Streets Park and Washington Streets Fifth and Morrison Streets Third and Morrison Streets Union Depot . y; North Bank Depot , Attendants in charge. HOME TELEPHONE i& TELEGRAPH COM PANY, OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Lack of Information Gives Committee Hard Problem to Solve. irtaltMl Preaa Leased Wlre.l Washington. July 11 Baffled In Its search for details of the enormous cam paign collections In 1904 and 1908, thrntirh the defective memories of both the Republican and Democratic national managers and their testimony that an records had been destroyed, the special senate Investigating committee today faced a dilemma. The committee decided to continue Its hunt for Information as to the 1904 campaign before beginning on the presi dential race of 1908. George R. Shel don, who was treasurer of the national Republican committee la 1904, will be called shortly. While no definite ar rangements have yet been made. It was understood Postmsster General Frank ... , , , ELK VISITORS Take Home These SONG HITS AXXi BXASTB HXWl 1. On a Beautiful Night, With a Beautiful Girl. ' 2. I Want a Lovln' Sometimes. 5. When I Walts With Tou. 4. I Like It Better Every Day. - 6. Island of Roses and Love. 6. Tou're My Baby. 7. I Want One Like Pa Had Yes terday. All Popular Bong Kits 7 for $1. Add lo Copy on mail orders. When It's Muslo or Pictures, go where the crowds go. JXBOKE X. ft CO. 333 Washington Street. Opn ninfft till 10:30 OnE ARTH 1 II, Hitchcock, Taft's manager In 1908, and Norman E. Mack of New York, Bryan's general in the same campaign, will be called. Cortelyou testified lets yesterday that at the beginning of the campaign he had laid down general rules as to con tributions and was not concerned with detailed contributions, except In. rare cases as the campaign progressed. One of the rules was that there should be no promise or pledge attached to con tributions, ha said. AMUSEMENTS BEATS HOW BELXIWfJ. XEIXJ( TKXATKI1 7 JSSSian Sun July --14 Cathrine Countiss Supported by STDITXT AY2U3S in "THX TKBT" , . .Eve., 78c, 60c. 85c. 25c. Wed. Mat. Mo wrwjoBCE, b. p. o. i HEILIG 7th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A-112J ALL THIS WEEK Every afternoon, 2:30 o'clock Every evening, 7:30 o'clock. HATTTRAI, COLOB MOTIOW PICTURES SCENES OF THE WORLD FROM LIFE AND NATURE . Afts. 0c, 25c. Eve. 75c.. 50c, 26c. 7 SSSSSim Sunday, July 14 OATTDtljni OOtTKTISS Supported by SYDNEY AYRES IW "THB THIEF" Season seats now on sole. First week sale next Thursday. Nights Matinees 10cand20c AnvSeatlOc ELEVEN BRA RAM BEIT BUJAMAA TBOUPE OP ABABA IRENE AND BOBBIE SMITE JCRAOS TRIO HERBERT BROOKS DXNXHART AND HERXCAOB JOHN T. MTTRRT ORCHESTRA BUNGALOW THEATRE Twelfth snd Morrison. All This Week. 12 O'rlOt'k TlOntl Tha nnlv'on nrUUjl - -..v v.. initial worlcl famous PENDLETON ROUND-UP Motion Pictures With many new views never bofors shown. The only genuine pictures show ing the real event, ttken from life. Fascinating, thrilling, awe-lnsplrlng and amusing. The only ones of their kind. AdmlssTon 25c. Children under 12, 1 5 c mais e. A-;oao MAtIHXE every sat i lu-aa-coo 1 nrwri WEEX W THEATRK It. 9.50-75 JTJLT 8 ' David Belasco presents "The Drums of Oude," Lew Sully. Stein. Hume anl Thomas, The Eugene Trio. Edna L,uby, Sealbv and DucTos. Four Florimonds, Orchestra. Pictures. AFflME Matinee Sally WEEK XTJLT 8 The Seven Aviator Girls, Si Jenks, The Ansonla Trio, Four Harmonious Girls, Win. Morrow & Co, Extra The Barefoot (Trilbvi Texas ! Tommy Dancers. Popular prices. Office I open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. noxes and rirsi row Daicony reserved. Phones: A 2236. Main 4636. Curtain 2:30, 7:16. 9. R A C P R Ml 8 nd A-5360 "m V Greo. Xi. Baker, ati. ramous BAKES STOCK OOMFAITT Matinee every day, 2:30. Evenings, 8:30: An Instantaneous hit, ABE TOU A MASOH? I Greatest laughing play tn earth. A scream from beginning to end. As j played with Immense success by Leo J Dltrlchsteln. Its fame is worlcl wide, i Evenings 25c, 60c. All matinees 25c. j Bst Place 0 Earth J T VDIaT THEATRE ll JrfLl. 4th and Stark Sts. All This Week OB. YOU BIX.X.I And THE BABEPOOT DANCE Two Performances Nlglitlv Statlnees Dally 20 15o and 95c. COUNCIL CREST rOBTXt&KD'S BOOT GASJDEB 1200 feet above the city. Ftee scenic amusement park. High class attractions. Open-air rink. Pic nic grounds In old apple orchard. ADMISSION TO OKOUWDS FBEE BaseliMll! KECSEATXON VABX Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. San Francisco Tat. Portland JULY 9, 10, 11, la, 13, 14. Games begin week days S p. m. Sun days 2:30 p. m. 1AJ3IES' SAT FRIDAY. Boys under 12 free to bleachers Wednes. day. - RSALE MOUNTED Best Specimtn on the Coast. 120 Grand Ave PHONE EAST 491 Vie OAKS POBTLATO'S CHEAT AirrjsinsEWT faxx Big free list tf outdoor attractions. Klnjr Pharoah Famous educated horse In clever stunts. Oakj Fart HandTh.s finest musl: " cal organization In Portland. The Neapolitans Roma Trio In clever little songs, Punch sad Judy for the children. Lady Livinjitone Skating bear in the rink. Korluf Pictures In the auditorium. iifffiW .tauiee Every say. BBnlliTM ft Oonaldlne ... W.. . Refined VandeTii WEEK JTJXY 8 SPECIAL 6UVMB PXICXS av a avi elk ro NEW TODAY CONNECTING OFFICES ' For Rent at Attractive Rates, Tllford Building, Tenth and Morrison REAL ESTATK TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of rltU mill,' fcv th - Title A Trust company, Lewie bldg. 4th and Oak. . T Bernard Hegdahl to P. L. Preston , et al. lots 12. 13. 14. Dart lot 11. , block "X." Sell wood 4S0 L, B. Menofee ct al to Jennie Hof . master., lots 11, 12, 13. block 8, Fairmount addition 410 Anna J. Hansen end husband to . Nellie E. Seller, lot I, block 13, m Belle Creat ................... '826 Western Securities company, to Edward M. Brown et al, lots 12, '- block 6. Wlldwood . . . ; ; 460 Mrs. O. C. Nelson to William J. ' Denier, lot 12, block 24, Pled- " mont 4,800 George F. Burrows and wife to ueorge W. Bprlnger and wife. . lot 4, block 21, Central Alblna". . M. T. Hargrove and wlf to Z. C. 3,650 Wright, south 40x160 feet lot 20. Melrose 4,800 Alfred O. Temple to Elliabeth Ed wards, lots 26, 26. 27, block 176, University Park 900 Swlnton Land company to J. Oaasch, lots 32, 33, block 42, Swlnton " ' 720 Alfred Thompson et al to Bertha Hughey, tract 6, block "A," Whiteheads addition to Greshani 800 George E. Quiggle and wife to H. A. Calef et al, lot 1, block 13. Lincoln Park 8.000 J. F. Dlefenbaeh to Thomas J. ieonard, lot 14. block 1 Oak Park No. 2. St. J 1000 University Land- Co. to Louise E, winter lots f snd 6, block 144 University Park 600 Leander Martin and wife to Flo ra H. Kilprore, lots 3 and 4 block 2. Thayer O. C. Goldenberg and wife to H. H. Bliss, lot 5. block 3 El- berta 17B0 Hotcomb Realty Co. to Cllve A. Bailes. lot 12, block 76 Irv- Ington Park 476 W. R. HAIZL1P CO - Inc. Abstractora. 505 Gerllnjrer bid.. 2d and AWer sts. The Oregon Law on Advertising Anr pinion, who In a newananer or other prl )ilcl. or In public idTprtisemrnt, 6r hy ifiiM- or cirenur, siMiwinsir mnkfs or am emlnttei nn.r statement or iBnertlon concern Ing the qnantlty or quality, th Tlue, the meichanflls. or the mutlre or purpose of uny price, the method of proiliieln or maunfne ture of his merrbaniilne or professional work, or the munner or source of piirchtre of uch le which Ih nntrne or calenltterl to Dilleal, hall be deemed iiulltT of a mladerueaHor, and on conTlctlon thereof shall he punished br a fine of not le than $10 nor more than (V, or- by Imnrlannment In the rotinty tail not ex-reedlna- 20 daya, or tij both such fine and Im prisonment. (L. IfKiO. c. W4. p. 164). The Attention of advertisers, who ti'e "The Journnl." aa well e thrt of the pohllc. la dl reeled to the abore section fnvtn tbe Oregon Code coTrrlng adertlslufr. "Tbe Journal" makes the same rates on dis play adrertlsl'iR to all adrei tlxera. In propor tion to tbe apuee used, and does not make "fish of one ' advertiser and "flesh of other," bellevlnc one class, or profession, dividual, or corporation has "equal rlehts" advertise as In other things, and should In-1 to so n the same ternia and conditions. "The Journal" believes that It la no crime to advertise. Renders of "The Jnurnil." answering; adver tisements nppeitrlna; In this paper, are ie. quested to report In wrltlne anj failure on the port of the advertiser to do as he advertises, and If the complaint li well foumled. that ad vertiser will be denied aceesa to these columns. as has bevn done In the pnat. and If the ad vertiser's acta are In violation' of the law he will he sublert to prosecution arainst whom eomnlalnta have been made I v! our readers, and wbon complaints are made prompt attention will be F'ven to them. C. S. JAPKSOX. Publisher. CLASSIFIED AD RATES In effect April 1. 1912. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Dally or Sunday. 1 time 9c per line. 2 consecutive times, 8c per line per In sertion. I or more consecutive times, Tc per line per Insertion, or 7 insertions for pries of 6. No ad counted for less than 2 lines. The above rates apply to "New To day" and all other classifications, ex cept Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Kent ads. Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted To Rent ads (Apartments and Hotels excepted), the rates are: 6c per line first Insertion. 4c per line each subsequent Insertion. No sd tsken for less than 15c. CHAR'JE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, 10c per line. 3 consecutive times, to per line per Insertion. 7 or more consecutive times, 8c per line per insertion. The above rates apply to "New Today" and all other classification, except "Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments and Hotels excepted) the rate is 7c per Una pc. Insertion. No ad charged for less than two lines or 15c. Contract rates upon-application. A phone call will bring a solicitor. MEETING NOTICES 41 R. N. A. Ore. Rose Camp, meeta Frt. eve.. Allsky hall. 3d and Morrison. ALtltKIAGIS L1CKXSEJ II. Trayer Hanover, "Seward hotel, 31, and Florence Goodo, 28. A. E. Bennett, 6404 Fifty-second Street, S. E., 35. and Alice Clark, 37. Andrew Peterson, 376 East Third Street, 44, and Marie Pedersen, 22. S. J. Raber, Idora hotel, 25, and Marie Englehart, 25. Floyd ChurchiU. St. Johns, Or., 21, and Erman Wheclock, 19. Hubert North 636 East Thirteenth street, 21, and Ruby Goodrldge, 20. Person Guilo, 382 Water atreet, 30, and Margarlto Belinda, 29. G. R. Wilson, Harrington, Wash., 21, and Mayrne Macrow, 18. Frank Dixon, 648 East Sixth street, 28, and Ruby Norvell, 19. Robert Ross, Gilbert hotel, 28, and Edna Stevens, 27. Hugh Hazlett, 639 East Forty-seventh street, 28, and Enda Kinsey, 22. G. F. Law, care Oregonian, 21, and Annie Balllie, 18. James Power, 391 East Yamhill street, 31. and Edith South, 21. W, G, Smith & Co."c.SH: Washington bldg.,. cor. 4th, on Wash'ton suIih for rent, all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co.; 309 i?tark st - . CLARKE MHO;-., florits, fine flowers . and floral designs. 289 Morrison st. j BIRTHS RAY To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray, 650 Alberta street, June 13; a girl. BIGGER To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Big ger, 660 East Twenty-fourth street, July 7. a girl. BLAIR To Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blair, 228 Larrabee street, July 9, a boy. ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Allen, ,669 Wilson street, June 29, a boy. RIPLEY To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rip ley, 1076 East Twenty-fifth street north, July 6, a girl. FRANKLIN To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Franklin, 371 East First street, July 8, a boy. RUSSELL-ffcTo Mr. and Mrs. William Russell, 494 East Twenty-sixth street, June 10, a boy. STEWART To WS.A&i'Mrs. John Stew art, 167 Texas" street, June 24, a girl. ARNOLD To Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer Arnold, 87 .East Seventeenth street, June 28, a girl. DEATHS AND FUNERALS QUIRK hr this -Ttty-Jnly lV"""mr.r Thomas Quirk, age 46 years, beloved husbsnd of lngu Quirk. Funeral servi ces will be held tomorrow, Saturday July 13, st 10 a. m. from Pearson's Funeral Parlors 369 and 371 Russell street. Deceased was a member of the Denver order of B. P. O E. Frlendj Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cexne- J3EATI13 AST) FUNERALS PIERCE Melvtn Pierce. Columbia slough, July 9, age 11: drowneJ.' D1LLEY-U Good Samaritan hospital, July 8, Charles Dllley, age 88; typhoid fever. 1 CLARK Isaac" Clark. 1892 TImrman street. Julv 9. aire 5: pneumonia. MAX hL tiMlTH, florist, 141 Va 6ih at, In Selling hldg., Main 7218, FUNERAL , DIRECTORS J, P. Finley &4Son ' Third and Madison. Lady attendant, Msln Q, , AIIM. Dunning & McEntee MoKk every detail. ?tli and Pine. , Main 480. A-4558. Lsdy assistant. MR. kDWAHD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director and. undertaker. 220 8d at.; .-or. Balmonr lady assistant. EAST SIDE funeral directors, success or to r. B. uunnine;. inc. r,: ii. H-mtza. Lady . assistant. LtnUn B-18H8. E-781 K. flth-AMer j HEMSTOOK, 168 E. Uth. 8elL 71, B- 1122: and Unlvers. Park. Col. 394-395 fiorcrin Pa Funeral direotors, 3i!3- rearsornjOi87rRiiBseiist.. e. iosj. A, R, ZtLLER CO, Both phones. ERICS0N Krts. CcT Main l.ady asa't MOXCJ1KNT9 OTTO SCHUMANN, ersnite. marble works. East 8d and , nne. East 748. PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS KNAPP & MACKEYT JIMS Board of Trade. M. and A-2010. OREGON REAL ESTATE CO., THE Orand eve and Mult. E. 67. 0-178. SHIELDS, J. H. 20 Qerllneer Bids. Msln48 BRONO-MANARY COMPANY. Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. and A-1743. BRUBAKiSR McKav Bldg. BENEDICT. Main S02 549. CHA?1N & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1652. FOR SALE HOUSES 01 BY OWNER 13500 will buy nice seven room-hpuse. aU modern.--60x2tfl- with fruit trees. $1000 down, the rest in pay ments: Portsmouth station, ' take St Johns car. 1960 Hode St. K1KTEEN rooms, four apartmenta. Gas, eloctrtc lights, baths, porches, base ment, furnace, garage and yard. All rooms light. Brings good rent. $7600 furnlwherT Tfrms. 308 College. Only Snap in Town Nice 2 room house at Lents: orlce 425; lot 60x100; payments $5 per mo. 11-670. Journal. RARE BARGAIN Owner. Elegant 11 room Irvlngton house, 80x100 ft. cor ner. E. 10th and Hrazee; cost $10,600; sell $7600; terms. No Incumbrance im provements in, paid for; no" trades. East 63SR. Best Purchase On Earth My new double constructed modern i p.ingnlow;. will pay you . to investigate " thin IT.K7 Iniirnnl nr nhnnA Main iQ5tff 3-4 of Real Value For cash or terms, double constructed houses, good location, one block to car. Sellwood 87. SNAP 6 room house and lot 100x100, $1200; one third cash, balance $10 per month. C. J. Rosweil, 1026 Chamber or iominerce ,nEW S rot tn bunRalow, lurge attic', full basement, bullt-tri conveniences, be- enicnceri, oo Owner, Tabor tween 2 carllnes; terms. 1902. NEW, modern douse, panel din ing room, Dutch kitchen, buffet. Will tnka good lot part payment. Owner, 1873 E. Salmon. IT'S a nifty new 2 room house, water in. sink, lot 50x100, s blocks carllne. for quick sale $75 cash, $15 month. In cluding Interest. A-250, Journal. 6ROOM house in St. "John's, $100 down and small monthly installments. New ly painted and papered. Or will rent same. Room 10, Washington bldg. 8 ROOM modern, attractive, complete home, beautiful lew; Reed rolege dis trict, Sell wood carllne. Phone owner. Sellwood 69. MODERN 5 room bungalow, furnished complete; part cash, balance easy payments. 6116 47th st., S. E. Take W-W car. HAVE new 7 room house in Rose Cltv Park for sale. Owner, 428 Mill st. Phone A-3036. HOUSE and lot 75x100. also lot 50x100 for sale. Call at 459 Putnam St., Wil lamette Heights. HOUSES for rent and for sale. Apply to J. Tressler, 1453 East Ollsan st. Take Montavllla car to ("3d st. , A SNAP 6 room California bungalow. modern and up to date; eney terms. 1034 Tlbbetts St.. cor. 3Sth. W. R. car. Abe Martin It seems like th' limelight makes so many divorces. Tell Blnkley says a tourln' car is like a baby. Ever'thing happens t' It th' second summer. Pott log It UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE . Causes many disappointments to those wishing to place want ads in The Big Sunday Journal Make It a point to get your want ads in early. If not convenient to callat the office, use the phone call Main 7173 or A-6051 Ads charged -!y-to 'tho??-whose eitner ot tne telephone directories. Office Closes Saturday Night at 9:30 o'CIock Sharp, 61 If You Want a Home You Want to Talk With Mo T am building a number of houses In different parts of the city, and I would gladly show yiu any one or all of them to convince you of the class of material and labor I put In each building. I will sell any one of these houses on a month ly payment plan, or I will build for you in any location you wlsii on the same plan. Come In or phone for appointment and I will explain my plan to you. Don't miss this chance to pay fori your home like rent. "Ask for Mr. Snow, 414 Itnll wsr Exchange bldg. phone Main 27-8, ' Irvington, Piedmont Walnut Park . We have the lowest possible prices on several of the choicest residences In above locations. In this selected list there Is certain to be one home for 94000 to 110,000 you will want. We ran comply with the terms on whlcn you must buy. NEILAN A PARKHILU 809 Spalding bldg. - SIX room, fine, looking house, within walking distance from center; sleep lng porches, fireplace, bookcase, china closet, disappearing bed. two toilets full cement basement, electric lights and gas in; fronts' to three streets, In other words the house Is worth seeing. Ap ply 607 Caywood st. Take Sellwood oar. ' FOR SALE i Fine new modern cottages, alt up to date, on terms like rent, ISO or $100 and $10 per month, for 3-4-6 or room; only tc car fare; lots 60x100, all set In fruit and ferries . J. M. FREED. ,h 226 Stark St. y IRVINGTON New modern house.' I lartre rooms, lot 60x100, faces- east, paved street, many new features, all up-to-date and hot water heat, only $7000. Not Incumbered. Terms to suit. Lo cated 617 E. 18th st. N. Owner lives across the street. Phone East 2141. N. P. Peterson. A DOWNTOWN sacrifice, 1-3 less than adjacent property; a reasonable chance to double your money In short time. Go, look It over. 186 Halsey St., near uroaqway onoge. PIEDMONT " JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. $16 MONTHLY. 7 rooms, built-in bookcases, buffet, fireplace, furnace. National Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6129. NEW 6 room bungalow, $2600; also good paying cafeteria. 664 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE LOTS 10 SEW $2000 corner lot for quick sale $1250, 60x100, S. W. wf E. 30th and Pine sts. Also 8 beautiful 50x101) lots in Wind sor Heights. E. 48th and Clinton sts., 2 blocks from car line, cement walk In. $650; onlv $10 down and $10 per month Paul Waldt. 1257 Belmont st. $10 CASH $1 WEEK. My beautiful level lot. Reed collegu district, large shade trees, without In terest or taxes; must sell; write owner. J-328, Journal. $400 CASH. Lots 1 mile from courthouse, near boulevard being dedicated soon: excel lent view. Geo. R. lieede. Phone Main 6612. 80x100, $700, including sidewalk, water and graded street; terms $10 month, 5c car fare, 30 minutes' ride. 405 Spalding hldg. $1200 530x103. near car. fine soil, all cleared,, terms $15 down, balance $15 month. 6 per cent. Phone Woodlawn 202. $950 FOR a S. E. front corner In Ross mere. I am offering' this cheap, as I need tbe numey. C. It. LcConahy, owner, 325 1 1th. Main 6891. VERY CHEAP. Broadway home. fine, worth nearly double, no several lots; ring up East 273. C-1861. W. H. Herdman. HERE'S your chance to get a lot on E. 9th for $175 and small monthly pay ments. Call Sellwood 1567. DEAL with owner, west side lot, Six 105. "29 Hood st.. near Porter! Price $3800. SEE Le Noir ; Co. for west side prop erty, exclusive dealers In west side realty. 837 Chamber of Comerce. FINE level lot. Rose City Park district, SkTeiwalk. $275. A-280. Journal. LOT for sale on Macadam street, Gibhii, $2400. Main 7767. ACREAGE 57 A SNAP. 4 acres at Mettzner Station on the Oregon Electric. 30 minutes out, 3 room house furnished, small barn, good well. 3 acres in potatoes, berries and fruit, 20 chickens; all goes for $2400. Peter Hendricks, owner, BOONE COUNTY, ARKANSAS. 170 acres surrounded by zinc and lead mines; 100 aores good fam land; $8000, HICOINS BOYER. G06 NORTHWEST BLDG. MAIN 44QO. YOl? want a picturesque summer home with running water, a small farm, an acre or two for chickens, $200 and up, easv terms. Choice acreage close to Portland, on electric cur Ttfte, cTSeajrfSre. Phone, school, store, etc. J. W. Heffer. ltn. 307 Railway Exchange. Main 2248. Good Investment Close in acreage, on East Side, very reasonable. Call 3215 E. 63d st., Mt. Srott rnr. FOR SALE by owner. 20 acres on Pa cific Highway, 9 miles from Vancou ver, Wash. 4 acres cleared, house, barn ana well. Will sell 10 acres or all. L. N. Lee. R. F. D. 2, Rldgefl eld, WaBh. I HAVE some 5 acre tracts, improved lands, on the Salem Electric line at St. Louis station. $250 per acre. $50 down on 5 acre tracts and $10 per month. By owner. A-in, journal. TWO acres on Montavllla carline; ail or part; witn or without dwelling house; all kinds of fruit ' and ' berries. Easy terms. Tabor 2075. FOR SALK-Choice, lel, clear, sight ly acre. 300 feet from West Ascot station, Mt. Hood line; $800, $176 cash, balance easy. M-56, Journal. MUST SELL Cheap, 5 and 40 acres of land near Port land; some my ioib. atiu ivy st. JJ42.50 per acre buys well Improved stock ranch or will exchange for unincum bered city property. -844, Journal. FOIl BALEHOUSES Off