Tin: o:;ego:i daily journal, io:;tlai,'d. tiiuf.cday i:vi:niNO, july 11, 1012. PORTLAND IS HUB ofmM Mountain Retreats and Ocean Beaches Less Than Half Day's Journey From the Rose City f DELIGHTFUL summer resort in itself, Portland is also the hub of the vacation land of the Pacific northwest Less than half a Hay's journey from the city will take one to the mountains and ll their wonderful reaches of forest, or to the ocean beaches, dean and restful. J No other cbmmunity'in the country can excel the diversity of outing opportunities offered so bountifully within a 1 A kort ,lance frm Poiand. With spendthrift hands, a kind Nature has scattered pell-mell a wealth of retreats to, lure tired dwellers of cities and towns to rest and recreation. The sea impe- -rial niountams, beckon and attract. Each Is equally accewible from the Rose City. 3 Whether an outing of I a few hours or a few months is desired, any character of natural surroundings is available, and amidst scenic grandeur, unsurpassed. One can snowball or swim during summer time in Oregon. Ifl And these playgrounds can be reached either by rail, motor or boat In the woodland wilds there is good trout fishing in hundreds of streams. ' Big game, bear and deer, are in the forests. In the ' foothills and valleys are pheasant and grouse. : J Scores of peaks, challenging mountain-climbers, are only a short distance away. Among them is Mount Hood, an imposing, snow-blanketed mountain, .mat rears its head among the clouds, nearly 12,000 feet above the level of the Pacific J Smooth highways, tangent through miles of level country and winding among the foothills, lure the motorist by their number and variety.; Gorgeous scenery marks all roads leading from Portland. J All manner of enjoyment awaits those who look to the realm of Neptune for vacation fun. The tree-lined Wil- . lamette and the mighty Columbia forcing its way to the sea past great crags are ideal for the sailor. Fanned always by the breezes from the sea, the Columbia is a splendid body of water for sailing. The . , ' banks of the Willamette abound with pretty coves, inviting alike to canoeists and power-boat enthusiasts. J But many find the seashore more to their liking than the mountains or rivers. For them, nu merous beach resorts are open to their choice. North or south of the mouth of the Columbia river are miles of beautiful beaches, and scattered along them are numbers of summer hotels; modem in every - particular. The beaches can be reached from Portland by automobile, by rail or by boat down the Columbia. And the landscape and waterscape views seen by one on any of the routes richly rewards its selection. J No matter what site one chooses for a vacation, no fears in regard to the climate need be felt Mild temperatures prevail at all times in Western Oregon. Extreme heat or extreme cold are unknown. Weather bureau records for Portland covering a period of 37 years show the average maximum temperature for July to be 77 degrees, and the minimum 55 degrees. Lower figures ob tain in the mountains and at the seashore. J Each succeeding year the outing possibilities afforded in the Pacific northwest are growing better. Improved transportation and the development of motor ing have put every nook and crannv of this great natural playground within easy reach of all who would seek sanctuary therein.