THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 11, lSli FLATHEAD BAND ONE OF FINEST ORGANIZATIONS TO BE HEARD ON CITY'S STREETS SOiflSJM VEILS OF EVERY CLASS -1 ; f j af "i ii.j if .w a FJLL EVERY Delegations From All Sections Endeavor to Outrival Each Other in Production of Novel V' J' Features. A "... II- ' W H 1 111 ,Ln":..' LW ' ' 'I- mm v. Marching, singing, yelling, noise- msk- "'Inf, fun-maklnfr Elk filled the stresta last night and today and made the city's , downtown region hum and vibrate with excitement. . Nearly every delegation In the city, however small, did Its beet to outrival all others In the amount of nolae and lauthter-provoklnir stunts. There were many novel features. Maude, the Idaho inula, did her ahare. The "poppy pick- ' fa" from Los Angeles and southern California, created some excitement. Seattle. Tacoma and Everett held up Puget aound'a end of the noise. Seattle especially was demonstrative, advertis ing her, Fotlatoh celebration in all quar ter. Ban Tranclsco was a noisy and fun-making contender. The delegations from the far southeast were lusty mem bers of the throng. And as for the outbwest, Oklahoma, Texas. New Mex ico and Arixona were In evidence. Chicago Elks were active on the "itreeta, while those from New ' York, Boaton. Philadelphia, and the New Eng land states did everything possible to make themselves heard. Middle western brethren Contributed to the general up roar, each seemingly voicing a different "boost" to a different tune. HOSTS DELIGHTED; PORTLAND WINS ELKDOM'S PRAISE (Continued From Pago One.) i ! raised a million dollars to entertain us on. I tell 'you, and I mean it, every word of It. that Portland haa in every ' way outdone any Elks' convention city In the last 10 years. "Comparisons are odious, but they ' would not be to Portland. Not one of the grand lodge cities in the last 10 years could compare in reception or (entertainment, or in the hearty, whole souled, make-you-feel-rlght-at-home kind of welcome you people have given us. It , has been marvelous. To tell the truth, we were not expecting a great deal away out here at the end of the United States, but you have given us the sur- . prise of our Uvea. Splendid Eleotrio Parade. . "I have never seen anything anywhere that In splendor and beauty could equal the electric parade the other night. It waa a rare treat. . I want to say that the man who produced the electric light effects that brought out the colors on those floats was a real artist, and I know what I am talking about, for I am In the electrical business in Phlladel- ' phis, myself. Moreover, I waa in charge of the electrical feature of the enter tainment of the Elks when they had their convention in Philadelphia, but we had nothing that could compare to this. ; ."Portland Is really a great city. Moreover, this is a wonderful country yon-have out here. It's the greatest country in the world, that's what it is." John P. Sullivan, grand exalted ruler of the Elks, who will yield his gavel as 'the last act of the convention to his auccessor, Thomas B. Mills, and retire inta. the trcie of past grand exalted , rulers, is another high El it who hju nic things to say of Portland. "My onjy regret," said Mr. Sullivan, ?"ffT " """" ' ' ' - I 3 ssWsar Members of Montana band claim Kalispell as their home. "is that we can't have our grand lodge here ever year. If it depended on my vote, I'd cast a perpetual ballot for Portland. This city has certainly mads great impression on the Elks.' James R Nicholson. gTand esquire, who led today's great Elk parade, would like to live in Portland If he couldn't live in Boston, which is now his hom city. We appreciate Portland s hospitality Immensely," said Mr. Nicholson. "Port land has nothing to fear from compari son with other grand lodge oltles. In every respect, I think, except in its distance from the east, Portland has the advantage over every other town where the Elks have met. The summer climate here Is a treat." John J. Faulkner, city controller and commissioner of public works of East St. Louis, 111., who was elected grand trustee of the Elks by the grand lodge Tuesday, is another Elk who Is mightily glad he came to Portland. Entertainment Galore. "I wouldn't have missed this trip for two years of my life," said Mr. Faulk ner. "Portland is a wonderful city, and the hospitality of her people has warmed the heart of every Elk to come here. Portland has set a mark for convention hospitality and entertain ment that will make succeeding cities hustle to keep pace with." I never saw anything like it," said Charles Levi Mitchell, past exalted ruler UNDER THE SIDEWALK Let u show you what our Basement rent saves you on Sh oes ALL THE LATEST " SHOE NOVELTIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN o WORTH $3.50 TO $5 BOSTON SAMPLE SHOE STORE P. J. GLASS, Prop. 131 4th, Cor. Alder Under 6c and loo Store A Square Deal Or Tour Money Back ai&XXa OBDEBS SOLICITED J-' i GUILD fill 10 BLUE LEDGE IN E Railroad to Cost $1,000,000 to Be Constructed From Grants Pass, Announced. Chester B. Ray, Philadelphia manu facturer, who lauda Portland's hospitality. of lodge No. 204, of Topeka, Kan. "We can't tun eround without bumping into some kind of entertainment. We shall always keep a spot in our hearts warm for Portland, you may depend upon that, for the kindness and generosity of her people." U Y. Leveroni, grand inner guara. 01 Keens, N. H., Is still another admirer of Portland. Mr. Leveroni declares he would like to live here himself, so much has the city and Its people pleased him. What Correspondents Bay. Without exception, the same strain has run through the reports sent to their home papers by visiting news paper correspondents from oitlea all over the United States. "Portland has handled this convention better than any city that ever naa an kiks conven tion," wrote one newspaper man. "Oh, you Portland! Atlantic City isn't In It with what they are doing for the Elks here," wrote another one. While a third, who writes for a big newspaper in an Atlantic seaboard city, said that Portland had won 16,000,000 In free ad vertising through its hospitality to the Elks. By all the visiting writers, the Port land convention is hailed as a remark- htble success. TRAIN STOPPED AT 11 O'CLOCK WHILE ELKS LISTEN TO ADDRESS SECOND-HAND AUTOS FOR SALE A rebuilt high-grade car is a much better buy than a new Cheap car, selling at the same price. We are selling our sec ond hand automobiles at rock- bottom prices. High-graile oars overhauled, repainted and guar anteed in perfect mechanical condition at one third the orlg . lnal selling price. Roadsters runabouts light S and 7 pas senger touring cars. All dif ferent makes. Cash or terms. Write for complete list and de scriptions. Cars from $400 to $3000 second hand. Mention the make you .favor. "Whitf Car Agency fOBT&AffS, OB. xxts rrBxjfr At uabxso Promptly at 11 o'clock last rilKht, in accordance with ar- : rariKenif nts made by representa- 1 this of the passenger depart- ineiit of Die o.-W. R. tt N., the I Elks' special of 12 cars from Pendleton lodgo No. 288 stopped 4 on the Tallies west of Uma- til la.. The engine sounded 11 whlstlea. The Elks left tha train and gathered under the open sky. To the accompanl- rnent of the Roundup band every Elk took up the strains of "AulJ Lang Syne." Immediately tnereaftcr J. M. 6krabbl, es- quire of the lodge, briefly ad- dressed his brother Elks, say- ir-K- "Tlrother Elks: Our great order was founded to more surely promote and foster the .great principles of kindness, cheerfulness and genuine broth- erly love. The teachings of our order are rife with the sentl- merits, flowers for the living, e charitable and kindly memories 4 of thoso who have Joined the caravan which constantly fades In the mists of God s mysteries. Pitting It lg then that when the mystic chimes of 11 speaks to our hearts of brotherly affeo- tlon we pause for a moment be- neath the starlit heavens to re- member our departed brothers. - rtns rrmmB health dbistx a ,HTflf?r?'ci"onhat A Iitalthful tonic beverajte more coolIngjLhdjejrtshlng than1 lemonade "5 vV 1 06 we" to member knockers an always busy. . that A railroad to cost $1,000,000 and to extend 62 miles from Grant's Pass up the Applegate river has be-sn financed and authorlied by the owners of the copper mines in the Blue Ledge mining district. The contract for the rails hai been let, -the final survey Is to be made at once and the contract for the con struction of the road will be let soon. The building of this railroad is to solve an old and serious transportation prob lem of the southern Oregon and northern California district. A first effort was made to Induce the Southern Pacific to build it as a spur, connecting with their lines at Grants Pass. This effort failed. E. M. Chester, local agent of the eastern capitalists who are financing the road, has been in Portland several days com pleting final arrangements for the con struction. The road will be partly in agricultural, partly In mining country. are anticipating the approval of the publio utility bill." Mr. Aitchison said he found sentiment In all parts of the state very strong In favor of the bilL He expects It to be approved by a large majority. ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM IS EXTENDED TO FARMS (Special to Til Journal, t , Kennewlck, Wash., July 11. The Pa clflo Power A Light company has Just closed up sufficient contracts to Justify the extension of the lighting system to the Kennewlck Highlands west of this city. The proposed extension will fur nish light to about 150 hornet. With the Completion of the line the Highland fruit farmers vHll have all the conven iences of city life, domestio water sup ply delivered under pressure, dally mall delivery, telephones and eleotrlo llghta. This development la considered remark able. In view of the fact that three years ago this section was still In the Virgin sagebrush. Swiss Statesman Dies. Berne, Switserland, July 11. Bunea rot Dencher, oldest member of the fed eral cabinet, died today. Ha waa one of the most able statesmen of Switzerland. Journal want ads bring results. I .p"wl1,ll!llf!!!1W!'l!'l'll'!llIBltl!BI!ISllll!11' iiii!T!IW'iwiiiiiiiiiiwiiipiwwwii'iiii'iuiiiiiiiwiiiii mm iwiiiDiiii'iiiiiiiiiii'lif p ,.,,. VU, CORPORATIONS EXPECT MALARKEY BILL TO PASS (Salem Harem of The Journal.) Salem, Or July 11. 'The DUbllo ntll. Itlea of the state are putting their houses In order In anticipation of the approval by the people of the Malarkey bill, which gives this commission the same supervision over all public utilities that we now have over railroads," said Clyde B. Aitchison, chairman of the railroad commission. "During the last two montha I have done considerable traveling over the stste, and I find public utility corpora, tlons. especial the smaller ones, revis ing their accounting systems and mak ing appraisals and inventories of their property and having their books eipert ed. They are getting ready for the change. I find also the larger eonoerns How to Keep Face Young and Attractive (National Hygienic Review) The way to ward off old age Is not to fear It, not to allow one'a self to be oppressed by the dread of advancing years. Use only legitimate preventives and avoid trying experiments with prep arations not endorsed by physicians. An entirely safe and very effective way to keep the complexion young look ing and beautiful is to apply ordinary mercollzed wax at bedtime, using it like cold cream, washing it off In the morn ing. This gradually absorbs the withered faded cuticle, which is replaced by the more youthful, pink-tinted underskln. One ounce of this wax, to be had at any drug store, is enough to completely re juvenate a worn-out complexion. Wrinkles and flabblness of cheek and ohin, the first signs of advancing age, may be lessened by a simple, harmless preparation made by dissolving an ounce of powdered saxollte In a half pint witch har.el. It is used as a face bath. A SUMMER RESORT THAT DOM INATES the bias traveler ai well as it does the average stay-at-home through its sheer merit of beauty and comfort. It embodies many features, exclusively new. It is as different from the ordinary resort as its Tent City differs from the Indian camp of half a century ago. B 13 B HELLO BILL: We're Glad You Came, But Don't Fail to Visit MTo KAMflEM NATIONAL PARK The crowning glory of the Paclflo Northwest with its vast expanse of glaciers, ice fields and snow-capped crags, giant trees and magnificent waterfalls. Switierland Itself offers nothing grander and more fnspirinir than Mount Rainier National Park. The Best Place On Earth To Visit Before Returning Home The Flaygronnd of the world. TTST A SXOBT SISTAKOB OM TACOMA, TEBOtTOH THE nOTUJlESOTJE TO BUSTS SPXJHTDED TRAIW KEBVICE JtEDUCED BATBS To make your trip complete after a tour of the Park, travel Eaat over the "MILWAUKEE" The most direct and icenically interesting line between TACOMA. SEATTLE AND CHICAGO TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY TTie01ympianwandheCo!ambian" For further information and descriptive lit erature call on or address E. K. GARRISON, District Freight and Passenger Agent. T r TTJnuf A C D J nr.- 1 I A The New Steel Trail." Raiiway Exchange Bldg, 3d and Stark Sts. B S3 B B B B B ill mm AMI Where 3 Grow future business lots are selling cheaper than ordinary residence lots; WHERE WHERE ?reat factories' miIls an( otner Industries are locating. WHERE WHERE WHERE WHERE the mighty river and the gigantic railroad systems are conspiring to make a great industrial center; a few dollarsinvested today will grow into a fortune within a short time; the poor man and the wage-earner have the same oppor tunity as the influential and the rich; the owners have enough faith In the future of the prop erty to give you five years' time to pay for it Come and see us or else write today. BRONG-MANARY COMPANY 2GV2 Oak St, Portland, Qregon . H For Friday and Saturday 5 Economies such as "The Owl" offers never fall toj to interest those seeking to supply their drug and jfe Ei other needs at a saving. Men and women alike fcd E3 will find this list both helpful and suggestive. 13 White Almond Soap, 10c size, at just half C I pf price, only OC S3 H 10c Talcum Pad, purse size, r toff ,atonlv 5C S Cmj 10c size Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap, the kind (S3 ethat lathers, at DC S at only 15c size "Owl" Kennel Soap, best for your dog, at only 15c size Parowax, for sealing fruit bottles, full pound at only 25c Hand Mirrors, very good value, at only Rock Candy, 25c full pound package, - for 25c Seidlltz Powders, 12 double "powders for 25c size Precipitated Chalk, for dry cleaning, the full pound 25c size Castor Oil, 8-oz. bottle, absolutely pure, at only , 25c size Glycerine, 8-oz. bottle, chemically pure, at only Calomel and Soda Tablets, J-graln; 25c original bottles of 100. 25c size Tiz, for tired feet, at 25c size "Owl" Corn Paint, guaranteed or money back, at 25c size Sanitol Tooth Paste, In tubes, at 25c size "Owl" Foot Comfort; shake it in your shoes EPy 25c size Calocide Compound, foot powder, j n Bat only lfC 25c size Lustrite Powder, for the nails, 1 n $3 special at lfC K3I Pray's Diamond Enamel, for the nails, 25c t n size at 1 4 C G-3 25c Pray's Rosaline, for the nails, . -I 7 13 at 1 I C jpj 25c size Lesley Almond Meal, a good skin cleanser, J 123 g5c size tfova Shoe Polish, for white shoes and 7 K31 slippers, at llC 25c size "Owl" Rose Talcum, as odorous as the 17 flowers, at All 25c size Jetum (brown only), for dyeing straw hats, etc "Owl" Extract of Lemon, full strength and pure, 25c size "Owl" Extract of Vanilla, also full strength and pure, 25c size t. . . 25c size Energine, a dry cleaner, Graves' Tooth Powder, the large 50c size, at 25c size Poslam, eczema remedy, the kind you see advertised, at 35c size Hospital Cotton, a full pound roll KS3 at Quinine Pills, 3-grain, 35c original bottles of OQ K 100 at &oC 3 35c size Silicate of Soda, for egg preserving, Ej quart 13 Effervescent Soda Phosphate, pleasant to take, M35c size at 50c Razor Strops, very good value, 13 at 50c size Herpidde, hair tonic and dressing, at 3 50c size Canthrox, the advertised shampoo. Wi it B 13 0 13 13 3 I7c 19c 19c 19c 19c 20c 23c 25c 27c 29c 29c 29c 13 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, tonic laxative, 50c 50c size Clayton's Vermifuge, dog remedy, it ejajt 33c 35c 37c 59c 63c 63c S3 13 13 size at California Port or Sherry, 50c size, Welch's Grape Juice, the 50c quart size, at Sheffler's Hair Colorine, in all shades, 75c size, at 13 $1.00 size Ayers Hair Vigor, tonic and dressing, 1Q at . ..." 5 $1.00 size De Miracle, for removing superfluous hair, at ivg Wampole's tod Liver uu, tonic, the $1.00 size nrr S at OD $1.00 size Wine of Cardui, female remedy, f 13 at OjC Q $1.00 size Hostetter's Bitters, for the stomach, HJ 1QI at ......r...i.. ................ ........ jC Vaucaire Galega Tablets, flesh builder, $1.00 size y IJ 85c "Owl" Olive Oil, imported direct by us, -7 fl at (Jig Old Crow Whiskey; the $1.50 $105 Henderson Bourbon, the $1.50 size, full ' $110 quart, at DliaJ KA $25 Arnold Vibrators, in case, with 6 appli- A j fA rf catdrs, at dl.DU 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 BstRtUshsd 1899 svaviiai'a axj WAaxzirQTOir sts. XlgbUm ttecaa oa tt raaUlo Coast. fl:a L- jt3 1 ?